def real_processor(text): """Process this product, please""" collect = metarcollect.parser(text, nwsli_provider=NWSLI_PROVIDER) if collect.warnings: common.email_error("\n".join(collect.warnings), collect.unixtext) jmsgs = collect.get_jabbers(("" "current.phtml?network=")) if not MANUAL: for jmsg in jmsgs: if jmsg[0] in JABBER_MESSAGES: continue JABBER_MESSAGES.append(jmsg[0]) JABBER.send_message(*jmsg) for mtr in collect.metars: if is None: log.msg(("station: '%s' is unknown to metadata table") % (mtr.station_id, )) deffer = ASOSDB.runOperation( """ INSERT into unknown(id) values (%s) """, (mtr.station_id, ), ) deffer.addErrback(common.email_error, text) continue deffer = IEMDB.runInteraction(do_db, mtr) deffer.addErrback(common.email_error, collect.unixtext)
def real_processor(txn, text): """ Lets actually process! """ prod = lsrparser(text) for lsr in prod.lsrs: if lsr.typetext.upper() not in reference.lsr_events: errmsg = "Unknown LSR typecode '%s'" % (lsr.typetext,) common.email_error(errmsg, text) uniquekey = hash(lsr.text) if uniquekey in LSRDB: prod.duplicates += 1 lsr.duplicate = True continue LSRDB[uniquekey] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( tzinfo=pytz.utc) lsr.sql(txn) j = prod.get_jabbers(common.SETTINGS.get('pywwa_lsr_url', 'pywwa_lsr_url')) for i, (p, h, x) in enumerate(j): # delay some to perhaps stop triggering SPAM lock outs at twitter reactor.callLater(i, JABBER.send_message, p, h, x) if prod.warnings: common.email_error("\n\n".join(prod.warnings), text) elif not prod.lsrs: raise Exception("No LSRs parsed!", text)
def real_parser(buf): """ Actually do something with the buffer, please """ if buf.strip() == "": return utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() utcnow = utcnow.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) nws = product.TextProduct( buf) if (utcnow - nws.valid).days > 180 or (utcnow - nws.valid).days < -180: common.email_error("Very Latent Product! %s" % (nws.valid,), nws.text) return if nws.valid.month > 6: table = "products_%s_0712" % (nws.valid.year,) else: table = "products_%s_0106" % (nws.valid.year,) if nws.afos is None: raise ParseError("TextProduct.afos is null") df = DBPOOL.runOperation("""INSERT into """+table+"""(pil, data, entered, source, wmo) VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)""", (nws.afos.strip(), nws.text, nws.valid, nws.source, nws.wmo) ) df.addErrback( common.email_error, buf) df.addErrback( log.err )
def really_process_data(buf): """ Actually do some processing """ gmtnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() gmtnow = gmtnow.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) # Make sure we have a trailing $$, if not report error and slap one on if buf.find("$$") == -1: common.email_error("No $$ Found!", buf) buf += "\n\n$$\n\n" # Create our TextProduct instance text_product = vtecparser(buf, utcnow=gmtnow, ugc_provider=ugc_dict, nwsli_provider=nwsli_dict) # Don't parse these as they contain duplicated information if text_product.source == "KNHC" and text_product.afos[:3] == "TCV": return # Skip spanish products if text_product.source == "TJSJ" and text_product.afos[3:] == "SPN": return df = PGCONN.runInteraction(text_product.sql) df.addCallback(step2, text_product) df.addErrback(common.email_error, text_product.unixtext) df.addErrback(log.err)
def process_data(self, data): """Callback when we have data to process""" try: # BUG make sure we are okay here after we resolve pyLDM str issues real_processor(data) except Exception as exp: common.email_error(exp, data, -1)
def process_dsm(data): m = PARSER_RE.match( data ) if m is None: log.msg("FAIL ||%s||" %( data,)) common.email_error("DSM RE Match Failure", data) return d = m.groupdict() # Only parse United States Sites if d['id'][0] != "K": return # Figure out the timestamp now = ts = now.replace(day=int(d['day']), month=int(d['month'])) if ts.month == 12 and now.month == 1: ts -= datetime.timedelta(days=360) ts = ts.replace(day=int(d['day'])) updater = [] if d['high'] is not None and d['high'] != "M": updater.append("max_tmpf = %s" % (d['high'],)) if d['low'] is not None and d['low'] != "M": updater.append("min_tmpf = %s" % (d['low'],)) if d['precip'] is not None and d['precip'] not in ["M","T"]: updater.append("pday = %s" % (float(d['precip']) / 100.0,)) elif d['precip'] == "T": updater.append("pday = 0.0001") sql = """UPDATE summary_%s s SET %s FROM stations t WHERE t.iemid = s.iemid and = '%s' and day = '%s'""" % ( ts.year, " , ".join(updater), d['id'][1:], ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) log.msg("%s %s H:%s L:%s P:%s" % (d['id'], ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), d['high'], d['low'], d['precip'] )) if len(updater) > 0: defer = DBPOOL.runOperation( sql ) defer.addErrback( common.email_error, sql)
def real_parser(txn, data): """Please process some data""" prod = parser(data) prod.tzlocalize(STATIONS) prod.sql(txn) if prod.warnings: common.email_error("\n".join(prod.warnings), data)
def real_processor(txn, text): """ Lets actually process! """ prod = lsrparser(text) for lsr in prod.lsrs: if lsr.typetext.upper() not in reference.lsr_events: errmsg = "Unknown LSR typecode '%s'" % (lsr.typetext, ) common.email_error(errmsg, text) uniquekey = hash(lsr.text) if uniquekey in LSRDB: prod.duplicates += 1 lsr.duplicate = True continue LSRDB[uniquekey] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) lsr.sql(txn) j = prod.get_jabbers(common.SETTINGS.get("pywwa_lsr_url", "pywwa_lsr_url")) for i, (p, h, x) in enumerate(j): # delay some to perhaps stop triggering SPAM lock outs at twitter reactor.callLater(i, JABBER.send_message, p, h, x) if prod.warnings: common.email_error("\n\n".join(prod.warnings), text) elif not prod.lsrs: raise Exception("No LSRs parsed!", text)
def really_process_data(txn, buf): ''' Actually do some processing ''' utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() utcnow = utcnow.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) # Create our TextProduct instance prod = productparser(buf, utcnow=utcnow, ugc_provider=ugc_dict, nwsli_provider=nwsli_dict) # Do the Jabber work necessary after the database stuff has completed for (plain, html, xtra) in prod.get_jabbers( common.settings.get('pywwa_product_url', 'pywwa_product_url')): if xtra.get('channels', '') == '': common.email_error("xtra[channels] is empty!", buf) if not MANUAL: jabber.sendMessage(plain, html, xtra) if DB_ON: # Insert into database product_id = prod.get_product_id() sqlraw = buf.replace("\015\015\012", "\n").replace("\000", "").strip() sql = """ INSERT into text_products(product, product_id) values (%s,%s) """ myargs = (sqlraw, product_id) if (len(prod.segments) > 0 and prod.segments[0].sbw): giswkt = ('SRID=4326;%s' ) % (MultiPolygon([prod.segments[0].sbw]).wkt, ) sql = """ INSERT into text_products(product, product_id, geom) values (%s,%s,%s) """ myargs = (sqlraw, product_id, giswkt) txn.execute(sql, myargs)
def real_processor(text): """Process this product, please""" collect = metarcollect.parser(text, nwsli_provider=NWSLI_PROVIDER) if collect.warnings: common.email_error("\n".join(collect.warnings), collect.unixtext) jmsgs = collect.get_jabbers( "" ) if not MANUAL: for jmsg in jmsgs: if jmsg[0] in JABBER_MESSAGES: continue # Hacky here, but get the METAR.XXXX channel to find which site # this is. skip = False channels = jmsg[2].get("channels", []) for channel in channels.split(","): if channel.startswith("METAR."): if channel.split(".")[1] in IGNORELIST: log.msg(f"IGNORELIST Jabber relay of {jmsg[0]}") skip = True JABBER_MESSAGES.append(jmsg[0]) if not skip: JABBER.send_message(*jmsg) for mtr in collect.metars: if is None: log.msg("station: '{mtr.station_id}' is unknown to metadata table") deffer = ASOSDB.runOperation( "INSERT into unknown(id) values (%s)", (mtr.station_id,) ) deffer.addErrback(common.email_error, text) continue deffer = IEMDB.runInteraction(do_db, mtr) deffer.addErrback(common.email_error, collect.unixtext)
def process_data(self, buf): """ Process the product """ try: # Make sure we have a trailing $$ if buf.find("$$") == -1: common.email_error("No $$ Found!", buf) buf += "\n\n$$\n\n" text_product = product.TextProduct( buf ) xtra = { 'product_id': text_product.get_product_id(), } skip_con = False if (text_product.afos[:3] == "FLS" and len(text_product.segments) > 4): skip_con = True log.msg( str(text_product) ) for j in range(len(text_product.segments)): df = POSTGIS.runInteraction(segment_processor, text_product, j, skip_con) df.addErrback(common.email_error, text_product.unixtext) df.addErrback( log.err ) if skip_con: wfo = text_product.source[1:] jabber_txt = "%s: %s has sent an updated FLS product (continued products were not reported here). Consult this website for more details. %s?wfo=%s" % (wfo, wfo, config.get('urls', 'riverapp'), wfo) jabber_html = "%s has sent an updated FLS product (continued products were not reported here). Consult <a href=\"%s?wfo=%s\">this website</a> for more details." % (wfo, config.get('urls', 'riverapp'), wfo) jabber.sendMessage(jabber_txt, jabber_html, xtra) twt = "Updated Flood Statement" uri = "%s?wfo=%s" % (config.get('urls', 'riverapp'), wfo) common.tweet([wfo,], twt, uri) except Exception, myexp: common.email_error(myexp, buf)
def process_data(self, data): """ Actual ingestor """ try: real_process(data) except Exception as myexp: common.email_error(myexp, data)
def process_data(self, buf): """ Process the product """ try: prod = parser(buf, nwsli_provider=LOCS) # prod.draw() except Exception, myexp: common.email_error(myexp, buf) return
def process_data(self, buf): """ Actual ingestor """ try: real_process(buf) except Exception, myexp: common.email_error(myexp, buf)
def real_process(initial_raw): """ The real processor of the raw data, fun! """ raw = initial_raw + "\015\012" raw = raw.replace("\015\015\012", "___").replace("\x1e", "") sections = re.findall("([A-Z0-9]{4}\s+... MOS GUIDANCE .*?)______", raw) map(section_parser, sections) if len(sections) == 0: common.email_error("FAILED REGEX", initial_raw)
def real_parser(txn, buf): """ I'm gonna do the heavy lifting here """ prod = hmlparser(buf) prod.sql(txn) if len(prod.warnings) > 0: common.email_error("\n".join(prod.warnings), buf)
def process_data(self, data): """ Actual ingestor """ self.prods += 1 try: real_process(data) except Exception as exp: common.email_error(exp, data)
def real_parser(txn, buf): """callback func""" ffg = parser(buf) if ffg.afos == "FFGMPD": return ffg.sql(txn) if ffg.warnings and ffg.warnings[0].find("termination") == -1: common.email_error("\n".join(ffg.warnings), buf) sz = 0 if is None else len( log.msg("FFG found %s entries for product %s" % (sz, ffg.get_product_id()))
def real_parser(txn, buf): """callback func""" ffg = parser(buf) if ffg.afos == 'FFGMPD': return ffg.sql(txn) if ffg.warnings and ffg.warnings[0].find("termination") == -1: common.email_error("\n".join(ffg.warnings), buf) sz = 0 if is None else len( log.msg("FFG found %s entries for product %s" % (sz, ffg.get_product_id()))
def step2(dummy, text_product): ''' After the SQL is done, lets do other things ''' if len(text_product.warnings) > 0: common.email_error("\n\n".join(text_product.warnings), text_product.text) # Do the Jabber work necessary after the database stuff has completed for (plain, html, xtra) in text_product.get_jabbers( common.settings.get('pywwa_vtec_url', 'pywwa_vtec_url'), common.settings.get('pywwa_river_url', 'pywwa_river_url')): if xtra.get('channels', '') == '': common.email_error("xtra[channels] is empty!", text_product.text) if not MANUAL: jabber.sendMessage(plain, html, xtra)
def step2(_dummy, text_product): """After the SQL is done, lets do other things""" if text_product.warnings: common.email_error("\n\n".join(text_product.warnings), text_product.text) # Do the Jabber work necessary after the database stuff has completed for (plain, html, xtra) in text_product.get_jabbers( common.SETTINGS.get("pywwa_vtec_url", "pywwa_vtec_url"), common.SETTINGS.get("pywwa_river_url", "pywwa_river_url"), ): if xtra.get("channels", "") == "": common.email_error("xtra[channels] is empty!", text_product.text) if not MANUAL: send_jabber_message(plain, html, xtra)
def async_func(data): """spawn a process with a deferred given the inbound data product""" defer = Deferred() try: tp = product.TextProduct(data, parse_segments=False) except Exception as exp: common.email_error(exp, data) return prod = TEXTPRODUCT(product_id=tp.get_product_id(), afos=tp.afos, text=tp.text) proc = SHEFIT(prod) proc.deferred = defer proc.deferred.addErrback(log.err) reactor.spawnProcess(proc, "./shefit", ["shefit"], {}) return proc.deferred
def real_parser(txn, buf): """ I'm gonna do the heavy lifting here """ prod = pirepparser(buf, nwsli_provider=LOCS) prod.assign_cwsu(txn) for report in prod.reports: if report.text in PIREPS: report.is_duplicate = True PIREPS[report.text] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() j = prod.get_jabbers("unused") if prod.warnings: common.email_error("\n".join(prod.warnings), buf) for msg in j: JABBER.send_message(msg[0], msg[1], msg[2]) prod.sql(txn)
def real_parser(txn, buf): """ I'm gonna do the heavy lifting here """ prod = pirepparser(buf, nwsli_provider=LOCS) prod.assign_cwsu(txn) for report in prod.reports: if report.text in PIREPS: report.is_duplicate = True PIREPS[report.text] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() j = prod.get_jabbers() if prod.warnings: common.email_error("\n".join(prod.warnings), buf) for msg in j: JABBER.send_message(msg[0], msg[1], msg[2]) prod.sql(txn)
def async_func(data): """spawn a process with a deferred given the inbound data product """ defer = Deferred() try: tp = product.TextProduct(data, parse_segments=False) except Exception as exp: common.email_error(exp, data) return prod = TEXTPRODUCT(product_id=tp.get_product_id(), afos=tp.afos, text=tp.text) proc = SHEFIT(prod) proc.deferred = defer proc.deferred.addErrback(log.err) reactor.spawnProcess(proc, "shefit", ["shefit"], {}) return proc.deferred
def really_process_data(buf): ''' Actually do some processing ''' gmtnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() gmtnow = gmtnow.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) # Make sure we have a trailing $$, if not report error and slap one on if buf.find("$$") == -1: common.email_error("No $$ Found!", buf) buf += "\n\n$$\n\n" # Create our TextProduct instance text_product = vtecparser(buf, utcnow=gmtnow, ugc_provider=ugc_dict, nwsli_provider=nwsli_dict) # Skip spanish products if text_product.source == 'TJSJ' and text_product.afos[3:] == 'SPN': return df = PGCONN.runInteraction(text_product.sql) df.addCallback(step2, text_product) df.addErrback(common.email_error, text_product.unixtext) df.addErrback(log.err)
def real_processor(text): """Process this product, please""" collect = metarcollect.parser(text, nwsli_provider=NWSLI_PROVIDER) if collect.warnings: common.email_error("\n".join(collect.warnings), collect.unixtext) jmsgs = collect.get_jabbers(("" "current.phtml?network=")) if not MANUAL: for jmsg in jmsgs: JABBER.send_message(*jmsg) for mtr in collect.metars: if is None: log.msg(( "station: '%s' is unknown to metadata table" ) % (mtr.station_id, )) deffer = ASOSDB.runOperation(""" INSERT into unknown(id) values (%s) """, (mtr.station_id,)) deffer.addErrback(common.email_error, text) continue deffer = IEMDB.runInteraction(do_db, mtr) deffer.addErrback(common.email_error, collect.unixtext)
def real_processor(txn, text): """ Lets actually process! """ prod = lsrparser(text) if len(prod.lsrs) == 0: raise Exception("No LSRs parsed!", text) for lsr in prod.lsrs: if lsr.typetext not in reference.lsr_events: errmsg = "Unknown LSR typecode '%s'" % (lsr.typetext,) common.email_error(errmsg, text) uniquekey = hash(lsr.text) if uniquekey in LSRDB: prod.duplicates += 1 lsr.duplicate = True continue LSRDB[uniquekey] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace( tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) lsr.sql(txn) j = prod.get_jabbers(common.settings.get('pywwa_lsr_url', 'pywwa_lsr_url')) for (p, h, x) in j: JABBER.sendMessage(p, h, x)
def really_process_data(txn, buf): """ Actually do some processing """ utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow() utcnow = utcnow.replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) # Create our TextProduct instance prod = productparser(buf, utcnow=utcnow, ugc_provider=ugc_dict, nwsli_provider=nwsli_dict) # Do the Jabber work necessary after the database stuff has completed for (plain, html, xtra) in prod.get_jabbers( common.SETTINGS.get("pywwa_product_url", "pywwa_product_url")): if xtra.get("channels", "") == "": common.email_error("xtra[channels] is empty!", buf) if not MANUAL: jabber.send_message(plain, html, xtra) if DB_ON: # Insert into database product_id = prod.get_product_id() sqlraw = buf.replace("\015\015\012", "\n").replace("\000", "").strip() sql = """ INSERT into text_products(product, product_id) values (%s,%s) """ myargs = (sqlraw, product_id) if prod.segments and prod.segments[0].sbw: giswkt = ("SRID=4326;%s") % (MultiPolygon([prod.segments[0].sbw ]).wkt, ) sql = """ INSERT into text_products(product, product_id, geom) values (%s,%s,%s) """ myargs = (sqlraw, product_id, giswkt) txn.execute(sql, myargs)
def realprocessor(txn, prod, data): """ Actually do the work """ # Can't always use the AFOS as the station ID :( if len( > 1: station = None for stid in NT.sts.keys(): if NT.sts[stid]['name'].upper() == data['cli_station']: station = stid[1:] # drop first char break if station is None: common.email_error(("Unknown CLI Station Text: |%s|" ) % (data['cli_station'],), prod.unixtext) return else: station = prod.afos[3:] table = "summary_%s" % (data['cli_valid'].year,) txn.execute(""" SELECT max_tmpf, min_tmpf, pday, pmonth, snow from """+table+""" d JOIN stations t on (t.iemid = d.iemid) WHERE = %s and = %s and ~* 'ASOS' """, (data['cli_valid'], station)) row = txn.fetchone() if row is None: print 'No %s rows found for %s on %s' % (table, station, data['cli_valid']) save_data(txn, prod, station, data) return updatesql = [] logmsg = [] if data['data'].get('temperature_maximum'): climax = data['data']['temperature_maximum'] if int(climax) != row['max_tmpf']: updatesql.append(' max_tmpf = %s' % (climax,)) logmsg.append('MaxT O:%s N:%s' % (row['max_tmpf'], climax)) if data['data'].get('temperature_minimum'): climin = data['data']['temperature_minimum'] if int(climin) != row['min_tmpf']: updatesql.append(' min_tmpf = %s' % (climin,)) logmsg.append('MinT O:%s N:%s' % (row['min_tmpf'], climin)) if data['data'].get('precip_month'): val = data['data']['precip_month'] if val != row['pmonth']: updatesql.append(' pmonth = %s' % (val,)) logmsg.append('PMonth O:%s N:%s' % (row['pmonth'], val)) if data['data'].get('precip_today'): val = data['data']['precip_today'] if val != row['pday']: updatesql.append(' pday = %s' % (val,)) logmsg.append('PDay O:%s N:%s' % (row['pday'], val)) if data['data'].get('snow_today'): val = data['data']['snow_today'] if row['snow'] is None or val != row['snow']: updatesql.append(' snow = %s' % (val,)) logmsg.append('Snow O:%s N:%s' % (row['snow'], val)) if len(updatesql) > 0: txn.execute("""UPDATE """+table+""" d SET """ + ','.join(updatesql) + """ FROM stations t WHERE t.iemid = d.iemid and = %s and = %s and ~* 'ASOS' """, (data['cli_valid'], station)) log.msg(("%s rows for %s (%s) %s" ) % (txn.rowcount, station, data['cli_valid'].strftime("%y%m%d"), ','.join(logmsg))) save_data(txn, prod, station, data)
def process_data(self, buf): """ Process the product """ try: real_parser(buf) except Exception, myexp: common.email_error(myexp, buf)
def process_data(self, data): """Callback when we have data to process""" try: real_processor(data) except Exception as exp: common.email_error(exp, data, -1)
def section_parser(sect): """ Actually process a data section, getting closer :) """ metadata = re.findall( "([A-Z0-9]{4})\s+(...) MOS GUIDANCE\s+([01]?[0-9])/([0-3][0-9])/([0-9]{4})\s+([0-2][0-9]00) UTC", sect ) (station, model, month, day, year, hhmm) = metadata[0] initts = datetime.datetime(int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hhmm[:2])) initts = initts.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC")) times = [initts] data = {} lines = sect.split("___") hrs = lines[2].split() for h in hrs[1:]: if h == "00": ts = times[-1] + datetime.timedelta(days=1) ts = ts.replace(hour=0) else: ts = times[-1].replace(hour=int(h)) times.append(ts) data[ts] = {} for line in lines[3:]: if len(line) < 10: continue vname = line[:3].replace("/", "_") if vname == "X_N": vname = "N_X" vals = re.findall("(...)", line[4:]) for i in range(len(vals)): if vname == "T06" and times[i + 1].hour in [0, 6, 12, 18]: data[times[i + 1]]["T06_1"] = vals[i - 1].replace("/", "").strip() data[times[i + 1]]["T06_2"] = vals[i].replace("/", "").strip() elif vname == "T06": pass elif vname == "T12" and times[i + 1].hour in [0, 12]: data[times[i + 1]]["T12_1"] = vals[i - 1].replace("/", "").strip() data[times[i + 1]]["T12_2"] = vals[i].replace("/", "").strip() elif vname == "T12": pass elif vname == "WDR": data[times[i + 1]][vname] = int(vals[i].strip()) * 10 else: data[times[i + 1]][vname] = vals[i].strip() inserts = 0 for ts in data.keys(): if ts == initts: continue fst = """INSERT into t%s (station, model, runtime, ftime, """ % ( initts.year, ) sst = "VALUES(%s,%s,%s,%s," args = [station, model, initts, ts] for vname in data[ts].keys(): fst += " %s," % (vname,) sst += "%s," args.append(make_null(data[ts][vname])) sql = fst[:-1] + ") " + sst[:-1] + ")" deffer = DBPOOL.runOperation(sql, args) deffer.addErrback(common.email_error, sect) inserts += 1 # Simple debugging if inserts == 0: common.email_error("No data found?", sect)
def process_data(self, buf): try: real_process(buf) except Exception, myexp: common.email_error(myexp, buf)
def process_data(self, data): """ Process the product """ try: really_process_data(data) except Exception as myexp: # pylint: disable=W0703 common.email_error(myexp, data)
def test_send_email(self): ''' See if we could potentially spam myself, this will not actually do anything as we aren't running a twisted reactor ''' self.assertTrue( common.email_error("MyException", ""))
def real_parser(txn, buf): """I'm gonna do the heavy lifting here""" prod = hmlparser(buf) prod.sql(txn) if prod.warnings: common.email_error("\n".join(prod.warnings), buf)
def process_data(self, raw): try: #raw = raw.replace("\015\015\012", "\n") real_process(raw) except Exception,exp: common.email_error(exp, raw)
def process_data(self, raw): try: real_process(raw) except Exception, exp: common.email_error(exp, raw)
def error_wrapper(exp, buf): """Don't whine about known invalid products""" if buf.find("HWOBYZ") > -1: log.msg("Skipping Error for HWOBYZ") return common.email_error(exp, buf)
def really_process(prod, data): """ This processes the output we get from the SHEFIT program """ # Now we loop over the data we got :) # log.msg("\n"+data) mydata = {} for line in data.split("\n"): # Skip blank output lines or short lines if line.strip() == "" or len(line) < 90: continue # data is fixed, so we should parse it sid = line[:8].strip() if len(sid) > 8: log.msg("SiteID Len Error: [%s] %s" % (sid, prod.product_id)) continue if sid not in mydata: mydata[sid] = {} modelruntime = make_datetime(line[31:41], line[42:50]) if modelruntime is not None: # print("Skipping forecast data for %s" % (sid, )) continue tstamp = make_datetime(line[10:20], line[21:29]) # We don't care about data in the future! utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if tstamp > (utcnow + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)): continue if tstamp < (utcnow - datetime.timedelta(days=60)): log.msg("Rejecting old data %s %s" % (sid, tstamp)) continue s_data = mydata.setdefault(sid, dict()) st_data = s_data.setdefault(tstamp, dict()) varname = line[52:59].strip() value = line[60:73].strip() if value.find("****") > -1: log.msg("Bad Data from %s\n%s" % (prod.product_id, data)) value = -9999.0 else: value = float(value) # shefit generates 0.001 for trace, IEM uses something else if (value > 0.0009 and value < 0.0011 and varname[:2] in ["PC", "PP", "QA", "QD", "QR", "QT", "SD", "SF", "SW"]): value = TRACE_VALUE # Handle variable time length data if varname[2] == "V": itime = line[87:91] if itime[0] == "2": varname = "%sDVD%s" % (varname, itime[-2:]) # Handle 7.4.6 Paired Value ("Vector") Physical Elements if varname[:2] in [ "HQ", "MD", "MN", "MS", "MV", "NO", "ST", "TB", "TE", "TV", ]: depth = int(value) if depth == 0: value = abs(value * 1000) else: value = abs((value * 1000) % (depth * 1000)) if depth < 0: value = 0 - value depth = abs(depth) varname = "%s.%02i" % (varname, depth) if len(varname) > 10: if depth > 999: log.msg(("Ignoring sid: %s varname: %s value: %s") % (sid, varname, value)) continue common.email_error( ("sid: %s varname: %s value: %s " "is too large") % (sid, varname, value), "%s\n%s" % (data, prod.text), ) continue st_data[varname] = value # Now we process each station we found in the report! :) for sid in mydata: times = list(mydata[sid].keys()) times.sort() for tstamp in times: process_site(prod, sid, tstamp, mydata[sid][tstamp])
def save_data(txn, prod, station, data): """ Save atomic data to cli_data table """ # Use four char here station = "%s%s" % (prod.source[0], station) if station not in NT.sts: common.email_error("Unknown CLI Station: %s" % (station,), prod.unixtext) txn.execute(""" SELECT product from cli_data where station = %s and valid = %s """, (station, data['cli_valid'])) if txn.rowcount == 1: row = txn.fetchone() if prod.get_product_id() < row['product']: print(('Skip save of %s as previous %s row newer?' ) % (prod.get_product_id(), row['product'])) return txn.execute("""DELETE from cli_data WHERE station = %s and valid = %s """, (station, data['cli_valid'])) txn.execute("""INSERT into cli_data( station, product, valid, high, high_normal, high_record, high_record_years, low, low_normal, low_record, low_record_years, precip, precip_month, precip_jan1, precip_jul1, precip_normal, precip_record, precip_record_years, precip_month_normal, snow, snow_month, snow_jun1, snow_jul1, snow_dec1, precip_dec1, precip_dec1_normal, precip_jan1_normal, high_time, low_time, snow_record_years, snow_record, snow_jun1_normal, snow_jul1_normal, snow_dec1_normal, snow_month_normal, precip_jun1, precip_jun1_normal) VALUES ( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s ) """, (station, prod.get_product_id(), data['cli_valid'], data['data'].get('temperature_maximum'), data['data'].get('temperature_maximum_normal'), data['data'].get('temperature_maximum_record'), data['data'].get('temperature_maximum_record_years', []), data['data'].get('temperature_minimum'), data['data'].get('temperature_minimum_normal'), data['data'].get('temperature_minimum_record'), data['data'].get('temperature_minimum_record_years', []), data['data'].get('precip_today'), data['data'].get('precip_month'), data['data'].get('precip_jan1'), data['data'].get('precip_jul1'), data['data'].get('precip_today_normal'), data['data'].get('precip_today_record'), data['data'].get('precip_today_record_years', []), data['data'].get('precip_month_normal'), data['data'].get('snow_today'), data['data'].get('snow_month'), data['data'].get('snow_jun1'), data['data'].get('snow_jul1'), data['data'].get('snow_dec1'), data['data'].get('precip_dec1'), data['data'].get('precip_dec1_normal'), data['data'].get('precip_jan1_normal'), data['data'].get('temperature_maximum_time'), data['data'].get('temperature_minimum_time'), data['data'].get('snow_today_record_years', []), data['data'].get('snow_today_record'), data['data'].get('snow_jun1_normal'), data['data'].get('snow_jul1_normal'), data['data'].get('snow_dec1_normal'), data['data'].get('snow_month_normal'), data['data'].get('precip_jun1'), data['data'].get('precip_jun1_normal') ))
def really_process(prod, data): """ This processes the output we get from the SHEFIT program """ # Now we loop over the data we got :) # log.msg("\n"+data) mydata = {} for line in data.split("\n"): # Skip blank output lines or short lines if line.strip() == "" or len(line) < 90: continue # data is fixed, so we should parse it sid = line[:8].strip() if len(sid) > 8: log.msg("SiteID Len Error: [%s] %s" % (sid, prod.product_id)) continue if sid not in mydata: mydata[sid] = {} modelruntime = make_datetime(line[31:41], line[42:50]) if modelruntime is not None: # print("Skipping forecast data for %s" % (sid, )) continue tstamp = make_datetime(line[10:20], line[21:29]) # We don't care about data in the future! utcnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc) if tstamp > (utcnow + datetime.timedelta(hours=1)): continue if tstamp < (utcnow - datetime.timedelta(days=60)): log.msg("Rejecting old data %s %s" % (sid, tstamp)) continue s_data = mydata.setdefault(sid, dict()) st_data = s_data.setdefault(tstamp, dict()) varname = line[52:59].strip() value = line[60:73].strip() if value.find("****") > -1: log.msg("Bad Data from %s\n%s" % (prod.product_id, data)) value = -9999.0 else: value = float(value) # shefit generates 0.001 for trace, IEM uses something else if (value > 0.0009 and value < 0.0011 and varname[:2] in ['PC', 'PP', 'QA', 'QD', 'QR', 'QT', 'SD', 'SF', 'SW']): value = TRACE_VALUE # Handle variable time length data if varname[2] == 'V': itime = line[87:91] if itime[0] == '2': varname = "%sDVD%s" % (varname, itime[-2:]) # Handle 7.4.6 Paired Value ("Vector") Physical Elements if varname[:2] in ['HQ', 'MD', 'MN', 'MS', 'MV', 'NO', 'ST', 'TB', 'TE', 'TV']: depth = int(value) if depth == 0: value = abs(value * 1000) else: value = abs((value * 1000) % (depth * 1000)) if depth < 0: value = 0 - value depth = abs(depth) varname = "%s.%02i" % (varname, depth) if len(varname) > 10: if depth > 999: log.msg(("Ignoring sid: %s varname: %s value: %s" ) % (sid, varname, value)) continue common.email_error(("sid: %s varname: %s value: %s " "is too large") % (sid, varname, value), "%s\n%s" % (data, prod.text)) continue st_data[varname] = value # Now we process each station we found in the report! :) for sid in mydata: times = list(mydata[sid].keys()) times.sort() for tstamp in times: process_site(prod, sid, tstamp, mydata[sid][tstamp])
z.write("iaroad_cond.shx") z.write("iaroad_cond.dbf") shutil.copyfile("/mesonet/data/gis/meta/26915.prj", "iaroad_cond.prj") z.write("iaroad_cond.prj") z.close() utc = ts.astimezone( pytz.timezone("UTC") )"/home/ldm/bin/pqinsert -p 'zip ac %s gis/shape/26915/ia/ GIS/ zip'" % ( utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M"), utc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")), shell=True ) for suffix in ['shp', 'shx', 'dbf', 'prj', 'zip']: os.unlink("iaroad_cond.%s" % (suffix,)) if (__name__ == "__main__"): raw = try: ts = process(raw) generate_shapefile(ts) except: traceback.print_exc(file=errors) errstr = if len(errstr) > 0: logger.error( errstr ) common.email_error(errstr, raw) pcursor.close() POSTGIS.commit() POSTGIS.close()