def get_allimages_path(self): res = [] if self.metainfo.has_key('db_key'): db_key = self.metainfo['db_key'] return redisc.zrange(db_key, 0, -1) else: common.write_log("no infor") return res
def process(self, item_id): # 获得查询item的cat (cat_id, words) = self.dim_items_index.get(item_id, (-1, -1)) if cat_id == -1 : return [] # 获得这个cat的相似cat sim_cat_ids = self.cat_sim_rindex.get(cat_id, -1) if sim_cat_ids == -1 : return [] write_log(msg = 'process item_id:%d, sim_cat_ids size:%d' % (item_id, len(sim_cat_ids)) ) return self.__get_rec_item_ids(item_id, sim_cat_ids)
def run(log_path): test_project = "12v" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) state = True count_num = 600 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 url_di = "http://" + host_ip + ":" + host_ip + "/gs-robot/data/device_status" for i in range(count_num): common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) one_list = [] common.check_value(di_value, one_list) if 3 in one_list: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) pass_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 return { test_project: { "state": state, "count_num": count_num, "pass_num": pass_num, "fail_num": fail_num } }
def add_dir(self, dir_path): ''' note: Only support one dir at same time. ''' # get image info from dir file_list = common.get_filelist(dir_path) # update image info in redis res = self._insert_images(file_list) if res is not None: common.write_log(common.REDIS_ERROR) return num = len(file_list) # update metainfo in object and redis self.metainfo["dir_path"] = dir_path self.metainfo["img_num"] = num self._update_metainfo() return
def run(log_path): test_project = "扫地图" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) state = True count_num = 10 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 time.sleep(1) return { test_project: { "state": True, "count_num": 10, "pass_num": 9, "fail_num": 1 } }
def __get_rec_item_ids(self, item_id, sim_cat_ids): """ 获取推荐item_id Args: item_id: query的item_id sim_cat_ids : item_id的相似cat_id列表 Returns: [(rec_item_id, sim_value), (rec_item_id, sim_value), ...],长度为strategy.get_total_rec_num() """ target_item = self.dim_items_index.get(item_id, -1) if target_item == -1: write_log(sys._getframe().f_lineno, "cannot get info of item_id:%d" % (item_id) ) return rec_items = [] sim_cat_ids = sim_cat_ids[0: self.strategy.get_max_sim_cat_process()] count = 0 timer_total = Timer() for i in range(0, len(sim_cat_ids)): (cat_id, sim_value) = sim_cat_ids[i] sim_item_ids = self.cat_to_item_rindex.get(cat_id, []) if len(sim_item_ids) == 0 : write_log(sys._getframe().f_lineno, "cat_id:%d has no item" % (cat_id) ) continue timer = Timer() count += len(sim_item_ids) res_list = self.__find_sim_item_from_a_list(target_item, sim_item_ids, i) write_log(msg = "__find_sim_item_from_a_list cost time:%f, sim_item_ids size:%d, i:%d" % (timer.get_diff(), len(sim_item_ids), i)) rec_items.extend(res_list) write_log(msg = "all__find_sim_item_from_a_list cost time:%f, all_sim_item_ids size:%d" % (timer_total.get_diff(), count)) write_log(msg = 'process item_id:%d, rec_items size:%d' % (item_id, len(rec_items)) ) rec_items.sort(lambda y,x : cmp(x[1], y[1])) rec_items = rec_items[0: self.strategy.get_total_rec_num()] final_res = [] for (id, value) in rec_items: final_res.append(id) return final_res
def run(log_path): test_project = "can" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) url = common.get_url( "/gs-robot/real_time_data/ultrasonic_raw?frame_id=ultrasonic0") state = True count_num = 600 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 for i in range(count_num): data = common.getUrlData(url) if data == 1: state = False fail_num += 1 common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) else: pass_num += 1 common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) time.sleep(1) return { test_project: { "state": state, "count_num": count_num, "pass_num": pass_num, "fail_num": fail_num } }
def __create_a_sample(self, item_id_a, item_id_b): item_a = self.dim_items_index.get(item_id_a, None) if not item_a != None: write_log(msg = '__create_a_sample get no item, id:%d' % item_id_a) return item_b = self.dim_items_index.get(item_id_b, None) if not item_b != None: write_log(msg = '__create_a_sample get no item, id:%d' % item_id_a) return item_a.pos = 1 item_b.pos = 2 fea_a = self.feature_builder.get_feature(item_a) fea_b = self.feature_builder.get_feature(item_b) fea = fea_a + fea_b if len(fea) == 0 : write_log(msg = 'fea len is 0, item_id %d %d' % (item_id_a, item_id_b) ) fea = sorted(fea) self.__add_to_dis(fea) self.__add_to_map(fea, 1) self.__print_feature(fea, 1) item_a.pos = 2 item_b.pos = 1 fea_a = self.feature_builder.get_feature(item_a) fea_b = self.feature_builder.get_feature(item_b) fea = fea_a + fea_b fea = sorted(fea) self.__add_to_dis(fea) self.__add_to_map(fea, 1) self.__print_feature(fea, 1)
def __find_sim_item_from_a_list(self, target_item, sim_item_ids, idx): target_title = target_item[1] count = 0 rec_items = [] for sim_id in sim_item_ids: sim_item = self.dim_items_index.get(sim_id, -1) if sim_item == -1 : continue count += 1 if count > 20000: break sim_title = sim_item[1] timer = Timer() val = self.__cal_title_sim(target_title, sim_title) write_log(msg = "__cal_title_sim cost time:%f, target_title size:%d, sim_title size:%d" % (timer.get_diff(), len(target_title), len(sim_title))) rec_items.append( (sim_id, val) ) num_to_get = self.strategy.num_to_return_of_this_sim_cat(idx) if len(rec_items) > num_to_get: rec_items.sort(lambda y,x : cmp(x[1], y[1])) rec_items = rec_items[0: num_to_get] return rec_items
def run(log_path): test_project = "motor" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) state = True count_num = 600 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 url = common.get_url("/gs-robot/data/health_status") for i in range(count_num): common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url) data = common.getUrlData(url) time.sleep(1) if data["rightMotor"] and data["leftMotor"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) pass_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) fail_num += 1 return {test_project:{"state":state, "count_num":count_num, "pass_num":pass_num, "fail_num":fail_num}}
def run(log_path): test_project = "lan_wan" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) ips = [ "", "", "", "", "" ] ip_t = [] respons = [] for ip in ips: t = MyThread(ping_ip, args=(ip)) ip_t.append(t) t.start() for t in ip_t: t.join() respons.append(t.get_result()) count_num = 0 fail_num = 0 for i in respons: count_num = count_num + i[0] fail_num = fail_num + i[1] if not i[1]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(i[2])) else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(i[2])) pass_num = count_num - fail_num state = None if fail_num == 0: state = True else: state = False return { test_project: { "state": state, "count_num": count_num, "pass_num": pass_num, "fail_num": fail_num } }
def create_a_test(self, test_id, match_id): test_item = self.dim_items_index.get(test_id, None) if not test_item != None: write_log(msg = '__create_a_test get no item, id:%d' % test_id) return match_item = self.dim_items_index.get(match_id, None) if not match_item != None: write_log(msg = '__create_a_test get no item, id:%d' % match_id) return test_item.pos = 1 match_item.pos = 2 fea_a = self.feature_builder.get_feature(test_item) fea_b = self.feature_builder.get_feature(match_item) fea = fea_a + fea_b if fea == None or len(fea) == 0 : write_log(msg = 'fea len is 0, item_id %d %d' % (test_id, match_id) ) fea = sorted(fea) self.__print_feature(test_id, match_id, fea) return fea
def run(log_path): test_project = "input" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) url = common.get_url("/gs-robot/data/device_status") state = True count_num = 10 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 do_value_dict = {} for i in range(8): do_value = pow(2, i) do_value_key = "do" + str(i + 1) do_value_dict[do_value_key] = do_value all_do_value_comb = combination_all(do_value_dict.keys()) all_do_value_comb_list = [] for i in all_do_value_comb: value = 0 for j in do_value_dict.keys(): if j in i: value += do_value_dict[j] all_do_value_comb_list.append(value) all_do_value_comb_list.append(0) all_do_value_comb_list = sorted(all_do_value_comb_list) count_num = len(all_do_value_comb_list) * 2 for j in range(2): for i in all_do_value_comb_list: do_commond = 'rosservice call /device/operate_device \"operation:\n- key: \'do\'\n value: \'%d\'\"' % i common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", do_commond) res = os.popen(do_commond).read() if "True" in res: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", res) else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", res) time.sleep(1) data = common.getUrlData(url) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) if di_value != i: state = False common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) pass_num += 1 return { test_project: { "state": state, "count_num": count_num, "pass_num": pass_num, "fail_num": fail_num } }
def gen_disk_light_topo_tb(infile, rn, outdir, outfile0, cth_file, log_file, json_file): # {{{ outfile = outdir + outfile0 common.write_log(log_file, 'START disk_light_topo_tb') lat_fy4a = gdal.Open( './lut4k_1.tif').\ ReadAsArray(0, 0, 2748, 2748) # 纬度数据 lon_fy4a = gdal.Open( './lut4k_2.tif').\ ReadAsArray(0, 0, 2748, 2748) # 经度数据 f = h5.File(infile, 'r') Channel = 12 NOMChannel = f['NOMChannel%s' % (Channel)][:] CALChannel = f['CALChannel%s' % (Channel)][:] tb = Data_Cal(NOMChannel, CALChannel) bln = f.attrs[u'Begin Line Number'][0] eln = f.attrs[u'End Line Number'][0] bpn = f.attrs[u'Begin Pixel Number'][0] epn = f.attrs[u'End Pixel Number'][0] f.close() if False: cth_file = re.sub(r'\.HDF', r'.NC', infile) cth_file = re.sub(r'FDI', r'CTH', cth_file) cth_file = re.sub(r'L1', r'L2', cth_file) cth_file = re.sub(r'\/DISK\/', '/DISK/NOM/', cth_file) f = h5.File(cth_file, 'r') cth = f['CTH'][:] f.close() tb0 = lon_fy4a * 0 - 100 tb0[bln:eln + 1, bpn:epn + 1] = tb tb = tb0 cth0 = lon_fy4a * 0 cth0[bln:eln + 1, bpn:epn + 1] = cth cth = cth0 f = h5.File('', 'r') topo = f['topo'][:] topo = np.flip(topo.T, 0) f.close() # tb[np.where(tb < 50)] = np.nan print(tb.dtype) # tb[np.where(cth < 0)] = tb[np.where(cth < 0)]+100 if False: tb = cv2.resize(tb.astype(np.double), (2748 * 2, 2748 * 2)) lon_fy4a = cv2.resize(lon_fy4a.astype(np.double), (2748 * 2, 2748 * 2)) lat_fy4a = cv2.resize(lat_fy4a.astype(np.double), (2748 * 2, 2748 * 2)) print(tb.shape) if True: x4 = np.linspace(0, 10, num=2748) y4 = np.linspace(0, 10, num=2748) x42, y42 = np.meshgrid(x4, y4) xo = np.linspace(0, 10, num=2748 * rn) yo = np.linspace(0, 10, num=2748 * rn) # id = np.where((tb > 0) & (lon_fy4a > -190) & (lat_fy4a > -100)) sn = 4 if rn > 2: sn = 8 tb = griddata.stb(sn, x42, y42, tb, xo, yo).transpose() topo = griddata.stb(sn, x42, y42, topo, xo, yo).transpose() lon_fy4a = griddata.stb(sn, x42, y42, lon_fy4a, xo, yo) lat_fy4a = griddata.stb(sn, x42, y42, lat_fy4a, xo, yo) cth = griddata.stb(sn, x42, y42, cth, xo, yo).transpose() topo[np.where(cth > 0)] = cth[np.where(cth > 0)] topo = topo / 1000 # cth = 10-tb/20/100*50 # topo[np.where(tb < -10+273.15)] = cth[np.where(tb < -10+273.15)] # imshow total # tb[np.where(tb < 50)] = np.nan rg = [-110 + 273.15, 50 + 100 + 273.15] # rg = [-90+273.15, 60+273.15] tb3 = num2rgb(tb, ch8, rg) if True: tb_nocloud = tb tb3_nocloud = num2rgb(tb_nocloud, tcc, [-50 + 273.15, 20 + 273.15]) r = tb3[:, :, 0] g = tb3[:, :, 1] b = tb3[:, :, 2] rn = tb3_nocloud[:, :, 0] gn = tb3_nocloud[:, :, 1] bn = tb3_nocloud[:, :, 2] rn[np.where(cth > 0)] = r[np.where(cth > 0)] gn[np.where(cth > 0)] = g[np.where(cth > 0)] bn[np.where(cth > 0)] = b[np.where(cth > 0)] # tb3[np.where(tb3_nocloud > 0)] = tb3_nocloud[np.where(tb3_nocloud > 0)] tb3[:, :, 0] = rn tb3[:, :, 1] = gn tb3[:, :, 2] = bn # tb3 = tb3_nocloud print(tb3.shape) print(cth.shape) lt = light.point(lon_fy4a, lat_fy4a, topo, np.array([-1, 1, 1])) if True: lt[lt < 0] = 0 lt = lt + 0.3 lt[lt > 1] = 1 g = 3 for i in range(0, 2): lt = cv2.filter2D(lt, -1, np.ones((g, g))) /\ cv2.filter2D(np.ones(lt.shape), -1, np.ones((g, g))) tb4 = tb3 + 0 # lt = lt*0+1 tb4[:, :, 0] = tb3[:, :, 2] * lt tb4[:, :, 1] = tb3[:, :, 1] * lt tb4[:, :, 2] = tb3[:, :, 0] * lt cv2.imwrite(outfile, (tb4 * 255).astype(np.int32)) common.write_log(log_file, 'FINISH disk_light_topo_tb') out_info = common.OutInfo(json_file) out_info.update_file_info(outfile0, 'LIGHT', 'R') return out_info
shms = setime = out_file0 = '/FY4A/AGRI/L3/'+reg+'/HHMM/LIGHT-/NOM/' + \ syear+'/'+syear+smonth+sdom+'/FY4A-_AGRI--_N_'+reg+\ '_1047E_L3_LIGHT-_MULT_NOM_'+syear+smonth+sdom+shms+\ '_'+setime+'_'+str(int(4/rn))+'000M_HHMM_ADS_V0001.TIFF' out_file = output_dir + out_file0 out_path = re.sub(r'[^\/]+$', '', out_file) if os.path.exists(out_path): pass else: os.system('mkdir -p ' + out_path) try: common.write_log(log_file, 'run LIGHT') t1 = time.process_time() out_info = gen_disk_light_topo_tb(infile, rn, output_dir, out_file0, cth_file, log_file, json_file) except Exception as inst: # msg = ' '.join(['Fire_Detection:', str(inst.args)]) msg = traceback.format_exc() # 捕捉异常消息 out_info = common.OutInfo(json_file) out_info.update('1', msg) common.write_log(log_file, msg) finally: t2 = time.process_time() lapse_time = t2 - t1 msg = ' '.join(['program run', str(round(lapse_time, 2)), 'seconds']) common.write_log(log_file, msg) out_info.write_json()
feature_builder.add_an_item(item) print 'feature_builder item_feature_map size:%d' % (len(feature_builder.item_feature) ) #print feature_builder.item_feature import test_builder from test_builder import * test_builder = TestBuilder(common.test_data_output, feature_builder, dim_items_index) input_fd = open(common.test_items_file) for line in input_fd: item_id = (int)(line.strip()) test_item = dim_items_index.get(item_id) if not test_item != None: write_log(sys._getframe().f_lineno, "cannot get info of item_id:%d" % (item_id) ) continue sim_cat_ids = cat_sim_rindex.get(test_item.cat_id, -1) if sim_cat_ids == -1 : continue sim_cat_ids = sim_cat_ids[0: strategy.get_max_sim_cat_process()] rec_items = [] for i in range(0, len(sim_cat_ids)): (cat_id, sim_value) = sim_cat_ids[i] sim_item_ids = cat_to_item_rindex.get(cat_id, []) if len(sim_item_ids) == 0 : write_log(sys._getframe().f_lineno, "cat_id:%d has no item" % (cat_id) ) continue
def fetch_stores(data): """ 获得门店信息 :param data: :return: """ url = data['url'] try: html = common.get_data(data['url']) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = { 'level': 1, 'time': common.format_time(), 'data': { 'url': url }, 'brand_id': brand_id } common.dump(dump_data) return [] # 第二个<ul>...</ul> start = 0 for i in xrange(2): start = html.find('<ul>', start) if start == -1: return [] start += len('<ul>') end = html.find('</ul>', start) html = html[start:end] store_list = [] for m in re.findall(ur'<li>(.+?)</li>', html, re.S): entry = common.init_store_entry(brand_id, brandname_e, brandname_c) entry[common.store_type] = 'FASHION' m1 = re.findall(ur'<h2>(.+?)</h2>', m) if len(m1) > 0: entry[common.name_e] = common.reformat_addr(m1[0]) # Google Maps网址 m1 = re.findall(ur'href="([^\s]+?)"', m) if len(m1) > 0: entry[common.url] = m1[0] addr = common.reformat_addr('\n\r'.join( [m1 for m1 in re.findall(ur'<p>(.+?)</p>', m)])) entry[common.addr_e] = addr terms = addr.split(',') # 是否所有的geosensing都未命中? hit_flag = False # 最后一项是否为国家 country = '' ret = gs.look_up(terms[-1], 1) if ret is not None: entry[common.country_e] = ret['name_e'] country = ret['name_e'] terms = terms[:-1] hit_flag = True # 查找州和城市 m = re.match(ur'.*(\d{5,})', terms[-1]) zip_cdt = '' if m is not None: zip_cdt = tmp = re.sub(ur'\d{5,}', '', terms[-1]).strip().upper() ret = gs.look_up(terms[-1], 2) if ret is not None: entry[common.province_e] = ret['name_e'] entry[common.zip_code] = zip_cdt terms = terms[:-1] hit_flag = True ret = gs.look_up(terms[-1], 3) if ret is not None: entry[common.city_e] = ret['name_e'] entry[common.zip_code] = zip_cdt hit_flag = True if not hit_flag: # 所有都未命中,输出: common.write_log('Failed in geosensing: %s' % addr) gs.field_sense(entry) print '%s Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % ( brandname_e, entry[common.name_e], entry[common.addr_e], entry[common.country_e], entry[common.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def fetch_stores(data): """ 获得门店信息 :param data: :return: """ url = data['url'] try: html = common.get_data(data['url']) except Exception: print 'Error occured: %s' % url dump_data = {'level': 1, 'time': common.format_time(), 'data': {'url': url}, 'brand_id': brand_id} common.dump(dump_data) return [] # 第二个<ul>...</ul> start = 0 for i in xrange(2): start = html.find('<ul>', start) if start == -1: return [] start += len('<ul>') end = html.find('</ul>', start) html = html[start:end] store_list = [] for m in re.findall(ur'<li>(.+?)</li>', html, re.S): entry = common.init_store_entry(brand_id, brandname_e, brandname_c) entry[common.store_type] = 'FASHION' m1 = re.findall(ur'<h2>(.+?)</h2>', m) if len(m1) > 0: entry[common.name_e] = common.reformat_addr(m1[0]) # Google Maps网址 m1 = re.findall(ur'href="([^\s]+?)"', m) if len(m1) > 0: entry[common.url] = m1[0] addr = common.reformat_addr('\n\r'.join([m1 for m1 in re.findall(ur'<p>(.+?)</p>', m)])) entry[common.addr_e] = addr terms = addr.split(',') # 是否所有的geosensing都未命中? hit_flag = False # 最后一项是否为国家 country = '' ret = gs.look_up(terms[-1], 1) if ret is not None: entry[common.country_e] = ret['name_e'] country = ret['name_e'] terms = terms[:-1] hit_flag = True # 查找州和城市 m = re.match(ur'.*(\d{5,})', terms[-1]) zip_cdt = '' if m is not None: zip_cdt = tmp = re.sub(ur'\d{5,}', '', terms[-1]).strip().upper() ret = gs.look_up(terms[-1], 2) if ret is not None: entry[common.province_e] = ret['name_e'] entry[common.zip_code] = zip_cdt terms = terms[:-1] hit_flag = True ret = gs.look_up(terms[-1], 3) if ret is not None: entry[common.city_e] = ret['name_e'] entry[common.zip_code] = zip_cdt hit_flag = True if not hit_flag: # 所有都未命中,输出: common.write_log('Failed in geosensing: %s' % addr) gs.field_sense(entry) print '%s Found store: %s, %s (%s, %s)' % ( brandname_e, entry[common.name_e], entry[common.addr_e], entry[common.country_e], entry[common.continent_e]) db.insert_record(entry, 'stores') store_list.append(entry)
def run(log_path): test_project = "charge" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) state = True count_num = 100 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 url_di = "http://" + host_ip + ":" + host_ip + "/gs-robot/data/device_status" url_auto = common.get_url("/gs-robot/cmd/start_charge") url_hand = common.get_url("/gs-robot/cmd/stop_charge") for i in range(count_num): common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_hand) data = common.getUrlData(url_hand) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) one_list = [] common.check_value(di_value, one_list) if 1 in one_list and 2 not in one_list: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_auto) data = common.getUrlData(url_auto) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) one_list = [] common.check_value(di_value, one_list) if 2 in one_list and 1 not in one_list: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_hand) data = common.getUrlData(url_hand) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) if di_value == 1: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) pass_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 return { test_project: { "state": state, "count_num": count_num, "pass_num": pass_num, "fail_num": fail_num } }
def run(log_path): test_project = "emergency" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) state = True count_num = 10 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 url = "http://" + host_ip + ":" + host_ip + "/gs-robot/cmd/operate_device" url_emerg = common.get_url("/gs-robot/data/device_status") open_value = str(int("01010101", 2)) close_value = str(int("01010110", 2)) for i in range(count_num): value = [{ "name": "relay", "type": "int", "value": close_value, "delayTime": 0 }] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", value) data = common.postUrlData(url, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_emerg) data = common.get_url(url_emerg) time.sleep(1) if not data["data"]["emergency"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) value = [{ "name": "relay", "type": "int", "value": open_value, "delayTime": 0 }] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", value) data = common.postUrlData(url, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_emerg) data = common.get_url(url_emerg) time.sleep(1) if data["data"]["emergency"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) value = [{ "name": "relay", "type": "int", "value": close_value, "delayTime": 0 }] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", value) data = common.postUrlData(url, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_emerg) data = common.get_url(url_emerg) time.sleep(1) if not data["data"]["emergency"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) pass_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 return { test_project: { "state": state, "count_num": count_num, "pass_num": pass_num, "fail_num": fail_num } }
word_iterm_based_builder.build_from_file(common.dim_fashion_matchsets_file) word_iterm_based_rindex_builder = WordItermBasedRindexBuilder() word_iterm_based_rindex_builder.build_from_WordItermBasedBuilder(word_iterm_based_builder) dim_items_index_builder.clear_notimportant_word_from_title(word_iterm_based_rindex_builder) #sys.exit(0) predictor = Predictor(dim_items_index_builder, cat_to_item_rindex_builder, cat_sim_builder, cat_sim_rindex_builder, word_iterm_based_builder) write_log(msg = 'begin predict') input_fd = open(common.test_items_file) output_fd = open(common.res_test_items_file, 'w') for line in input_fd: item_id = (int)(line.strip()) res = predictor.process(item_id) if len(res) > 0: res_str = ",".join( map(str, res) ) print >> output_fd, "%d %s" % (item_id, res_str) else: print >> output_fd, "%d" % item_id
def run(log_path): test_project = "key" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) state = True count_num = 10 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 url = "http://" + host_ip + ":" + host_ip + "/gs-robot/cmd/operate_device" open_value = str(int("01010110", 2)) close_value = str(int("01011010", 2)) for i in range(count_num): value = [{ "name": "relay", "type": "int", "value": open_value, "delayTime": 0 }] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", value) commond = "ping -c 1" data = common.postUrlData(url, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) try: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", commond) backinfo = subprocess.check_output([commond], shell=True) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", backinfo) value = [{ "name": "relay", "type": "int", "value": close_value, "delayTime": 0 }] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", value) data = common.postUrlData(url, value) time.sleep(5) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) try: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", commond) backinfo = subprocess.check_output([commond], shell=True) if backinfo: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(backinfo)) state = False fail_num += 1 except: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", "No Data...") value = [{ "name": "relay", "type": "int", "value": open_value, "delayTime": 0 }] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", value) data = common.postUrlData(url, value) time.sleep(60) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", data) try: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", commond) backinfo = subprocess.check_output([commond], shell=True) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", backinfo) pass_num += 1 except: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 except: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", "No Data...") state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 return { test_project: { "state": state, "count_num": count_num, "pass_num": pass_num, "fail_num": fail_num } }
def run(log_path): test_project = "relay" log_content = test_project + " test start" common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", log_content) state = True count_num = 75 pass_num = 0 fail_num = 0 url_relay = common.get_url("/gs-robot/cmd/operate_device") url_di = "http://" + host_ip + ":" + host_ip + "/gs-robot/data/device_status" for i in range(count_num): value = [{"name" : "do","type" : "int","value" : "0","delayTime" : 0}] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_relay) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(value)) data = common.postUrlData(url_relay, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) one_list = [] common.check_value(di_value, one_list) if 4 not in one_list and 5 not in one_list: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) value = [{"name" : "do","type" : "int","value" : "1","delayTime" : 0}] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_relay) data = common.postUrlData(url_relay, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) one_list = [] common.check_value(di_value, one_list) if 4 in one_list and 5 not in one_list: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) value = [{"name" : "do","type" : "int","value" : "2","delayTime" : 0}] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_relay) data = common.postUrlData(url_relay, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) one_list = [] common.check_value(di_value, one_list) if 4 not in one_list and 5 in one_list: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) value = [{"name" : "do","type" : "int","value" : "3","delayTime" : 0}] common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_relay) data = common.postUrlData(url_relay, value) time.sleep(1) if data["successed"]: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", url_di) data = common.getUrlData(url_di) time.sleep(1) di_value = int(data["data"]["detailedDi"]) one_list = [] common.check_value(di_value, one_list) if 4 in one_list and 5 in one_list: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "info", str(data)) pass_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 else: common.write_log(log_path, test_project, "error", str(data)) state = False fail_num += 1 time.sleep(1) return {test_project:{"state":state, "count_num":count_num, "pass_num":pass_num, "fail_num":fail_num}}
def load(self): metainfo = self._get_metainfo() if metainfo is None: common.write_log("get metainfo fail") else: self.metainfo = metainfo