コード例 #1
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: zux-hidden/zimfarm
def create_refresh_token(username):
    token = uuid4()
        getnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY),

    # delete old refresh token from database
    RefreshTokens().delete_many({"expire_time": {"$lte": getnow()}})

    return token
コード例 #2
ファイル: requested_task.py プロジェクト: shuntaroy12/zimfarm
    def get(self, token: AccessToken.Payload):
        """ list of requested tasks to be retrieved by workers, auth-only """

        request_args = request.args.to_dict()
        worker_name = request_args.get("worker")

        # record we've seen a worker, if applicable
        if token and worker_name:
                {"name": worker_name, "username": token.username},
                {"$set": {"last_seen": getnow()}},

        request_args = WorkerRequestedTaskSchema().load(request_args)

        task = find_requested_task_for(

        return jsonify(
                "meta": {"skip": 0, "limit": 1, "count": 1 if task else 0},
                "items": [task] if task else [],
コード例 #3
ファイル: scheduling.py プロジェクト: zux-hidden/zimfarm
def get_default_duration():
    return {
        "value": int(DEFAULT_SCHEDULE_DURATION),
        "on": getnow(),
        "worker": None,
        "task": None,
コード例 #4
ファイル: scheduling.py プロジェクト: shuntaroy12/zimfarm
def get_task_eta(task, worker_name):
    """ compute task duration (dict), remaining (seconds) and eta (datetime) """
    now = getnow()
    duration = get_duration_for(task["schedule_name"], worker_name)
    # delta
    elapsed = now - task["timestamp"].get("started", task["timestamp"]["reserved"])
    remaining = max([duration["value"] - elapsed.total_seconds(), 60])  # seconds
    remaining *= 1.005  # .5% margin
    eta = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=remaining)

    return {"duration": duration, "remaining": remaining, "eta": eta}
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: zux-hidden/zimfarm
def refresh_token():
    Issue a new set of access and refresh token after validating an old refresh token
    Old refresh token can only be used once and hence is removed from database
    Unused but expired refresh token is also deleted from database

    # get old refresh token from request header
    old_token = request.headers.get("refresh-token")
    if old_token is None:
        raise BadRequest("missing refresh-token")

    # check token exists in database and get expire time and user id
        old_token_document = RefreshTokens().find_one(
            {"token": UUIDLegacy(UUID(old_token))}, {
                "expire_time": 1,
                "username": 1
        if old_token_document is None:
            raise Unauthorized("refresh-token invalid")
    except Exception:
        raise Unauthorized("refresh-token invalid")

    # check token is not expired
    if old_token_document["expire_time"] < getnow():
        raise Unauthorized("token expired")

    # check user exists
    user = Users().find_one({"username": old_token_document["username"]}, {
        "username": 1,
        "scope": 1
    if user is None:
        raise Unauthorized("user not found")

    # generate token
    access_token = AccessToken.encode(user)
    refresh_token = create_refresh_token(user["username"])
    # delete old refresh token from database
    RefreshTokens().delete_one({"token": UUID(old_token)})

    # send response
    response_json = {
        "access_token": access_token,
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "expires_in": AccessToken.get_expiry(access_token),
        "refresh_token": refresh_token,
    response = jsonify(response_json)
    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store"
    response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
    return response
コード例 #6
ファイル: token.py プロジェクト: zux-hidden/zimfarm
 def encode(cls, user: dict) -> str:
     issue_time = getnow()
     expire_time = issue_time + cls.expire_time_delta
     payload = {
         "iss": cls.issuer,  # issuer
         "exp": expire_time,  # expiration time
         "iat": issue_time,  # issued at
         # "jti": uuid.uuid4(),  # JWT ID
         "user": user,  # user payload (username, scope)
     return jwt.encode(
         payload, key=cls.secret, algorithm="HS256", json_encoder=cls.JSONEncoder
コード例 #7
ファイル: scheduling.py プロジェクト: shuntaroy12/zimfarm
def request_tasks_using_schedule():
    """ create requested_tasks based on schedule's periodicity field

        Expected to be ran periodically to compute what needs to be scheduled """

    requester = "period-scheduler"
    priority = 0
    worker = None

    query = {"enabled": True}
    projection = {"name": 1, "config": 1, "most_recent_task": 1}

    for period, period_data in {
        p: PERIODICITIES.get(p) for p in SchedulePeriodicity.all()
        if not period_data:
            continue  # manually has no data

        period_start = getnow() - datetime.timedelta(days=period_data["days"])
        logger.debug(f"requesting for `{period}` schedules (before {period_start})")

        # find non-requested schedules which last run started before our period start
        query["periodicity"] = period
        for schedule in Schedules().find(query, projection):
            # don't bother if the schedule's already requested
            if (
                RequestedTasks().count_documents({"schedule_name": schedule["name"]})
                > 0

            if schedule.get("most_recent_task"):
                last_run = Tasks().find_one(
                    {"_id": schedule["most_recent_task"]["_id"]}, {"timestamp": 1}
                # don't bother if it started after this rolling period's start
                if (
                    and last_run["timestamp"].get(
                        "started", datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1)
                    > period_start

            if request_a_schedule(schedule["name"], requester, worker, priority):
                logger.debug(f"requested {schedule['name']}")
                logger.debug(f"could not request {schedule['name']}")
コード例 #8
ファイル: periodic-tasks.py プロジェクト: zux-hidden/zimfarm
def staled_statuses():
    """ set the status for tasks in an unfinished state """

    now = getnow()

    # `started` statuses
    status_to_cancel(now, TaskStatus.started, STALLED_STARTED_TIMEOUT)

    # `reserved` statuses
    status_to_cancel(now, TaskStatus.reserved, STALLED_RESERVED_TIMEOUT)

    # `cancel_requested` statuses
    status_to_cancel(now, TaskStatus.cancel_requested,

    # `scraper_completed` statuses: either success or failure
    status = TaskStatus.scraper_completed
        f":: closing tasks `{status}` for more than {STALLED_COMPLETED_TIMEOUT}s"
    ago = now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=STALLED_COMPLETED_TIMEOUT)
    query = {"status": status, f"timestamp.{status}": {"$lte": ago}}
    query_success = {"container.exit_code": 0}
    result = Tasks().update_many(
            "$set": {
                "status": TaskStatus.succeeded,
                f"timestamp.{TaskStatus.succeeded}": now,
        f"::: succeeded {result.modified_count}/{result.matched_count} tasks")
    query_failed = {"container.exit_code": {"$ne": 0}}
    result = Tasks().update_many(
            "$set": {
                "status": TaskStatus.failed,
                f"timestamp.{TaskStatus.failed}": now
        f"::: failed {result.modified_count}/{result.matched_count} tasks")
コード例 #9
ファイル: scheduling.py プロジェクト: shuntaroy12/zimfarm
def request_a_schedule(
    schedule_name, requested_by: str, worker: str = None, priority: int = 0
    """ created requested_task for schedule_name if possible else None

        enabled=False schedules can't be requested
        schedule can't be requested if already requested on same worker """

    # skip if already requested
    if RequestedTasks().count_documents(
        {"schedule_name": schedule_name, "worker": worker}
        return None

    schedule = Schedules().find_one(
        {"name": schedule_name, "enabled": True}, {"config": 1}
    # schedule might be disabled
    if not schedule:
        return None

    config = schedule["config"]
    # build and save command-information to config

    now = getnow()

    document = {
        "schedule_name": schedule_name,
        "status": TaskStatus.requested,
        "timestamp": {TaskStatus.requested: now},
        "events": [{"code": TaskStatus.requested, "timestamp": now}],
        "requested_by": requested_by,
        "priority": priority,
        "worker": worker,
        "config": config,

    if worker:
        document["worker"] = worker

    rt_id = RequestedTasks().insert_one(document).inserted_id

    document.update({"_id": str(rt_id)})
    return document
コード例 #10
 def _make_worker(
         name: str = "worker_name",
         username: str = "some-user",
         last_seen: datetime = getnow(),
         resources: dict = None,
 ) -> dict:
     document = {
         "_id": ObjectId(),
         "name": name,
         "username": username,
         "offliners": ["mwoffliner", "youtube"],
         "last_seen": last_seen,
         "status": "online",
         "resources": {
             "cpu": 3,
             "memory": 1024,
             "disk": 1024
     worker_id = database.workers.insert_one(document).inserted_id
     return document
コード例 #11
    def put(self, name: str, *args, **kwargs):
            request_json = WorkerCheckInSchema().load(request.get_json())
        except ValidationError as e:
            raise InvalidRequestJSON(e.messages)

        document = {
            "name": name,
            "username": request_json["username"],
            "selfish": request_json["selfish"],
            "resources": {
                "cpu": request_json["cpu"],
                "memory": request_json["memory"],
                "disk": request_json["disk"],
            "offliners": request_json["offliners"],
            "platforms": request_json.get("platforms", {}),
            "last_seen": getnow(),
        Workers().replace_one({"name": name}, document, upsert=True)


        return Response(status=HTTPStatus.NO_CONTENT)
コード例 #12
ファイル: scheduling.py プロジェクト: zux-hidden/zimfarm
def request_a_schedule(schedule_name,
                       requested_by: str,
                       worker: str = None,
                       priority: int = 0):
    """created requested_task for schedule_name if possible else None

    enabled=False schedules can't be requested
    schedule can't be requested if already requested on same worker"""

    # skip if already requested
    if RequestedTasks().count_documents({
            "schedule_name": schedule_name,
            "worker": worker
        return None

    schedule = Schedules().find_one({
        "name": schedule_name,
        "enabled": True
    }, {
        "config": 1,
        "notification": 1
    # schedule might be disabled
    if not schedule:
        return None

    config = schedule["config"]
    # build and save command-information to config
    config = expanded_config(config)

    now = getnow()

    document = {
        "schedule_name": schedule_name,
        "status": TaskStatus.requested,
        "timestamp": {
            TaskStatus.requested: now
        "events": [{
            "code": TaskStatus.requested,
            "timestamp": now
        "requested_by": requested_by,
        "priority": priority,
        "worker": worker,
        "config": config,
        # reverse ObjectId to randomize task ids
        "_id": ObjectId(str(ObjectId())[::-1]),
        "upload": {
            "zim": {
                "upload_uri": ZIM_UPLOAD_URI,
                "expiration": ZIM_EXPIRATION,
                "zimcheck": ZIMCHECK_OPTION,
            "logs": {
                "upload_uri": LOGS_UPLOAD_URI,
                "expiration": LOGS_EXPIRATION,
        "notification": schedule.get("notification", {}),

    if worker:
        document["worker"] = worker

    rt_id = RequestedTasks().insert_one(document).inserted_id

    document.update({"_id": str(rt_id)})
    return document
コード例 #13
ファイル: scheduling.py プロジェクト: zux-hidden/zimfarm
def find_requested_task_for(username, worker_name, avail_cpu, avail_memory,
    """optimal requested_task to run now for a given worker

    Accounts for:
     - longest tasks this worker can do (total resources)
     - available resources now (sent)
     - extimated duration to reclaim resources for longest tasks

    # get total resources for that worker
    worker = Workers().find_one(
            "username": username,
            "name": worker_name
            "resources": 1,
            "offliners": 1,
            "last_seen": 1,
            "name": 1,
            "selfish": 1,
            "platforms": 1,

    # worker is not checked-in
    if worker is None:
        logger.error(f"worker `{worker_name}` not checked-in")
        return None

    # retrieve list of tasks we are currently running with associated resources
    running_tasks = get_currently_running_tasks(worker_name)

    # find all requested tasks that this worker can do with its total resources
    #   sorted by priorities
    #   sorted by max durations
    tasks_worker_could_do = get_reqs_doable_by(worker)

    # filter-out requested tasks that are not doable now due to platform limitations
    worker_platform_filter = functools.partial(
        does_platform_allow_worker_to_run, worker, running_tasks)
    tasks_worker_could_do = filter(worker_platform_filter,

    # record available resources
    available_resources = {
        "cpu": avail_cpu,
        "memory": avail_memory,
        "disk": avail_disk

        # candidate is task[0]
        candidate = next(tasks_worker_could_do)
    except StopIteration:
            f"no request doable by worker (selfish={worker.get('selfish')})")
        return None

    # can worker do task[0] ?
    #   if yes -> return task[0]
    if can_run(candidate, available_resources):
        logger.debug("first candidate can be run!")
        return candidate

    # we don't have enough resources for task[0].

    # find out missing resources
    missing_cpu = max([candidate["config"]["resources"]["cpu"] - avail_cpu, 0])
    missing_memory = max(
        [candidate["config"]["resources"]["memory"] - avail_memory, 0])
    missing_disk = max(
        [candidate["config"]["resources"]["disk"] - avail_disk, 0])
        f"missing cpu:{missing_cpu}, mem:{missing_memory}, dsk:{missing_disk}")

    # pile-up all of those which we need to complete to have enough resources
    preventing_tasks = []
    # sorted by ETA as it's the order in which there're gonna complete
    for task in sorted(running_tasks, key=lambda x: x["eta"]):
        if (sum([t["config"]["resources"]["cpu"]
                 for t in preventing_tasks]) >= missing_cpu and sum([
                     for t in preventing_tasks
                 ]) >= missing_memory and sum([
                     t["config"]["resources"]["disk"] for t in preventing_tasks
                 ]) >= missing_disk):
            # stop when we'd have reclaimed our missing resources

    if not preventing_tasks:
        # we should not get there: no preventing task yet we don't have our total
        # resources available? problem.
        logger.error("we have no preventing tasks. oops")
        return None

    logger.debug(f"we have {len(preventing_tasks)} tasks blocking out way")
    opening_eta = preventing_tasks[-1]["eta"]

    # get the number of available seconds from now to that ETA
    available_time = (opening_eta - getnow()).total_seconds()
    logger.debug("we have approx. {}mn to reclaim resources".format(
        available_time / 60))

    # loop on task[1+] to find the first task which can fit
    temp_candidate = get_possible_task_with(tasks_worker_could_do,
    if temp_candidate:
        return temp_candidate

    # if none in the loop are possible, return None (worker will wait)
        "unable to fit anything, you'll have to wait for task to complete")
    return None
コード例 #14
def get_timestamp_from_event(event: dict) -> datetime.datetime:
    timestamp = event.get("timestamp")
    if not timestamp:
        return getnow()
    return to_naive_utc(timestamp)
コード例 #15
def list_of_requested_tasks(token: AccessToken.Payload = None):
    """ list of requested tasks  """

    request_args = request.args.to_dict()
    worker = request_args.get("worker")

    # record we've seen a worker, if applicable
    if token and worker:
                "name": worker,
                "username": token.username
            {"$set": {
                "last_seen": getnow()

    request_args["matching_offliners"] = request.args.getlist(
    request_args["schedule_name"] = request.args.getlist("schedule_name")
    request_args = RequestedTaskSchema().load(request_args)

    # unpack query parameter
    skip, limit = request_args["skip"], request_args["limit"]
    schedule_names = request_args["schedule_name"]
    priority = request_args.get("priority")

    # get requested tasks from database
    query = {}
    if schedule_names:
        query["schedule_name"] = {"$in": schedule_names}

    if priority:
        query["priority"] = {"$gte": priority}

    if worker:
        query["worker"] = {"$in": [None, worker]}

    for res_key in ("cpu", "memory", "disk"):
        key = f"matching_{res_key}"
        if key in request_args:
            query[f"config.resources.{res_key}"] = {"$lte": request_args[key]}
    matching_offliners = request_args.get("matching_offliners")
    if matching_offliners:
        query["config.task_name"] = {"$in": matching_offliners}

    cursor = (RequestedTasks().find(
            "_id": 1,
            "status": 1,
            "schedule_name": 1,
            "config.task_name": 1,
            "config.resources": 1,
            "timestamp.requested": 1,
            "requested_by": 1,
            "priority": 1,
            "worker": 1,
        ("priority", pymongo.DESCENDING),
        ("timestamp.reserved", pymongo.DESCENDING),
        ("timestamp.requested", pymongo.DESCENDING),
    count = RequestedTasks().count_documents(query)

    return jsonify({
        "meta": {
            "skip": skip,
            "limit": limit,
            "count": count
        "items": [task for task in cursor],
コード例 #16
def asymmetric_key_auth():
    """authenticate using signed message and generate tokens

    - message in X-SSHAuth-Message HTTP header
    - base64 signature in X-SSHAuth-Signature HTTP header
    - decode standard message: username:timestamp(UTC ISO)
    - verify timestamp is less than a minute old
    - verify username matches our database
    - verify signature of message with username's public keys
    - generate tokens"""

    # check the message's validity
        message = request.headers["X-SSHAuth-Message"]
        signature = base64.b64decode(request.headers["X-SSHAuth-Signature"])
        username, timestamp = message.split(":", 1)
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(timestamp)
    except KeyError as exc:
        raise errors.BadRequest("Missing header for `{}`".format("".join(
    except binascii.Error:
        raise errors.BadRequest("Invalid signature format (not base64)")
    except Exception as exc:
        logger.error(f"Invalid message format: {exc}")
        raise errors.BadRequest("Invalid message format")

    if (datetime.datetime.utcnow() -
            timestamp).total_seconds() > MESSAGE_VALIDITY:
        raise errors.Unauthorized(
            f"message too old or peers desyncrhonised: {MESSAGE_VALIDITY}s")

    user = Users().find_one({"username": username}, {
        "username": 1,
        "scope": 1,
        "ssh_keys": 1
    if user is None:
        raise errors.Unauthorized("User not found")  # we shall never get there

    ssh_keys = user.pop("ssh_keys", [])

    # check that the message was signed with a known private key
    authenticated = False
    with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dirname:
        tmp_dir = pathlib.Path(tmp_dirname)
        message_path = tmp_dir.joinpath("message")
        signatured_path = tmp_dir.joinpath(f"{message_path.name}.sig")

        with open(message_path, "w", encoding="ASCII") as fp:

        with open(signatured_path, "wb") as fp:

        for ssh_key in ssh_keys:
            pkcs8_data = ssh_key.get("pkcs8_key")
            if not pkcs8_data:  # User record has no PKCS8 version

            pkcs8_key = tmp_dir.joinpath("pubkey")
            with open(pkcs8_key, "w") as fp:

            pkey_util = subprocess.run(
            if pkey_util.returncode == 0:  # signature verified
                authenticated = True
    if not authenticated:
        raise errors.Unauthorized("Could not find matching key for signature")

    # we're now authenticated ; generate tokens
    access_token = AccessToken.encode(user)
    refresh_token = uuid4()

    # store refresh token in database
        getnow() + datetime.timedelta(days=REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRY),

    # send response
    response_json = {
        "access_token": access_token,
        "token_type": "bearer",
        "expires_in": datetime.timedelta(hours=TOKEN_EXPIRY).total_seconds(),
        "refresh_token": refresh_token,
    response = jsonify(response_json)
    response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store"
    response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache"
    return response
コード例 #17
 def add_status(worker):
     not_seen_since = getnow() - worker["last_seen"]
     worker["status"] = ("online" if
                         not_seen_since.total_seconds() < OFFLINE_DELAY
                         else "offline")
     return worker