コード例 #1
ファイル: ReadVideo.py プロジェクト: jole6826/video-diff
def Benchmark():
    global captureQ, frameCountQ
    global captureR, frameCountR

    # Doing benchmarking
    while True:
        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            frame1 = captureQ.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
            frame1 = captureQ.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
        common.DebugPrint("Alex: frame1 = %d" % frame1)

        MatchFrames.counterQ = int(frame1)  #0

        common.DebugPrint("Alex: MatchFrames.counterQ = %d" %

        retQ, imgQ = captureQ.read()
        if retQ == False:

        if False:
            grayQ = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(imgQ)

        MatchFrames.Main_img1(imgQ, MatchFrames.counterQ)

    # 36.2 secs (38.5 secs with Convert to RGB)
    common.DebugPrint("Alex: time after Feature Extraction of all frames of " \
                "video 1 = %s" % GetCurrentDateTimeStringWithMilliseconds())

    while True:
        if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
            frameR = captureR.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
            frameR = captureR.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)

        common.DebugPrint("Alex: frameR = %d" % frameR)

        MatchFrames.counterR = int(frameR)

        common.DebugPrint("Alex: counterR = %d" % (MatchFrames.counterR))

        retR, imgR = captureR.read()
        if retR == False:

        if False:
            grayR = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(imgR)

        MatchFrames.Main_img2(imgR, MatchFrames.counterR)

    # Note: 47.2 secs (56.7 secs with Convert to RGB)
    common.DebugPrint("Alex: time after Feature Extraction of all frames of " \
                    "video 2 and (FLANN?) matching once for each frame = %s" % \

コード例 #2
def MyImageReadMSH(index):
    global g
    common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): initFrame = %d)" % \
    index += config.initFrame[g.indexVideo];
    common.DebugPrint("Entered MyImageReadMSH(capture=%s, index=%s)" % \
                            (str(capture), str(index)));
    common.DebugPrint("Entered MyImageReadMSH(index=%s)" % \
    We must reopen the capture device in each different process, otherwise the
        program blocks at the first operation in the "global" capture device.
    if g.harlocsFolder.endswith(config.HARRIS_QUERY_FOLDER_NAME):
        if g.captureQ == None:
            capture = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[1])
            g.captureQ = capture
            common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): new capture=%s" % \
            capture = g.captureQ
    elif g.harlocsFolder.endswith(config.HARRIS_REFERENCE_FOLDER_NAME):
        if g.captureR == None:
            capture = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[2])
            g.captureR = capture
            common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): new capture=%s" % \
            capture = g.captureR
        assert False

    assert (g.indexVideo == 0) or (g.indexVideo == 1)
    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        capture.set(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, \
        From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
            <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be
              decoded/captured next.>>
        capture.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, \

    common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): after capture.set()")

    # This is only for (paranoid) testing purposes:
    if config.OCV_OLD_PY_BINDINGS:
        indexCrt = capture.get(cv2.cv.CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)
        From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/highgui/doc/reading_and_writing_images_and_video.html#videocapture-get:
            <<CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES 0-based index of the frame to be
              decoded/captured next.>>
        indexCrt = capture.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)

    #assert int(indexCrt) == index;
    #!!!!TODO: think if OK
    if int(indexCrt) != index:
        common.DebugPrint( \
            "MyImageReadMSH(): indexCrt != index --> returning black frame")
        ret = False
        #common.DebugPrint("Alex: frameR = %d" % frameR);

        #if myIndex > numFramesR:
        #    break;

        #ret, img = r_path.read();
        ret, img = capture.read()
        #if ret == False:
        #    break;

    #!!!!TODO: think if well
    #assert ret == True;
    if ret == False:
            "MyImageReadMSH(index=%d): ret == False --> returning None" %
        img = None
        common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): img.shape = %s" % str(img.shape))
        common.DebugPrint("MyImageReadMSH(): img.dtype = %s" % str(img.dtype))

    #!!!!TODO: I suggest to do the gray conversion at reading, not in multi_scale_harris.py
    if False:
        # In the Matlab code he reads gray/8bpp JPEGs
        imgGray = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(img)

        # We resize the image
        img = Matlab.imresize(img, \

    common.DebugPrint("Exiting MyImageReadMSH()")
    if False:
        return imgGray

    return img
コード例 #3
def output_crossref_images(crossref, capture_q, capture_r):
    if not os.path.exists(config.FRAME_PAIRS_MATCHES_FOLDER):

    rframe = None
    gray_rframe = None
    last_r_idx = None
    t0 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
    for q_idx, r_idx in crossref:
        q_idx = int(q_idx)
        r_idx = int(r_idx)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            t1 = float(cv2.getTickCount())

        qframe = MyImageRead(capture_q, q_idx, grayscale=False)
        gray_qframe = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(qframe)
        if r_idx != last_r_idx:
            rframe = MyImageRead(capture_r, r_idx, grayscale=False)
            gray_rframe = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(rframe)

        last_r_idx = r_idx

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            t2 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
                "ecc_homo_spacetime(): grabbing frames took %.6f [sec]" %
                ((t2 - t1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()))

        # Default diff is a G-channel swap.
        gdiff = np.zeros(qframe.shape)
        gdiff[:, :, 0] = gray_qframe
        gdiff[:, :, 1] = gray_rframe  # G-Channel Swap
        gdiff[:, :, 2] = gray_qframe

        if config.VISUAL_DIFF_FRAMES:
            # Compute difference between frames.
            diff_mask = cv2.absdiff(qframe, rframe)

            for i in range(diff_mask.shape[2]):
                diff_mask[:, :, i] = cv2.GaussianBlur(src=diff_mask[:, :, i],
                                                      ksize=(7, 7),

            diff_mask_sum = diff_mask.sum(axis=2)
            r_diff, c_diff = np.nonzero(
                diff_mask_sum >= config.MEANINGFUL_DIFF_THRESHOLD *
            meaningful_indices = zip(r_diff, c_diff)
            # Create all black image so we can set the diff pixels to white.
            diff_mask = np.zeros((diff_mask.shape[0], diff_mask.shape[1]),
            diff_mask[(r_diff, c_diff)] = 255

            assert r_diff.size == c_diff.size
            assert r_diff.size == len(meaningful_indices)

            res = cv2.findContours(image=diff_mask,

            contours = res[1]

            color_c = 255
            meaningful_contours = 0
            diff_mask = np.zeros((diff_mask.shape[0], diff_mask.shape[1]),
            for index_c, contour in enumerate(contours):
                if len(contour) < 15:
                    meaningful_contours += 1

                config.FRAME_PAIRS_MATCHES_FOLDER +
                ("%.6d_diff_mask" % q_idx) + config.imformat,

            if config.SHOW_MASKED_DIFF:
                qframe_diff = cv2.bitwise_and(qframe, qframe, mask=diff_mask)
                rframe_diff = cv2.bitwise_and(rframe, rframe, mask=diff_mask)
                # Save the masked diffs.
                    config.FRAME_PAIRS_MATCHES_FOLDER +
                    ("%.6d_query_diff" % q_idx) + config.imformat,
                    config.FRAME_PAIRS_MATCHES_FOLDER +
                    ("%.6d_ref_diff" % q_idx) + config.imformat,

        if config.SAVE_FRAMES:
            # We use q_idx because ref video is aligned against the query video.
            # These frames represent the aligned output.
                config.FRAME_PAIRS_MATCHES_FOLDER + ("%.6d_query" % q_idx) +
                config.imformat, qframe.astype(int))
                config.FRAME_PAIRS_MATCHES_FOLDER + ("%.6d_ref" % q_idx) +
                config.imformat, rframe.astype(int))

            config.FRAME_PAIRS_MATCHES_FOLDER + ("%.6d_gchan_diff" % q_idx) +
            config.imformat, gdiff.astype(int))

    print("Saving crossref frames took %.6f [sec]" %
          ((float(cv2.getTickCount()) - t0) / cv2.getTickFrequency()))
コード例 #4
def spatial_alignment(win,
    h_q, w_q = input_frame.shape[:2]
    h_r, w_r = ref_frame.shape[:2]

    vis = None

    # Alex: if it's an inlier we draw a line, etc
    Alex: we convert images to gray, otherwise we get exception like:
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "ReadAVI.py", line 321, in <module>
        File "ReadAVI.py", line 258, in Main
          res = find_obj.ComputeFeatures2(ref_frame, counter_r)
        File "Z:\1PhD\UPB_RO\CV_Video_Based_Detection\1\find_obj.py", line 387, in ComputeFeatures2
          res = temporal_alignment('find_obj')
        File "Z:\1PhD\UPB_RO\CV_Video_Based_Detection\1\find_obj.py", line 334, in temporal_alignment
          vis = spatial_alignment(win, input_frame, ref_frame, kp_pairs, status, H)
        File "Z:\1PhD\UPB_RO\CV_Video_Based_Detection\1\find_obj.py", line 161, in spatial_alignment
          vis[:hQ, :wQ] = input_frame
      ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (576,720) (576,720,3)
    Note that the formal parameters of the caller corresponding to the actual
        parameters input_frame and ref_frame are not changed by the following
    input_frame = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(input_frame)
    ref_frame = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(ref_frame)

    display_warped_image = False

    if config.SPATIAL_ALIGNMENT_ALGO in [
        if config.SPATIAL_ALIGNMENT_ALGO == "LK":
            # Computing homography with Lucas-Kanade's algorithm:
            h1, status1 = LK.lucas_kanade_homography(input_frame)
            if h1 is not None:
                # We take the H from the LK algorithm
                h = h1
                status = status1

        if config.USE_GUI or config.SAVE_FRAMES:
            # Applying overlay of warped ref_frame with homography H
            h, w = ref_frame.shape[:2]
            overlay = cv2.warpPerspective(src=ref_frame, M=h, dsize=(w, h))

            vis = np.zeros((max(h_q, h_r), w_q + w_r), np.uint8)
            vis[:h_q, :w_q] = input_frame

            if config.DISPLAY_RIGHT_IMAGE_WITH_DIFF:
                # ref_frame is the warped ref_frame, when applying H to it
                ref_frame = overlay

                # TODO: using img_diff = None seems to crash at absdiff().
                #  This is just a crappy assignment, to be of the same type :))
                img_diff = ref_frame

                # Compute difference between frames input_frame and ref_frame:
                cv2.absdiff(src1=input_frame, src2=ref_frame, dst=img_diff)
                vis[:h_r, w_q:w_q + w_r] = img_diff
                if display_warped_image:
                    ref_frame = overlay
                vis[:h_r, w_q:w_q + w_r] = ref_frame

    elif config.SPATIAL_ALIGNMENT_ALGO == "ECC":
        ECC.template_image = input_frame
        ECC.target_image = ref_frame
        ECC.number_of_iterations = 25
        ECC.termination_eps = 0.001
        ECC.motion = "homography"
        ECC.warp_to_file = "warp.ecc"
        ECC.warp_init = "init.txt"
        ECC.image_to_file = "warped.pgm"

        # Note that ECC.template_image is a numpy.ndarray
        ECC.target_image = Misc.convert_np_to_ipl_image(ECC.target_image)
        ECC.template_image = Misc.convert_np_to_ipl_image(ECC.template_image)

        if config.USE_GUI or config.SAVE_FRAMES:
            vis = np.zeros((max(h_q, h_r), w_q + w_r), np.uint8)
            vis[:h_q, :w_q] = input_frame

            vis[:h_r, w_q:w_q + w_r] = ref_frame
            if config.USE_GUI:
                cv2.imshow(win, vis)

        # We require IplImage; the result is basically ECC.warped_image

        if config.USE_GUI or config.SAVE_FRAMES:

            # TODO: using img_diff = None seems to crash at absdiff().
            #  This is just a crappy assignment, to be of the same type :))
            img_diff = ref_frame

            ref_frame_new = ECC.warped_image
            print("ref_frame_new (before) = %s" % str(ref_frame_new))
            # We now need to convert ref_frame_new to numpy:
              From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13104161/fast-conversion-of-iplimage-to-numpy-array:

            "works fantastically, and more important: quickly!
            This is by far the fastest way I've found to grab a frame and make
                it an ndarray for numpy processing." - see code below:
            ref_frame_new = np.asarray(ref_frame_new[:, :])

            print("input_frame = %s" % str(input_frame))
            print("ref_frame = %s" % str(ref_frame))
            print("ref_frame_new = %s" % str(ref_frame_new))
            Because both input_frame and ref_frame are
                input_frame = 
                  <iplimage(nChannels=1 width=568 height=320 widthStep=568 )>
                img_diff = 
                  <iplimage(nChannels=1 width=568 height=320 widthStep=568 )>
                input_frame = 
                  <iplimage(nChannels=1 width=568 height=320 widthStep=568 )>
                ref_frame = [[47 46 47 ..., 59 49 39]
                 [47 47 46 ..., 61 49 39]
                 [46 47 46 ..., 61 49 38]
                 [85 85 86 ..., 79 79 79]
                 [86 86 88 ..., 82 82 82]
                 [88 88 88 ..., 84 83 84]]
            input_frame = 
              <iplimage(nChannels=1 width=568 height=320 widthStep=568 )>
            ref_frame = 
              <iplimage(nChannels=1 width=568 height=320 widthStep=568 )>

            We have the following error:
                "TypeError: src1 is not a numpy array, neither a scalar"
            if config.DISPLAY_RIGHT_IMAGE_WITH_DIFF:
                # Compute difference between frames input_frame and ref_frame:
                cv2.absdiff(src1=input_frame, src2=ref_frame_new, dst=img_diff)
                img_diff = ref_frame_new
            We display in the right pane the diff between the warped image of
                the target image and the template?
            vis[:h_r, w_q:w_q + w_r] = img_diff
    TODO: return reduced_feature_set - feature_set keypoints of input frame
        that overlap with ref_frame.

    # TODO: in many cases the corners after applying H are just 1 point or a
      line or a very narrow quadrilater - also the feature points
    # We now draw the feature points of the INPUT frame on which we apply H
    ft = np.float32([kpp[1].pt for kpp in kp_pairs]) #!!!!TODO: should be
      kpp[0].pt, NOT the features of the reference frame
    print "ft = %s" % str(ft)
    ftT = cv2.perspectiveTransform(ft.reshape(1, -1, 2), H)
    print "ftT = %s" % str(ftT)
    ft = np.int32(ftT.reshape(-1, 2) + (wQ, 0))
    print "ft (after) = %s" % str(ft)
    for e in ft:
        if keypoint (e[0], e[1])  inside the homography of the rectangle of the
        frame then the keypoint is in reduced_feature_set
    return vis, input_frame, ref_frame, status
コード例 #5
def multi_scale_harris(im, nos, disp):
    Followed advices from emails:
        - Vali Codreanu, Mar 18th, 2014:
        - Evangelidis, Apr th, 2014:
    common.DebugPrint("Entered multi_scale_harris(nos=%d, disp=%s)" % \
                                                            (nos, str(disp)))

    t1 = float(cv2.getTickCount())

    # nos = number of scales

    im = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(im)

    #print "feature_params (a dictionary) = %s" % str(feature_params)
    feature_params = dict(
        5,  #9, #7, #~195 points, #6, #~210 points #3, #~300 points, #4, #~100 points, #5,#~85 Harris points found #8, ~45 found
    Alex: added useHarrisDetector for multi-scale harris detector inspired
      from Evangelidis, (otherwise it was using cornerMinEigenVal detector).

    if False:
        pointsAux = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(im, **feature_params)

        points = []
        if pointsAux == None:
            return points

        for p in pointsAux:
            points.append((p[0][0], p[0][1], 1))
            # we only have scale 1 now

    points = []
    multi-scale Harris detectors
        - http://opencv-users.1802565.n2.nabble.com/multi-scale-corners-detection-td4702476.html
            "Not in OpenCV, but you can always code it yourself using the available OpenCV functions.
            One approach is to generate a pyramid and apply cvGoodFeatureTracks to each level.
            You'll have to remove duplicate detected features though."
        - available in http://www.vlfeat.org/

    See for example of build image pyramids:

    Note: cv2.cornerHarris(src, blockSize, ksize, k[, dst[, borderType ]])

    # We compute for pyramid of images the Harris features
    imScaled = im.copy()

    # Note: this is the only place where they have first the height (related to y) and width (related to x) - dimensions are y, x, like matrices
    im_h, im_w = im.shape[:2]
    Using Evangelidis' scale params (local scale and integration scale) for
        multi-scale Harris
    # scale values
    sigma_0 = 1.2
    #n=[0:nos-1]; %scale levels
    n = np.array(range(nos))
    #scale levels

    sigma_D = math.sqrt(1.8)**n * sigma_0

    scn = sigma_D**4

    common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): scn = %s" % (str(scn)))
    Obtained from Evangelidis' code, we use these ranges to define ksizeGB below:
     mRange is basically the 1-D Gaussian kernel
        (Evangelidis uses meshgrid(mRange, mRange) to build a 2-D Gaussian kernel).
     mRange = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
     mRange = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
     mRange = [-7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
     mRange = [-9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
     mRange = [-13, -12, -11, -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
    ksizeGB = [11, 11, 15, 19, 27]
    # kernel size GaussianBlur

    for i in range(nos):
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): i = %s" % (str(i)))

        #sd=sigma_D(i); %differentiation (local) scale
        sd = sigma_D[i]
        #%differentiation (local) scale

        imScaled_h, imScaled_w = imScaled.shape[:2]

        #if False:
        if True:
            From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/imgproc/doc/filtering.html
              Python: cv2.GaussianBlur(src, ksize, sigmaX[, dst[, sigmaY[, borderType]]]) -> dst

                ksize - Gaussian kernel size. ksize.width and ksize.height can
                        differ but they both must be positive and odd.
                        Or, they can be zero's and then they are computed
                            from sigma* .
                sigmaX - Gaussian kernel standard deviation in X direction.
                sigmaY - Gaussian kernel standard deviation in Y direction;
                            if sigmaY is zero, it is set to be equal to sigmaX,
                            if both sigmas are zeros, they are computed from
                            ksize.width and ksize.height , respectively
                            (see getGaussianKernel() for details); to fully
                            control the result regardless of possible future
                            modifications of all this semantics, it is
                            recommended to specify all of ksize, sigmaX,
                            and sigmaY.
                borderType - pixel extrapolation method
                                (see borderInterpolate() for details).

              Since the 2D Gaussian kernel can be separable on both dimensions,
                GaussianBlur() calls getGaussianKernel() for dim X and Y.
              Python: cv2.getGaussianKernel(ksize, sigma[, ktype]) -> retval
                      ksize - Aperture size. It should be odd
                                    ( ksize \mod 2 = 1 ) and positive.
                      sigma - Gaussian standard deviation.
                            If it is non-positive, it is computed from ksize
                                as sigma = 0.3*((ksize-1)*0.5 - 1) + 0.8 .
                      ktype - Type of filter coefficients.
                                It can be CV_32f or CV_64F.

              The function computes and returns the ksize x 1 matrix of
                        Gaussian filter coefficients:

              G_i= \alpha * e^{-(i-(ksize-1)/2)^2/(2*sigma)^2},

              where i=0..ksize-1 and \alpha is the scale factor chosen
                    so that \sum_i G_i=1.

              Two of such generated kernels can be passed to sepFilter2D()

              Alex: as we can see above, the mean of the Gaussian coefs
                are computed with sigma=sigma and mean=0.

            REFERENCE explaining the math behind GaussianBlur():
            ks = ksizeGB[i]
            imScaled = cv2.GaussianBlur(src=imScaled, \
                                        ksize=(ks, ks), sigmaX=sd*sd)

            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): ks = %s" % (str(ks)))
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): sd^2 = %s" %
                              (str(sd * sd)))

            #feature_params["minDistance"] = 5 - (i / 2); // i is the scale in use
            # The corners with the minimal eigenvalue less than \texttt{qualityLevel} \cdot \max_{x,y} qualityMeasureMap(x,y) are rejected.
            # This is the threshold used in non-maximal supression.
            feature_params["qualityLevel"] = 0.001 * scn[i]
            # * 30;
            feature_params["minDistance"] = 0.0
            #100; (Returns very few points)
            blockSize param given to cv::goodFeaturesToTrack() is used by:
                - cornerHarris, for Sobel filter (as aperture_size parameter);
                - boxFilter, which is applied exactly before computing the
                    Harris measure.

            NOTE: ksize of cv::cornerHaris() is set to 3 by
                cv::goodFeaturesToTrack() .
              From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/imgproc/doc/feature_detection.html?highlight=cornerharris#cornerharris
                "ksize - Aperture parameter for the Sobel() operator."
            feature_params["blockSize"] = ks

            feature_params["k"] = 0.06

            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): feature_params = %s" % \
            cv::goodFeaturesToTrack() with Harris option does the following
                (http://docs.opencv.org/modules/imgproc/doc/feature_detection.html#goodfeaturestotrack ,
                code at https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/451be9ed538bbad6be61a783c2f4fa247fc83930/modules/imgproc/src/featureselect.cpp):
              <<The function finds the most prominent corners in the image or
                    in the specified image region, as described in [Shi94]:
                Function calculates the corner quality measure at every source
                    image pixel using the cornerMinEigenVal() or cornerHarris() .
                IMPORTANT: Function performs a non-maximum suppression (the
                            local maximums in 3 x 3 neighborhood are retained).
                The corners with the minimal eigenvalue less than
                    qualityLevel \cdot \max_{x,y} qualityMeasureMap(x,y) are rejected.
                The remaining corners are sorted by the quality measure in the
                    descending order.
                Function throws away each corner for which there is a stronger
                    corner at a distance less than maxDistance. >>
            Python: cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(image, maxCorners, qualityLevel, minDistance[, corners[, mask[, blockSize[, useHarrisDetector[, k ]]]]]) -> corners
            useHarrisDetector - Parameter indicating whether to use a Harris detector (see cornerHarris()) or cornerMinEigenVal()
            k - Free parameter of the Harris detector (see page 324 for details on the dst(x, y) formula using k)

            From opencv2refman.pdf, page 327, Section 3.7,
              "The function finds the most prominent corners in the image or in
                the specified image region, as described in [Shi94]"
            #pointsAux = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(imScaled, **feature_params);
            pointsAux = cv2.goodFeaturesToTrack(
                maxCorners=3600,  #1000,
                #qualityLevel=0.001 * scn[i], # * 30;
                5,  #9, #7, #~195 points, #6, #~210 points #3, #~300 points, #4, #~100 points, #5,#~85 Harris points found #8, ~45 found
                blockSize=ks,  #19,
            # The corners with the minimal eigenvalue less than \texttt{qualityLevel} \cdot \max_{x,y} qualityMeasureMap(x,y) are rejected.
            # This is the threshold used in non-maximal supression.
            #feature_params["minDistance"]=0.0); #100; (Returns very few points)
            # Inspired from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18255958/harris-corner-detection-and-localization-in-opencv-with-python
            From OpenCV help:
              Python: cv2.cornerHarris(src, blockSize, ksize, k[, dst[, borderType ] ]) -> dst
            cornerImg = cv2.cornerHarris(src=imScaled, blockSize=2, ksize=3, \
                                            k=0.04, borderType=cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)
            if False:
                cornerImg = cv2.cornerHarris(src=imScaled, blockSize=19, ksize=3, \
                                            k=0.01, borderType=cv2.BORDER_DEFAULT)

            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): cornerImg=%s" % \
            See http://docs.opencv.org/modules/core/doc/operations_on_arrays.html
                Python: cv2.normalize(src[, dst[, alpha[, beta[, norm_type[, dtype[, mask]]]]]]) -> dst
            cornerImg = cv2.normalize(src=cornerImg, alpha=0, beta=255, \
                                        norm_type=cv2.NORM_MINMAX, \
            common.DebugPrint( \
                "multi_scale_harris(): cornerImg (after normalize)=%s" % \
            # From http://docs.opencv.org/modules/core/doc/operations_on_arrays.html#convertscaleabs:
            Python: cv2.convertScaleAbs(src[, dst[, alpha[, beta]]]) -> dst
            cornerImg = cv2.convertScaleAbs(cornerImg)
            common.DebugPrint( \
                "multi_scale_harris(): cornerImg (after convertScaleAbs)=%s" % \

            pointsAux = []
            Inspired from
            thresh = 200
            #200.0; #10e-06

            # iterate over pixels to get corner positions
            w, h = imScaled.shape
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): w, h = %s" % \
                                                        (str((w, h))))
            for y in range(0, h):
                for x in range(0, w):
                    #harris = cv2.cv.Get2D( cv2.cv.fromarray(cornerimg), y, x)
                    #if cornerimg[x,y] > 64:
                    # Following
                    if cornerImg[x, y] > thresh:
                        #common.DebugPrint("corner at ", x, y)
                        pointsAux.append((x, y))
                        cv2.circle( cornershow,  # dest
                                    (x,y),      # pos
                                    4,          # radius
                                    (115,0,25)  # color

        if pointsAux == None:
            #return points

        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): len(pointsAux)=%d" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): len(pointsAux[0])=%d" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): pointsAux=%s" %

        # Note: pointsAux contain just the (x, y) coordinates of the points like this: [ [[x1, y1]] [[x2, y2]] ]
        #common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): pointsAux = %s" % str(pointsAux));
        for p in pointsAux:
            points.append((p[0][0] * float(im_w) / imScaled_w,
                           p[0][1] * float(im_h) / imScaled_h, i + 1))
            #points.append((p[0] * float(im_w)/imScaled_w, p[1] * float(im_h)/imScaled_h, i + 1));

        # Sort the points after 2nd element first and then the 1st element:
        def CmpFunc(x, y):
            #return x - y
            if x[1] > y[1]:
                return 1
            elif x[1] < y[1]:
                return -1
            else:  #(x[1] == y[1]):
                if (x[0] > y[0]):
                    return 1
                elif (x[0] < y[0]):
                    return -1
                    return 0

            return 0


        if False:
            # We work on the Gaussian pyramid
            imScaled = cv2.pyrDown(imScaled)

                "multi_scale_harris(): imScaled dimensions after cv2.pyrDown are %s"
                % str(imScaled.shape[:2]))

            #TODO: make course grained harris features be ~roughly same number like in the Matlab code - should I increase the minDistance, etc???
            #if False:
            if True:
                feature_params["minDistance"] = 5 - (i / 2)
                    "multi_scale_harris(): feature_params[minDistance] = %d" %

    points = np.array(points)

    #if False:
    if True:
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris(): len(points)=%d, points = %s" %
                          (len(points), str(points)))
    if points is not None:
        # We display this information only at the first call of this function,
        #    BUT not in the next calls.
        for x, y in points[:,0]:
            cv2.circle(img1, (x, y), 5, green, -1)
        common_cv.draw_str(img1, (20, 20), \
                "feature count (from goodFeaturesToTrack): %d" % len(p))

    t2 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
    myTime = (t2 - t1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
    ##common.DebugPrint("multiscale_quad_tree() took %.6f [sec]" % myTime);
    common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris() took %.6f [sec]" % myTime)

    # We could even call this function when points is list, not an numpy array
    #StoreMultiScaleHarrisFeatures("Videos/harloc%", points);

    return points
コード例 #6
def multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(im, nos, disp):
    common.DebugPrint("Entered multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(nos=%d, disp=%s)" % \
                                                            (nos, str(disp)))

    #if size(im, 3) == 3:
    #    im = rgb2gray(im)

    tMSH1 = float(cv2.getTickCount())

    if im.ndim == 3:
        im = common.ConvertImgToGrayscale(im)

    #im = im2double(im)
    # From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10873824/how-to-convert-2d-float-numpy-array-to-2d-int-numpy-array:
    #DO NOT USE: im = im.astype(np.uint8); # This messes up tremendously the computation of harlocs
    #im = im.astype(float);
    im = im.astype(np.float32)

    #!!!!COR is an UNused variable
    #COR = zeros(size(im,1), size(im,2), size(im,3))
    #COR = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], im.shape[1]));

    # scale values

    sigma_0 = 1.2
    #n=[0:nos-1]; %scale levels
    n = np.array(range(nos))
    #scale levels

    sigma_D = math.sqrt(1.8)**n * sigma_0

    points = np.array([])

    scn = sigma_D**4

    #for i=1:length(sigma_D)
    #for i in range(1, len(sigma_D) + 1):
    for i in range(1, nos + 1):
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): i = %s" %

        #sd=sigma_D(i); %differentiation (local) scale
        sd = sigma_D[i - 1]
        #%differentiation (local) scale

        #si=sd/.5; %integration scale
        si = sd / 0.5
        #integration scale

        w = 3 * sd
        # size for gaussian kernel to compute derivatives: 3 times local_scale

        r_w = int(round(w))
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r_w = %s" % \

        #if mod(round(w),2):
        if (r_w % 2) == 1:
            #[xco,yco] = meshgrid(-round(w):round(w),-round(w):round(w))
            mRange = range(-r_w, r_w + 1)
            xco, yco = Matlab.meshgrid(mRange, mRange)
            #[xco,yco] = meshgrid(-(round(w)+1):round(w)+1,-(round(w)+1):round(w)+1)
            mRange = range(-(r_w + 1), r_w + 2)
            xco, yco = Matlab.meshgrid(mRange, mRange)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): xco = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): yco = %s" % \

        # Note: even for HD frames, xco.shape = (11, 11) (yco the same)

        #arg = -(xco.*xco + yco.*yco) / (2*sd*sd)
        #arg = -(xco * xco + yco * yco) / (2.0 * sd * sd);
        arg = -(xco**2 + yco**2) / (2.0 * sd * sd)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg = %s" % \

        #%2d gaussian kernel
        From http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/exp.html:
            "exp(X) returns the exponential for each element of array X."
        #g=exp(arg)/(2*pi*sd^2); #2d gaussian kernel
        g = np.exp(arg) / (2.0 * math.pi * pow(sd, 2))

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g = %s" % \

        # normalize to suppress any gain
        #if sum(g(:))~=0:
        g_sum = g.sum()
        #if abs(g.sum()) > 1.0e-6:
        if abs(g_sum) > 1.0e-6:
            #g = g / sum(g(:));
            #g = g / float(g.sum());
            g /= float(g_sum)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): sd = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): w = %s" %
        #%Instead of computing derivatives in the filtered image,
        we filter the image with the derivatives of the kernel.

        #% kernels for gaussian derivatives
        gx = -xco * g / float(sd * sd)

        gy = -yco * g / float(sd * sd)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy = %s" % \
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy.shape = (11, 11)
        multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi.shape = (15, 15)

        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): xco.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): yco.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): arg.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): g.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gx.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gy.shape = %s" %

        #%compute the derivatives
        #Ix = imfilter(im, gx, 'replicate');
        Ix = Matlab.imfilter(im, gx, "replicate")

        #Iy = imfilter(im, gy, 'replicate');
        Iy = Matlab.imfilter(im, gy, "replicate")
        #% Alex: Ix and Iy have the same size as im

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy = %s" % \

        #% gaussian kernel to compute 2nd moment matrix
        #if mod(floor(6*si),2) %size: six times the integration scale
        if int(math.floor(
                6 * si)) % 2 == 1:  #size: six times the integration scale
            #gi = fspecial('ga',max(1,fix(6*si)), si)
            gi = Matlab.fspecial("ga", max(1, Matlab.fix(6 * si)), si)
            #gi = fspecial('ga',max(1,fix(6*si)+1), si)
            gi = Matlab.fspecial("ga", max(1,
                                           Matlab.fix(6 * si) + 1), si)

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): gi.shape = %s" % \

        #Ix2 = imfilter(Ix.^2, gi,  'replicate');
        Ix2 = Matlab.imfilter(Ix**2, gi, "replicate")

        #Iy2 = imfilter(Iy.^2, gi,  'replicate');
        Iy2 = Matlab.imfilter(Iy**2, gi, "replicate")

        #Ixy = imfilter(Ix.*Iy, gi, 'replicate');
        Ixy = Matlab.imfilter(Ix * Iy, gi, "replicate")
        #% Alex: Ix2, Iy2 and Ixy have the same size as im

        #if True:
        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix2 = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy2 = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ixy = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ix2.dtype = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Iy2.dtype = %s" % \
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): Ixy.dtype = %s" % \

        #%% Cornerness measure
        #% Noble measure.
        #%     M = (Ix2.*Iy2 - Ixy.^2)./(Ix2 + Iy2 + eps);

        #% Harris measure.
        #M = (Ix2.*Iy2 - Ixy.^2) - .06*(Ix2 + Iy2).^2;
        M = (Ix2 * Iy2 - Ixy**2) - 0.06 * (Ix2 + Iy2)**2

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): M.dtype = %s" % \
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): M = %s" % \

        #% Alex: scn is a vector - see definition above
        #% Alex: M has the same size as im
        #M = scn(i)*M;
        M = scn[i - 1] * M

        #thresh = 0.001*max(M(:));
        thresh = 0.001 * M.max()

        #%       imagesc(M==abs(M));axis on;
        #%   colorbar
        #%   pause
        %keep points that are the maximum in a neighborhood of
            radius=round(3*si/2) and are above thresh
        %non-maximum supression and subpixel refinement
        #[r,c, rsubp, csubp] = my_nms(M, round(3*si/2), thresh);
        r, c, rsubp, csubp = my_nms(M, round(3 * si / 2.0), thresh)

        if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): r = %s" %
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): c.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): c = %s" %
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): rsubp.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): rsubp = %s" %
                "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): csubp.shape = %s" %
            common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): csubp = %s" %

        #% Alex: r,c, rsubp, csubp seem to always be the same size - and the
        #%          size I've seen is 56 * 1????
        #pp=[rsubp, csubp, i*ones(size(r,1),1)];
        pp = np.c_[rsubp, csubp, i * np.ones((r.shape[0], 1))]

        #% Alex: here we add more rows (pp) to points below the existing rows of
        #%                       points
        #points=[points; pp];
            "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points.shape = %s" %
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): pp.shape = %s" %
        if points.size == 0:
            # Avoiding exception: "ValueError: arrays must have same number of dimensions"
            points = pp
            points = np.r_[points, pp]

    if disp:
        assert False
        # not implemented the display of Harris features
        imshow(im,[]) #hold on
        title('corners detected')
        for i = range(1, size(points,1) + 1):

    if common.MY_DEBUG_STDOUT:
        common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points = %s" %
    common.DebugPrint("multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): points.shape = %s" %

    tMSH2 = float(cv2.getTickCount())
    myTime = (tMSH2 - tMSH1) / cv2.getTickFrequency()
        "multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis(): multi_scale_harris_Evangelidis() took %.6f [sec]"
        % myTime)

    return points