コード例 #1
ファイル: Classification.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/pyvfeed
    def get_targets(self):
        """ callable method - return targets affected by vulnerability"""

        # init local list
        response = []

        self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE cve_id=?', self.query)

        for data in self.cur.fetchall():
            # set the CPE identifiers
            cpe22_id = data[0]
            cpe23_id = data[1]

            # set the title
            self.cur.execute("SELECT title FROM cpe_db where cpe_id = ?", (cpe22_id,))
            title = self.cur.fetchone()

            if title is not None:
                title = title[0]

            # format the response
            targets = {"title": title, "cpe2.2": cpe22_id, "cpe2.3": cpe23_id}

        # set the tag
        response = {"targets": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Classification.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/pyvfeed
    def get_weaknesses(self):
        """ callable method - return weaknesses affected by vulnerability"""

        # init local list
        response = []

        self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM map_cwe_cve WHERE cve_id=?', self.query)

        for data in self.cur.fetchall():
            cwe_id = data[0]
            self.cur.execute("SELECT title,link,class,relations,capec_id FROM cwe_db WHERE cwe_id='%s' " % cwe_id)
            cwe_data = self.cur.fetchall()

            if cwe_data:
                title = cwe_data[0][0]
                url = cwe_data[0][1]
                cwe_class = cwe_data[0][2]
                relationship = cwe_data[0][3]
                capec = cwe_data[0][4]

                # format the response
                weaknesses = {"id": cwe_id,
                              "parameters": {"class": cwe_class, "title": title,
                                             "relationship": relationship, "url": url,
                                             "attack_patterns": self.enum_capec(capec),
                                             "ranking": {"categorization": self.enum_category(cwe_id),
                                                         "wasc": self.enum_wasc(cwe_id),
                                                         "att&ck_mitre": self.enum_attack_mitre(capec)}}}

        # set the tag
        response = {"weaknesses": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #3
    def search_cve(self):
        """ basic search CVE identifiers """

        self.result = json.loads(Information(self.id).get_info())

        if self.result['description'] != []:
            return utility.serialize_data(self.result)
コード例 #4
    def get_advisory(self):
        """ callable method - return bulletins and advisories data """

        # init local list
        response = []

        # get the list of available relevant sources
        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM advisory_db GROUP BY source")

        for source in self.cur.fetchall():
            source = source[0].strip()
            data = self.enum_bulletins(source)

            # get only responses with valid data.
            if data:
                # format the response
                tag = {source: data}

        # load the patches data to be merged
        patches = json.loads(Preventive(self.id).get_patches(),

        # set the response tag
        response = {"preventive": {"bulletins": response, "patches": patches}}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #5
    def get_targets(self):
        """ callable method - return targets affected by vulnerability"""

        # init local list
        targets = []

        # count
        self.cur.execute('SELECT count(cpe_id) FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE cve_id=?', self.query)
        self.count = self.cur.fetchone()

        # getting data
        self.data = self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE cve_id=?', self.query)
        self.data = self.cur.fetchall()

        for i in range(0, self.count[0]):
                # setting target title from CPE database
                self.cur.execute("SELECT title FROM cpe_db where cpe_id = ?", (self.data[i][0],))
                self.title = self.cur.fetchone()
                if self.title is not None:
                    self.title = self.title[0]

                response = {"title": self.title, "cpe2.2": self.data[i][0], "cpe2.3": self.data[i][1]}


        # adding the appropriate tag.
        targets = {"targets": targets}

        return utility.serialize_data(targets)
コード例 #6
    def get_patches(self):
        """ callable method - return patches & fixed packages data """

        # init local list
        response = []

        # get the list of available relevant vendors (sources)
        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM patches_db GROUP BY source")

        for source in self.cur.fetchall():
            source = source[0].strip()
            (data, date_published, description) = self.enum_patches(source)

            # get only responses with valid data.
            if data:
                # format the response
                tag = {
                    source: {
                        "date_published": date_published,
                        "description": description,
                        "packages": data

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #7
    def get_targets(self):
        """ callable method - return targets affected by vulnerability"""

        # init local list
        response = []

            "SELECT configuration FROM map_cpe_cve where cve_id=? GROUP BY configuration order by configuration",

        for configs in self.cur.fetchall():
                '''SELECT * FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE configuration="%s" and cve_id="%s"  '''
                % (configs[0], self.query[0]))

            data = self.cur.fetchall()
            config_id = data[0][0]

            tag = {"id": config_id, "parameters": self.enum_cpe(data)}

        # set tag
        response = {"targets": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #8
    def search_cpe(self):
        """ basic search for CPE identifiers """

        if not self.id.startswith("cpe:/") and not self.id.startswith("cpe:2.3:"):
            response = utility.serialize_error(False, self.id, "Not a valid CPE identifier")
            return response

        # check whether is CPE 2.2 or CPE 2.3
        if "cpe:2.3" in self.id:
            col = "cpe23_id"

        if "cpe:/" in self.id:
            col = "cpe_id"

        # query the database
        self.cur.execute("SELECT cve_id FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE {tn} = ? ORDER BY cve_id DESC".format(tn=col),
        data = self.cur.fetchall()

        if data:
            # init dict
            cve = []
            for cve_id in data:

            # set the response
            response = {"id": self.id, "vulnerability": cve}
            return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #9
    def get_cvss(self):
        """ callable method - return both CVSS 2 and 3 scores"""

        cvss_2 = json.loads(self.get_cvss2())
        cvss_3 = json.loads(self.get_cvss3())

        # formatting the response
        response = {"risk": {"cvss": cvss_2}}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #10
ファイル: Classification.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/pyvfeed
    def get_all(self):
        """ callable method - return both targets and weaknesses affected by vulnerability"""

        targets = json.loads(self.get_targets(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
        weaknesses = json.loads(self.get_weaknesses(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)


        # format the response
        response = {"classification": targets}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #11
ファイル: Inspection.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/pyvfeed
    def get_all(self):
        """ callable method - return both remote and local scanners signatures"""

        remote = json.loads(self.get_remote(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
        local = json.loads(self.get_local(), object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)


        # set the tag
        response = {"inspection": remote}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #12
    def get_all(self):
        """ callable method - return both remote and local scanners signatures"""

        advisory = json.loads(Preventive(self.id).get_advisory())
        rules = json.loads(Detective(self.id).get_rules())


        # formatting the response
        response = {"defense": advisory}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #13
    def get_all(self):
        """ callable method - return basic and references as json"""

        info = json.loads(self.get_info())
        references = json.loads(self.get_references())
        # merge

        # formatting the response
        response = {"information": info}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #14
    def search_cwe(self):
        """ basic search CWE identifiers """

        # set the CWE as uppercase
        self.cwe = self.id.upper()

        # check if valid CWE
        if not self.cwe.startswith('CWE-'):
            response = utility.serialize_error(False, self.id,
                                               "Not a valid CWE identifier")
            return response

        # query the database
            "SELECT title,class,link  FROM cwe_db WHERE cwe_id=? ",
            (self.cwe, ))
        cwe_data = self.cur.fetchone()

        if cwe_data:
            # set the CWE data
            title = cwe_data[0]
            cwe_class = cwe_data[1]
            url = cwe_data[2]

            # query the database
                "SELECT cve_id from map_cwe_cve where cwe_id=? ORDER BY cve_id DESC",
                (self.cwe, ))
            data = self.cur.fetchall()

            if data:
                # init dict
                cve = []
                for cve_id in data:

                # set the response
                response = {
                    "id": self.cwe,
                    "parameters": {
                        "title": title,
                        "class": cwe_class,
                        "url": url
                    "vulnerability": cve

                return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #15
ファイル: Database.py プロジェクト: stuckforflow/pyvfeed
    def __init__(self, identifier, cursor="", query=""):

        # init test
        response = json.loads(utility.init())

        if not response["success"]:

        # case CVE lower
        if "cve" in identifier:
            identifier = identifier.upper()

        self.identifier = identifier
        self.cur = cursor
        self.query = query
        self.db = utility.set_db_file()
コード例 #16
    def get_cvss3(self):
        """ callable method - return CVSS 3 score"""

        # init
        response = {}

        # getting cvss data
        self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cvss_scores WHERE cve_id=?',
        self.datas = self.cur.fetchall()

        for data in self.datas:
            # setting cvss3 vectors
            self.cvss3_base = data[10]
            self.cvss3_impact = data[11]
            self.cvss3_exploit = data[12]
            self.cvss3_vector = data[13]
            self.cvss3_attack_vector = data[14]
            self.cvss3_attack_complexity = data[15]
            self.cvss3_privileges_required = data[16]
            self.cvss3_user_interaction = data[17]
            self.cvss3_scope = data[18]
            self.cvss3_conf_impact = data[19]
            self.cvss3_int_impact = data[20]
            self.cvss3_avail_impact = data[21]

            # formatting the response
            response = {
                "vector": self.cvss3_vector,
                "base_score": self.cvss3_base,
                "impact_score": self.cvss3_impact,
                "exploit_score": self.cvss3_exploit,
                "attack_vector": self.cvss3_attack_vector,
                "attack_complexity": self.cvss3_attack_complexity,
                "privileges_required": self.cvss3_privileges_required,
                "user_interaction": self.cvss3_user_interaction,
                "score": self.cvss3_scope,
                "confidentiality_impact": self.cvss3_conf_impact,
                "integrity_impact": self.cvss3_int_impact,
                "availability_impact": self.cvss3_avail_impact

        # adding the appropriate tag.
        response = {"cvss3": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #17
    def get_weaknesses(self):
        """ callable method - return weaknesses affected by vulnerability"""

        # init local list
        weaknesses = []

        # count
        self.cur.execute('SELECT count(cwe_id) FROM map_cwe_cve WHERE cve_id=?', self.query)
        self.count = self.cur.fetchone()

        # getting data
        self.data = self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM map_cwe_cve WHERE cve_id=?', self.query)
        self.data = self.cur.fetchall()

        # extracting CWE/CAPEC/WASC/CATEROGIES
        for i in range(0, self.count[0]):
                self.cwe_id = self.data[i][0]
                    "SELECT title,link,class,relations,capec_id FROM cwe_db WHERE cwe_id='%s' " % self.cwe_id)
                self.data_2 = self.cur.fetchall()

                # setting parameters
                self.title = self.data_2[0][0]
                self.url = self.data_2[0][1]
                self.cwe_class = self.data_2[0][2]
                self.relation = self.data_2[0][3]
                self.capec = self.data_2[0][4]

                # formatting the response
                response = {"id": self.data[i][0],
                            "parameters": {"class": self.cwe_class, "title": self.title,
                                           "relationship": self.relation, "url": self.url,
                                           "attack_patterns": self.enum_capec(),
                                           "ranking": {"category": self.enum_category(),
                                                       "wasc": self.enum_wasc()}}}


        # adding the appropriate tag.
        weaknesses = {"weaknesses": weaknesses}

        return utility.serialize_data(weaknesses)
コード例 #18
    def get_cvss2(self):
        """ callable method - return  CVSS 2 score"""

        # init
        response = {}

        # getting cvss data
        self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cvss_scores WHERE cve_id=?',
        self.datas = self.cur.fetchall()

        for data in self.datas:
            # setting cvss2 vectors
            self.cvss2_base = data[0]
            self.cvss2_impact = data[1]
            self.cvss2_exploit = data[2]
            self.cvss2_vector = data[3]
            self.cvss2_access_vector = data[4]
            self.cvss2_access_complexity = data[5]
            self.cvss2_authentication = data[6]
            self.cvss2_conf_impact = data[7]
            self.cvss2_int_impact = data[8]
            self.cvss2_avail_impact = data[9]

            # formatting the response
            response = {
                "vector": self.cvss2_vector,
                "base_score": self.cvss2_base,
                "impact_score": self.cvss2_impact,
                "exploit_score": self.cvss2_exploit,
                "access_vector": self.cvss2_access_vector,
                "access_complexity": self.cvss2_access_complexity,
                "authentication": self.cvss2_authentication,
                "confidentiality_impact": self.cvss2_conf_impact,
                "integrity_impact": self.cvss2_int_impact,
                "availability_impact": self.cvss2_avail_impact

        # adding the appropriate tag.
        response = {"cvss2": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #19
ファイル: Inspection.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/pyvfeed
    def get_local(self):
        """  callable method - local scanners signatures """

        # init response dict
        response = []

            "SELECT source FROM scanners_db WHERE source LIKE '%oval%' and cve_id=? GROUP BY source",

        for source in self.cur.fetchall():
            source = source[0].strip()
            data = self.enum_signatures(source)

            tag = {source: data}

        # set the tag
        response = {"local": response}
        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #20
    def get_advisory(self):
        """ callable method - return bulletins and advisories data """

        # init local list
        advisory = []

        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM advisory_db GROUP BY source")

        for data in self.cur.fetchall():
            self.source = data[0].strip()
            responses = self.enum_bulletins()

            # get only responses with valid data. Otherwise the json will be huge (a lot of sources :) )
            if responses is not None:
                response = {self.source: responses}

        # adding the appropriate tag.
        advisory = {"preventive": advisory}

        return utility.serialize_data(advisory)
コード例 #21
    def get_rules(self):
        """ callable method - return IPS and IDS signatures """

        # init local list
        rules = []

        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM detection_db GROUP BY source")

        for data in self.cur.fetchall():
            self.source = data[0].strip()
            responses = self.enum_rules()

            # get only responses with valid data. Otherwise the json will be huge (a lot of sources :) )
            if responses is not None:
                response = {self.source: responses}

        # adding the appropriate tag.
        rules = {"detective": rules}

        return utility.serialize_data(rules)
コード例 #22
    def get_references(self):
        """ callable method -  return vulnerability references """

        # init local list
        references = []

        self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM map_refs_cve WHERE cve_id=?',

        for data in self.cur.fetchall():
            # setting reference info
            vendor = data[0]
            url = data[1]
            # formatting the response
            response = {"vendor": vendor, "url": url}

        # adding the appropriate tag.
        references = {"references": references}

        return utility.serialize_data(references)
コード例 #23
    def search_cve(self):
        """ basic search CVE identifiers """

        # set the CVE as uppercase
        self.id = self.id.upper()

        # check if valid CVE
        if not self.id.startswith('CVE-'):
            response = utility.serialize_error(False, self.id, "Not a valid CVE identifier")
            return response

        # load CVE data
        response = json.loads(Information(self.id).get_info())
        exploits = json.loads(Exploitation(self.id).get_exploits())

        if response['description'] != []:
            # new tag added to search whenever an exploits is available
            if exploits['exploitation'] != []:

            return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #24
    def get_rules(self):
        """ callable method - return IPS and IDS signatures """

        # init local list
        response = []

        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM detection_db GROUP BY source")

        for source in self.cur.fetchall():
            source = source[0].strip()
            data = self.enum_rules(source)

            # get only responses with valid data. Otherwise the json will be huge (a lot of sources :) )
            if data:
                tag = {source: data}

        # set tag.
        response = {"detective": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #25
    def search_cpe(self):
        """ basic search for CPE identifiers """

        if "cpe" not in self.id:
            response = utility.serialize_error(False, self.id,
                                               "Not a valid CPE identifier")
            return response

        # check whether is CPE 2.2 or CPE 2.3
        if "cpe:2.3" in self.id:
            col = "cpe23_id"

        if "cpe:/" in self.id:
            col = "cpe_id"

            "SELECT count(DISTINCT {tn}) FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE {tn} = ? ORDER BY cve_id DESC"
            .format(tn=col), self.query)
        self.count_cpe = self.cur.fetchone()

            "SELECT * FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE {tn} = ? ORDER BY cve_id DESC".
            format(tn=col), self.query)
        data = self.cur.fetchall()

        if data:
            for i in range(0, self.count_cpe[0]):
                # init dict
                cve = []
                    "SELECT cve_id FROM map_cpe_cve WHERE {tn} = ? ORDER BY cve_id DESC"
                    .format(tn=col), self.query)

                for cve_id in self.cur.fetchall():

                item = {"id": self.id, "vulnerability": cve}

        return utility.serialize_data(self.result)
コード例 #26
    def get_advisory(self):
        """ callable method - return bulletins and advisories data """

        # init local list
        response = []

        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM advisory_db GROUP BY source")

        for source in self.cur.fetchall():
            source = source[0].strip()
            data = self.enum_bulletins(source)

            # get only responses with valid data.
            if data:
                # format the response
                tag = {source: data}

        # set tag
        response = {"preventive": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #27
ファイル: Classification.py プロジェクト: akpotter/pyvfeed
    def get_packages(self):
        """ callable method - return affected packages & libraries (vendor, product, version) by vulnerability"""

        # init local list
        response = []

        self.cur.execute("SELECT vendor FROM packages_db WHERE cve_id=? GROUP BY vendor", self.query)

        for vendor in self.cur.fetchall():
            vendor = vendor[0].strip()
            data = self.enum_packages(vendor)

            # get only responses with valid data.
            if data:
                # format the response
                tag = {vendor: data}

        # set tag
        response = {"packages": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #28
ファイル: Exploitation.py プロジェクト: jimthereaper/pyvfeed
    def get_exploits(self):
        """ callable method - return exploits and PoC signatures"""

        # init local list
        exploits = []

        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM exploits_db GROUP BY source")
        self.datas = self.cur.fetchall()

        for data in self.datas:
            self.source = data[0].strip()
            responses = self.enum_exploits()

            # get only responses with valid data. Othewise the json will be huge (a lot of sources :) )
            if responses is not None:
                response = {self.source: responses}

        # adding the appropriate tag.
        exploits = {"exploitation": exploits}

        return utility.serialize_data(exploits)
コード例 #29
ファイル: Exploitation.py プロジェクト: sh1nu11bi/pyvfeed
    def get_exploits(self):
        """ callable method - return exploits and PoC signatures"""

        # init local list
        response = []

        self.cur.execute("SELECT source FROM exploits_db GROUP BY source")

        for source in self.cur.fetchall():
            source = source[0].strip()
            data = self.enum_exploits(source)

            # get only responses with valid data.
            if data:
                # format the response
                tag = {source: data}

        # set the tag
        response = {"exploitation": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)
コード例 #30
ファイル: Information.py プロジェクト: stuckforflow/pyvfeed
    def get_info(self):
        """ callable method - return vulnerability basic info as JSON """

        # init local list
        response = []

        self.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM cve_db WHERE cve_id=?', self.query)

        for data in self.cur.fetchall():
            # format the response
            information = {
                "id": self.id,
                "parameters": {
                    "published": data[1],
                    "modified": data[2],
                    "summary": data[3]

        # set the tag
        response = {"description": response}

        return utility.serialize_data(response)