def sw(cID): dbCon = None try: dbCon = conDB.newCon() cursor = dbCon.cursor() queryPrinciples = 'SELECT * FROM software;' data = cursor.execute(queryPrinciples) if int(cID) > 0: queryPrinciples = 'SELECT, s.description FROM software s ' \ 'INNER JOIN softwareCountry sC on sC.softwareID = ' \ 'WHERE sC.countryID = ?' data = cursor.execute(queryPrinciples, cID) response = app.response_class(response=jsonParser.swJSON( data.fetchall()), status=200, mimetype='application/json') return response except Exception as e: abort(500, {'message': e}) finally: if dbCon is not None: try: dbCon.close()"dbcon closed {}".format(dbCon)) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error closing con {}".format(e))
def returnPDF(pdfID): reportName = "/usr/src/app/pdfs/report-" + str(pdfID) + ".pdf" if not os.path.exists(reportName): #app.logger.error("buildpdf") con = conDB.newCon() data = conDB.getSelectedPDF(con, pdfID).fetchone() with open(reportName, 'wb') as output_file: output_file.write(data) try: #app.logger.error(os.path.exists(reportName)) return send_file(reportName, attachment_filename='report-' + str(pdfID) + '.pdf') except Exception as e: return str(e)
def job_function(): con = conDB.newCon() data = conDB.getPDFs(con).fetchall() # ter em conta time out to job result # ver se status é 0 o u 1 antes de chamar result for i in data: if i[6] == 0: # status for 0 faz call para obter resultado do job job = Job.fetch(i[5], connection=redis_conn) #ver se ja cabou ou n if job.get_status() == "finished": pdfName = job.result[1] # full path with open(pdfName, 'rb') as input_file: ablob = conDB.insertPDF(i[0], pdfBLOB=ablob) elif job.get_status() == "failed": conDB.insertPDF(i[0], status=-1) else: continue
def getPDFs(): con = None try: con = conDB.newCon() data = conDB.getPDFs(con) response = app.response_class(response=jsonParser.pdfsJSON( data.fetchall()), status=200, mimetype='application/json') return response except Exception as e: print(e) abort(500, {'message': e}) finally: try: con.close()"dbcon closed {}".format(con)) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error closing con {}".format(e))
def principleH(): dbCon = None try: dbCon = conDB.newCon() data = conDB.getPrincipleHeaders(dbCon) response = app.response_class(response=jsonParser.phJSON( data.fetchall()), status=200, mimetype='application/json') return response except Exception as e: abort(500, {'message': e}) finally: if dbCon is not None: try: dbCon.close()"dbcon closed {}".format(dbCon)) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error closing con {}".format(e))
def country(): dbCon = None try: dbCon = conDB.newCon() cursor = dbCon.cursor() queryCountry = 'SELECT * from country;' data = cursor.execute(queryCountry) response = app.response_class(response=jsonParser.countryJSON( data.fetchall()), status=200, mimetype='application/json') return response except Exception as e: abort(500, {'message': e}) finally: if dbCon is not None: try: dbCon.close()"dbcon closed {}".format(dbCon)) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error closing con {}".format(e))
def parseData(self, data, path): self.set_font('Arial', 'B', 15) self.cell(0, 0, 'Principles', 0, 0, 'L') principlesOUT = data["principle"] html = "" for pID in range(0, 8): # 8 = numero de principios definidos principleHid = principlesOUT[pID]["pID"] principleHname = '' try: con = conDB.newCon() res = conDB.getPrincipleHname(con, principleHid) for i in res: principleHname = i[1] except Exception as e: raise html += "<h2>" + principleHname + "</h2>" rules = principlesOUT[pID]["rules"] html += "<ul>" if (len(rules)) > 0: for i in range(0, len(rules)): html += """<li>""" + rules[i]["ruleDef"] + """ ---> """ if rules[i]["ruleCheck"]: html += "In compliance" else: html += "Not in compliance\n" html += "<h6>Suggestions to be in compliance</h6>" html += """ <ul> <li>TODO</li> </ul> """ html += """</li>""" else: html += "<li>No principles defined</li>" html += "</ul>" print(html) self.write_html(html)
def rules(cID): dbCon = None try: dbCon = conDB.newCon() cursor = dbCon.cursor() queryRulesCountry = 'SELECT id as rID, definition as rDefinition FROM rule ' \ 'INNER JOIN ruleCountry rC ON = rC.ruleID ' \ 'WHERE rC.countryID = ?' data = cursor.execute(queryRulesCountry, cID) response = app.response_class(response=jsonParser.rulesJSON( data.fetchall()), status=200, mimetype='application/json') return response except Exception as e: abort(500, {'message': e}) finally: if dbCon is not None: try: dbCon.close()"dbcon closed {}".format(dbCon)) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error closing con {}".format(e))
def postDataForm(): content = request.get_json() swName = '' nameCountry = '' swPath = '' dbCon = None try: dbCon = conDB.newCon() cursor = dbCon.cursor() querySW = 'SELECT description FROM software where id = ?;' data = cursor.execute(querySW, str(content['sw'])) for i in data: swName = i[0] queryCountry = 'SELECT name FROM country where id = ?;' data = cursor.execute(queryCountry, str(content['country'])) for i in data: nameCountry = i[0] # queryPATH = 'SELECT pathfiles FROM softwareCountry where softwareID = ? and countryID = ?;' # data = cursor.execute(queryPATH, (str(content['sw']), str(content['country']))) # for i in data: # swPath = i[0] except Exception as e: abort(500, {'message': e}) finally: if dbCon is not None: try: dbCon.close()"dbcon closed {}".format(dbCon)) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error closing con {}".format(e)) print("Error closing con {}".format(e)) # build html for gdpr htmlGDPR, timestamp = buildPDF.buildPDF(content, swName, nameCountry) try: # start security scans in bg con = conDB.newCon() idPDF = conDB.createPDFentry( con, str(content['country']), str(content['sw']), timestamp) # insere e retorna o id da inserção"start job") job = q.enqueue(doAllScans, args=(htmlGDPR, timestamp, idPDF, content["doNMAP"], content["doZAP"], str(content["ZAPurl"])), job_timeout=3600 * 5) jobID = str(job.get_id()) conDB.insertJobID(con, jobID, idPDF) response = app.response_class(status=202) return response except Exception as e: print(e) abort(500, {'message': e}) finally: if dbCon is not None: try: dbCon.close()"dbcon closed {}".format(dbCon)) except Exception as e: app.logger.error("Error closing con {}".format(e)) print("Error closing con {}".format(e))
def buildPDF(data, swName, nameCountry): html = """ <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h1>GDPR report for """ + swName + """ following the """ + nameCountry + """\'s specific rules</h1> """ principlesOUT = data["principle"] allRules = 0 allNotComplianceRules = 0 for pID in range(0, 8): # 8 = numero de principios definidos principleHid = principlesOUT[pID]["pID"] principleHname = '' con = None try: con = conDB.newCon() res = conDB.getPrincipleHname(con, principleHid) for i in res: principleHname = i[1] except Exception as e: raise finally: if con is not None: try: con.close() print("con closed {}".format(con)) except Exception as e: print("Error closing con {}".format(e)) html += "<h2><font color=\"black\">" + principleHname + "</h2>" rules = principlesOUT[pID]["rules"] #organize rules into comply or not inCompliance = [] not_inCompliance = [] for i in range(0, len(rules)): if rules[i]["ruleCheck"]: inCompliance.append(rules[i]) else: not_inCompliance.append(rules[i]) if pID != 7: allRules = allRules + len(rules) allNotComplianceRules = allNotComplianceRules + len( not_inCompliance) #display rules if (len(rules)) > 0: html += "<h3><font color=\"green\"> In compliance with: </h2>" html += "<ul>" for i in range(0, len(inCompliance)): html += """<li><font color=\"black\"> """ + inCompliance[i][ "ruleDef"] + "</li>" html += "</ul>" html += "<h3><font color=\"red\"> Not in compliance with: </h2>" html += "<ul>" for i in range(0, len(not_inCompliance)): html += """<li><font color=\"black\"> """ + not_inCompliance[ i]["ruleDef"] + "</li>" idDEF = not_inCompliance[i]["ruleID"] con = None try: con = conDB.newCon() if (pID != 7): # exclude rule for country res = conDB.getSuggestion(con, idDEF).fetchall() if len(res) == 0: html += "<h5><font color=\"black\"> No suggestions available </font></h5>" else: html += "<h5><font color=\"black\"> Suggestions to be in compliance </font></h5>" html += "<ul>" for k in res: html += """<li><font color=\"black\"> """ + k[ 1] + "</li>" html += "</ul>" html += "<br>" html += "<p></p>" except Exception as e: raise finally: if con is not None: try: con.close() print("con closed {}".format(con)) except Exception as e: print("Error closing con {}".format(e)) html += "</ul>" else: html += "No principles defined" html += "<h3>The software " + swName + "does not comply with " + str( allNotComplianceRules) + " rules from a total of " + str( allRules) + "</h3>" html += """ </body> </html> """ curr = timestamp = curr.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") timestamp = timestamp.replace("/", "-").replace(":", "-") return html, timestamp