コード例 #1
def thermald_thread():

    pm = messaging.PubMaster(['deviceState'])

    pandaState_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 *
                             DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected pandaState frequency
    pandaState_sock = messaging.sub_sock('pandaStates',
    sm = messaging.SubMaster(
        ["peripheralState", "gpsLocationExternal", "managerState"])

    fan_speed = 0
    count = 0

    startup_conditions = {
        "ignition": False,
    startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

    off_ts = None
    started_ts = None
    started_seen = False
    thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
    usb_power = True

    network_type = NetworkType.none
    network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown
    network_info = None
    modem_version = None
    registered_count = 0
    nvme_temps = None
    modem_temps = None

    current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
    temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
    pandaState_prev = None
    should_start_prev = False
    in_car = False
    handle_fan = None
    is_uno = False
    ui_running_prev = False

    params = Params()
    power_monitor = PowerMonitoring()
    no_panda_cnt = 0

    thermal_config = HARDWARE.get_thermal_config()

    # TODO: use PI controller for UNO
    controller = PIController(k_p=0,
                              rate=(1 / DT_TRML))

    # Leave flag for loggerd to indicate device was left onroad
    if params.get_bool("IsOnroad"):
        params.put_bool("BootedOnroad", True)

    while True:
        pandaStates = messaging.recv_sock(pandaState_sock, wait=True)

        peripheralState = sm['peripheralState']

        msg = read_thermal(thermal_config)

        if pandaStates is not None and len(pandaStates.pandaStates) > 0:
            pandaState = pandaStates.pandaStates[0]

            # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
            if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
                no_panda_cnt += 1
                if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
                    if startup_conditions["ignition"]:
                        cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
                    startup_conditions["ignition"] = False
                no_panda_cnt = 0
                    "ignition"] = pandaState.ignitionLine or pandaState.ignitionCan

            in_car = pandaState.harnessStatus != log.PandaState.HarnessStatus.notConnected
            usb_power = peripheralState.usbPowerMode != log.PeripheralState.UsbPowerMode.client

            # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
            if handle_fan is None and peripheralState.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
                is_uno = peripheralState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.uno

                if TICI:
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up TICI fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_tici
                elif is_uno or PC:
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

            # Handle disconnect
            if pandaState_prev is not None:
                if pandaState.pandaType == log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown and \
                  pandaState_prev.pandaType != log.PandaState.PandaType.unknown:
            pandaState_prev = pandaState

        # these are expensive calls. update every 10s
        if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                network_type = HARDWARE.get_network_type()
                network_strength = HARDWARE.get_network_strength(network_type)
                network_info = HARDWARE.get_network_info()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
                nvme_temps = HARDWARE.get_nvme_temperatures()
                modem_temps = HARDWARE.get_modem_temperatures()

                # Log modem version once
                if modem_version is None:
                    modem_version = HARDWARE.get_modem_version()  # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none
                    if modem_version is not None:
                        cloudlog.warning(f"Modem version: {modem_version}")

                if TICI and (network_info.get('state', None) == "REGISTERED"):
                    registered_count += 1
                    registered_count = 0

                if registered_count > 10:
                        f"Modem stuck in registered state {network_info}. nmcli conn up lte"
                    os.system("nmcli conn up lte")
                    registered_count = 0

            except Exception:
                cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

        msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent = get_available_percent(default=100.0)
        msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent = int(
        msg.deviceState.cpuUsagePercent = [
            int(round(n)) for n in psutil.cpu_percent(percpu=True)
        msg.deviceState.gpuUsagePercent = int(
        msg.deviceState.networkType = network_type
        msg.deviceState.networkStrength = network_strength
        if network_info is not None:
            msg.deviceState.networkInfo = network_info
        if nvme_temps is not None:
            msg.deviceState.nvmeTempC = nvme_temps
        if modem_temps is not None:
            msg.deviceState.modemTempC = modem_temps

        msg.deviceState.screenBrightnessPercent = HARDWARE.get_screen_brightness(
        msg.deviceState.batteryPercent = HARDWARE.get_battery_capacity()
        msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent = HARDWARE.get_battery_current()
        msg.deviceState.usbOnline = HARDWARE.get_usb_present()
        current_filter.update(msg.deviceState.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

        max_comp_temp = temp_filter.update(
            max(max(msg.deviceState.cpuTempC), msg.deviceState.memoryTempC,

        if handle_fan is not None:
            fan_speed = handle_fan(controller, max_comp_temp, fan_speed,
            msg.deviceState.fanSpeedPercentDesired = fan_speed

        is_offroad_for_5_min = (started_ts is None) and (
            (not started_seen) or (off_ts is None) or
            (sec_since_boot() - off_ts > 60 * 5))
        if is_offroad_for_5_min and max_comp_temp > OFFROAD_DANGER_TEMP:
            # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
            # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
            current_band = THERMAL_BANDS[thermal_status]
            band_idx = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys()).index(thermal_status)
            if current_band.min_temp is not None and max_comp_temp < current_band.min_temp:
                thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx - 1]
            elif current_band.max_temp is not None and max_comp_temp > current_band.max_temp:
                thermal_status = list(THERMAL_BANDS.keys())[band_idx + 1]

        # **** starting logic ****

        # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # show invalid date/time alert
        startup_conditions["time_valid"] = (now.year > 2020) or (
            now.year == 2020 and now.month >= 10)
                                     (not startup_conditions["time_valid"]))

        # Show update prompt
            last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(
                params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            last_update = now
        dt = now - last_update

        update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
        update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(
        last_update_exception = params.get("LastUpdateException",

        if update_failed_count > 15 and last_update_exception is not None:
            if tested_branch:
                extra_text = "Ensure the software is correctly installed"
                extra_text = last_update_exception

            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", True)
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
            remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)
                                         extra_text=f"{remaining_time} days.")
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_UpdateFailed", False)
            set_offroad_alert_if_changed("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", False)

        startup_conditions["up_to_date"] = params.get(
            "Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded") is None or params.get_bool(
        startup_conditions["not_uninstalling"] = not params.get_bool(
        startup_conditions["accepted_terms"] = params.get(
            "HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version

        panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
        startup_conditions["fw_version_match"] = (panda_signature is None) or (
            panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE
        )  # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)
            (not startup_conditions["fw_version_match"]))

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        startup_conditions["free_space"] = msg.deviceState.freeSpacePercent > 2
        startup_conditions["completed_training"] = params.get("CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version or \
        startup_conditions["not_driver_view"] = not params.get_bool(
        startup_conditions["not_taking_snapshot"] = not params.get_bool(
        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
            "device_temp_good"] = thermal_status < ThermalStatus.danger
            (not startup_conditions["device_temp_good"]))

        if TICI:
                                         (not Path("/data/media").is_mount()))

        # Handle offroad/onroad transition
        should_start = all(startup_conditions.values())
        if should_start != should_start_prev or (count == 0):
            params.put_bool("IsOnroad", should_start)
            params.put_bool("IsOffroad", not should_start)
            HARDWARE.set_power_save(not should_start)

        if should_start:
            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
            if startup_conditions["ignition"] and (startup_conditions !=
                cloudlog.event("Startup blocked",

            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()

        # Offroad power monitoring
        msg.deviceState.offroadPowerUsageUwh = power_monitor.get_power_used()
        msg.deviceState.carBatteryCapacityUwh = max(
            0, power_monitor.get_car_battery_capacity())

        # Check if we need to disable charging (handled by boardd)
        msg.deviceState.chargingDisabled = power_monitor.should_disable_charging(
            startup_conditions["ignition"], in_car, off_ts)

        # Check if we need to shut down
        if power_monitor.should_shutdown(peripheralState,
                                         in_car, off_ts, started_seen):
            cloudlog.info(f"shutting device down, offroad since {off_ts}")
            # TODO: add function for blocking cloudlog instead of sleep

        # If UI has crashed, set the brightness to reasonable non-zero value
        ui_running = "ui" in (p.name for p in sm["managerState"].processes
                              if p.running)
        if ui_running_prev and not ui_running:
        ui_running_prev = ui_running

        msg.deviceState.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.deviceState.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
        msg.deviceState.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.deviceState.startedMonoTime = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        last_ping = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime")
        if last_ping is not None:
            msg.deviceState.lastAthenaPingTime = int(last_ping)

        msg.deviceState.thermalStatus = thermal_status
        pm.send("deviceState", msg)

        if EON and not is_uno:
                                         (not usb_power))

        should_start_prev = should_start
        startup_conditions_prev = startup_conditions.copy()

        # report to server once every 10 minutes
        if (count % int(600. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
            if EON and started_ts is None and msg.deviceState.memoryUsagePercent > 40:
                cloudlog.event("High offroad memory usage",

                             if pandaStates else None),
                          if sm.alive["gpsLocationExternal"] else None),

        count += 1
コード例 #2
def test_athena():
    params = Params()
    manage_athenad_pid = params.get("AthenadPid")
    assert manage_athenad_pid is not None
        os.kill(int(manage_athenad_pid), 0)
        # process is running
    except OSError:
        assert False, "manage_athenad is dead"

    def expect_athena_starts(timeout=30):
        now = time.time()
        athenad_pid = None
        while athenad_pid is None:
                athenad_pid = subprocess.check_output(
                    ["pgrep", "-P", manage_athenad_pid],
                return athenad_pid
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                if time.time() - now > timeout:
                    assert False, f"Athena did not start within {timeout} seconds"

    def athena_post(payload, max_retries=5):
        tries = 0
        while 1:
                return requests.post("https://athena.comma.ai/" +
                                     params.get("DongleId", encoding="utf-8"),
                                         "JWT " + os.getenv("COMMA_JWT"),
            except Exception as e:
                tries += 1
                if tries == max_retries:

    def expect_athena_registers(timeout=60):
        now = time.time()
        while 1:
            resp = athena_post({
                "method": "echo",
                "params": ["hello"],
                "id": 0,
                "jsonrpc": "2.0"
            resp_json = resp.json()
            if resp_json.get('result') == "hello":
            elif time.time() - now > timeout:
                assert False, f"Athena did not become available within {timeout} seconds."

        athenad_pid = expect_athena_starts()
        # kill athenad and ensure it is restarted (check_output will throw if it is not)
        os.kill(int(athenad_pid), signal.SIGINT)

        if not os.getenv('COMMA_JWT'):
                'WARNING: COMMA_JWT env not set, will not test requests to athena.comma.ai'


        print("ATHENA: getSimInfo")
        resp = athena_post({"method": "getSimInfo", "id": 0, "jsonrpc": "2.0"})
        resp_json = resp.json()
        assert resp_json.get('result'), resp_json
        assert 'sim_id' in resp_json['result'], resp_json['result']

        print("ATHENA: takeSnapshot")
        resp = athena_post({
            "method": "takeSnapshot",
            "id": 0,
            "jsonrpc": "2.0"
        resp_json = resp.json()
        assert resp_json.get('result'), resp_json
        assert resp_json['result']['jpegBack'], resp_json['result']

        def test_athena_thermal():
            print("ATHENA: getMessage(thermal)")
            resp = athena_post({
                "method": "getMessage",
                "params": {
                    "service": "thermal",
                    "timeout": 5000
                "id": 0,
                "jsonrpc": "2.0"
            resp_json = resp.json()
            assert resp_json.get('result'), resp_json
            assert resp_json['result']['thermal'], resp_json['result']

            athenad_pid = subprocess.check_output(
                ["pgrep", "-P", manage_athenad_pid], encoding="utf-8").strip()
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            athenad_pid = None

            os.kill(int(manage_athenad_pid), signal.SIGINT)
            os.kill(int(athenad_pid), signal.SIGINT)
        except (OSError, TypeError):
コード例 #3
ファイル: manager.py プロジェクト: xsid1970/hkg_neokii
def main():
    os.environ['PARAMS_PATH'] = PARAMS

    if ANDROID:
        # the flippening!
            'LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" content insert --uri content://settings/system --bind name:s:user_rotation --bind value:i:1'

        # disable bluetooth
        os.system('service call bluetooth_manager 8')

    params = Params()

    default_params = [
        ("CommunityFeaturesToggle", "0"),
        ("CompletedTrainingVersion", "0"),
        ("IsRHD", "0"),
        ("IsMetric", "0"),
        ("RecordFront", "0"),
        ("HasAcceptedTerms", "0"),
        ("HasCompletedSetup", "0"),
        ("IsUploadRawEnabled", "1"),
        ("IsLdwEnabled", "1"),
        ("IsGeofenceEnabled", "-1"),
        ("SpeedLimitOffset", "0"),
        ("LongitudinalControl", "0"),
        ("LimitSetSpeed", "0"),
        ("LimitSetSpeedNeural", "0"),
        ("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", "1"),
        ("LaneChangeEnabled", "1"),
        ("IsDriverViewEnabled", "0"),

    # set unset params
    for k, v in default_params:
        if params.get(k) is None:
            params.put(k, v)

    # is this chffrplus?
    if os.getenv("PASSIVE") is not None:
        params.put("Passive", str(int(os.getenv("PASSIVE"))))

    if params.get("Passive") is None:
        raise Exception("Passive must be set to continue")

    if ANDROID:

    if os.getenv("PREPAREONLY") is not None:

    # SystemExit on sigterm
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: sys.exit(1))

    except Exception:
        cleanup_all_processes(None, None)

    if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":
コード例 #4
ファイル: controlsd.py プロジェクト: whydaydayup/openpilot
def controlsd_thread(sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None):

  # start the loop

  params = Params()

  is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1"
  is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled", encoding='utf8') == "1"
  passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1"
  openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1"
  community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle", encoding='utf8') == "1"

  passive = passive or not openpilot_enabled_toggle

  # Pub/Sub Sockets
  if pm is None:
    pm = messaging.PubMaster(['sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl', 'carEvents', 'carParams'])

  if sm is None:
    sm = messaging.SubMaster(['thermal', 'health', 'liveCalibration', 'driverMonitoring', 'plan', 'pathPlan', \
                              'model', 'gpsLocation'], ignore_alive=['gpsLocation'])

  if can_sock is None:
    can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT', False) else 100
    can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout)

  # wait for health and CAN packets
  hw_type = messaging.recv_one(sm.sock['health']).health.hwType
  has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda, HwType.uno]
  print("Waiting for CAN messages...")

  CI, CP = get_car(can_sock, pm.sock['sendcan'], has_relay)

  car_recognized = CP.carName != 'mock'
  # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not chffrplus
  controller_available = CP.enableCamera and CI.CC is not None and not passive
  community_feature_disallowed = CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle
  read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed
  if read_only:
    CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput

  # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode
  params.put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())
  params.put("LongitudinalControl", "1" if CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl else "0")

  CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
  AM = AlertManager()

  startup_alert = get_startup_alert(car_recognized, controller_available)
  AM.add(sm.frame, startup_alert, False)

  LoC = LongControl(CP, CI.compute_gb)
  VM = VehicleModel(CP)

  if CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
    LaC = LatControlPID(CP)
  elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi':
    LaC = LatControlINDI(CP)
  elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr':
    LaC = LatControlLQR(CP)

  driver_status = DriverStatus()
  is_rhd = params.get("IsRHD")
  if is_rhd is not None:
    driver_status.is_rhd = bool(int(is_rhd))

  state = State.disabled
  soft_disable_timer = 0
  v_cruise_kph = 255
  v_cruise_kph_last = 0
  mismatch_counter = 0
  last_blinker_frame = 0
  events_prev = []

  sm['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.INVALID
  sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid = True
  sm['pathPlan'].posenetValid = True
  sm['thermal'].freeSpace = 1.

  # detect sound card presence
  sounds_available = not os.path.isfile('/EON') or (os.path.isdir('/proc/asound/card0') and open('/proc/asound/card0/state').read().strip() == 'ONLINE')

  # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz
  rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None)

  internet_needed = params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded", encoding='utf8') is not None

  prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default

  while True:
    start_time = sec_since_boot()
    prof.checkpoint("Ratekeeper", ignore=True)

    # Sample data and compute car events
    CS, events, cal_perc, mismatch_counter = data_sample(CI, CC, sm, can_sock, driver_status, state, mismatch_counter, params)

    # Create alerts
    if not sm.all_alive_and_valid():
      events.append(create_event('commIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
    if not sm['pathPlan'].mpcSolutionValid:
      events.append(create_event('plannerError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
    if not sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid:
      events.append(create_event('sensorDataInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
    if not sm['pathPlan'].paramsValid:
      events.append(create_event('vehicleModelInvalid', [ET.WARNING]))
    if not sm['pathPlan'].posenetValid:
      events.append(create_event('posenetInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.WARNING]))
    if not sm['plan'].radarValid:
      events.append(create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
    if sm['plan'].radarCanError:
      events.append(create_event('radarCanError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
    if not CS.canValid:
      events.append(create_event('canError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
    if not sounds_available:
      events.append(create_event('soundsUnavailable', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
    if internet_needed:
      events.append(create_event('internetConnectivityNeeded', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
    if community_feature_disallowed:
      events.append(create_event('communityFeatureDisallowed', [ET.PERMANENT]))

    # Only allow engagement with brake pressed when stopped behind another stopped car
    if CS.brakePressed and sm['plan'].vTargetFuture >= STARTING_TARGET_SPEED and not CP.radarOffCan and CS.vEgo < 0.3:
      events.append(create_event('noTarget', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))

    if not read_only:
      # update control state
      state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last = \
        state_transition(sm.frame, CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, AM)
      prof.checkpoint("State transition")

    # Compute actuators (runs PID loops and lateral MPC)
    actuators, v_cruise_kph, driver_status, v_acc, a_acc, lac_log, last_blinker_frame = \
      state_control(sm.frame, sm.rcv_frame, sm['plan'], sm['pathPlan'], CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk,
                    driver_status, LaC, LoC, read_only, is_metric, cal_perc, last_blinker_frame)

    prof.checkpoint("State Control")

    # Publish data
    CC, events_prev = data_send(sm, pm, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph, rk, AM, driver_status, LaC,
                                LoC, read_only, start_time, v_acc, a_acc, lac_log, events_prev, last_blinker_frame, is_ldw_enabled)

コード例 #5
def main():
    # the flippening!
        'LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" content insert --uri content://settings/system --bind name:s:user_rotation --bind value:i:1'

    if os.getenv("NOLOG") is not None:
        del managed_processes['loggerd']
        del managed_processes['tombstoned']
    if os.getenv("NOUPLOAD") is not None:
        del managed_processes['uploader']
    if os.getenv("NOVISION") is not None:
        del managed_processes['visiond']
    if os.getenv("LEAN") is not None:
        del managed_processes['uploader']
        del managed_processes['loggerd']
        del managed_processes['logmessaged']
        del managed_processes['logcatd']
        del managed_processes['tombstoned']
        del managed_processes['proclogd']
    if os.getenv("NOCONTROL") is not None:
        del managed_processes['controlsd']
        del managed_processes['radard']
    if os.getenv("DEFAULTD") is not None:
        managed_processes["controlsd"] = "selfdrive.controls.defaultd"

    # support additional internal only extensions
        import selfdrive.manager_extensions
    except ImportError:

    params = Params()

    # set unset params
    if params.get("IsMetric") is None:
        params.put("IsMetric", "0")
    if params.get("RecordFront") is None:
        params.put("RecordFront", "0")
    if params.get("IsFcwEnabled") is None:
        params.put("IsFcwEnabled", "1")
    if params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") is None:
        params.put("HasAcceptedTerms", "0")
    if params.get("IsUploadVideoOverCellularEnabled") is None:
        params.put("IsUploadVideoOverCellularEnabled", "1")
    if params.get("IsDriverMonitoringEnabled") is None:
        params.put("IsDriverMonitoringEnabled", "0")
    if params.get("IsGeofenceEnabled") is None:
        params.put("IsGeofenceEnabled", "-1")

    # is this chffrplus?
    if os.getenv("PASSIVE") is not None:
        params.put("Passive", str(int(os.getenv("PASSIVE"))))

    if params.get("Passive") is None:
        raise Exception("Passive must be set to continue")

    # put something on screen while we set things up
    if os.getenv("PREPAREONLY") is not None:
        spinner_proc = None
        spinner_text = "chffrplus" if params.get(
            "Passive") == "1" else "openpilot"
        spinner_proc = subprocess.Popen(
            ["./spinner", "loading %s" % spinner_text],
            cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive", "ui", "spinner"),
        if spinner_proc:

    if os.getenv("PREPAREONLY") is not None:

    # SystemExit on sigterm
    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: sys.exit(1))

    except Exception:
        cleanup_all_processes(None, None)

    if params.get("DoUninstall") == "1":
コード例 #6
def controlsd_thread(gctx=None):

    # start the loop

    params = Params()

    # Pub Sockets
    sendcan = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['sendcan'].port)
    controlsstate = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['controlsState'].port)
    carstate = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['carState'].port)
    carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['carControl'].port)
    carevents = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['carEvents'].port)
    carparams = messaging.pub_sock(service_list['carParams'].port)

    is_metric = params.get("IsMetric") == "1"
    passive = params.get("Passive") != "0"

    sm = messaging.SubMaster([
        'thermal', 'health', 'liveCalibration', 'driverMonitoring', 'plan',
    logcan = messaging.sub_sock(service_list['can'].port)

    CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
    CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan)
    AM = AlertManager()

    car_recognized = CP.carName != 'mock'
    # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not chffrplus
    controller_available = CP.enableCamera and CI.CC is not None and not passive
    read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available
    if read_only:
        CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.elm327  # diagnostic only

    startup_alert = get_startup_alert(car_recognized, controller_available)
    AM.add(sm.frame, startup_alert, False)

    LoC = LongControl(CP, CI.compute_gb)
    VM = VehicleModel(CP)

    if CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
        LaC = LatControlPID(CP)
        LaC = LatControlINDI(CP)

    driver_status = DriverStatus()

    # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode
    params.put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())
               "1" if CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl else "0")

    state = State.disabled
    soft_disable_timer = 0
    v_cruise_kph = 255
    v_cruise_kph_last = 0
    overtemp = False
    free_space = False
    cal_status = Calibration.INVALID
    cal_perc = 0
    mismatch_counter = 0
    low_battery = False
    events_prev = []

    sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid = True

    # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz
    rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None)

    prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default

    while True:
        start_time = sec_since_boot()
        prof.checkpoint("Ratekeeper", ignore=True)

        # Sample data and compute car events
        CS, events, cal_status, cal_perc, overtemp, free_space, low_battery, mismatch_counter =\
          data_sample(CI, CC, sm, cal_status, cal_perc, overtemp, free_space, low_battery,
                      driver_status, state, mismatch_counter, params)

        # Create alerts
        if not sm.all_alive_and_valid():
                create_event('commIssue', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if not sm['pathPlan'].mpcSolutionValid:
                             [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))
        if not sm['pathPlan'].sensorValid:
                create_event('sensorDataInvalid', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.PERMANENT]))
        if not sm['pathPlan'].paramsValid:
            events.append(create_event('vehicleModelInvalid', [ET.WARNING]))
        if not sm['plan'].radarValid:
                create_event('radarFault', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if sm['plan'].radarCanError:
                create_event('radarCanError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.SOFT_DISABLE]))
        if not CS.canValid:
                create_event('canError', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))

        # Only allow engagement with brake pressed when stopped behind another stopped car
        if CS.brakePressed and sm[
                'plan'].vTargetFuture >= STARTING_TARGET_SPEED and not CP.radarOffCan and CS.vEgo < 0.3:
                create_event('noTarget', [ET.NO_ENTRY, ET.IMMEDIATE_DISABLE]))

        if not read_only:
            # update control state
            state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last = \
              state_transition(sm.frame, CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, AM)
            prof.checkpoint("State transition")

        # Compute actuators (runs PID loops and lateral MPC)
        actuators, v_cruise_kph, driver_status, v_acc, a_acc, lac_log = \
          state_control(sm.frame, sm.rcv_frame, sm['plan'], sm['pathPlan'], CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk,
                        driver_status, LaC, LoC, VM, read_only, is_metric, cal_perc)

        prof.checkpoint("State Control")

        # Publish data
        CC, events_prev = data_send(sm, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events,
                                    actuators, v_cruise_kph, rk, carstate,
                                    carcontrol, carevents, carparams,
                                    controlsstate, sendcan, AM, driver_status,
                                    LaC, LoC, read_only, start_time, v_acc,
                                    a_acc, lac_log, events_prev)

コード例 #7
ファイル: test_params.py プロジェクト: kss1930/openpilot-1
class TestParams(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        print("using", self.tmpdir)
        self.params = Params(self.tmpdir)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_params_put_and_get(self):
        self.params.put("DongleId", "cb38263377b873ee")
        assert self.params.get("DongleId") == b"cb38263377b873ee"

    def test_persist_params_put_and_get(self):
        p = Params(persistent_params=True)
        p.put("DongleId", "cb38263377b873ee")
        assert p.get("DongleId") == b"cb38263377b873ee"

    def test_params_non_ascii(self):
        st = b"\xe1\x90\xff"
        self.params.put("CarParams", st)
        assert self.params.get("CarParams") == st

    def test_params_get_cleared_panda_disconnect(self):
        self.params.put("CarParams", "test")
        self.params.put("DongleId", "cb38263377b873ee")
        assert self.params.get("CarParams") == b"test"
        assert self.params.get("CarParams") is None
        assert self.params.get("DongleId") is not None

    def test_params_get_cleared_manager_start(self):
        self.params.put("CarParams", "test")
        self.params.put("DongleId", "cb38263377b873ee")
        assert self.params.get("CarParams") == b"test"
        assert self.params.get("CarParams") is None
        assert self.params.get("DongleId") is not None

    def test_params_two_things(self):
        self.params.put("DongleId", "bob")
        self.params.put("AthenadPid", "123")
        assert self.params.get("DongleId") == b"bob"
        assert self.params.get("AthenadPid") == b"123"

    def test_params_get_block(self):
        def _delayed_writer():
            self.params.put("CarParams", "test")

        assert self.params.get("CarParams") is None
        assert self.params.get("CarParams", True) == b"test"

    def test_params_unknown_key_fails(self):
        with self.assertRaises(UnknownKeyName):

    def test_params_permissions(self):
        permissions = stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IWGRP | stat.S_IROTH | stat.S_IWOTH

        self.params.put("DongleId", "cb38263377b873ee")
        st_mode = os.stat(f"{self.tmpdir}/d/DongleId").st_mode
        assert (st_mode & permissions) == permissions

    def test_delete_not_there(self):
        assert self.params.get("CarParams") is None
        assert self.params.get("CarParams") is None

    def test_put_non_blocking_with_get_block(self):
        q = Params(self.tmpdir)

        def _delayed_writer():
            put_nonblocking("CarParams", "test", self.tmpdir)

        assert q.get("CarParams") is None
        assert q.get("CarParams", True) == b"test"
コード例 #8
    def get_params(candidate, fingerprint=gen_empty_fingerprint(), car_fw=[]):  # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
        ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate, fingerprint)

        ret.carName = "hyundai"
        ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hyundai

        params = Params()
        PidKp = float(
            Decimal(params.get("PidKp", encoding="utf8")) * Decimal('0.01'))
        PidKi = float(
            Decimal(params.get("PidKi", encoding="utf8")) * Decimal('0.001'))
        PidKd = float(
            Decimal(params.get("PidKd", encoding="utf8")) * Decimal('0.01'))
        PidKf = float(
            Decimal(params.get("PidKf", encoding="utf8")) * Decimal('0.00001'))
        InnerLoopGain = float(
            Decimal(params.get("InnerLoopGain", encoding="utf8")) *
        OuterLoopGain = float(
            Decimal(params.get("OuterLoopGain", encoding="utf8")) *
        TimeConstant = float(
            Decimal(params.get("TimeConstant", encoding="utf8")) *
        ActuatorEffectiveness = float(
            Decimal(params.get("ActuatorEffectiveness", encoding="utf8")) *
        Scale = float(
            Decimal(params.get("Scale", encoding="utf8")) * Decimal('1.0'))
        LqrKi = float(
            Decimal(params.get("LqrKi", encoding="utf8")) * Decimal('0.001'))
        DcGain = float(
            Decimal(params.get("DcGain", encoding="utf8")) * Decimal('0.0001'))
        SteerMaxV = float(
            Decimal(params.get("SteerMaxvAdj", encoding="utf8")) *

        # Most Hyundai car ports are community features for now
        ret.communityFeature = False

        tire_stiffness_factor = float(
            Decimal(params.get("TireStiffnessFactorAdj", encoding="utf8")) *
        ret.steerActuatorDelay = float(
            Decimal(params.get("SteerActuatorDelayAdj", encoding="utf8")) *
        ret.steerRateCost = float(
            Decimal(params.get("SteerRateCostAdj", encoding="utf8")) *
        ret.steerLimitTimer = float(
            Decimal(params.get("SteerLimitTimerAdj", encoding="utf8")) *
        ret.steerRatio = float(
            Decimal(params.get("SteerRatioAdj", encoding="utf8")) *

        lat_control_method = int(
            params.get("LateralControlMethod", encoding="utf8"))
        shane_feed_forward = params.get_bool("ShaneFeedForward")
        if lat_control_method == 0:
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = PidKf
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [0., 9.]
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV = [0.1, PidKp]
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP = [0., 9.]
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [0.01, PidKi]
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kdBP = [0.]
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.kdV = [PidKd]
            ret.lateralTuning.pid.newKfTuned = True if shane_feed_forward else False  # Shane's feedforward
        elif lat_control_method == 1:
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainBP = [0.]
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGainV = [
            ]  # third tune. Highest value that still gives smooth control. Effects turning into curves.
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainBP = [0.]
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGainV = [
            ]  # forth tune. Highest value that still gives smooth control. Effects lane centering.
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantBP = [0.]
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstantV = [
            ]  # second tune. Lowest value with smooth actuation. Avoid the noise of actuator gears thrashing.
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessBP = [0.]
            ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectivenessV = [
            ]  # first tune. Lowest value without oversteering. May vary with speed.
            # lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness
            # As effectiveness increases, actuation strength decreases
            # Too high: weak, sloppy lane centering, slow oscillation, can't follow high curvature, high steering error causes snappy corrections
            # Too low: overpower, saturation, jerky, fast oscillation
            # Just right: Highest still able to maintain good lane centering.
            # lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant
            # Extend exponential decay of prior output steer
            # Too high: sloppy lane centering
            # Too low: noisy actuation, responds to every bump, maybe unable to maintain lane center due to rapid actuation
            # Just right: above noisy actuation and lane centering instability
            # lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain
            # Steer rate error gain
            # Too high: jerky oscillation in high curvature
            # Too low: sloppy, cannot accomplish desired steer angle
            # Just right: brief snap on entering high curvature
            # lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain
            # Steer error gain
            # Too high: twitchy hyper lane centering, oversteering
            # Too low: sloppy, all over lane
            # Just right: crisp lane centering
        elif lat_control_method == 2:
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = Scale
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = LqrKi
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-110., 451.]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.33, 0.318]
            ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = DcGain

        ret.steerMaxV = [SteerMaxV]
        ret.steerMaxBP = [0.]

        if candidate == CAR.GENESIS:
            ret.mass = 1900. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 3.01
        elif candidate == CAR.GENESIS_G70:
            ret.mass = 1640. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.84
        elif candidate == CAR.GENESIS_G80:
            ret.mass = 1855. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 3.01
        elif candidate == CAR.GENESIS_G90:
            ret.mass = 2200
            ret.wheelbase = 3.15
        elif candidate == CAR.SANTA_FE:
            ret.mass = 1694 + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.765
        elif candidate in [CAR.SONATA, CAR.SONATA_HEV]:
            ret.mass = 1513. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.84
        elif candidate == CAR.SONATA_LF:
            ret.mass = 4497. * CV.LB_TO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.804
        elif candidate == CAR.SONATA_LF_TURBO:
            ret.mass = 1470. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.805
        elif candidate == CAR.SONATA_LF_HEV:
            ret.mass = 1595. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.805
        elif candidate == CAR.PALISADE:
            ret.mass = 1999. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.90
        elif candidate == CAR.AVANTE:
            ret.mass = 1245. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.72
        elif candidate == CAR.I30:
            ret.mass = 1380. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.65
        elif candidate == CAR.KONA:
            ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.7
        elif candidate in [CAR.KONA_HEV, CAR.KONA_EV]:
            ret.mass = 1425. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.6
        elif candidate in [CAR.IONIQ_HEV, CAR.IONIQ_EV]:
            ret.mass = 1490. + STD_CARGO_KG  #weight per hyundai site https://www.hyundaiusa.com/ioniq-electric/specifications.aspx
            ret.wheelbase = 2.7
        elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR_IG, CAR.GRANDEUR_IG_HEV]:
            ret.mass = 1675. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.845
        elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR_IG_FL, CAR.GRANDEUR_IG_FL_HEV]:
            ret.mass = 1675. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.885
        elif candidate == CAR.VELOSTER:
            ret.mass = 3558. * CV.LB_TO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.80
        elif candidate == CAR.NEXO:
            ret.mass = 1885. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.79
        # kia
        elif candidate == CAR.SORENTO:
            ret.mass = 1985. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.78
        elif candidate in [CAR.K5, CAR.K5_HEV]:
            ret.wheelbase = 2.805
            ret.mass = 1600. + STD_CARGO_KG
        elif candidate == CAR.STINGER:
            ret.mass = 1825.0 + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.906  # https://www.kia.com/us/en/stinger/specs
        elif candidate == CAR.K3:
            ret.mass = 1260. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.70
        elif candidate == CAR.SPORTAGE:
            ret.mass = 1985. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.78
        elif candidate in [CAR.NIRO_HEV, CAR.NIRO_EV]:
            ret.mass = 1737. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.7
        elif candidate in [CAR.K7, CAR.K7_HEV]:
            ret.mass = 1680. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.855
        elif candidate == CAR.SELTOS:
            ret.mass = 1310. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.6
        elif candidate == CAR.SOUL_EV:
            ret.mass = 1375. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.6
        elif candidate == CAR.MOHAVE:
            ret.mass = 2285. + STD_CARGO_KG
            ret.wheelbase = 2.895

        ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4

        # TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
        # civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
        ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)

        # TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
        # mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
        ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(

        # no rear steering, at least on the listed cars above
        ret.steerRatioRear = 0.
        ret.steerControlType = car.CarParams.SteerControlType.torque

        # TODO: adjust?
        ret.gasMaxBP = [0., 4., 9., 17., 23., 31.]  # m/s
        ret.gasMaxV = [1.5, 1.35, 0.8, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3]  # max gas allowed
        ret.brakeMaxBP = [0., 8.]  # m/s
        ret.brakeMaxV = [0.7, 3.0]  # max brake allowed

        ret.longitudinalTuning.kpBP = [0., 4., 9., 17., 23., 31.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kpV = [1.2, 0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 0.5, 0.4]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kiBP = [0., 4., 9., 17., 23., 31.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kiV = [0.33, 0.22, 0.21, 0.17, 0.15, 0.13]

        ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneBP = [0., 4., 31.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.deadzoneV = [0., 0.1, 0.1]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kdBP = [0., 4., 9., 17., 23., 31.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kdV = [0.7, 0.65, 0.5, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kfBP = [0., 4., 9., 17., 23., 31.]
        ret.longitudinalTuning.kfV = [1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.]

        ret.enableBsm = 0x58b in fingerprint[0]

        ret.startAccel = 0.1

        ret.standStill = False
        ret.vCruisekph = 0

        # ignore CAN2 address if L-CAN on the same BUS
        ret.mdpsBus = 1 if 593 in fingerprint[1] and 1296 not in fingerprint[
            1] else 0
        ret.sasBus = 1 if 688 in fingerprint[1] and 1296 not in fingerprint[
            1] else 0
        ret.sccBus = 0 if 1056 in fingerprint[0] else 1 if 1056 in fingerprint[1] and 1296 not in fingerprint[1] \
                                                                         else 2 if 1056 in fingerprint[2] else -1
        ret.fcaBus = 0 if 909 in fingerprint[
            0] else 2 if 909 in fingerprint[2] else -1
        ret.bsmAvailable = True if 1419 in fingerprint[0] else False
        ret.lfaAvailable = True if 1157 in fingerprint[2] else False
        ret.lvrAvailable = True if 871 in fingerprint[0] else False
        ret.evgearAvailable = True if 882 in fingerprint[0] else False
        ret.emsAvailable = True if 608 and 809 in fingerprint[0] else False

        ret.radarOffCan = ret.sccBus == -1
        ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl = ret.sccBus == 2

        # pcmCruise is true
        ret.pcmCruise = not ret.radarOffCan

        # set safety_hyundai_community only for non-SCC, MDPS harrness or SCC harrness cars or cars that have unknown issue
        if ret.radarOffCan or ret.mdpsBus == 1 or ret.openpilotLongitudinalControl or ret.sccBus == 1 or params.get_bool(
            ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hyundaiCommunity

        # set appropriate safety param for gas signal
        if candidate in HYBRID_CAR:
            ret.safetyParam = 2
        elif candidate in EV_CAR:
            ret.safetyParam = 1
        return ret
コード例 #9
def regen_segment(lr, frs=None, outdir=FAKEDATA, disable_tqdm=False):
    lr = migrate_carparams(list(lr))
    if frs is None:
        frs = dict()

    params = Params()
    os.environ["LOG_ROOT"] = outdir

    for msg in lr:
        if msg.which() == 'carParams':
        elif msg.which() == 'liveCalibration':
            params.put("CalibrationParams", msg.as_builder().to_bytes())

    vs, cam_procs = replay_cameras(lr, frs, disable_tqdm=disable_tqdm)

    fake_daemons = {
        'sensord': [
                                    args=('sensorEvents', lr)),
        'pandad': [
            multiprocessing.Process(target=replay_service, args=('can', lr)),
                                    args=('ubloxRaw', lr)),
                                    args=('pandaStates', lr)),
        'managerState': [
                                    args=('managerState', lr)),
        'thermald': [
                                    args=('deviceState', lr)),
        'camerad': [

        # TODO: make first run of onnxruntime CUDA provider fast

        # start procs up
        ignore = list(fake_daemons.keys()) + [
            'ui', 'manage_athenad', 'uploader', 'soundd'
        for procs in fake_daemons.values():
            for p in procs:

        for _ in tqdm(range(60), disable=disable_tqdm):
            # ensure all procs are running
            for d, procs in fake_daemons.items():
                for p in procs:
                    if not p.is_alive():
                        raise Exception(f"{d}'s {p.name} died")
        # kill everything
        for p in managed_processes.values():
        for procs in fake_daemons.values():
            for p in procs:

    del vs

    segment = params.get("CurrentRoute", encoding='utf-8') + "--0"
    seg_path = os.path.join(outdir, segment)
    # check to make sure openpilot is engaged in the route
    if not check_enabled(LogReader(os.path.join(seg_path, "rlog"))):
        raise Exception(f"Route never enabled: {segment}")

    return seg_path
コード例 #10
ファイル: calibrationd.py プロジェクト: emmertex/openpilot
class Calibrator(object):
    def __init__(self, param_put=False):
        self.param_put = param_put
        self.vp = copy.copy(VP_INIT)
        self.vps = []
        self.cal_status = Calibration.UNCALIBRATED
        self.write_counter = 0
        self.params = Params()
        calibration_params = self.params.get("CalibrationParams")
        if calibration_params:
                calibration_params = json.loads(calibration_params)
                self.vp = np.array(calibration_params["vanishing_point"])
                self.vps = np.tile(
                    self.vp, (calibration_params['valid_points'], 1)).tolist()
            except Exception:
                    "CalibrationParams file found but error encountered")

    def update_status(self):
        if len(self.vps) < INPUTS_NEEDED:
            self.cal_status = Calibration.UNCALIBRATED
            self.cal_status = Calibration.CALIBRATED if is_calibration_valid(
                self.vp) else Calibration.INVALID

    def handle_cam_odom(self, log):
        trans, rot = log.cameraOdometry.trans, log.cameraOdometry.rot
        if np.linalg.norm(trans) > MIN_SPEED_FILTER and abs(
                rot[2]) < MAX_YAW_RATE_FILTER:
            new_vp = eon_intrinsics.dot(
            new_vp = new_vp[:2] / new_vp[2]
            self.vps = self.vps[-INPUTS_WANTED:]
            self.vp = np.mean(self.vps, axis=0)
            self.write_counter += 1
            if self.param_put and self.write_counter % WRITE_CYCLES == 0:
                cal_params = {
                    "vanishing_point": list(self.vp),
                    "valid_points": len(self.vps)
                self.params.put("CalibrationParams", json.dumps(cal_params))
            return new_vp

    def send_data(self, livecalibration):
        calib = get_calib_from_vp(self.vp)
        extrinsic_matrix = get_view_frame_from_road_frame(
            0, calib[1], calib[2], model_height)
        ke = eon_intrinsics.dot(extrinsic_matrix)
        warp_matrix = get_camera_frame_from_model_frame(ke)
        warp_matrix_big = get_camera_frame_from_bigmodel_frame(ke)

        cal_send = messaging.new_message()
        cal_send.liveCalibration.calStatus = self.cal_status
        cal_send.liveCalibration.calPerc = min(
            len(self.vps) * 100 / INPUTS_NEEDED, 100)
        cal_send.liveCalibration.warpMatrix2 = map(float,
        cal_send.liveCalibration.warpMatrixBig = map(float,
        cal_send.liveCalibration.extrinsicMatrix = map(
            float, extrinsic_matrix.flatten())

コード例 #11
    def setUpClass(cls):
        if "DEBUG" in os.environ:
            segs = filter(
                lambda x: os.path.exists(os.path.join(x, "rlog.bz2")),
            segs = sorted(segs, key=lambda x: x.stat().st_mtime)
            cls.lr = list(LogReader(os.path.join(segs[-1], "rlog.bz2")))

        # setup env
        os.environ['REPLAY'] = "1"
        os.environ['SKIP_FW_QUERY'] = "1"
        os.environ['FINGERPRINT'] = "TOYOTA COROLLA TSS2 2019"

        params = Params()

        # Make sure athena isn't running
        os.system("pkill -9 -f athena")

        # start manager and run openpilot for a minute
            manager_path = os.path.join(BASEDIR,
            proc = subprocess.Popen(["python", manager_path])

            sm = messaging.SubMaster(['carState'])
            with Timeout(150, "controls didn't start"):
                while sm.rcv_frame['carState'] < 0:

            # make sure we get at least two full segments
            route = None
            cls.segments = []
            with Timeout(300, "timed out waiting for logs"):
                while route is None:
                    route = params.get("CurrentRoute", encoding="utf-8")

                while len(cls.segments) < 3:
                    segs = set()
                    if Path(ROOT).exists():
                        segs = set(Path(ROOT).glob(f"{route}--*"))
                    cls.segments = sorted(
                        segs, key=lambda s: int(str(s).rsplit('--')[-1]))

            # chop off last, incomplete segment
            cls.segments = cls.segments[:-1]

            if proc.wait(60) is None:

        cls.lrs = [
            list(LogReader(os.path.join(str(s), "rlog.bz2")))
            for s in cls.segments

        # use the second segment by default as it's the first full segment
        cls.lr = list(LogReader(os.path.join(str(cls.segments[1]),
コード例 #12
def test_athena():
    start = sec_since_boot()

    params = Params()
    manage_athenad_pid = params.get("AthenadPid")
    assert manage_athenad_pid is not None
        os.kill(int(manage_athenad_pid), 0)
        # process is running
    except OSError:
        assert False, "manage_athenad is dead"

    def expect_athena_starts(timeout=30):
        now = time.time()
        athenad_pid = None
        while athenad_pid is None:
                athenad_pid = subprocess.check_output(
                    ["pgrep", "-P", manage_athenad_pid],
                return athenad_pid
            except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                if time.time() - now > timeout:
                    assert False, f"Athena did not start within {timeout} seconds"

    def athena_post(payload, max_retries=5, wait=5):
        tries = 0
        while 1:
                resp = requests.post("https://athena.comma.ai/" +
                                     params.get("DongleId", encoding="utf-8"),
                                         "JWT " + os.getenv("COMMA_JWT"),
                resp_json = resp.json()
                if resp_json.get('error'):
                    raise Exception(resp_json['error'])
                return resp_json
            except Exception as e:
                tries += 1
                if tries == max_retries:
                    print(f'athena_post failed {e}. retrying...')

    def expect_athena_registers(test_t0):
        resp = athena_post(
                "method": "echo",
                "params": ["hello"],
                "id": 0,
                "jsonrpc": "2.0"
        assert resp.get(
            'result') == "hello", f'Athena failed to register ({resp})'

        last_pingtime = params.get("LastAthenaPingTime", encoding='utf8')
        assert last_pingtime, last_pingtime
        assert ((int(last_pingtime) / 1e9) - test_t0) < (sec_since_boot() -

        athenad_pid = expect_athena_starts()
        # kill athenad and ensure it is restarted (check_output will throw if it is not)
        os.kill(int(athenad_pid), signal.SIGINT)

        if not os.getenv('COMMA_JWT'):
                'WARNING: COMMA_JWT env not set, will not test requests to athena.comma.ai'


        print("ATHENA: getSimInfo")
        resp = athena_post({"method": "getSimInfo", "id": 0, "jsonrpc": "2.0"})
        assert resp.get('result'), resp
        assert 'sim_id' in resp['result'], resp['result']

        print("ATHENA: takeSnapshot")
        resp = athena_post({
            "method": "takeSnapshot",
            "id": 0,
            "jsonrpc": "2.0"
        assert resp.get('result'), resp
        assert resp['result']['jpegBack'], resp['result']

        def test_athena_deviceState():
            print("ATHENA: getMessage(deviceState)")
            resp = athena_post({
                "method": "getMessage",
                "params": {
                    "service": "deviceState",
                    "timeout": 5000
                "id": 0,
                "jsonrpc": "2.0"
            assert resp.get('result'), resp
            assert resp['result']['deviceState'], resp['result']

            athenad_pid = subprocess.check_output(
                ["pgrep", "-P", manage_athenad_pid], encoding="utf-8").strip()
        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
            athenad_pid = None

            os.kill(int(manage_athenad_pid), signal.SIGINT)
            os.kill(int(athenad_pid), signal.SIGINT)
        except (OSError, TypeError):
コード例 #13
def controlsd_thread(gctx, rate=100):
  # start the loop

  context = zmq.Context()

  # pub
  live100 = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['live100'].port)
  carstate = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port)
  carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carControl'].port)
  sendcan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['sendcan'].port)
  livempc = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['liveMpc'].port)

  # sub
  thermal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port)
  health = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port)
  cal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['liveCalibration'].port)
  logcan = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['can'].port)

  CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
  CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan)
  PL = Planner(CP)
  LoC = LongControl(CI.compute_gb)
  VM = VehicleModel(CP)
  LaC = LatControl(VM)
  AM = AlertManager()

  # write CarParams
  params = Params()
  params.put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())

  state = State.DISABLED
  soft_disable_timer = 0
  v_cruise_kph = 255
  cal_perc = 0
  cal_status = Calibration.UNCALIBRATED
  rear_view_toggle = False
  rear_view_allowed = params.get("IsRearViewMirror") == "1"

  # 0.0 - 1.0
  awareness_status = 0.

  rk = Ratekeeper(rate, print_delay_threshold=2./1000)

  # learned angle offset
  angle_offset = 0.
  calibration_params = params.get("CalibrationParams")
  if calibration_params:
      calibration_params = json.loads(calibration_params)
      angle_offset = calibration_params["angle_offset"]
    except (ValueError, KeyError):

  prof = Profiler()

  while 1:

    prof.reset()  # avoid memory leak

    # sample data and compute car events
    CS, events, cal_status, cal_perc = data_sample(CI, CC, thermal, health, cal, cal_status, cal_perc)

    # define plan
    plan, plan_ts = calc_plan(CS, events, PL, LoC)

    # update control state
    state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph = state_transition(CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, cal_perc, AM)
    prof.checkpoint("State transition")

    # compute actuators
    actuators, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status, angle_offset, rear_view_toggle = state_control(plan, CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph,
                                                                            AM, rk, awareness_status, PL, LaC, LoC, VM, angle_offset,
                                                                            rear_view_allowed, rear_view_toggle)
    prof.checkpoint("State Control")

    # publish data
    CC = data_send(plan, plan_ts, CS, CI, CP, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph,
                   rk, carstate, carcontrol, live100, livempc, AM, rear_view_allowed,
                   rear_view_toggle, awareness_status, LaC, LoC, angle_offset)

    # *** run loop at fixed rate ***
    if rk.keep_time():
コード例 #14
class Planner(object):
    def __init__(self, CP, fcw_enabled):
        context = zmq.Context()
        self.CP = CP
        self.poller = zmq.Poller()

        self.plan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['plan'].port)
        self.live_longitudinal_mpc = messaging.pub_sock(
            context, service_list['liveLongitudinalMpc'].port)

        self.mpc1 = LongitudinalMpc(1, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)
        self.mpc2 = LongitudinalMpc(2, self.live_longitudinal_mpc)

        self.v_acc_start = 0.0
        self.a_acc_start = 0.0

        self.v_acc = 0.0
        self.v_acc_future = 0.0
        self.a_acc = 0.0
        self.v_cruise = 0.0
        self.a_cruise = 0.0

        self.longitudinalPlanSource = 'cruise'
        self.fcw_checker = FCWChecker()
        self.fcw_enabled = fcw_enabled

        self.params = Params()

    def choose_solution(self, v_cruise_setpoint, enabled):
        if enabled:
            solutions = {'cruise': self.v_cruise}
            if self.mpc1.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc1'] = self.mpc1.v_mpc
            if self.mpc2.prev_lead_status:
                solutions['mpc2'] = self.mpc2.v_mpc

            slowest = min(solutions, key=solutions.get)

            self.longitudinalPlanSource = slowest

            # Choose lowest of MPC and cruise
            if slowest == 'mpc1':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc1.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc1.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'mpc2':
                self.v_acc = self.mpc2.v_mpc
                self.a_acc = self.mpc2.a_mpc
            elif slowest == 'cruise':
                self.v_acc = self.v_cruise
                self.a_acc = self.a_cruise

        self.v_acc_future = min([
            self.mpc1.v_mpc_future, self.mpc2.v_mpc_future, v_cruise_setpoint

    def update(self, rcv_times, CS, CP, VM, PP, radar_state, controls_state,
               md, live_map_data):
        """Gets called when new radarState is available"""
        cur_time = sec_since_boot()
        v_ego = CS.carState.vEgo

        long_control_state = controls_state.controlsState.longControlState
        v_cruise_kph = controls_state.controlsState.vCruise
        force_slow_decel = controls_state.controlsState.forceDecel
        v_cruise_setpoint = v_cruise_kph * CV.KPH_TO_MS

        lead_1 = radar_state.radarState.leadOne
        lead_2 = radar_state.radarState.leadTwo

        enabled = (long_control_state
                   == LongCtrlState.pid) or (long_control_state
                                             == LongCtrlState.stopping)
        following = lead_1.status and lead_1.dRel < 45.0 and lead_1.vLeadK > v_ego and lead_1.aLeadK > 0.0

        v_speedlimit = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED
        v_curvature = NO_CURVATURE_SPEED

        map_age = cur_time - rcv_times['liveMapData']
        map_valid = live_map_data.liveMapData.mapValid and map_age < 10.0

        # Speed limit and curvature
        set_speed_limit_active = self.params.get(
            "LimitSetSpeed") == "1" and self.params.get(
                "SpeedLimitOffset") is not None
        if set_speed_limit_active and map_valid:
            if live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimitValid:
                speed_limit = live_map_data.liveMapData.speedLimit
                offset = float(self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset"))
                v_speedlimit = speed_limit + offset

            if live_map_data.liveMapData.curvatureValid:
                curvature = abs(live_map_data.liveMapData.curvature)
                a_y_max = 2.975 - v_ego * 0.0375  # ~1.85 @ 75mph, ~2.6 @ 25mph
                v_curvature = math.sqrt(a_y_max / max(1e-4, curvature))
                v_curvature = min(NO_CURVATURE_SPEED, v_curvature)

        decel_for_turn = bool(
            v_curvature < min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_speedlimit, v_ego + 1.]))
        v_cruise_setpoint = min([v_cruise_setpoint, v_curvature, v_speedlimit])

        # Calculate speed for normal cruise control
        if enabled:
            accel_limits = [
                float(x) for x in calc_cruise_accel_limits(v_ego, following)
            jerk_limits = [
                min(-0.1, accel_limits[0]),
                max(0.1, accel_limits[1])
            ]  # TODO: make a separate lookup for jerk tuning
            accel_limits = limit_accel_in_turns(v_ego,
                                                accel_limits, self.CP)

            if force_slow_decel:
                # if required so, force a smooth deceleration
                accel_limits[1] = min(accel_limits[1], AWARENESS_DECEL)
                accel_limits[0] = min(accel_limits[0], accel_limits[1])

            # Change accel limits based on time remaining to turn
            if decel_for_turn:
                time_to_turn = max(
                    1.0, live_map_data.liveMapData.distToTurn /
                    max(self.v_cruise, 1.))
                required_decel = min(0, (v_curvature - self.v_cruise) /
                accel_limits[0] = max(accel_limits[0], required_decel)

            self.v_cruise, self.a_cruise = speed_smoother(
                self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start, v_cruise_setpoint,
                accel_limits[1], accel_limits[0], jerk_limits[1],
                jerk_limits[0], _DT_MPC)
            # cruise speed can't be negative even is user is distracted
            self.v_cruise = max(self.v_cruise, 0.)
            starting = long_control_state == LongCtrlState.starting
            a_ego = min(CS.carState.aEgo, 0.0)
            reset_speed = MIN_CAN_SPEED if starting else v_ego
            reset_accel = self.CP.startAccel if starting else a_ego
            self.v_acc = reset_speed
            self.a_acc = reset_accel
            self.v_acc_start = reset_speed
            self.a_acc_start = reset_accel
            self.v_cruise = reset_speed
            self.a_cruise = reset_accel

        self.mpc1.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)
        self.mpc2.set_cur_state(self.v_acc_start, self.a_acc_start)

        self.mpc1.update(CS, lead_1, v_cruise_setpoint)
        self.mpc2.update(CS, lead_2, v_cruise_setpoint)

        self.choose_solution(v_cruise_setpoint, enabled)

        # determine fcw
        if self.mpc1.new_lead:

        blinkers = CS.carState.leftBlinker or CS.carState.rightBlinker
        fcw = self.fcw_checker.update(
            self.mpc1.mpc_solution, cur_time, v_ego, CS.carState.aEgo,
            lead_1.dRel, lead_1.vLead, lead_1.aLeadK, lead_1.yRel, lead_1.vLat,
            lead_1.fcw, blinkers) and not CS.carState.brakePressed
        if fcw:
            cloudlog.info("FCW triggered %s", self.fcw_checker.counters)

        radar_dead = cur_time - rcv_times['radarState'] > 0.5

        radar_errors = list(radar_state.radarState.radarErrors)
        radar_fault = car.RadarData.Error.fault in radar_errors
        radar_comm_issue = car.RadarData.Error.commIssue in radar_errors

        # **** send the plan ****
        plan_send = messaging.new_message()

        plan_send.plan.mdMonoTime = md.logMonoTime
        plan_send.plan.radarStateMonoTime = radar_state.logMonoTime

        # longitudal plan
        plan_send.plan.vCruise = self.v_cruise
        plan_send.plan.aCruise = self.a_cruise
        plan_send.plan.vStart = self.v_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.aStart = self.a_acc_start
        plan_send.plan.vTarget = self.v_acc
        plan_send.plan.aTarget = self.a_acc
        plan_send.plan.vTargetFuture = self.v_acc_future
        plan_send.plan.hasLead = self.mpc1.prev_lead_status
        plan_send.plan.longitudinalPlanSource = self.longitudinalPlanSource

        plan_send.plan.vCurvature = v_curvature
        plan_send.plan.decelForTurn = decel_for_turn
        plan_send.plan.mapValid = map_valid

        radar_valid = not (radar_dead or radar_fault)
        plan_send.plan.radarValid = bool(radar_valid)
        plan_send.plan.radarCommIssue = bool(radar_comm_issue)

        plan_send.plan.processingDelay = (plan_send.logMonoTime /
                                          1e9) - rcv_times['radarState']

        # Send out fcw
        fcw = fcw and (self.fcw_enabled
                       or long_control_state != LongCtrlState.off)
        plan_send.plan.fcw = fcw


        # Interpolate 0.05 seconds and save as starting point for next iteration
        dt = 0.05  # s
        a_acc_sol = self.a_acc_start + (dt / _DT_MPC) * (self.a_acc -
        v_acc_sol = self.v_acc_start + dt * (a_acc_sol +
                                             self.a_acc_start) / 2.0
        self.v_acc_start = v_acc_sol
        self.a_acc_start = a_acc_sol
コード例 #15
def python_replay_process(cfg, lr):
    sub_sockets = [s for _, sub in cfg.pub_sub.items() for s in sub]
    pub_sockets = [s for s in cfg.pub_sub.keys() if s != 'can']

    fsm = FakeSubMaster(pub_sockets)
    fpm = FakePubMaster(sub_sockets)
    args = (fsm, fpm)
    if 'can' in list(cfg.pub_sub.keys()):
        can_sock = FakeSocket()
        args = (fsm, fpm, can_sock)

    all_msgs = sorted(lr, key=lambda msg: msg.logMonoTime)
    pub_msgs = [
        msg for msg in all_msgs if msg.which() in list(cfg.pub_sub.keys())

    params = Params()
    params.put("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", "1")
    params.put("Passive", "0")
    params.put("CommunityFeaturesToggle", "1")

    os.environ['NO_RADAR_SLEEP'] = "1"
    os.environ['SKIP_FW_QUERY'] = "1"
    os.environ['FINGERPRINT'] = ""
    for msg in lr:
        if msg.which() == 'carParams':
            # TODO: get a stock VW route
            if "Generic Volkswagen" in msg.carParams.carFingerprint:
                os.environ['FINGERPRINT'] = "VOLKSWAGEN GOLF"
                os.environ['FINGERPRINT'] = msg.carParams.carFingerprint

    manager.prepare_managed_process(cfg.proc_name, build=True)
    mod = importlib.import_module(manager.managed_processes[cfg.proc_name])
    thread = threading.Thread(target=mod.main, args=args)
    thread.daemon = True

    if cfg.init_callback is not None:
        if 'can' not in list(cfg.pub_sub.keys()):
            can_sock = None
        cfg.init_callback(all_msgs, fsm, can_sock)

    CP = car.CarParams.from_bytes(params.get("CarParams", block=True))

    # wait for started process to be ready
    if 'can' in list(cfg.pub_sub.keys()):

    log_msgs, msg_queue = [], []
    for msg in tqdm(pub_msgs):
        if cfg.should_recv_callback is not None:
            recv_socks, should_recv = cfg.should_recv_callback(
                msg, CP, cfg, fsm)
            recv_socks = [
                s for s in cfg.pub_sub[msg.which()]
                if (fsm.frame + 1) % int(service_list[msg.which()].frequency /
                                         service_list[s].frequency) == 0
            should_recv = bool(len(recv_socks))

        if msg.which() == 'can':

        if should_recv:
            fsm.update_msgs(0, msg_queue)
            msg_queue = []

            recv_cnt = len(recv_socks)
            while recv_cnt > 0:
                m = fpm.wait_for_msg()

                recv_cnt -= m.which() in recv_socks
    return log_msgs
コード例 #16
    def __init__(self, sm=None, pm=None, can_sock=None):
        config_realtime_process(3, Priority.CTRL_HIGH)

        # Setup sockets
        self.pm = pm
        if self.pm is None:
            self.pm = messaging.PubMaster([
                'sendcan', 'controlsState', 'carState', 'carControl',
                'carEvents', 'carParams'

        self.sm = sm
        if self.sm is None:
            self.sm = messaging.SubMaster([
                'thermal', 'health', 'model', 'liveCalibration',
                'dMonitoringState', 'plan', 'pathPlan', 'liveLocationKalman'

        self.can_sock = can_sock
        if can_sock is None:
            can_timeout = None if os.environ.get('NO_CAN_TIMEOUT',
                                                 False) else 100
            self.can_sock = messaging.sub_sock('can', timeout=can_timeout)

        # wait for one health and one CAN packet
        hw_type = messaging.recv_one(self.sm.sock['health']).health.hwType
        has_relay = hw_type in [HwType.blackPanda, HwType.uno, HwType.dos]
        print("Waiting for CAN messages...")

        self.CI, self.CP = get_car(self.can_sock, self.pm.sock['sendcan'],

        # read params
        params = Params()
        self.is_metric = params.get("IsMetric", encoding='utf8') == "1"
        self.is_ldw_enabled = params.get("IsLdwEnabled",
                                         encoding='utf8') == "1"
        internet_needed = (params.get("Offroad_ConnectivityNeeded",
                                      encoding='utf8') is not None) and (
                                          params.get("DisableUpdates") != b"1")
        community_feature_toggle = params.get("CommunityFeaturesToggle",
                                              encoding='utf8') == "1"
        openpilot_enabled_toggle = params.get("OpenpilotEnabledToggle",
                                              encoding='utf8') == "1"
        passive = params.get("Passive", encoding='utf8') == "1" or \
                  internet_needed or not openpilot_enabled_toggle

        # detect sound card presence and ensure successful init
        sounds_available = HARDWARE.get_sound_card_online()

        car_recognized = self.CP.carName != 'mock'
        # If stock camera is disconnected, we loaded car controls and it's not dashcam mode
        controller_available = self.CP.enableCamera and self.CI.CC is not None and not passive and not self.CP.dashcamOnly
        community_feature_disallowed = self.CP.communityFeature and not community_feature_toggle
        self.read_only = not car_recognized or not controller_available or \
                           self.CP.dashcamOnly or community_feature_disallowed
        if self.read_only:
            self.CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.noOutput

        # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode
        cp_bytes = self.CP.to_bytes()
        params.put("CarParams", cp_bytes)
        put_nonblocking("CarParamsCache", cp_bytes)

        self.CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
        self.AM = AlertManager()
        self.events = Events()

        self.LoC = LongControl(self.CP, self.CI.compute_gb)
        self.VM = VehicleModel(self.CP)

        if self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
            self.LaC = LatControlPID(self.CP)
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi':
            self.LaC = LatControlINDI(self.CP)
        elif self.CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr':
            self.LaC = LatControlLQR(self.CP)

        self.state = State.disabled
        self.enabled = False
        self.active = False
        self.can_rcv_error = False
        self.soft_disable_timer = 0
        self.v_cruise_kph = 255
        self.v_cruise_kph_last = 0
        self.mismatch_counter = 0
        self.can_error_counter = 0
        self.last_blinker_frame = 0
        self.saturated_count = 0
        self.distance_traveled = 0
        self.last_functional_fan_frame = 0
        self.events_prev = []
        self.current_alert_types = [ET.PERMANENT]

        self.sm['liveCalibration'].calStatus = Calibration.CALIBRATED
        self.sm['thermal'].freeSpace = 1.
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].events = []
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].awarenessStatus = 1.
        self.sm['dMonitoringState'].faceDetected = False

        self.startup_event = get_startup_event(car_recognized,
                                               controller_available, hw_type)

        if not sounds_available:
            self.events.add(EventName.soundsUnavailable, static=True)
        if internet_needed:
            self.events.add(EventName.internetConnectivityNeeded, static=True)
        if community_feature_disallowed:
            self.events.add(EventName.communityFeatureDisallowed, static=True)
        if not car_recognized:
            self.events.add(EventName.carUnrecognized, static=True)
        if hw_type == HwType.whitePanda:
            self.events.add(EventName.whitePandaUnsupported, static=True)

        # controlsd is driven by can recv, expected at 100Hz
        self.rk = Ratekeeper(100, print_delay_threshold=None)
        self.prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default
コード例 #17
ファイル: carcontroller.py プロジェクト: neon-dev/openpilot
class CarController():
  def __init__(self, dbc_name):
    self.fleet_speed_state = 0
    self.cc_counter = 0
    self.alcaStateData = None
    self.icLeadsData = None
    self.params = Params()
    self.braking = False
    self.brake_steady = 0.
    self.brake_last = 0.
    self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
    self.epas_disabled = True
    self.last_angle = 0.
    self.last_accel = 0.
    self.blinker = Blinker()
    self.ALCA = ALCAController(self,True,True)  # Enabled and SteerByAngle both True
    self.ACC = ACCController(self)
    self.PCC = PCCController(self)
    self.HSO = HSOController(self)
    self.GYRO = GYROController()
    self.AHB = AHBController(self)
    self.sent_DAS_bootID = False
    self.speedlimit = None
    self.trafficevents = messaging.sub_sock('trafficEvents', conflate=True)
    self.pathPlan = messaging.sub_sock('pathPlan', conflate=True)
    self.radarState = messaging.sub_sock('radarState', conflate=True)
    self.icLeads = messaging.sub_sock('uiIcLeads', conflate=True)
    self.icCarLR = messaging.sub_sock('uiIcCarLR', conflate=True)
    self.alcaState = messaging.sub_sock('alcaState', conflate=True)
    self.gpsLocationExternal = None 
    self.opState = 0 # 0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabling, 3-unavailable, 5-warning
    self.accPitch = 0.
    self.accRoll = 0.
    self.accYaw = 0.
    self.magPitch = 0.
    self.magRoll = 0.
    self.magYaw = 0.
    self.gyroPitch = 0.
    self.gyroRoll = 0.
    self.gyroYaw = 0.
    self.set_speed_limit_active = False
    self.speed_limit_offset = 0.
    self.speed_limit_ms = 0.

    # for warnings
    self.warningCounter = 0
    self.DAS_206_apUnavailable = 0
    self.DAS_222_accCameraBlind = 0 #DAS_206 lkas not ebabled
    self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed = 0
    self.DAS_220_lcTempUnavailableRoad = 0
    self.DAS_221_lcAborting = 0
    self.DAS_211_accNoSeatBelt = 0
    self.DAS_207_lkasUnavailable = 0 #use for manual steer?
    self.DAS_208_rackDetected = 0 #use for low battery?
    self.DAS_202_noisyEnvironment = 0 #use for planner error?
    self.DAS_025_steeringOverride = 0 #another one to use for manual steer?
    self.warningNeeded = 0

    # items for IC integration for Lane and Lead Car
    self.average_over_x_pathplan_values = 1 
    self.curv0Matrix =  MovingAverage(self.average_over_x_pathplan_values)
    self.curv1Matrix =  MovingAverage(self.average_over_x_pathplan_values) 
    self.curv2Matrix =  MovingAverage(self.average_over_x_pathplan_values) 
    self.curv3Matrix =  MovingAverage(self.average_over_x_pathplan_values)
    self.leadDxMatrix = MovingAverage(self.average_over_x_pathplan_values)
    self.leadDyMatrix = MovingAverage(self.average_over_x_pathplan_values)
    self.leadDx = 0.
    self.leadDy = 0.
    self.leadClass = 0
    self.leadVx = 0.
    self.leadId = 0
    self.lead2Dx = 0.
    self.lead2Dy = 0.
    self.lead2Class = 0
    self.lead2Vx = 0.
    self.lead2Id = 0
    self.lLine = 0
    self.rLine = 0
    self.curv0 = 0. 
    self.curv1 = 0. 
    self.curv2 = 0. 
    self.curv3 = 0. 
    self.visionCurvC0 = 0.
    self.laneRange = 30  #max is 160m but OP has issues with precision beyond 50

    self.laneWidth = 0.

    self.stopSign_visible = False
    self.stopSign_distance = 1000.
    self.stopSign_action = 0
    self.stopSign_resume = False

    self.stopLight_visible = False
    self.stopLight_distance = 1000.
    self.stopLight_action = 0
    self.stopLight_resume = False
    self.stopLight_color = 0. #0-unknown, 1-red, 2-yellow, 3-green

    self.stopSignWarning = 0
    self.stopLightWarning = 0
    self.stopSignWarning_last = 0
    self.stopLightWarning_last = 0
    self.roadSignType = 0xFF
    self.roadSignStopDist = 1000.
    self.roadSignColor = 0.
    self.roadSignControlActive = 0
    self.roadSignType_last = 0xFF

    self.roadSignDistanceWarning = 50.

    self.alca_enabled = False
    self.ldwStatus = 0
    self.prev_ldwStatus = 0

    self.radarVin_idx = 0
    self.LDW_ENABLE_SPEED = 16 
    self.should_ldw = False
    self.ldw_numb_frame_end = 0

    self.isMetric = (self.params.get("IsMetric") == "1")

    self.ahbLead1 = None

  def reset_traffic_events(self):
    self.stopSign_visible = False
    self.stopSign_distance = 1000.
    self.stopSign_action = 0
    self.stopSign_resume = False

    self.stopLight_visible = False
    self.stopLight_distance = 1000.
    self.stopLight_action = 0
    self.stopLight_resume = False
    self.stopLight_color = 0. #0-unknown, 1-red, 2-yellow, 3-green

  def checkWhichSign(self):
    self.stopSignWarning = 0
    self.stopLightWarning = 0
    self.roadSignType_last = self.roadSignType
    self.roadSignType = 0xFF
    self.roadSignStopDist = 1000.
    self.roadSignColor = 0
    self.roadSignControlActive = 0
    if (self.stopSign_distance < self.stopLight_distance):
      self.roadSignType = 0x00
      self.roadSignStopDist = self.stopSign_distance
      self.roadSignColor = 0
      self.roadSignControlActive = self.stopSign_resume
      if (self.stopSign_distance < self.roadSignDistanceWarning ):
        self.stopSignWarning = 1
    elif (self.stopLight_distance < self.stopSign_distance ):
      self.roadSignType = 0x01
      self.roadSignStopDist = self.stopLight_distance
      self.roadSignColor = self.stopLight_color
      self.roadSignControlActive = self.stopLight_resume
      if (self.stopLight_distance < self.roadSignDistanceWarning ) and (self.roadSignColor == 1):
        self.stopLightWarning = 1
  def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, actuators, \
             pcm_speed, pcm_override, pcm_cancel_cmd, pcm_accel, \
             hud_v_cruise, hud_show_lanes, hud_show_car, hud_alert, \
             snd_beep, snd_chime,leftLaneVisible,rightLaneVisible):

    if (not enabled) and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled):
      self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled = False
      self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter = 0
      self.warningNeeded = 1
    if self.warningCounter > 0:
      self.warningCounter = self.warningCounter - 1
      if self.warningCounter == 0:
        self.warningNeeded = 1
    if self.warningCounter == 0 or not enabled:
        # when zero reset all warnings
        self.DAS_222_accCameraBlind = 0 #we will see what we can use this for
        self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed = 0
        self.DAS_220_lcTempUnavailableRoad = 0
        self.DAS_221_lcAborting = 0
        self.DAS_211_accNoSeatBelt = 0
        self.DAS_207_lkasUnavailable = 0 #use for manual not in drive?
        self.DAS_208_rackDetected = 0 #use for low battery?
        self.DAS_202_noisyEnvironment = 0 #use for planner error?
        self.DAS_025_steeringOverride = 0 #use for manual steer?
        self.DAS_206_apUnavailable = 0 #Ap disabled from CID

    if CS.keepEonOff:
      if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("dsp") != 9:
      if CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("dsp") != 1:
    # """ Controls thread """

    if not CS.useTeslaMapData:
      if self.speedlimit is None:
        self.speedlimit = messaging.sub_sock('liveMapData', conflate=True)

    # *** no output if not enabled ***
    if not enabled and CS.pcm_acc_status:
      # send pcm acc cancel cmd if drive is disabled but pcm is still on, or if the system can't be activated
      pcm_cancel_cmd = True

    # vehicle hud display, wait for one update from 10Hz 0x304 msg
    if hud_show_lanes:
      hud_lanes = 1
      hud_lanes = 0

    # TODO: factor this out better
    if enabled:
      if hud_show_car:
        hud_car = 2
        hud_car = 1
      hud_car = 0
    # For lateral control-only, send chimes as a beep since we don't send 0x1fa
    #if CS.CP.radarOffCan:

    #print chime, alert_id, hud_alert
    fcw_display, steer_required, acc_alert = process_hud_alert(hud_alert)

    hud = HUDData(int(pcm_accel), int(round(hud_v_cruise)), 1, hud_car,
                  0xc1, hud_lanes, int(snd_beep), snd_chime, fcw_display, acc_alert, steer_required)
    if not all(isinstance(x, int) and 0 <= x < 256 for x in hud):
      print ("INVALID HUD", hud)
      hud = HUDData(0xc6, 255, 64, 0xc0, 209, 0x40, 0, 0, 0, 0)

    # **** process the car messages ****

    # *** compute control surfaces ***

    # Prevent steering while stopped
    vehicle_moving = (CS.v_ego >= MIN_STEERING_VEHICLE_VELOCITY)

    #upodate custom UI buttons and alerts
    if (frame % 100 == 0):
      #read speed limit params
      if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
        self.set_speed_limit_active = True
        self.speed_limit_offset = CS.userSpeedLimitOffsetKph
        self.set_speed_limit_active = (self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset") is not None) and (self.params.get("LimitSetSpeed") == "1")
        if self.set_speed_limit_active:
          self.speed_limit_offset = float(self.params.get("SpeedLimitOffset"))
          if not self.isMetric:
            self.speed_limit_offset = self.speed_limit_offset * CV.MPH_TO_MS
          self.speed_limit_offset = 0.
    if CS.useTeslaGPS and (frame % 10 == 0):
      if self.gpsLocationExternal is None:
        self.gpsLocationExternal = messaging.pub_sock('gpsLocationExternal')
      sol = gen_solution(CS)
      sol.logMonoTime = int(realtime.sec_since_boot() * 1e9)

    #get pitch/roll/yaw every 0.1 sec
    if (frame %10 == 0):
      (self.accPitch, self.accRoll, self.accYaw),(self.magPitch, self.magRoll, self.magYaw),(self.gyroPitch, self.gyroRoll, self.gyroYaw) = self.GYRO.update(CS.v_ego,CS.a_ego,CS.angle_steers)
      CS.UE.uiGyroInfoEvent(self.accPitch, self.accRoll, self.accYaw,self.magPitch, self.magRoll, self.magYaw,self.gyroPitch, self.gyroRoll, self.gyroYaw)

    # Update statuses for custom buttons every 0.1 sec.
    if (frame % 10 == 0):
      self.ALCA.update_status((CS.cstm_btns.get_button_status("alca") > 0) and ((CS.enableALCA and not CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration) or (CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration and CS.alcaEnabled)))

    self.blinker.update_state(CS, frame)

    # update PCC module info
    pedal_can_sends = self.PCC.update_stat(CS, frame)
    if self.PCC.pcc_available:
      self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise = False
      # Update ACC module info.
      self.ACC.update_stat(CS, True)
      self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise = False

    # update CS.v_cruise_pcm based on module selected.
    speed_uom_kph = 1.
    if CS.imperial_speed_units:
      speed_uom_kph = CV.KPH_TO_MPH
    if self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise:
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = self.ACC.acc_speed_kph * speed_uom_kph
    elif self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise:
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = self.PCC.pedal_speed_kph * speed_uom_kph
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = max(0., CS.v_ego * CV.MS_TO_KPH) * speed_uom_kph
    self.alca_enabled = self.ALCA.update(enabled, CS, actuators, self.alcaStateData, frame, self.blinker)
    self.should_ldw = self._should_ldw(CS, frame)
    apply_angle = -actuators.steerAngle  # Tesla is reversed vs OP.
    # Update HSO module info.
    human_control = self.HSO.update_stat(self,CS, enabled, actuators, frame)
    human_lane_changing = CS.turn_signal_stalk_state > 0 and not self.alca_enabled
    enable_steer_control = (enabled
                            and not human_lane_changing
                            and not human_control 
                            and  vehicle_moving)
    angle_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_MAX_BP, ANGLE_MAX_V)
    apply_angle = clip(apply_angle, -angle_lim, angle_lim)
    # Windup slower.
    if self.last_angle * apply_angle > 0. and abs(apply_angle) > abs(self.last_angle):
      angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_V)
      angle_rate_lim = interp(CS.v_ego, ANGLE_DELTA_BP, ANGLE_DELTA_VU)

    #BB disable limits to test 0.5.8
    # apply_angle = clip(apply_angle , self.last_angle - angle_rate_lim, self.last_angle + angle_rate_lim) 
    # If human control, send the steering angle as read at steering wheel.
    if human_control:
      apply_angle = CS.angle_steers

    # Send CAN commands.
    can_sends = []

    #if using radar, we need to send the VIN
    if CS.useTeslaRadar and (frame % 100 == 0):
      if CS.useTeslaRadar:
      self.radarVin_idx += 1
      self.radarVin_idx = self.radarVin_idx  % 3

    #First we emulate DAS.
    # DAS_longC_enabled (1),DAS_speed_override (1),DAS_apUnavailable (1), DAS_collision_warning (1),  DAS_op_status (4)
    # DAS_speed_kph(8), 
    # DAS_turn_signal_request (2),DAS_forward_collision_warning (2), DAS_hands_on_state (3), 
    # DAS_cc_state (2), DAS_usingPedal(1),DAS_alca_state (5),
    # DAS_acc_speed_limit (8),
    # DAS_speed_limit_units(8)
    #send fake_das data as 0x553
    # TODO: forward collision warning

    if frame % 10 == 0:
        speedlimitMsg = None
        if self.speedlimit is not None:
          speedlimitMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.speedlimit)
        icLeadsMsg = self.icLeads.receive(non_blocking=True)
        radarStateMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.radarState)
        alcaStateMsg = self.alcaState.receive(non_blocking=True)
        pathPlanMsg = messaging.recv_one_or_none(self.pathPlan)
        icCarLRMsg = self.icCarLR.receive(non_blocking=True)
        trafficeventsMsgs = None
        if self.trafficevents is not None:
          trafficeventsMsgs = messaging.recv_sock(self.trafficevents)
        if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
          self.speed_limit_ms = CS.speed_limit_ms
        if (speedlimitMsg is not None) and not CS.useTeslaMapData:
          lmd = speedlimitMsg.liveMapData
          self.speed_limit_ms = lmd.speedLimit if lmd.speedLimitValid else 0
        if icLeadsMsg is not None:
          self.icLeadsData = tesla.ICLeads.from_bytes(icLeadsMsg)
        if radarStateMsg is not None:
          #to show lead car on IC
          if self.icLeadsData is not None:
            can_messages = self.showLeadCarOnICCanMessage(radarStateMsg = radarStateMsg)
        if alcaStateMsg is not None:
          self.alcaStateData =  tesla.ALCAState.from_bytes(alcaStateMsg)
        if pathPlanMsg is not None:
          #to show curvature and lanes on IC
          if self.alcaStateData is not None:
            self.handlePathPlanSocketForCurvatureOnIC(pathPlanMsg = pathPlanMsg, alcaStateData = self.alcaStateData,CS = CS)
        if icCarLRMsg is not None:
          can_messages = self.showLeftAndRightCarsOnICCanMessages(icCarLRMsg = tesla.ICCarsLR.from_bytes(icCarLRMsg))
        if trafficeventsMsgs is not None:
          can_messages = self.handleTrafficEvents(trafficEventsMsgs = trafficeventsMsgs)

    op_status = 0x02
    hands_on_state = 0x00
    forward_collision_warning = 0 #1 if needed
    if hud_alert == AH.FCW:
      forward_collision_warning = hud_alert[1]
      if forward_collision_warning > 1:
        forward_collision_warning = 1
    #cruise state: 0 unavailable, 1 available, 2 enabled, 3 hold
    cc_state = 1 
    alca_state = 0x00 
    speed_override = 0
    collision_warning = 0x00
    speed_control_enabled = 0
    accel_min = -15
    accel_max = 5
    acc_speed_kph = 0
    send_fake_warning = False
    send_fake_msg = False
    if enabled:
      #self.opState  0-disabled, 1-enabled, 2-disabling, 3-unavailable, 5-warning
      alca_state = 0x01
      if self.opState == 0:
        op_status = 0x02
      if self.opState == 1:
        op_status = 0x03
      if self.opState == 2:
        op_status = 0x08
      if self.opState == 3:
        op_status = 0x01
      if self.opState == 5:
        op_status = 0x03
      if self.blinker.override_direction > 0:
        alca_state = 0x08 + self.blinker.override_direction
      elif (self.lLine > 1) and (self.rLine > 1):
        alca_state = 0x08
      elif (self.lLine > 1):
        alca_state = 0x06
      elif (self.rLine > 1): 
        alca_state = 0x07
        alca_state = 0x01
      #canceled by user
      if self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter > 0):
        alca_state = 0x14
      #min speed for ALCA
      if (CS.CL_MIN_V > CS.v_ego):
        alca_state = 0x05
      #max angle for ALCA
      if (abs(actuators.steerAngle) >= CS.CL_MAX_A):
        alca_state = 0x15
      if not enable_steer_control:
        #op_status = 0x08
        hands_on_state = 0x02
      if hud_alert == AH.STEER:
        if snd_chime == CM.MUTE:
          hands_on_state = 0x03
          hands_on_state = 0x05
      if self.PCC.pcc_available:
        acc_speed_kph = self.PCC.pedal_speed_kph
      if hud_alert == AH.FCW:
        collision_warning = hud_alert[1]
        if collision_warning > 1:
          collision_warning = 1
        #use disabling for alerts/errors to make them aware someting is goin going on
      if (snd_chime == CM.DOUBLE) or (hud_alert == AH.FCW):
        op_status = 0x08
      if self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise:
        acc_speed_kph = self.ACC.new_speed #pcm_speed * CV.MS_TO_KPH
      if (self.PCC.pcc_available and self.PCC.enable_pedal_cruise) or (self.ACC.enable_adaptive_cruise):
        speed_control_enabled = 1
        cc_state = 2
        if not self.ACC.adaptive:
            cc_state = 3
        CS.speed_control_enabled = 1
        CS.speed_control_enabled = 0
        if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 4):
          #car CC enabled but not OP, display the HOLD message
          cc_state = 3
      if (CS.pcm_acc_status == 4):
        cc_state = 3
    if enabled:
      if frame % 2 == 0:
        send_fake_msg = True
      if frame % 25 == 0:
        send_fake_warning = True
      if frame % 23 == 0:
        send_fake_msg = True
      if frame % 60 == 0:
        send_fake_warning = True
    if frame % 10 == 0:
    speed_override = 0
    if (CS.pedal_interceptor_value > 10) and (cc_state > 1):
      speed_override = 0 #force zero for now
    if (not enable_steer_control) and op_status == 3:
      #hands_on_state = 0x03
      self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed = 1
      self.warningCounter = 100
      self.warningNeeded = 1
    if enabled and self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled and (not CS.steer_override) and (CS.turn_signal_stalk_state == 0) and (self.ALCA.laneChange_cancelled_counter > 0):
      self.DAS_221_lcAborting = 1
      self.warningCounter = 300
      self.warningNeeded = 1
    if CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
      highLowBeamStatus,highLowBeamReason,ahbIsEnabled = self.AHB.update(CS,frame,self.ahbLead1)
      if frame % 5 == 0:
        self.cc_counter = (self.cc_counter + 1) % 40 #use this to change status once a second
        self.fleet_speed_state = 0x00 #fleet speed unavailable
        if FleetSpeed.is_available(CS):
          if self.ACC.fleet_speed.is_active(frame) or self.PCC.fleet_speed.is_active(frame):
            self.fleet_speed_state = 0x02 #fleet speed enabled
            self.fleet_speed_state = 0x01 #fleet speed available
    if (self.cc_counter < 3) and (self.fleet_speed_state == 0x02):
      CS.v_cruise_pcm = CS.v_cruise_pcm + 1 
      send_fake_msg = True
    if (self.cc_counter == 3):
      send_fake_msg = True
    if send_fake_msg:
      if enable_steer_control and op_status == 3:
        op_status = 0x5
      park_brake_request = int(CS.ahbEnabled)
      if park_brake_request == 1:
        print("Park Brake Request received")
      adaptive_cruise = 1 if (not self.PCC.pcc_available and self.ACC.adaptive) or self.PCC.pcc_available else 0
      can_sends.append(teslacan.create_fake_DAS_msg(speed_control_enabled,speed_override,self.DAS_206_apUnavailable, collision_warning, op_status, \
            acc_speed_kph, \
            self.blinker.override_direction,forward_collision_warning, adaptive_cruise,  hands_on_state, \
            cc_state, 1 if self.PCC.pcc_available else 0, alca_state, \
            1 if enable_steer_control else 0,
    if send_fake_warning or (self.opState == 2) or (self.opState == 5) or (self.stopSignWarning != self.stopSignWarning_last) or (self.stopLightWarning != self.stopLightWarning_last) or (self.warningNeeded == 1) or (frame % 100 == 0):
      #if it's time to send OR we have a warning or emergency disable
      can_sends.append(teslacan.create_fake_DAS_warning(self.DAS_211_accNoSeatBelt, CS.DAS_canErrors, \
            self.DAS_202_noisyEnvironment, CS.DAS_doorOpen, CS.DAS_notInDrive, CS.enableDasEmulation, CS.enableRadarEmulation, \
            self.stopSignWarning, self.stopLightWarning, \
            self.DAS_222_accCameraBlind, self.DAS_219_lcTempUnavailableSpeed, self.DAS_220_lcTempUnavailableRoad, self.DAS_221_lcAborting, \
            self.DAS_207_lkasUnavailable,self.DAS_208_rackDetected, self.DAS_025_steeringOverride,self.ldwStatus,0,CS.useWithoutHarness))
      self.stopLightWarning_last = self.stopLightWarning
      self.stopSignWarning_last = self.stopSignWarning
      self.warningNeeded = 0
    # end of DAS emulation """
    if frame % 100 == 0: # and CS.hasTeslaIcIntegration:
        #IF WE HAVE softPanda RUNNING, send a message every second to say we are still awake

    # send enabled ethernet every 0.2 sec
    if frame % 20 == 0:
    if (not self.PCC.pcc_available) and frame % 5 == 0: # acc processed at 20Hz
      cruise_btn = self.ACC.update_acc(enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed, \
                    self.speed_limit_ms * CV.MS_TO_KPH,
                    self.set_speed_limit_active, self.speed_limit_offset)
      if cruise_btn:
          cruise_msg = teslacan.create_cruise_adjust_msg(
            turnIndLvr_Stat= 0,
          # Send this CAN msg first because it is racing against the real stalk.
          can_sends.insert(0, cruise_msg)
    apply_accel = 0.
    if self.PCC.pcc_available and frame % 5 == 0: # pedal processed at 20Hz
      apply_accel, accel_needed, accel_idx = self.PCC.update_pdl(enabled, CS, frame, actuators, pcm_speed, \
                    self.set_speed_limit_active, self.speed_limit_offset * CV.KPH_TO_MS, self.alca_enabled)
      can_sends.append(teslacan.create_pedal_command_msg(apply_accel, int(accel_needed), accel_idx))
    self.last_angle = apply_angle
    self.last_accel = apply_accel
    return pedal_can_sends + can_sends

  #to show lead car on IC
  def showLeadCarOnICCanMessage(self, radarStateMsg):
    messages = []
    leads = radarStateMsg.radarState
    if leads is None:
      self.ahbLead1 = None
      return messages
    lead_1 = leads.leadOne
    lead_2 = leads.leadTwo
    if (lead_1 is not None) and lead_1.status:
      self.ahbLead1 = lead_1
      self.leadDx = lead_1.dRel
      self.leadDy = self.curv0-lead_1.yRel
      self.leadId = self.icLeadsData.lead1trackId
      self.leadClass = self.icLeadsData.lead1oClass 
      self.leadVx = lead_1.vRel
      if (self.leadId <= 0) or (self.leadId == 63):
        self.leadId = 61
      self.leadDx = 0.
      self.leadDy = 0.
      self.leadClass = 0
      self.leadId = 0
      self.leadVx = 0xF
    if (lead_2 is not None) and lead_2.status:
      self.lead2Dx = lead_2.dRel
      self.lead2Dy = self.curv0-lead_2.yRel
      self.lead2Id = self.icLeadsData.lead2trackId
      self.lead2Class = self.icLeadsData.lead2oClass 
      self.lead2Vx = lead_2.vRel
      if (self.lead2Id <= 0) or (self.lead2Id == 63):
        self.leadId = 62
      self.lead2Dx = 0.
      self.lead2Dy = 0.
      self.lead2Class = 0
      self.lead2Id = 0
      self.lead2Vx = 0xF
    messages.append(teslacan.create_DAS_LR_object_msg(0,self.leadClass, self.leadId,
    return messages

  def handlePathPlanSocketForCurvatureOnIC(self, pathPlanMsg, alcaStateData, CS):
    pp = pathPlanMsg.pathPlan
    if pp.paramsValid:
      if pp.lProb > 0.75:
        self.lLine = 3
      elif pp.lProb > 0.5:
        self.lLine = 2
      elif pp.lProb > 0.25:
        self.lLine = 1
        self.lLine = 0
      if pp.rProb > 0.75:
        self.rLine = 3
      elif pp.rProb > 0.5:
        self.rLine = 2
      elif pp.rProb > 0.25:
        self.rLine = 1
        self.rLine = 0
      #first we clip to the AP limits of the coefficients
      self.curv0 = -clip(pp.dPoly[3],-3.5,3.5) #self.curv0Matrix.add(-clip(pp.cPoly[3],-3.5,3.5))
      self.curv1 = -clip(pp.dPoly[2],-0.2,0.2) #self.curv1Matrix.add(-clip(pp.cPoly[2],-0.2,0.2))
      self.curv2 = -clip(pp.dPoly[1],-0.0025,0.0025) #self.curv2Matrix.add(-clip(pp.cPoly[1],-0.0025,0.0025))
      self.curv3 = -clip(pp.dPoly[0],-0.00003,0.00003) #self.curv3Matrix.add(-clip(pp.cPoly[0],-0.00003,0.00003))
      self.laneWidth = pp.laneWidth
      self.visionCurvC0 = self.curv0
      self.prev_ldwStatus = self.ldwStatus
      self.ldwStatus = 0
      if alcaStateData.alcaEnabled:
        #exagerate position a little during ALCA to make lane change look smoother on IC
        self.curv1 = 0.0 #straighten the turn for ALCA
        self.curv0 = -self.ALCA.laneChange_direction * alcaStateData.alcaLaneWidth * alcaStateData.alcaStep / alcaStateData.alcaTotalSteps #animas late change on IC
        self.curv0 = clip(self.curv0, -3.5, 3.5)
        self.lLine = 3
        self.rLine = 3
        if self.should_ldw:
          if pp.lProb > LDW_LANE_PROBAB:
            lLaneC0 = -pp.lPoly[3]
            if abs(lLaneC0) < LDW_WARNING_2:
              self.ldwStatus = 3
            elif  abs(lLaneC0) < LDW_WARNING_1:
              self.ldwStatus = 1
          if pp.rProb > LDW_LANE_PROBAB:
            rLaneC0 = -pp.rPoly[3]
            if abs(rLaneC0) < LDW_WARNING_2:
              self.ldwStatus = 4
            elif  abs(rLaneC0) < LDW_WARNING_1:
              self.ldwStatus = 2
      if not(self.prev_ldwStatus == self.ldwStatus):
        self.warningNeeded = 1
        if self.ldwStatus > 0:
          self.warningCounter = 50
      self.lLine = 0
      self.rLine = 0
      self.curv0 = self.curv0Matrix.add(0.)
      self.curv1 = self.curv1Matrix.add(0.)
      self.curv2 = self.curv2Matrix.add(0.)
      self.curv3 = self.curv3Matrix.add(0.)

  # Generates IC messages for the Left and Right radar identified cars from radard
  def showLeftAndRightCarsOnICCanMessages(self, icCarLRMsg):
    messages = []
    icCarLR_msg = icCarLRMsg
    if icCarLR_msg is not None:
      #for icCarLR_msg in icCarLR_list:
    return messages

  def handleTrafficEvents(self, trafficEventsMsgs):
    messages = []
    tr_ev_list = trafficEventsMsgs
    if tr_ev_list is not None:
      for tr_ev in tr_ev_list.trafficEvents:
        if tr_ev.type == 0x00:
          if (tr_ev.distance < self.stopSign_distance):
            self.stopSign_visible = True
            self.stopSign_distance = tr_ev.distance 
            self.stopSign_action = tr_ev.action
            self.stopSign_resume = tr_ev.resuming
        if tr_ev.type ==  0x04:
          if (tr_ev.distance < self.stopLight_distance):
            self.stopLight_visible = True
            self.stopLight_distance = tr_ev.distance
            self.stopLight_action = tr_ev.action
            self.stopLight_resume = tr_ev.resuming
            self.stopLight_color = 1. #0-unknown, 1-red, 2-yellow, 3-green
        if tr_ev.type == 0x01:
          if (tr_ev.distance < self.stopLight_distance):
            self.stopLight_visible = True
            self.stopLight_distance = tr_ev.distance
            self.stopLight_action = tr_ev.action
            self.stopLight_resume = tr_ev.resuming
            self.stopLight_color = 1. #0-unknown, 1-red, 2-yellow, 3-green
        if tr_ev.type == 0x02:
          if (tr_ev.distance < self.stopLight_distance):
            self.stopLight_visible = True
            self.stopLight_distance = tr_ev.distance
            self.stopLight_action = tr_ev.action
            self.stopLight_resume = tr_ev.resuming
            self.stopLight_color = 2. #0-unknown, 1-red, 2-yellow, 3-green
        if tr_ev.type == 0x03:
          if (tr_ev.distance < self.stopLight_distance):
            self.stopLight_visible = True
            self.stopLight_distance = tr_ev.distance
            self.stopLight_action = tr_ev.action
            self.stopLight_resume = tr_ev.resuming
            self.stopLight_color = 3. #0-unknown, 1-red, 2-yellow, 3-green
      if not ((self.roadSignType_last == self.roadSignType) and (self.roadSignType == 0xFF)):
    return messages

  def _should_ldw(self, CS, frame):
    if not CS.enableLdw:
      return False
    if CS.prev_turn_signal_blinking and not CS.turn_signal_blinking:
      self.ldw_numb_frame_end = frame + int(100 * CS.ldwNumbPeriod)

    return CS.v_ego >= self.LDW_ENABLE_SPEED and not CS.turn_signal_blinking and frame > self.ldw_numb_frame_end
コード例 #18
def thermald_thread():

    # prevent LEECO from undervoltage
    BATT_PERC_OFF = 10 if LEON else 3

    # now loop
    context = zmq.Context()
    thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port)
    health_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port)
    location_sock = messaging.sub_sock(context,
    fan_speed = 0
    count = 0

    off_ts = None
    started_ts = None
    ignition_seen = False
    started_seen = False
    passive_starter = LocationStarter()
    thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
    health_sock.RCVTIMEO = 1500
    current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, 1.)

    # Make sure charging is enabled
    charging_disabled = False
    os.system('echo "1" > /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charging_enabled')

    params = Params()

    while 1:
        health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
        location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
        location = location.gpsLocation if location else None
        msg = read_thermal()

        # loggerd is gated based on free space
        statvfs = os.statvfs(ROOT)
        avail = (statvfs.f_bavail * 1.0) / statvfs.f_blocks

        # thermal message now also includes free space
        msg.thermal.freeSpace = avail
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity") as f:
            msg.thermal.batteryPercent = int(f.read())
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/status") as f:
            msg.thermal.batteryStatus = f.read().strip()
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/current_now") as f:
            msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = int(f.read())
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/battery/voltage_now") as f:
            msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = int(f.read())
        with open("/sys/class/power_supply/usb/present") as f:
            msg.thermal.usbOnline = bool(int(f.read()))

        current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

        # TODO: add car battery voltage check
        max_cpu_temp = max(msg.thermal.cpu0, msg.thermal.cpu1,
                           msg.thermal.cpu2, msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0
        max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem / 10.,
                            msg.thermal.gpu / 10.)
        bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000.
        fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed)
        msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

        # thermal logic with hysterisis
        if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63.:
            # onroad not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
        elif max_comp_temp > 95. or bat_temp > 60.:
            # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 90.0:
            # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 85.0:
            # uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
        elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
            # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green,
            # all good
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green

        # **** starting logic ****

        # start constellation of processes when the car starts
        ignition = health is not None and health.health.started
        ignition_seen = ignition_seen or ignition

        # add voltage check for ignition
        if not ignition_seen and health is not None and health.health.voltage > 13500:
            ignition = True

        do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == "1"
        accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == "1"
        completed_training = params.get(
            "CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

        should_start = ignition

        # have we seen a panda?
        passive = (params.get("Passive") == "1")

        # start on gps movement if we haven't seen ignition and are in passive mode
        should_start = should_start or (not (
            ignition_seen and health)  # seen ignition and panda is connected
                                        and passive and passive_starter.update(
                                            started_ts, location))

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02

        # require usb power in passive mode
        should_start = should_start and (not passive or msg.thermal.usbOnline)

        # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling
        should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and (
            passive or completed_training) and (not do_uninstall)

        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
        if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger:
            # TODO: Add a better warning when this is happening
            should_start = False

        if should_start:
            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
                    'echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'
            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()
                    'echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'

            # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for
            # more than a minute but we were running
            if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < BATT_PERC_OFF and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
               started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 60:
                os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

        #charging_disabled = check_car_battery_voltage(should_start, health, charging_disabled)

        msg.thermal.chargingDisabled = charging_disabled
        msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0.  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
        msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status

        # report to server once per minute
        if (count % 60) == 0:
                           health=(health.to_dict() if health else None),
                           location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

        count += 1
コード例 #19
ファイル: manager.py プロジェクト: lth1436/opa077r3
def main():
  os.environ['PARAMS_PATH'] = PARAMS

    # the flippening!
    os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" content insert --uri content://settings/system --bind name:s:user_rotation --bind value:i:1')

    # disable bluetooth
    os.system('service call bluetooth_manager 8')

  params = Params()

  default_params = [
    ("CommunityFeaturesToggle", "0"),
    ("CompletedTrainingVersion", "0"),
    ("IsRHD", "0"),
    ("IsMetric", "0"),
    ("RecordFront", "0"),
    ("HasAcceptedTerms", "0"),
    ("HasCompletedSetup", "0"),
    ("IsUploadRawEnabled", "1"),
    ("IsLdwEnabled", "1"),
    ("IsGeofenceEnabled", "-1"),
    ("SpeedLimitOffset", "0"),
    ("LongitudinalControl", "0"),
    ("LimitSetSpeed", "0"),
    ("LimitSetSpeedNeural", "0"),
    ("LastUpdateTime", datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat().encode('utf8')),
    ("OpenpilotEnabledToggle", "1"),
    ("LaneChangeEnabled", "1"),
    ("IsDriverViewEnabled", "0"),
    ("IsOpenpilotViewEnabled", "0"),
    ("OpkrAutoShutdown", "0"),
    ("OpkrAutoScreenOff", "0"),
    ("OpkrUIBrightness", "0"),
    ("OpkrEnableDriverMonitoring", "1"),
    ("OpkrEnableLogger", "0"),
    ("OpkrEnableGetoffAlert", "1"),
    ("OpkrAutoResume", "1"),
    ("OpkrAccelProfile", "0"),
    ("OpkrAutoLanechangedelay", "0"),
    ("PutPrebuiltOn", "0"),
    ("FingerprintIssuedFix", "0"),
    ("LdwsCarFix", "0"),
    ("LateralControlMethod", "0"),
    ("CruiseStatemodeSelInit", "0"),
    ("LateralControlPriority", "0"),
    ("OuterLoopGain", "20"),
    ("InnerLoopGain", "30"),
    ("TimeConstant", "10"),
    ("ActuatorEffectiveness", "15"),
    ("Scale", "1850"),
    ("LqrKi", "30"),
    ("DcGain", "30"),
    ("IgnoreZone", "0"),
    ("PidKp", "20"),
    ("PidKi", "40"),
    ("PidKf", "4"),
    ("CameraOffsetAdj", "60"),
    ("SteerRatioAdj", "165"),
    ("SteerActuatorDelayAdj", "30"),
    ("SteerRateCostAdj", "50"),
    ("SteerLimitTimerAdj", "40"),
    ("TireStiffnessFactorAdj", "100"),
    ("SteerMaxAdj", "255"),
    ("SteerDeltaUpAdj", "3"),
    ("SteerDeltaDownAdj", "7"),

  # set unset params
  for k, v in default_params:
    if params.get(k) is None:
      params.put(k, v)

  # is this chffrplus?
  if os.getenv("PASSIVE") is not None:
    params.put("Passive", str(int(os.getenv("PASSIVE"))))

  if params.get("Passive") is None:
    raise Exception("Passive must be set to continue")


  if os.getenv("PREPAREONLY") is not None:

  # SystemExit on sigterm
  signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda signum, frame: sys.exit(1))

  except Exception:
    cleanup_all_processes(None, None)

  if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":
コード例 #20
ファイル: interface.py プロジェクト: wikarous/op
    def get_params(candidate,
                   car_fw=[]):  # pylint: disable=dangerous-default-value
        ret = CarInterfaceBase.get_std_params(candidate, fingerprint,

        ret.carName = "hyundai"
        ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hyundai

        params = Params()
        if int(params.get('LateralControlPriority')) == 0:
            ret.radarOffCan = False  #False(선행차우선)  #True(차선우선)    #선행차량 인식 마크 유무.
            ret.radarOffCan = True

        # Most Hyundai car ports are community features for now
        ret.communityFeature = False

        kyd = kyd_conf()
        tire_stiffness_factor = 1.
        ret.steerActuatorDelay = float(kyd.conf['SteerActuatorDelay'])  # 0.3
        ret.steerRateCost = 0.5
        ret.steerLimitTimer = float(kyd.conf['SteerLimitTimer'])  # 0.4

        if int(params.get('LateralControlMethod')) == 0:
            if candidate == CAR.SANTAFE:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1830. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.765
                # Values from optimizer
                ret.steerRatio = 13.8  # 13.8 is spec end-to-end
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.SORENTO:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1950. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.78
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.GENESIS:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 2060. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 3.01
                ret.steerRatio = 16.5
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.16],
            elif candidate in [CAR.K5, CAR.SONATA]:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1470. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 12.75
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.SONATA_TURBO:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1565. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15  # 15% higher at the center seems reasonable
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate in [CAR.K5_HEV, CAR.SONATA_HEV]:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006
                ret.mass = 1595. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 12.75
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR, CAR.K7]:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1570. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.885
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR_HEV, CAR.K7_HEV]:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1675. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.885
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.STINGER:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1825. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.78
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15  # 15% higher at the center seems reasonable
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.NIRO_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1425. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.NIRO_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1425. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.IONIQ_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00006
                ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.IONIQ_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1490. + STD_CARGO_KG  #weight per hyundai site https://www.hyundaiusa.com/ioniq-electric/specifications.aspx
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.25  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.NEXO:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1885. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.79
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.MOHAVE:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 2250. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.895
                ret.steerRatio = 14.1
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.I30:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1380. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.65
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.AVANTE:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  # 14 is Stock | Settled Params Learner values are steerRatio: 15.401566348670535
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.SELTOS:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1470. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.63
                ret.steerRatio = 13.0
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
            elif candidate == CAR.PALISADE:
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kf = 0.00005
                ret.mass = 1955. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.90
                ret.steerRatio = 13.0
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiBP, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpBP = [[0.],
                ret.lateralTuning.pid.kpV, ret.lateralTuning.pid.kiV = [[0.25],
        elif int(params.get('LateralControlMethod')) == 1:
            if candidate == CAR.SANTAFE:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1830. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.765
                ret.steerRatio = 13.8  # 13.8 is spec end-to-end
            elif candidate == CAR.SORENTO:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1950. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.78
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15
            elif candidate == CAR.GENESIS:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 2060. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 3.01
                ret.steerRatio = 16.5
            elif candidate in [CAR.K5, CAR.SONATA]:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1470. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 12.75
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.SONATA_TURBO:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1565. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15  # 15% higher at the center seems reasonable
            elif candidate in [CAR.K5_HEV, CAR.SONATA_HEV]:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1595. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 12.75
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR, CAR.K7]:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1570. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.885
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR_HEV, CAR.K7_HEV]:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1675. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.885
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.STINGER:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1825. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.78
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15  # 15% higher at the center seems reasonable
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.NIRO_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1425. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
            elif candidate == CAR.NIRO_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1425. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
            elif candidate == CAR.IONIQ_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
            elif candidate == CAR.IONIQ_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1490. + STD_CARGO_KG  #weight per hyundai site https://www.hyundaiusa.com/ioniq-electric/specifications.aspx
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.25  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.NEXO:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1885. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.79
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
            elif candidate == CAR.MOHAVE:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 2250. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.895
                ret.steerRatio = 14.1
            elif candidate == CAR.I30:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1380. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.65
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5
            elif candidate == CAR.AVANTE:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  # 14 is Stock | Settled Params Learner values are steerRatio: 15.401566348670535
            elif candidate == CAR.SELTOS:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1470. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.63
                ret.steerRatio = 13.0
            elif candidate == CAR.PALISADE:
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.innerLoopGain = 3.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.outerLoopGain = 2.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.timeConstant = 1.0
                ret.lateralTuning.indi.actuatorEffectiveness = 1.5
                ret.mass = 1955. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.90
                ret.steerRatio = 13.0
        elif int(params.get('LateralControlMethod')) == 2:
            if candidate == CAR.SANTAFE:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1830. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.765
                ret.steerRatio = 13.8  # 13.8 is spec end-to-end
            elif candidate == CAR.SORENTO:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1950. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.78
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15
            elif candidate == CAR.GENESIS:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 2060. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 3.01
                ret.steerRatio = 16.5
            elif candidate in [CAR.K5, CAR.SONATA]:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1470. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 12.75
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.SONATA_TURBO:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1565. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15  # 15% higher at the center seems reasonable
            elif candidate in [CAR.K5_HEV, CAR.SONATA_HEV]:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1595. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.80
                ret.steerRatio = 12.75
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR, CAR.K7]:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1570. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.885
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate in [CAR.GRANDEUR_HEV, CAR.K7_HEV]:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1675. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.885
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.STINGER:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1825. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.78
                ret.steerRatio = 14.4 * 1.15  # 15% higher at the center seems reasonable
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.KONA_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1330. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.6
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.NIRO_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1425. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
            elif candidate == CAR.NIRO_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1425. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
            elif candidate == CAR.IONIQ_HEV:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.73  #Spec
            elif candidate == CAR.IONIQ_EV:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1490. + STD_CARGO_KG  #weight per hyundai site https://www.hyundaiusa.com/ioniq-electric/specifications.aspx
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.25  #Spec
                ret.steerRateCost = 0.4
            elif candidate == CAR.NEXO:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1885. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.79
                ret.steerRatio = 12.5
            elif candidate == CAR.MOHAVE:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 2250. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.895
                ret.steerRatio = 14.1
            elif candidate == CAR.I30:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1380. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.65
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5
            elif candidate == CAR.AVANTE:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1275. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.7
                ret.steerRatio = 13.5  # 14 is Stock | Settled Params Learner values are steerRatio: 15.401566348670535
            elif candidate == CAR.SELTOS:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1470. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.63
                ret.steerRatio = 13.0
            elif candidate == CAR.PALISADE:
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.scale = 1750.0
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.ki = 0.03
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.a = [0., 1., -0.22619643, 1.21822268]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.b = [-1.92006585e-04, 3.95603032e-05]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.c = [1., 0.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.k = [-100., 450.]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.l = [0.22, 0.318]
                ret.lateralTuning.lqr.dcGain = 0.003
                ret.mass = 1955. + STD_CARGO_KG
                ret.wheelbase = 2.90
                ret.steerRatio = 13.0

        # these cars require a special panda safety mode due to missing counters and checksums in the messages
        if candidate in [
            ret.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModel.hyundaiLegacy

        ret.centerToFront = ret.wheelbase * 0.4

        # TODO: get actual value, for now starting with reasonable value for
        # civic and scaling by mass and wheelbase
        ret.rotationalInertia = scale_rot_inertia(ret.mass, ret.wheelbase)

        # TODO: start from empirically derived lateral slip stiffness for the civic and scale by
        # mass and CG position, so all cars will have approximately similar dyn behaviors
        ret.tireStiffnessFront, ret.tireStiffnessRear = scale_tire_stiffness(

        ret.enableCamera = is_ecu_disconnected(fingerprint[0], FINGERPRINTS,
                                               ECU_FINGERPRINT, candidate,
                                               Ecu.fwdCamera) or has_relay

        # ignore CAN2 address if L-CAN on the same BUS
        ret.mdpsBus = 1 if 593 in fingerprint[1] and 1296 not in fingerprint[
            1] else 0  # MDPS12
        ret.sasBus = 1 if 688 in fingerprint[1] and 1296 not in fingerprint[
            1] else 0  # SAS11
        ret.sccBus = 0 if 1056 in fingerprint[
            0] else 1 if 1056 in fingerprint[1] and 1296 not in fingerprint[
                1] else 2 if 1056 in fingerprint[2] else -1  # SCC11
        return ret
コード例 #21
ファイル: test_params.py プロジェクト: kss1930/openpilot-1
 def test_persist_params_put_and_get(self):
     p = Params(persistent_params=True)
     p.put("DongleId", "cb38263377b873ee")
     assert p.get("DongleId") == b"cb38263377b873ee"
コード例 #22
def fingerprint(logcan, sendcan, has_relay):
    params = Params()
    car_selected = params.get('dp_car_selected', encoding='utf8')
    car_detected = params.get('dp_car_detected', encoding='utf8')
    cached_params = params.get("CarParamsCache")
    if cached_params is None and car_selected == "" and car_detected != "":
        params.put('dp_car_selected', car_detected)
        params.put('dp_car_detected', "")

    fixed_fingerprint = os.environ.get('FINGERPRINT', "")
    if fixed_fingerprint == "" and cached_params is None and car_selected != "":
        fixed_fingerprint = car_selected
    skip_fw_query = os.environ.get('SKIP_FW_QUERY', False)

    if has_relay and not fixed_fingerprint and not skip_fw_query:
        # Vin query only reliably works thorugh OBDII
        bus = 1

        if cached_params is not None:
            cached_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(cached_params)
            if cached_params.carName == "mock":
                cached_params = None

        if cached_params is not None and len(
        ) > 0 and cached_params.carVin is not VIN_UNKNOWN:
            cloudlog.warning("Using cached CarParams")
            vin = cached_params.carVin
            car_fw = list(cached_params.carFw)
            cloudlog.warning("Getting VIN & FW versions")
            _, vin = get_vin(logcan, sendcan, bus)
            car_fw = get_fw_versions(logcan, sendcan, bus)

        fw_candidates = match_fw_to_car(car_fw)
        vin = VIN_UNKNOWN
        fw_candidates, car_fw = set(), []

    cloudlog.warning("VIN %s", vin)
    Params().put("CarVin", vin)

    finger = gen_empty_fingerprint()
    candidate_cars = {i: all_known_cars()
                      for i in [0, 1]
                      }  # attempt fingerprint on both bus 0 and 1
    frame = 0
    frame_fingerprint = 10  # 0.1s
    car_fingerprint = None
    done = False

    while not done:
        a = get_one_can(logcan)

        for can in a.can:
            # need to independently try to fingerprint both bus 0 and 1 to work
            # for the combo black_panda and honda_bosch. Ignore extended messages
            # and VIN query response.
            # Include bus 2 for toyotas to disambiguate cars using camera messages
            # (ideally should be done for all cars but we can't for Honda Bosch)
            if can.src in range(0, 4):
                finger[can.src][can.address] = len(can.dat)
            for b in candidate_cars:
                if (can.src == b or (only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]) and can.src == 2)) and \
                   can.address < 0x800 and can.address not in [0x7df, 0x7e0, 0x7e8]:
                    candidate_cars[b] = eliminate_incompatible_cars(
                        can, candidate_cars[b])

        # if we only have one car choice and the time since we got our first
        # message has elapsed, exit
        for b in candidate_cars:
            # Toyota needs higher time to fingerprint, since DSU does not broadcast immediately
            if only_toyota_left(candidate_cars[b]):
                frame_fingerprint = 100  # 1s
            if len(candidate_cars[b]) == 1 and frame > frame_fingerprint:
                # fingerprint done
                car_fingerprint = candidate_cars[b][0]

        # bail if no cars left or we've been waiting for more than 2s
        failed = all(len(cc) == 0
                     for cc in candidate_cars.values()) or frame > 200
        succeeded = car_fingerprint is not None
        done = failed or succeeded

        frame += 1

    source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.can

    # If FW query returns exactly 1 candidate, use it
    if len(fw_candidates) == 1:
        car_fingerprint = list(fw_candidates)[0]
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fw

    if fixed_fingerprint:
        car_fingerprint = fixed_fingerprint
        source = car.CarParams.FingerprintSource.fixed

    cloudlog.warning("fingerprinted %s", car_fingerprint)
    put_nonblocking('dp_car_detected', car_fingerprint)
    return car_fingerprint, finger, vin, car_fw, source
コード例 #23
ファイル: thermald.py プロジェクト: zijun-lin/openpilot
def thermald_thread():
    # prevent LEECO from undervoltage
    BATT_PERC_OFF = 10 if LEON else 3

    health_timeout = int(1000 * 2.5 *
                         DT_TRML)  # 2.5x the expected health frequency

    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.pub_sock('thermal')
    health_sock = messaging.sub_sock('health', timeout=health_timeout)
    location_sock = messaging.sub_sock('gpsLocation')

    ignition = False
    fan_speed = 0
    count = 0

    off_ts = None
    started_ts = None
    started_seen = False
    thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green
    thermal_status_prev = ThermalStatus.green
    usb_power = True
    usb_power_prev = True

    network_type = NetworkType.none
    network_strength = NetworkStrength.unknown

    current_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CURRENT_TAU, DT_TRML)
    cpu_temp_filter = FirstOrderFilter(0., CPU_TEMP_TAU, DT_TRML)
    health_prev = None
    fw_version_match_prev = True
    current_connectivity_alert = None
    time_valid_prev = True
    should_start_prev = False
    handle_fan = None
    is_uno = False
    has_relay = False

    params = Params()
    pm = PowerMonitoring()
    no_panda_cnt = 0

    while 1:
        health = messaging.recv_sock(health_sock, wait=True)
        location = messaging.recv_sock(location_sock)
        location = location.gpsLocation if location else None
        msg = read_thermal()

        if health is not None:
            usb_power = health.health.usbPowerMode != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client

            # If we lose connection to the panda, wait 5 seconds before going offroad
            if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
                no_panda_cnt += 1
                if no_panda_cnt > DISCONNECT_TIMEOUT / DT_TRML:
                    if ignition:
                        cloudlog.error("Lost panda connection while onroad")
                    ignition = False
                no_panda_cnt = 0
                ignition = health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan

            # Setup fan handler on first connect to panda
            if handle_fan is None and health.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
                is_uno = health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.uno
                has_relay = health.health.hwType in [
                    log.HealthData.HwType.blackPanda, log.HealthData.HwType.uno

                if is_uno or not ANDROID:
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up UNO fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_uno
                    cloudlog.info("Setting up EON fan handler")
                    handle_fan = handle_fan_eon

            # Handle disconnect
            if health_prev is not None:
                if health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown and \
                  health_prev.health.hwType != log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
            health_prev = health

        # get_network_type is an expensive call. update every 10s
        if (count % int(10. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                network_type = get_network_type()
                network_strength = get_network_strength(network_type)
            except Exception:
                cloudlog.exception("Error getting network status")

        msg.thermal.freeSpace = get_available_percent(default=100.0) / 100.0
        msg.thermal.memUsedPercent = int(round(
        msg.thermal.cpuPerc = int(round(psutil.cpu_percent()))
        msg.thermal.networkType = network_type
        msg.thermal.networkStrength = network_strength
        msg.thermal.batteryPercent = get_battery_capacity()
        msg.thermal.batteryStatus = get_battery_status()
        msg.thermal.batteryCurrent = get_battery_current()
        msg.thermal.batteryVoltage = get_battery_voltage()
        msg.thermal.usbOnline = get_usb_present()

        # Fake battery levels on uno for frame
        if is_uno:
            msg.thermal.batteryPercent = 100
            msg.thermal.batteryStatus = "Charging"

        current_filter.update(msg.thermal.batteryCurrent / 1e6)

        # TODO: add car battery voltage check
        max_cpu_temp = cpu_temp_filter.update(
            max(msg.thermal.cpu0, msg.thermal.cpu1, msg.thermal.cpu2,
                msg.thermal.cpu3) / 10.0)

        max_comp_temp = max(max_cpu_temp, msg.thermal.mem / 10.,
                            msg.thermal.gpu / 10.)
        bat_temp = msg.thermal.bat / 1000.

        if handle_fan is not None:
            fan_speed = handle_fan(max_cpu_temp, bat_temp, fan_speed, ignition)
            msg.thermal.fanSpeed = fan_speed

        # If device is offroad we want to cool down before going onroad
        # since going onroad increases load and can make temps go over 107
        # We only do this if there is a relay that prevents the car from faulting
        if max_cpu_temp > 107. or bat_temp >= 63. or (has_relay and
                                                      (started_ts is None)
                                                      and max_cpu_temp > 75.0):
            # onroad not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.danger
        elif max_comp_temp > 100.0 or bat_temp > 60.:
            # hysteresis between onroad not allowed and engage not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.red,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 97.0:
            # hysteresis between engage not allowed and uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.yellow,
        elif max_cpu_temp > 80.0:
            # uploader not allowed
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.yellow
        elif max_cpu_temp > 75.0:
            # hysteresis between uploader not allowed and all good
            thermal_status = clip(thermal_status, ThermalStatus.green,
            # all good
            thermal_status = ThermalStatus.green

        # **** starting logic ****

        # Check for last update time and display alerts if needed
        now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

        # show invalid date/time alert
        time_valid = now.year >= 2019
        if time_valid and not time_valid_prev:
        if not time_valid and time_valid_prev:
        time_valid_prev = time_valid

        # Show update prompt
            last_update = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(
                params.get("LastUpdateTime", encoding='utf8'))
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            last_update = now
        dt = now - last_update

        update_failed_count = params.get("UpdateFailedCount")
        update_failed_count = 0 if update_failed_count is None else int(

        if dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX and update_failed_count > 1:
            if current_connectivity_alert != "expired":
                current_connectivity_alert = "expired"
        elif dt.days > DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_PROMPT:
            remaining_time = str(max(DAYS_NO_CONNECTIVITY_MAX - dt.days, 0))
            if current_connectivity_alert != "prompt" + remaining_time:
                current_connectivity_alert = "prompt" + remaining_time
                alert_connectivity_prompt = copy.copy(
                alert_connectivity_prompt["text"] += remaining_time + " days."
        elif current_connectivity_alert is not None:
            current_connectivity_alert = None

        do_uninstall = params.get("DoUninstall") == b"1"
        accepted_terms = params.get("HasAcceptedTerms") == terms_version
        completed_training = params.get(
            "CompletedTrainingVersion") == training_version

        panda_signature = params.get("PandaFirmware")
        fw_version_match = (panda_signature is None) or (
            panda_signature == FW_SIGNATURE
        )  # don't show alert is no panda is connected (None)

        should_start = ignition

        # with 2% left, we killall, otherwise the phone will take a long time to boot
        should_start = should_start and msg.thermal.freeSpace > 0.02

        # confirm we have completed training and aren't uninstalling
        should_start = should_start and accepted_terms and completed_training and (
            not do_uninstall)

        # check for firmware mismatch
        should_start = should_start and fw_version_match

        # check if system time is valid
        should_start = should_start and time_valid

        # don't start while taking snapshot
        if not should_start_prev:
            is_viewing_driver = params.get("IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1"
            is_taking_snapshot = params.get("IsTakingSnapshot") == b"1"
            should_start = should_start and (not is_taking_snapshot) and (
                not is_viewing_driver)

        if fw_version_match and not fw_version_match_prev:
        if not fw_version_match and fw_version_match_prev:

        # if any CPU gets above 107 or the battery gets above 63, kill all processes
        # controls will warn with CPU above 95 or battery above 60
        if thermal_status >= ThermalStatus.danger:
            should_start = False
            if thermal_status_prev < ThermalStatus.danger:
            if thermal_status_prev >= ThermalStatus.danger:

        if should_start:
            if not should_start_prev:

            off_ts = None
            if started_ts is None:
                started_ts = sec_since_boot()
                started_seen = True
                    'echo performance > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'
            if should_start_prev or (count == 0):
                put_nonblocking("IsOffroad", "1")

            started_ts = None
            if off_ts is None:
                off_ts = sec_since_boot()
                    'echo powersave > /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/governor'

            # shutdown if the battery gets lower than 3%, it's discharging, we aren't running for
            # more than a minute but we were running
            if msg.thermal.batteryPercent < BATT_PERC_OFF and msg.thermal.batteryStatus == "Discharging" and \
               started_seen and (sec_since_boot() - off_ts) > 60:
                os.system('LD_LIBRARY_PATH="" svc power shutdown')

        # Offroad power monitoring
        msg.thermal.offroadPowerUsage = pm.get_power_used()

        msg.thermal.chargingError = current_filter.x > 0. and msg.thermal.batteryPercent < 90  # if current is positive, then battery is being discharged
        msg.thermal.started = started_ts is not None
        msg.thermal.startedTs = int(1e9 * (started_ts or 0))

        msg.thermal.thermalStatus = thermal_status

        if usb_power_prev and not usb_power:
        elif usb_power and not usb_power_prev:

        thermal_status_prev = thermal_status
        usb_power_prev = usb_power
        fw_version_match_prev = fw_version_match
        should_start_prev = should_start

        # report to server once per minute
        if (count % int(60. / DT_TRML)) == 0:
                           health=(health.to_dict() if health else None),
                           location=(location.to_dict() if location else None),

        count += 1
コード例 #24
def controlsd_thread(gctx=None, rate=100, default_bias=0.):
  # start the loop

  context = zmq.Context()

  params = Params()

  # pub
  live100 = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['live100'].port)
  carstate = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port)
  carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carControl'].port)
  livempc = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['liveMpc'].port)

  passive = params.get("Passive") != "0"
  if not passive:
    sendcan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['sendcan'].port)
    sendcan = None

  # sub
  poller = zmq.Poller()
  thermal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  health = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  cal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['liveCalibration'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)

  logcan = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['can'].port)

  CC = car.CarControl.new_message()

  CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan, 1.0 if passive else None)

  if CI is None:
    raise Exception("unsupported car")

  # if stock camera is connected, then force passive behavior
  if not CP.enableCamera:
    passive = True
    sendcan = None

  if passive:
    CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModels.honda

  fcw_enabled = params.get("IsFcwEnabled") == "1"

  PL = Planner(CP, fcw_enabled)
  LoC = LongControl(CP, CI.compute_gb)
  VM = VehicleModel(CP)
  LaC = LatControl(VM)
  AM = AlertManager()

  if not passive:
    AM.add("startup", False)

  # write CarParams
  params.put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())

  state = State.disabled
  soft_disable_timer = 0
  v_cruise_kph = 255
  overtemp = False
  free_space = False
  cal_status = Calibration.UNCALIBRATED
  rear_view_toggle = False
  rear_view_allowed = params.get("IsRearViewMirror") == "1"

  # 0.0 - 1.0
  awareness_status = 1.
  v_cruise_kph_last = 0

  rk = Ratekeeper(rate, print_delay_threshold=2./1000)

  # learned angle offset
  angle_offset = default_bias
  calibration_params = params.get("CalibrationParams")
  if calibration_params:
      calibration_params = json.loads(calibration_params)
      angle_offset = calibration_params["angle_offset2"]
    except (ValueError, KeyError):

  prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default

  while 1:

    prof.checkpoint("Ratekeeper", ignore=True)

    # sample data and compute car events
    CS, events, cal_status, overtemp, free_space = data_sample(CI, CC, thermal, cal, health, poller, cal_status,
                                                               overtemp, free_space)

    # define plan
    plan, plan_ts = calc_plan(CS, CP, events, PL, LaC, LoC, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status)

    if not passive:
      # update control state
      state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last = state_transition(CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer,
                                                                                    v_cruise_kph, AM)
      prof.checkpoint("State transition")

    # compute actuators
    actuators, v_cruise_kph, awareness_status, angle_offset, rear_view_toggle = state_control(plan, CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph,
                                                                            v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk, awareness_status, PL, LaC, LoC, VM,
                                                                            angle_offset, rear_view_allowed, rear_view_toggle, passive)
    prof.checkpoint("State Control")

    # publish data
    CC = data_send(plan, plan_ts, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph,
                   rk, carstate, carcontrol, live100, livempc, AM, rear_view_allowed,
                   rear_view_toggle, awareness_status, LaC, LoC, angle_offset, passive)

    # *** run loop at fixed rate ***

コード例 #25
ファイル: carcontroller.py プロジェクト: woosang2022/opkr079
class CarController():
    def __init__(self, dbc_name, CP, VM):
        self.car_fingerprint = CP.carFingerprint
        self.packer = CANPacker(dbc_name)
        self.accel_steady = 0
        self.apply_steer_last = 0
        self.steer_rate_limited = False
        self.lkas11_cnt = 0
        self.scc12_cnt = 0

        self.resume_cnt = 0
        self.last_lead_distance = 0
        self.resume_wait_timer = 0
        self.last_resume_frame = 0
        self.lanechange_manual_timer = 0
        self.emergency_manual_timer = 0
        self.driver_steering_torque_above_timer = 0

        self.mode_change_timer = 0

        self.params = Params()
        self.mode_change_switch = int(
        self.opkr_variablecruise = int(self.params.get('OpkrVariableCruise'))
        self.opkr_autoresume = int(self.params.get('OpkrAutoResume'))
        self.opkr_autoresumeoption = int(

        self.opkr_maxanglelimit = int(self.params.get('OpkrMaxAngleLimit'))

        self.steer_mode = ""
        self.mdps_status = ""
        self.lkas_switch = ""

        self.timer1 = tm.CTime1000("time")

        self.SC = Spdctrl()

        self.model_speed = 0
        self.model_sum = 0

        self.dRel = 0
        self.yRel = 0
        self.vRel = 0

        self.cruise_gap = 0.0
        self.cruise_gap_prev = 0
        self.cruise_gap_set_init = 0
        self.cruise_gap_switch_timer = 0

        self.lkas_button_on = True
        self.longcontrol = CP.openpilotLongitudinalControl
        self.scc_live = not CP.radarOffCan

        if CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'pid':
            self.str_log2 = 'TUNE={:0.2f}/{:0.3f}/{:0.5f}'.format(
                CP.lateralTuning.pid.kpV[1], CP.lateralTuning.pid.kiV[1],
        elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'indi':
            self.str_log2 = 'TUNE={:03.1f}/{:03.1f}/{:03.1f}/{:03.1f}'.format(
        elif CP.lateralTuning.which() == 'lqr':
            self.str_log2 = 'TUNE={:04.0f}/{:05.3f}/{:06.4f}'.format(
                CP.lateralTuning.lqr.scale, CP.lateralTuning.lqr.ki,

        if CP.spasEnabled:
            self.en_cnt = 0
            self.apply_steer_ang = 0.0
            self.en_spas = 3
            self.mdps11_stat_last = 0
            self.spas_always = False

    def update(self, enabled, CS, frame, CC, actuators, pcm_cancel_cmd,
               visual_alert, left_lane, right_lane, left_lane_depart,
               right_lane_depart, set_speed, lead_visible, sm):

        # *** compute control surfaces ***

        # gas and brake
        apply_accel = actuators.gas - actuators.brake

        apply_accel, self.accel_steady = accel_hysteresis(
            apply_accel, self.accel_steady)
        apply_accel = clip(apply_accel * ACCEL_SCALE, ACCEL_MIN, ACCEL_MAX)

        self.dRel, self.yRel, self.vRel = SpdController.get_lead(sm)
        self.model_speed, self.model_sum = self.SC.calc_va(sm, CS.out.vEgo)

        # Steering Torque
        if self.driver_steering_torque_above_timer:
            new_steer = actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX * (
                self.driver_steering_torque_above_timer / 100)
            new_steer = actuators.steer * SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX
        apply_steer = apply_std_steer_torque_limits(new_steer,
        self.steer_rate_limited = new_steer != apply_steer

        CC.applyAccel = apply_accel
        CC.applySteer = apply_steer

        # SPAS limit angle extremes for safety
        if CS.spas_enabled:
            apply_steer_ang_req = clip(actuators.steerAngle,
                                       -1 * (STEER_ANG_MAX), STEER_ANG_MAX)
            # SPAS limit angle rate for safety
            if abs(self.apply_steer_ang -
                   apply_steer_ang_req) > STEER_ANG_MAX_RATE:
                if apply_steer_ang_req > self.apply_steer_ang:
                    self.apply_steer_ang += STEER_ANG_MAX_RATE
                    self.apply_steer_ang -= STEER_ANG_MAX_RATE
                self.apply_steer_ang = apply_steer_ang_req
        spas_active = CS.spas_enabled and enabled and (
            self.spas_always or CS.out.vEgo < 7.0)  # 25km/h

        # disable if steer angle reach 90 deg, otherwise mdps fault in some models
        if self.opkr_maxanglelimit >= 90:
            lkas_active = enabled and abs(
            ) < self.opkr_maxanglelimit and not spas_active
            lkas_active = enabled and not spas_active

        if ((CS.out.leftBlinker and not CS.out.rightBlinker) or
            (CS.out.rightBlinker and
             not CS.out.leftBlinker)) and CS.out.vEgo < LANE_CHANGE_SPEED_MIN:
            self.lanechange_manual_timer = 10
        if CS.out.leftBlinker and CS.out.rightBlinker:
            self.emergency_manual_timer = 10
        if abs(CS.out.steeringTorque) > 200:
            self.driver_steering_torque_above_timer = 100
        if self.lanechange_manual_timer:
            lkas_active = 0
        if self.lanechange_manual_timer > 0:
            self.lanechange_manual_timer -= 1
        if self.emergency_manual_timer > 0:
            self.emergency_manual_timer -= 1
        if self.driver_steering_torque_above_timer > 0:
            self.driver_steering_torque_above_timer -= 1

        if not lkas_active:
            apply_steer = 0

        self.apply_accel_last = apply_accel
        self.apply_steer_last = apply_steer

        sys_warning, sys_state, left_lane_warning, right_lane_warning =\
          process_hud_alert(lkas_active, self.car_fingerprint, visual_alert,
                            left_lane, right_lane, left_lane_depart, right_lane_depart,

        clu11_speed = CS.clu11["CF_Clu_Vanz"]
        enabled_speed = 38 if CS.is_set_speed_in_mph else 55
        if clu11_speed > enabled_speed or not lkas_active:
            enabled_speed = clu11_speed

        if not (min_set_speed < set_speed < 255 * CV.KPH_TO_MS):
            set_speed = min_set_speed
        set_speed *= CV.MS_TO_MPH if CS.is_set_speed_in_mph else CV.MS_TO_KPH

        if frame == 0:  # initialize counts from last received count signals
            self.lkas11_cnt = CS.lkas11["CF_Lkas_MsgCount"]
            self.scc12_cnt = CS.scc12[
                "CR_VSM_Alive"] + 1 if not CS.no_radar else 0

            #TODO: fix this
            # self.prev_scc_cnt = CS.scc11["AliveCounterACC"]
            # self.scc_update_frame = frame

        # check if SCC is alive
        # if frame % 7 == 0:
        # if CS.scc11["AliveCounterACC"] == self.prev_scc_cnt:
        # if frame - self.scc_update_frame > 20 and self.scc_live:
        # self.scc_live = False
        # else:
        # self.scc_live = True
        # self.prev_scc_cnt = CS.scc11["AliveCounterACC"]
        # self.scc_update_frame = frame

        self.prev_scc_cnt = CS.scc11["AliveCounterACC"]

        self.lkas11_cnt = (self.lkas11_cnt + 1) % 0x10
        self.scc12_cnt %= 0xF

        can_sends = []
            create_lkas11(self.packer, frame, self.car_fingerprint,
                          apply_steer, lkas_active, CS.lkas11, sys_warning,
                          sys_state, enabled, left_lane, right_lane,
                          left_lane_warning, right_lane_warning, 0))

        if CS.mdps_bus or CS.scc_bus == 1:  # send lkas11 bus 1 if mdps or scc is on bus 1
                create_lkas11(self.packer, frame, self.car_fingerprint,
                              apply_steer, lkas_active, CS.lkas11, sys_warning,
                              sys_state, enabled, left_lane, right_lane,
                              left_lane_warning, right_lane_warning, 1))
        if frame % 2 and CS.mdps_bus:  # send clu11 to mdps if it is not on bus 0
                create_clu11(self.packer, frame, CS.mdps_bus, CS.clu11,
                             Buttons.NONE, enabled_speed))

        str_log1 = '곡률={:03.0f}  토크={:03.0f}  프레임률={:03.0f} ST={:03.0f}/{:01.0f}/{:01.0f}'.format(
            abs(self.model_speed), abs(new_steer), self.timer1.sampleTime(),
            SteerLimitParams.STEER_MAX, SteerLimitParams.STEER_DELTA_UP,
        trace1.printf1('{}  {}'.format(str_log1, self.str_log2))

        if CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 0 and self.mode_change_switch == 3:
            self.mode_change_timer = 50
            self.mode_change_switch = 0
        elif CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 1 and self.mode_change_switch == 0:
            self.mode_change_timer = 50
            self.mode_change_switch = 1
        elif CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 2 and self.mode_change_switch == 1:
            self.mode_change_timer = 50
            self.mode_change_switch = 2
        elif CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 3 and self.mode_change_switch == 2:
            self.mode_change_timer = 50
            self.mode_change_switch = 3
        if self.mode_change_timer > 0:
            self.mode_change_timer -= 1

        run_speed_ctrl = self.opkr_variablecruise and CS.acc_active and (
            CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 1 or CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 2
            or CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 3)
        if not run_speed_ctrl:
            if CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 0:
                self.steer_mode = "오파모드"
            elif CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 1:
                self.steer_mode = "차간+커브"
            elif CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 2:
                self.steer_mode = "차간ONLY"
            elif CS.out.cruiseState.modeSel == 3:
                self.steer_mode = "편도1차선"
            if CS.out.steerWarning == 0:
                self.mdps_status = "정상"
            elif CS.out.steerWarning == 1:
                self.mdps_status = "오류"
            if CS.lkas_button_on == 0:
                self.lkas_switch = "OFF"
            elif CS.lkas_button_on == 1:
                self.lkas_switch = "ON"
                self.lkas_switch = "-"
            if self.cruise_gap != CS.cruiseGapSet:
                self.cruise_gap = CS.cruiseGapSet

            str_log2 = '주행모드={:s}  MDPS상태={:s}  LKAS버튼={:s}  크루즈갭={:1.0f}'.format(
                self.steer_mode, self.mdps_status, self.lkas_switch,

        if pcm_cancel_cmd and self.longcontrol:
                create_clu11(self.packer, frame, CS.scc_bus, CS.clu11,
                             Buttons.CANCEL, clu11_speed))

        if CS.out.cruiseState.standstill:
            if self.opkr_autoresumeoption == 1:
                if self.last_lead_distance == 0 or not self.opkr_autoresume:
                    self.last_lead_distance = CS.lead_distance
                    self.resume_cnt = 0
                    self.resume_wait_timer = 0
                elif self.resume_wait_timer > 0:
                    self.resume_wait_timer -= 1
                elif CS.lead_distance != self.last_lead_distance:
                        create_clu11(self.packer, frame, CS.scc_bus, CS.clu11,
                                     Buttons.RES_ACCEL, clu11_speed))
                    self.resume_cnt += 1
                    if self.resume_cnt > 5:
                        self.resume_cnt = 0
                        self.resume_wait_timer = int(0.25 / DT_CTRL)
                elif self.cruise_gap_prev == 0 and run_speed_ctrl:
                    self.cruise_gap_prev = CS.cruiseGapSet
                    self.cruise_gap_set_init = 1
                elif CS.cruiseGapSet != 1.0 and run_speed_ctrl:
                    self.cruise_gap_switch_timer += 1
                    if self.cruise_gap_switch_timer > 100:
                            create_clu11(self.packer, frame, CS.scc_bus,
                                         CS.clu11, Buttons.GAP_DIST,
                        self.cruise_gap_switch_timer = 0
                # run only first time when the car stopped
                if self.last_lead_distance == 0 or not self.opkr_autoresume:
                    # get the lead distance from the Radar
                    self.last_lead_distance = CS.lead_distance
                    self.resume_cnt = 0
                # when lead car starts moving, create 6 RES msgs
                elif CS.lead_distance != self.last_lead_distance and (
                        frame - self.last_resume_frame) > 5:
                        create_clu11(self.packer, frame, CS.scc_bus, CS.clu11,
                                     Buttons.RES_ACCEL, clu11_speed))
                    self.resume_cnt += 1
                    # interval after 6 msgs
                    if self.resume_cnt > 5:
                        self.last_resume_frame = frame
                        self.resume_cnt = 0
                elif self.cruise_gap_prev == 0:
                    self.cruise_gap_prev = CS.cruiseGapSet
                    self.cruise_gap_set_init = 1
                elif CS.cruiseGapSet != 1.0:
                    self.cruise_gap_switch_timer += 1
                    if self.cruise_gap_switch_timer > 100:
                            create_clu11(self.packer, frame, CS.scc_bus,
                                         CS.clu11, Buttons.GAP_DIST,
                        self.cruise_gap_switch_timer = 0

        # reset lead distnce after the car starts moving
        elif self.last_lead_distance != 0:
            self.last_lead_distance = 0
        elif run_speed_ctrl:
            is_sc_run = self.SC.update(CS, sm, self)
            if is_sc_run:
                    create_clu11(self.packer, self.resume_cnt, CS.scc_bus,
                                 CS.clu11, self.SC.btn_type,
                self.resume_cnt += 1
                self.resume_cnt = 0
            if self.dRel > 18 and self.cruise_gap_prev != CS.cruiseGapSet and self.cruise_gap_set_init == 1:
                self.cruise_gap_switch_timer += 1
                if self.cruise_gap_switch_timer > 50:
                        create_clu11(self.packer, frame, CS.scc_bus, CS.clu11,
                                     Buttons.GAP_DIST, clu11_speed))
                    self.cruise_gap_switch_timer = 0
            elif self.cruise_gap_prev == CS.cruiseGapSet:
                self.cruise_gap_set_init = 0
                self.cruise_gap_prev = 0

        if CS.mdps_bus:  # send mdps12 to LKAS to prevent LKAS error
            can_sends.append(create_mdps12(self.packer, frame, CS.mdps12))

        # send scc to car if longcontrol enabled and SCC not on bus 0 or ont live
        if self.longcontrol and (CS.scc_bus
                                 or not self.scc_live) and frame % 2 == 0:
                create_scc12(self.packer, apply_accel, enabled, self.scc12_cnt,
                             self.scc_live, CS.scc12))
                create_scc11(self.packer, frame, enabled, set_speed,
                             lead_visible, self.scc_live, CS.scc11))
            if CS.has_scc13 and frame % 20 == 0:
                can_sends.append(create_scc13(self.packer, CS.scc13))
            if CS.has_scc14:
                can_sends.append(create_scc14(self.packer, enabled, CS.scc14))
            self.scc12_cnt += 1

        # 20 Hz LFA MFA message
        if frame % 5 == 0 and self.car_fingerprint in FEATURES["send_lfa_mfa"]:
            can_sends.append(create_lfa_mfa(self.packer, frame, lkas_active))

        if CS.spas_enabled:
            if CS.mdps_bus:
                    create_ems11(self.packer, CS.ems11, spas_active))

            # SPAS11 50hz
            if (frame % 2) == 0:
                if CS.mdps11_stat == 7 and not self.mdps11_stat_last == 7:
                    self.en_spas = 7
                    self.en_cnt = 0

                if self.en_spas == 7 and self.en_cnt >= 8:
                    self.en_spas = 3
                    self.en_cnt = 0

                if self.en_cnt < 8 and spas_active:
                    self.en_spas = 4
                elif self.en_cnt >= 8 and spas_active:
                    self.en_spas = 5

                if not spas_active:
                    self.apply_steer_ang = CS.mdps11_strang
                    self.en_spas = 3
                    self.en_cnt = 0

                self.mdps11_stat_last = CS.mdps11_stat
                self.en_cnt += 1
                    create_spas11(self.packer, self.car_fingerprint,
                                  (frame // 2), self.en_spas,
                                  self.apply_steer_ang, CS.mdps_bus))

            # SPAS12 20Hz
            if (frame % 5) == 0:

        return can_sends
コード例 #26
class PowerMonitoring:
  def __init__(self):
    self.params = Params()
    self.last_measurement_time = None           # Used for integration delta
    self.last_save_time = 0                     # Used for saving current value in a param
    self.power_used_uWh = 0                     # Integrated power usage in uWh since going into offroad
    self.next_pulsed_measurement_time = None
    self.car_voltage_mV = 12e3                  # Low-passed version of health voltage
    self.integration_lock = threading.Lock()

    car_battery_capacity_uWh = self.params.get("CarBatteryCapacity")
    if car_battery_capacity_uWh is None:
      car_battery_capacity_uWh = 0

    # Reset capacity if it's low
    self.car_battery_capacity_uWh = max((CAR_BATTERY_CAPACITY_uWh / 10), int(car_battery_capacity_uWh))

  # Calculation tick
  def calculate(self, health):
      now = sec_since_boot()

      # If health is None, we're probably not in a car, so we don't care
      if health is None or health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.unknown:
        with self.integration_lock:
          self.last_measurement_time = None
          self.next_pulsed_measurement_time = None
          self.power_used_uWh = 0

      # Low-pass battery voltage
      self.car_voltage_mV = ((health.health.voltage * CAR_VOLTAGE_LOW_PASS_K) + (self.car_voltage_mV * (1 -  CAR_VOLTAGE_LOW_PASS_K)))

      # Cap the car battery power and save it in a param every 10-ish seconds
      self.car_battery_capacity_uWh = max(self.car_battery_capacity_uWh, 0)
      self.car_battery_capacity_uWh = min(self.car_battery_capacity_uWh, CAR_BATTERY_CAPACITY_uWh)
      if now - self.last_save_time >= 10:
        put_nonblocking("CarBatteryCapacity", str(int(self.car_battery_capacity_uWh)))
        self.last_save_time = now

      # First measurement, set integration time
      with self.integration_lock:
        if self.last_measurement_time is None:
          self.last_measurement_time = now

      if (health.health.ignitionLine or health.health.ignitionCan):
        # If there is ignition, we integrate the charging rate of the car
        with self.integration_lock:
          self.power_used_uWh = 0
          integration_time_h = (now - self.last_measurement_time) / 3600
          if integration_time_h < 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Negative integration time: {integration_time_h}h")
          self.car_battery_capacity_uWh += (CAR_CHARGING_RATE_W * 1e6 * integration_time_h)
          self.last_measurement_time = now
        # No ignition, we integrate the offroad power used by the device
        is_uno = health.health.hwType == log.HealthData.HwType.uno
        # Get current power draw somehow
        current_power = 0
        if TICI:
          with open("/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/power1_input") as f:
            current_power = int(f.read()) / 1e6
        elif get_battery_status() == 'Discharging':
          # If the battery is discharging, we can use this measurement
          # On C2: this is low by about 10-15%, probably mostly due to UNO draw not being factored in
          current_power = ((get_battery_voltage() / 1000000) * (get_battery_current() / 1000000))
        elif (self.next_pulsed_measurement_time is not None) and (self.next_pulsed_measurement_time <= now):
          # TODO: Figure out why this is off by a factor of 3/4???
          FUDGE_FACTOR = 1.33

          # Turn off charging for about 10 sec in a thread that does not get killed on SIGINT, and perform measurement here to avoid blocking thermal
          def perform_pulse_measurement(now):

              # Measure for a few sec to get a good average
              voltages = []
              currents = []
              for _ in range(6):
              current_power = ((mean(voltages) / 1000000) * (mean(currents) / 1000000))

              self._perform_integration(now, current_power * FUDGE_FACTOR)

              # Enable charging again
            except Exception:
              cloudlog.exception("Pulsed power measurement failed")

          # Start pulsed measurement and return
          threading.Thread(target=perform_pulse_measurement, args=(now,)).start()
          self.next_pulsed_measurement_time = None

        elif self.next_pulsed_measurement_time is None and not is_uno:
          # On a charging EON with black panda, or drawing more than 400mA out of a white/grey one
          # Only way to get the power draw is to turn off charging for a few sec and check what the discharging rate is
          # We shouldn't do this very often, so make sure it has been some long-ish random time interval
          self.next_pulsed_measurement_time = now + random.randint(120, 180)
          # Do nothing

        # Do the integration
        self._perform_integration(now, current_power)
    except Exception:
      cloudlog.exception("Power monitoring calculation failed")

  def _perform_integration(self, t, current_power):
    with self.integration_lock:
        if self.last_measurement_time:
          integration_time_h = (t - self.last_measurement_time) / 3600
          power_used = (current_power * 1000000) * integration_time_h
          if power_used < 0:
            raise ValueError(f"Negative power used! Integration time: {integration_time_h} h Current Power: {power_used} uWh")
          self.power_used_uWh += power_used
          self.car_battery_capacity_uWh -= power_used
          self.last_measurement_time = t
      except Exception:
        cloudlog.exception("Integration failed")

  # Get the power usage
  def get_power_used(self):
    return int(self.power_used_uWh)

  def get_car_battery_capacity(self):
    return int(self.car_battery_capacity_uWh)

  # See if we need to disable charging
  def should_disable_charging(self, health, offroad_timestamp):
    if health is None or offroad_timestamp is None:
      return False

    now = sec_since_boot()
    disable_charging = False
    disable_charging |= (now - offroad_timestamp) > MAX_TIME_OFFROAD_S
    disable_charging |= (self.car_voltage_mV < (VBATT_PAUSE_CHARGING * 1e3))
    disable_charging |= (self.car_battery_capacity_uWh <= 0)
    disable_charging &= (not health.health.ignitionLine and not health.health.ignitionCan)
    disable_charging &= (self.params.get("DisablePowerDown") != b"1")
    return disable_charging

  # See if we need to shutdown
  def should_shutdown(self, health, offroad_timestamp, started_seen, LEON):
    if health is None or offroad_timestamp is None:
      return False

    now = sec_since_boot()
    panda_charging = (health.health.usbPowerMode != log.HealthData.UsbPowerMode.client)
    BATT_PERC_OFF = 10 if LEON else 3

    should_shutdown = False
    # Wait until we have shut down charging before powering down
    should_shutdown |= (not panda_charging and self.should_disable_charging(health, offroad_timestamp))
    should_shutdown |= ((get_battery_capacity() < BATT_PERC_OFF) and (not get_battery_charging()) and ((now - offroad_timestamp) > 60))
    should_shutdown &= started_seen
    return should_shutdown
コード例 #27
ファイル: manager.py プロジェクト: xsid1970/hkg_neokii
def manager_thread():

    shutdownd = Process(name="shutdownd",
                        args=("selfdrive.shutdownd", ))

    # now loop
    thermal_sock = messaging.sub_sock('thermal')

    cloudlog.info("manager start")
    cloudlog.info({"environ": os.environ})

    # save boot log
    subprocess.call(["./loggerd", "--bootlog"],
                    cwd=os.path.join(BASEDIR, "selfdrive/loggerd"))

    params = Params()

    # start daemon processes
    for p in daemon_processes:

    # start persistent processes
    for p in persistent_processes:

    # start offroad
    if ANDROID:

    if os.getenv("NOBOARD") is None:

    if os.getenv("BLOCK") is not None:
        for k in os.getenv("BLOCK").split(","):
            del managed_processes[k]

    logger_dead = False

    while 1:
        msg = messaging.recv_sock(thermal_sock, wait=True)

        # heavyweight batch processes are gated on favorable thermal conditions
        if msg.thermal.thermalStatus >= ThermalStatus.yellow:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:
            for p in green_temp_processes:
                if p in persistent_processes:

        if msg.thermal.freeSpace < 0.05:
            logger_dead = True

        if msg.thermal.started and "driverview" not in running:
            for p in car_started_processes:
                if p == "loggerd" and logger_dead:
            logger_dead = False
            for p in reversed(car_started_processes):
            # this is ugly
            if "driverview" not in running and params.get(
                    "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"1":
            elif "driverview" in running and params.get(
                    "IsDriverViewEnabled") == b"0":

        # check the status of all processes, did any of them die?
        running_list = [
            "%s%s\u001b[0m" %
            ("\u001b[32m" if running[p].is_alive() else "\u001b[31m", p)
            for p in running
        cloudlog.debug(' '.join(running_list))

        # Exit main loop when uninstall is needed
        if params.get("DoUninstall", encoding='utf8') == "1":
コード例 #28
ファイル: regen.py プロジェクト: skyhanil1004/openpilot
def regen_segment(lr, frs=None, outdir=FAKEDATA):
  lr = list(lr)
  if frs is None:
    frs = dict()

  params = Params()

  os.environ["LOG_ROOT"] = outdir
  os.environ['SKIP_FW_QUERY'] = ""
  os.environ['FINGERPRINT'] = ""

  # TODO: remove after getting new route for mazda
  migration = {
    "Mazda CX-9 2021": "MAZDA CX-9 2021",

  for msg in lr:
    if msg.which() == 'carParams':
      car_fingerprint = migration.get(msg.carParams.carFingerprint, msg.carParams.carFingerprint)
      if len(msg.carParams.carFw) and (car_fingerprint in FW_VERSIONS):
        params.put("CarParamsCache", msg.carParams.as_builder().to_bytes())
        os.environ['SKIP_FW_QUERY'] = "1"
        os.environ['FINGERPRINT'] = car_fingerprint
    elif msg.which() == 'liveCalibration':
      params.put("CalibrationParams", msg.as_builder().to_bytes())

  vs, cam_procs = replay_cameras(lr, frs)

  fake_daemons = {
    'sensord': [
      multiprocessing.Process(target=replay_sensor_events, args=('sensorEvents', lr)),
    'pandad': [
      multiprocessing.Process(target=replay_service, args=('can', lr)),
      multiprocessing.Process(target=replay_service, args=('ubloxRaw', lr)),
      multiprocessing.Process(target=replay_panda_states, args=('pandaStates', lr)),
    'managerState': [
     multiprocessing.Process(target=replay_manager_state, args=('managerState', lr)),
    'thermald': [
      multiprocessing.Process(target=replay_device_state, args=('deviceState', lr)),
    'camerad': [

    # start procs up
    ignore = list(fake_daemons.keys()) + ['ui', 'manage_athenad', 'uploader']
    ensure_running(managed_processes.values(), started=True, not_run=ignore)
    for procs in fake_daemons.values():
      for p in procs:

    for _ in tqdm(range(60)):
      # ensure all procs are running
      for d, procs in fake_daemons.items():
        for p in procs:
          if not p.is_alive():
            raise Exception(f"{d}'s {p.name} died")
    # kill everything
    for p in managed_processes.values():
    for procs in fake_daemons.values():
      for p in procs:

  del vs

  segment = params.get("CurrentRoute", encoding='utf-8') + "--0"
  seg_path = os.path.join(outdir, segment)
  # check to make sure openpilot is engaged in the route
  if not check_enabled(LogReader(os.path.join(seg_path, "rlog.bz2"))):
    raise Exception(f"Route never enabled: {segment}")

  return seg_path
コード例 #29
            s for s in tested_socks + extra_socks if s not in recvd_socks

        print("Check if everything is running")
        running = manager.get_running()
        for p in tested_procs:
            if not running[p].is_alive:
        os.killpg(os.getpgid(unlogger.pid), signal.SIGTERM)

        sockets_ok = len(failures) == 0
        params_ok = True

            car_params = car.CarParams.from_bytes(params.get("CarParams"))
            for k, v in checks.items():
                if not v == getattr(car_params, k):
                    params_ok = False
        except Exception:
            params_ok = False

        if sockets_ok and params_ok:
            results[route] = True, failures
            results[route] = False, failures
コード例 #30
ファイル: controlsd.py プロジェクト: z99205388/openpilot
def controlsd_thread(gctx=None, rate=100, default_bias=0.):

  # start the loop

  context = zmq.Context()
  params = Params()

  # Pub Sockets
  live100 = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['live100'].port)
  carstate = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carState'].port)
  carcontrol = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['carControl'].port)
  livempc = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['liveMpc'].port)

  is_metric = params.get("IsMetric") == "1"
  passive = params.get("Passive") != "0"

  # No sendcan if passive
  if not passive:
    sendcan = messaging.pub_sock(context, service_list['sendcan'].port)
    sendcan = None

  # Sub sockets
  poller = zmq.Poller()
  thermal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['thermal'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  health = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['health'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  cal = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['liveCalibration'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  driver_monitor = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['driverMonitoring'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  gps_location = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['gpsLocationExternal'].port, conflate=True, poller=poller)
  logcan = messaging.sub_sock(context, service_list['can'].port)

  CC = car.CarControl.new_message()
  CI, CP = get_car(logcan, sendcan, 1.0 if passive else None)

  if CI is None:
    raise Exception("unsupported car")

  # if stock camera is connected, then force passive behavior
  if not CP.enableCamera:
    passive = True
    sendcan = None

  if passive:
    CP.safetyModel = car.CarParams.SafetyModels.noOutput

  # Get FCW toggle from settings
  fcw_enabled = params.get("IsFcwEnabled") == "1"
  geofence = None

  PL = Planner(CP, fcw_enabled)
  LoC = LongControl(CP, CI.compute_gb)
  VM = VehicleModel(CP)
  LaC = LatControl(CP)
  AM = AlertManager()
  driver_status = DriverStatus()

  if not passive:
    AM.add("startup", False)

  # Write CarParams for radard and boardd safety mode
  params.put("CarParams", CP.to_bytes())

  state = State.disabled
  soft_disable_timer = 0
  v_cruise_kph = 255
  v_cruise_kph_last = 0
  overtemp = False
  free_space = False
  cal_status = Calibration.INVALID
  cal_perc = 0
  mismatch_counter = 0
  low_battery = False

  rk = Ratekeeper(rate, print_delay_threshold=2. / 1000)

  # Read angle offset from previous drive, fallback to default
  angle_offset = default_bias
  calibration_params = params.get("CalibrationParams")
  if calibration_params:
      calibration_params = json.loads(calibration_params)
      angle_offset = calibration_params["angle_offset2"]
    except (ValueError, KeyError):

  prof = Profiler(False)  # off by default

  while True:
    prof.checkpoint("Ratekeeper", ignore=True)

    # Sample data and compute car events
    CS, events, cal_status, cal_perc, overtemp, free_space, low_battery, mismatch_counter = data_sample(CI, CC, thermal, cal, health,
      driver_monitor, gps_location, poller, cal_status, cal_perc, overtemp, free_space, low_battery, driver_status, geofence, state, mismatch_counter, params)

    # Define longitudinal plan (MPC)
    plan, plan_ts = calc_plan(CS, CP, events, PL, LaC, LoC, v_cruise_kph, driver_status, geofence)

    if not passive:
      # update control state
      state, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, v_cruise_kph_last = \
        state_transition(CS, CP, state, events, soft_disable_timer, v_cruise_kph, AM)
      prof.checkpoint("State transition")

    # Compute actuators (runs PID loops and lateral MPC)
    actuators, v_cruise_kph, driver_status, angle_offset = state_control(plan, CS, CP, state, events, v_cruise_kph,
      v_cruise_kph_last, AM, rk, driver_status, PL, LaC, LoC, VM, angle_offset, passive, is_metric, cal_perc)
    prof.checkpoint("State Control")

    # Publish data
    CC = data_send(PL.perception_state, plan, plan_ts, CS, CI, CP, VM, state, events, actuators, v_cruise_kph, rk, carstate, carcontrol,
      live100, livempc, AM, driver_status, LaC, LoC, angle_offset, passive)

    rk.keep_time()  # Run at 100Hz