コード例 #1
    def test_scheduler_equality(self):
        root = Scheduler("root", ROOT_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        leaf1 = Scheduler("sc1", LEAF_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        leaf2 = Scheduler("sc1", LEAF_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        # One leaf has parent, the other doesnt
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(False))
        # Compare a leaf to a root
        assert_that(leaf1 == root, is_(False))

        # compare two leafs that have an equivalent parents
        root2 = Scheduler("root", ROOT_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(True))

        # compare two leafs that have different owners
        h1 = Host("h1", "addr", 1234)
        leaf1.owner = h1
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(False))

        # compare two leafs with the same owner
        leaf2.owner = h1
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(True))

        # compare two roots with the same children and grand children
        assert_that(root == root2, is_(True))

        # compare one root that has more leafs than the other
        leaf3 = Scheduler("sc3", LEAF_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        assert_that(root == root2, is_(False))
        del root2.children[leaf3.id]

        # compare one tree that has more hosts than the other
        leaf2.add_child(Host("h2", "addr", 12345))
        assert_that(root == root2, is_(False))
コード例 #2
    def test_scheduler_equality(self):
        root = Scheduler("root", ROOT_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        leaf1 = Scheduler("sc1", LEAF_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        leaf2 = Scheduler("sc1", LEAF_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        # One leaf has parent, the other doesnt
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(False))
        # Compare a leaf to a root
        assert_that(leaf1 == root, is_(False))

        # compare two leafs that have an equivalent parents
        root2 = Scheduler("root", ROOT_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(True))

        # compare two leafs that have different owners
        h1 = Host("h1", "addr", 1234)
        leaf1.owner = h1
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(False))

        # compare two leafs with the same owner
        leaf2.owner = h1
        assert_that(leaf1 == leaf2, is_(True))

        # compare two roots with the same children and grand children
        assert_that(root == root2, is_(True))

        # compare one root that has more leafs than the other
        leaf3 = Scheduler("sc3", LEAF_SCHEDULER_TYPE)
        assert_that(root == root2, is_(False))
        del root2.children[leaf3.id]

        # compare one tree that has more hosts than the other
        leaf2.add_child(Host("h2", "addr", 12345))
        assert_that(root == root2, is_(False))