def export_ship(self, filename=None): string = json.dumps(self.ship(False), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')).encode('utf-8') # pretty print if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return ship = ship_file_name(self.state['ShipName'], self.state['ShipType']) regexp = re.compile( re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted( [x for x in listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write # Write filename = join( config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', localtime(time())))) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)
def export(data, filename=None): string = json.dumps(companion.ship(data), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')) # pretty print if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return # Look for last ship of this type ship = companion.ship_file_name(data['ship'].get('shipName'), data['ship']['name']) regexp = re.compile( re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted( [x for x in os.listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time()) # Write filename = join( config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', time.localtime(querytime)))) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)
def export_ship(self, filename=None): string = json.dumps(self.ship(False), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')).encode('utf-8') # pretty print if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return ship = ship_file_name(self.state['ShipName'], self.state['ShipType']) regexp = re.compile(re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted([x for x in listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write # Write filename = join(config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', localtime(time())))) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)
def export_ship(self, filename=None): # TODO(A_D): Some type checking has been disabled in here due to config.get getting weird outputs string = json.dumps(self.ship(False), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) # pretty print if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return ship = ship_file_name(self.state['ShipName'], self.state['ShipType']) regexp = re.compile(re.escape(ship) + r'\.\d{4}\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted((x for x in listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x))) # type: ignore if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: # type: ignore if == string: return # same as last time - don't write # Write filename = join( # type: ignore config.get('outdir'), '{}.{}.txt'.format(ship, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', localtime(time()))) ) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)
def export(data, filename=None): def class_rating(module): if 'guidance' in module: # Missiles return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module.get('mount', 'F')[0] + module['guidance'][0] + ' ' elif 'mount' in module: # Hardpoints return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module['mount'][0] + ' ' elif 'Cabin' in module['name']: # Passenger cabins return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module['name'][0] + ' ' else: return module['class'] + module['rating'] + ' ' querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time()) loadout = defaultdict(list) mass = 0.0 fuel = 0 cargo = 0 fsd = None jumpboost = 0 for slot in sorted(data['ship']['modules']): v = data['ship']['modules'][slot] try: if not v: continue module = outfitting.lookup(v['module'], ship_map) if not module: continue cr = class_rating(module) mods = v.get('modifications') or v.get('WorkInProgress_modifications') or {} if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_Mass'): mass += (module.get('mass', 0) * mods['OutfittingFieldType_Mass']['value']) else: mass += module.get('mass', 0) # Specials if 'Fuel Tank'in module['name']: fuel += 2**int(module['class']) name = '%s (Capacity: %d)' % (module['name'], 2**int(module['class'])) elif 'Cargo Rack' in module['name']: cargo += 2**int(module['class']) name = '%s (Capacity: %d)' % (module['name'], 2**int(module['class'])) else: name = module['name'] if name == 'Frame Shift Drive': fsd = module # save for range calculation if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_FSDOptimalMass'): fsd['optmass'] *= mods['OutfittingFieldType_FSDOptimalMass']['value'] if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_MaxFuelPerJump'): fsd['maxfuel'] *= mods['OutfittingFieldType_MaxFuelPerJump']['value'] jumpboost += module.get('jumpboost', 0) for s in slot_map: if slot.lower().startswith(s): loadout[slot_map[s]].append(cr + name) break else: if slot.lower().startswith('slot'): loadout[slot[-1]].append(cr + name) elif __debug__ and not slot.lower().startswith('planetaryapproachsuite'): print 'EDShipyard: Unknown slot %s' % slot except AssertionError as e: if __debug__: print 'EDShipyard: %s' % e continue # Silently skip unrecognized modules except: if __debug__: raise # Construct description ship = ship_map.get(data['ship']['name'].lower(), data['ship']['name']) string = '[%s]\n' % (data['ship'].get('shipName') and ', '.join([ship, data['ship']['shipName'].encode('utf-8')]) or ship) for slot in ['H', 'L', 'M', 'S', 'U', None, 'BH', 'RB', 'TM', 'FH', 'EC', 'PC', 'SS', 'FS', None, 'MC', None, '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1']: if not slot: string += '\n' elif slot in loadout: for name in loadout[slot]: string += '%s: %s\n' % (slot, name) string += '---\nCargo : %d T\nFuel : %d T\n' % (cargo, fuel) # Add mass and range assert data['ship']['name'].lower() in companion.ship_map, data['ship']['name'] assert companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower()] in ships, companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower()] try: # mass += ships[companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower()]]['hullMass'] string += 'Mass : %.2f T empty\n %.2f T full\n' % (mass, mass + fuel + cargo) multiplier = pow(min(fuel, fsd['maxfuel']) / fsd['fuelmul'], 1.0 / fsd['fuelpower']) * fsd['optmass'] string += 'Range : %.2f LY unladen\n %.2f LY laden\n' % ( multiplier / (mass + fuel) + jumpboost, multiplier / (mass + fuel + cargo) + jumpboost) except: if __debug__: raise if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return # Look for last ship of this type ship = companion.ship_file_name(data['ship'].get('shipName'), data['ship']['name']) regexp = re.compile(re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write # Write filename = join(config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', time.localtime(querytime)))) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)
def export(data, filename=None): def class_rating(module): if 'guidance' in module: # Missiles return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module.get( 'mount', 'F')[0] + module['guidance'][0] + ' ' elif 'mount' in module: # Hardpoints return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module['mount'][ 0] + ' ' elif 'Cabin' in module['name']: # Passenger cabins return module['class'] + module['rating'] + '/' + module['name'][ 0] + ' ' else: return module['class'] + module['rating'] + ' ' querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time()) loadout = defaultdict(list) mass = 0.0 fuel = 0 cargo = 0 fsd = None jumpboost = 0 for slot in sorted(data['ship']['modules']): v = data['ship']['modules'][slot] try: if not v: continue module = outfitting.lookup(v['module'], ship_map) if not module: continue cr = class_rating(module) mods = v.get('modifications') or v.get( 'WorkInProgress_modifications') or {} if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_Mass'): mass += (module.get('mass', 0) * mods['OutfittingFieldType_Mass']['value']) else: mass += module.get('mass', 0) # Specials if 'Fuel Tank' in module['name']: fuel += 2**int(module['class']) name = '%s (Capacity: %d)' % (module['name'], 2**int( module['class'])) elif 'Cargo Rack' in module['name']: cargo += 2**int(module['class']) name = '%s (Capacity: %d)' % (module['name'], 2**int( module['class'])) else: name = module['name'] if name == 'Frame Shift Drive': fsd = module # save for range calculation if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_FSDOptimalMass'): fsd['optmass'] *= mods[ 'OutfittingFieldType_FSDOptimalMass']['value'] if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_MaxFuelPerJump'): fsd['maxfuel'] *= mods[ 'OutfittingFieldType_MaxFuelPerJump']['value'] jumpboost += module.get('jumpboost', 0) for s in slot_map: if slot.lower().startswith(s): loadout[slot_map[s]].append(cr + name) break else: if slot.lower().startswith('slot'): loadout[slot[-1]].append(cr + name) elif __debug__ and not slot.lower().startswith( 'planetaryapproachsuite'): print 'EDShipyard: Unknown slot %s' % slot except AssertionError as e: if __debug__: print 'EDShipyard: %s' % e continue # Silently skip unrecognized modules except: if __debug__: raise # Construct description ship = ship_map.get(data['ship']['name'].lower(), data['ship']['name']) string = '[%s]\n' % (data['ship'].get('shipName') and ', '.join( [ship, data['ship']['shipName'].encode('utf-8')]) or ship) for slot in [ 'H', 'L', 'M', 'S', 'U', None, 'BH', 'RB', 'TM', 'FH', 'EC', 'PC', 'SS', 'FS', None, 'MC', None, '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1' ]: if not slot: string += '\n' elif slot in loadout: for name in loadout[slot]: string += '%s: %s\n' % (slot, name) string += '---\nCargo : %d T\nFuel : %d T\n' % (cargo, fuel) # Add mass and range assert data['ship']['name'].lower( ) in companion.ship_map, data['ship']['name'] assert companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower( )] in ships, companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower()] try: # mass += ships[companion.ship_map[data['ship'] ['name'].lower()]]['hullMass'] string += 'Mass : %.2f T empty\n %.2f T full\n' % ( mass, mass + fuel + cargo) multiplier = pow( min(fuel, fsd['maxfuel']) / fsd['fuelmul'], 1.0 / fsd['fuelpower']) * fsd['optmass'] string += 'Range : %.2f LY unladen\n %.2f LY laden\n' % ( multiplier / (mass + fuel) + jumpboost, multiplier / (mass + fuel + cargo) + jumpboost) except: if __debug__: raise if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return # Look for last ship of this type ship = companion.ship_file_name(data['ship'].get('shipName'), data['ship']['name']) regexp = re.compile( re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted( [x for x in os.listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write # Write filename = join( config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', time.localtime(querytime)))) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)
def export(data, filename=None): def class_rating(module: __Module): mod_class = module['class'] mod_rating = module['rating'] mod_mount = module.get('mount') mod_guidance = module.get('guidance') ret = '{mod_class}{rating}'.format(mod_class=mod_class, rating=mod_rating) if 'guidance' in module: # Missiles ret += "/{mount}{guidance}".format( mount=mod_mount[0] if mod_mount is not None else 'F', guidance=mod_guidance[0], ) elif 'mount' in module: # Hardpoints ret += "/{mount}".format(mount=mod_mount) elif 'Cabin' in module['name']: # Passenger cabins ret += "/{name}".format(name=module['name'][0]) return ret + ' ' querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time()) loadout = defaultdict(list) mass = 0.0 fuel = 0 cargo = 0 fsd = None jumpboost = 0 for slot in sorted(data['ship']['modules']): v = data['ship']['modules'][slot] try: if not v: continue module: __Module = outfitting.lookup(v['module'], ship_map) if not module: continue cr = class_rating(module) mods = v.get('modifications') or v.get('WorkInProgress_modifications') or {} if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_Mass'): mass += (module.get('mass', 0) * mods['OutfittingFieldType_Mass']['value']) else: mass += module.get('mass', 0) # Specials if 'Fuel Tank' in module['name']: fuel += 2**int(module['class']) name = '{} (Capacity: {})'.format(module['name'], 2**int(module['class'])) elif 'Cargo Rack' in module['name']: cargo += 2**int(module['class']) name = '{} (Capacity: {})'.format(module['name'], 2**int(module['class'])) else: name = module['name'] if name == 'Frame Shift Drive': fsd = module # save for range calculation if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_FSDOptimalMass'): fsd['optmass'] *= mods['OutfittingFieldType_FSDOptimalMass']['value'] if mods.get('OutfittingFieldType_MaxFuelPerJump'): fsd['maxfuel'] *= mods['OutfittingFieldType_MaxFuelPerJump']['value'] jumpboost += module.get('jumpboost', 0) for s in slot_map: if slot.lower().startswith(s): loadout[slot_map[s]].append(cr + name) break else: if slot.lower().startswith('slot'): loadout[slot[-1]].append(cr + name) elif __debug__ and not slot.lower().startswith('planetaryapproachsuite'): print('EDShipyard: Unknown slot {}'.format(slot)) except AssertionError as e: if __debug__: print('EDShipyard: {}'.format(e)) continue # Silently skip unrecognized modules except Exception: if __debug__: raise # Construct description ship = ship_map.get(data['ship']['name'].lower(), data['ship']['name']) if data['ship'].get('shipName') is not None: _ships = '{}, {}'.format(ship, data['ship']['shipName']) else: _ships = ship string = '[{}]\n'.format(_ships) SLOT_TYPES = ( 'H', 'L', 'M', 'S', 'U', None, 'BH', 'RB', 'TM', 'FH', 'EC', 'PC', 'SS', 'FS', None, 'MC', None, '9', '8', '7', '6', '5', '4', '3', '2', '1' ) for slot in SLOT_TYPES: if not slot: string += '\n' elif slot in loadout: for name in loadout[slot]: string += '{}: {}\n'.format(slot, name) string += '---\nCargo : {} T\nFuel : {} T\n'.format(cargo, fuel) # Add mass and range assert data['ship']['name'].lower() in companion.ship_map, data['ship']['name'] assert companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower()] in ships, companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower()] try: mass += ships[companion.ship_map[data['ship']['name'].lower()]]['hullMass'] string += 'Mass : {:.2f} T empty\n {:.2f} T full\n'.format(mass, mass + fuel + cargo) multiplier = pow(min(fuel, fsd['maxfuel']) / fsd['fuelmul'], 1.0 / fsd['fuelpower']) * fsd['optmass'] string += 'Range : {:.2f} LY unladen\n {:.2f} LY laden\n'.format( multiplier / (mass + fuel) + jumpboost, multiplier / (mass + fuel + cargo) + jumpboost ) except Exception: if __debug__: raise if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return # Look for last ship of this type ship = companion.ship_file_name(data['ship'].get('shipName'), data['ship']['name']) regexp = re.compile(re.escape(ship) + r'\.\d{4}-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write # Write filename = join(config.get('outdir'), '{}.{}.txt'.format( ship, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', time.localtime(querytime))) ) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)