コード例 #1
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: nexB/deltacode
def fix_trees(a_files, b_files):
    Given two sequences of File objects 'a' and 'b', use the tuple of two
    integers returned by align_trees() to remove the number of path segments
    required to create equal paths for two files that are the same in 'a' and
    a_offset, b_offset = align_trees(a_files, b_files)
    for a_file in a_files:
        a_file.original_path = a_file.path
        a_file.path = '/'.join(paths.split(a_file.path)[a_offset:])

    for b_file in b_files:
        b_file.original_path = b_file.path
        b_file.path = '/'.join(paths.split(b_file.path)[b_offset:])
コード例 #2
def _match(path, patterns):
    Return a message if `path` is matched by a pattern from the `patterns` map
    or False.
    if not path or not patterns:
        return False

    path = fileutils.as_posixpath(path).lower()
    pathstripped = path.lstrip('/')
    if not pathstripped:
        return False
    segments = paths.split(pathstripped)
    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('_match: path: %(path)r patterns:%(patterns)r.' %
    mtch = False
    for pat, msg in patterns.items():
        if not pat and not pat.strip():
        msg = msg or ''
        pat = pat.lstrip('/').lower()
        is_plain = '/' not in pat
        if is_plain:
            if any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(s, pat) for s in segments):
                mtch = msg
        elif (fnmatch.fnmatchcase(path, pat)
              or fnmatch.fnmatchcase(pathstripped, pat)):
            mtch = msg
    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('_match: match is %(mtch)r' % locals())
    return mtch
コード例 #3
def _match(path, patterns):
    Return a message if `path` is matched by a pattern from the `patterns` map
    or False.
    if not path or not patterns:
        return False

    path = fileutils.as_posixpath(path).lower()
    pathstripped = path.lstrip(POSIX_PATH_SEP)
    if not pathstripped:
        return False
    segments = paths.split(pathstripped)
    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('_match: path: %(path)r patterns:%(patterns)r.' % locals())
    mtch = False
    for pat, msg in patterns.items():
        if not pat and not pat.strip():
        msg = msg or EMPTY_STRING
        pat = pat.lstrip(POSIX_PATH_SEP).lower()
        is_plain = POSIX_PATH_SEP not in pat
        if is_plain:
            if any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(s, pat) for s in segments):
                mtch = msg
        elif (fnmatch.fnmatchcase(path, pat)
              or fnmatch.fnmatchcase(pathstripped, pat)):
            mtch = msg
    if DEBUG:
        logger.debug('_match: match is %(mtch)r' % locals())
    return mtch
コード例 #4
def compute_path_depth(root_path, dir_path):
    Compute the depth of ``dir_path`` below ``root_path`` as the number of paths
    segments that extend below the root.
    if not dir_path:
        return 0
    dir_path = dir_path.strip('/')

    if not root_path:
        return len(split(dir_path))

    root_path = root_path.strip('/')

    suffix = dir_path[len(root_path):]
    return len(split(suffix))
コード例 #5
def get_matches(path, patterns, all_matches=False):
    Return a list of values (which are values from the matched `patterns`
    mappint of {pattern: value or message} if `path` is matched by any of the
    pattern from the `patterns` map or an empty list.
    If `all_matches` is False, stop and return on the first matched pattern.
    if not path or not patterns:
        return False

    path = fileutils.as_posixpath(path).lower()
    pathstripped = path.lstrip(POSIX_PATH_SEP)
    if not pathstripped:
        return False

    segments = paths.split(pathstripped)

    if TRACE:
        logger.debug('_match: path: %(path)r patterns:%(patterns)r.' %

    matches = []
    if not isinstance(patterns, dict):
        assert isinstance(
            patterns, (list, tuple)), 'Invalid patterns: {}'.format(patterns)
        patterns = {p: p for p in patterns}

    for pat, value in patterns.items():
        if not pat or not pat.strip():

        value = value or EMPTY_STRING
        pat = pat.lstrip(POSIX_PATH_SEP).lower()
        is_plain = POSIX_PATH_SEP not in pat

        if is_plain:
            if any(fnmatch.fnmatchcase(s, pat) for s in segments):
                if not all_matches:
        elif (fnmatch.fnmatchcase(path, pat)
              or fnmatch.fnmatchcase(pathstripped, pat)):
            if not all_matches:
    if TRACE:
        logger.debug('_match: matches: %(matches)r' % locals())

    if not all_matches:
        if matches:
            return matches[0]
            return False
    return matches
コード例 #6
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: nexB/deltacode
def align_trees(a_files, b_files):
    Given two sequences of File objects 'a' and 'b', return a tuple of
    two integers that represent the number path segments to remove
    respectively from a File path in 'a' or a File path in 'b' to obtain the
    equal paths for two files that are the same in 'a' and 'b'.
    # we need to find one uniquly named file that exists in 'a' and 'b'.
    a_names = defaultdict(list)
    for a_file in a_files:
    a_uniques = {k: v[0] for k, v in a_names.items() if len(v) == 1}

    b_names = defaultdict(list)
    for b_file in b_files:
    b_uniques = {k: v[0] for k, v in b_names.items() if len(v) == 1}

    candidate_found = False
    for a_name, a_unique in a_uniques.items():
        if a_name not in b_uniques:
        b_unique = b_uniques.get(a_name)
        if a_unique and a_unique.sha1 == b_unique.sha1:
            candidate_found = True

    if not candidate_found:
        raise AlignmentException
    if a_unique.path == b_unique.path:
        return 0, 0

    common_suffix, common_segments = paths.common_path_suffix(
        a_unique.path, b_unique.path)
    a_segments = len(paths.split(a_unique.path))
    b_segments = len(paths.split(b_unique.path))

    return a_segments - common_segments, b_segments - common_segments
コード例 #7
ファイル: sevenzip.py プロジェクト: SmartsYoung/FenixscanX
def parse_7z_listing(location, utf=False):
    Return a list Entry objects from parsing a long format 7zip listing from a
    file at `location`.

    If `utf` is True or if on Python 3, the console output will treated as
    utf-8-encoded text. Otherwise it is treated as bytes.

    The 7zip -slt format looks like this:

    1. a header with:
    - copyright and version details
    - '--' line
        - archive header info, varying based on the archive types and subtype
              - lines of key=value pairs
              - ERRORS: followed by one or more message lines
              - WARNINGS: followed by one or more message lines
    - blank line

    2. blocks of path aka. entry data, one for each path with:

    - '----------' line once as the indicator of path blocks starting
    - for each archive member:
      - lines of either
          - key = value pairs, with a possible twist that the Path may
            contain a line return since a filename may. The first key is the Path.
          - Errors: followed by one or more message lines
          - Warnings: followed by one or more message lines
          - Open Warning: : followed by one or more message lines
      - blank line

    3. a footer
    - blank line
    - footer sometimes with lines with summary stats
        such as Warnings: 1 Errors: 1
    - a line with two or more dashes or an empty line

    We ignore the header and footer in a listing.

    if utf or py3:
        # read to unicode
        with io.open(location, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as listing:
            text = listing.read()
            text = text.replace(u'\r\n', u'\n')

        end_of_header = u'----------\n'
        path_key = u'Path'
        kv_sep = u'='
        path_blocks_sep = u'\n\n'
        line_sep = u'\n'

        # read to bytes
        with io.open(location, 'rb') as listing:
            text = listing.read()
            text = text.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n')

        end_of_header = b'----------\n'
        path_key = b'Path'
        kv_sep = b'='
        path_blocks_sep = b'\n\n'
        line_sep = b'\n'

    if TRACE:
        logger.debug('parse_7z_listing: initial text: type: ' +

    # for now we ignore the header
    _header, _, paths = text.rpartition(end_of_header)

    if not paths:
        # we have only a header, likely an error condition or an empty archive
        return []

    # each block representing one path or file:
    # - starts with a "Path = <some/path>" key/value
    # - continues with key = value pairs each on a single line
    #   (unless there is a \n in file name which is an error condition)
    # - ends with an empty line
    # then we have a global footer

    path_blocks = [
        pb for pb in paths.split(path_blocks_sep) if pb and path_key in pb

    entries = []

    for path_block in path_blocks:
        # we ignore empty lines as well as lines that do not contain a key
        lines = [
            line.strip() for line in path_block.splitlines(False)
            if line.strip()
        if not lines:
        # we have a weird case of path with line returns in the file name
        # we concatenate these in the first Path line
        while len(lines) > 1 and lines[0].startswith(
                path_key) and kv_sep not in lines[1]:
            first_line = lines[0]
            second_line = lines.pop(1)
            first_line = line_sep.join([first_line, second_line])
            lines[0] = first_line

        dangling_lines = [line for line in lines if kv_sep not in line]
        entry_errors = []
        if dangling_lines:
            emsg = 'Invalid 7z listing path block missing "=" as key/value separator: {}'.format(

        entry_attributes = {}
        key_lines = [line for line in lines if kv_sep in line]
        for line in key_lines:
            k, _, v = line.partition(kv_sep)
            k = k.strip()
            v = v.strip()
            entry_attributes[k] = v

            Entry.from_dict(infos=entry_attributes, errors=entry_errors))

        logger.debug('parse_7z_listing: entries# {}\n'.format(len(entries)))
        for entry in entries:
            logger.debug('    ' + repr(entry.to_dict()))

    return entries