コード例 #1
    def decode_dynamic(self, dec_input_var, encoder_hidden, encoder_outputs):
        Decoding policy 2: feeding the previous prediction as a target
        :param dec_input_var: ground truth labels (used only to get the shape, not for decoding)
        :param encoder_hidden: the last hidden state of the Encoder RNN; (num_layers * num_directions) x B x enc_dim
        :param encoder_outputs: SL x B x enc_dim
        dec_len = dec_input_var.size()[0]
        batch_size = dec_input_var.size()[1]
        dec_hidden = encoder_hidden
        dec_input = cuda_if_gpu(
            Variable(torch.LongTensor([BOS_ID] * batch_size)))
        predicted_logits = cuda_if_gpu(
            Variable(torch.zeros(dec_len, batch_size, self.tgt_vocab_size)))

        # Dynamic decoding: feed the previous prediction as the next input
        for di in range(dec_len):
            prev_y = self.embedding_mat(dec_input)  # B x E
            # prev_y = self.dropout(prev_y)
            dec_output, dec_hidden, attn_weights = self.decoder(
                prev_y, dec_hidden, encoder_outputs)
            # shapes:
            # - dec_output: B, TV
            # - dec_hidden: 1, B, dec_dim
            # - attn_weights: B x SL

            predicted_logits[di] = dec_output
            topval, topidx = dec_output.data.topk(1)
            dec_input = cuda_if_gpu(

        return predicted_logits
コード例 #2
    def decode_teacher(self, dec_input_var, encoder_hidden, encoder_outputs):
        Decoding policy 1: feeding the ground truth label as a target
        :param dec_input_var: ground truth labels
        :param encoder_hidden: the last hidden state of the Encoder RNN; (num_layers * num_directions) x B x enc_dim
        :param encoder_outputs: SL x B x enc_dim

        dec_len = dec_input_var.size()[0]
        batch_size = dec_input_var.size()[1]
        dec_hidden = encoder_hidden
        dec_input = cuda_if_gpu(
            Variable(torch.LongTensor([BOS_ID] * batch_size)))
        predicted_logits = cuda_if_gpu(
            Variable(torch.zeros(dec_len, batch_size, self.tgt_vocab_size)))

        # Teacher forcing: feed the target as the next input
        for di in range(dec_len):
            prev_y = self.embedding_mat(
            )  # embedding lookup of a vector of length = B; result: B x E
            # prev_y = self.dropout(prev_y) # apply dropout
            dec_output, dec_hidden, attn_weights = self.decoder(
                prev_y, dec_hidden, encoder_outputs)
            # shapes:
            # - dec_output: B, TV
            # - dec_hidden: 1, B, dec_dim
            # - attn_weights: B x SL

            predicted_logits[di] = dec_output  # store this step's outputs
            dec_input = dec_input_var[di]  # next input

        return predicted_logits
コード例 #3
    def predict(self, input_var):

        # Embedding lookup
        encoder_input_embedded = self.embedding_lookup(input_var)

        # Encode
        encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(encoder_input_embedded)

        # Decode
        dec_ids, attn_w = [], []
        curr_token_id = BOS_ID
        curr_dec_idx = 0
        dec_input_var = cuda_if_gpu(Variable(torch.LongTensor([curr_token_id
        dec_hidden = encoder_hidden[:1]  # 1 x B x enc_dim

        while (curr_token_id != EOS_ID and curr_dec_idx <= self.max_tgt_len):
            prev_y = self.embedding_mat(dec_input_var)
            # prev_y = self.dropout(prev_y)

            decoder_output, dec_hidden, decoder_attention = self.decoder(
                prev_y, dec_hidden, encoder_outputs)

            topval, topidx = decoder_output.data.topk(1)
            curr_token_id = topidx[0][0]
            dec_input_var = cuda_if_gpu(

            curr_dec_idx += 1

        return dec_ids, attn_w
コード例 #4
    def train_step(self, model, datum):
        datum = [
            cuda_if_gpu(Variable(torch.LongTensor(t)).transpose(0, 1))
            for t in datum
        ]  # [SL x B, TL x B]

        logits = model.forward(datum)  # TL x B x TV
        loss_var = self.calc_loss(
            logits, datum)  # have to compute log_logits, since using NLL loss
        return loss_var
コード例 #5
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: gauravkc2794/NLG-model
    def init_hidden(self, batch_size):
        hidden = Variable(
            torch.zeros(self.rnn.num_layers * self.num_directions, batch_size,

        return cuda_if_gpu(hidden)
コード例 #6
    def predict_beam(self, input_var, beam_size=5, length_normalization_factor=0.0, length_normalization_const=5.):
        from components.model.Beam import Sequence, TopN
        partial_sequences = TopN(beam_size) 
        complete_sequences = TopN(beam_size)
        # Embedding lookup
        encoder_input_embedded = self.embedding_lookup(input_var)

        # Encode
        encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(encoder_input_embedded)
        curr_token_id = BOS_ID
        dec_input_var = cuda_if_gpu(Variable(torch.LongTensor([curr_token_id])))
        dec_hidden = encoder_hidden[:1]  # 1 x B x enc_dim
        prev_y = self.embedding_mat(dec_input_var)
        decoder_output, dec_hidden, decoder_attention = self.decoder(prev_y, dec_hidden, encoder_outputs) # decode the logprobs, words

        logprobs, words = decoder_output.data.topk( beam_size )
        logprobs, words = logprobs[0], words[0]
        for k in range(beam_size):
                seq = Sequence(
                    output=[curr_token_id] + [words[k]],
        for i in range(self.max_tgt_len):
            partial_sequences_list = partial_sequences.extract()
            seqs = [x.output for x in partial_sequences_list]
            flattened_partial = [s for s in partial_sequences_list]
            input_feed = [c.output[-1] for c in flattened_partial]
            state_feed = [c.state for c in flattened_partial]
            # print(input_feed)
            if len(input_feed) == 0:
            words_, logprobs_, states_ = [], [], []
            for input_feed_, state_feed_ in zip(input_feed, state_feed):
                dec_input_var = cuda_if_gpu(Variable(torch.LongTensor([input_feed_])))
                prev_y = self.embedding_mat(dec_input_var)
                decoder_output, dec_hidden, decoder_attention = self.decoder(prev_y, state_feed_, encoder_outputs)
                logprobs, words = decoder_output.data.topk( beam_size + 1 )
                logprobs, words = logprobs[0], words[0]
                # print("dec_input_var, words", words )
                words_.append(words), logprobs_.append(logprobs), states_.append( dec_hidden )
            idx = 0
            # print(len(seqs), words_)
            for partial in partial_sequences_list:
                dec_hidden = states_[idx]
                attention = None
                k, num_hyp = 0, 0
                while num_hyp < beam_size:
                    w = words_[idx].data[k]
                    # print("w", w.data.item())
                    output = partial.output + [w]
                    # print(idx, "output", output, w.data.item() == EOS_ID)
                    logprob = partial.logprob + logprobs_[idx][k]
                    score = logprob
                    k += 1
                    num_hyp += 1
                    if w.data.item() == EOS_ID:
                            if length_normalization_factor > 0:
                                L = length_normalization_const
                                length_penalty = (L + len(output)) / (L + 1)
                                score /= length_penalty ** length_normalization_factor
                            beam = Sequence(output, dec_hidden,
                                            logprob, score, attention)
                            num_hyp -= 1  # we can fit another hypotheses as this one is over
                        beam = Sequence(output, dec_hidden, logprob, score, attention)
                idx += 1
        seqs = complete_sequences.extract(sort=True)
        dec_ids, score = [], []
        for seq in seqs:
            dec_ids.append( seq.output[1:] )
            score.append( seq.score.data.item() )
            # print(seq.output, seq.score, seq.logprob)
        # print(dec_ids, score)
        # exit()
        return dec_ids, score
コード例 #7
 def predict_dis(self, input_var, input_dis, alpha=1.0):
     encoder_input_embedded = self.embedding_lookup(input_var)
     encoder_outputs, encoder_hidden = self.encoder(encoder_input_embedded)
     dec_hidden = encoder_hidden[:1]
     # use the prepared first distractor input as the distractor input
     choose_idx, dis_embed = 0, self.embedding_lookup(input_dis[0])
     dis_o, dis_h = self.encoder(dis_embed)
     dis_dec_h, dis_enc_o = dis_h[:1], dis_o
     cur_simi = sum(int(x==y) for x, y in zip(input_var, input_dis[0]))
     """ # choose the most similar of different distractor from the prepared inputs (not necessary)
     for cur_id, cur_dis in enumerate(input_dis[1:]):
         dis_embed = self.embedding_lookup( cur_dis )
         dis_o, dis_h = self.encoder(dis_embed)
         cur_dec_h = dis_h[:1]
         tmp_simi  = sum(int(x==y) for x, y in zip(input_var, cur_dis))  
         #tmp_simi = torch.dot( dec_hidden.view(-1), cur_dec_h.view(-1) ).item()
         #if tmp_simi > cur_simi:
         #    dis_dec_h, dis_enc_o = cur_dec_h, dis_o
         #    choose_idx = cur_id + 1
         #    cur_simi = tmp_simi
         if tmp_simi > cur_simi:
         #if tmp_simi < cur_simi:
            dis_dec_h, dis_enc_o = cur_dec_h, dis_o
            choose_idx = cur_id + 1
            cur_simi = tmp_simi
     real_simi = torch.dot( dec_hidden.view(-1), dec_hidden.view(-1) ).item()
     cur_m = cuda_if_gpu( torch.FloatTensor( [ real_simi / (real_simi + cur_simi), cur_simi / (real_simi + cur_simi)] ) )
     cur_m = cur_m.unsqueeze(0)
     curr_token_id = BOS_ID
     dec_input_var = cuda_if_gpu(Variable(torch.LongTensor([curr_token_id])))
     dec_ids, attn_w = [], []
     curr_dec_idx = 0
     while (curr_token_id != EOS_ID and curr_dec_idx <= self.max_tgt_len):
         prev_y = self.embedding_mat(dec_input_var)
         decoder_output, dec_hidden, decoder_attention = self.decoder(prev_y, dec_hidden, encoder_outputs)
         dis_o, dis_dec_h, dis_a = self.decoder(prev_y, dis_dec_h, dis_enc_o)
         #print(decoder_output.shape, dis_o.shape)
         s0_p = torch.cat( [decoder_output.unsqueeze(-1), dis_o.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1)
         gold_p = decoder_output + torch.log(cur_m[0][0])
         dis_p = dis_o + torch.log( cur_m[0][1] )
         s0_tmp = torch.cat( [gold_p.unsqueeze(-1), dis_p.unsqueeze(-1)], dim=-1)
         l0_p = F.log_softmax( s0_tmp, dim=-1 )
         l1_p = s0_p + l0_p
         s1_p = s0_p + alpha * l0_p
         l1_p = F.softmax(l1_p, dim=-1)
         s1_p = F.softmax(s1_p, dim=1)
         lp_ = torch.log(s1_p[:, :, 0] + 1e-8)
         _, p_id = lp_.data.topk(k=1, dim=-1)
         p_id, l1_p, cur_m = p_id.cuda().long(), l1_p.cuda(), cur_m.cuda()
             cur_m = cuda_if_gpu( torch.FloatTensor([l1_p[:, :, 0][0][w], l1_p[:, :, 1][0][w]]) )
             cur_m = cur_m.unsqueeze(0)
             cur_m /= torch.sum(cur_m, dim=-1).view(-1, 1)
             cur_m = cur_m
         curr_token_id = p_id[0][0]
         dec_input_var = cuda_if_gpu(Variable(torch.LongTensor([curr_token_id])))
         curr_dec_idx += 1
     return dec_ids, attn_w