コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, config):
     ''' Constructor '''
     self._conf = config
     self._sparql = SPARQLWrap(config)
     self._row_property_seeds = set()
     self.log = config.getLogger('GenerateLists')
     self._sparql_queries = []
     # self._sparql_queries.append(open('../Queries/find_column_headers.rq','r').read())
     self._sparql_row_property = open('../Queries/find_row_headers.rq', 'r').read()
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, config):
     """ Constructor """
     self._conf = config
     self._sparql = SPARQLWrap(config)
     self._row_property_seeds = set()
     self.log = config.getLogger("GenerateLists")
     self._sparql_queries = []
     # self._sparql_queries.append(open('../Queries/find_column_headers.rq','r').read())
     self._sparql_row_property = open("../Queries/find_row_headers.rq", "r").read()
コード例 #3
class QueryCache():
    def __init__(self, config):
        self._conf = config
        self._sparql = SPARQLWrap(config)
        self.log = config.getLogger('QueryCache')
    def go(self):
        output = {}
        data = requests.get(GIST_URL).json()
        for (name, content) in data['files'].iteritems():
            if name.endswith('.rq'):
                self.log.info("Running " + name)
                results = self._sparql.run_select(content['content'])
                output[name] = results
        return output
コード例 #4
class GenerateLists:
    This object is used to generate lists of header strings extracted from 
    the raw data

    def __init__(self, config):
        """ Constructor """
        self._conf = config
        self._sparql = SPARQLWrap(config)
        self._row_property_seeds = set()
        self.log = config.getLogger("GenerateLists")
        self._sparql_queries = []
        # self._sparql_queries.append(open('../Queries/find_column_headers.rq','r').read())
        self._sparql_row_property = open("../Queries/find_row_headers.rq", "r").read()

    def add_seed_row_property(self, string):
        """ Add a string to the list of strings to look for in row properties """
        return self._row_property_seeds.add(string)

    def remove_seed_row_property(self, string):
        """ Remove a string from the list of strings to look for in row properties """
        return self._row_property_seeds.remove(string)

    def go(self):
        """ Go over all the seeds and store the output """
        output = []

        for seed in self._row_property_seeds:
            print "Query for %s" % seed
            query = "%s" % self._sparql_row_property
            query = query.replace("__seed_text__", seed)
            results = self._sparql.run_select(query)
            distinct = set()
            print "Number of results: %d" % len(results)
            for result in results:
                dataset = result["ds"]["value"]
                value = result["value"]["value"]
                if dataset + value not in distinct:
                    output.append([dataset, value.replace("\n", "").encode("utf8", "replace")])
                    distinct.add(dataset + value)

        return output
コード例 #5
class GenerateLists():
    This object is used to generate lists of header strings extracted from 
    the raw data
    def __init__(self, config):
        ''' Constructor '''
        self._conf = config
        self._sparql = SPARQLWrap(config)
        self._row_property_seeds = set()
        self.log = config.getLogger('GenerateLists')
        self._sparql_queries = []
        # self._sparql_queries.append(open('../Queries/find_column_headers.rq','r').read())
        self._sparql_row_property = open('../Queries/find_row_headers.rq', 'r').read()
    def add_seed_row_property(self, string):
        ''' Add a string to the list of strings to look for in row properties '''
        return self._row_property_seeds.add(string)
    def remove_seed_row_property(self, string):
        ''' Remove a string from the list of strings to look for in row properties '''
        return self._row_property_seeds.remove(string)
    def go(self):
        ''' Go over all the seeds and store the output '''
        output = []
        for seed in self._row_property_seeds:
            print 'Query for %s' % seed
            query = "%s" % self._sparql_row_property
            query = query.replace('__seed_text__', seed)
            results = self._sparql.run_select(query)
            distinct = set()
            print 'Number of results: %d' % len(results)
            for result in results:
                dataset = result['ds']['value']
                value = result['value']['value']
                if dataset + value not in distinct:
                    output.append([dataset, value.replace('\n', '').encode('utf8', 'replace')])
                    distinct.add(dataset + value)
        return output
コード例 #6
 def __init__(self, config):
     self._conf = config
     self._sparql = SPARQLWrap(config)
     self.log = config.getLogger('QueryCache')