コード例 #1
def test_make_service(benchmark, args):
    service_binary, env_class = args
    service = CompilerGymServiceConnection(service_binary)
        benchmark(lambda: env_class(service=service.connection.url).close())
コード例 #2
def env(request) -> CompilerEnv:
    """Create an LLVM environment."""
    if request.param == "local":
        env = gym.make("llvm-v0")
            yield env
        service = CompilerGymServiceConnection(SERVICE_BIN)
        env = LlvmEnv(service=service.connection.url, benchmark="foo")
            yield env
コード例 #3
class CompilerEnv(gym.Env):
    """An OpenAI gym environment for compiler optimizations.

    The easiest way to create a CompilerGym environment is to call
    :code:`gym.make()` on one of the registered environments:

    >>> env = gym.make("llvm-v0")

    Alternatively, an environment can be constructed directly, such as by
    connecting to a running compiler service at :code:`localhost:8080` (see
    :doc:`/compiler_gym/service` for more details on connecting to services):

    >>> env = CompilerEnv(

    Once constructed, an environment can be used in exactly the same way as a
    regular :code:`gym.Env`, e.g.

    >>> observation = env.reset()
    >>> for i in range(100):
    >>>     action = env.action_space.sample()
    >>>     observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
    >>>     if done:
    >>>         break
    >>> print(f"Reward after {i} steps: {reward}")
    Reward after 100 steps: -0.32123

    :ivar service: A connection to the underlying compiler service.
    :vartype service: compiler_gym.service.CompilerGymServiceConnection

    :ivar action_spaces: A list of supported action space names.
    :vartype action_spaces: List[str]

    :ivar reward_range: A tuple indicating the range of reward values.
        Default range is (-inf, +inf).
    :vartype reward_range: Tuple[float, float]

    :ivar observation_space: The observation space. If eager observations are
        not set, this is :code:`None`, and :func:`step()` will return
        :code:`None` for the observation value.
    :vartype observation_space: Optional[Space]

    :ivar datasets_site_path: The filesystem path used by the service
        to store benchmarks.
    :vartype datasets_site_path: Optional[Path]

    :ivar available_datasets: A mapping from dataset name to :class:`Dataset`
        objects that are available to download.
    :vartype available_datasets: Dict[str, Dataset]

    :ivar observation: A view of the available observation spaces that permits
        on-demand computation of observations.
    :vartype observation: compiler_gym.views.ObservationView

    :ivar reward: A view of the available reward spaces that permits on-demand
        computation of rewards.
    :vartype reward: compiler_gym.views.RewardView
    def __init__(
        service: Union[str, Path],
        benchmark: Optional[Union[str, Benchmark]] = None,
        observation_space: Optional[str] = None,
        reward_space: Optional[str] = None,
        action_space: Optional[str] = None,
        connection_settings: Optional[ConnectionOpts] = None,
        """Construct and initialize a CompilerGym service environment.

        :param service: The hostname and port of a service that implements the
            CompilerGym service interface, or the path of a binary file
            which provides the CompilerGym service interface when executed.
            See :doc:`/compiler_gym/service` for details.
        :param benchmark: The name of the benchmark to use for this environment.
            The choice of benchmark can be deferred by not providing this
            argument and instead passing by choosing from the
            :code:`CompilerEnv.benchmarks` attribute and passing it to
            :func:`reset()` when called.
        :param observation_space: Compute and return observations at each
            :func:`step()` from this space. If not provided, :func:`step()`
            returns :code:`None` for the observation value.
        :param reward_space: Compute and return reward at each :func:`step()`
            from this space. If not provided, :func:`step()` returns
            :code:`None` for the reward value.
        :param action_space: The name of the action space to use. If not
            specified, the default action space for this compiler is used.
        :raises FileNotFoundError: If service is a path to a file that is not
        :raises TimeoutError: If the compiler service fails to initialize
            within the parameters provided in :code:`connection_settings`.
        self.metadata = {"render.modes": ["human", "ansi"]}

        self.service_endpoint = service
        self.connection_settings = connection_settings or ConnectionOpts()
        self.datasets_site_path: Optional[Path] = None
        self.available_datasets: Dict[str, Dataset] = {}

        # The benchmark that is currently being used, and the benchmark that
        # the user requested. Those do not always correlate, since the user
        # could request a random benchmark.
        self._benchmark_in_use_uri: Optional[str] = None
        self._user_specified_benchmark_uri: Optional[str] = None
        # A map from benchmark URIs to Benchmark messages. We keep track of any
        # user-provided custom benchmarks so that we can register them with a
        # reset service.
        self._custom_benchmarks: Dict[str, Benchmark] = {}

        self.action_space_name = action_space

        self.service = CompilerGymServiceConnection(self.service_endpoint,

        # Process the available action, observation, and reward spaces.
        self.action_spaces = [
            self._make_action_space(space.name, space.action)
            for space in self.service.action_spaces
        self.observation = self._observation_view_type(
            get_observation=lambda req: self.service(
                self.service.stub.GetObservation, req),
        self.reward = self._reward_view_type(
            get_reward=lambda req: self.service(self.service.stub.GetReward,

        # Lazily evaluated version strings.
        self._versions: Optional[GetVersionReply] = None

        # A compiler service supports multiple simultaneous environments. This
        # session ID is used to identify this environment.
        self._session_id: Optional[int] = None

        # Mutable state initialized in reset().
        self.action_space: Optional[Space] = None
        self.observation_space: Optional[Space] = None
        self.reward_range: Tuple[float, float] = (-np.inf, np.inf)

        # Initialize eager observation/reward and benchmark.
        self.observation_space = observation_space
        self.reward_space = reward_space
        self.benchmark = benchmark

    def versions(self) -> GetVersionReply:
        """Get the version numbers from the compiler service."""
        if self._versions is None:
            self._versions = self.service(self.service.stub.GetVersion,
        return self._versions

    def version(self) -> str:
        """The version string of the compiler service."""
        return self.versions.service_version

    def compiler_version(self) -> str:
        """The version string of the underlying compiler that this service supports."""
        return self.versions.compiler_version

    def commandline(self) -> str:
        """Return the current state as a commandline invocation.

        :return: A string commandline invocation.
        return ""

    def inactive_datasets_site_path(self) -> Optional[Path]:
        """The filesystem path used to store inactive benchmarks."""
        if self.datasets_site_path:
            return (self.datasets_site_path.parent /
            return None

    def action_space(self) -> NamedDiscrete:
        """The current action space.

        :getter: Get the current action space.
        :setter: Set the action space to use. Must be an entry in
            :code:`action_spaces`. If :code:`None`, the default action space is
        return self._action_space

    def action_space(self, action_space: Optional[str]):
        index = ([a.name for a in self.action_spaces].index(action_space)
                 if self.action_space_name else 0)
        self._action_space: NamedDiscrete = self.action_spaces[index]

    def benchmark(self) -> Optional[str]:
        """Get or set the name of the benchmark to use.

        :getter: Get the name of the current benchmark. Returns :code:`None` if
            :func:`__init__` was not provided a benchmark and :func:`reset` has
            not yet been called.
        :setter: Set the benchmark to use. If :code:`None`, a random benchmark
            is selected by the service on each call to :func:`reset`. Else,
            the same benchmark is used for every episode.

        By default, a benchmark will be selected randomly by the service
        from the available :func:`benchmarks` on a call to :func:`reset`. To
        force a specific benchmark to be chosen, set this property (or pass
        the benchmark as an argument to :func:`reset`):

        >>> env.benchmark = "benchmark://foo"
        >>> env.reset()
        >>> env.benchmark

        Once set, all subsequent calls to :func:`reset` will select the same

        >>> env.benchmark = None
        >>> env.reset()  # random benchmark is chosen

        .. note::
            Setting a new benchmark has no effect until :func:`~reset()` is

        To return to random benchmark selection, set this property to
        return self._benchmark_in_use_uri

    def benchmark(self, benchmark: Optional[Union[str, Benchmark]]):
        if self.in_episode:
                "Changing the benchmark has no effect until reset() is called."
        if isinstance(benchmark, str) or benchmark is None:
            self._user_specified_benchmark_uri = benchmark
        elif isinstance(benchmark, Benchmark):
            self._user_specified_benchmark_uri = benchmark.uri
            # Register the custom benchmark, and record the Benchmark object
            # in case of environment restart.
            self._custom_benchmarks[benchmark.uri] = benchmark
            raise TypeError(
                f"Unsupported benchmark type: {type(benchmark).__name__}")

    def reward_space(self) -> Optional[RewardSpaceSpec]:
        """The eager reward space. This is the reward that is returned by

        :getter: Returns a :class:`RewardSpaceSpec <compiler_gym.views.RewardSpaceSpec>`,
            or :code:`None` if not set.
        :setter: Set the eager reward space.

        .. note::
            Setting a new eager reward space has no effect until
            :func:`~reset()` is called on the environment.
        return (self.reward.spaces[self._eager_reward_space]
                if self._eager_reward_space else None)

    def reward_space(self, reward_space: Optional[str]) -> None:
        if reward_space is not None and reward_space not in self.reward.spaces:
            raise LookupError(f"Reward space not found: {reward_space}")
        if self.in_episode:
                "Changing eager reward space has no effect until reset() is called."
        self._eager_reward: bool = reward_space is not None
        self._eager_reward_space: str = reward_space or ""
        if self._eager_reward:
            self.reward_range = self.reward.spaces[reward_space].range
            self.reward_range = (-np.inf, np.inf)

    def in_episode(self) -> bool:
        """Whether the service is ready for :func:`step` to be called,
        i.e. :func:`reset` has been called and :func:`close` has not.

        :return: :code:`True` if in an episode, else :code:`False`.
        return self._session_id is not None

    def observation_space(self) -> Optional[ObservationSpaceSpec]:
        """The eager observation space. This is the observation value that is
        returned by :func:`~step()`.

        :getter: Returns the specification of the eager observation space, or
            :code:`None` if not set.
        :setter: Set the eager observation space.

        .. note::
            Setting a new eager observation space has no effect until
            :func:`~reset()` is called on the environment.
        return self._eager_observation_space

    def observation_space(self, observation_space: Optional[str]) -> None:
        if (observation_space is not None
                and observation_space not in self.observation.spaces):
            raise LookupError(
                f"Observation space not found: {observation_space}")
        if self.in_episode:
                "Changing eager observation space has no effect until reset() is called."
        self._eager_observation = observation_space is not None
        if self._eager_observation:
            self._eager_observation_space = self.observation.spaces[
            self._eager_observation_space = None

    def close(self):
        """Close the environment.

        Once closed, :func:`reset` must be called before the environment is used
        # Try and close out the episode, but errors are okay.
        if self.in_episode:
            self._session_id = None

        if self.service:

        self.service = None

    def __del__(self):
        # Don't let the service be orphaned if user forgot to close(), or
        # if an exception was thrown. The conditional guard is because this
        # may be called in case of early error.
        if hasattr(self, "service") and getattr(self, "service"):

    def reset(
        benchmark: Optional[Union[str, Benchmark]] = None,
        action_space: Optional[str] = None,
        retry_count: int = 0,
    ) -> Optional[observation_t]:
        """Reset the environment state.

        This method must be called before :func:`step()`.

        :param benchmark: The name of the benchmark to use. If provided, it
            overrides any value that was set during :func:`__init__`, and
            becomes subsequent calls to :code:`reset()` will use this benchmark.
            If no benchmark is provided, and no benchmark was provided to
            :func:`__init___`, the service will randomly select a benchmark to
        :param action_space: The name of the action space to use. If provided,
            it overrides any value that set during :func:`__init__`, and
            subsequent calls to :code:`reset()` will use this action space.
            If no aciton space is provided, the default action space is used.
        if retry_count > self.connection_settings.init_max_attempts:
            raise OSError(
                f"Failed to reset environment after {retry_count} attempts")

        # Start a new service if required.
        if self.service is None:
            self.service = CompilerGymServiceConnection(
                self.service_endpoint, self.connection_settings)
            # Re-register any custom benchmarks.

        self.action_space_name = action_space or self.action_space_name

        # Stop an existing episode.
        if self.in_episode:
            self._session_id = None

        # Update the user requested benchmark, if provided. NOTE: This means
        # that env.reset(benchmark=None) does NOT unset a forced benchmark.
        if benchmark:
            self.benchmark = benchmark

            reply = self.service(
                    action_space=([a.name for a in self.action_spaces].index(
                                  if self.action_space_name else 0),
                    eager_observation_space=(self.observation_space.index if
                                             self.observation_space else None),
                                        if self.reward_space else None),
        except (ServiceError, ServiceTransportError):
            # Abort and retry on error.
            self.service = None
            return self.reset(
                retry_count=retry_count + 1,

        self._benchmark_in_use_uri = reply.benchmark
        self._session_id = reply.session_id
        self.observation.session_id = reply.session_id
        self.reward.session_id = reply.session_id

        # If the action space has changed, update it.
        if reply.HasField("new_action_space"):
            self.action_space = self._make_action_space(
                self.action_space.name, reply.new_action_space.action)

        if self._eager_observation:
            return self.observation[self.observation_space.id]

    def step(self, action: int) -> step_t:
        """Take a step.

        :param action: Value from the action_space.
        :return: A tuple of observation, reward, done, and info. Observation and
            reward are None if eager observation/reward is not set. If done
            is True, observation and reward may also be None (e.g. because the
            service failed).
        assert self.in_episode, "Must call reset() before step()"
        observation, reward = None, None
        request = ActionRequest(session_id=self._session_id, action=[action])
            reply = self.service(self.service.stub.TakeAction, request)
        except (ServiceError, ServiceTransportError, TimeoutError) as e:
            info = {"error_details": str(e)}
            return observation, reward, True, info

        # If the action space has changed, update it.
        if reply.HasField("new_action_space"):
            self.action_space = self._make_action_space(
                self.action_space.name, reply.action_space.action)

        if self._eager_observation:
            observation = self.observation.translate(
        if self._eager_reward:
            reward = reply.reward.reward

        info = {
            "action_had_no_effect": reply.action_had_no_effect,
            "new_action_space": reply.HasField("new_action_space"),

        return observation, reward, reply.end_of_episode, info

    def render(
    ) -> Optional[str]:
        """Render the environment.

        CompilerEnv instances support two render modes: "human", which prints
        the current environment state to the terminal and return nothing; and
        "ansi", which returns a string representation of the current environment

        :param mode: The render mode to use.
        :raises TypeError: If eager observations are not set, or if the
            requested render mode does not exist.
        if not self.observation_space:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot call render() when no observation space is used")
        observation = self.observation[self.observation_space.id]
        if mode == "human":
        elif mode == "ansi":
            return str(observation)
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid mode: {mode}")

    def benchmarks(self) -> List[str]:
        """Enumerate the list of available benchmarks."""
        reply = self.service(self.service.stub.GetBenchmarks,
        return list(reply.benchmark)

    def _make_action_space(self, name: str, entries: List[str]) -> Space:
        """Create an action space from the given values.

        Subclasses may override this method to produce specialized action

        :param name: The name of the action space.
        :param entries: The entries in the action space.
        :return: A :code:`gym.Space` instance.
        return NamedDiscrete(entries, name)

    def _observation_view_type(self):
        """Returns the type for observation views.

        Subclasses may override this to extend the default observation view.
        return ObservationView

    def _reward_view_type(self):
        """Returns the type for reward views.

        Subclasses may override this to extend the default reward view.
        return RewardView

    def require_datasets(self, datasets: List[Union[str, Dataset]]) -> None:
        """Require that the given datasets are available to the environment.

        Example usage:

            >>> env = gym.make("llvm-v0")
            >>> env.require_dataset(["npb-v0"])
            >>> env.benchmarks
            ["npb-v0/1", "npb-v0/2", ...]

        This is equivalent to calling
        :meth:`require(self, dataset) <compiler_gym.datasets.require>` on
        the list of datasets.

        :param datasets: A list of datasets to require. Each dataset is the name
            of an available dataset, the URL of a dataset to download, or a
            :class:`Dataset` instance.
        dataset_installed = False
        for dataset in datasets:
            dataset_installed |= require(self, dataset)
        if dataset_installed:
            # Signal to the compiler service that the contents of the site data
            # directory has changed.

    def require_dataset(self, dataset: Union[str, Dataset]) -> None:
        """Require that the given dataset is available to the environment.

        Alias for
        :meth:`env.require_datasets([dataset]) <compiler_gym.envs.CompilerEnv.require_datasets>`.

        :param dataset: The name of the dataset to download, the URL of the dataset, or a
            :class:`Dataset` instance.
        return self.require_datasets([dataset])

    def make_manifest_file(self) -> Path:
        """Create the MANIFEST file.

        :return: The path of the manifest file.
        with fasteners.InterProcessLock(self.datasets_site_path / "LOCK"):
            manifest_path = (self.datasets_site_path.parent /
            with open(str(manifest_path), "w") as f:
                for root, _, files in os.walk(self.datasets_site_path):
                            f"{root[len(str(self.datasets_site_path)) + 1:]}/{f}"
                            for f in files
                            if not f.endswith(".json") and f != "LOCK"
        return manifest_path

    def register_dataset(self, dataset: Dataset) -> None:
        """Register a new dataset.

        After registering, the dataset name may be used by
        :meth:`require_dataset() <compiler_gym.envs.CompilerEnv.require_dataset>`
        to install and activate it.

        Example usage:

            >>> my_dataset = Dataset(name="my-dataset-v0", ...)
            >>> env = gym.make("llvm-v0")
            >>> env.register_dataset(my_dataset)
            >>> env.require_dataset("my-dataset-v0")
            >>> env.benchmark = "my-dataset-v0/1"

        :param dataset: A :class:`Dataset` instance describing the new dataset.
        :raises ValueError: If a dataset with this name is already registered.
        if dataset.name in self.available_datasets:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Dataset already registered with name: {dataset.name}")
        self.available_datasets[dataset.name] = dataset
コード例 #4
def test_make_service(benchmark):
    service = CompilerGymServiceConnection(llvm.LLVM_SERVICE_BINARY)
        benchmark(lambda: LlvmEnv(service=service.connection.url).close())