def discover_finished_runs(denied_runs, conf): """Discover new ended runs Arguments: conf: configuration object """ run_ids_done = load_processed_run_ids(conf) if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(HISEQ_STEP_KEY, conf): for run_id in (get_available_finished_run_ids(conf) - run_ids_done - denied_runs): if run_id is None or len(run_id) == 0: # No run id found return [] aozan.welcome(conf) common.log('INFO', 'Ending run detection ' + str(run_id) + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), conf) if hiseq_run.get_read_count(run_id, conf) == 0: send_failed_run_message(run_id, common.MAX_DELAY_TO_SEND_TERMINATED_RUN_EMAIL, conf) add_run_id_to_denied_run_ids(run_id, conf) create_run_summary_reports(run_id, conf) else: if create_run_summary_reports(run_id, conf): send_mail_if_recent_run(run_id, common.MAX_DELAY_TO_SEND_TERMINATED_RUN_EMAIL, conf) add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf) run_ids_done.add(run_id) return run_ids_done
def discover_new_runs(denied_runs, conf): """Discover new runs. Arguments: conf: configuration object """ # # Discover new run # run_already_discovered = load_processed_run_ids(conf) if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(FIRST_BASE_REPORT_STEP_KEY, conf): for run_id in (get_available_new_run_ids(conf) - run_already_discovered - denied_runs): aozan.welcome(conf) common.log('INFO', 'First base report ' + run_id + ' on sequencer ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), conf) if send_report(run_id, conf): add_run_id_to_processed_run_ids(run_id, conf) run_already_discovered.add(run_id) # Verify space needed during the first base report estimate_space_needed.estimate(run_id, conf)
def send_failed_run_message(run_id, secs, conf): """Send a mail to inform about a failed run. Arguments: conf: configuration dictionary """ run_path = hiseq_run.find_hiseq_run_path(run_id, conf) file_to_test = run_path + '/' + run_id + '/RTAComplete.txt' last = os.stat(file_to_test).st_mtime df = common.df(run_path) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) du = common.du(run_path + '/' + run_id) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) common.send_msg('[Aozan] Failed run ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), 'A run (' + run_id + ') has failed on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf) + ' at ' + common.time_to_human_readable(last) + '.\n' + 'Data for this run can be found at: ' + run_path + '\n\nFor this task %.2f GB has been used and %.2f GB still free.' % (du, df), False, conf)
def demux_run_standalone(run_id, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, samplesheet_csv_path, nb_mismatch, conf): """ Demultiplexing the run with bcl2fastq on version parameter. Arguments: run_id: The run id input_run_data_path: input run data path to demultiplexing fastq_output_dir: fastq directory to save result on demultiplexing samplesheet_csv_path: samplesheet path in csv format, version used by bcl2fastq conf: configuration dictionary """ bcl2fastq_executable_path = conf[BCL2FASTQ_PATH_KEY] tmp = conf[TMP_PATH_KEY] run_id_msg = " for run " + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf) bcl2fastq_log_file = tmp + "/bcl2fastq_output_" + run_id + ".err" # Check if the bcl2fastq path is OK if os.path.isdir(bcl2fastq_executable_path): bcl2fastq_executable_path += '/bcl2fastq' elif not os.path.isfile(bcl2fastq_executable_path): error("Error while setting executable command file bcl2fastq" + run_id_msg + ", invalid bcl2fastq path: " + bcl2fastq_executable_path, "Error while setting executable command file bcl2fastq" + run_id_msg + ", invalid bcl2fastq path: " + bcl2fastq_executable_path, conf) return False cmd = create_bcl2fastq_command_line(run_id, bcl2fastq_executable_path, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, samplesheet_csv_path, tmp, nb_mismatch, conf) common.log('INFO', 'Demultiplexing in standalone mode using the following command line: ' + str(cmd), conf) exit_code = os.system(cmd) if exit_code != 0: error("Error while executing bcl2fastq " + run_id_msg, 'Error while executing bcl2fastq (exit code: ' + str( exit_code) + ').\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf) msg = 'Error while executing bcl2fastq ' + run_id_msg + ' (exit code: ' + str( exit_code) + ').\nCommand line:\n' + cmd # Check if the log file has been generated if not os.path.exists(bcl2fastq_log_file): error("Error with bcl2fastq log for run " + run_id + ".", "No bcl2fastq log available", conf) common.send_msg('[Aozan] Failed demultiplexing ' + run_id_msg, msg, True, conf) else: msg += "\n\nPlease check the attached bcl2fastq output error file." common.send_msg_with_attachment('[Aozan] Failed demultiplexing ' + run_id_msg, msg, bcl2fastq_log_file, True, conf) return False return True
def send_mail_if_recent_run(run_id, secs, conf): """Send an email to inform that a new run is finished. Arguments: run_id: run id secs: maximum delay since the end of the run conf: configuration object """ run_path = hiseq_run.find_hiseq_run_path(run_id, conf) if run_path is False: return last = hiseq_run.check_end_run_since(run_id, secs, conf) if last > 0: df = common.df(run_path) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) du = common.du(run_path + '/' + run_id) / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) common.send_msg('[Aozan] Ending run ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), 'A new run (' + run_id + ') is finished on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf) + ' at ' + common.time_to_human_readable( last) + '.\n' + 'Data for this run can be found at: ' + run_path + '\n\nFor this task %.2f GB has been used and %.2f GB still free.' % (du, df), False, conf)
def error(run_id, type_file, space_needed, space_free, dir_path, conf): """Error handling. Arguments: run_id: the run id type_file: type file concerned space_needed: space needed for the run for a type of data space_free: space free for the run for a type of data dir_path: directory path conf: configuration dictionary """ short_message = "not enough disk space to store " + type_file + " for run " + run_id + ' on ' + \ common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf) message = type_file + ": not enough disk space to store files for run " + run_id + ' on ' + dir_path + '.' message = message + '%.2f GB' % (space_needed / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + ' is needed by Aozan' message = message + ' However only %.2f GB' % ( space_free / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + ' of free space is currently available on this storage.' # send warning mail common.error('[Aozan] Estimation of space needed : ' + short_message, message, conf[AOZAN_VAR_PATH_KEY] + '/space_estimated.lasterr', conf)
def send_report(run_id, conf): """Send a mail with the first base report. Arguments: run_id: the run id conf: configuration dictionary """ # # Retrieve features the current run in RunInfos.xml file # run_info = hiseq_run.get_run_info(run_id, conf) if run_info is None: return False # TODO ?? add check sample-sheet if demux step enable # add warning in report if useful reads = run_info.getReads() error_cycles_per_read_not_indexes_count = 0 reads_indexed_count = 0 reads_not_indexed_count = 0 cycles_count = 0 cycles_per_read_not_indexed = 0 for read in reads: cycles_count += read.getNumberCycles() if read.isIndexedRead(): reads_indexed_count += 1 else: reads_not_indexed_count += 1 if cycles_per_read_not_indexed == 0: cycles_per_read_not_indexed = read.getNumberCycles() # Check same cycles count for each reads not indexed error_cycles_per_read_not_indexes_count = cycles_per_read_not_indexed != read.getNumberCycles() # Identification type run according to data in RunInfos.xml : SR or PE if reads_not_indexed_count == 1: type_run_estimated = "SR-" + str(cycles_per_read_not_indexed) + " with " + str( reads_indexed_count) + " index" if reads_indexed_count > 1: type_run_estimated += "es" elif reads_not_indexed_count == 2: type_run_estimated = "PE-" + str(cycles_per_read_not_indexed) + " with " + str( reads_indexed_count) + " index" if reads_indexed_count > 1: type_run_estimated += "es" else: type_run_estimated = "Undetermined run type (" + str(reads_not_indexed_count) + " reads with " + str( reads_indexed_count) + " index)" if reads_indexed_count > 1: type_run_estimated += "es" type_run_estimated += ")" description_run = "Informations about this run:\n" description_run += "\t- Sequencer: " + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf) + ".\n" description_run += "\t- " + str(run_info.getFlowCellLaneCount()) + " lanes with " + str( run_info.alignToPhix.size()) + " aligned to Phix.\n" description_run += "\t- " + str(reads_not_indexed_count) + " read" if reads_not_indexed_count > 1: description_run += "s" description_run += " and " + str(reads_indexed_count) + " index" if reads_indexed_count > 1: description_run += "es" description_run += ".\n" if error_cycles_per_read_not_indexes_count or cycles_per_read_not_indexed == 0: description_run += "\t- ERROR : cycles count per read different between reads (" + str( cycles_count) + " total cycles).\n" else: description_run += "\t- " + str(cycles_per_read_not_indexed) + " cycles per read (" + str( cycles_count) + " total cycles).\n" description_run += "\t- Estimated run type: " + type_run_estimated + ".\n" attachment_file = str(hiseq_run.find_hiseq_run_path(run_id, conf)) + '/' + run_id + '/' + common.FIRST_BASE_REPORT_FILE # If the First base report file exists, send it by email if common.is_file_readable(attachment_file): message = 'You will find attached to this message the first base report for the run ' + \ run_id + '.\n\n' + description_run common.send_msg_with_attachment('[Aozan] First base report for the run ' + type_run_estimated + ' ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), message, attachment_file, False, conf) else: # With other no attachment file message = 'You will find below the parameters of the run ' + run_id + '.\n\n' + description_run common.send_msg('[Aozan] New run ' + type_run_estimated + ' ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), message, False, conf) return True
def demux(run_id, conf): """Add a processed run id to the list of the run ids. Arguments: run_id: The run id conf: configuration dictionary """ start_time = time.time() common.log('INFO', 'Demux step: Starting', conf) reports_data_base_path = conf[REPORTS_DATA_PATH_KEY] reports_data_path = common.get_report_run_data_path(run_id, conf) samplesheet_filename = build_samplesheet_filename(run_id, conf) bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path = conf[TMP_PATH_KEY] + '/' + samplesheet_filename + '.csv' input_run_data_path = common.get_input_run_data_path(run_id, conf) if input_run_data_path is None: return False fastq_output_dir = conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY] + '/' + run_id basecall_stats_prefix = 'basecall_stats_' basecall_stats_file = basecall_stats_prefix + run_id + '.tar.bz2' # Check if root input bcl data directory exists if not os.path.exists(input_run_data_path): error("Basecalling data directory does not exist", "Basecalling data directory does not exist: " + str(input_run_data_path), conf) # return False # Check if root input fastq data directory exists if not common.is_dir_exists(FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY, conf): error("FASTQ data directory does not exist", "FASTQ data directory does not exist: " + conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY], conf) return False # Check if bcl2fastq samplesheets path exists if not common.is_dir_exists(BCL2FASTQ_SAMPLESHEETS_PATH_KEY, conf): error("Bcl2fastq samplesheet directory does not exist", "Bcl2fastq samplesheet directory does not exist: " + conf[BCL2FASTQ_SAMPLESHEETS_PATH_KEY], conf) return False # Check if bcl2fastq basedir path exists if not common.is_conf_value_equals_true(BCL2FASTQ_USE_DOCKER_KEY, conf): if not common.is_dir_exists(BCL2FASTQ_PATH_KEY, conf): error("Bcl2fastq directory does not exist", "Bcl2fastq directory does not exist: " + conf[BCL2FASTQ_PATH_KEY], conf) return False # Check if temporary directory exists if not common.is_dir_exists(TMP_PATH_KEY, conf): error("Temporary directory does not exist", "Temporary directory does not exist: " + conf[TMP_PATH_KEY], conf) return False # Check if reports_data_path exists if not os.path.exists(reports_data_base_path): error("Report directory does not exist", "Report directory does not exist: " + reports_data_base_path, conf) return False # Create if not exist report directory for the run if not os.path.exists(reports_data_path): os.mkdir(reports_data_path) # Check if basecall stats archive exists if os.path.exists(reports_data_path + '/' + basecall_stats_file): error('Basecall stats archive already exists for run ' + run_id, 'Basecall stats archive already exists for run ' + run_id + ': ' + basecall_stats_file, conf) return False # Check if the output directory already exists if os.path.exists(fastq_output_dir): error("FASTQ output directory already exists for run " + run_id, 'FASTQ output directory already exists for run ' + run_id + ': ' + fastq_output_dir, conf) return False # Compute disk usage and disk free to check if enough disk space is available input_path_du = common.du(input_run_data_path) output_df = common.df(conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY]) du_factor = float(conf[DEMUX_SPACE_FACTOR_KEY]) space_needed = input_path_du * du_factor common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: input disk usage: " + str(input_path_du), conf) common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: output disk free: " + str(output_df), conf) common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: space needed: " + str(space_needed), conf) common.log("CONFIG", "Bcl2fastq Docker mode: " + str( common.is_conf_value_equals_true(Settings.BCL2FASTQ_USE_DOCKER_KEY, conf)), conf) # Check if free space is available if output_df < space_needed: error("Not enough disk space to perform demultiplexing for run " + run_id, "Not enough disk space to perform demultiplexing for run " + run_id + '.\n%.2f Gb' % (space_needed / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) + ' is needed (factor x' + str( du_factor) + ') on ' + fastq_output_dir + '.', conf) return False # Load RunInfo object run_info = RunInfo.parse(input_run_data_path + '/RunInfo.xml') # Load samplesheet samplesheet, original_samplesheet_path = load_samplesheet(run_id, input_run_data_path, samplesheet_filename, conf) if samplesheet is None: return False # Update samplesheet if not update_samplesheet(samplesheet, run_id, run_info.getFlowCellLaneCount(), conf): return False # Check samplesheet check_result, samplesheet_warnings = check_samplesheet(samplesheet, run_id, run_info.getFlowCell(), conf) if not check_result: return False # Get the number of mismatches nb_mismatch = get_bcl2fastq_mismatches(samplesheet, conf[BCL2FASTQ_MISMATCHES_KEY]) # Write final samplesheet if not write_bcl2fastq_samplesheet(samplesheet, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, conf): return False # Run demultiplexing if common.is_conf_value_equals_true(Settings.BCL2FASTQ_USE_DOCKER_KEY, conf): # With image docker if not demux_run_with_docker(run_id, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, nb_mismatch, conf): return False else: if not demux_run_standalone(run_id, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, nb_mismatch, conf): return False # Check if the output directory has been created if not os.path.exists(fastq_output_dir): error("Error while demultiplexing run " + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), 'Error while demultiplexing run ' + run_id + '.\n' + 'The output directory of bcl2fastq has been created: ' + fastq_output_dir, conf) return False # Check if the output directory has been created if os.path.isfile(fastq_output_dir): error("Error while demultiplexing run " + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), 'Error while demultiplexing run ' + run_id + '.\n' + 'The output directory of bcl2fastq is a file instead of a directory: ' + fastq_output_dir, conf) return False # Copy bcl2fastq log to output directory cmd = 'cp ' + quote(conf[TMP_PATH_KEY]) + '/bcl2fastq_output_' + run_id + '.* ' + quote(fastq_output_dir) common.log("INFO", "exec: " + cmd, conf) if os.system(cmd) != 0: error("Error while copying bcl2fastq log to the output FASTQ directory" + run_id_msg, 'Error while copying bcl2fastq log to the output FASTQ directory.\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf) return False # The output directory must be read only if not common.chmod_files_in_dir(fastq_output_dir, ".fastq", conf): error("Error while setting the output FASTQ directory to read only" + run_id_msg, 'Error while setting the output FASTQ directory to read only.\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf) return False if not check_if_output_fastq_files_exists(fastq_output_dir): error("Error with bcl2fastq execution for run " + run_id, "Error with bcl2fastq execution for run " + run_id + " no FASTQ file found in " + fastq_output_dir, conf) return False # Copy samplesheet to output directory cmd = 'cp -p ' + quote(bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path) + ' ' + quote(fastq_output_dir + '/SampleSheet.csv') common.log("INFO", "exec: " + cmd, conf) if os.system(cmd) != 0: error("Error while copying samplesheet file to FASTQ directory for run " + run_id, 'Error while copying samplesheet file to FASTQ directory.\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf) return False # Create archives on demultiplexing statistics if not archive_demux_stat(run_id, fastq_output_dir, reports_data_path, basecall_stats_file, basecall_stats_prefix, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, conf): return False # Archive samplesheet if not archive_samplesheet(run_id, original_samplesheet_path, bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path, conf): return False # Remove temporary samplesheet files if os.path.exists(bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path): os.remove(bcl2fastq_samplesheet_path) # Create index.hml file common.create_html_index_file(conf, run_id, [Settings.HISEQ_STEP_KEY, Settings.DEMUX_STEP_KEY]) df_in_bytes = common.df(fastq_output_dir) du_in_bytes = common.du(fastq_output_dir) df = df_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) du = du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: output disk free after demux: " + str(df_in_bytes), conf) common.log("WARNING", "Demux step: space used by demux: " + str(du_in_bytes), conf) duration = time.time() - start_time msg = 'Ending demultiplexing with ' + nb_mismatch + ' mismatch(es) for run ' + run_id + '.' + \ '\nJob finished at ' + common.time_to_human_readable(time.time()) + \ ' without error in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration) + '.\n\n' + \ 'FASTQ files for this run ' + \ 'can be found in the following directory:\n ' + fastq_output_dir if samplesheet_warnings.size() > 0: msg += '\n\nSamplesheet warnings:' for warn in samplesheet_warnings: msg += "\n - " + warn # Add path to report if reports.url exists if common.is_conf_key_exists(REPORTS_URL_KEY, conf): msg += '\n\nRun reports can be found at following location:\n ' + conf[REPORTS_URL_KEY] + '/' + run_id msg += '\n\nFor this task %.2f GB has been used and %.2f GB still free.' % (du, df) common.send_msg('[Aozan] Ending demultiplexing for run ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), msg, False, conf) common.log('INFO', 'Demux step: successful in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration), conf) return True
def demux_run_with_docker(run_id, input_run_data_path, fastq_output_dir, samplesheet_csv_path, nb_mismatch, conf): """ Demultiplexing the run with bcl2fastq on version parameter with image Docker. Arguments: run_id: The run id input_run_data_path: input run data path to demultiplexing fastq_output_dir: fastq directory to save result on demultiplexing samplesheet_csv_path: samplesheet path in csv format, version used by bcl2fastq conf: configuration dictionary """ # In docker mount with input_run_data_path input_docker = '/data/input' input_run_data_path_in_docker = input_docker run_id_msg = " for run " + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf) # In docker mount with fastq_output_dir output_docker = '/data/output' fastq_data_path_in_docker = output_docker + '/' + os.path.basename(fastq_output_dir) tmp = conf[TMP_PATH_KEY] tmp_docker = '/tmp' bcl2fastq_log_file = tmp + "/bcl2fastq_output_" + run_id + ".err" samplesheet_csv_docker = tmp_docker + '/' + os.path.basename(samplesheet_csv_path) cmd = create_bcl2fastq_command_line(run_id, None, input_run_data_path_in_docker, fastq_data_path_in_docker, samplesheet_csv_docker, tmp_docker, nb_mismatch, conf) try: # Set working in docker on parent demultiplexing run directory. # Demultiplexing run directory will create by bcl2fastq docker = DockerCommand(conf[Settings.DOCKER_URI_KEY], ['/bin/bash', '-c', cmd], 'bcl2fastq2', common.BCL2FASTQ2_VERSION) common.log("CONFIG", "Demultiplexing using docker image from " + docker.getImageDockerName() + " with command line " + cmd, conf) common.log("CONFIG", "Bcl2fastq docker mount: " + str(os.path.dirname(fastq_output_dir)) + ":" + str(output_docker) + "; " + input_run_data_path + ":" + input_docker + "; " + tmp + ":" + tmp_docker, conf) # Mount input directory docker.addMountDirectory(input_run_data_path, input_docker) docker.addMountDirectory(os.path.dirname(fastq_output_dir), output_docker) docker.addMountDirectory(tmp, tmp_docker) exit_code = docker.getExitValue() if exit_code != 0: error("Error while demultiplexing run " + run_id, 'Error while demultiplexing run (exit code: ' + str(exit_code) + ').\nCommand line:\n' + cmd, conf) msg = 'Error while executing bcl2fastq ' + run_id_msg + ' (exit code: ' + str( exit_code) + ').\nCommand line:\n' + cmd # Check if the log file has been generated if not os.path.exists(bcl2fastq_log_file): error("Error with bcl2fastq log for run " + run_id + ".", "No bcl2fastq log available " + bcl2fastq_log_file, conf) common.send_msg('[Aozan] Failed demultiplexing ' + run_id_msg, msg, True, conf) else: msg += "\n\nPlease check the attached bcl2fastq output error file." common.send_msg_with_attachment('[Aozan] Failed demultiplexing ' + run_id_msg, msg, bcl2fastq_log_file, True, conf) return False except Throwable, exp: error("Error while running Docker image", common.exception_msg(exp, conf), conf) return False
def sync(run_id, conf): """Synchronize a run. Arguments: run_id: the run id conf: configuration dictionary """ start_time = time.time() common.log('INFO', 'Sync step: Starting', conf) bcl_data_path = conf[BCL_DATA_PATH_KEY] reports_data_base_path = conf[REPORTS_DATA_PATH_KEY] output_path = bcl_data_path + '/' + run_id # check if rsync exists in PATH if not common.exists_in_path("rsync"): error("Can't find all needed commands in PATH env var", "Can't find all needed commands in PATH env var. Unable to find: rsync command.", conf) return False # Check if reports_data_path exists if not os.path.exists(reports_data_base_path): error("Report directory does not exist", "Report directory does not exist: " + reports_data_base_path, conf) return False # Check if enough space to store reports if common.df(reports_data_base_path) < 10 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024: error("Not enough disk space to store aozan reports for run " + run_id, "Not enough disk space to store aozan reports for run " + run_id + '.\nNeed more than 10 Gb on ' + reports_data_base_path + '.', conf) return False # Do the synchronization if not partial_sync(run_id, True, conf): return False # Rename partial sync directory to final run BCL directory if os.path.exists(output_path + '.tmp'): os.rename(output_path + '.tmp', output_path) # Check used and free space df_in_bytes = common.df(bcl_data_path) du_in_bytes = common.du(output_path) df = df_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) du = du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) common.log("WARNING", "Sync step: output disk free after sync: " + str(df_in_bytes), conf) common.log("WARNING", "Sync step: space used by sync: " + str(du_in_bytes), conf) duration = time.time() - start_time msg = 'Ending synchronization for run ' + run_id + '.\n' + \ 'Job finished at ' + common.time_to_human_readable(time.time()) + \ ' without error in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration) + '.\n\n' + \ 'Run output files (without .cif files) can be found in the following directory:\n ' + output_path # Add path to report if reports.url exists if common.is_conf_key_exists(REPORTS_URL_KEY, conf): msg += '\n\nRun reports can be found at following location:\n ' + conf[REPORTS_URL_KEY] + '/' + run_id msg += '\n\nFor this task %.2f GB has been used and %.2f GB is still free.' % (du, df) common.send_msg('[Aozan] Ending synchronization for run ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), msg, False, conf) common.log('INFO', 'sync step: successful in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration), conf) return True
sessions = [Settings.HISEQ_STEP_KEY, Settings.DEMUX_STEP_KEY, Settings.QC_STEP_KEY] common.create_html_index_file(conf, run_id, sessions) df_in_bytes = common.df(qc_output_dir) du_in_bytes = common.du(qc_output_dir) df = df_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) du = du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024) common.log("WARNING", "QC step: output disk free after QC: " + str(df_in_bytes), conf) common.log("WARNING", "QC step: space used by QC: " + str(du_in_bytes), conf) duration = time.time() - start_time msg = 'Ending quality control for run ' + run_id + '.' + \ '\nJob finished at ' + common.time_to_human_readable(time.time()) + \ ' without error in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration) + '. ' + \ 'You will find attached to this message the quality control report.\n\n' + \ 'QC files for this run ' + \ 'can be found in the following directory:\n ' + qc_output_dir # Add path to report if reports.url exists if common.is_conf_key_exists(REPORTS_URL_KEY, conf): msg += '\n\nRun reports can be found at following location:\n ' + conf[REPORTS_URL_KEY] + '/' + run_id msg += '\n\nFor this task %.2f MB has been used and %.2f GB still free.' % (du, df) common.send_msg_with_attachment('[Aozan] Ending quality control for run ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), msg, html_report_file, False, conf) common.log('INFO', 'QC step: successful in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration), conf) return True
def recompress(run_id, conf): """Proceed to recompression of a run. Arguments: run_id: The run id conf: configuration dictionary """ common.log('INFO', 'Recompress step: Starting', conf) # Check if input root fastq root data exists if not common.is_dir_exists(FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY, conf): error("FASTQ data directory does not exist", "FASTQ data directory does not exist: " + conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY], conf) return False start_time = time.time() fastq_input_dir = conf[FASTQ_DATA_PATH_KEY] + '/' + run_id # initial du for comparing with ending disk usage previous_du_in_bytes = common.du(fastq_input_dir) # get information about compression type compression_type = conf[RECOMPRESS_COMPRESSION_KEY] compression_level = conf[RECOMPRESS_COMPRESSION_LEVEL_KEY] compression_info_tuple = get_info_from_file_type(compression_type, compression_level) if compression_info_tuple is None: error("Unknown compression type", "Unknown compression type: " + compression_type, conf) return False (compression_type_result, output_file_extension, output_compression_command, output_decompression_command, compression_level_argument) = compression_info_tuple # The following list contains the processed type of files to recompress types_to_recompress = ["fastq.gz", "fastq"] # list of program to check if exists in path before execution program_set = {"bash", "tee", "touch", "chmod", "md5sum", output_compression_command, output_decompression_command} # get list of file to process input_files = [] for extension in types_to_recompress: input_files.extend(list_files(fastq_input_dir, extension)) simple_extension = os.path.splitext(extension)[-1][1:] extension_info_tuple = get_info_from_file_type(simple_extension) if extension_info_tuple is None: error("Unknown extension type", "Unknown extension type: " + extension, conf) return False program_set.add(extension_info_tuple[3]) # actual program list check for program in program_set: if not common.exists_in_path(program): error("Can't find all needed commands in PATH env var", "Can't find all needed commands in PATH env var. Unable to find: " + program + " command.", conf) return False # Create executor and for parallelization of processus executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(int(conf[RECOMPRESS_THREADS_KEY])) workers = [] # process each fastq and fastq.gz recursively in each fastq directory for input_file in input_files: simple_extension = os.path.splitext(input_file)[-1][1:] # get info about the type of input file extension_info_tuple = get_info_from_file_type(simple_extension) if extension_info_tuple is None: error("Unknown extension type", "Unknown extension type: " + simple_extension, conf) return False input_decompression_command = extension_info_tuple[3] # get file base name and create output_file name, if file is already .fastq its ready to be base_input_file base_input_file = input_file[0: input_file.index(".fastq") + 6] output_file = base_input_file + "." + output_file_extension # Skip if the output_file already exists if not os.path.exists(output_file): # Create worker then execute in thread worker = Worker(input_file, output_file, input_decompression_command, output_compression_command, output_decompression_command, compression_level_argument, common.is_conf_value_equals_true(RECOMPRESS_DELETE_ORIGINAL_FASTQ_KEY, conf)) workers.append(worker) executor.execute(worker) else: common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: Omitting processing file " + input_file + ". The associated output file " + output_file + " already exists.", conf) # Wait for all thread to finish executor.shutdown() while not executor.isTerminated(): time.sleep(1) # Check if any worker is in error for worker in workers: if not worker.is_successful(): error(worker.get_error_message(), worker.get_long_error_message(), conf) return False # check new disk usage df_in_bytes = common.df(fastq_input_dir) du_in_bytes = common.du(fastq_input_dir) previous_du = previous_du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024) df = df_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) du = du_in_bytes / (1024 * 1024) common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: output disk free after step: " + str(df_in_bytes), conf) common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: space previously used: " + str(previous_du_in_bytes), conf) common.log("WARNING", "Recompress step: space now used by step: " + str(du_in_bytes), conf) duration = time.time() - start_time msg = 'Ending recompression for run ' + run_id + '.' + \ '\nJob finished at ' + common.time_to_human_readable(time.time()) + \ ' without error in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration) + '. ' msg += '\n\nAfter recompress step FASTQ folder is now %.2f MB (previously %.2f MB) and %.2f GB still free.' % ( du, previous_du, df) common.send_msg('[Aozan] Ending recompress for run ' + run_id + ' on ' + common.get_instrument_name(run_id, conf), msg, False, conf) common.log('INFO', 'Recompress step: successful in ' + common.duration_to_human_readable(duration), conf) return True