コード例 #1
def choose_language_specific_prior_based_on_hidden_gems(
        game_feature_dict, all_languages, verbose=False):
    # For each language, compute the prior to be used for the inference of a Bayesian rating
    language_specific_prior = dict()
    for language in all_languages:

        # Construct observation structure used to compute a prior for the inference of a Bayesian rating
        observations = dict()
        for appid in game_feature_dict.keys():

                num_positive_reviews = game_feature_dict[appid][language][
                num_negative_reviews = game_feature_dict[appid][language][
            except KeyError:
                num_positive_reviews = 0
                num_negative_reviews = 0

            num_votes = num_positive_reviews + num_negative_reviews

            if num_votes > 0:
                observations[appid] = dict()
                observations[appid]['num_votes'] = num_votes
                observations[appid]['score'] = num_positive_reviews / num_votes

        language_specific_prior[language] = choose_prior(observations)

    if verbose:
        print_prior(language_specific_prior, all_languages)

    return language_specific_prior
コード例 #2
def choose_language_independent_prior_based_on_whole_steam_catalog(
        steam_spy_dict, all_languages, verbose=False):
    # Construct observation structure used to compute a prior for the inference of a Bayesian rating
    observations = dict()
    for appid in steam_spy_dict.keys():
        num_positive_reviews = steam_spy_dict[appid]['positive']
        num_negative_reviews = steam_spy_dict[appid]['negative']

        num_votes = num_positive_reviews + num_negative_reviews

        if num_votes > 0:
            observations[appid] = dict()
            observations[appid]['num_votes'] = num_votes
            observations[appid]['score'] = num_positive_reviews / num_votes

    common_prior = choose_prior(observations)

    if verbose:

    # For each language, compute the prior to be used for the inference of a Bayesian rating

    language_independent_prior = dict()

    for language in all_languages:
        language_independent_prior[language] = common_prior

    return language_independent_prior
コード例 #3
def main():
    filename = 'data/steam_resetera_2017_goty.txt'

    data = load_input(filename)

    observations = parse_data(data)

    verbose = False
    prior = choose_prior(observations, verbose)

    ranking = compute_ranking(observations, prior)

    print_ranking(ranking, observations, prior)

    return True
コード例 #4
 def test_choose_prior(self):
     observations = {
         'Blockbuster': {
             'score': 0.85,
             'num_votes': 1000
         'Average game': {
             'score': 0.75,
             'num_votes': 100
         'Hidden gem': {
             'score': 0.95,
             'num_votes': 10
     bayes_prior = compute_bayesian_rating.choose_prior(observations,
     self.assertDictEqual(bayes_prior, {'score': 0.85, 'num_votes': 100})
コード例 #5
def create_local_dictionary(data,
    # Objective: compute a score for one Steam game.
    # Input:    - data:                         SteamSpy's data.
    #           - output_filename:              filename to which the local dictionary will be written to.
    #           - appid_reference_set:  a set of appID of games which are examples of "hidden gems".
    #                                           By default, the appID of the game called "Contradiction".
    #           - quantile_for_our_wilson_score: this allows to specify a different confidence for the Wilson score.
    # Output:   none (the local dictionary is written to output_filename)

    if appid_reference_set is None:
        appid_reference_set = {appidContradiction}

    from compute_wilson_score import compute_wilson_score
    from compute_bayesian_rating import choose_prior, compute_bayesian_score

    # noinspection PyPep8Naming
    D = dict()

    # Construct observation structure used to compute a prior for the inference of a Bayesian rating
    observations = dict()

    for appid in data.keys():
        num_positive_reviews = data[appid]["positive"]
        num_negative_reviews = data[appid]["negative"]

        num_votes = num_positive_reviews + num_negative_reviews

        if num_votes > 0:
            observations[appid] = dict()
            observations[appid]['score'] = num_positive_reviews / num_votes
            observations[appid]['num_votes'] = num_votes

    prior = choose_prior(observations)

    for appid in data.keys():
        name = data[appid]['name']
        num_owners = data[appid]['owners']
            num_owners = float(num_owners)
        except ValueError:
            num_owners = get_mid_of_interval(num_owners)
            num_players = data[appid]['players_forever']
        except KeyError:
            num_players = None
        median_time = data[appid]['median_forever']
        average_time = data[appid]['average_forever']
        num_positive_reviews = data[appid]["positive"]
        num_negative_reviews = data[appid]["negative"]

        wilson_score = compute_wilson_score(num_positive_reviews,

        num_votes = num_positive_reviews + num_negative_reviews

        if num_votes > 0:

            # Construct game structure used to compute Bayesian rating
            game = dict()
            game['score'] = num_positive_reviews / num_votes
            game['num_votes'] = num_votes

            bayesian_rating = compute_bayesian_score(game, prior)

            bayesian_rating = None

        # Make sure the output dictionary includes the game which will be chosen as a reference of a "hidden gem"
        if appid in appid_reference_set:
            if (wilson_score is None):
                raise AssertionError()
            if (bayesian_rating is None):
                raise AssertionError()
            print("Game used as a reference:\t" + name + "\t(appID=" + appid +

        if wilson_score is None or bayesian_rating is None:
            print("Game with no review:\t" + name + "\t(appID=" + appid + ")")
            stats_save = [
                name, wilson_score, bayesian_rating, num_owners, num_players,
                median_time, average_time, num_positive_reviews,

            bool_game_should_appear_in_ranking = True

            D[appid] = stats_save

    # Save the dictionary to a text file
    with open(output_filename, 'w', encoding="utf8") as outfile:
        print(get_leading_comment(), file=outfile)
        print(D, file=outfile)