コード例 #1
def ProbabilisticSequentialMatrixFactorizer(
    Y, C, X, d, n, r, M, Mmiss, lam, V, Q, R, P, sig, Iter, YorgInt, Einit

    Epred = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])
    Efull = np.copy(Epred)
    Epred[:, 0] = Einit
    Efull[:, 0] = Einit

    RunTime = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])

    Yrec = np.zeros([d, n])
    YrecL = np.copy(Yrec)
    YrecH = np.copy(Yrec)

    Id = np.eye(d)

    RunTimeStart = time.time()

    for i in range(0, Iter):
        for t in range(n):

            Mk = np.diag(M[:, t])
            CM = Mk @ C

            Xp = X[:, [n - 1]] if t == 0 else X[:, [t - 1]]
            PP = P + Q

            Yrec[:, [t]] = C @ Xp

            # Assumes R is diagonal. Otherwise: MRM = Mk @ R @ Mk.T
            MRM = np.diag(np.diag(Mk) * np.diag(R))
            Rbar = MRM + Xp.T @ V @ Xp * Id
            CPinv = compute_Sinv(CM, PP, Rbar)
            X[:, [t]] = Xp + PP @ CM.T @ CPinv @ (Y[:, [t]] - CM @ Xp)
            P = PP - PP @ CM.T @ CPinv @ CM @ PP

            eta_k = np.trace(CM @ PP @ CM.T + MRM) / d
            Nt = Xp.T @ V @ Xp + eta_k

            C = C + ((Y[:, [t]] - CM @ Xp) @ Xp.T @ V) / (Nt)
            V = V - (V @ Xp @ Xp.T @ V) / (Nt)

            YrecL[:, [t]] = Yrec[:, [t]] - sig * np.sqrt(Nt)
            YrecH[:, [t]] = Yrec[:, [t]] + sig * np.sqrt(Nt)

        Yrec2 = C @ X

        Epred[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec, YorgInt, Mmiss)
        Efull[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec2, YorgInt, Mmiss)

        RunTime[:, i + 1] = time.time() - RunTimeStart

    InsideBars = compute_number_inside_bars(Mmiss, d, n, YorgInt, YrecL, YrecH)

    return Epred, Efull, RunTime, InsideBars
コード例 #2
def stochasticGradientStateSpaceMF(Y, C, X, d, n, r, M, Mmiss, lam, Q, R, P,
                                   sig, Iter, YorgInt, Einit):

    Epred = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])
    Efull = np.copy(Epred)
    Epred[:, 0] = Einit
    Efull[:, 0] = Einit

    RunTime = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])

    Yrec = np.zeros([d, n])
    YrecL = np.copy(Yrec)
    YrecH = np.copy(Yrec)

    RunTimeStart = time.time()

    for i in range(0, Iter):

        gam1 = 1e-6
        gam = gam1 / ((i + 1)**0.7)

        for t in range(n):

            MC = np.diag(M[:, t])
            CM = MC @ C

            Xp = X[:, [n - 1]] if t == 0 else X[:, [t - 1]]
            PP = P + Q

            Yrec[:, [t]] = C @ Xp

            CPinv = compute_Sinv(CM, PP, R)
            X[:, [t]] = Xp + PP @ CM.T @ CPinv @ (Y[:, [t]] - CM @ Xp)
            P = PP - PP @ CM.T @ CPinv @ CM @ PP

            MRM = np.diag(np.diag(MC) * np.diag(R))
            eta_k = np.trace(CM @ PP @ CM.T + MRM) / d

            C = C + gam * (1 / eta_k) * (MC.T @ (Y[:, [t]] - CM @ Xp) @ Xp.T)

            YrecL[:, [t]] = Yrec[:, [t]] - sig * np.sqrt(eta_k)
            YrecH[:, [t]] = Yrec[:, [t]] + sig * np.sqrt(eta_k)

        Yrec2 = C @ X
        Epred[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec, YorgInt, Mmiss)
        Efull[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec2, YorgInt, Mmiss)

        RunTime[:, i + 1] = time.time() - RunTimeStart

    InsideBars = compute_number_inside_bars(Mmiss, d, n, YorgInt, YrecL, YrecH)

    return Epred, Efull, RunTime, InsideBars
コード例 #3
ファイル: TMF.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/rPSMF
def temporalRegularizedMF(Y, C, X, d, n, r, M, Mmiss, lam, R, Iter, YorgInt,

    Epred = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])
    Efull = np.copy(Epred)
    Epred[:, 0] = Einit
    Efull[:, 0] = Einit

    RunTime = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])

    Yrec = np.zeros([d, n])

    Ir = np.identity(r)

    RunTimeStart = time.time()

    for i in range(0, Iter):

        gam1 = 1e-6
        nu = 2
        gam = gam1 / ((i + 1)**0.7)

        for t in range(n):

            MC = np.diag(M[:, t])
            CM = MC @ C

            Xp = X[:, [n - 1]] if t == 0 else X[:, [t - 1]]

            Yrec[:, [t]] = C @ Xp

            CPinv = np.linalg.inv(CM.T @ CM + nu * Ir)
            X[:, [t]] = CPinv @ (nu * Xp + CM.T @ Y[:, [t]])

            C = C + gam * (MC.T @ (Y[:, [t]] - CM @ Xp) @ Xp.T)

        Yrec2 = C @ X
        Epred[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec, YorgInt, Mmiss)
        Efull[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec2, YorgInt, Mmiss)

        RunTime[:, i + 1] = time.time() - RunTimeStart

    return Epred, Efull, RunTime
コード例 #4
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    # Set the seed if given, otherwise draw one and print it out
    seed = args.seed or np.random.randint(10000)
    print("Using seed: %r" % seed)

    # Load the data
    Yorig = np.genfromtxt(args.input, delimiter=",")

    # Create a copy with missings set to zero
    YorigInt = np.copy(Yorig)
    YorigInt[np.isnan(YorigInt)] = 0

    _range = trange if args.fancy else range
    log = print if not args.fancy else lambda *a, **kw: None

    # Initialize dimensions, hyperparameters, and noise covariances
    d, n = Yorig.shape
    r = 10
    sig = 2
    Iter = 2
    rho = 10
    v = 2
    q = 0.1
    p = 1.0

    V = v * np.eye(r)
    Q = q * np.eye(r)
    R = rho * np.eye(d)
    P = p * np.eye(r)

    # Initialize arrays to keep track of quantaties of interest
    errors_predict = []
    errors_full = []
    runtimes = []
    inside_bars = []
    Y_hashes = []
    C_hashes = []
    X_hashes = []

    for i in _range(args.repeats):
        # Create the missing mask (missMask) and its inverse (M)
        Ymiss = np.copy(Yorig)
        missRatio, missMask = prepare_missing(Ymiss, args.percentage / 100)
        M = np.array(np.invert(np.isnan(Ymiss)), dtype=int)

        # In the data we work with, set missing to 0
        Y = np.copy(Ymiss)
        Y[np.isnan(Y)] = 0

        C = np.random.rand(d, r)
        X = np.random.rand(r, n)

        # store hash of matrices; used to ensure they're the same between
        # scripts

        YrecInit = C @ X
        Einit = RMSEM(YrecInit, YorigInt, missMask)

        [ep, ef, rt, ib] = ProbabilisticSequentialMatrixFactorizer(

        errors_predict.append(ep[:, Iter].item())
        errors_full.append(ef[:, Iter].item())
        runtimes.append(rt[:, Iter].item())

            "[%s] Finished step %04i of %04i"
            % (dt.datetime.now().strftime("%c"), i + 1, args.repeats)

    params = {
        "r": r,
        "sig": sig,
        "rho": rho,
        "v": v,
        "q": q,
        "p": p,
        "Iter": Iter,
    hashes = {"Y": Y_hashes, "C": C_hashes, "X": X_hashes}
    results = {
        "error_predict": errors_predict,
        "error_full": errors_full,
        "runtime": runtimes,
        "inside_sig": inside_bars,
    output = prepare_output(
    dump_output(output, args.output)
コード例 #5
ファイル: BPMF.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/rPSMF
def main():
    args = parse_args()

    # Set the seed if given, otherwise draw one and print it out
    seed = args.seed or np.random.randint(10000)
    print("Using seed: %r" % seed)

    # Load the data
    Yorig = np.genfromtxt(args.input, delimiter=",")

    # Create a copy with missings set to zero
    YorigInt = np.copy(Yorig)
    YorigInt[np.isnan(YorigInt)] = 0

    _range = trange if args.fancy else range
    log = print if not args.fancy else lambda *a, **kw: None

    # Extract dimensions and set latent dimensionality
    d, n = Yorig.shape
    r = 10
    Iter = 2

    # Initialize arrays to keep track of quantaties of interest
    errors_predict = []
    errors_full = []
    runtimes = []
    Y_hashes = []
    C_hashes = []
    X_hashes = []

    for i in _range(args.repeats):
        # Create the missing mask (missMask) and its inverse (M)
        Ymiss = np.copy(Yorig)
        missRatio, missMask = prepare_missing(Ymiss, args.percentage / 100)
        M = np.array(np.invert(np.isnan(Ymiss)), dtype=int)

        # In the data we work with, set missing to 0
        Y = np.copy(Ymiss)
        Y[np.isnan(Y)] = 0

        log("[%04i/%04i]" % (i + 1, args.repeats))
        C = np.random.rand(d, r)
        X = np.random.rand(r, n)

        # store hash of matrices; used to ensure they're the same between
        # scripts

        YrecInit = C @ X
        Einit = RMSEM(YrecInit, YorigInt, missMask)

        # Since BPMF uses random numbers internally, we wouldn't get the same
        # C,X as the other methods without saving/resetting state.
        rand_state = np.random.get_state()

            [ep, ef, rt] = bpmf(
                Y, C, X, d, n, r, M, missMask, YorigInt, Einit, epochs=Iter
            errors_predict.append(ep[:, Iter].item())
            errors_full.append(ef[:, Iter].item())
            runtimes.append(rt[:, Iter].item())
        except np.linalg.LinAlgError:


    params = {"Iter": Iter, "r": r}
    hashes = {"Y": Y_hashes, "C": C_hashes, "X": X_hashes}
    results = {
        "error_predict": errors_predict,
        "error_full": errors_full,
        "runtime": runtimes,
        "inside_sig": None,  # Not returned in the model
    output = prepare_output(
    dump_output(output, args.output)
コード例 #6
ファイル: BPMF.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/rPSMF
def bpmf(

    assert (num_p, num_m) == Y.shape

    Epred = np.zeros([1, epochs + 1])
    Efull = np.copy(Epred)
    Epred[:, 0] = Einit
    Efull[:, 0] = Einit
    RunTime = np.zeros([1, epochs + 1])

    # Initialize hierarchical priors
    mu_u = np.zeros((num_feat, 1))
    mu_m = np.zeros((num_feat, 1))
    alpha_u = np.eye(num_feat)
    alpha_m = np.eye(num_feat)

    # parameters of Inv-Wishart distribution
    WI_u = np.eye(num_feat)
    b0_u = 2
    df_u = num_feat
    mu0_u = np.zeros((num_feat, 1))

    WI_m = np.eye(num_feat)
    b0_m = 2
    df_m = num_feat
    mu0_m = np.zeros((num_feat, 1))

    triplets_tr = []  # {dimension_idx, time_idx, measurement}
    triplets_pr = []
    for i in range(num_p):
        for j in range(num_m):
            if M[i, j] == 1:  # M = 1 means present
                triplets_tr.append((i, j, Y[i, j]))
            if 0.95 < Mmiss[i, j] < 1.05:
                triplets_pr.append((i, j, YorigInt[i, j]))

    train_vec = np.array(triplets_tr)
    probe_vec = np.array(triplets_pr)

    # NOTE we standardize and center the measurements, otherwise the algorithm
    # can diverge. We undo this during prediction, of course.
    old_mean = np.mean(train_vec[:, 2])
    old_std = np.mean(train_vec[:, 2])
    train_vec[:, 2] = (train_vec[:, 2] - old_mean) / old_std
    probe_vec[:, 2] = (probe_vec[:, 2] - old_mean) / old_std

    RunTimeStart = time.time()

    mean_rating = train_vec[:, 2].mean()

    count = np.zeros((num_p, num_m))
    aa_p = train_vec[:, 0].astype(int)
    aa_m = train_vec[:, 1].astype(int)
    for ii in range(train_vec.shape[0]):
        count[aa_p[ii], aa_m[ii]] = train_vec[ii, 2]

    # Use the PMF solution as initial. We use the same number of epochs as
    # given to this function.
    w1_M1_sample, w1_P1_sample = pmf(
        train_vec, C, X, num_p, num_m, num_feat, epochs=epochs

    # Do simple fit
    mu_u = np.mean(w1_P1_sample).T
    alpha_u = np.linalg.inv(np.cov(w1_P1_sample))

    mu_m = np.mean(w1_M1_sample).T
    alpha_m = np.linalg.inv(np.cov(w1_P1_sample))

    count = count.T
    probe_rat_all = pred(w1_M1_sample, w1_P1_sample, probe_vec, mean_rating)
    counter_prob = 1

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        # Sample from movie hyperparams
        N = w1_M1_sample.shape[0]

        x_bar = np.mean(w1_M1_sample, axis=0).reshape(num_feat, 1)
        S_bar = np.cov(w1_M1_sample, rowvar=False)

        WI_post = np.linalg.inv(
            + N / 1 * S_bar
            + N * b0_m * (mu0_m - x_bar) @ (mu0_m - x_bar).T / (1 * (b0_m + N))
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2
        df_mpost = df_m + N
        alpha_m = wishart.rvs(df_mpost, WI_post)
        mu_temp = (b0_m * mu0_m + N * x_bar) / (b0_m + N)
        lam = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv((b0_m + N) * alpha_m))
        lam = lam.T
        mu_m = lam @ np.random.randn(num_feat, 1) + mu_temp

        # Sample from user hyperparams
        N = w1_P1_sample.shape[0]
        x_bar = np.mean(w1_P1_sample, axis=0).reshape(num_feat, 1)
        S_bar = np.cov(w1_P1_sample, rowvar=False)

        WI_post = np.linalg.inv(
            + N / 1 * S_bar
            + N * b0_u * (mu0_u - x_bar) @ (mu0_u - x_bar).T / (1 * (b0_u + N))
        WI_post = (WI_post + WI_post.T) / 2
        df_upost = df_u + N
        alpha_u = wishart.rvs(df_upost, WI_post)
        mu_temp = (b0_u * mu0_u + N * x_bar) / (b0_u + N)
        lam = np.linalg.cholesky(np.linalg.inv((b0_u + N) * alpha_u))
        lam = lam.T
        mu_u = lam @ np.random.randn(num_feat, 1) + mu_temp

        for gibbs in range(2):
            count = count.T

            # Infer posterior distribution over all movie feature vectors
            for mm in range(num_m):
                ff = M[:, mm] > 0  # select those that are present
                MM = w1_P1_sample[ff, :]
                rr = count[ff, mm] - mean_rating
                rr = np.expand_dims(rr, 1)  # make it column vec.

                covar = np.linalg.inv(alpha_m + beta * MM.T @ MM)
                mean_m = covar @ (beta * MM.T @ rr + alpha_m @ mu_m)

                lam = np.linalg.cholesky(covar).T

                w1_M1_sample[mm, :] = (
                    lam @ np.random.randn(num_feat, 1) + mean_m

            # Infer posterior distribution over all user feature vectors
            count = count.T
            for uu in range(num_p):
                ff = M[uu, :] > 0
                MM = w1_M1_sample[ff, :]
                rr = count[ff, uu] - mean_rating
                rr = np.expand_dims(rr, 1)  # make it column vec

                covar = np.linalg.inv(alpha_u + beta * MM.T @ MM)
                mean_u = covar @ (beta * MM.T @ rr + alpha_u @ mu_u)

                lam = np.linalg.cholesky(covar).T

                w1_P1_sample[uu, :] = (
                    lam @ np.random.randn(num_feat, 1) + mean_u

        probe_rat = pred(w1_M1_sample, w1_P1_sample, probe_vec, mean_rating)
        probe_rat_all = (counter_prob * probe_rat_all + probe_rat) / (
            counter_prob + 1
        counter_prob += 1

        # Reconstruct Yrec2. Note that the original BPMF code uses
        # probe_rat_all as the predictor, so we do the same
        pred_out = probe_rat_all * old_std + old_mean
        Yrec2 = np.zeros_like(Y)
        aa_p = probe_vec[:, 0].astype(int)
        aa_m = probe_vec[:, 1].astype(int)
        NN = probe_vec.shape[0]

        for ii in range(NN):
            Yrec2[aa_p[ii], aa_m[ii]] = pred_out[ii]

        Epred[:, epoch + 1] = np.nan  # BPMF doesn't do online predictions
        Efull[:, epoch + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec2, YorigInt, Mmiss)
        RunTime[:, epoch + 1] = time.time() - RunTimeStart

    return Epred, Efull, RunTime
コード例 #7
ファイル: PMF.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/rPSMF
def pmf(
    M,  # (1 - M) is all missing
    Mmiss,  # Mmiss is _additional_ missing (which we can evaluate)

    assert (num_p, num_m) == Y.shape

    Epred = np.zeros([1, epochs + 1])
    Efull = np.copy(Epred)
    Epred[:, 0] = Einit
    Efull[:, 0] = Einit

    RunTime = np.zeros([1, epochs + 1])

    # NOTE: This is not the exact same initialization as the other algorithms,
    # but otherwise PMF doesn't converge
    w1_M1 = 0.1 * X.T
    w1_P1 = 0.1 * C
    w1_M1_inc = np.zeros_like(w1_M1)
    w1_P1_inc = np.zeros_like(w1_P1)

    triplets_tr = []  # {dimension_idx, time_idx, measurement}
    triplets_pr = []
    for i in range(num_p):
        for j in range(num_m):
            if M[i, j] == 1:  # M = 1 means present
                triplets_tr.append((i, j, Y[i, j]))
            if 0.95 < Mmiss[i, j] < 1.05:
                triplets_pr.append((i, j, np.nan))

    train_vec = np.array(triplets_tr)
    probe_vec = np.array(triplets_pr)

    pairs_pr = probe_vec.shape[0]

    # NOTE we standardize and center the measurements, otherwise the algorithm
    # can diverge. We undo this during prediction, of course.
    old_mean = np.mean(train_vec[:, 2])
    old_std = np.mean(train_vec[:, 2])
    train_vec[:, 2] = (train_vec[:, 2] - old_mean) / old_std

    RunTimeStart = time.time()

    mean_rating = train_vec[:, 2].mean()

    for epoch in range(epochs):
        train_vec = np.random.permutation(train_vec)

        for batch in range(num_batches):
            # print(f"epoch {epoch} batch {batch}", end="\r")

            batch_arr = np.array_split(train_vec, num_batches)[batch]
            N = batch_arr.shape[0]

            aa_p = batch_arr[:, 0].astype(int)
            aa_m = batch_arr[:, 1].astype(int)
            rating = batch_arr[:, 2]

            # Default prediction is the mean rating
            rating = rating - mean_rating

            # Compute predictions
            pred_out = np.sum(w1_M1[aa_m, :] * w1_P1[aa_p, :], axis=1)

            # Compute gradients
            IO = np.tile(2 * (pred_out - rating).reshape(N, 1), (1, num_feat))
            Ix_m = IO * w1_P1[aa_p, :] + lmd * w1_M1[aa_m, :]
            Ix_p = IO * w1_M1[aa_m, :] + lmd * w1_P1[aa_p, :]

            dw1_M1 = np.zeros((num_m, num_feat))
            dw1_P1 = np.zeros((num_p, num_feat))

            for ii in range(N):
                dw1_M1[aa_m[ii], :] = dw1_M1[aa_m[ii], :] + Ix_m[ii, :]
                dw1_P1[aa_p[ii], :] = dw1_P1[aa_p[ii], :] + Ix_p[ii, :]

            # Update movie and user features
            w1_M1_inc = momentum * w1_M1_inc + epsilon * dw1_M1 / N
            w1_M1 = w1_M1 - w1_M1_inc

            w1_P1_inc = momentum * w1_P1_inc + epsilon * dw1_P1 / N
            w1_P1 = w1_P1 - w1_P1_inc

        # Compute predictions on test set
        NN = pairs_pr

        aa_p = probe_vec[:, 0].astype(int)
        aa_m = probe_vec[:, 1].astype(int)

        pred_out = (np.sum(w1_M1[aa_m, :] * w1_P1[aa_p, :], axis=1) +
        pred_out = pred_out * old_std + old_mean

        # reconstruct Yrec2
        Yrec2 = np.zeros_like(Y)
        for ii in range(NN):
            Yrec2[aa_p[ii], aa_m[ii]] = pred_out[ii]

        Epred[:, epoch + 1] = np.nan  # PMF doesn't do online predictions
        Efull[:, epoch + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec2, YorigInt, Mmiss)
        RunTime[:, epoch + 1] = time.time() - RunTimeStart

    return Epred, Efull, RunTime
コード例 #8
ファイル: rPSMF.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/rPSMF
def robust_PSMF(

    Epred = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])
    Efull = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])
    Epred[:, 0] = Einit
    Efull[:, 0] = Einit

    RunTime = np.zeros([1, Iter + 1])

    Yrec = np.zeros([d, n])
    YrecL = np.zeros([d, n])
    YrecH = np.zeros([d, n])

    Id = np.identity(d)

    RunTimeStart = time.time()

    for i in range(0, Iter):

        Q = Q0
        R = R0
        lmd = lambda0

        for t in range(n):

            Mk = np.diag(M[:, t])
            CM = Mk @ C

            Xp = X[:, [n - 1]] if t == 0 else X[:, [t - 1]]
            PP = P + Q

            Yrec[:, [t]] = C @ Xp

            # Assumes R is diagonal. Otherwise: MRM = Mk @ R @ Mk.T
            MRM = np.diag(np.diag(Mk) * np.diag(R))
            XVX = Xp.T @ V @ Xp
            PPCM = PP @ CM.T
            CMPPCM = CM @ PPCM

            # Replace Mk in Rbar = MRM + XVX * Mk by Id, otherwise singular
            Rbar = MRM + XVX * Id
            CPinv = compute_Sinv(CM, PP, Rbar)

            diff = Y[:, [t]] - CM @ Xp
            PPCMCPinv = PPCM @ CPinv

            X[:, [t]] = Xp + PPCMCPinv @ diff
            omega = (lmd + diff.T @ CPinv @ diff) / (lmd + d)
            P = omega * (PP - PPCMCPinv @ CM @ PP)

            eta_k = np.trace(MRM + CMPPCM) / d
            Nk = XVX + eta_k

            C = C + diff @ Xp.T @ V.T / Nk
            U = XVX * Mk + eta_k * Id
            Ui = np.diag(1.0 / np.diag(U))
            phi = (lmd + diff.T @ Ui @ diff) / (lmd + d)
            V = phi * (V - (V @ Xp @ Xp.T @ V) / Nk)

            # We approximate the boundaries of the interval using (-sig*std, 
            # +sig*std), based on the normal distribution. This can be shown to 
            # have a negligle effect on performance compared to the exact 
            # version (kept below for reference), but is significantly faster.
            sqU = np.sqrt(np.diag(U)).reshape(d, 1)
            YrecL[:, [t]] = Yrec[:, [t]] - sig * sqU
            YrecH[:, [t]] = Yrec[:, [t]] + sig * sqU
            # AREA can be precomputed
            # AREA = scipy.stats.norm().cdf(sig) - scipy.stats.norm().cdf(-sig)
            # YrecL[:, [t]], YrecH[:, [t]] = scipy.stats.t.interval(
            #     AREA,
            #     lmd,
            #     loc=Yrec[:, [t]],
            #     scale=np.sqrt(np.diag(U)).reshape(d, 1),
            # )

            Q = omega * Q
            R = omega * R
            lmd = lmd + d

        Yrec2 = C @ X

        Epred[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec, YorigInt, Mmiss)
        Efull[:, i + 1] = RMSEM(Yrec2, YorigInt, Mmiss)

        RunTime[:, i + 1] = time.time() - RunTimeStart

    InsideBars = compute_number_inside_bars(
        Mmiss, d, n, YorigInt, YrecL, YrecH

    return Epred, Efull, RunTime, InsideBars