コード例 #1
    def get_course_keys_user_is_staff_for(self, user):
        Return all the course keys the user is course instructor or course staff role for
        # Get all the courses of which the user is course staff for. If None, return false
        def filter_ccx(course_access):
            """ CCXs cannot be edited in Studio and should not be filtered """
            return not isinstance(course_access.course_id, CCXLocator)

        instructor_courses = UserBasedRole(user, CourseInstructorRole.ROLE).courses_with_role()
        staff_courses = UserBasedRole(user, CourseStaffRole.ROLE).courses_with_role()
        all_courses = list(filter(filter_ccx, instructor_courses | staff_courses))
        course_keys = {}
        for course_access in all_courses:
            if course_access.course_id is not None:
                course_keys[course_access.course_id] = course_access.course_id

        return list(course_keys.values())
コード例 #2
    def test_courses_list_with_ccx_courses(self):
        Tests that CCX courses are filtered in course listing.
        # Create a course and assign access roles to user.
        course_location = CourseLocator('Org1', 'Course1', 'Course1')
        course = self._create_course_with_access_groups(
            course_location, self.user)

        # Create a ccx course key and add assign access roles to user.
        ccx_course_key = CCXLocator.from_course_locator(course.id, '1')
        self._add_role_access_to_user(self.user, ccx_course_key)

        # Test that CCX courses are filtered out.
        courses_list, __ = _accessible_courses_list_from_groups(self.request)
        self.assertEqual(len(courses_list), 1)
                         [course.id for course in courses_list])

        # Get all courses which user has access.
        instructor_courses = UserBasedRole(
            self.user, CourseInstructorRole.ROLE).courses_with_role()
        staff_courses = UserBasedRole(
            self.user, CourseStaffRole.ROLE).courses_with_role()
        all_courses = (instructor_courses | staff_courses)

        # Verify that CCX course exists in access but filtered by `_accessible_courses_list_from_groups`.
                      [access.course_id for access in all_courses])

        # Verify that CCX courses are filtered out while iterating over all courses
        mocked_ccx_course = Mock(id=ccx_course_key)
        with patch(
            courses_iter, __ = _accessible_courses_iter_for_tests(self.request)
            self.assertEqual(len(list(courses_iter)), 0)