def build_log_generator(container, prefix, color_func): # if the container doesn't have a log_stream we need to attach to container # before log printer starts running if container.log_stream is None: stream = container.attach(stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=True, logs=True) line_generator = split_buffer(stream) else: line_generator = split_buffer(container.log_stream) for line in line_generator: yield prefix + line yield color_func(wait_on_exit(container))
def test_dag(docker_client, dag_dir=".", tag="latest", extra_test_dir="tests"): dag_dir = os.path.abspath(dag_dir) extra_test_dir = os.path.abspath(extra_test_dir) volumes = ["{dag_dir}:/airflow/dags".format(dag_dir=dag_dir)] if os.path.exists(extra_test_dir): volumes.append("{extra_test_dir}:/airflow/tests/ext".format( extra_test_dir=extra_test_dir)) result = "airflowdocker/tester:{tag}".format(tag=tag), detach=True, tty=True, stdout=False, stderr=True, volumes=volumes, ) try: logs = result.logs(stream=True, follow=True) for line in split_buffer(logs): print(line, end="") finally: result.wait() result.remove() if result.status: sys.exit(result.status)
def build_log_generator(container, prefix, color_func): # Attach to container before log printer starts running stream = container.attach(stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=True, logs=True) line_generator = split_buffer(stream) for line in line_generator: yield prefix + line yield color_func(wait_on_exit(container))
def build_log_generator(container, log_args): # if the container doesn't have a log_stream we need to attach to container # before log printer starts running if container.log_stream is None: stream = container.logs(stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=True, **log_args) else: stream = container.log_stream return split_buffer(stream)
def assert_produces(self, reader, expectations): split = split_buffer(reader()) for (actual, expected) in zip(split, expectations): self.assertEqual(type(actual), type(expected)) self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
def assert_produces(self, reader, expectations): split = split_buffer(reader()) for (actual, expected) in zip(split, expectations): assert type(actual) == type(expected) assert actual == expected