def endpoint(event, lambda_context): client = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1') response = client.scan( TableName=os.environ.get('IDEAS_TABLE_NAME', 'dailyidea-ideas-dev'), FilterExpression="attribute_not_exists(strippedContent)", ) num_updated = 0 for idea in response['Items']: content = idea.get('content', {}).get('S') if not content: continue num_updated += 1 stripped_content = strip_html(content) client.update_item( TableName=os.environ.get('IDEAS_TABLE_NAME', 'dailyidea-ideas-dev'), Key={ 'ideaId': {'S': idea['ideaId']['S']}, 'userId': {'S': idea['userId']['S']} }, UpdateExpression='SET strippedContent = :strippedContent', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ':strippedContent': {'S': stripped_content} } ) print("UPDATED", num_updated) return {}
def endpoint(event, lambda_context): ctx = event.get('ctx') arguments = ctx.get('arguments') title = arguments.get('title') slug = slugify(title) content = sanitize_idea_content(arguments.get('content', None)) stripped_content = None if content: stripped_content = strip_html(content) idea_id = arguments.get('ideaId', None) idea_owner_id = arguments.get('ideaOwnerId', None) tags = arguments.get('tags', list()) new_image_attachments = arguments.get('imageAttachments', list()) new_file_attachments = arguments.get('fileAttachments', list()) editor_id = ctx.get('identity').get('username') if editor_id != idea_owner_id: return { 'result': { 'ok': False, 'error': 'You do not have permission to edit this idea' } } if len(tags) > 100: return {'result': {'ok': False, 'error': 'Too much tags'}} client = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1') s3 = boto3.client('s3') idea = client.get_item(TableName=os.environ.get('IDEAS_TABLE_NAME'), Key={ 'ideaId': { "S": idea_id }, 'userId': { "S": idea_owner_id } })['Item'] client.update_item( TableName=os.environ.get('IDEAS_TABLE_NAME'), Key={ 'ideaId': { "S": idea_id }, 'userId': { "S": idea_owner_id } }, UpdateExpression= 'SET title = :title, slug = :slug, strippedContent = :strippedContent, content = :content, updatedDate = :updatedDate, fileAttachments=:fileAttachments, imageAttachments=:imageAttachments, previewImage=:previewImage', ExpressionAttributeValues={ ":title": { "S": title }, ":slug": { "S": slug }, ":strippedContent": { "S": stripped_content } if stripped_content else { "NULL": True }, ":content": { "S": content } if content else { "NULL": True }, ":updatedDate": { "S": }, ":fileAttachments": { "SS": new_file_attachments } if len(new_file_attachments) else { "NULL": True }, ":imageAttachments": { "SS": new_image_attachments } if len(new_image_attachments) else { "NULL": True }, ":previewImage": { "S": new_image_attachments[0] } if len(new_image_attachments) else { "NULL": True }, }) current_file_attachments = idea['fileAttachments'].get('SS', []) for file_attachment in current_file_attachments: if file_attachment not in new_file_attachments: s3.delete_object(Bucket=os.environ.get('USER_UPLOADS_BUCKET'), Key=file_attachment) current_idea_tags = list( map( lambda t: t['tag']['S'], client.query(TableName=os.environ.get('TAGS_TABLE_NAME'), IndexName='ideaTags', ProjectionExpression='tag', KeyConditionExpression="ideaId = :ideaId", ExpressionAttributeValues={":ideaId": { "S": idea_id }})['Items'])) if len(current_idea_tags): prepared_tags = prepare_idea_tags_for_delete_request( current_idea_tags, idea_id) for tags_chunk in chunks(prepared_tags, BATCH_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE): client.batch_write_item( RequestItems={os.environ.get('TAGS_TABLE_NAME'): tags_chunk}) if len(tags): prepared_tags = prepare_idea_tags_for_put_request( tags, idea_owner_id, idea_id) for tags_chunk in chunks(prepared_tags, BATCH_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE): client.batch_write_item( RequestItems={os.environ.get('TAGS_TABLE_NAME'): tags_chunk}) return {'result': {'ok': True}, 'idea': {'ideaId': idea_id, 'slug': slug}}
def endpoint(event, lambda_context): ctx = event.get('ctx') arguments = ctx.get('arguments') title = arguments.get('title') slug = slugify(title) content = sanitize_idea_content(arguments.get('content', None)) stripped_content = None if content: stripped_content = strip_html(content) tags = arguments.get('tags', list()) image_attachments = arguments.get('imageAttachments', list()) file_attachments = arguments.get('fileAttachments', list()) if len(tags) > 100: raise Exception('Too much tags') is_private = arguments.get('isPrivate', False) client = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name='us-east-1') idea_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) short_id = find_unique_short_id() creator_id = ctx.get('identity').get('username') creator_account = client.get_item( TableName=os.environ.get('USERS_TABLE_NAME'), Key={'userId': { "S": creator_id }}, )['Item'] creator_name_raw = creator_account.get('name', None) creator_slug = creator_account.get('slug').get('S') creator_avatar = creator_account.get('avatar').get( 'S') if creator_account.get('avatar') else None creator_name = creator_name_raw.get( 'S') if creator_name_raw else 'Anonymous User' client.put_item(TableName=os.environ.get('IDEAS_TABLE_NAME'), Item={ 'sortKey': { "S": 'idea' }, 'ideaId': { "S": idea_id }, 'shortId': { "S": short_id }, 'userId': { "S": creator_id }, "title": { "S": title }, "slug": { "S": slug }, "content": { "S": content } if content else { "NULL": True }, "strippedContent": { "S": stripped_content } if stripped_content else { "NULL": True }, "ideaDate": { "S": }, "createdDate": { "S": }, "likesCount": { "N": "0" }, "savesCount": { "N": "0" }, "commentsCount": { "N": "0" }, "authorName": { "S": creator_name }, "authorSlug": { "S": creator_slug }, "authorAvatar": { "S": creator_avatar } if creator_avatar else { "NULL": True }, "visibility": { "S": "PRIVATE" if is_private else "PUBLIC" }, "imageAttachments": { "SS": image_attachments } if len(image_attachments) else { "NULL": True }, "fileAttachments": { "SS": file_attachments } if len(image_attachments) else { "NULL": True }, "previewImage": { "S": image_attachments[0] } if len(image_attachments) else { "NULL": True }, }) client.update_item( TableName=os.environ.get('USERS_TABLE_NAME'), Key={'userId': { "S": creator_id }}, UpdateExpression="ADD #ideascreatedfield :plusOne", ExpressionAttributeNames={"#ideascreatedfield": 'ideasCreated'}, ExpressionAttributeValues={":plusOne": { "N": '1' }}, ) if len(tags): prepared_tags = prepare_idea_tags_for_put_request( tags, creator_id, idea_id) for tags_chunk in chunks(prepared_tags, BATCH_WRITE_CHUNK_SIZE): client.batch_write_item( RequestItems={os.environ.get('TAGS_TABLE_NAME'): tags_chunk}) return {'ideaId': idea_id, 'shortId': short_id, 'slug': slug}