コード例 #1
def get_score(teacher,tocompare):
    c = tocompare[0]
    valtocomp = tocompare[1]
    v = coldict[c]
    #keeps track of the total score
    scoreval = 0
    #keeps track of the number of meaningful comparisons
    num_cats_compared = 0
    #iterates through the different columns we want to compare
    if(c == 'SchoolName'):
        score = scr.compSchool(teacher[v],valtocomp)
        #If a meaningful comparison happened, update the score trackers
        if(score != None):
            scoreval += score
            num_cats_compared += 1
    if(c == 'State'):
        score = scr.compState(teacher[v],valtocomp)
        if(score != None):
            scoreval += score
            num_cats_compared += 1
    if(c == 'Grades'):
        score = scr.compGrades(teacher[v],valtocomp)
        if(score != None):
            scoreval += score
            num_cats_compared += 1

    #Returns a tuple of the score and the number of meaningful comparisons
    return (round(scoreval,5),num_cats_compared)
コード例 #2
def get_score(teacher,tocompare):
    #keeps track of the contributions of each characteristic
    scoredict = {}
    #keeps track of the total score
    scoreval =0
    #keeps track of the number of meaningful comparisons
    num_cats_compared = 0
    #iterates through the different columns we want to compare
    for c,v in coldict.iteritems():
        if(c == 'SchoolName'):
            score = scr.compSchool(teacher[v],tocompare[v])
            #If a meaningful comparison happened, update the score trackers
            if(score != None):
                scoreval += score
                num_cats_compared += 1
        elif(c == 'State'):
            score = scr.compState(teacher[v],tocompare[v])
            if(score != None):
                scoreval += score
                num_cats_compared += 1
        elif(c == 'Grades'):
            score = scr.compGrades(teacher[v],tocompare[v])
            if(score != None):
                scoreval += score
                num_cats_compared += 1

    '''Taken from http://desk.stinkpot.org:8080/tricks/index.php/2006/10/ 
    #Inverts the dictionary (swaps keys and values) so that we can 
    #get the max value
    temp = dict(map(lambda scores: (scores[1],scores[0]),scoredict.items()))
    #Gets the largest contributor to score. Ties are broken arbitrarily
        largestcontributor = temp[max(temp)]
    except ValueError:
        largestcontributor = None
    #Returns a tuple of the score and the number of meaningful comparisons
    return (round(scoreval,5),num_cats_compared)