コード例 #1
ファイル: nrel5mw.py プロジェクト: thearn/WISDEM
def configure_offshore(tower,sea_depth):
        tower = TowerSE()

    tower.replace('wave1', LinearWaves())
    tower.replace('wave2', LinearWaves())

    tower.wave1.Uc = 0.0
    tower.wave1.hs = 8.0 * 1.86
    tower.wave1.T = 10.0
    tower.wave1.z_surface = 0.0
    tower.wave1.z_floor = -sea_depth
    tower.wave1.g = 9.81
    tower.wave1.betaWave = 0.0

    tower.wave2.Uc = 0.0
    tower.wave2.hs = 8.0 * 1.86
    tower.wave2.T = 10.0
    tower.wave2.z_surface = 0.0
    tower.wave2.z_floor = -sea_depth
    tower.wave2.g = 9.81
    tower.wave2.betaWave = 0.0

    tower.monopileHeight = sea_depth
    tower.n_monopile = 5
    tower.d_monopile = 6.0
    tower.t_monopile = 6.0/80.0
コード例 #2
    def test2(self):

        lw = LinearWaves()
        lw.Uc = 5.0
        lw.z_surface = 20.0
        lw.hs = 2.0
        lw.T = 10.0
        lw.z_floor = 0.0
        lw.betaWave = 3.0
        lw.z = np.linspace(-5.0, 50.0, 20)

        names, errors = check_gradient(lw)

        tol = 1e-6
        for name, err in zip(names, errors):

                self.assertLessEqual(err, tol)
            except AssertionError, e:
                print '*** error in:', name
                raise e
コード例 #3
    def test1(self):

        lw = LinearWaves()
        lw.Uc = 7.0
        lw.z_surface = 20.0
        lw.hs = 10.0
        lw.T = 2.0
        lw.z_floor = 0.0
        lw.betaWave = 3.0
        lw.z = np.linspace(0.0, 20.0, 20)

        names, errors = check_gradient(lw)

        tol = 1e-4
        for name, err in zip(names, errors):

            if name in ('d_U[0] / d_z[0]', 'd_U[19] / d_z[19]', 'd_A[0] / d_z[0]', 'd_A[19] / d_z[19]'):
                continue  # the boundaries are not differentiable across bounds. these nodes must not move

                self.assertLessEqual(err, tol)
            except AssertionError, e:
                print '*** error in:', name
                raise e
コード例 #4
    def setUp(self):

        Uc = 7.0
        z_surface = 20.0
        hs = 10.0
        T = 2.0
        z_floor = 0.1
        betaWave = 3.0
        z = np.linspace(z_floor, z_surface, 20)
        nPoints = len(z)

        prob = Problem()
        root = prob.root = Group()
        root.add('p1', IndepVarComp('z', z))
        root.add('p2', IndepVarComp('Uc', Uc))
        root.add('p', LinearWaves(nPoints))

        root.connect('p1.z', 'p.z')
        root.connect('p2.Uc', 'p.Uc')

        prob.driver.add_objective('p.U', scaler=1E-6)

                               upper=np.ones(nPoints) * 1000,
        prob.driver.add_desvar('p2.Uc', lower=0, upper=1000, scaler=1E-6)


        prob['p.z_surface'] = z_surface
        prob['p.z_floor'] = z_floor
        prob['p.hmax'] = hs
        prob['p.T'] = T
        prob['p.betaWave'] = betaWave


        print prob['p.U']

        self.J = prob.check_total_derivatives(out_stream=None)

        print self.J
コード例 #5
    def test2(self):

        lw = LinearWaves()
        lw.Uc = 5.0
        lw.z_surface = 20.0
        lw.hs = 2.0
        lw.T = 10.0
        lw.z_floor = 0.0
        lw.betaWave = 3.0
        lw.z = np.linspace(-5.0, 50.0, 20)

        names, errors = check_gradient(lw)

        tol = 1e-6
        for name, err in zip(names, errors):

                self.assertLessEqual(err, tol)
            except AssertionError, e:
                print "*** error in:", name
                raise e
コード例 #6
    def test1(self):

        lw = LinearWaves()
        lw.Uc = 7.0
        lw.z_surface = 20.0
        lw.hs = 10.0
        lw.T = 2.0
        lw.z_floor = 0.0
        lw.betaWave = 3.0
        lw.z = np.linspace(0.0, 20.0, 20)

        names, errors = check_gradient(lw)

        tol = 1e-4
        for name, err in zip(names, errors):

            if name in ("d_U[0] / d_z[0]", "d_U[19] / d_z[19]", "d_A[0] / d_z[0]", "d_A[19] / d_z[19]"):
                continue  # the boundaries are not differentiable across bounds. these nodes must not move

                self.assertLessEqual(err, tol)
            except AssertionError, e:
                print "*** error in:", name
                raise e
コード例 #7
def configure_nrel5mw_turbine(turbine, wind_class='I', sea_depth=0.0):
        rotor = RotorSE()
        nacelle = DriveSE()
        tower = TowerSE()
        wind_class : str ('I', 'III', 'Offshore' - selected wind class for project)
        sea_depth : float (sea depth if an offshore wind plant)

    # === Turbine ===
    turbine.rho = 1.225  # (Float, kg/m**3): density of air
    turbine.mu = 1.81206e-5  # (Float, kg/m/s): dynamic viscosity of air
    turbine.shear_exponent = 0.2  # (Float): shear exponent
    turbine.hub_height = 90.0  # (Float, m): hub height
    turbine.turbine_class = 'I'  # (Enum): IEC turbine class
    turbine.turbulence_class = 'B'  # (Enum): IEC turbulence class class
    turbine.cdf_reference_height_wind_speed = 90.0  # (Float): reference hub height for IEC wind speed (used in CDF calculation)
    turbine.g = 9.81  # (Float, m/s**2): acceleration of gravity
    # ======================

    # === rotor ===
    # --- blade grid ---
    turbine.rotor.initial_aero_grid = np.array([
        0.02222276, 0.06666667, 0.11111057, 0.16666667, 0.23333333, 0.3,
        0.36666667, 0.43333333, 0.5, 0.56666667, 0.63333333, 0.7, 0.76666667,
        0.83333333, 0.88888943, 0.93333333, 0.97777724
    ])  # (Array): initial aerodynamic grid on unit radius
    turbine.rotor.initial_str_grid = np.array([
        0.0, 0.00492790457512, 0.00652942887106, 0.00813095316699,
        0.00983257273154, 0.0114340970275, 0.0130356213234, 0.02222276,
        0.024446481932, 0.026048006228, 0.06666667, 0.089508406455, 0.11111057,
        0.146462614229, 0.16666667, 0.195309105255, 0.23333333, 0.276686558545,
        0.3, 0.333640766319, 0.36666667, 0.400404310407, 0.43333333, 0.5,
        0.520818918408, 0.56666667, 0.602196371696, 0.63333333, 0.667358391486,
        0.683573824984, 0.7, 0.73242031601, 0.76666667, 0.83333333, 0.88888943,
        0.93333333, 0.97777724, 1.0
    ])  # (Array): initial structural grid on unit radius
    turbine.rotor.idx_cylinder_aero = 3  # (Int): first idx in r_aero_unit of non-cylindrical section, constant twist inboard of here
    turbine.rotor.idx_cylinder_str = 14  # (Int): first idx in r_str_unit of non-cylindrical section
    turbine.rotor.hubFraction = 0.025  # (Float): hub location as fraction of radius
    # ------------------

    # --- blade geometry ---
    turbine.rotor.r_aero = np.array([
        0.02222276, 0.06666667, 0.11111057, 0.2, 0.23333333, 0.3, 0.36666667,
        0.43333333, 0.5, 0.56666667, 0.63333333, 0.64, 0.7, 0.83333333,
        0.88888943, 0.93333333, 0.97777724
    ])  # (Array): new aerodynamic grid on unit radius
    turbine.rotor.r_max_chord = 0.23577  # (Float): location of max chord on unit radius
    turbine.rotor.chord_sub = [
        3.2612, 4.5709, 3.3178, 1.4621
    ]  # (Array, m): chord at control points. defined at hub, then at linearly spaced locations from r_max_chord to tip
    turbine.rotor.theta_sub = [
        13.2783, 7.46036, 2.89317, -0.0878099
    ]  # (Array, deg): twist at control points.  defined at linearly spaced locations from r[idx_cylinder] to tip
    turbine.rotor.precurve_sub = [
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    ]  # (Array, m): precurve at control points.  defined at same locations at chord, starting at 2nd control point (root must be zero precurve)
    turbine.rotor.delta_precurve_sub = [
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0
    ]  # (Array, m): adjustment to precurve to account for curvature from loading
    turbine.rotor.sparT = [0.05, 0.047754, 0.045376, 0.031085, 0.0061398
                           ]  # (Array, m): spar cap thickness parameters
    turbine.rotor.teT = [0.1, 0.09569, 0.06569, 0.02569, 0.00569
                         ]  # (Array, m): trailing-edge thickness parameters
    turbine.rotor.bladeLength = 61.5  # (Float, m): blade length (if not precurved or swept) otherwise length of blade before curvature
    turbine.rotor.delta_bladeLength = 0.0  # (Float, m): adjustment to blade length to account for curvature from loading
    turbine.rotor.precone = 2.5  # (Float, deg): precone angle
    turbine.rotor.tilt = 5.0  # (Float, deg): shaft tilt
    turbine.rotor.yaw = 0.0  # (Float, deg): yaw error
    turbine.rotor.nBlades = 3  # (Int): number of blades
    # ------------------

    # --- airfoil files ---
    import rotorse
    #basepath = os.path.join('5MW_files', '5MW_AFFiles')
    basepath = os.path.join('..', 'reference_turbines', 'nrel5mw', 'airfoils')

    # load all airfoils
    airfoil_types = [0] * 8
    airfoil_types[0] = os.path.join(basepath, 'Cylinder1.dat')
    airfoil_types[1] = os.path.join(basepath, 'Cylinder2.dat')
    airfoil_types[2] = os.path.join(basepath, 'DU40_A17.dat')
    airfoil_types[3] = os.path.join(basepath, 'DU35_A17.dat')
    airfoil_types[4] = os.path.join(basepath, 'DU30_A17.dat')
    airfoil_types[5] = os.path.join(basepath, 'DU25_A17.dat')
    airfoil_types[6] = os.path.join(basepath, 'DU21_A17.dat')
    airfoil_types[7] = os.path.join(basepath, 'NACA64_A17.dat')

    # place at appropriate radial stations
    af_idx = [0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7]

    n = len(af_idx)
    af = [0] * n
    for i in range(n):
        af[i] = airfoil_types[af_idx[i]]
    turbine.rotor.airfoil_files = af  # (List): names of airfoil file
    # ----------------------

    # --- control ---
    turbine.rotor.control.Vin = 3.0  # (Float, m/s): cut-in wind speed
    turbine.rotor.control.Vout = 25.0  # (Float, m/s): cut-out wind speed
    turbine.rotor.control.ratedPower = 5e6  # (Float, W): rated power
    turbine.rotor.control.minOmega = 0.0  # (Float, rpm): minimum allowed rotor rotation speed
    turbine.rotor.control.maxOmega = 12.0  # (Float, rpm): maximum allowed rotor rotation speed
    turbine.rotor.control.tsr = 7.55  # (Float): tip-speed ratio in Region 2 (should be optimized externally)
    turbine.rotor.control.pitch = 0.0  # (Float, deg): pitch angle in region 2 (and region 3 for fixed pitch machines)
    turbine.rotor.pitch_extreme = 0.0  # (Float, deg): worst-case pitch at survival wind condition
    turbine.rotor.azimuth_extreme = 0.0  # (Float, deg): worst-case azimuth at survival wind condition
    turbine.rotor.VfactorPC = 0.7  # (Float): fraction of rated speed at which the deflection is assumed to representative throughout the power curve calculation
    # ----------------------

    # --- aero and structural analysis options ---
    turbine.rotor.nSector = 4  # (Int): number of sectors to divide rotor face into in computing thrust and power
    turbine.rotor.npts_coarse_power_curve = 20  # (Int): number of points to evaluate aero analysis at
    turbine.rotor.npts_spline_power_curve = 200  # (Int): number of points to use in fitting spline to power curve
    turbine.rotor.AEP_loss_factor = 1.0  # (Float): availability and other losses (soiling, array, etc.)
    turbine.rotor.drivetrainType = 'geared'  # (Enum)
    turbine.rotor.nF = 5  # (Int): number of natural frequencies to compute
    turbine.rotor.dynamic_amplication_tip_deflection = 1.35  # (Float): a dynamic amplification factor to adjust the static deflection calculation
    # ----------------------

    # --- materials and composite layup  ---
    #basepath = os.path.join('5MW_files', '5MW_PrecompFiles')
    basepath = os.path.join('..', 'reference_turbines', 'nrel5mw', 'blade')

    materials = Orthotropic2DMaterial.listFromPreCompFile(
        os.path.join(basepath, 'materials.inp'))

    ncomp = len(turbine.rotor.initial_str_grid)
    upper = [0] * ncomp
    lower = [0] * ncomp
    webs = [0] * ncomp
    profile = [0] * ncomp

    turbine.rotor.leLoc = np.array(
            0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.498, 0.497, 0.465, 0.447,
            0.43, 0.411, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4,
            0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4, 0.4
    )  # (Array): array of leading-edge positions from a reference blade axis (usually blade pitch axis). locations are normalized by the local chord length. e.g. leLoc[i] = 0.2 means leading edge is 0.2*chord[i] from reference axis.  positive in -x direction for airfoil-aligned coordinate system
    turbine.rotor.sector_idx_strain_spar = [
    ] * ncomp  # (Array): index of sector for spar (PreComp definition of sector)
    turbine.rotor.sector_idx_strain_te = [
    ] * ncomp  # (Array): index of sector for trailing-edge (PreComp definition of sector)
    web1 = np.array([
        -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.4114, 0.4102, 0.4094,
        0.3876, 0.3755, 0.3639, 0.345, 0.3342, 0.3313, 0.3274, 0.323, 0.3206,
        0.3172, 0.3138, 0.3104, 0.307, 0.3003, 0.2982, 0.2935, 0.2899, 0.2867,
        0.2833, 0.2817, 0.2799, 0.2767, 0.2731, 0.2664, 0.2607, 0.2562, 0.1886,
    web2 = np.array([
        -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.5886, 0.5868, 0.5854,
        0.5508, 0.5315, 0.5131, 0.4831, 0.4658, 0.4687, 0.4726, 0.477, 0.4794,
        0.4828, 0.4862, 0.4896, 0.493, 0.4997, 0.5018, 0.5065, 0.5101, 0.5133,
        0.5167, 0.5183, 0.5201, 0.5233, 0.5269, 0.5336, 0.5393, 0.5438, 0.6114,
    web3 = np.array([
        -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0,
        -1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0,
        1.0, 1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0
    turbine.rotor.chord_str_ref = np.array(
            3.2612, 3.3100915356, 3.32587052924, 3.34159388653, 3.35823798667,
            3.37384375335, 3.38939112914, 3.4774055542, 3.49839685,
            3.51343645709, 3.87017220335, 4.04645623801, 4.19408216643,
            4.47641008477, 4.55844487985, 4.57383098262, 4.57285771934,
            4.51914315648, 4.47677655262, 4.40075650022, 4.31069949379,
            4.20483735936, 4.08985563932, 3.82931757126, 3.74220276467,
            3.54415796922, 3.38732428502, 3.24931446473, 3.23421422609,
            3.22701537997, 3.21972125648, 3.08979310611, 2.95152261813,
            2.330753331, 2.05553464181, 1.82577817774, 1.5860853279, 1.4621
    )  # (Array, m): chord distribution for reference section, thickness of structural layup scaled with reference thickness (fixed t/c for this case)

    for i in range(ncomp):

        webLoc = []
        if web1[i] != -1:
        if web2[i] != -1:
        if web3[i] != -1:

        upper[i], lower[i], webs[
            i] = CompositeSection.initFromPreCompLayupFile(
                os.path.join(basepath, 'layup_' + str(i + 1) + '.inp'), webLoc,
        profile[i] = Profile.initFromPreCompFile(
            os.path.join(basepath, 'shape_' + str(i + 1) + '.inp'))

    turbine.rotor.materials = materials  # (List): list of all Orthotropic2DMaterial objects used in defining the geometry
    turbine.rotor.upperCS = upper  # (List): list of CompositeSection objections defining the properties for upper surface
    turbine.rotor.lowerCS = lower  # (List): list of CompositeSection objections defining the properties for lower surface
    turbine.rotor.websCS = webs  # (List): list of CompositeSection objections defining the properties for shear webs
    turbine.rotor.profile = profile  # (List): airfoil shape at each radial position
    # --------------------------------------

    strain_ult_spar = 1.0e-2
    strain_ult_te = 2500 * 1e-6

    # --- fatigue ---
    turbine.rotor.rstar_damage = np.array([
        0.000, 0.022, 0.067, 0.111, 0.167, 0.233, 0.300, 0.367, 0.433, 0.500,
        0.567, 0.633, 0.700, 0.767, 0.833, 0.889, 0.933, 0.978
    ])  # (Array): nondimensional radial locations of damage equivalent moments
    turbine.rotor.Mxb_damage = 1e3 * np.array([
        2.3743E+003, 2.0834E+003, 1.8108E+003, 1.5705E+003, 1.3104E+003,
        1.0488E+003, 8.2367E+002, 6.3407E+002, 4.7727E+002, 3.4804E+002,
        2.4458E+002, 1.6339E+002, 1.0252E+002, 5.7842E+001, 2.7349E+001,
        1.1262E+001, 3.8549E+000, 4.4738E-001
    ])  # (Array, N*m): damage equivalent moments about blade c.s. x-direction
    turbine.rotor.Myb_damage = 1e3 * np.array([
        2.7732E+003, 2.8155E+003, 2.6004E+003, 2.3933E+003, 2.1371E+003,
        1.8459E+003, 1.5582E+003, 1.2896E+003, 1.0427E+003, 8.2015E+002,
        6.2449E+002, 4.5229E+002, 3.0658E+002, 1.8746E+002, 9.6475E+001,
        4.2677E+001, 1.5409E+001, 1.8426E+000
    ])  # (Array, N*m): damage equivalent moments about blade c.s. y-direction
    turbine.rotor.strain_ult_spar = 1.0e-2  # (Float): ultimate strain in spar cap
    turbine.rotor.strain_ult_te = 2500 * 1e-6 * 2  # (Float): uptimate strain in trailing-edge panels, note that I am putting a factor of two for the damage part only.
    turbine.rotor.eta_damage = 1.35 * 1.3 * 1.0  # (Float): safety factor for fatigue
    turbine.rotor.m_damage = 10.0  # (Float): slope of S-N curve for fatigue analysis
    turbine.rotor.N_damage = 365 * 24 * 3600 * 20.0  # (Float): number of cycles used in fatigue analysis  TODO: make function of rotation speed
    # ----------------
    # =================

    # === nacelle ======
    turbine.nacelle.L_ms = 1.0  # (Float, m): main shaft length downwind of main bearing in low-speed shaft
    turbine.nacelle.L_mb = 2.5  # (Float, m): main shaft length in low-speed shaft

    turbine.nacelle.h0_front = 1.7  # (Float, m): height of Ibeam in bedplate front
    turbine.nacelle.h0_rear = 1.35  # (Float, m): height of Ibeam in bedplate rear

    turbine.nacelle.drivetrain_design = 'geared'
    turbine.nacelle.crane = True  # (Bool): flag for presence of crane
    turbine.nacelle.bevel = 0  # (Int): Flag for the presence of a bevel stage - 1 if present, 0 if not
    turbine.nacelle.gear_configuration = 'eep'  # (Str): tring that represents the configuration of the gearbox (stage number and types)

    turbine.nacelle.Np = [3, 3, 1]  # (Array): number of planets in each stage
    turbine.nacelle.ratio_type = 'optimal'  # (Str): optimal or empirical stage ratios
    turbine.nacelle.shaft_type = 'normal'  # (Str): normal or short shaft length
    #turbine.nacelle.shaft_angle = 5.0  # (Float, deg): Angle of the LSS inclindation with respect to the horizontal
    turbine.nacelle.shaft_ratio = 0.10  # (Float): Ratio of inner diameter to outer diameter.  Leave zero for solid LSS
    turbine.nacelle.carrier_mass = 8000.0  # estimated for 5 MW
    turbine.nacelle.mb1Type = 'CARB'  # (Str): Main bearing type: CARB, TRB or SRB
    turbine.nacelle.mb2Type = 'SRB'  # (Str): Second bearing type: CARB, TRB or SRB
    turbine.nacelle.yaw_motors_number = 8.0  # (Float): number of yaw motors
    turbine.nacelle.uptower_transformer = True
    turbine.nacelle.flange_length = 0.5  #m
    turbine.nacelle.gearbox_cm = 0.1
    turbine.nacelle.hss_length = 1.5
    turbine.nacelle.overhang = 5.0  #TODO - should come from turbine configuration level

    turbine.nacelle.check_fatigue = 0  #0 if no fatigue check, 1 if parameterized fatigue check, 2 if known loads inputs

    # TODO: should come from rotor (these are FAST outputs)
    turbine.nacelle.DrivetrainEfficiency = 0.95
    #turbine.nacelle.rotor_bending_moment_x = 330770.0# Nm
    #turbine.nacelle.rotor_bending_moment_y = -16665000.0 # Nm
    #turbine.nacelle.rotor_bending_moment_z = 2896300.0 # Nm
    #turbine.nacelle.rotor_force_x = 599610.0 # N
    #turbine.nacelle.rotor_force_y = 186780.0 # N
    #turbine.nacelle.rotor_force_z = -842710.0 # N'''

    #turbine.nacelle.h0_rear = 1.35 # only used in drive smooth
    #turbine.nacelle.h0_front = 1.7

    # =================

    # === tower ===

    # ---- tower ------
    turbine.tower.replace('wind1', PowerWind())
    turbine.tower.replace('wind2', PowerWind())
    # onshore (no waves)

    if turbine.sea_depth <> 0.0:
        turbine.tower.replace('wave1', LinearWaves())
        turbine.tower.replace('wave2', LinearWaves())

        turbine.tower.wave1.Uc = 0.0
        turbine.tower.wave1.hs = 8.0 * 1.86
        turbine.tower.wave1.T = 10.0
        turbine.tower.wave1.z_surface = 0.0
        turbine.tower.wave1.z_floor = -sea_depth
        turbine.tower.wave1.g = 9.81
        turbine.tower.wave1.betaWave = 0.0

        turbine.tower.wave2.Uc = 0.0
        turbine.tower.wave2.hs = 8.0 * 1.86
        turbine.tower.wave2.T = 10.0
        turbine.tower.wave2.z_surface = 0.0
        turbine.tower.wave2.z_floor = -sea_depth
        turbine.tower.wave2.g = 9.81
        turbine.tower.wave2.betaWave = 0.0

    if turbine.sea_depth == 0.0:
        # --- geometry ----
        turbine.tower.z_param = [0.0, 43.8, 87.9]
        turbine.tower_d = [6.0, 4.935, 3.87]
        turbine.tower.t_param = [0.027 * 1.3, 0.023 * 1.3, 0.019 * 1.3]
        n = 15
        turbine.tower.z_full = np.linspace(0.0, 87.6, n)
        turbine.tower.L_reinforced = 30.0 * np.ones(n)  # [m] buckling length
        turbine.tower.theta_stress = 0.0 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.yaw = 0.0

        # --- material props ---
        turbine.tower.E = 210e9 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.G = 80.8e9 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.rho = 8500.0 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.sigma_y = 450.0e6 * np.ones(n)
        # --- geometry ----
        turbine.tower.z_param = [-20.0, 0.0, 43.8, 87.9]
        turbine.tower_d = [6.0, 6.0, 4.935, 3.87]
        turbine.tower.t_param = [0.06, 0.027 * 1.3, 0.023 * 1.3, 0.019 * 1.3]
        n = 20
        turbine.tower.z_full = np.linspace(-20, 87.6, n)
        turbine.tower.L_reinforced = 30.0 * np.ones(n)  # [m] buckling length
        turbine.tower.theta_stress = 0.0 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.yaw = 0.0

        # --- material props ---
        turbine.tower.E = 210e9 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.G = 80.8e9 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.rho = 8500.0 * np.ones(n)
        turbine.tower.sigma_y = 450.0e6 * np.ones(n)

    # --- spring reaction data.  Use float('inf') for rigid constraints. ---
    turbine.tower.kidx = [0]  # applied at base
    turbine.tower.kx = [float('inf')]
    turbine.tower.ky = [float('inf')]
    turbine.tower.kz = [float('inf')]
    turbine.tower.ktx = [float('inf')]
    turbine.tower.kty = [float('inf')]
    turbine.tower.ktz = [float('inf')]

    # --- extra mass ----
    turbine.tower.midx = [n - 1]  # RNA mass at top
    turbine.tower.m = [285598.8]
    turbine.tower.mIxx = [1.14930678e+08]
    turbine.tower.mIyy = [2.20354030e+07]
    turbine.tower.mIzz = [1.87597425e+07]
    turbine.tower.mIxy = [0.00000000e+00]
    turbine.tower.mIxz = [5.03710467e+05]
    turbine.tower.mIyz = [0.00000000e+00]
    turbine.tower.mrhox = [-1.13197635]
    turbine.tower.mrhoy = [0.]
    turbine.tower.mrhoz = [0.50875268]
    turbine.tower.addGravityLoadForExtraMass = True
    # -----------

    # --- wind ---
    #turbine.tower.wind_zref = 90.0
    turbine.tower.wind_z0 = 0.0
    turbine.tower.wind1.shearExp = 0.2
    turbine.tower.wind2.shearExp = 0.2
    # ---------------

    # if addGravityLoadForExtraMass=True be sure not to double count by adding those force here also
    # # --- loading case 1: max Thrust ---
    #turbine.tower.wind_Uref1 = 11.73732
    turbine.tower.plidx1 = [n - 1]  # at tower top
    turbine.tower.Fx1 = [1284744.19620519]
    turbine.tower.Fy1 = [0.]
    turbine.tower.Fz1 = [-2914124.84400512]
    turbine.tower.Mxx1 = [3963732.76208099]
    turbine.tower.Myy1 = [-2275104.79420872]
    turbine.tower.Mzz1 = [-346781.68192839]
    # # ---------------

    # # --- loading case 2: max wind speed ---
    #turbine.tower.wind_Uref2 = 70.0
    turbine.tower.plidx2 = [n - 1]  # at tower top
    turbine.tower.Fx2 = [930198.60063279]
    turbine.tower.Fy2 = [0.]
    turbine.tower.Fz2 = [-2883106.12368949]
    turbine.tower.Mxx2 = [-1683669.22411597]
    turbine.tower.Myy2 = [-2522475.34625363]
    turbine.tower.Mzz2 = [147301.97023764]
    # # ---------------

    # --- safety factors ---
    turbine.tower.gamma_f = 1.35
    turbine.tower.gamma_m = 1.3
    turbine.tower.gamma_n = 1.0
    turbine.tower.gamma_b = 1.1
    # ---------------

    # --- fatigue ---
    turbine.tower.z_DEL = np.array([
        0.000, 1.327, 3.982, 6.636, 9.291, 11.945, 14.600, 17.255, 19.909,
        22.564, 25.218, 27.873, 30.527, 33.182, 35.836, 38.491, 41.145, 43.800,
        46.455, 49.109, 51.764, 54.418, 57.073, 59.727, 62.382, 65.036, 67.691,
        70.345, 73.000, 75.655, 78.309, 80.964, 83.618, 86.273, 87.600
    turbine.tower.M_DEL = 1e3 * np.array([
        8.2940E+003, 8.1518E+003, 7.8831E+003, 7.6099E+003, 7.3359E+003,
        7.0577E+003, 6.7821E+003, 6.5119E+003, 6.2391E+003, 5.9707E+003,
        5.7070E+003, 5.4500E+003, 5.2015E+003, 4.9588E+003, 4.7202E+003,
        4.4884E+003, 4.2577E+003, 4.0246E+003, 3.7942E+003, 3.5664E+003,
        3.3406E+003, 3.1184E+003, 2.8977E+003, 2.6811E+003, 2.4719E+003,
        2.2663E+003, 2.0673E+003, 1.8769E+003, 1.7017E+003, 1.5479E+003,
        1.4207E+003, 1.3304E+003, 1.2780E+003, 1.2673E+003, 1.2761E+003
    turbine.tower.gamma_fatigue = 1.35 * 1.3 * 1.0
    turbine.tower.life = 20.0
    turbine.tower.m_SN = 4
    # ---------------

    # --- constraints ---
    turbine.tower.min_d_to_t = 120.0
    turbine.tower.min_taper = 0.4
    # ---------------

    # ==== Other options

    if wind_class == 'I':
        turbine.rotor.turbine_class = 'I'

    elif wind_class == 'III':
        turbine.rotor.turbine_class = 'III'

        # for fatigue based analysis of class III wind turbine
        turbine.tower.M_DEL = 1.028713178 * 1e3 * np.array([
            7.8792E+003, 7.7507E+003, 7.4918E+003, 7.2389E+003, 6.9815E+003,
            6.7262E+003, 6.4730E+003, 6.2174E+003, 5.9615E+003, 5.7073E+003,
            5.4591E+003, 5.2141E+003, 4.9741E+003, 4.7399E+003, 4.5117E+003,
            4.2840E+003, 4.0606E+003, 3.8360E+003, 3.6118E+003, 3.3911E+003,
            3.1723E+003, 2.9568E+003, 2.7391E+003, 2.5294E+003, 2.3229E+003,
            2.1246E+003, 1.9321E+003, 1.7475E+003, 1.5790E+003, 1.4286E+003,
            1.3101E+003, 1.2257E+003, 1.1787E+003, 1.1727E+003, 1.1821E+003

        turbine.rotor.Mxb_damage = 1e3 * np.array([
            2.3617E+003, 2.0751E+003, 1.8051E+003, 1.5631E+003, 1.2994E+003,
            1.0388E+003, 8.1384E+002, 6.2492E+002, 4.6916E+002, 3.4078E+002,
            2.3916E+002, 1.5916E+002, 9.9752E+001, 5.6139E+001, 2.6492E+001,
            1.0886E+001, 3.7210E+000, 4.3206E-001
        turbine.rotor.Myb_damage = 1e3 * np.array([
            2.5492E+003, 2.6261E+003, 2.4265E+003, 2.2308E+003, 1.9882E+003,
            1.7184E+003, 1.4438E+003, 1.1925E+003, 9.6251E+002, 7.5564E+002,
            5.7332E+002, 4.1435E+002, 2.8036E+002, 1.7106E+002, 8.7732E+001,
            3.8678E+001, 1.3942E+001, 1.6600E+000

    elif wind_class == 'Offshore':
        turbine.rotor.turbine_class = 'I'

    # TODO: these should be specified at the turbine level and connected to other system inputs
    if turbine.sea_depth == 0.0:
        turbine.tower_d = [6.0, 4.935,
                           3.87]  # (Array, m): diameters along tower
        turbine.tower_d = [6.0, 6.0, 4.935, 3.87]
    turbine.generator_speed = 1173.7  # (Float, rpm)  # generator speed
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self, nSection, nFull):
        super(Column, self).__init__()

        nRefine = (nFull - 1) / nSection

                 CylinderDiscretization(nSection + 1, nRefine),
                     'section_height', 'diameter', 'wall_thickness', 'd_full',

                 promotes=['d_full', 't_full', 'material_density'])

                 ColumnGeometry(nSection, nFull),
                     'water_depth', 'freeboard', 'fairlead', 'z_full',
                     'z_param', 'z_section', 'draft', 'draft_depth_ratio',

                 GeometricConstraints(nSection + 1, diamFlag=True),
                     'min_taper', 'min_d_to_t', 'manufacturability',

                 BulkheadMass(nSection, nFull),
                     'z_full', 'z_param', 'd_full', 't_full', 'rho',
                     'bulkhead_mass_factor', 'bulkhead_thickness',
                     'bulkhead_mass', 'bulkhead_I_keel'

                 StiffenerMass(nSection, nFull),
                     'd_full', 't_full', 'z_full', 'z_param', 'rho',
                     'ring_mass_factor', 'stiffener_mass', 'stiffener_I_keel',
                     'stiffener_web_height', 'stiffener_web_thickness',
                     'stiffener_flange_width', 'stiffener_flange_thickness',
                     'stiffener_spacing', 'flange_spacing_ratio',

                'water_density', 'd_full', 't_full', 'z_full', 'z_section',
                'permanent_ballast_density', 'permanent_ballast_height',
                'bulkhead_mass', 'stiffener_mass', 'column_mass_factor',
                'outfitting_mass_fraction', 'bulkhead_I_keel',
                'stiffener_I_keel', 'ballast_cost_rate',
                'tapered_col_cost_rate', 'outfitting_cost_rate',
                'variable_ballast_interp_mass', 'variable_ballast_interp_zpts',
                'z_center_of_mass', 'z_center_of_buoyancy', 'Awater', 'Iwater',
                'I_column', 'displaced_volume', 'added_mass', 'total_mass',
                'total_cost', 'ballast_mass', 'ballast_I_keel', 'ballast_z_cg'

                 promotes=['Uref', 'zref', 'shearExp', 'z0'])
        self.add('wave', LinearWaves(nFull), promotes=['Uc', 'hmax', 'T'])
                 promotes=['cd_usr', 'beta'])
                 promotes=['cm', 'cd_usr'])
                 promotes=['Px', 'Py', 'Pz', 'qdyn', 'yaw'])

                 ColumnBuckling(nSection, nFull),
                     'd_full', 't_full', 'z_full', 'z_section', 'z_param', 'E',
                     'nu', 'yield_stress', 'loading', 'stack_mass_in',
                     'stiffener_web_height', 'stiffener_web_thickness',
                     'stiffener_flange_width', 'stiffener_flange_thickness',
                     'stiffener_spacing', 'flange_compactness',
                     'web_compactness', 'axial_local_unity',
                     'axial_general_unity', 'external_local_unity',

        self.connect('diameter', 'gc.d')
        self.connect('wall_thickness', 'gc.t')
        self.connect('cyl_geom.z_param', 'col_geom.z_param_in')
                     ['cyl_mass.z_full', 'col_geom.z_full_in'])


        self.connect('cyl_mass.mass', 'col.shell_mass')
        self.connect('cyl_mass.I_base', 'col.shell_I_keel')
        self.connect('material_density', 'rho')

        self.connect('total_mass', 'buck.section_mass')

        self.connect('water_depth', 'wave.z_floor')
            ['wind.z', 'wave.z', 'windLoads.z', 'waveLoads.z', 'distLoads.z'])
        self.connect('d_full', ['windLoads.d', 'waveLoads.d'])
        self.connect('beta', 'waveLoads.beta')
        self.connect('z0', 'wave.z_surface')

        self.connect('wind.U', 'windLoads.U')

        self.connect('water_density', ['wave.rho', 'waveLoads.rho'])
        self.connect('wave.U', 'waveLoads.U')
        self.connect('wave.A', 'waveLoads.A')
        self.connect('wave.p', 'waveLoads.p')

        # connections to distLoads1
        self.connect('windLoads.windLoads:Px', 'distLoads.windLoads:Px')
        self.connect('windLoads.windLoads:Py', 'distLoads.windLoads:Py')
        self.connect('windLoads.windLoads:Pz', 'distLoads.windLoads:Pz')
        self.connect('windLoads.windLoads:qdyn', 'distLoads.windLoads:qdyn')
        self.connect('windLoads.windLoads:beta', 'distLoads.windLoads:beta')
        self.connect('windLoads.windLoads:z', 'distLoads.windLoads:z')
        self.connect('windLoads.windLoads:d', 'distLoads.windLoads:d')

        self.connect('waveLoads.waveLoads:Px', 'distLoads.waveLoads:Px')
        self.connect('waveLoads.waveLoads:Py', 'distLoads.waveLoads:Py')
        self.connect('waveLoads.waveLoads:Pz', 'distLoads.waveLoads:Pz')
        self.connect('waveLoads.waveLoads:pt', 'distLoads.waveLoads:qdyn')
        self.connect('waveLoads.waveLoads:beta', 'distLoads.waveLoads:beta')
        self.connect('waveLoads.waveLoads:z', 'distLoads.waveLoads:z')
        self.connect('waveLoads.waveLoads:d', 'distLoads.waveLoads:d')

        self.connect('qdyn', 'buck.pressure')
コード例 #9
    def configure(self):

        self.add('pre', JcktLoadPre())
        self.add('windj', PowerWind())
        self.add('windt', PowerWind())
        self.add('wavej', LinearWaves())
        self.add('wavet', LinearWaves())
        self.add('windLoadsj', TowerWindDrag())
        self.add('windLoadst', TowerWindDrag())
        self.add('waveLoadsj', TowerWaveDrag())
        self.add('waveLoadst', TowerWaveDrag())
        self.add('post', JcktLoadPost())

            'pre', 'windj', 'windt', 'wavej', 'wavet', 'windLoadsj',
            'windLoadst', 'waveLoadsj', 'waveLoadst', 'post'

        # connections to pre
        self.connect('nlegs', 'pre.nlegs')
        self.connect('nodes', 'pre.nodes')
        self.connect('pillegDs', 'pre.pillegDs')
        self.connect('twrDs', 'pre.twrDs')
        #self.connect('twrTs', 'pre.twrTs')
        self.connect('Twrmems', 'pre.Twrmems')
        self.connect('Legmems', 'pre.Legmems')
        self.connect('Pilemems', 'pre.Pilemems')

        # connections to windj/t
        self.connect('windIns.U50HH', ['windj.Uref', 'windt.Uref'])
        self.connect('windIns.HH + waterIns.wdepth + waterIns.z_floor',
                     ['windj.zref', 'windt.zref'])
        self.connect('pre.pillegZs_out', 'windj.z')
        self.connect('pre.twrZs_out', 'windt.z')
        self.connect('waterIns.wdepth + waterIns.z_floor',
                     ['windj.z0', 'windt.z0'])
        self.connect('windIns.psi', ['windj.betaWind', 'windt.betaWind'])
        self.connect('windIns.al_shear', ['windj.shearExp', 'windt.shearExp'])

        # connections to wavej/t
        self.connect('waterIns.Uc', ['wavej.Uc', 'wavet.Uc'])
        self.connect('waterIns.wdepth + waterIns.z_floor',
                     ['wavej.z_surface', 'wavet.z_surface'])
        self.connect('waterIns.HW', ['wavej.hmax', 'wavet.hmax'])
                     ['wavej.wdepth', 'wavet.wdepth'])  #CJB+
        # self.connect('waterIns.T', ['wavej.T', 'wavet.T'])
        self.connect('waterIns.T', 'wavej.T')
        self.connect('waterIns.T', 'wavet.T')
        self.connect('waterIns.z_floor', ['wavej.z_floor', 'wavet.z_floor'])
        self.connect('gravity', ['wavej.g', 'wavet.g'])
        self.connect('waterIns.psi', ['wavej.betaWave', 'wavet.betaWave'])
        self.connect('pre.pillegZs_out', 'wavej.z')
        self.connect('pre.twrZs_out', 'wavet.z')

        # connections to windLoadsj
        self.connect('windj.U', 'windLoadsj.U')
        self.connect('windj.beta', 'windLoadsj.beta')
        self.connect('windIns.rho', 'windLoadsj.rho')
        self.connect('windIns.mu', 'windLoadsj.mu')
        self.connect('windIns.Cdj', 'windLoadsj.cd_usr')
        self.connect('pre.pillegZs_out', 'windLoadsj.z')
        self.connect('pre.pillegDs_out', 'windLoadsj.d')

        # connections to windLoadst
        self.connect('windt.U', 'windLoadst.U')
        self.connect('windt.beta', 'windLoadst.beta')
        self.connect('windIns.rho', 'windLoadst.rho')
        self.connect('windIns.mu', 'windLoadst.mu')
        self.connect('windIns.Cdt', 'windLoadst.cd_usr')
        self.connect('pre.twrZs_out', 'windLoadst.z')
        self.connect('pre.twrDs_out', 'windLoadst.d')

        # connections to waveLoadsj
        self.connect('wavej.U', 'waveLoadsj.U')
        self.connect('wavej.A', 'waveLoadsj.A')
        self.connect('wavej.beta', 'waveLoadsj.beta')
        self.connect('wavej.U0', 'waveLoadsj.U0')
        self.connect('wavej.A0', 'waveLoadsj.A0')
        self.connect('wavej.beta0', 'waveLoadsj.beta0')

        self.connect('waterIns.rho', 'waveLoadsj.rho')
        self.connect('waterIns.mu', 'waveLoadsj.mu')
        self.connect('waterIns.Cm', 'waveLoadsj.cm')
        self.connect('waterIns.Cd', 'waveLoadsj.cd_usr')
        self.connect('waterIns.wlevel', 'waveLoadsj.wlevel')
        self.connect('pre.pillegZs_out', 'waveLoadsj.z')
        self.connect('pre.pillegDs_out', 'waveLoadsj.d')

        # connections to waveLoadst
        self.connect('wavet.U', 'waveLoadst.U')
        self.connect('wavet.A', 'waveLoadst.A')
        self.connect('wavet.beta', 'waveLoadst.beta')
        self.connect('wavet.U0', 'waveLoadst.U0')
        self.connect('wavet.A0', 'waveLoadst.A0')
        self.connect('wavet.beta0', 'waveLoadst.beta0')
        self.connect('waterIns.rho', 'waveLoadst.rho')
        self.connect('waterIns.mu', 'waveLoadst.mu')
        self.connect('waterIns.Cm', 'waveLoadst.cm')
        self.connect('waterIns.Cd', 'waveLoadst.cd_usr')
        self.connect('waterIns.wlevel', 'waveLoadst.wlevel')
        self.connect('pre.twrZs_out', 'waveLoadst.z')
        self.connect('pre.twrDs_out', 'waveLoadst.d')

        # connections to post
        self.connect('windLoadst.windLoads', 'post.towerWindLoads')
        self.connect('waveLoadst.waveLoads', 'post.towerWaveLoads')
        self.connect('windLoadsj.windLoads', 'post.pileLegWindLoads')
        self.connect('waveLoadsj.waveLoads', 'post.pileLegWaveLoads')
        self.connect('pre.pilendIDs', 'post.pilendIDs')
        self.connect('pre.legndIDs', 'post.legndIDs')
        self.connect('pre.twrndIDs', 'post.twrndIDs')
        self.connect('nlegs', 'post.nlegs')
        self.connect('TwrRigidTop', 'post.TwrRigidTop')
        self.connect('RNAinputs', 'post.RNAinputs')
        self.connect('RNA_F', 'post.RNA_F')
        self.connect('al_bat3D', 'post.al_bat3D')
        self.connect('VPFlag', 'post.VPFlag')
        self.connect('waterIns.wdepth', 'post.wdepth')

        # connections to outputs
        self.connect('post.Loadouts', 'Loadouts')
コード例 #10
def main():  #\
    """Function to Instantiate a TowerSE Assembly: \n
       INPUTS \n
             All hardwired, so edit the quantities below all the way to the line "#________________ DO NOT MODIFY THE FOLLOWING ________________#" \n
             -See TowerSEOpt_Py&MDAOopt.py for more information. \n
       OUTPUTS \n
             mytwr -tower assembly instance \n\n

             Optimization parameters:    \n\n

             f0          -float, target frequency [Hz]
             f0epsilon   -float,  f0*(1+f0epsilon) will not be exceeded \n
             guesses     -Float(n), guesses for all design variables check out DesVar class. \n
             bounds      -Float(n,2), bounds for all design variables check out DesVar class. \n\n
             SAMPLE CALLS: \n
             1.OPTIMIZATION: python towerOpt_ExtCobyla.py C:\RRD\PYTHON\WISDEM\towerSE\src\towerse\MyTowerInputs.py \n
             2.OPTIMIZATION: python TowerSEOpt_Py&MDAOopt.py C:\RRD\PYTHON\WISDEM\towerSE\src\towerse\MytowerInputs.py True \n
             3.BUILD Tower: python >>> mytwr=C:\RRD\PYTHON\WISDEM\TowerSE\src\towerse\MyTowerInputs.py \n

    # I need to put this at the top as it is not set up nicely as jacket: do not modify next line and go to inputs below
    mytwr = set_as_top(TowerMonopileSE())

    # __________Frame3DD or PBeam___________#
    mytwr.replace('tower1', TowerWithpBEAM())
    mytwr.replace('tower2', TowerWithpBEAM())
    #mytwr.replace('tower1', TowerWithFrame3DD())
    #mytwr.replace('tower2', TowerWithFrame3DD())

    # __________Material___________#
    mytwr.material = Material(matname='heavysteel',

    # __________Geometry/Positioning___________#
    mytwr.sea_depth = 20.0
    mytwr.tower_length = 87.60
    mytwr.tower_to_shaft = 2.0
    mytwr.deck_height = 15.0
    mytwr.monopile_extension = 5.0
    mytwr.d_monopile = 6.0  # positioning for several variables now depends on monopile diameter
    mytwr.t_monopile = 0.06
    mytwr.t_jacket = 0.05
    mytwr.d_tower_base = 6.0
    mytwr.d_tower_top = 3.87
    mytwr.t_tower_base = 1.3 * 0.027
    mytwr.t_tower_top = 1.3 * 0.019

    mytwr.yaw = 0.0
    mytwr.tilt = 5.0

    # full geometry now specified by positioning component for monopile application

    # __________Environment___________#

    mytwr.replace('wind1', PowerWind())
    mytwr.replace('wind2', PowerWind())

    # wind
    mytwr.wind1.shearExp = 0.2
    mytwr.wind2.shearExp = 0.2

    # waves
    mytwr.replace('wave1', LinearWaves())
    mytwr.replace('wave2', LinearWaves())

    mytwr.wave1.Uc = 0.0
    mytwr.wave1.hs = 8.0 * 1.86
    mytwr.wave1.T = 10.0
    mytwr.wave1.g = 9.81
    mytwr.wave1.betaWave = 0.0

    mytwr.wave2.Uc = 0.0
    mytwr.wave2.hs = 8.0 * 1.86
    mytwr.wave2.T = 10.0
    mytwr.wave2.g = 9.81
    mytwr.wave2.betaWave = 0.0

    # __________Soil___________#
    mytwr.replace('soil', TowerSoil())

    mytwr.soil.rigid = 6 * [True]

    #________RNA mass Properties_________#
    mytwr.top_m = 350000.  #Float(iotype='in', units='m', desc='RNA (tower top) mass')
    mytwr.top_I = np.array(
        [114930678.00, 22035403.00, 18759742.50, 0.00, 503710.47, 0.00]
    )  #Array(iotype='in', units='kg*m**2', desc='mass moments of inertia. order: (xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz)')
    mytwr.top_cm = np.array(
        [-1.13, 0.00,
         0.51])  #Array(iotype='in', units='m', desc='RNA center of mass')


    # max Thrust case
    mytwr.wind_Uref1 = 11.73732
    mytwr.top1_F = np.array([
        1284744.196, 0.0, -112400.5527
    ])  #Array(iotype='in', units='N', desc='Aerodynamic forces')
    mytwr.top1_M = np.array([
        3963732.762, 896380.8464, -346781.6819
    ])  #Array(iotype='in', units='N*m', desc='Aerodynamic moments')

    # max wind speed case
    mytwr.wind_Uref2 = 70.0
    mytwr.top2_F = np.array(
        [188038.8045, 0, -16451.2637]
    )  #Array(iotype='in', units='N', desc='Aerodynamic forces') # with all blades feathered
    mytwr.top2_M = np.array(
        [0.0, 131196.8431,
         0.0])  #Array(iotype='in', units='N*m', desc='Aerodynamic moments')

    # fatigue
    mytwr.z_DEL = np.array(
    )  #, 1.327, 3.982, 6.636, 9.291, 11.945, 14.600, 17.255, 19.909, 22.564, 25.218, 27.873, 30.527, 33.182, 35.836, 38.491, 41.145, 43.800, 46.455, 49.109, 51.764, 54.418, 57.073, 59.727, 62.382, 65.036, 67.691, 70.345, 73.000, 75.655, 78.309, 80.964, 83.618, 86.273, 87.600])
    mytwr.M_DEL = 1e3 * np.array(
    )  #8.2940E+003, 8.1518E+003, 7.8831E+003, 7.6099E+003, 7.3359E+003, 7.0577E+003, 6.7821E+003, 6.5119E+003, 6.2391E+003, 5.9707E+003, 5.7070E+003, 5.4500E+003, 5.2015E+003, 4.9588E+003, 4.7202E+003, 4.4884E+003, 4.2577E+003, 4.0246E+003, 3.7942E+003, 3.5664E+003, 3.3406E+003, 3.1184E+003, 2.8977E+003, 2.6811E+003, 2.4719E+003, 2.2663E+003, 2.0673E+003, 1.8769E+003, 1.7017E+003, 1.5479E+003, 1.4207E+003, 1.3304E+003, 1.2780E+003, 1.2673E+003, 1.2761E+003])
    mytwr.gamma_fatigue = 1.35 * 1.3 * 1.0
    mytwr.life = 20.0
    mytwr.m_SN = 4

    # Frame3DD parameters
    FrameAuxIns = Frame3DDaux()
    FrameAuxIns.sh_fg = 1  #shear flag-->Timoshenko
    FrameAuxIns.deltaz = 5.
    FrameAuxIns.geo_fg = 0
    FrameAuxIns.nModes = 6  # number of desired dynamic modes of vibration
    FrameAuxIns.Mmethod = 1  # 1: subspace Jacobi     2: Stodola
    FrameAuxIns.lump = 0  # 0: consistent mass ... 1: lumped mass matrix
    FrameAuxIns.tol = 1e-9  # mode shape tolerance
    FrameAuxIns.shift = 0.0  # shift value ... for unrestrained structures
    FrameAuxIns.gvector = np.array([0., 0., -9.8065])  #GRAVITY

    #_____ Safety Factors______#
    mytwr.gamma_f = 1.35
    mytwr.gamma_m = 1.3
    mytwr.gamma_n = 1.0
    mytwr.gamma_b = 1.1



    # _______Geometric constraints__________#

    mytwr.min_taper = 0.4

    DTRsdiff = True  #Set whether or not DTRt=DTRb

    #______Set target frequency [Hz] and f0epsilon, i.e. fmax=(1+f0eps)*f0_________#
    f0 = 0.28
    f0epsilon = 0.1

    #________Set Optimization Bounds and guesses for the various variables_________#
    #          x=  [      Db,   DTRb   Dt,   DTRt   Htwr2fac  ]
    MnCnst = np.array([5., 120., 3., 120., 0.05])
    MxCnst = np.array([7., 200., 4., 200., 0.25])
    guesses = np.array([6., 140., 3.5, 150., 0.2])

    #________________ DO NOT MODIFY THE FOLLOWING ________________#

    mytwr.min_d_to_t = np.min(MnCnst[[1, 3]])
    bounds = np.vstack((MnCnst, MxCnst))
    desvarmeans = np.mean(bounds, 1)

    mytwr.FrameAuxIns = FrameAuxIns

    return mytwr, f0, f0epsilon, DTRsdiff, guesses, bounds.T