def descargas(args): url = args.get('url_', None) html = tools.getUrl(url[0]) pagedata = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") ldesc = pagedata.find_all("article") for link in ldesc: try: ldiv=link.findAll("div") href = ldiv[0].find("a").get("href") title = str(link.find("h3").text.encode("utf-8", "ignore")).translate(None, '\t\n') # title = "" thumbnail = ldiv[0].find("img").get("src").encode("utf-8", "ignore") action=canalAction+"descargaspage" url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e)) nextpage = pagedata.find_all("a", class_ = "next page-numbers") try: href = nextpage[0].get("href") title =config.get_localized_string(30012) thumbnail = '' action=canalAction+"descargas" url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e))"")
def menu(): # label='' # thumbnail='' # url='' # tools.addItemMenu(label = label,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) # label='Configurar' # thumbnail='' # url='' # tools.addItemMenu(label = label,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) domain = "" html = tools.getUrl(domain) # <center>(.*?)</center> pattern = '<center>(.*?)</center>' canalesTabla = tools.findall(pattern, html, re.DOTALL)[0] logger.debug(canalesTabla) pattern = '<td>(.*?)</td>' canallista = tools.findall(pattern, canalesTabla, re.DOTALL) for canal in canallista: try: pattern = '<a href.*title="(.*?)"><.*></a>' label = tools.findall(pattern, canal, re.DOTALL)[0] pattern = '<img src="(.*?)" height' thumbnail = domain + tools.findall(pattern, canal, re.DOTALL)[0] pattern = '<a href="(.*?)" title=".*</a>' url_ = tools.findall(pattern, canal, re.DOTALL)[0] url = tools.build_url({'action': 'lateletetvAction', 'url_': url_}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e))
def todo(args):"") categoria = args.get('categoria', None) estado = args.get('estado', None) sql = 'SELECT idKodi, nombre, idExterno, poster, fanart, plot, estado FROM Series;' if (categoria is not None): sql = 'SELECT s.idKodi, s.nombre, s.idExterno, s.poster, s.fanart, s.plot, s.estado FROM Series s, CategoriaSeries c where s.idKodi=c.idKodi and c.idCategoria=' + categoria[ 0] + ';' if (estado is not None): sql = 'SELECT s.idKodi, s.nombre, s.idExterno, s.poster, s.fanart, s.plot, s.estado FROM Series s where s.estado="' + estado[ 0] + '";' nun_records, records = sqliteDB.execute_sql(sql) if nun_records == 0: href = '' title = config.get_localized_string(30016) thumbnail = '' action = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=False) else: for row in records: colorB = "" colorE = "" if (row[6] == "Ended"): colorB = "[COLOR springgreen]" colorE = "[/COLOR]" elif (row[6] == "Canceled"): colorB = "[COLOR tomato]" colorE = "[/COLOR]" tempo, epiodioAct = searchinKodi(str(row[0])) if (tempo != -1): if (tempo == 0): tempo = 1 sqlepi = 'SELECT idKodi, temporada, Capitulos FROM Temporadas where idKodi=' + str( row[0]) + ' and temporada=' + str(tempo) + ';' nun_recordsepi, recordsepi = sqliteDB.execute_sql(sqlepi) if nun_recordsepi != 0 and epiodioAct >= recordsepi[0][2]: href = '' title = colorB + row[1].encode( "utf-8", "ignore") + " (T. " + str(tempo) + ")" + colorE thumbnail = row[3] fanart = row[4] action = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=False, fanart=fanart)
def estadomenu(): sql = "Select distinct(estado) from Series;" nun_records, records = sqliteDB.execute_sql(sql) for row in records: href = '' title = (row[0]).encode("utf-8", "ignore") thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "todo" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'estado': str(row[0])}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)
def categoriamenu(): sql = "SELECT idCategoria, descripcion FROM Categorias;" nun_records, records = sqliteDB.execute_sql(sql) for row in records: href = '' title = (row[1]).encode("utf-8", "ignore") thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "todo" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'categoria': str(row[0])}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)
def mainlistotro(args): html = tools.getUrl(host) logger.debug(html) pagedata = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") table = pagedata.find_all("table", class_ = "wdn_responsive_table flush-left") tabledata = BeautifulSoup(table[0].__str__(), "html.parser") links=tabledata.find_all("td") for link in links: href = link.find("a").get("href") title = link.find("a").get("href") thumbnail = link.find("img").get("src") url = tools.build_url({'action':'eventoshq','url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True)
def bseriesmenu(): label = config.get_localized_string(30011) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSEnProgreso', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30005) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSCategoria', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30006) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSNoVistos', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30008) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSGeneros', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)
def herramientasMantenimiento():"") sqlSelect = "Select idKodi, nombre, idExterno, poster, fanart, plot, estado from Series" nun_recordsS, recordsS = sqliteDB.execute_sql(sqlSelect) if (nun_recordsS != 0): for row in recordsS: href = '' title = (row[1]).encode("utf-8", "ignore") thumbnail = row[3] action = "" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=False)
def envivo(args):"") url = args.get('url_', None) html = tools.getUrl(url[0]) pagedata = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") lcat = pagedata.find_all("td") for link in lcat: try: if "t535230_row_0" in link.get("id"): href = link.find("a").get("href") title = link.find("a").get("href") thumbnail = link.find("img").get("src") action=canalAction+"envivov2" url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e))"")
def bpeliculasmenu(): label = config.get_localized_string(30004) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BPAnadidos', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30005) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BPCategoria', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30006) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BPNoVistos', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30007) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BPSagas', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30008) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BPGeneros', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)
def bscategoriamenu(): label = config.get_localized_string(30008) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSGeneros', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30009) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSCTitulo', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30010) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSCAnyo', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)
def herramientasMenu():"") href = '' title = config.get_localized_string(30018) thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "herramientasHardReset" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=False) href = '' title = config.get_localized_string(30019) thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "herramientasMantenimiento" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)
def descargaspage(args): url = args.get('url_', None) html = tools.getUrl(url[0]) # html = tools.getUrl("") pagedata = BeautifulSoup(html, "html.parser") ldesc = pagedata.find_all("iframe") for link in ldesc: try: href = link.get("src") patron = 'http.*\/(.*)' matches = re.compile(patron, re.DOTALL).findall(href) texto=matches[0] logger.debug(texto) title = config.get_localized_string(30013) +" "+texto # title = "" thumbnail = "" action=canalAction+"descargasplay" url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'true', isFolder= False) except Exception as e: logger.debug(str(e))"")
def getvideo(url_): logger.debug(url_) domain = url_ html = tools.getUrl(domain) # logger.debug(html) # <center>(.*?)</center> # pattern = '<iframe.*src="(.*?)"></iframe>' # videoframe = tools.findall(pattern, html )[0] # html = tools.getUrl(videoframe) # pattern = '<iframe.*src="(.*?)"></iframe>' # videoframe = tools.findall(pattern, html )[0] # logger.debug(videoframe) label = 'prueba' thumbnail = '' url = 'rtmp:// playpath=partidos965?keys=WVTsGhsO-0Apepn4-vkzWg&keyt=1448255210' playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) playlist.clear() playlist.add(url, xlistitem), xlistitem) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='true', isFolder=False)
def principal():"") href = '' title = config.get_localized_string(30017) thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "herramientasMenu" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) href = '' title = config.get_localized_string(30015) thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "todo" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) href = '' title = config.get_localized_string(30005) thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "categoria" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) href = '' title = config.get_localized_string(30021) thumbnail = '' action = canalAction + "estado" url = tools.build_url({'action': action, 'url_': href}) tools.addItemMenu(label=title, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)
def principal():"") href = '' title = "Formula 1 2018" thumbnail = '' action=canalAction+"f12018" url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) title = "*Programación en vivo" action=canalAction+"envivo" href = '' thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) title = "*Repeticiones Online" action=canalAction+"repeticiones" href = '' thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) title = "Descargas en HQ" action=canalAction+"descargas" href = '' thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action':action,'url_':href}) tools.addItemMenu(label = title,thumbnail= thumbnail, url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) url = tools.build_url({'action':canalAction+"hitorialrepeticiones",'url_':""}) tools.addItemMenu(label = "*Historial de Repeticiones",thumbnail= "", url= url,IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) url = tools.build_url({'action':canalAction+"wwe",'url_':""}) tools.addItemMenu(label = "*WWE",thumbnail= "", url= url, IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True) url = tools.build_url({'action':canalAction+"ppvlatino",'url_':""}) tools.addItemMenu(label = "*Proyecto PPV Latino",thumbnail= "", url= url, IsPlayable = 'false', isFolder= True)
def mainmenu(): label = 'Eventos HQ' thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'eventoshq', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30014) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'libreria', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30001) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BPeliculas', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30002) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'BSeries', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = '' thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'lateletetv', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True) label = config.get_localized_string(30003) thumbnail = '' url = tools.build_url({'action': 'configurar', 'url_': ''}) tools.addItemMenu(label=label, thumbnail=thumbnail, url=url, IsPlayable='false', isFolder=True)