def RunCommand(is_interactive): #load Derivation and model derivation = Derivation.from_json( rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location()) model = derivation.get_next_step() #user input rc, corners = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetRectangle() if rc != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success: return rc plane = Rhino.Geometry.Plane(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2]) beam_frame = Frame(plane[0], plane[1], plane[2]) length = rs.GetReal("length", 4000, 300, None) #Generate unique name for the Beam name = create_id() #Create Beam model.rule_create_beam(beam_frame, length, 100, 100, name) #Save Derivation (Model is also saved) derivation.to_json(rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location(), pretty=True) #Visualization artist = MeshArtist(None, layer='BEAM::Beams_out') artist.clear_layer() for beam in model.beams: artist = MeshArtist( beam.mesh, layer='BEAM::Beams_out' ) #.mesh is not ideal fix in beam and assemble class artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True) return 0
def RunCommand(is_interactive): #load Derivation and delete last step derivation = Derivation.from_json(rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location()) continue_playback = True step_id = 0 while(continue_playback): #ask user for which step they would like to see derivation_last_step_index = derivation.count - 1 step_id = rs.GetInteger("Enter which step to visualize (0 - "+ str(derivation_last_step_index) + " step) (Enter -1 for last step)", step_id, -1, derivation_last_step_index) if (step_id == -1): step_id = derivation_last_step_index if (step_id == None): break # Allow user to quite the command #load the selected model model = derivation.get_step(step_id) step_id = step_id + 1 #Visualization artist = MeshArtist(None, layer ='BEAM::Beams_out') artist.clear_layer() for beam in model.beams: artist = MeshArtist(beam.mesh, layer ='BEAM::Beams_out') artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True) artist.redraw()
def RunCommand(is_interactive): """Interactive Rhino Command Creates 90 Lap joint on a seleceted Beam Return: ------ None """ #load Derivation and model derivation = Derivation.from_json(rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location()) model = derivation.get_next_step() #Select mesh Obj_ref = rs.GetObject(message = "select mesh(es)", filter = 32, preselect = False, subobjects = True) selected_beam_name = (rs.ObjectName(Obj_ref)[:-5]) #Loop through all beams in model to identify the selected beam selected_beam = None for beam in model.beams: if( == selected_beam_name): selected_beam = beam break assert (selected_beam != None) #list of user inputs(face needs to be implemented through UI) face_id = rs.GetInteger("face_id",None,0,5) helper = UI_helpers() joint_point = helper.Get_SelectPointOnMeshEdge("Select mesh edge","Pick point on edge") ext_start = rs.GetReal("extension start ",200,None,None) ext_end = rs.GetReal("extension end ",200,None,None) name = create_id() #adding joints to selected Beam #joint_distance_from_start = Get_distancefromBeamYZFrame(selected_beam,joint_point) joint_distance_from_start = selected_beam.Get_distancefromBeamYZFrame(joint_point) match_beam_origin = model.rule_90lap(selected_beam,joint_distance_from_start,face_id,ext_start,ext_end,name) #Save Derivation (Model is also saved) derivation.to_json(rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location(), pretty = True) #Visualization viz_point = [] for pt in match_beam_origin: a = (pt[0],pt[1],pt[2]) viz_point.append({ 'pos': a, 'color': (0,255,0) }) #Visualization artist = MeshArtist(None, layer ='BEAM::Beams_out') artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_points(viz_point) for beam in model.beams: artist = MeshArtist(beam.mesh, layer ='BEAM::Beams_out')#.mesh is not ideal fix in beam and assemble class artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True)
def mesh_draw_vertices(mesh, keys=None, color=None, layer=None, clear_layer=False, clear_vertices=False, redraw=True): """Draw a selection of vertices of the mesh. Parameters ---------- mesh : compas.datastructures.Mesh A mesh object. keys : list (None) A list of vertex keys identifying which vertices to draw. Default is to draw all vertices. color : str, tuple, dict (None) The color specififcation for the vertices. Colors should be specified in the form of a string (hex colors) or as a tuple of RGB components. To apply the same color to all vertices, provide a single color specification. Individual colors can be assigned using a dictionary of key-color pairs. Missing keys will be assigned the default vertex color (``self.defaults['vertex.color']``). Default is use the color of the parent layer. layer : str (None) The layer in which the vertices are drawn. Default is to draw in the current layer. clear_layer : bool (False) Clear the drawing layer. redraw : bool (True) Redraw the view after adding the vertices. Notes ----- The vertices are named using the following template: ``"{}.vertex.{}".format(self.mesh.attributes['name'], key)``. This name is used afterwards to identify vertices of the meshin the Rhino model. Examples -------- >>> """ artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = layer if clear_layer: artist.clear_layer() if clear_vertices: artist.clear_vertices() guids = artist.draw_vertices(color=color) if redraw: artist.redraw() return guids
def mesh_draw_edges(mesh, keys=None, color=None, layer=None, clear_layer=False, redraw=True): """Draw a selection of edges of the mesh. Parameters ---------- keys : list A list of edge keys (as uv pairs) identifying which edges to draw. Default is to draw all edges. color : str, tuple, dict The color specififcation for the edges. Colors should be specified in the form of a string (hex colors) or as a tuple of RGB components. To apply the same color to all faces, provide a single color specification. Individual colors can be assigned using a dictionary of key-color pairs. Missing keys will be assigned the default face color (``self.defaults['face.color']``). Default is use the color of the parent layer. layer : str (None) The layer in which the edges are drawn. Default is to draw in the current layer. clear_layer : bool (False) Clear the drawing layer. redraw : bool (True) Redraw the view after adding the edges. Notes ----- All edges are named using the following template: ``"{}.edge.{}-{}".fromat(self.mesh.attributes['name'], u, v)``. This name is used afterwards to identify edges of the mesh in the Rhino model. Examples -------- >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh) >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, color='#ff0000') >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, color=(255, 0, 0)) >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, keys=mesh.edges_on_boundary()) >>> mesh_draw_edges(mesh, color={(u, v): '#00ff00' for u, v in mesh.edges_on_boundary()}) """ artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = layer if clear_layer: artist.clear_layer() artist.clear_edges() guids = artist.draw_edges(color=color) if redraw: artist.redraw() return guids
def RunCommand(is_interactive): #load Derivation and delete last step derivation = Derivation.from_json( rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location()) derivation.remove_last_step() print("New Derivation step count:", str(derivation.count)) #load last model model = derivation.get_step(derivation.count - 1) #Visualization artist = MeshArtist(None, layer='BEAM::Beams_out') artist.clear_layer() for beam in model.beams: artist = MeshArtist(beam.mesh, layer='BEAM::Beams_out') artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True) #Save Derivation (Model is also saved) derivation.to_json(rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location(), pretty=True)
def main(): ##################################### ### NOTE: Run this file in Rhino. ### ##################################### ### --- Load stl mesh = Mesh.from_stl(FILE) ### --- Get color list color_list = get_mesh_face_color_overhang(mesh, max_angle=85, mode="adaptive", infill=False) ### --- Create Rhino artist artist = MeshArtist(mesh, layer='COMPAS::MeshArtist') artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_faces( color={key: color_list[i] for i, key in enumerate(mesh.faces())}) artist.redraw()
import os from compas.datastructures import Mesh from compas_rhino.artists import MeshArtist HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__) FILE_I = os.path.join(HERE, 'data', 'form.json') FILE_O = os.path.join(HERE, 'data', 'form_trimesh.json') form = Mesh.from_json(FILE_I) form.quads_to_triangles() form.to_json(FILE_O) artist = MeshArtist(form, layer="RV2::TriMesh") artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True)
polylines = [] for points in pointsets: points = [Point(*point) for point in points] polyline = Polyline(points) polylines.append(polyline) # ============================================================================== # Visualize # ============================================================================== meshartist = MeshArtist(None) meshartist.mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(*A) meshartist.layer = "CGAL::Intersections::A" meshartist.clear_layer() meshartist.draw_faces(join_faces=True, color=hex_to_rgb('#222222')) meshartist.mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(*B) meshartist.layer = "CGAL::Intersections::B" meshartist.clear_layer() meshartist.draw_faces(join_faces=True, color=hex_to_rgb('#888888')) polylineartist = PolylineArtist(None, layer="CGAL::Intersections::Polylines") polylineartist.clear_layer() pointartist = PointArtist(None, layer='CGAL::Intersections::Points') pointartist.clear_layer() for polyline in polylines: polylineartist.primitive = polyline polylineartist.color = hex_to_rgb('#ffffff')
def mesh_draw(mesh, layer=None, clear_layer=False, clear_vertices=False, clear_faces=False, clear_edges=False, show_faces=True, show_vertices=False, show_edges=False, vertexcolor=None, edgecolor=None, facecolor=None): """ Draw a mesh object in Rhino. Parameters ---------- mesh : compas.datastructures.Mesh The mesh object. layer : str (None) The layer to draw in. Default is to draw in the current layer. clear_layer : bool (False) Clear the drawing layer. show_faces : bool (True) Draw the faces. show_vertices : bool (False) Draw the vertices. show_edges : bool (False) Draw the edges. vertexcolor : str, tuple, list, dict (None) The vertex color specification. Default is to use the color of the parent layer. edgecolor : str, tuple, list, dict (None) The edge color specification. Default is to use the color of the parent layer. facecolor : str, tuple, list, dict (None) The face color specification. Default is to use the color of the parent layer. Notes ----- Colors can be specifiedin different ways: * str: A hexadecimal color that will be applied to all elements subject to the specification. * tuple, list: RGB color that will be applied to all elements subject to the specification. * dict: RGB or hex color dict with a specification for some or all of the related elements. Notes ----- RGB colors specified as values between 0 and 255, should be integers. RGB colors specified as values between 0.0 and 1.0, should be floats. """ artist = MeshArtist(mesh) artist.layer = layer if clear_layer: artist.clear_layer() if clear_vertices: artist.clear_vertices() if clear_edges: artist.clear_edges() if clear_faces: artist.clear_faces() if show_faces: artist.draw_faces(color=facecolor) if show_edges: artist.draw_edges(color=edgecolor) if show_vertices: artist.draw_vertices(color=vertexcolor) artist.redraw()
def RunCommand(is_interactive): #load Derivation and model derivation = Derivation.from_json( rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location()) model = derivation.get_next_step() #select beams selection_reference = [] selection_reference.append( rs.GetObject(message="select start Beam", filter=32, preselect=True)) selection_reference.extend( rs.GetObjects(message="select Beams to connect", filter=32, preselect=True)) #load helpers helper = UI_helpers() #name search selected_beams = helper.extract_BeambyName(model, selection_reference) #check for parallel planes, uses the function above start_beam = selected_beams[0] beams_to_connect = selected_beams[1:] parallel_check = check_for_parallel_vectors(start_beam, beams_to_connect) if parallel_check != True: raise IndexError('beams are not parallel') else: print("beams are parallel") #check for coplanarity, uses the function above coplanar_planes = {} face_ids_coplanar_planes = {} for i in range(1, 5): start_beam_plane = start_beam.face_plane(i).copy() start_beam_origin = start_beam_plane.point a = get_coplanar_planes(start_beam_plane, start_beam_origin, beams_to_connect) if a != False: coplanar_planes['' + str(i)] = a[0] face_ids_coplanar_planes['' + str(i)] = a[1] else: pass print("face_dictionary here", face_ids_coplanar_planes) if len(coplanar_planes.keys()) == 2: print("'success", coplanar_planes) else: raise IndexError('beams are not coplanar') #user inputs face_id = rs.GetInteger(("possible face connections " + "face_id " + coplanar_planes.keys()[0] + " or face_id " + coplanar_planes.keys()[1]), None, None, None) start_point = (helper.Get_SelectPointOnMeshEdge("Select mesh edge", "Pick point on edge")) ext_start = rs.GetReal("extension length start", 200, None, None) ext_end = rs.GetReal("extension length end", 200, None, None) #list of coplanar planes extracted from coplanar_planes dict using face_id as key coplanar_planes_along_selected_face = [] coplanar_planes_along_selected_face.append( start_beam.face_plane(face_id).copy()) for key, value in coplanar_planes.items(): if key == "" + str(face_id): coplanar_planes_along_selected_face.extend(value) #list of face_ids of coplanar planes coplanar_face_ids = [] coplanar_face_ids.append(face_id) for key, value in face_ids_coplanar_planes.items(): if key == "" + str(face_id): coplanar_face_ids.extend(value) #intersection points by passing a line from the origin of start beam to the adjacent planes of the coplanar planes of all beams points_to_compare = [] for i in range(len(selected_beams)): beam = selected_beams[i] start_beam_selected_face_frame = selected_beams[0].face_frame(face_id) line_pt_a = start_beam_selected_face_frame.point normal = start_beam_selected_face_frame.normal line_pt_b = add_vectors(line_pt_a, scale_vector(normal, 0.3)) line_to_intersect = Line(line_pt_a, line_pt_b) face_index = coplanar_face_ids[i] adjacent_planes = beam.neighbour_face_plane(face_index) for p in adjacent_planes: intersection_point = intersection_line_plane(line_to_intersect, p) points_to_compare.append(intersection_point) viz_pts = [] #project distance from points_to_compare to the plane of the start Beam distances = [] start_beam_face_frame = start_beam.face_frame(face_id).copy() start_beam_Plane_perpendicular_to_face_id_Plane = Plane( start_beam_face_frame.point, start_beam_face_frame.normal) viz_pts.append(start_beam_Plane_perpendicular_to_face_id_Plane.point) for point in points_to_compare: viz_pts.append(point) vector = subtract_vectors( point, start_beam_Plane_perpendicular_to_face_id_Plane.point) distances.append( dot_vectors( vector, start_beam_Plane_perpendicular_to_face_id_Plane.normal)) #search to find max point maximum_distance = max(distances) minimum_distance = min(distances) beam_length = (maximum_distance - minimum_distance) + ext_start + ext_end ext_len = maximum_distance + ext_start #project selected point to perpendicular planes of the beams to connect if coplanar_planes.keys()[0] == "1" or coplanar_planes.keys()[0] == "3": start_beam_perpendicular_plane = start_beam.face_plane(5).copy() elif coplanar_planes.keys()[0] == "2" or coplanar_planes.keys()[0] == "4": start_beam_perpendicular_plane = start_beam.face_plane(6).copy() tol = 1.0e-5 # tol = 5.0 perpendicular_plane = [] for beam in beams_to_connect: for i in range(5, 7): beam_plane = beam.face_plane(i).copy() print("beam_plane", beam_plane) angle_check = start_beam_perpendicular_plane.normal.angle( beam_plane.normal) print("angle", angle_check) if (abs(angle_check) - 0) < tol or (abs(angle_check) - 180) < tol: perpendicular_plane.append(beam_plane) print(perpendicular_plane) print(len(perpendicular_plane)) #project points projected_point_list = [] new_start_point = project_points_plane([start_point], start_beam_perpendicular_plane) projected_point_list.extend(new_start_point) for plane in perpendicular_plane: new_point = project_points_plane(new_start_point, plane) projected_point_list.extend(new_point) #list of distance to move joints on match beam model.rule_Connect_90lap(selected_beams, projected_point_list, coplanar_face_ids, beam_length, ext_len, create_id()) print(len(projected_point_list)) print(projected_point_list) #Save Derivation (Model is also saved) derivation.to_json(rhino_UI_utilities.get_json_file_location(), pretty=True) # Visualization viz_point = [] for pt in projected_point_list: a = (pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) viz_point.append({'pos': a, 'color': (0, 255, 0)}) artist = MeshArtist(None, layer='BEAM::Beams_out') artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_points(viz_point) for beam in model.beams: artist = MeshArtist( beam.mesh, layer='BEAM::Beams_out' ) #.mesh is not ideal fix in beam and assemble class artist.draw_faces(join_faces=True)
'strip': '09' })), list(FABRIC.faces_where({ 'panel': 'RING', 'strip': '10' })), ] STRIPS = SOUTH + SW + WEST + NW + NORTH + RING # ============================================================================== # Visualise # ============================================================================== ARTIST = MeshArtist(FABRIC, layer="Fabric") ARTIST.clear_layer() # INTRADOS ARTIST.mesh = IDOS ARTIST.layer = "Fabric::Intrados" for i, strip in enumerate(STRIPS): guid = ARTIST.draw_faces(keys=strip, join_faces=True) color = (255, 128, 128) if i % 2 else (255, 0, 0) rs.ObjectColor(guid, color) ARTIST.layer = "Fabric::Normals" ARTIST.draw_facenormals(color=(255, 0, 0), scale=0.05)
unload_modules('mysubdivision') unload_modules('shapes') # 2D Subdivision vertices = [[0.5, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-0.5, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 0.0]] faces = [[0, 1, 2], [1, 0, 3]] my_mesh = Mesh.from_vertices_and_faces(vertices, faces) artist = MeshArtist(my_mesh, layer="00_my_first mesh") artist.clear_layer() artist.draw_vertices() artist.draw_faces() artist.draw_edges() artist.draw_vertexlabels() artist.draw_facelabels() artist.draw_edgelabels() # iterate through the mesh # for key,attr in my_mesh.vertices(True): # print (key, attr['x'], attr['y'], attr['z']) # for key in my_mesh.faces(): # print(key) # for key in my_mesh.edges():
""" width, length, height = 1, 1, 8 box = Box(F, width, length, height) #create projection projection_plane = Plane([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1]) #world XY plane P = Projection.from_plane(projection_plane) #orthogonal projection print("Projection:\n", P) """ CREATE PROJECTED MESH """ mesh_01 = Mesh.from_shape(box) projected_mesh = mesh_01 try: projected_mesh.transform(P) except: print("Something went wrong with the projection") """ ARTISTS """ artist_01 = BoxArtist(box, layer='box') artist_02 = MeshArtist(mesh_01, layer='box::projection edges') artist_01.clear_layer() artist_02.clear_layer() artist_01.draw() artist_02.draw_edges(color="#00ff00")