def send(self, data): target = data["target"] msg = data["data"] pretlist = settings().findtarget(target) self.logger(pretlist["status"] == 200, "debug", "yellow") if pretlist["status"] == 200: self.logger("here") try: wsdict = self.q.get(False)["websockdict"] except Exception as e: self.logger(e) return #self.q.put(wsdict, False) # always put it back tlist = pretlist["resource"] self.logger(wsdict) for t in tlist: self.logger(t) try: ws = wsdict[t] self.logger("websocket found") self.loop.run_until_complete(ws.send(msg)) self.logger("sent") except: wsdict.pop(t, "") self.q.put({"websockdict": wsdict}) # always put it back
async def msgcheck(self): self.logger("pubsub started") # pubsub checker to send messages while True: msg = self.p.get_message() if msg and type(msg["data"]) != int: msgdata = json.loads(msg["data"].decode()) category = msgdata["category"] target = msgdata["target"] if category == "sendmsg": realdata = json.loads(msgdata["data"]) category = realdata["category"] msgtype = realdata["type"] data = realdata["data"] metadata = realdata["metadata"] metadata["guid"] = self.createGUID() msg = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": msgtype, "data": data, "metadata": metadata } pretargetlist = settings().findtarget(target) if pretargetlist["status"] == 200: targetlist = pretargetlist["resource"] for target in targetlist: await self.MsgHandler.sendbyname(msg, target) else: self.logger(pretargetlist["resource"]) await asyncio.sleep(3)
def getauthentication(self): headers = {} preapicreds = settings().getsettings("credentials", "hereapi") if preapicreds["status"] == 200: apicreds = preapicreds["resource"] if "access_token" in apicreds: expirationdate = apicreds["expires_at"] if int( int(time()) ) < expirationdate: # token has expired, so ask for a new one accesstoken = apicreds["access_token"] else: id = apicreds["key_id"] secret = apicreds["key_secret"] accesstoken = oauth().get_token(id, secret) else: # apparently no token exists yet id = apicreds["key_id"] secret = apicreds["key_secret"] accesstoken = oauth().get_token(id, secret) else: # no settings dict exists, warn user and make them fill it in. return { "status": 404, "resource": "Please link with the HERE location services API." } headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + accesstoken return headers
def get_token(self, consumer_key, access_key_secret): self.oauth_consumer_key = consumer_key self.access_key_secret = access_key_secret self.oauth_nonce = str(int(time.time() * 1000)) self.oauth_timestamp = str(int(time.time())) parameter_string = self.create_parameter_string() tokendict = self.request_token(parameter_string, self.oauth_url) accesstoken = tokendict["access_token"] expirationdate = int(time.time()) + int(tokendict["expires_in"]) creddict = {} creddict["access_token"] = accesstoken creddict["expires_at"] = expirationdate settings().setsettings("credentials", "hereapi", creddict) return accesstoken
def __init__(self): self.tag = "anime" self.r = redis.Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0) self.p = self.r.pubsub() self.publishchoice = "HorribleSubs" self.firstshow = True self.watchall = False # change to true to look for all shows prelist = settings().getsettings("anime", "list") if prelist["status"] == 200: self.watchlist = prelist["resource"] else: # alert user self.watchlist = self.findshows() predict = settings().getsettings("anime", None) if predict["status"] == 200: self.maindict = predict["resource"].get("maindict", {}) #self.maindict = predict["resource"] #self.animedict = predict["resource"] else: self.maindict = {}
def anime(self, eventtype): if eventtype == "aired": lastshow = settings().getsettings("anime", "lastshow")["resource"] premsgdata = settings().getsettings( "anime", "maindict")["resource"][lastshow] msgdata = {} target = "anime" msgdata["category"] = "anime" msgdata["type"] = "latest" datadict = {} datadict["title"] = lastshow datadict["lastep"] = premsgdata["lastep"] datadict["art"] = premsgdata["art"] datadict["aired_at"] = premsgdata["aired_at"] msgdata["data"] = datadict msgdata["metadata"] = {"target": "anime", "status": 200} #finalmsg = json.dumps({"command":"sendmsg", "msg":msgdata, "target":target}) finalmsg = {"command": "sendmsg", "msg": msgdata, "target": target} self.send(finalmsg) if eventtype == "compressed": pass
def getnextdeparturesatstop(self, busstopid=None): if not busstopid: prebusstop = settings().getsettings("Personalia", "homebusid") if prebusstop["status"] == 200: busstopid = prebusstop["resource"] else: # alert the user to ask for busstop id pass url = "" headers = self.getauthentication() params = {"ids": busstopid} result = requests.get(url=url, params=params, headers=headers) return result.json()
def loopfunc(self): self.logger("in loop func!", "info", "blue") while True: lst = settings().getsettings("anime", "maindict")["resource"] chosenshow = list(lst.keys())[random.randint(0, len(lst) - 1)] preshowdict = lst[chosenshow] title = chosenshow imagelink = preshowdict["art"]["cover"] bannerlink = preshowdict["art"]["banner"] episode = preshowdict["lastep"] timestamp = preshowdict["aired_at"] showdict = { "title": title, "lastep": episode, "aired_at": timestamp, "art": { "cover": imagelink, "banner": bannerlink } } category = "tests" type = "replace" metadata = {"target": "anime", "guid": self.createGUID()} finaldict = { "status": 200, "command": category, "type": type, "data": showdict, "metadata": metadata } for ws in self.socketlist: self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) # weather #results = weather().getcurrentweather()["resource"] #self.logger(results) #metadata = {"target":"weather", "guid": self.createGUID()} #finaldict = {"status": 200, "category": "weather", "type": "current", "data": results, "metadata":metadata} #for ws in self.socketlist: #self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) sleep(15)
def getshows(self, number = 1): base = f"{self.publishchoice}+%2B+[1080p]&c=1_2&f=2" feed = feedparser.parse(base) entries = feed.entries sessiondict = {} x = 0 while x < number: try: entry = entries[x] except IndexError: self.logger(f"Tried index {x} and failed.") break except Exception as e: self.logger("I tried logging.", "alert", "blue") title, show, episode = self.cleantitle(entry["title"]) link = entry["link"] if self.watchall: self.watchlist.append(show) if show in self.watchlist: sessiondict["command"] = "anime" sessiondict["title"] = show sessiondict["episode"] = episode if show not in self.maindict: imagelink, bannerlink, maxepisodes = self.getinfo(show) #TODO add synopsis self.maindict[show] = {"art":{}, "meta":{}} self.maindict[show]["art"]["cover"] = imagelink self.maindict[show]["art"]["banner"] = bannerlink self.maindict[show]["meta"]["maxepisodes"] = maxepisodes sessiondict["art"] = {} sessiondict["art"]["cover"] = self.maindict[show]["art"]["cover"] sessiondict["art"]["banner"] = self.maindict[show]["art"]["banner"] self.maindict[show]["lastep"] = episode animedict = settings().getsettings("anime", None)["resource"] self.logger(animedict["lastshow"]) if animedict.get("lastshow", "show") != show:, link) ct = int(time.time()) self.maindict[show]["aired_at"] = ct sessiondict["aired_at"] = ct targetlist = settings().checkavailability("computing")["resource"] if len(targetlist) == 0: Event().anime("aired") if self.firstshow: self.firstshow = False settings().setsettings("anime", "lastshow", show) self.r.set("lastshow", json.dumps(sessiondict)) x += 1 else: number += 1 x += 1 self.r.set("animedict", json.dumps(self.maindict)) settings().setsettings("anime", "maindict", self.maindict) return sessiondict
def findshows(self): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup url = "" html = requests.get(url) soup = BeautifulSoup(html.text, "html.parser") preshows = soup.find_all(class_="ind-show") showlist = [] chosenlist = [] for show in preshows: showlist.append(show.find("a")["title"]) for i, show in enumerate(showlist): print("Show number {} is: {}".format(i + 1, show)) interest = input("w to add {}".format(show)) if interest == "w": chosenlist.append(show) result = settings().setsettings("anime", "list", chosenlist) return result
async def messagehandler(self, ws, message): self.logger(message, "debug", "blue") category = message["category"] type = message["type"] data = message.get("data", {}) # optional metadata = message["metadata"] id = metadata.get("id", None) if id: self.logger("updating activity..", "debug", "yellow") settings().updateactivity(id, True) address = ws.remote_address[0] self.logger(metadata, "info", "blue") self.logger(message, "debug", "yellow") if "guid" not in metadata: # for tracking purposes metadata["guid"] = self.createGUID() self.logger("added guid!") if category == "help": if type == "anime": methods = ["list", "latest", "showinfo"] helpdata = data.get("method") or None if helpdata == None: message = "Please try inserting one of the methods as data, like: data:{\"method\":\"list\"}" finaldict = { "status": 200, "methods": methods, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, message, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) elif helpdata == "list": message = "TODO implement help message" finaldict = { "status": 200, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, message, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) elif helpdata == "latest": message = "TODO implement help message" finaldict = { "status": 200, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, message, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) elif helpdata == "showinfo": message = "TODO implement help message" finaldict = { "status": 200, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, message, metadata) await self.sendmsg(json.dumps(finaldict)) if category == "admin": if type == "signin": name = data["name"] devtype = data["devtype"] subs = data["subscriptions"] capabilities = data["capabilities"] newdata = { "name": name, "devtype": devtype, "subscriptions": subs, "lastaddress": address, "capabilities": capabilities } result = settings().setusersettings(newdata) self.logger(result, "debug", "yellow") if result["status"] == 201: # 201 because creation self.logger(result["resource"], "debug") id = result["resource"]["id"] settings().updateactivity(id, True) category = "admin" type = "signinresponse" data = {"id": id} metadata = {"status": 200} msg = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data, metadata) self.savesocket(ws, id) else: # maybe do different error codes here at some point category = "admin" type = "signinresponse" data = {"resource": "failed to sign in"} metadata = {"status": 503} msg = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, msg) self.logger("Sent Message!", "debug", "red") if category == "test": if type == "failure": data = {"message": "Failure is not acceptable"} finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "long": data = {"message": "Pfft that took a while.."} finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data) sleep(5) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "short": data = {"message": "That was quick!"} finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if category == "anime": if type == "list": prenamelist = settings().getsettings("anime", "list") preanimedict = settings().getsettings("anime", "maindict") if prenamelist["status"] == 200: anilist = [] namelist = prenamelist["resource"] maindict = preanimedict["resource"] for name in namelist: if name in maindict: entry = maindict[name] entry["title"] = name anilist.append(entry) data = {"list": anilist} finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": data, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) else: data = {"error": "error"} finaldict = { "status": 500, "category": category, "type": type, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "latest": preanidict = settings().getsettings( "anime") # get full anime dict if preanidict["status"] == 200: anidict = preanidict["resource"] latestshow = anidict["lastshow"] # catch errors for these anilist = anidict["list"] maindict = anidict["maindict"] showinfo = maindict[latestshow] showinfo["title"] = latestshow finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": showinfo, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, showinfo, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "showinfo": targetshow = data["show"] premaindict = settings().getsettings("anime", "maindict") if premaindict["status"] == 200: maindict = premaindict["resource"] showinfo = maindict[targetshow] # might not exist showinfo["title"] = targetshow finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": showinfo, "metadata": metadata } finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, showinfo, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if category == "weather": # requires a known and recent location. if type == "current": # TODO remove when implemented data = weather().getcurrentweather()["resource"] self.logger(data) finaldict = self.messagebuilder(category, type, data, metadata) await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if category == "calendar": # TODO remove when implemented finaldict = { "status": 501, "category": category, "metadata": metadata } await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if category == "monitor": # TODO remove when implemented finaldict = { "status": 501, "category": category, "metadata": metadata } await self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict)
def messagehandler(self, ws, message): message = json.loads(message) category = message["category"] type = message["type"] data = message.get("data", {}) # optional metadata = message.get("metadata", {}) # optional self.logger(metadata, "info", "blue") if "guid" not in metadata: # for tracking purposes metadata["guid"] = self.createGUID() self.logger("added guid!") if category == "admin": if type == "signin": #TODO implement sign in process pass if category == "test": if type == "failure": finaldict = { "status": 406, "category": category, "type": type, "data": { "message": "Failure is not acceptable" } } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "long": finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": { "message": "Pfft that took a while.." } } sleep(5) self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "short": finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": { "message": "That was quick!" } } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if category == "anime": if type == "help": methods = ["list", "latest", "showinfo"] helpdata = data["method"] or None if helpdata == None: message = "Please try inserting one of the methods as data, like: data:{\"method\":\"list\"}" finaldict = { "status": 200, "methods": methods, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) elif helpdata == "list": message = "TODO implement help message" finaldict = { "status": 200, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) elif helpdata == "latest": message = "TODO implement help message" finaldict = { "status": 200, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) elif helpdata == "showinfo": message = "TODO implement help message" finaldict = { "status": 200, "message": message, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(json.dumps(finaldict)) if type == "list": prenamelist = settings().getsettings("anime", "list") preanimedict = settings().getsettings("anime", "maindict") if prenamelist["status"] == 200: anilist = [] namelist = prenamelist["resource"] maindict = preanimedict["resource"] for name in namelist: if name in maindict: entry = maindict[name] entry["title"] = name anilist.append(entry) finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": { "list": anilist }, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) #TODO remove this testing message finaldict = { "status": 406, "message": "Failure is not acceptable" } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) else: finaldict = { "status": 500, "category": category, "type": type, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "latest": preanidict = settings().getsettings( "anime") # get full anime dict if preanidict["status"] == 200: anidict = preanidict["resource"] latestshow = anidict["lastshow"] # catch errors for these anilist = anidict["list"] maindict = anidict["maindict"] showinfo = maindict[latestshow] showinfo["title"] = latestshow finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": showinfo, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "showinfo": targetshow = data["show"] premaindict = settings().getsettings("anime", "maindict") if premaindict["status"] == 200: maindict = premaindict["resource"] showinfo = maindict[targetshow] # might not exist showinfo["title"] = targetshow finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": type, "data": showinfo, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if category == "weather": # TODO remove when implemented results = weather().getcurrentweather()["resource"] self.logger(results) finaldict = { "status": 200, "category": category, "type": "current", "data": results, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if type == "current": # require data to include location # TODO implement pass if category == "calendar": # TODO remove when implemented finaldict = { "status": 501, "category": category, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict) if category == "monitor": # TODO remove when implemented finaldict = { "status": 501, "category": category, "metadata": metadata } self.sendmsg(ws, finaldict)
def getcurrentweather(self): self.logger("CHANGE WEATHER INTERVAL", "alert", "red") prelocation = settings().getsettings("personalia", "location")["resource"] if "coords" not in prelocation: self.logger("Unable to find coordinates", "alert", "red") # ask for location(TODO: modules > getlocation?) # then try again #self.getforecast() lat, lon = prelocation["coords"] if "apikey" not in prelocation: self.logger("Weather api key not found.", "alert", "red") # run setup(TODO) again, explicitely asking for the weather api key. # then try again #self.getforecast() title = prelocation[ "city"] # if coords are in, city name will also be in apikey = prelocation["apikey"] baseurl = f"{lat}&lon={lon}&appid={apikey}&units=metric" #TODO try-catch this HTTP request res = requests.get(baseurl).json() if len(res.keys()) == 2: # error occured, read message self.logger(f"Error: {res['cod']}", "alert", "red") self.logger(f"Message: {res['message']}", "alert", "red") try: timezone = res["timezone"] # maybe write to file # current weather curdict = {} cur = res["current"] dt = int(time.time()) # time of request, unix, utc temp = cur["temp"] sunrise = cur["sunrise"] sunset = cur["sunset"] clouds = cur["clouds"] # cloudiness in % rain = cur.get("rain", None) windspeed = cur["wind_speed"] icon = cur["weather"][0]["icon"] iconbase = "" iconurl = iconbase + icon + "@2x.png" curdict = { "location": title, "time": dt, "temp": temp, "rain": rain, "sunrise": sunrise, "sunset": sunset, "clouds": clouds, "windspeed": windspeed, "iconurl": iconurl } # cache this to file, maybe? preoldweather = settings().getsettings("weather", "current") if preoldweather["status"] == 200: oldweather = preoldweather["resource"] oldtime = oldweather["time"] timediff = dt - oldtime if timediff > self.refreshtime: settings().setsettings("weather", "current", curdict) Event().weather(curdict) else: settings().setsettings("weather", "current", curdict) Event().weather(curdict) return {"status": 200, "resource": curdict} except Exception as e: #self.logger(e, "alert", "red") traceback.print_exc() return {"status": 503, "resource": "something went wrong."}