コード例 #1
    def add_panel(self, y1, y2, stack=None, plyts=None, plyt=None,
            laminaprops=None, laminaprop=None, model=None, mu=None, **kwargs):
        """Add a new panel to the current panel bay

        y1 : float
            Position of the first panel edge along `y`.
        y2 : float
            Position of the second panel edge along `y`.
        stack : list, optional
            Panel stacking sequence. If not given the stacking sequence of the
            bay will be used.
        plyts : list, optional
            Thicknesses for each panel ply. If not supplied the bay ``plyts``
            attribute will be used.
        plyt : float, optional
            Unique thickness to be used for all panel plies. If not supplied
            the bay ``plyt`` attribute will be used.
        laminaprops : list, optional
            Lamina properties for each panel ply.
        laminaprop : list, optional
            Unique lamina properties for all panel plies.
        model : str, optional
            Not recommended to pass this parameter, but the user can use a
            different model for each panel. It is recommended to defined
            ``model`` for the bay object.
        mu : float, optional
            Panel material density. If not given the bay density will be used.

        Additional parameters can be passed using the ``kwargs``.

        p = Panel()
        p.m = self.m
        p.n = self.n
        p.a = self.a
        p.b = self.b
        p.r = self.r
        p.y1 = y1
        p.y2 = y2
        p.d = 0.
        p.model = model if model is not None else self.model
        p.stack = stack if stack is not None else self.stack
        p.plyt = plyt if plyt is not None else self.plyt
        p.plyts = plyts if plyts is not None else self.plyts
        p.laminaprop = laminaprop if laminaprop is not None else self.laminaprop
        p.laminaprops = laminaprops if laminaprops is not None else self.laminaprops
        p.mu = mu if mu is not None else self.mu

        p.u1tx = self.u1tx
        p.u1rx = self.u1rx
        p.u2tx = self.u2tx
        p.u2rx = self.u2rx
        p.v1tx = self.v1tx
        p.v1rx = self.v1rx
        p.v2tx = self.v2tx
        p.v2rx = self.v2rx
        p.w1tx = self.w1tx
        p.w1rx = self.w1rx
        p.w2tx = self.w2tx
        p.w2rx = self.w2rx
        p.u1ty = self.u1ty
        p.u1ry = self.u1ry
        p.u2ty = self.u2ty
        p.u2ry = self.u2ry
        p.v1ty = self.v1ty
        p.v1ry = self.v1ry
        p.v2ty = self.v2ty
        p.v2ry = self.v2ry
        p.w1ty = self.w1ty
        p.w1ry = self.w1ry
        p.w2ty = self.w2ty
        p.w2ry = self.w2ry

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            setattr(p, k, v)
