class LogTableDao: #constructor def __init__(self): relative_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/config') self.db = PsqlDB(relative_path, 'db.cfg', 'publish') def getLogID(self, filename): """ Get ID from table for one filename. @return ID, a string that represents the ID related with one filename """ sql = "SELECT id " sql += "FROM public.deter_sar_import_log " sql += "WHERE filename='{0}'".format(filename) return self.__fetch(sql) def __fetch(self, sql): data = None ret_data = {'id': None} try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return data finally: self.db.close() if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 1 and data[0][0] != None): ret_data = {'id': data[0][0]} return ret_data
class ReadDataDao: #constructor def __init__(self): relative_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/config') self.db = PsqlDB(relative_path, 'db.cfg', 'publish') def getLastAlerts(self, filter): """ Read the last data from publishing table to last month. @return dict, the following values: {num_polygons,start_date,end_date,area} """ sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num_polygons, MIN(date) as start_date, MAX(date) as end_date, SUM(areamunkm) as area " sql += "FROM terrabrasilis.deter_table " sql += "WHERE date <= (SELECT date FROM public.deter_publish_date) " sql += "AND to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') " sql += "AND to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') " sql += "AND areatotalkm >= 0.0625 " sql += "AND uf != ('MS') " sql += "AND classname in ({0})".format(filter) return self.__execSQLWithSingleResult(sql) def getNewAlerts(self, filter): """ Read the total values for new data from publishing table to last period. @return dict, the following values: {num_polygons,start_date,end_date,area} """ sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num_polygons, MIN(date) as start_date, MAX(date) as end_date, SUM(round(areamunkm::numeric,2)) as area " sql += "FROM terrabrasilis.deter_table " sql += "WHERE date > (SELECT date FROM public.deter_publish_date) " # sql += "AND to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') " # sql += "AND to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') " sql += "AND areatotalkm >= 0.0625 " sql += "AND uf != ('MS') " sql += "AND classname in ({0})".format(filter) return self.__execSQLWithSingleResult(sql) def getNewAlertsDayByDay(self, filter): """ Read the new data from publishing table to last period groupped by date. @return dict, the following values: {num_polygons,start_date,end_date,area} """ sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num_polygons, date, SUM(round(areamunkm::numeric,2)) as area " sql += "FROM terrabrasilis.deter_table " sql += "WHERE date > (SELECT date FROM public.deter_publish_date) " # sql += "AND to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') " # sql += "AND to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') " sql += "AND areatotalkm >= 0.0625 " sql += "AND uf != ('MS') " sql += "AND classname in ({0}) ".format(filter) sql += "GROUP BY date ORDER BY date asc" return self.__execSQLWithMultiResults(sql) def getAllAlerts(self, filter): """ Read the all data from publishing table to last month. @return dict, the following values: {num_polygons,start_date,end_date,area} """ sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) as num_polygons, MIN(date) as start_date, MAX(date) as end_date, SUM(round(areamunkm::numeric,2)) as area " sql += "FROM terrabrasilis.deter_table " sql += "WHERE to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'YYYY') " sql += "AND to_char(date at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') = to_char(now() at time zone 'UTC', 'MM') " sql += "AND date <= now() " # to protect the result if date is will major that today sql += "AND areatotalkm >= 0.0625 " sql += "AND uf != ('MS') " sql += "AND classname in ({0})".format(filter) return self.__execSQLWithSingleResult(sql) def __execSQLWithSingleResult(self, sql): data = None ret_data = { 'num_polygons': 0, 'start_date': 0, 'end_date': 0, 'area': 0 } try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return data finally: self.db.close() if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 4 and data[0][3] != None): ret_data = { 'num_polygons': data[0][0], 'start_date': data[0][1], 'end_date': data[0][2], 'area': data[0][3] } return ret_data def __execSQLWithMultiResults(self, sql): data = None ret_data = [] try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return data finally: self.db.close() if (len(data) >= 1 and len(data[0]) == 3): for record in data: if (record[2] != None): row = { 'num_polygons': record[0], 'date': record[1], 'area': record[2] } ret_data.append(row) return ret_data def getPublishDateOfLastReleaseData(self): """ Read the publish date used to release data. """ sql = "SELECT date FROM public.deter_publish_date" return self.__execSQL(sql) def getDateOfLastReleaseData(self): """ Read the released date of the last data. """ sql = "SELECT MAX(date) as date " sql += "FROM terrabrasilis.deter_table " sql += "WHERE date <= (SELECT date FROM public.deter_publish_date)" return self.__execSQL(sql) def __execSQL(self, sql): data = None ret_data = { 'date': 0, } try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return data finally: self.db.close() if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 1 and data[0][0] != None): ret_data = {'date': data[0][0]} return ret_data
class DataDao: #constructor def __init__(self): relative_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/config') self.db = PsqlDB(relative_path, 'db.cfg', 'publish') def makeClusters(self, schema="public", working_table="deter_forest_monitor", buffer_len=0.000540541): """ Discover deforestation scenarios using clusters to isolate each one. Before thing we try to drop the old cluster table. The buffer_len parameter is used to calculate the proximity between polygons to define if its is putting together on one cluster. Its value depends of the projection of the geographic data on analised table. The default value, 0.000540541, is in degrees and corresponds to 60 meters. Other configuration to compute clusters is the minimal points of proximity among polygons, minpoints, defined direct on code. To filter the candidates to compose the clusters, we have two more parameters, interval_filter used to obtain polygons up to 6 months old and classname_filter used to get only deforestation polygons. """ minpoints = 2 interval_filter = "6 month" classname_filter = "'DESMATAMENTO_VEG','DESMATAMENTO_CR','MINERACAO'" sql = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.deforestation_cluster;" self.__execSQL(sql) sql = "CREATE TABLE public.deforestation_cluster AS " sql += "SELECT cluster_id, ST_UNION(geom) AS cluster_geom, array_agg(parcel_id) AS ids_in_cluster FROM ( " sql += "SELECT as parcel_id, ST_ClusterDBSCAN(tb1.geom, eps := {0}, minpoints := {1}) over () AS cluster_id, tb1.geom ".format( buffer_len, minpoints) sql += "FROM {0}.{1} as tb1 ".format(schema, working_table) sql += "WHERE tb1.view_date::date >= (now() - '{0}'::interval)::date ".format( interval_filter) sql += "AND tb1.classname in ({0}) ".format(classname_filter) sql += ") sq " sql += "GROUP BY cluster_id;" self.__execSQL(sql) def getClusters(self): """ Read the cluster's id by dissolved polygons. """ sql = "SELECT cluster_id FROM public.deforestation_cluster WHERE cluster_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY cluster_id" return self.__fetch(sql) def computeParametersByClusterId(self, cluster_id, schema="public", working_table="deter_forest_monitor"): """ Compute the contiguity and the deforestation speed and update values on working table. cluster_id used to isolate one deforestation scenario buffer_len is the offset used to identify direct relations among polygons of the one specifique scenario """ sql = "WITH statistic_pols AS ( " sql += "SELECT COUNT(*) as num_pols, SUM(areamunkm) as area, MIN(view_date::date) as start_date, MAX(view_date::date) as end_date, " sql += "CASE WHEN (MAX(view_date::date)-MIN(view_date::date)) > 0 THEN (MAX(view_date::date)-MIN(view_date::date)) ELSE 1 END as delta_t " sql += "FROM {0}.{1} ".format(schema, working_table) sql += "WHERE id in (SELECT unnest(ids_in_cluster) FROM public.deforestation_cluster where cluster_id={0}) ".format( cluster_id) sql += ") " sql += "UPDATE {0}.{1} ".format(schema, working_table) sql += "SET contiguity=1, speed=(area/delta_t) " sql += "FROM statistic_pols " sql += "WHERE num_pols > 1 AND id in (SELECT unnest(ids_in_cluster) FROM public.deforestation_cluster WHERE cluster_id={0}) ".format( cluster_id) self.__execSQL(sql) """ Compute the percent of participation of one polygon into their cluster. """ sql = "WITH cluster_data AS ( " sql += "SELECT ST_area(cluster_geom::geography)/1000000 as cluster_area, unnest(ids_in_cluster) as ids " sql += "FROM public.deforestation_cluster WHERE cluster_id={0} ".format( cluster_id) sql += ") " sql += "UPDATE public.deter_forest_monitor " sql += "SET participation=(ST_area(geom::geography)/1000000*100)/cluster_area " sql += "FROM cluster_data cd " sql += "WHERE id in (cd.ids) " self.__execSQL(sql) def resetParameters(self, schema="public", working_table="deter_forest_monitor"): """ Reset contiguity to prevent the case when polygons that lost the cluster. - contiguity (integer) - participation (double precision) - speed (double precision) """ sql = "UPDATE {0}.{1} SET contiguity=0, participation=0.0, speed=0.0;".format( schema, working_table) self.__execSQL(sql) def createParameters(self, schema="public", working_table="deter_forest_monitor"): """ Prepare the table with new columns to receive new data if these columns don't exists. - contiguity (integer) - participation (double precision) - speed (double precision) """ sql = "ALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS contiguity integer DEFAULT 0;".format( schema, working_table) self.__execSQL(sql) sql = "ALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS participation double precision DEFAULT 0.0;".format( schema, working_table) self.__execSQL(sql) sql = "ALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS speed double precision DEFAULT 0.0;".format( schema, working_table) self.__execSQL(sql) def __fetch(self, sql): data = None try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return data finally: self.db.close() return data def __execSQL(self, sql): try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.execQuery(sql) self.db.commit() except BaseException as error: raise error finally: self.db.close()
class CopyDao: """ The Copy Data Access Object reads the most recent data from DETER Cerrado production table and write them in one output table to DETER Cerrado publish table. The input and output databases may are in different hosts. See the db.cfg file for access the databases configuration definitions. See the model.cfg file for another configurations about the database tables names. """ #constructor def __init__(self): relative_path = 'cerrado-deter/src/config/' self.inputdb = PsqlDB(relative_path, 'db.cfg', 'production') self.outputdb = PsqlDB(relative_path, 'db.cfg', 'publish') self.__loadConfigurations(relative_path) # get env var setted in Dockerfile self.is_docker_env = os.getenv("DOCKER_ENV", False) # If the environment is docker then use the absolute path to write log file if self.is_docker_env: self.data_dir = '/usr/local/data/' else: self.data_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../') + '/' def __loadConfigurations(self, relative_path): # read model parameters try: productioncfg = ConfigLoader(relative_path, 'model.cfg', 'production') self.production_cfg = productioncfg.get() publishcfg = ConfigLoader(relative_path, 'model.cfg', 'publish') self.publish_cfg = publishcfg.get() except Exception as configError: raise configError def copy(self, renew=False): """ Start copy process The renew parameter is used to configure the behaviour of the copy process. If renew is equal True them the output table are dropped and all data will be copied. Return start and end date values. Will raise a DatabaseError if exception occured. Warning: This method opens connection, run the process and close connection. """ start_date = max_created_date = max_view_date = None try: # verify if table exists if self.__outputTableExists() and renew: # DROP the output table for renew all data self.__dropOutputTable() else: start_date, max_view_date = self.__getLastDate() self.__generateInsertScript(start_date) self.__writeToOutputTable() max_created_date, max_view_date = self.__getLastDate() except BaseException as error: raise error return start_date, max_created_date, max_view_date def __dropOutputTable(self): """ Drop output table from the database. We using this method when want copy all data from input table and process that data and provide for API. No return value but in error raise a DatabaseError exception. Warning: This method opens connection, run the process and close connection. """ drop_table = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" try: self.outputdb.connect() sql = '{0} {1}.{2}'.format(drop_table, self.publish_cfg["schema"], self.publish_cfg["table"]) self.outputdb.execQuery(sql) self.outputdb.commit() except Exception as error: self.outputdb.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) finally: self.outputdb.close() def __getLastDate(self): """ Read the last date from output table to created date and to view date. @return string, two values, the max created date and the max view date. """ created = view = None if self.__outputTableExists(): # select max date from output table sql = "SELECT MAX(created_date::date)::varchar, MAX(view_date::date)::varchar " sql += "FROM {0}.{1} ".format(self.publish_cfg["schema"], self.publish_cfg["table"]) try: self.outputdb.connect() data = self.outputdb.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return created, view finally: self.outputdb.close() if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 2): created = data[0][0] view = data[0][1] return created, view def __generateInsertScript(self, from_date=None, filter_area=0.03, file_name=None): """ Read data from output table and generate a set of INSERT statements as SQL Script. @return string, the path and name for output file with SQL insert statements or false if error. """ read_from_table = sql_filter = write_to_table = "" write_to_table = "{0}.{1}".format(self.publish_cfg["schema"], self.publish_cfg["table"]) read_from_table = "{0}.{1}".format(self.production_cfg["schema"], self.production_cfg["table"]) if filter_area: sql_filter = "ST_Area(ST_Transform(spatial_data,4326)::geography)/1000000 > {0}".format( filter_area) if from_date: sql_filter = " {0} AND created_date::date > '{1}'".format( sql_filter, from_date) sql = "SELECT ('INSERT INTO {0} (object_id, cell_oid, local_name, class_name, scene_id, task_id,".format( write_to_table) sql += "satellite, sensor, spatial_data, area_total_km, path_row, quadrant,view_date, created_date, updated_date, auditar, control) VALUES(' || " sql += "object_id || ',' || quote_nullable(cell_oid) || ',' || quote_nullable(local_name) || ',''' || class_name || ''',' || quote_nullable(scene_id) || ',' || quote_nullable(task_id) || ',''' || " sql += "satellite || ''',''' || sensor || ''',''' || ST_Multi(spatial_data)::text || ''',' || ST_Area(ST_Transform(spatial_data,4326)::geography)/1000000 || ',' || " sql += "quote_nullable(path || '_' || row) || ',' || quote_nullable(quadrant) || ',''' || view_date || ''',' || quote_nullable(created_date) || ',' || quote_nullable(updated_date) || ',' || " sql += "quote_nullable(auditar) || ',' || quote_nullable(control) || ');') as inserts " sql += "FROM {0} ".format(read_from_table) if sql_filter: sql += "WHERE {0}".format(sql_filter) data_file = False try: self.inputdb.connect() data = self.inputdb.fetchData(sql) data_file = self.__writeScriptToFile(data, file_name) except BaseException as error: raise error finally: self.inputdb.close() return data_file def __writeToOutputTable(self): # Before insert data, verify if table exists. try: if not self.__outputTableExists(): # Case not it'll be created. self.__createOutputTable() except BaseException as error: raise error data_file = self.data_dir + self.publish_cfg['output_data_file'] if not os.path.exists(data_file): raise MissingParameterError( 'Import data file', 'File, {0}, was not found.'.format(data_file)) inserts = None try: inserts = [line.rstrip('\r\n') for line in open(data_file)] except Exception as error: raise MissingParameterError('Import data file', 'Error: {0}'.format(error)) try: self.outputdb.connect() for insert in inserts: self.outputdb.execQuery(insert) self.outputdb.commit() except BaseException as error: self.outputdb.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) finally: self.outputdb.close() def __writeScriptToFile(self, content, file_name=None): output_file = self.publish_cfg['output_data_file'] if file_name: output_file = file_name data_file = self.data_dir + output_file f = open(data_file, "w+") for i in content: if i[0]: f.write("{0}\r\n".format(i[0])) f.close() if os.path.exists(data_file): return os.path.realpath(data_file) else: return False def __outputTableExists(self): sql = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='{0}')".format( self.publish_cfg["table"]) try: self.outputdb.connect() data = self.outputdb.fetchData(sql) except BaseException as error: raise error finally: self.outputdb.close() return data[0][0] def __createOutputTable(self): sql = "CREATE TABLE {0}.{1} ".format(self.publish_cfg["schema"], self.publish_cfg["table"]) sql += "( " sql += "object_id integer NOT NULL, " sql += "cell_oid character varying(255), " sql += "local_name text, " sql += "class_name text, " sql += "scene_id integer, " sql += "task_id integer, " sql += "satellite text, " sql += "sensor text, " sql += "spatial_data geometry(MultiPolygon,4674), " sql += "area_total_km double precision, " sql += "path_row character varying(10), " sql += "quadrant character varying(1), " sql += "view_date date, " sql += "created_date timestamp without time zone, " sql += "updated_date timestamp without time zone, " sql += "auditar character varying(5), " sql += "control integer, " sql += "CONSTRAINT {0}_pk PRIMARY KEY (object_id) ".format( self.publish_cfg["table"]) sql += ") " sql += "WITH ( " sql += "OIDS = FALSE " sql += ")" try: self.outputdb.connect() self.outputdb.execQuery(sql) self.outputdb.commit() except BaseException as error: self.outputdb.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) finally: self.outputdb.close()
class UuidTableDao: #constructor def __init__(self): relative_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/config') self.db = PsqlDB(relative_path,'db.cfg','publish') def confirmUUID(self, uuid): """ Verify if UUID is in the table. @return exists, true if UUID exists on table or false otherwise """ sql = "SELECT num_downloads " sql += "FROM public.downloads_by_uuid " sql += "WHERE uuid='{0}'".format(uuid) ret=self.__fetch(sql) if (ret!=None and ret['num_downloads']>=0): return True else: return False def increaseDownloadByUUID(self, uuid): """ Increments the number of downloads using this UUID. @return void """ sql = "UPDATE public.downloads_by_uuid " sql += "SET num_downloads=" sql += "(SELECT num_downloads + 1 FROM public.downloads_by_uuid WHERE uuid='{0}') ".format(uuid) self.__execSQL(sql) def storeClientIP(self, uuid, ip): """ Store the client IP. @return void """ sql = "INSERT INTO public.request_by_ip(id_download, ip) VALUES " sql += "((select id from public.downloads_by_uuid where uuid='{0}'), '{1}')".format(uuid,ip) self.__execSQL(sql) def __fetch(self, sql): data = None ret_data = { 'num_downloads':-1, } try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return data finally: self.db.close() if(len(data)==1 and len(data[0])==1 and data[0][0]!=None): ret_data={ 'num_downloads':data[0][0] } return ret_data def __execSQL(self, sql): try: self.db.connect() self.db.execQuery(sql) self.db.commit() except BaseException: self.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Query execute issue', sql) finally: self.db.close()
class UserTableDao: #constructor def __init__(self): relative_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/config') self.db = PsqlDB(relative_path, 'db.cfg', 'publish') def getUUID(self, email): """ Get UUID from table for one user. @return UUID, a string that represents the UUID related with one user """ sql = "SELECT uuid " sql += "FROM public.downloads_by_uuid " sql += "WHERE user_id=(SELECT id FROM public.user WHERE email='{0}')".format( email) return self.__fetch(sql) def generateUUID(self, user_id): """ Generates one UUID for one user. @return uuid, the UUID to user or None if no data was returned """ sql = "INSERT INTO public.downloads_by_uuid(uuid,user_id) VALUES " sql += "(gen_random_uuid(), {0}) RETURNING uuid".format(user_id) ret_data = {'uuid': None} data = self.__execSQL(sql, True) if (data != None): ret_data = {'uuid': data} return ret_data def storeClient(self, name, email, institution): """ Store the client data. @return user_id, the user id or None if user email exists """ sql = "INSERT INTO public.user(name,email,institution) VALUES " sql += "('{0}','{1}','{2}') ON CONFLICT (email) DO NOTHING RETURNING id".format( name, email, institution) ret_data = {'user_id': None} data = self.__execSQL(sql, True) if (data != None): ret_data = {'user_id': data} return ret_data def __fetch(self, sql): data = None ret_data = {'uuid': None} try: self.db.connect() data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return data finally: self.db.close() if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 1 and data[0][0] != None): ret_data = {'uuid': data[0][0]} return ret_data def __execSQL(self, sql, withReturn=False): try: self.db.connect() if withReturn: data = self.db.execQuery(sql, True) self.db.commit() return data else: self.db.execQuery(sql) self.db.commit() except BaseException: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Query execute issue', sql) finally: self.db.close()
class IntersectionDao: """ The Intersection Data Access Object runs intersections over all features in DETER Cerrado publish table for prepare data in comply the SFS standart to deploy on GeoServer. See configuration file, db.cfg for database connection definitions. """ #constructor def __init__(self): relative_path = 'cerrado-deter/src/config/' self.db = PsqlDB(relative_path, 'db.cfg', 'publish') self.__loadConfigurations(relative_path) def __loadConfigurations(self, relative_path): # read model parameters try: cfg = ConfigLoader(relative_path, 'model.cfg', 'publish_sfs') self.cfg_data = cfg.get() except Exception as configError: raise configError def intersections(self, renew=False): """ Start intersections process. The renew parameter is used to configure the behaviour of the intersection process. If renew is equal True them the output table are dropped and all data will be process. Return the most recent date for the data. Will raise a DatabaseError if exception occured. Warning: This method opens connection, run the process and close connection. """ # used to return the date for the most recent data. end_date = None try: if renew: # Truncate the output table for renew all data self.truncateOutputTable() """ # Drop the table is bad practice because can be cause an connection error on GeoServer. if renew: # DROP the output table for renew all data self.dropOutputTable() """ self.dropIntermediaryTables() self.db.connect() last_date = self.__getLastDate() self.__createSequence() self.__createDataTable(last_date) self.__intersectAlertsAndUC() self.__intersectAlertsAndOutsideUC() self.__joinUcAlerts() self.__intersectUcAlertsAndCounty() self.__dropSequence() end_date = self.__getLastDate() self.db.commit() except BaseException as error: self.db.rollback() raise error finally: self.db.close() #self.dropIntermediaryTables() return end_date def dropIntermediaryTables(self): """ Drop intermediary tables from the database. No return value but in error raise a DatabaseError exception. Warning: This method opens connection, run the process and close connection. """ drop_table = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" jobber_tables = self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"] try: self.db.connect() for key in jobber_tables: sql = '{0} {1}.{2}'.format(drop_table, self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], jobber_tables[key]) self.db.execQuery(sql) self.db.commit() except Exception as error: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) finally: self.db.close() def dropOutputTable(self): """ Drop output table from the database. We using this method when want copy all data from input table and process that data and provide for API. The issue related is the cenarium where one or more geometries was removed and recriated on reclassification by TerraAmazon leaving the new portion of geometry out of filter by date. No return value but in error raise a DatabaseError exception. Warning: This method opens connection, run the process and close connection. """ drop_table = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" try: self.db.connect() sql = '{0} {1}.{2}'.format(drop_table, self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.db.execQuery(sql) self.db.commit() except Exception as error: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) finally: self.db.close() def truncateOutputTable(self): """ Truncate output table from the database. We using this method when want copy all data from input table and process that data and provide for API. The issue related is the cenarium where one or more geometries was removed and recriated on reclassification by TerraAmazon leaving the new portion of geometry out of filter by date. No return value but in error raise a DatabaseError exception. Warning: This method opens connection, run the process and close connection. """ truncate_table = "TRUNCATE {0}.{1} RESTART IDENTITY".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) try: self.db.connect() sql = truncate_table self.db.execQuery(sql) self.db.commit() except Exception as error: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) finally: self.db.close() def __outputTableExists(self): sql = "SELECT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_name='{0}')".format( self.cfg_data["output_table"]) data = False try: data = self.__fetchExecute(sql) except BaseException as error: raise error if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 1): data = data[0][0] return data def __getLastDate(self): """ Read the last date from output table to created date. @return string, one value, the last created date. """ date = None outputTableExists = self.__outputTableExists() if outputTableExists: # select max date from output table sql = "SELECT MAX(created_date::date)::varchar " sql += "FROM {0}.{1} ".format(self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) try: data = self.__fetchExecute(sql) except BaseException: # by default return None return date if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 1): date = data[0][0] return date def __getLastIdentifier(self): """ Read the last identifier from output table to reset sequence. @return gid, the last identifier for output table. """ gid = 1 if self.__outputTableExists(): # select max gid from output table sql = "SELECT MAX(gid) " sql += "FROM {0}.{1} ".format(self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) try: data = self.__fetchExecute(sql) except BaseException: # by default return 1 return gid if (len(data) == 1 and len(data[0]) == 1): gid = (data[0][0] if data[0][0] else 1) return (gid + 1) def __createDataTable(self, last_date): sql = "CREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb1"]) sql += "SELECT nextval('{0}.{1}') as gid, ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"]) sql += "alerts.object_id as origin_gid, " sql += "alerts.cell_oid, " sql += "alerts.class_name, " sql += "alerts.quadrant, " sql += "alerts.path_row, " sql += "alerts.view_date, " sql += "alerts.created_date::date as created_date, " sql += "alerts.sensor, " sql += "alerts.satellite, " sql += "alerts.spatial_data as geometries " sql += "FROM {0}.{1} as alerts ".format(self.cfg_data["input_schema"], self.cfg_data["input_table"]) sql += "WHERE alerts.view_date IS NOT NULL " #sql += "AND alerts.created_date IS NOT NULL " if last_date: sql += "AND alerts.created_date::date > '{0}'".format(last_date) self.__resetSequence() self.__basicExecute(sql) # calculate total area to complete table contents self.__computeTotalArea() # create gist index to improve intersections self.__createSpatialIndex(self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb1"]) def __computeTotalArea(self): sql = "ALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN area_total_km double precision".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb1"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) sql = "UPDATE {0}.{1} SET area_total_km = ST_Area((geometries)::geography)/1000000".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb1"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) def __createSpatialIndex(self, schema, table, column="geometries"): sql = "CREATE INDEX sidx_{0}_{1}_{2} ON {0}.{1} USING gist ({2}) TABLESPACE pg_default".format( schema, table, column) self.__basicExecute(sql) def __intersectAlertsAndUC(self): sql = "CREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb2"]) sql += "SELECT alerts.gid as origin_gid, " sql += "alerts.class_name, " sql += "alerts.quadrant, " sql += "alerts.path_row, " sql += "alerts.view_date, " sql += "alerts.created_date, " sql += "alerts.sensor, " sql += "alerts.satellite, " sql += "alerts.area_total_km, " sql += "ST_Area(ST_Intersection(alerts.geometries, uc.geom)::geography)/1000000 as area_uc_km, " sql += "uc.nome as uc, " sql += "ST_Intersection(alerts.geometries, uc.geom) as geometries, " sql += "nextval('{0}.{1}') as gid ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"]) sql += "FROM {0}.{1} as alerts ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb1"]) sql += "INNER JOIN {0}.{1} as uc ON ( (alerts.geometries && uc.geom) AND ST_Intersects(alerts.geometries, uc.geom) )".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["uc_table"]) self.__resetSequence() self.__basicExecute(sql) def __intersectAlertsAndOutsideUC(self): sql = "CREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb3"]) sql += "SELECT alerts.gid as origin_gid, " sql += "alerts.class_name, " sql += "alerts.quadrant, " sql += "alerts.path_row, " sql += "alerts.view_date, " sql += "alerts.created_date, " sql += "alerts.sensor, " sql += "alerts.satellite, " sql += "alerts.area_total_km, " sql += "(0)::double precision as area_uc_km, " sql += "(NULL)::character varying as uc, " sql += "ST_Intersection(alerts.geometries, outside.geom) as geometries, " sql += "nextval('{0}.{1}') as gid ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"]) sql += "FROM {0}.{1} as alerts ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb1"]) sql += "INNER JOIN {0}.{1} as outside ON ( (alerts.geometries && outside.geom) AND ST_Intersects(alerts.geometries, outside.geom) )".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["limit_cerrado"]) self.__resetSequence() self.__basicExecute(sql) def __joinUcAlerts(self): sql = "CREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb4"]) sql += "SELECT nextval('{0}.{1}') as gid, * FROM ( ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"]) sql += "SELECT uc.origin_gid, " sql += "uc.class_name, " sql += "uc.quadrant, " sql += "uc.path_row, " sql += "uc.view_date, " sql += "uc.created_date, " sql += "uc.sensor, " sql += "uc.satellite, " sql += "uc.area_total_km, " sql += "uc.area_uc_km, " sql += "uc.uc, " sql += "uc.geometries " sql += "FROM {0}.{1} as uc ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb2"]) sql += "UNION " sql += "SELECT outucs.origin_gid, " sql += "outucs.class_name, " sql += "outucs.quadrant, " sql += "outucs.path_row, " sql += "outucs.view_date, " sql += "outucs.created_date, " sql += "outucs.sensor, " sql += "outucs.satellite, " sql += "outucs.area_total_km, " sql += "outucs.area_uc_km, " sql += "outucs.uc, " sql += "outucs.geometries " sql += "FROM {0}.{1} as outucs ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb3"]) sql += ") as ta " sql += "WHERE origin_gid is not null" self.__resetSequence() self.__basicExecute(sql) # create gist index to improve intersections self.__createSpatialIndex(self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb4"]) def __intersectUcAlertsAndCounty(self): tableExists = self.__outputTableExists() last_gid = 1 sql = "SELECT alerts.origin_gid, " sql += "alerts.class_name as classname, " sql += "alerts.quadrant, " sql += "alerts.path_row, " sql += "alerts.view_date, " sql += "alerts.created_date, " sql += "alerts.sensor, " sql += "alerts.satellite, " sql += "alerts.area_total_km as areatotalkm, " sql += "alerts.area_uc_km as areauckm, " sql += "alerts.uc, " sql += "ST_Area(ST_Intersection(alerts.geometries, mun.geom)::geography)/1000000 as areamunkm, " sql += "mun.nm_municip as county, " sql += "mun.nm_sigla as uf, " sql += "coalesce(ST_Intersection(alerts.geometries, mun.geom), alerts.geometries) as geom, " sql += "nextval('{0}.{1}') as gid ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"]) sql += "FROM {0}.{1} as alerts ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["jobber_tables"]["tb4"]) sql += "LEFT JOIN {0}.{1} as mun ON ( (alerts.geometries && mun.geom) AND ST_Intersects(alerts.geometries, mun.geom) )".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["county_table"]) if tableExists: last_gid = self.__getLastIdentifier() sql_insert = "INSERT INTO {0}.{1} ".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) sql_insert += "(origin_gid, classname, quadrant, path_row, view_date, " sql_insert += "created_date, sensor, satellite, areatotalkm, areauckm, " sql_insert += "uc, areamunkm, county, uf, geom, gid) " sql_insert += "SELECT tb1.origin_gid, tb1.classname, tb1.quadrant, tb1.path_row, tb1.view_date, " sql_insert += "tb1.created_date, tb1.sensor, tb1.satellite, tb1.areatotalkm, tb1.areauckm, " sql_insert += "tb1.uc, tb1.areamunkm, tb1.county, tb1.uf, tb1.geom, tb1.gid " sql_insert += "FROM ({0}) as tb1 ".format(sql) sql = sql_insert else: sql = "CREATE TABLE {0}.{1} AS {2}".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"], sql) self.__resetSequence(last_gid) self.__basicExecute(sql) """ Update area for Features where occurs the fractionation after intersect with counties """ sql = "UPDATE {0}.{1} SET areauckm=ST_Area(geom::geography)/1000000 WHERE uc is not null".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) if not tableExists: """ Alter table to add temporal column to publish on geoserver with monthly granularity """ sql = "ALTER TABLE {0}.{1} ADD COLUMN publish_month date".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) sql = "UPDATE {0}.{1} SET publish_month=overlay(view_date::varchar placing '01' from 9 for 2)::date".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) sql = "CREATE INDEX publish_month_idx ON {0}.{1} USING btree (publish_month ASC NULLS LAST)".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) sql = "ALTER TABLE {0}.{1} CLUSTER ON publish_month_idx".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) """ Create geographic index """ sql = "CREATE INDEX deter_cerrado_geom_index ON {0}.{1} USING gist (geom)".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) else: sql = "UPDATE {0}.{1} SET publish_month=overlay(view_date::varchar placing '01' from 9 for 2)::date".format( self.cfg_data["output_schema"], self.cfg_data["output_table"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) def __resetSequence(self, next_gid=1): sql = "ALTER SEQUENCE {0}.{1} RESTART WITH {2}".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"], next_gid) self.__basicExecute(sql) def __createSequence(self): """ Create one sequence used to intermediary tables """ sql = "CREATE SEQUENCE {0}.{1} INCREMENT 1 MINVALUE 1 ".format( self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"]) sql += "MAXVALUE 9223372036854775807 START 1 CACHE 1" self.__basicExecute(sql) def __dropSequence(self): """ Drop the sequence used to intermediary tables """ sql = "DROP SEQUENCE {0}.{1}".format(self.cfg_data["jobber_schema"], self.cfg_data["sequence"]) self.__basicExecute(sql) def __basicExecute(self, sql): """ Execute a basic SQL statement. """ try: self.db.execQuery(sql) except Exception as error: self.db.rollback() raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) def __fetchExecute(self, sql): """ Execute a SQL statement and fetch the result data. """ data = False try: data = self.db.fetchData(sql) except BaseException as error: raise DatabaseError('Database error:', error) return data