def dotransform(request, response, config): try: ttps = search_ttp(request.value) except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') return response else: try: for ttp in ttps: if ttp.get('tcScore'): weight = int(ttp.get('tcScore')) else: weight = 1 e = TTP(encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')), weight=weight) e.title = encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')) e.resourceId = ttp.get('id') response += e except AttributeError as err: response += UIMessage('Error: {}'.format(err), type='PartialError') except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') except TypeError: return response return response
def dotransform(request, response, config): if 'ThreatCentral.resourceId' in request.fields: try: incident = get_incident(request.fields['ThreatCentral.resourceId']) except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') else: try: # Show linked TTP's if len(incident.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures', list())) is not 0: for ttp in incident.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures'): if ttp.get('tcScore'): weight = int(ttp.get('tcScore')) else: weight = 1 e = TTP(encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')), weight=weight) e.title = encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')) e.resourceId = ttp.get('resourceId') response += e except AttributeError as err: response += UIMessage('Error: {}'.format(err), type='PartialError') except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') except TypeError: return response return response
def dotransform(request, response, config): if 'ThreatCentral.resourceId' in request.fields: try: case = get_case(request.fields['ThreatCentral.resourceId']) except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') else: try: # Show linked TTP's if len(case.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures', list())) is not 0: for ttp in case.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures'): if ttp.get('tcScore'): weight = int(ttp.get('tcScore')) else: weight = 1 e = TTP(encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')), weight=weight) e.title = encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')) e.resourceId = ttp.get('resourceId') response += e except AttributeError as err: response += UIMessage('Error: {}'.format(err), type='PartialError') except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') except TypeError: return response return response
def dotransform(request, response, config): try: results = search(request.value, size=10, pages=1) except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') else: try: for result in results: rtype = lower(result.get('type')) if result.get('tcScore'): weight = int(result.get('tcScore')) else: weight = 1 # Title ID Description if rtype == 'actor': # Check Title, if no title get resource > name # Actor entity can have an empty title field if result.get('title'): e = Actor(encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')), weight=weight) else: e = Actor(encode_to_utf8(result.get('resource', dict()).get('name')), weight=weight) = encode_to_utf8(result.get('resource', dict()).get('name')) = encode_to_utf8(result.get('resource', dict()).get('name')) elif rtype == 'case': e = Case(encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')), weight=weight) elif rtype == 'coursesofactions': e = CoursesOfAction(encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')), weight=weight) elif rtype == 'indicator': e = Indicator(encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')), weight=weight) elif rtype == 'incident': e = Incident(encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')), weight=weight) # elif rtype == 'tacticstechniquesandprocedures': elif rtype == 'ttp': e = TTP(encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')), weight=weight) else: # To be safe e = Phrase(encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')), weight=weight) debug(rtype) e.title = encode_to_utf8(result.get('title')) e.resourceId = result.get('id') if result.get('description'): e += Label('Description', '<br/>'.join(encode_to_utf8(result.get('description', '')).split('\n'))) response += e except AttributeError as err: response += UIMessage('Error: {}'.format(err), type='PartialError') except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') except TypeError: return response return response
def dotransform(request, response, config): if 'ThreatCentral.resourceId' in request.fields: try: actor = get_actor(request.fields['ThreatCentral.resourceId']) except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') else: try: # Update entity? e = Actor(request.value) if actor.get('name'): = encode_to_utf8(actor.get('name')) = encode_to_utf8(actor.get('name')) e.title = encode_to_utf8(actor.get('title')) e.resourceId = actor.get('resourceId') if actor.get('organization'): e.organization = encode_to_utf8(actor.get('organization')) if actor.get('aliases'): e.aliases = actor.get('aliases') if actor.get('country'): = encode_to_utf8( actor.get('country', dict()).get('displayName')) if actor.get('score'): e.score = actor.get('score') if actor.get('links'): e += Label( 'Links', '<br/>'.join([ '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format( _.get('href'), _.get('href')) for _ in actor.get('links') ])) if actor.get('hyperlinks'): e += Label( 'Hyperlinks', '<br/>'.join([ '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format( _.get('url'), _.get('title')) for _ in actor.get('hyperlinks') ])) if actor.get('title'): e += Label('Title', encode_to_utf8(actor.get('title'))) if actor.get('resourceId'): e += Label('ResourceID', actor.get('resourceId')) if actor.get('aliases'): e += Label( 'Aliases', '<br/>'.join([ encode_to_utf8(_) for _ in actor.get('aliases', '') ])) if actor.get('description'): e += Label( 'Description', '<br/>'.join( encode_to_utf8(actor.get('description', '')).split('\n'))) if actor.get('country'): e += Label( 'Country', encode_to_utf8( actor.get('country', dict()).get('displayName'))) if actor.get('organization'): e += Label('Organization', encode_to_utf8(actor.get('organization'))) if actor.get('types'): e += Label( 'Types', '<br/>'.join([ encode_to_utf8(_.get('displayName')) for _ in actor.get('types') ])) if actor.get('motivations'): e += Label( 'Motivations', '<br/>'.join([ encode_to_utf8(_.get('displayName')) for _ in actor.get('motivations') ])) if actor.get('intendedEffects'): e += Label( 'Intended Effects', '<br/>'.join([ encode_to_utf8(_.get('displayName')) for _ in actor.get('intendedEffects') ])) if actor.get('sophistication'): e += Label( 'Sophistication', encode_to_utf8( actor.get('sophistication', dict()).get('displayName'))) if actor.get('socialMediaText'): e += Label( 'Social Media', '<br/>'.join( encode_to_utf8(actor.get('socialMediaText', '')).split('\n'))) if actor.get('moreInfo'): e += Label( 'More Info', '<br/>'.join( encode_to_utf8(actor.get('moreInfo', '')).split('\n'))) if actor.get('score'): e += Label('Score', actor.get('score')) response += e # Add entities # Show linked TTP's if len(actor.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures', list())) is not 0: for ttp in actor.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures'): if ttp.get('tcScore'): weight = int(actor.get('tcScore')) else: weight = 1 e = TTP(encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')), weight=weight) e.title = encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')) e.resourceId = ttp.get('resourceId') response += e except AttributeError as err: response += UIMessage('Error: {}'.format(err)) except TypeError: return response return response
try: case = get_case(request.fields['ThreatCentral.resourceId']) except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') else: try: # Show linked TTP's if len(case.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures', list())) is not 0: for ttp in case.get('tacticsTechniquesAndProcedures'): if ttp.get('tcScore'): weight = int(ttp.get('tcScore')) else: weight = 1 e = TTP(encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')), weight=weight) e.title = encode_to_utf8(ttp.get('title')) e.resourceId = ttp.get('resourceId') response += e except AttributeError as err: response += UIMessage('Error: {}'.format(err), type='PartialError') except ThreatCentralError as err: response += UIMessage(err.value, type='PartialError') except TypeError: return response return response