コード例 #1
def test_build_sign_send_transaction(w3, pk, user, ether_token):
    transactions may be broken apart into each individual step in order to facilitate various signing
    methods (like crypto sticks for instance)
    lock(w3, user)  # assure the account is locked
    other_user = w3.eth.accounts[1]  # we'll send some tokens to this target
    other_user_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(other_user))
    assert other_user_bal == 0
    # Let's deposit 1 ether token in user's account
    tup = ether_token.deposit(Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'), {'from': user})
    tx = tx_helpers.send(w3, pk.to_bytes(), tup)
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    user_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
    # all computable.py HOC methods return a tuple in the form: (tx, opts)
    tup = ether_token.transfer(other_user, Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'),
                               {'from': user})
    # these may be passed directly to build...
    built_tx = tx_helpers.build_transaction(w3, tup)
    assert built_tx['from'] == user
    # sign it
    signed_tx = tx_helpers.sign_transaction(w3, pk.to_bytes(), built_tx)
    assert signed_tx.hash is not None
    assert signed_tx.r is not None
    assert signed_tx.s is not None
    assert signed_tx.v is not None
    # a signed transaction can then be broadcast
    final_tx = tx_helpers.send_raw_transaction(w3, signed_tx)
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(final_tx)
    other_user_new_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(other_user))
    assert other_user_new_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
コード例 #2
def test_deposit(w3, ether_token):
    user = w3.eth.accounts[2]
    user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert user_bal == 0
    # in normal use cases the user's account would be set, but here we'll just send it
    transact(ether_token.deposit(Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'), {'from': user}))
    new_user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert new_user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
コード例 #3
def test_set_privileged(w3, voting, parameterizer, datatrust, listing):
    # Check privilege set correctly
    priv = call(voting.has_privilege(parameterizer.address))
    assert priv == True
    priv = call(voting.has_privilege(datatrust.address))
    assert priv == True
    priv = call(voting.has_privilege(listing.address))
    assert priv == True
コード例 #4
def test_increase_allowance(w3, ether_token):
    spender = w3.eth.accounts[1]
    old_allowed = call(
        ether_token.allowance(ether_token.account, w3.eth.accounts[1]))
    transact(ether_token.increase_allowance(spender, Web3.toWei(1, 'kwei')))
    new_allowed = call(
        ether_token.allowance(ether_token.account, w3.eth.accounts[1]))
    assert new_allowed == old_allowed + Web3.toWei(1, 'kwei')
コード例 #5
def test_withdraw(w3, ether_token):
    user = w3.eth.accounts[2]
    user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    tx = transact(ether_token.withdraw(user_bal, {'from': user}))
    new_user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert new_user_bal == 0
    rct = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx)
    logs = ether_token.deployed.events.Withdrawn().processReceipt(rct)
    assert logs[0]['args']['to'] == user
    assert logs[0]['args']['amount'] == user_bal
コード例 #6
    def initialize_datatrust(self):
        Confirm or create role as datatrust backend in protocol
        log.info('Getting current datatrust address from network')
        self.datatrust = Datatrust(self.datatrust_wallet)
        self.datatrust.at(self.w3, self.datatrust_contract)
        self.voting = Voting(self.datatrust_wallet)
        self.voting.at(self.w3, self.voting_contract)

        backend = call(self.datatrust.get_backend_address())
        datatrust_hash = self.w3.sha3(text=self.datatrust_host)
        if backend == self.datatrust_wallet:
            log.info('This server is the datatrust host. Resolving registration')
            resolve = send(
            log.info(f'Resolved, transaction id: {resolve}')
            # backend not set, or is set to a different host
            datatrust_url = call(self.datatrust.get_backend_url())
            is_candidate = call(self.voting.is_candidate(datatrust_hash))
            candidate_is = call(self.voting.candidate_is(datatrust_hash, constants.PROTOCOL_REGISTRATION))
            if datatrust_url == self.datatrust_host:
                log.info('Server has been registered as datatrust, but not voted in')
            elif is_candidate and candidate_is:
                log.info('This datatrust is a candidate but has not been voted in')
                poll_status = call(self.voting.poll_closed(datatrust_hash))
                if poll_status:
                    log.info('This datatrust was a candidate, but was not voted in before the poll closed')
                    resolve = send(
                    log.info(f'Resolved any prior registration, transaction id: {resolve.hex()}')
                    register = self.register_host()
                    log.info(f'Datatrust has been registered.')
                    log.info('This datatrust is a candidate. Voting polls are still open.')
                log.info('No backend or different host set. Resolving prior registrations and Submitting this one for voting')
                resolve = send(
                log.info(f'Resolved any prior registration, transaction id: {resolve.hex()}')
                register = self.register_host()
コード例 #7
def test_get_candidate(w3, voting, parameterizer):
    user = w3.eth.accounts[2]
    hash = call(parameterizer.get_hash(PLURALITY, 51))
    stake = call(parameterizer.get_stake())
    vote_by = call(parameterizer.get_vote_by())
    tup = call(voting.get_candidate(hash))
    assert tup[0] == REPARAM
    assert tup[1] == user
    assert tup[2] == stake
    # the p11r vote by is simply the delta, returned val is actual end date
    assert tup[3] > vote_by  # should pass even at a 0 vote_by
    assert tup[4] == 0
    assert tup[5] == 0
コード例 #8
 def send_data_hash(self, listing, data_hash):
     On a successful post to the API db, send the data hash to protocol
     datatrust_hash = self.w3.sha3(text=self.datatrust_host)
     is_candidate = call(self.voting.is_candidate(datatrust_hash))
     candidate_is = call(self.voting.candidate_is(datatrust_hash, constants.PROTOCOL_APPLICATION))
     if is_candidate and candidate_is:    
         receipt = send(self.w3, self.datatrust_key, self.datatrust.set_data_hash(listing, data_hash))
         return receipt
         log.critical('This server is not the datatrust, unable to send data hash')
         raise ValueError('Server is not the datatrust, unable to send data hash')
コード例 #9
def test_transfer_from(w3, ether_token):
    user = w3.eth.accounts[2]
    user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    owner_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(ether_token.account))
    amt = Web3.toWei(1, 'mwei')
    # this user needs to approve the 'spender' (the owner in this test case)
    transact(ether_token.approve(ether_token.account, amt, {'from': user}))
    # with the allowance, that acct may transfer.
    transact(ether_token.transfer_from(user, ether_token.account, amt))
    new_user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    new_owner_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(ether_token.account))
    assert new_user_bal == user_bal - amt
    assert new_owner_bal == owner_bal + amt
    # should have 'zeroed' the allowance
    allowed = call(ether_token.allowance(user, ether_token.account))
コード例 #10
ファイル: token.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
    def balance_of(self, owner=None):
        balance method is simply balance_of the stated owner, or default to env user
        if owner == None:
            owner = self.contract.account

        return call(self.contract.balance_of(owner))
コード例 #11
ファイル: token.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
    def allowance(self, owner=None, spender=None):
        Given that we know the 'owner' of an allowance return the correct one
        for a given 'spender'
        if owner == None:
            owner = self.contract.account

        return call(self.contract.allowance(owner, spender))
コード例 #12
def test_send_some_ether_token(w3, pk, user, ether_token):
    user_eth_bal = w3.eth.getBalance(user)
    assert user_eth_bal > 0
    user_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert user_bal == 0
    # Let's deposit 1 ether token in user's account
    tup = ether_token.deposit(Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'), {'from': user})
    tx = tx_helpers.send(w3, pk.to_bytes(), tup)
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    new_user_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert new_user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')

    # Let's send this to the default account
    tup = ether_token.transfer(w3.eth.defaultAccount, Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'),
                               {'from': user})
    tx2 = tx_helpers.send(w3, pk.to_bytes(), tup)
    final_user_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    ##assert new_user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
    assert final_user_bal == 0
コード例 #13
def test_transfer(w3, ether_token):
    user = w3.eth.accounts[3]
    other = w3.eth.accounts[4]
    user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    other_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(other))
    assert user_bal == 0
    assert other_bal == 0
    # Let's deposit 1 ether token in user's account
    transact(ether_token.deposit(Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'), {'from': user}))
    # Let's send this to other
    tx = transact(
        ether_token.transfer(other, Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'), {'from': user}))
    new_user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    new_other_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(other))
    assert new_user_bal == 0
    assert new_other_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
    # event published...
    rct = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx)
    logs = ether_token.deployed.events.Transfer().processReceipt(rct)
    assert logs[0]['args']['amount'] == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
コード例 #14
def test_send(w3, pk, user, ether_token):
    we do provide an all-in-one convenience method for offline signing
    other_user = w3.eth.accounts[2]  # we'll send some tokens to this target
    other_user_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(other_user))
    assert other_user_bal == 0
    # Let's deposit 1 ether token in user's account
    tup = ether_token.deposit(Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'), {'from': user})
    tx = tx_helpers.send(w3, pk.to_bytes(), tup)
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    user_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
    tx = tx_helpers.send(
        w3, pk.to_bytes(),
        ether_token.transfer(other_user, Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei'),
                             {'from': user}))
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    other_user_new_bal = tx_helpers.call(ether_token.balance_of(other_user))
    assert other_user_new_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
コード例 #15
ファイル: reserve.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
    def get_withdrawal_proceeds(self, addr=None):
        # we can default to the env key if omitted
        if addr == None:
            addr = self.contract.account

            ret = call(self.contract.get_withdrawal_proceeds(addr))
        except Exception:
            ret = 0

        return ret
コード例 #16
 def wait_for_vote(self):
     Check if this backend is registered as the datatrust
     is_host = False
     while is_host == False:
         backend = call(self.datatrust.get_backend_url())
         if backend != self.datatrust_host:
             print('backend not voted in yet, waiting for votes...')
             is_host = True
     return True
コード例 #17
def test_approve_and_allowance(w3, ether_token):
    # exact gas amounts are known
    gas = ether_token.get_gas('approve')
    assert gas == 37763 + GAS_BUFFER  # looked up manually in the abi
    spender = w3.eth.accounts[1]
    # passing empty opts assures all defaults are used
    tx = transact(ether_token.approve(spender, Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')))
    allowed = call(
        ether_token.allowance(ether_token.account, w3.eth.accounts[1]))
    assert allowed == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
    # check the event
    rct = w3.eth.getTransactionReceipt(tx)
    logs = ether_token.deployed.events.Approval().processReceipt(rct)
    assert logs[0]['args']['amount'] == Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
コード例 #18
 def register_host(self):
     Register a host as the datatrust in protocol
     log.info('****Registering host****')
     register = send(self.w3, self.datatrust_key, self.datatrust.register(self.datatrust_host))
     voting = Voting(self.datatrust_wallet)
     voting.at(self.w3, self.voting_contract)
     datatrust_hash = self.w3.sha3(text=self.datatrust_host)
     is_registered = call(voting.is_candidate(datatrust_hash))
     if is_registered:
         log.info(f'Backend registered. Voting is now open.')
         log.error('Host attempted to register but did not succeed')
コード例 #19
def test_withdraw(w3, ether_token, market_token, reserve, listing):
    # Set market token privileges before this test
    priv = call(market_token.has_privilege(reserve.address))
    # It's possible the privilege may have been set already
    if priv == False:
        tx = transact(
            market_token.set_privileged(reserve.address, listing.address))
        # wait for this to be mined
        rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
        # Check mining succeeded
        assert rct['status'] == 1
        priv = call(market_token.has_privilege(reserve.address))
        assert priv == True
    # Use a new user
    user = w3.eth.accounts[3]
    tx = transact(ether_token.deposit(Web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), {'from': user}))
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    new_user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert new_user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'ether')

    # Approve the spend
    tx = transact(
                            Web3.toWei(1, 'ether'),
                            opts={'from': user}))
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    assert rct['status'] == 1

    # Call support
    tx = transact(
        reserve.support(new_user_bal, opts={
            'gas': 1000000,
            'from': user
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    assert rct['status'] == 1
    cmt_user_bal = call(market_token.balance_of(user))
    # This is around one milliether, but not quite due to spread
    assert cmt_user_bal > 0

    # Call withdraw
    tx = transact(reserve.withdraw(opts={'gas': 1000000, 'from': user}))
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    assert rct['status'] == 1
    cmt_user_bal = call(market_token.balance_of(user))
    # This should be 0
    assert cmt_user_bal == 0
    cet_user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    # Should be a little under 1 eth
    assert cet_user_bal > 0
コード例 #20
def test_support(w3, ether_token, market_token, reserve, listing):
    # Set market token privileges before this test
    priv = call(market_token.has_privilege(reserve.address))
    # May have been set previously
    if priv == False:
        tx = transact(
            market_token.set_privileged(reserve.address, listing.address))
        # wait for this to be mined
        rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
        # Check mining succeeded
        assert rct['status'] == 1
        priv = call(market_token.has_privilege(reserve.address))
        assert priv == True

    user = w3.eth.accounts[2]
    user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert user_bal == 0

    # Deposit ETH in EtherToken
    tx = transact(ether_token.deposit(Web3.toWei(1, 'ether'), {'from': user}))
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    new_user_bal = call(ether_token.balance_of(user))
    assert new_user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'ether')
    assert rct['status'] == 1

    # Approve the spend
    old_allowance = call(ether_token.allowance(user, reserve.address))
    assert old_allowance == 0
    tx = transact(
                            Web3.toWei(1, 'ether'),
                            opts={'from': user}))
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    assert rct['status'] == 1
    new_allowance = call(ether_token.allowance(user, reserve.address))
    assert new_allowance == Web3.toWei(1, 'ether')

    # Perform pre-checks for support
    support_price = call(reserve.get_support_price())
    assert new_user_bal >= support_price
    assert new_allowance >= new_user_bal
    minted = (new_user_bal // support_price) * 10**9
    assert minted == 10**6 * Web3.toWei(1, 'gwei')
    priv = call(market_token.has_privilege(reserve.address))
    assert priv == True
    total_supply = call(market_token.total_supply())
    assert total_supply == Web3.toWei(2, 'ether')

    # Call support
    tx = transact(
        reserve.support(new_user_bal, opts={
            'gas': 1000000,
            'from': user
    rct = w3.eth.waitForTransactionReceipt(tx)
    assert rct['status'] == 1
    logs = reserve.deployed.events.Supported().processReceipt(rct)
    cmt_user_bal = call(market_token.balance_of(user))
    assert cmt_user_bal == Web3.toWei(1, 'milliether')
    new_supply = call(market_token.total_supply())
    assert new_supply == total_supply + cmt_user_bal
コード例 #21
ファイル: token.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
 def get_decimals(self):
     return call(self.contract.get_decimals())
コード例 #22
def test_get_withdrawal_proceeds(reserve):
    proceeds = call(reserve.get_withdrawal_proceeds(reserve.account))
    assert proceeds == 0
コード例 #23
def test_get_support_price(reserve):
    support_price = call(reserve.get_support_price())
    assert support_price == Web3.toWei(1, 'microether')
コード例 #24
def test_decimals(market_token):
    decimals = call(market_token.get_decimals())
    assert decimals == 18
コード例 #25
ファイル: reserve.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
 def get_support_price(self):
     return call(self.contract.get_support_price())
コード例 #26
def test_symbol(market_token):
    symbol = call(market_token.get_symbol())
    assert symbol == "CMT"
コード例 #27
ファイル: listing.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
 def is_listed(self, hash):
     return call(self.contract.is_listed(hash))
コード例 #28
ファイル: token.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
 def get_symbol(self):
     return call(self.contract.get_symbol())
コード例 #29
ファイル: listing.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
 def get_listing(self, hash):
     return call(self.contract.get_listing(hash))
コード例 #30
ファイル: token.py プロジェクト: computablelabs/compas
 def total_supply(self):
     return call(self.contract.total_supply())