def create_subvolumes(data, sample, args, method='calculate', show=False): """Either saves subvolumes or calculates mean + std from them. Takes edge cropped sample as input. Not necessary, since subimages can be calculated from mean+std images.""" dims = [448, data.shape[2] // 2] print_orthogonal(data) # Loop for 9 subvolumes for n in range(3): for nn in range(3): # Selection x1 = n * 200 y1 = nn * 200 # Plot selection if show: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) ax.imshow(data[:, :, dims[1]]) rect = patches.Rectangle((x1, y1), dims[0], dims[0], linewidth=3, edgecolor='r', facecolor='none') ax.add_patch(rect) # Crop subvolume subdata = data[x1:x1 + dims[0], y1:y1 + dims[0], :] # Save data subsample = sample + "_sub" + str(n) + str(nn) + '_' if method == 'save': subpath = str(args.save_image_path / (sample + "_sub" + str(n) + str(nn))) save(subpath, subsample, subdata) else: pipeline_mean_std(subdata, subsample, args)
def pipeline_subvolume(args, sample, individual=False, save_data=True, render=False, use_wide=False): """Pipeline for saving subvolumes. Used in run_subvolume script.""" # 1. Load sample # Unpack paths save_path = args.save_image_path print('Sample name: ' + sample) data, bounds = load_bbox(str(args.data_path / sample), args.n_jobs) print_orthogonal(data, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_input.png"))) if render: render_volume( data, str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_input_render.png"))) # 2. Orient array data, angles = orient(data, bounds, args.rotation) print_orthogonal(data, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_orient.png"))) # 3. Crop and flip volume if use_wide: wide = args.size_wide else: wide = args.size['width'] data, crop = crop_center(data, args.size['width'], wide, method=args.crop_method) # crop data print_orthogonal(data, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_orient_cropped.png"))) if render: render_volume( data, str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_orient_cropped_render.png"))) # Different pipeline for large dataset if data.shape[0] > 799 and data.shape[1] > 799 and save_data: create_subvolumes(data, sample, args) return # Save crop data if data.shape[1] > args.size['width'] and save_data: save(save_path + '/' + sample + '_sub1', sample + '_sub1_', data[:, :args.size['width'], :]) save(save_path + '/' + sample + '_sub2', sample + '_sub2_', data[:, -args.size['width']:, :]) elif save_data: save(save_path + '/' + sample, sample, data) else: return data
method='loop') plt.imshow(mask) # Spectral clustering # spectral_clusters_scikit(data[data.shape[0] // 2, :, :].T, 6) # Scikit image segmentation segment_clusters(data[data.shape[0] // 2, :, :].T, 6) # 3D clustering in parallel data_downscaled = zoom(data, 0.25, order=3) mask_x = Parallel(n_jobs=8)( delayed(kmeans_scikit)( data_downscaled[i, :, :].T, n_clusters, scale=True, method='loop') for i in tqdm(range(data_downscaled.shape[0]), 'Calculating mask')) mask_y = Parallel(n_jobs=8)( delayed(kmeans_scikit)( data_downscaled[:, i, :].T, n_clusters, scale=True, method='loop') for i in tqdm(range(data_downscaled.shape[1]), 'Calculating mask')) mask = (np.array(mask_x) + np.array(mask_y).T) / 2 mask = zoom(mask, 4.0, order=3) mask = np.transpose(np.array(mask > 0.5), (0, 2, 1)) mask_array = np.zeros(data.shape) try: mask_array[:, :, :mask.shape[2]] = mask except ValueError: mask_array = mask[:, :, :data.shape[2]] print_orthogonal(mask_array, True) render_volume(mask_array * data, None, False)
def orient(data, bounds, choice=1): """Detects sample orientation and rotates it along the z-axis. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Input data. bounds : list List of bounding box coordinates for the sample. Obtained during sample loading. choice : int Method to detect orientation: 0 = No rotation. 1 = Bounding box angles. 2 = PCA angles 3 = Circle fitting (gradient descent optimization) 4 = Average of 1, 2 and 3. Returns ------- Rotated data, rotation angles """ # Sample dimensions dims = np.array(np.shape(data)) # Skip large sample if dims[0] * dims[1] * dims[2] > 3e9: # Samples > 3GB print('Skipping orientation for large sample') return data, (0, 0) # Ignore edges of sample cut1 = int((1 / 4) * len(bounds[0])) cut2 = int((1 / 2) * len(bounds[0])) # Get bounding box angles theta_x1, line_x1 = get_angle(bounds[0][cut1:cut2], bool(0)) theta_x2, line_x2 = get_angle(bounds[1][cut1:cut2], bool(0)) theta_y1, line_y1 = get_angle(bounds[2][cut1:cut2], bool(0)) theta_y2, line_y2 = get_angle(bounds[3][cut1:cut2], bool(0)) angle1 = 0.5 * (theta_x1 + theta_x2) angle2 = 0.5 * (theta_y1 + theta_y2) # Plot bbox fits xpoints = np.linspace(-len(bounds[0]) / 2, len(bounds[0]) / 2, len(bounds[0])) plt.subplot(141) plt.plot(xpoints, bounds[0]) plt.plot(xpoints, (xpoints - line_x1[2]) * (line_x1[1] / line_x1[0]) + line_x1[3], 'r--') plt.subplot(142) plt.plot(xpoints, bounds[1]) plt.plot(xpoints, (xpoints - line_x2[2]) * (line_x2[1] / line_x2[0]) + line_x2[3], 'r--') plt.subplot(143) plt.plot(xpoints, bounds[2]) plt.plot(xpoints, (xpoints - line_y1[2]) * (line_y1[1] / line_y1[0]) + line_y1[3], 'r--') plt.subplot(144) plt.plot(xpoints, bounds[3]) plt.plot(xpoints, (xpoints - line_y2[2]) * (line_y2[1] / line_y2[0]) + line_y2[3], 'r--') plt.suptitle('BBox angles: {0}, {1}'.format(angle1, angle2))"tight") # PCA angles xangle = pca_angle(data[dims[0] // 2, :, :], 1, 80) yangle = pca_angle(data[:, dims[1] // 2, :], 1, 80) # Select rotation if choice == 1: pass elif choice == 2: print('PCA angles: {0}, {1}'.format(xangle, yangle)) angle1 = xangle angle2 = yangle elif choice == 3 or choice == 4: origrad = FindOriGrad(alpha=0.5, h=5, n_iter=60) mask = data > 70 binned = zoom(mask, (0.125, 0.125, 0.125)) print_orthogonal(binned) ori = origrad(binned) if choice == 3: print('Gradient descent selected.') angle1 = ori[0] angle2 = ori[1] else: print('Average selected.') angle1 = (ori[0] + xangle + angle1) / 3 angle2 = (ori[1] + yangle + angle2) / 3 else: print('No rotation performed.') return data, (0, 0) # 1st rotation if 4 <= abs(angle1) <= 20: # check for too small and large angle data = opencv_rotate(data, 0, angle1) print_orthogonal(data) # 2nd rotation if 4 <= abs(angle2) <= 20: data = opencv_rotate(data, 1, angle2) print_orthogonal(data) return data, (angle1, angle2)
def pipeline_mean_std(image_path, args, sample='', mask_path=None, data=None): """Runs full processing pipeline on single function. No possibility for subvolumes. Used in run_mean_std.""" # 1. Load sample save_path = args.save_image_path save_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) if data is None: print('1. Load sample') data, bounds = load_bbox(image_path, n_jobs=args.n_jobs) print_orthogonal(data, savepath=str(save_path / 'Images' / (sample + '_input.png'))) render_volume(data, savepath=str(save_path / 'Images' / (sample + '_render_input.png'))) if mask_path is not None: mask, _ = load_bbox(mask_path) print_orthogonal(mask) # 2. Segment BCI mask if args.segmentation is 'torch' or args.segmentation is 'kmeans': # Bottom offset if data.shape[2] < 1000: offset = 0 elif 1000 <= data.shape[2] < 1600: offset = 20 else: offset = 50 # Pytorch segmentation if args.segmentation is 'torch': cropsize = 512 mask = segmentation_pytorch(data, args.model_path, args.snapshots, cropsize, offset) # K-means segmentation elif args.segmentation is 'kmeans': mask = segmentation_kmeans(data, n_clusters=3, offset=offset, n_jobs=args.n_jobs) else: raise Exception('Invalid segmentation selection!') elif args.segmentation is 'unet': #args.mask_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) mask = segmentation_unet(data, args, sample) # CNTK segmentation else: mask = segmentation_cntk(data, args.model_path) print_orthogonal(mask * data, savepath=str(save_path / 'Images' / (sample + '_mask.png'))) render_volume( (mask > args.threshold) * data, savepath=str(save_path / 'Images' / (sample + '_render_mask.png'))) save(str(save_path / 'Masks' / sample), sample, mask) # Crop crop = args.size['crop'] data = data[crop:-crop, crop:-crop, :] mask = mask[crop:-crop, crop:-crop, :] size_temp = args.size.copy() size_temp['width'] = args.size['width'] - 2 * crop # Calculate cartilage depth data = np.flip(data, 2) mask = np.flip(mask, 2) # flip to begin indexing from surface dist = deep_depth(data, mask) size_temp['deep'] = (0.6 * dist).astype('int') print('Automatically setting deep voi depth to {0}'.format( (0.6 * dist).astype('int'))) # # 4. Get VOIs print('4. Get interface coordinates:') surf_voi, deep_voi, calc_voi, otsu_thresh = get_interface( data, size_temp, (mask > args.threshold), n_jobs=args.n_jobs) # Show and save results print_orthogonal(surf_voi, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_surface.png"))) print_orthogonal(deep_voi, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_deep.png"))) print_orthogonal(calc_voi, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_cc.png"))) render_volume(np.flip(surf_voi, 2), str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_render_surface.png"))) render_volume(np.flip(deep_voi, 2), str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_render_deep.png"))) render_volume(calc_voi, str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_render_cc.png"))) # 5. Calculate mean and std print('5. Save mean and std images') mean_std(surf_voi, str(save_path), sample, deep_voi, calc_voi, otsu_thresh) if size_temp['surface'] > 25: mean_std(surf_voi[:, :, :surf_voi.shape[2] // 2], str(save_path), sample + '_25', deep_voi, calc_voi[:, :, :calc_voi.shape[2] // 2], otsu_thresh) mean_std(surf_voi[:, :, surf_voi.shape[2] // 2:], str(save_path), sample + '_25_backup', deep_voi, calc_voi[:, :, calc_voi.shape[2] // 2:], otsu_thresh)
def pipeline_subvolume_mean_std(args, sample): """Calculates volume and calls subvolume or mean + std pipeline 1. Loads µCT stack 2. Orients sample 3. Crops sample edges 4. Calls mean+std pipeline (or processes subvolumes individually). Parameters ---------- sample : str Sample name. args : Namespace Namespace containing processing arguments: data_path = Directory containing µCT datasets. save_image_path = Path for saving processed datasets. rotation = Selected rotation method. See rotations/orient. size = Dictionary including saved VOI dimensions. See extract_volume. size_wide = Different width for edge crop. Used for Test set 1. crop_method = Method for finding sample center. n_jobs = Number of parallel workers. render : bool Choice whether to save render images of the processed sample. """ # 1. Load sample # Unpack paths save_path = args.save_image_path render = args.render print('Sample name: ' + sample) data, bounds = load_bbox(str(args.data_path), args.n_jobs) print_orthogonal(data, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_large.png"))) if render: render_volume( data, str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_render_large.png"))) # 2. Orient array print('2. Orient sample') if data.shape[0] * data.shape[1] * data.shape[ 2] < 3e9: # Orient samples > 3GB data, angles = orient(data, bounds, args.rotation) print_orthogonal(data, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_orient.png"))) # 3. Crop and flip volume print('3. Crop and flip center volume:') data, _ = crop_center(data, args.size['width'], args.size['width'], method=args.crop_method) # crop data print_orthogonal(data, savepath=str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_input.png"))) if render: render_volume( data, str(save_path / "Images" / (sample + "_render_input.png"))) # Save crop data (save_path / 'Cropped').mkdir(exist_ok=True) save(str(save_path / 'Cropped' / sample), sample, data) # Different pipeline for large dataset if args.n_subvolumes > 1: # Segment and calculate each subvolume individually create_subvolumes(data, sample, args) else: # Calculate pipeline_mean_std(str(save_path / 'Cropped' / sample), args, sample, data=data)
ax2.set_title('4mm image') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133) ax3.imshow(data_cor, cmap='gray') ax3.set_title('4mm image') render_volume(data, None, False) # Downscale images # K-means clustering # 3D clustering in parallel mask = Parallel(n_jobs=12)(delayed(kmeans_opencv)(data[i, :, :].T, n_clusters, scale=True, method='loop') for i in tqdm(range(data.shape[0]), 'Calculating mask')) mask = np.transpose(np.array(mask), (0, 2, 1)) print_orthogonal(mask, True) # 2D clustering mask_2mm = kmeans_opencv(cor_2mm, n_clusters, True, limit=2, method='loop') mask_4mm = kmeans_opencv(cor_4mm, n_clusters, True, limit=2, method='loop') mask_4mm_2 = kmeans_opencv(data_cor, n_clusters, True, limit=2, method='loop') # Show cluster images fig = plt.figure(dpi=300) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(131) ax1.imshow(mask_2mm) ax1.set_title('2mm mask') ax2 = fig.add_subplot(132) ax2.imshow(mask_4mm) ax2.set_title('4mm mask') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(133)
def segmentation_kmeans(array, n_clusters=3, offset=0, method='scikit', zoom_factor=4.0, n_jobs=12): """Pipeline for segmentation using kmeans clustering. Parameters ---------- array : ndarray (3-dimensional) Input data. n_clusters : int Number of kmeans clusters. offset : int Bottom offset for segmentation. Used to exclude part of large bone plate. method : str Algorithm for kmeans segmentation. Choices = "scikit", "opencv". Defaults to scikit-learn. zoom_factor : float Factor for downscaling input data for segmentation. n_jobs : int Number of parallel workers. Returns ------- Segmented calcified tissue mask. """ # Segmentation dims = array.shape array = zoom(array[:, :, offset:], 1 / zoom_factor, order=3) # Downscale images if method is 'scikit': mask_x = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(kmeans_scikit)( array[i, :, :].T, n_clusters, scale=True, method='loop') for i in tqdm(range(array.shape[0]), 'Calculating mask (X)')) mask_y = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(kmeans_scikit)( array[:, i, :].T, n_clusters, scale=True, method='loop') for i in tqdm(range(array.shape[1]), 'Calculating mask (Y)')) print_orthogonal(np.array(mask_x)) print_orthogonal(np.array(mask_y).T) mask = (np.array(mask_x) + np.array(mask_y).T) / 2 # Average mask mask = zoom(mask, zoom_factor, order=3) # Upscale mask else: # OpenCV mask_x = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(kmeans_opencv)( array[i, :, :].T, n_clusters, scale=True, method='loop') for i in tqdm(range(array.shape[0]), 'Calculating mask (X)')) mask_y = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( delayed(kmeans_opencv)( array[:, i, :].T, n_clusters, scale=True, method='loop') for i in tqdm(range(array.shape[1]), 'Calculating mask (Y)')) mask = (np.array(mask_x) + np.array(mask_y)) / 2 # Average mask mask = zoom(mask, zoom_factor, order=3) # Upscale mask # Reshape mask = np.transpose(mask, (0, 2, 1)) # Take offset and zoom into account mask_array = np.zeros(dims) try: mask_array[:, :, offset:mask.shape[2] + offset] = mask # Squeeze mask array to fit calculated mask except ValueError: mask_array[:, :, offset:] = mask[:, :, :mask_array.shape[ 2] - offset] # Squeeze calculated mask to fit array return mask_array >= 0.5