コード例 #1
    def build_attack_rec_wrong(self, n, c, network):
        if n == 0 or c == 0:
            s = Solution(network, [], 0)
            self.solutions[n][c] = s
            return s
        asset_sym = self.id_to_sym[n]
        if self.solutions[n][c]:
            return self.solutions[n][c]
        elif self.weights[n] > c:
            s = self.build_attack(n - 1, c, copy.deepcopy(network))
            self.solutions[n][c] = s
            return s
            prev_solutions = {}
            max_result = self.build_attack(n - 1, c, copy.deepcopy(network))
            prev_solutions[1] = self.build_attack(n - 1, c - self.weights[n],
            prev_solutions[2] = self.build_attack(n, c - self.weights[n],
            order = Sell(
                asset_sym, self.min_order_percentage *
            for i in range(1, 2):
                net2 = prev_solutions[i].network
                value = net2.count_margin_calls()
                if value > max_result.value:
                    actions = copy.copy(prev_solutions[i].actions)
                    max_result = Solution(net2, actions, value)

            self.solutions[n][c] = max_result
            return max_result
コード例 #2
 def attack(self, n, network, orders_list):
     if n == 0:
         net2 = copy.deepcopy(network)
         funds = net2.get_funds_in_margin_calls()
         cost = sum([
             o.num_shares * network.assets[o.asset_symbol].zero_time_price
             for o in orders_list
         value = len(funds)
         for i in range(1, value + 1):
             if i not in self.solutions or cost < self.solutions[i].cost:
                 self.solutions[i] = Solution(network, orders_list, value,
                                              funds, cost)
     asset_sym = self.id_to_sym[n]
     orders_list2 = copy.copy(orders_list)
     self.attack(n - 1, network, orders_list2)
     for i in range(1, self.max_order_num + 1):
         num_shares = int(
             floor(i * self.min_order_percentage *
         order = Sell(asset_sym, num_shares)
         orders_list2 = copy.copy(orders_list)
         self.attack(n - 1, network, orders_list2)
コード例 #3
    def build_attack(self, n, c, network):
        if n == 0 or c == 0:
            s = Solution(network, [], 0, [], 0)
            self.solutions[n][c] = s
            return s
        asset_sym = self.id_to_sym[n]
        if c in self.solutions[n]:
            return self.solutions[n][c]
        elif self.weights[n] > c:
            s = self.build_attack(n - 1, c, copy.deepcopy(network))
            self.solutions[n][c] = s
            return s
            max_assets_orders = min(self.max_order_num,
                                    (int)(floor(c / self.weights[n])))
            max_result = self.build_attack(n - 1, c, copy.deepcopy(network))
            for i in range(1, max_assets_orders + 1):
                prev_solution = self.build_attack(n - 1,
                                                  c - i * self.weights[n],
                num_shares = floor(i * self.min_order_percentage *
                if not num_shares:
                order = Sell(asset_sym, num_shares)
                net2 = prev_solution.network
                funds = net2.get_funds_in_margin_calls()
                value = len(funds)
                cost = prev_solution.cost + order.num_shares * network.assets[
                if value > max_result.value or (value == max_result.value
                                                and cost < max_result.cost):
                    actions = copy.copy(prev_solution.actions)
                    max_result = Solution(net2, actions, value, funds, cost)

            self.solutions[n][c] = max_result
            return max_result
コード例 #4
 def test_gen_optimal_attacks(self):
     a1 = AssetFundNetwork.Asset(price=10, daily_volume=10, symbol='a1')
     a2 = AssetFundNetwork.Asset(price=20, daily_volume=10, symbol='a2')
     f1_margin_call = lambda assets: assets['a1'].price <= 8
     f2_margin_call = lambda assets: assets['a2'].price <= 19
     f3_margin_call = lambda assets: assets['a2'].price <= 19
     mi_calc = MockMarketImpactTestCalculator({
         'a1': {
             5: 9,
             10: 8
         'a2': {
             5: 19,
             10: 18
     f1 = MockFund('f1', a1, f1_margin_call)
     f2 = MockFund('f2', a2, f2_margin_call)
     f3 = MockFund('f3', a2, f3_margin_call)
     network = AssetFundNetwork.AssetFundsNetwork(funds={
         'f1': f1,
         'f2': f2,
         'f3': f3
                                                      'a1': a1,
                                                      'a2': a2
     solver = SingleAgentESSolver(network, 0.5, 2)
     actual_solutions = solver.gen_optimal_attacks()
     solution_2 = Solution(network, [Sell('a2', 5)], 2, ['f2', 'f3'], 100)
     solution_3 = Solution(network,
                           [Sell('a1', 10), Sell('a2', 5)], 3,
                           ['f1', 'f2', 'f3'], 200)
     expected_solutions = {1: solution_2, 2: solution_2, 3: solution_3}
     self.assertEqual(expected_solutions, actual_solutions)
コード例 #5
 def gen_optimal_attacks(self):
     solutions = {}
     #        portfolios = self.get_all_attack_portfolios(self.network.assets, len(self.network.assets))
     attacks = self.action_mgr.get_possible_attacks()
     for (order_set, cost) in attacks:
         net2 = copy.deepcopy(self.network)
         funds = net2.get_funds_in_margin_calls()
         value = len(funds)
         for i in range(1, value + 1):
             if i not in solutions or cost <= solutions[i].cost:
                 solutions[i] = Solution(self.network, order_set, value,
                                         funds, cost)
     return solutions
コード例 #6
    #     if(diff == 1 or diff == -1):
    #         diff_arr.append(diff)
    #     else:
    #         diff_arr.append(0)

    #     window_start_index = window_start_index + 1
    #     window_end_index = window_end_index + 1

    # first_index = 0
    # end_index = len(diff_arr)
    # second_index = first_index + 1

    # if(diff_arr[first_index] == 0):
    #     first_index = first_index + 1

    # if(diff_arr[end_index] == 0):
    #     end_index = end_index - 1

    # sum_num = 0
    # while(first_index <= end_index):
    #     if(sum_num != 0 and diff_arr[first_index] == diff_arr[second_index]):
    #         sum_num = sum_num + nums[first_index]

    return diff_arr

tt = [[1, 9, 8, 5], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2], [3, 2, 4], [1, 2, 1]]
# tt = [[1, 9, 8, 5]]
sol = Solution()
sol.run(find_shunshine, tt)
コード例 #7
from common import Solution

# Given a non-empty array of integers nums, every element appears twice except for one. Find that single one.

# You must implement a solution with a linear runtime complexity and use only constant extra space.

def single_number(nums):

    xored = 0
    for num in nums:
        xored = xored ^ num
    return xored

tt = [[2, 2, 1], [4, 1, 2, 1, 2], [1]]
sol = Solution()
sol.run(single_number, tt)
コード例 #8
    current_index = current_index - 1

    while (carry != 0):

        if (current_index < 0):

        current_num = nums[current_index]

        if (current_num == 9):
            nums[current_index] = 0
            nums[current_index] += 1
            carry = 0

        current_index -= 1

    if (carry == 1):
        nums = [
            for newNum in list("1" + "".join([str(num) for num in nums]))

    return nums

tt = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 3, 2, 1], [0], [9], [9, 9], [8, 9], [9, 9, 9, 9],
      [9, 8, 9]]
sol = Solution()
sol.run(add_one, tt)
コード例 #9
from common import Solution

# Given an integer array nums, move all 0's to the end of it while maintaining
# the relative order of the non-zero elements.
# Note that you must do this in-place without making a copy of the array.

def move_zeroes(nums):
    pos = 0

    for i in range(len(nums)):
        el = nums[i]
        if el != 0:
            nums[pos], nums[i] = nums[i], nums[pos]
            pos += 1
    return nums

tt = [[0, 1, 0, 3, 12], [0], [9, 8, 0, 5, 0, 2]]
sol = Solution()
sol.run(move_zeroes, tt)
コード例 #10
# Given an integer array nums, return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and return false if every element is distinct.
from common import Solution

def find_duplicate(nums):
    found_map = {}
    len_arr = len(nums)
    found_duplicate = False
    start_index = 0
    while (start_index < len_arr):
        if (not found_map.get(nums[start_index], False)):
            found_map[nums[start_index]] = True


            return True
        start_index = start_index + 1
    return found_duplicate

tt = [[1, 2, 3, 1], [1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 4, 3, 2, 4, 2]]

sol = Solution()
sol.run(find_duplicate, tt)
コード例 #11
# intersection. Each element in the result must appear as many times as it
# shows in both arrays and you may return the result in any order.

def find_intersection(arrs):
    num1, num2 = arrs
    intersection = []
    first_count_map = dict()
    second_count_map = dict()

    # Go through num1 and count each element using first_count_map
    for num in num1:
        first_count_map[num] = first_count_map.get(num, 0) + 1

    for num in num2:
        second_count_map[num] = second_count_map.get(num, 0) + 1

    for key in first_count_map:
        count_of_key_in_num2 = second_count_map.get(key, 0)
        if (count_of_key_in_num2):
            intersection = intersection + [key] * (
                count_of_key_in_num2 if count_of_key_in_num2 <
                first_count_map[key] else first_count_map[key])

    return intersection

tt = [[1, 2, 2, 1], [2, 2]], [[4, 9, 5], [9, 4, 9, 8, 4]]
sol = Solution()
sol.run(find_intersection, tt)
コード例 #12
    if (len(nums) > 1):
        if (k > len(nums)):
            k = k % len(nums)

        reverse(nums, first_index, last_index)
        reverse(nums, 0, k - 1)
        reverse(nums, k, last_index)

    # len_arr = len(arr)
    # curr_index = 0
    # new_index = -1
    # temp = arr[curr_index]
    # location_map = {}
    # while(not location_map.get(curr_index)):
    #     new_index = (curr_index + k) % len_arr
    #     # arr[curr_index] = arr[new_index]
    #     temp2 = temp
    #     temp = arr[new_index]
    #     arr[new_index] = temp2
    #     location_map[curr_index] = True
    #     curr_index = new_index
    # return arr

tt = [([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], 1), ([-1, -100, 3, 99], 2), ([-1], 3), ([1,
                                                                       2], 3)]

sol = Solution()
sol.run(rotate, tt)