コード例 #1
def fixed_width_file_name(path, max_length=25):
    Return a fixed width file name of at most `max_length` characters
    extracted from the `path` string and usable for fixed width display.
    If the file_name is longer than `max_length`, it is truncated in the
    middle with using three dots "..." as an ellipsis and the extension
    is kept.

    For example:
    >>> short = fixed_width_file_name('0123456789012345678901234.c')
    >>> assert '0123456789...5678901234.c' == short
    if not path:
        return ''

    filename = fileutils.file_name(path)
    if len(filename) <= max_length:
        return filename
    base_name, extension = fileutils.splitext(filename)
    number_of_dots = 3
    len_extension = len(extension)
    remaining_length = max_length - len_extension - number_of_dots

    if remaining_length < (len_extension +
                           number_of_dots) or remaining_length < 5:
        return ''

    prefix_and_suffix_length = abs(remaining_length // 2)
    prefix = base_name[:prefix_and_suffix_length]
    ellipsis = number_of_dots * '.'
    suffix = base_name[-prefix_and_suffix_length:]
    return "{prefix}{ellipsis}{suffix}{extension}".format(**locals())
コード例 #2
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: ocabrisses/scancode-toolkit
def fixed_width_file_name(path, max_length=25):
    Return a fixed width file name of at most `max_length` characters
    extracted from the `path` string and usable for fixed width display.
    If the file_name is longer than `max_length`, it is truncated in the
    middle with using three dots "..." as an ellipsis and the extension
    is kept.

    For example:
    >>> short = fixed_width_file_name('0123456789012345678901234.c')
    >>> assert '0123456789...5678901234.c' == short
    if not path:
        return ''

    # get the path as unicode for display!
    path = path_to_unicode(path)
    filename = fileutils.file_name(path)
    if len(filename) <= max_length:
        return filename
    base_name, extension = fileutils.splitext(filename)
    number_of_dots = 3
    len_extension = len(extension)
    remaining_length = max_length - len_extension - number_of_dots

    if remaining_length < (len_extension + number_of_dots) or remaining_length < 5:
        return ''

    prefix_and_suffix_length = abs(remaining_length // 2)
    prefix = base_name[:prefix_and_suffix_length]
    ellipsis = number_of_dots * '.'
    suffix = base_name[-prefix_and_suffix_length:]
    return '{prefix}{ellipsis}{suffix}{extension}'.format(**locals())
コード例 #3
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: yudhik11/scancode-toolkit
def get_file_infos(location):
    Return a mapping of file information collected from the file or
    directory at `location`.
    from commoncode import fileutils
    from commoncode import filetype
    from commoncode.hash import multi_checksums
    from typecode import contenttype

    if on_linux:
        location = path_to_bytes(location)
        location = path_to_unicode(location)

    infos = OrderedDict()
    is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)

    T = contenttype.get_type(location)

    infos['type'] = filetype.get_type(location, short=False)
    name = fileutils.file_name(location)
    if is_file:
        base_name, extension = fileutils.splitext(location)
        base_name = name
        extension = ''

    if on_linux:
        infos['name'] = path_to_unicode(name)
        infos['base_name'] = path_to_unicode(base_name)
        infos['extension'] = path_to_unicode(extension)
        infos['name'] = name
        infos['base_name'] = base_name
        infos['extension'] = extension

    infos['date'] = is_file and filetype.get_last_modified_date(
        location) or None
    infos['size'] = T.size
    infos.update(multi_checksums(location, (
    infos['files_count'] = is_dir and filetype.get_file_count(location) or None
    infos['mime_type'] = is_file and T.mimetype_file or None
    infos['file_type'] = is_file and T.filetype_file or None
    infos['programming_language'] = is_file and T.programming_language or None
    infos['is_binary'] = bool(is_file and T.is_binary)
    infos['is_text'] = bool(is_file and T.is_text)
    infos['is_archive'] = bool(is_file and T.is_archive)
    infos['is_media'] = bool(is_file and T.is_media)
    infos['is_source'] = bool(is_file and T.is_source)
    infos['is_script'] = bool(is_file and T.is_script)

    return infos
コード例 #4
ファイル: api.py プロジェクト: ocabrisses/scancode-toolkit
def get_file_infos(location):
    Return a mapping of file information collected from the file or
    directory at `location`.
    from commoncode import fileutils
    from commoncode import filetype
    from commoncode.hash import multi_checksums
    from typecode import contenttype

    if on_linux:
        location = path_to_bytes(location)
        location = path_to_unicode(location)

    infos = OrderedDict()
    is_file = filetype.is_file(location)
    is_dir = filetype.is_dir(location)

    T = contenttype.get_type(location)

    infos['type'] = filetype.get_type(location, short=False)
    name = fileutils.file_name(location)
    if is_file:
        base_name, extension = fileutils.splitext(location)
        base_name = name
        extension = ''

    if on_linux:
        infos['name'] = path_to_unicode(name)
        infos['base_name'] = path_to_unicode(base_name)
        infos['extension'] = path_to_unicode(extension)
        infos['name'] = name
        infos['base_name'] = base_name
        infos['extension'] = extension

    infos['date'] = is_file and filetype.get_last_modified_date(location) or None
    infos['size'] = T.size
    infos.update(multi_checksums(location, ('sha1', 'md5',)))
    infos['files_count'] = is_dir and filetype.get_file_count(location) or None
    infos['mime_type'] = is_file and T.mimetype_file or None
    infos['file_type'] = is_file and T.filetype_file or None
    infos['programming_language'] = is_file and T.programming_language or None
    infos['is_binary'] = bool(is_file and T.is_binary)
    infos['is_text'] = bool(is_file and T.is_text)
    infos['is_archive'] = bool(is_file and T.is_archive)
    infos['is_media'] = bool(is_file and T.is_media)
    infos['is_source'] = bool(is_file and T.is_source)
    infos['is_script'] = bool(is_file and T.is_script)

    return infos
コード例 #5
ファイル: cliutils.py プロジェクト: SmartsYoung/FenixscanX
def fixed_width_file_name(path, max_length=25):
    Return a fixed width file name of at most `max_length` characters computed
    from the `path` string and usable for fixed width display. If the `path`
    file name is longer than `max_length`, the file name is truncated in the
    middle using three dots "..." as an ellipsis and the ext is kept.

    For example:
    >>> fwfn = fixed_width_file_name('0123456789012345678901234.c')
    >>> assert '0123456789...5678901234.c' == fwfn
    >>> fwfn = fixed_width_file_name('some/path/0123456789012345678901234.c')
    >>> assert '0123456789...5678901234.c' == fwfn
    >>> fwfn = fixed_width_file_name('some/sort.c')
    >>> assert 'sort.c' == fwfn
    >>> fwfn = fixed_width_file_name('some/123456', max_length=5)
    >>> assert '' == fwfn
    if not path:
        return ''

    # get the path as unicode for display!
    filename = file_name(path)
    if len(filename) <= max_length:
        return filename
    base_name, ext = splitext(filename)
    dots = 3
    len_ext = len(ext)
    remaining_length = max_length - len_ext - dots

    if remaining_length < 5 or remaining_length < (len_ext + dots):
        return ''

    prefix_and_suffix_length = abs(remaining_length // 2)
    prefix = base_name[:prefix_and_suffix_length]
    ellipsis = dots * '.'
    suffix = base_name[-prefix_and_suffix_length:]
    return '{prefix}{ellipsis}{suffix}{ext}'.format(**locals())