コード例 #1
def test_pod_with_container_bridge_network():
    """Tests creation of a pod with a "container/bridge" network, and its HTTP endpoint accessibility."""

    pod_def = pods.container_bridge_pod()
    pod_id = pod_def['id']

    # In strict mode all tasks are started as user `nobody` by default and `nobody`
    # doesn't have permissions to write to /var/log within the container.
    if shakedown.ee_version() == 'strict':
        pod_def['user'] = '******'

    client = marathon.create_client()

    task = common.task_by_name(common.get_pod_tasks(pod_id), "nginx")
    network_info = common.running_status_network_info(task['statuses'])
    assert network_info['name'] == "mesos-bridge", \
        "The network is {}, but mesos-bridge was expected".format(network_info['name'])

    # get the port on the host
    port = task['discovery']['ports']['ports'][0]['number']

    # the agent IP:port will be routed to the bridge IP:port
    # test against the agent_ip, however it is hard to get.. translating from
    # slave_id
    agent_ip = common.agent_hostname_by_id(task['slave_id'])
    assert agent_ip is not None, "Failed to get the agent IP address"
    container_ip = network_info['ip_addresses'][0]['ip_address']
    assert agent_ip != container_ip, "The container IP address is the same as the agent one"

    url = "http://{}:{}/".format(agent_ip, port)
コード例 #2
def test_pod_with_container_bridge_network():
    """Tests creation of a pod with a "container/bridge" network, and its HTTP endpoint accessibility."""

    pod_def = pods.container_bridge_pod()
    pod_id = pod_def['id']

    # In strict mode all tasks are started as user `nobody` by default and `nobody`
    # doesn't have permissions to write to /var/log within the container.
    if shakedown.ee_version() == 'strict':
        pod_def['user'] = '******'

    client = marathon.create_client()

    task = common.task_by_name(common.get_pod_tasks(pod_id), "nginx")
    network_info = common.running_status_network_info(task['statuses'])
    assert network_info['name'] == "mesos-bridge", \
        "The network is {}, but mesos-bridge was expected".format(network_info['name'])

    # get the port on the host
    port = task['discovery']['ports']['ports'][0]['number']

    # the agent IP:port will be routed to the bridge IP:port
    # test against the agent_ip, however it is hard to get.. translating from
    # slave_id
    agent_ip = common.agent_hostname_by_id(task['slave_id'])
    assert agent_ip is not None, "Failed to get the agent IP address"
    container_ip = network_info['ip_addresses'][0]['ip_address']
    assert agent_ip != container_ip, "The container IP address is the same as the agent one"

    url = "http://{}:{}/".format(agent_ip, port)
コード例 #3
def test_pod_with_container_network():
    """Tests creation of a pod with a "container" network, and its HTTP endpoint accessibility."""

    pod_def = pods.container_net_pod()
    pod_id = pod_def['id']

    # In strict mode all tasks are started as user `nobody` by default and `nobody`
    # doesn't have permissions to write to /var/log within the container.
    if shakedown.ee_version() == 'strict':
        pod_def['user'] = '******'

    client = marathon.create_client()

    task = common.task_by_name(common.get_pod_tasks(pod_id), "nginx")

    network_info = common.running_status_network_info(task['statuses'])
    assert network_info['name'] == "dcos", \
        "The network name is {}, but 'dcos' was expected".format(network_info['name'])

    container_ip = network_info['ip_addresses'][0]['ip_address']
    assert container_ip is not None, "No IP address has been assigned to the pod's container"

    url = "http://{}:80/".format(container_ip)
コード例 #4
def test_pod_with_container_network():
    """Tests creation of a pod with a "container" network, and its HTTP endpoint accessibility."""

    pod_def = pods.container_net_pod()
    pod_id = pod_def['id']

    # In strict mode all tasks are started as user `nobody` by default and `nobody`
    # doesn't have permissions to write to /var/log within the container.
    if shakedown.ee_version() == 'strict':
        pod_def['user'] = '******'

    client = marathon.create_client()

    task = common.task_by_name(common.get_pod_tasks(pod_id), "nginx")

    network_info = common.running_status_network_info(task['statuses'])
    assert network_info['name'] == "dcos", \
        "The network name is {}, but 'dcos' was expected".format(network_info['name'])

    container_ip = network_info['ip_addresses'][0]['ip_address']
    assert container_ip is not None, "No IP address has been assigned to the pod's container"

    url = "http://{}:80/".format(container_ip)