コード例 #1
def connection_thread(connection):
	#Set private key of service server

	database['service'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]
	#set private key of tgs
	database['tgs'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]
	#Set private key of user
	database['user'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]

	#lifetime for messages to be valid
	lifetime = 3600
    #Receive client ID
	client_ID = connection.recv(4096)
    #Get hashed password from database
	client_secretK = database[client_ID]

	message_a = common.MessageA(CLIENT_TGS_SESSION)
	message_a = common.encrypt_aes(message_a,client_secretK)
	#Set message B with TGT= clientID, ip address, lifetime, client/TGS sessionkey encrypted with secret TGS
	message_b = common.MessageB(client_ID,lifetime,CLIENT_TGS_SESSION)
	message_b = common.encrypt_aes(message_b,database['tgs'])
	#Send message A and B to client
	#receive message C with message B(TGT) and service id
	message_c = connection.recv(4096)
	#receive message D with authenticator(clientID,timestamp) encrypted with client/TGT session key
	message_d = connection.recv(4096)
	#Re serialize object from stream only C because it is not encrypted
	message_c = pickle.loads(message_c)
	#message_d = pickle.loads(message_d) decrypt_aes does this
	#open message C to get message B and service id
	message_b = common.decrypt_aes(message_c.ticket,database['tgs'])
	#message_b = common.MessageB(message_b.clientId,message_b.validityPeriod,message_b.clientSessionKey)
	#message_b = common.decrypt_aes(message_b,database['tgs'])
	#Decrypt message D with with client/TGS session key
	message_d = common.decrypt_aes(message_d,message_b.clientSessionKey)
	#Check validity period of message D.timestamp with B.lifetime
	if message_d.timestamp+message_b.validityPeriod > time.time():
	    #Create message E(client/server ticket(clientID,clientIP,lifetime,client/TGS session key)) encrypted with service sercret key
	    message_e = common.MessageB(client_ID,lifetime,CLIENT_SERVICE_SESSION)
	    message_e = common.encrypt_aes(message_e,database['service'])
	    #Create message F(client/server session key) encrypted with client/tgs session key
	    message_f = common.MessageF(CLIENT_SERVICE_SESSION)
	    message_f = common.encrypt_aes(message_f,message_b.clientSessionKey)
	    #Send message E
		print "Validity period of message D is not valid."

	print "Server finished"
コード例 #2
ファイル: client.py プロジェクト: nloyolag/kerberos-protocol
import thread
import sys
import pickle
import common
import getpass
import time

# Change timestamps
# User/Password

HOST = ''
PORT = 8888
AUTH_IP = ''
SS_IP = ''

user_credentials = dict([('user', common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16])])
#user_credentials['user'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]

def check_password(clear_password, password_hash):
	return common.SHA256.new(clear_password).hexdigest() == password_hash

def tgs_connection(connection):
	# Client sends cleartext message with the user id requesting services
	connection.connect((AUTH_IP, PORT))
	print 'Connected successfully to ip ' + AUTH_IP

	# Receive Client/TGS Session key encrypted using the secret key of the client

	message_a = connection.recv(4096)
コード例 #3
import socket
import thread
import sys
import pickle
import common

HOST = ''
PORT = 8889
PRIVATE_KEY = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]

# Function executed for each client attempting to connect
def connection_thread(connection):
    # Receive 2 messages:
    #     Message E: Client to server ticket encryted with services secret key
    #     Message G: New authenticator(clientID, Timestamp) encrypted with session key
    message_e = connection.recv(4096)
    message_g = connection.recv(4096)

    # Decrypt ticket with SS secret key to retrieve session key
    ticket = common.decrypt_aes(message_e, PRIVATE_KEY)
    # Decrypt authenticator with session key
    authenticator = common.decrypt_aes(message_g, ticket.clientSessionKey)

    # Send message to Client
    #     Message H: Timestamp in clients authenticator encrypted with session key
    message_h = common.MessageH(authenticator.timestamp)
    message_h = common.encrypt_aes(message_h, ticket.clientSessionKey)

    # Wait for requests from Client
    data = connection.recv(4096)
コード例 #4
import socket
import thread
import sys
import pickle
import common
import time

database = dict([('user', ''), ('service',''),('tgs','')])
CLIENT_TGS_SESSION = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]
CLIENT_SERVICE_SESSION = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]
HOST = ""
PORT = 8888

def connection_thread(connection):
	#Set private key of service server

	database['service'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]
	#set private key of tgs
	database['tgs'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]
	#Set private key of user
	database['user'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]

	#lifetime for messages to be valid
	lifetime = 3600
    #Receive client ID
	client_ID = connection.recv(4096)
    #Get hashed password from database
	client_secretK = database[client_ID]
コード例 #5
import sys
import pickle
import common
import getpass
import time

# Change timestamps
# User/Password

HOST = ''
PORT = 8888
AUTH_IP = ''
SS_IP = ''

user_credentials = dict([
    ('user', common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16])
#user_credentials['user'] = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]

def check_password(clear_password, password_hash):
    return common.SHA256.new(clear_password).hexdigest() == password_hash

def tgs_connection(connection):
    # Client sends cleartext message with the user id requesting services
    connection.connect((AUTH_IP, PORT))
    print 'Connected successfully to ip ' + AUTH_IP

    # Receive Client/TGS Session key encrypted using the secret key of the client
コード例 #6
import socket
import thread
import sys
import pickle
import common

HOST = ''
PORT = 8889
PRIVATE_KEY = common.sha256_hash('1234123412341234').hexdigest()[0:16]

# Function executed for each client attempting to connect
def connection_thread(connection):
    # Receive 2 messages:
    #     Message E: Client to server ticket encryted with services secret key
    #     Message G: New authenticator(clientID, Timestamp) encrypted with session key
    message_e = connection.recv(4096)
    message_g = connection.recv(4096)

    # Decrypt ticket with SS secret key to retrieve session key
    ticket = common.decrypt_aes(message_e, PRIVATE_KEY)
    # Decrypt authenticator with session key
    authenticator = common.decrypt_aes(message_g, ticket.clientSessionKey)

    # Send message to Client
    #     Message H: Timestamp in clients authenticator encrypted with session key
    message_h = common.MessageH(authenticator.timestamp)
    message_h = common.encrypt_aes(message_h, ticket.clientSessionKey)

    # Wait for requests from Client