コード例 #1
ファイル: cdns_create_a.py プロジェクト: bfosberry/occ
import common as helper
import pyrax

# preliminary
creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials")
cdns = pyrax.cloud_dns

# take three parameters: 1: your hosted domain 2: a valid hostname (e.g.: www), 3: a valid IPv4 address
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print "{0}: <domain> <host> <ipv4address>".format(sys.argv[0])

valid_fqdn = helper.validate_fqdn(sys.argv[1])
valid_host = helper.validate_fqdn(sys.argv[2])
valid_ipv4 = helper.validate_ipv4(sys.argv[3])

# use helper function to ensure that the specified domain is valid
if valid_fqdn:
    valid_fqdn = sys.argv[1]
    print valid_fqdn, "seems valid, but I have not verified this on remote server yet.."
    print "ERROR: invalid characters in your FQDN"

# use helper function to ensure that the specified hostname is valid
if valid_host:
    valid_host = sys.argv[2]
    print "validated host:", valid_host, "successfully"
    print "ERROR: invalid hostname"
コード例 #2
ファイル: cs_custom_lb_pair.py プロジェクト: bfosberry/occ
        print 'checking server until LB is active...', disp_time 
        lb = helper.act_loop(clb.get, lb.id)
        if lb.status == 'ACTIVE':
                helper.act_loop(lb.add_health_monitor, type="CONNECT", delay=10, timeout=10, attemptsBeforeDeactivation=3)
                html_error_page = '<html><body><h1>stuff is messed up</h1><iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XYYo3T6nCw8?list=FLaE5b9q2s2yO77ZIXwqbHog&autoplay=1" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></body></html>'
                while True:
                        print 'updating health montor..'
                        lb = helper.act_loop(clb.get, lb.id)
                        if lb.status == 'ACTIVE':
                helper.act_loop(lb.set_error_page, html_error_page)
                site_cont_name = '{0}-backup'.format(lb_name)
                cont = helper.act_loop(cf.get_container, site_cont_name)
                obj = helper.act_loop(cf.store_object, site_cont_name, "index.htm", html_error_page)
                for ip in lb.virtual_ips:
                        if helper.validate_ipv4(lb.virtual_ips[0].address):
                                get_vip = lb.virtual_ips[0].address
                                get_vip = lb.virtual_ips[1].address
		domains = helper.act_loop(cdns.list, limit=1)
		for domain in domains:
                        dom = domain
                        dom_name = dom.name
                # create a cname for the container we created
                subdomain = '{0}.{1}'.format(lb_name, dom_name)
                recs = [{"type": "A", "name": subdomain, "data": get_vip, "ttl": 300}]
                # add our A record
                helper.act_loop(cdns.add_records, dom, recs)
                print 'created dns record: {0} -> {1} on domain: {2}'.format(subdomain, get_vip, dom_name)
                print "-------------------------------------"
                print "Load Balancer:", lb.name
コード例 #3
import common as helper
import pyrax

# preliminary
creds_file = os.path.expanduser("~/.rackspace_cloud_credentials")
cdns = pyrax.cloud_dns

# take three parameters: 1: your hosted domain 2: a valid hostname (e.g.: www), 3: a valid IPv4 address
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
    print '{0}: <domain> <host> <ipv4address>'.format(sys.argv[0])

valid_fqdn = helper.validate_fqdn(sys.argv[1])
valid_host = helper.validate_fqdn(sys.argv[2])
valid_ipv4 = helper.validate_ipv4(sys.argv[3])

# use helper function to ensure that the specified domain is valid
if valid_fqdn:
    valid_fqdn = sys.argv[1]
    print valid_fqdn, 'seems valid, but I have not verified this on remote server yet..'
    print 'ERROR: invalid characters in your FQDN'

# use helper function to ensure that the specified hostname is valid
if valid_host:
    valid_host = sys.argv[2]
    print 'validated host:', valid_host, 'successfully'
    print 'ERROR: invalid hostname'