コード例 #1
ファイル: scalar_div.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
def scalar_div(namenode, root, f_size, master_url):
    def protocol():

        colsInA = [
            defCol('a', 'INTEGER', [1]),
            defCol('b', 'INTEGER', [1]),

        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsInA, set([1]))
        div1 = sal.divide(in1, 'div1', 'a', ['a', 5])

        return set([in1])

    dag = protocol()
    config = CodeGenConfig('scalar_div_spark_{}'.format(f_size))

    config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + config.name
    config.input_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/{}" \
        .format(namenode, root, f_size)
    config.output_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/scalar_div_sp{}" \
        .format(namenode, root, f_size)

    cg = spark.SparkCodeGen(config, dag)
    job = cg.generate(config.name, config.output_path)
    job_queue = [job]

    dis.dispatch_all(master_url, None, job_queue)
コード例 #2
def setup(conf: Dict):
    pid = conf["pid"]
    hdfs_node_name = conf["spark"]["hdfs"]["node_name"]
    hdfs_root = conf["spark"]["hdfs"]["root"]
    spark_master_url = conf["spark"]["master_url"]

    workflow_name = conf["workflow_name"]

    sm_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(conf["code_path"])
    spark_config = SparkConfig(spark_master_url)

    conclave_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name) \
        .with_sharemind_config(sm_config) \

    conclave_config.code_path = conf["code_path"] + workflow_name
    conclave_config.input_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/{}".format(
        hdfs_node_name, hdfs_root, conf["name"])
    conclave_config.output_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/{}".format(
        hdfs_node_name, hdfs_root, conf["name"])
    conclave_config.pid = pid
    conclave_config.name = workflow_name
    conclave_config.all_pids = [int(p) for p in conf["all_pids"]]

    network_config = NetworkConfig(conf["sharemind"]["parties"], pid)


    return conclave_config
コード例 #3
ファイル: join.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
def no_hdfs():

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    num_tuples = sys.argv[2]

    workflow_name = "sharemind_join_{}_{}".format(num_tuples, pid)
    sm_cg_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(
        workflow_name, "/mnt/shared", use_hdfs=False, use_docker=True)
    codegen_config = CodeGenConfig(
    codegen_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    codegen_config.input_path = "/mnt/shared/join/" + num_tuples
    codegen_config.output_path = "/mnt/shared/join/" + num_tuples

    sharemind_config = {
        "pid": pid,
        "parties": {
            1: {"host": "ca-spark-node-0", "port": 9001},
            2: {"host": "cb-spark-node-0", "port": 9002},
            3: {"host": "cc-spark-node-0", "port": 9003}
    sm_peer = conclave.net.setup_peer(sharemind_config)

    join(pid, codegen_config, sm_peer, num_tuples)
コード例 #4
def project(namenode, root, f_size, master_url):

    def protocol():

        colsInA = [
            defCol('a', 'INTEGER', [1]),
            defCol('b', 'INTEGER', [1]),
            defCol('c', 'INTEGER', [1]),
            defCol('d', 'INTEGER', [1])

        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsInA, set([1]))

        cols = ([column.name for column in in1.out_rel.columns])

        proja = sal.project(in1, "proja", cols)

        return set([in1])

    dag = protocol()
    config = CodeGenConfig('project_spark_{}'.format(f_size))

    config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + config.name
    config.input_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/{}" \
        .format(namenode, root, f_size)
    config.output_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/project_sp{}" \
        .format(namenode, root, f_size)

    cg = spark.SparkCodeGen(config, dag)
    job = cg.generate(config.name, config.output_path)
    job_queue = [job]

    dis.dispatch_all(master_url, None, job_queue)
コード例 #5
def join(namenode, root, f_size, master_url):
    def protocol():

        colsInA = [
            defCol('a', 'INTEGER', [1]),
            defCol('b', 'INTEGER', [1]),

        colsInB = [
            defCol('a', 'INTEGER', [1]),
            defCol('c', 'INTEGER', [1]),

        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsInA, set([1]))
        in2 = sal.create("in2", colsInB, set([1]))
        join1 = sal.join(in1, in2, 'join1', ['a'], ['a'])

        return set([in1, in2])

    dag = protocol()
    config = CodeGenConfig('join_spark_{}'.format(f_size))

    config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + config.name
    config.input_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/{}" \
        .format(namenode, root, f_size)
    config.output_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/join_sp{}" \
        .format(namenode, root, f_size)

    cg = spark.SparkCodeGen(config, dag)
    job = cg.generate(config.name, config.output_path)
    job_queue = [job]

    dis.dispatch_all(master_url, None, job_queue)
コード例 #6
def setup(conf: dict):
    pid = conf["user_config"]["pid"]
    workflow_name = conf["user_config"]["workflow_name"]
    all_pids = conf["user_config"]['all_pids']
    use_leaky = conf["user_config"]["leaky_ops"]

    conclave_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name)

    # SPARK
        spark_avail = conf["backends"]["spark"]["available"]
        if spark_avail:
            spark_master_url = conf["backends"]["spark"]["master_url"]
            spark_config = SparkConfig(spark_master_url)
    except KeyError:

    # OBLIV-C
        oc_avail = conf["backends"]["oblivc"]["available"]
        if oc_avail:
            oc_path = conf["backends"]["oblivc"]["oc_path"]
            ip_port = conf["backends"]["oblivc"]["ip_port"]
            oc_config = OblivcConfig(oc_path, ip_port)
    except KeyError:

    # JIFF
        jiff_avail = conf["backends"]["jiff"]["available"]
        if jiff_avail:
            jiff_path = conf["backends"]["jiff"]["jiff_path"]
            party_count = conf["backends"]["jiff"]["party_count"]
            server_ip = conf["backends"]["jiff"]["server_ip"]
            server_port = conf["backends"]["jiff"]["server_port"]
            jiff_config = JiffConfig(jiff_path, party_count, server_ip,
    except KeyError:

    # NET
    hosts = conf["net"]["parties"]
    net_config = NetworkConfig(hosts, pid)

    conclave_config.pid = pid
    conclave_config.all_pids = all_pids
    conclave_config.name = workflow_name
    conclave_config.use_leaky_ops = use_leaky

    conclave_config.code_path = conf["user_config"]["paths"]["code_path"]
    conclave_config.output_path = conf["user_config"]["paths"]["output_path"]
    conclave_config.input_path = conf["user_config"]["paths"]["input_path"]

    return conclave_config
コード例 #7
ファイル: workload.py プロジェクト: yangzpag/conclave
def main():
    pid = sys.argv[1]
    data_root = sys.argv[2]
    backend = sys.argv[3]
    workflow_name = "hhi-benchmark-" + pid
    if backend == "python":
        sharemind_conf = SharemindCodeGenConfig("/mnt/shared",
        conclave_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name, int(pid))
        conclave_config.code_path = os.path.join("/mnt/shared", workflow_name)
        conclave_config.input_path = os.path.join("/mnt/shared", data_root)
        conclave_config.output_path = os.path.join("/mnt/shared", data_root)
                              conclave_config, ["sharemind"], ["python"],
    elif backend == "spark":
        sharemind_conf = SharemindCodeGenConfig("/mnt/shared",
        conclave_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name, int(pid))

        host = conclave_config.network_config["parties"][int(pid)]["host"]
        # Update this if your spark master and HDFS namenode are mapped to a different host than your Conclave node
        spark_master_url = "spark://{}:7077".format(host)
        hdfs_namenode = "{}:9000".format(host)
        spark_config = SparkConfig(spark_master_url)

        conclave_config \
            .with_sharemind_config(sharemind_conf) \

        conclave_config.code_path = os.path.join("/mnt/shared", workflow_name)
        conclave_config.input_path = "hdfs://{}/{}".format(
            hdfs_namenode, data_root)
        conclave_config.output_path = "hdfs://{}/{}".format(
            hdfs_namenode, data_root)
                              conclave_config, ["sharemind"], ["spark"],
        raise Exception("Unknown backend {}".format(backend))
コード例 #8
ファイル: taxi.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
            "usage: taxi.py <party ID> <HDFS master node:port> <HDFS root dir> <Spark master url>"

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    hdfs_namenode = sys.argv[2]
    hdfs_root = sys.argv[3]
    spark_master_url = sys.argv[4]

    workflow_name = "job-" + str(pid)
    sm_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig("/mnt/shared")
    spark_config = SparkConfig(spark_master_url)
    conclave_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name) \
        .with_sharemind_config(sm_config) \
    conclave_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    conclave_config.input_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/taxi".format(
        hdfs_namenode, hdfs_root)
    conclave_config.output_path = "hdfs://{}/{}/taxi".format(
        hdfs_namenode, hdfs_root)
    conclave_config.pid = pid
    conclave_config.name = workflow_name
    network_config = {
        "pid": pid,
        "parties": {
            1: {
                "host": "ca-spark-node-0",
                "port": 9001
            2: {
                "host": "cb-spark-node-0",
コード例 #9
ファイル: hybridjoin.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
def testHybridJoinWorkflow():
    def protocol():

        # define inputs
        colsIn1 = [
            defCol("a", "INTEGER", [1]),
            defCol("b", "INTEGER", [1]),
        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsIn1, set([1]))
        proj1 = sal.project(in1, "proj1", ["a", "b"])

        colsIn2 = [
            defCol("c", "INTEGER", [1], [2]),
            defCol("d", "INTEGER", [2])
        in2 = sal.create("in2", colsIn2, set([2]))
        proj2 = sal.project(in2, "proj2", ["c", "d"])

        res = sal.join(proj1, proj2, "res", ["a"], ["c"])

        # open result to party 1
        sal.collect(res, 1)

        # return roots of dag
        return set([in1, in2])

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    size = sys.argv[2]

    workflow_name = "hybrid-join-" + str(pid)
    sm_cg_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(workflow_name,
    codegen_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name).with_sharemind_config(
    codegen_config.pid = pid
    codegen_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    codegen_config.input_path = "/mnt/shared/hybridjoin/" + size
    codegen_config.output_path = "/mnt/shared/hybridjoin/" + size

    jobqueue = generate_code(protocol, codegen_config, ["sharemind"],
    sharemind_config = {
        "pid": pid,
        "parties": {
            1: {
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 9001
            2: {
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 9002
            3: {
                "host": "localhost",
                "port": 9003
    sm_peer = setup_peer(sharemind_config)
    conclave.dispatch.dispatch_all(None, sm_peer, jobqueue)
コード例 #10
    opened = sal._open(agg, "opened", 1)
    return set([in1, in2, in3])

if __name__ == "__main__":

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])

    workflow_name = "sharemind-ssn-" + str(pid)
    sm_cg_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(workflow_name,
    codegen_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name).with_sharemind_config(
    codegen_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    codegen_config.input_path = "/mnt/shared/ssn-data"
    codegen_config.output_path = "/mnt/shared/ssn-data"

    job = SharemindCodeGen(codegen_config, protocol(),
                           pid).generate("sharemind-0", "")
    job_queue = [job]

    sharemind_config = {
        "pid": pid,
        "parties": {
            1: {
                "host": "ca-spark-node-0",
                "port": 9001
            2: {
コード例 #11
ファイル: hybridagg.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
def testHybridAggWorkflow():
    def protocol():

        # define inputs
        colsInA = [
            defCol("a", "INTEGER", [1]),
            defCol("b", "INTEGER", [1]),
        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsInA, set([1]))
        in1.isMPC = False

        proja = sal.project(in1, "proja", ["a", "b"])
        proja.isMPC = False
        proja.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        # define inputs
        colsInB = [
            defCol("a", "INTEGER", [2]),
            defCol("b", "INTEGER", [2]),
        in2 = sal.create("in2", colsInB, set([2]))
        in2.isMPC = False

        projb = sal.project(in2, "projb", ["a", "b"])
        projb.isMPC = False
        projb.out_rel.storedWith = set([2])

        # define inputs
        colsInC = [
            defCol("a", "INTEGER", [3]),
            defCol("b", "INTEGER", [3]),
        in3 = sal.create("in3", colsInC, set([3]))
        in3.isMPC = False

        projc = sal.project(in3, "projc", ["a", "b"])
        projc.isMPC = False
        projc.out_rel.storedWith = set([3])

        clA = sal._close(proja, "clA", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clA.isMPC = True

        clB = sal._close(projb, "clB", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clB.isMPC = True

        clC = sal._close(projc, "clC", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clC.isMPC = True

        comb = sal.concat([clA, clB, clC], "comb")
        comb.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        comb.isMPC = True

        shuffled = sal.shuffle(comb, "shuffled")
        shuffled.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        shuffled.isMPC = True

        persisted = sal._persist(shuffled, "persisted")
        persisted.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        persisted.isMPC = True

        keysclosed = sal.project(shuffled, "keysclosed", ["a"])
        keysclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        keysclosed.isMPC = True

        keys = sal._open(keysclosed, "keys", 1)
        keys.isMPC = True

        indexed = sal.index(keys, "indexed", "rowIndex")
        indexed.isMPC = False
        indexed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        sortedByKey = sal.sort_by(indexed, "sortedByKey", "a")
        sortedByKey.isMPC = False
        sortedByKey.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        eqFlags = sal._comp_neighs(sortedByKey, "eqFlags", "a")
        eqFlags.isMPC = False
        eqFlags.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        # TODO: hack to get keys stored
        # need to fix later!
        sortedByKey = sal.project(sortedByKey, "sortedByKey",
                                  ["rowIndex", "a"])
        sortedByKey.isMPC = False
        sortedByKey.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        closedEqFlags = sal._close(eqFlags, "closedEqFlags", set([1, 2, 3]))
        closedEqFlags.isMPC = True
        closedSortedByKey = sal._close(sortedByKey, "closedSortedByKey",
                                       set([1, 2, 3]))
        closedSortedByKey.isMPC = True

        agg = sal.index_aggregate(persisted, "agg", ["a"], "b", "+", "b",
                                  closedEqFlags, closedSortedByKey)
        agg.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        agg.isMPC = True

        sal._open(agg, "opened", 1)

        # create condag
        return set([in1, in2, in3])

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    size = sys.argv[2]

    workflow_name = "hybrid-agg-" + str(pid)
    sm_cg_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(workflow_name,
    codegen_config = CodeGenConfig(workflow_name).with_sharemind_config(
    codegen_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    codegen_config.input_path = "/mnt/shared/" + size
    codegen_config.output_path = "/mnt/shared/" + size

    dag = protocol()

    mapping = part.heupart(dag, ["sharemind"], ["python"])
    job_queue = []
    for idx, (fmwk, subdag, storedWith) in enumerate(mapping):
        if fmwk == "sharemind":
            job = SharemindCodeGen(codegen_config, subdag,
                                   pid).generate("sharemind-" + str(idx), None)
            job = PythonCodeGen(codegen_config,
                                subdag).generate("python-" + str(idx), None)
        # TODO: this probably doesn't belong here
        if not pid in storedWith:
            job.skip = True

    sharemind_config = {
        "pid": pid,
        "parties": {
            1: {
                "host": "ca-spark-node-0",
                "port": 9001
            2: {
                "host": "cb-spark-node-0",
                "port": 9002
            3: {
                "host": "cc-spark-node-0",
                "port": 9003
    sm_peer = setup_peer(sharemind_config)
    dispatch_all(None, sm_peer, job_queue)
コード例 #12
ファイル: publicjoin.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
def testPublicJoinWorkflow():

    def protocol():

        # define inputs
        colsInA = [
            defCol("a", "INTEGER", [1]),
            defCol("b", "INTEGER", [1]),
        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsInA, set([1]))
        in1.isMPC = False

        proja = sal.project(in1, "proja", ["a", "b"])
        proja.isMPC = False
        proja.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        colsInB = [
            defCol("c", "INTEGER", [1], [2]),
            defCol("d", "INTEGER", [2])
        in2 = sal.create("in2", colsInB, set([2]))
        in2.isMPC = False

        projb = sal.project(in2, "projb", ["c", "d"])
        projb.isMPC = False
        projb.out_rel.storedWith = set([2])

        clA = sal._close(proja, "clA", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clA.isMPC = True
        clB = sal._close(projb, "clB", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clB.isMPC = True

        persistedA = sal._persist(clA, "persistedA")
        persistedB = sal._persist(clB, "persistedB")

        keysaclosed = sal.project(clA, "keysaclosed", ["a"])
        keysaclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        keysaclosed.isMPC = True
        keysbclosed = sal.project(clB, "keysbclosed", ["c"])
        keysbclosed.isMPC = True
        keysbclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])

        keysa = sal._open(keysaclosed, "keysa", 1)
        keysa.isMPC = True
        keysb = sal._open(keysbclosed, "keysb", 1)
        keysb.isMPC = True

        indexedA = sal.index(keysa, "indexedA", "indexA")
        indexedA.isMPC = False
        indexedA.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])
        indexedB = sal.index(keysb, "indexedB", "indexB")
        indexedB.isMPC = False
        indexedB.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        joinedindeces = sal.join(
            indexedA, indexedB, "joinedindeces", ["a"], ["c"])
        joinedindeces.isMPC = False
        joinedindeces.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        indecesonly = sal.project(
            joinedindeces, "indecesonly", ["indexA", "indexB"])
        indecesonly.isMPC = False
        indecesonly.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        indecesclosed = sal._close(
            indecesonly, "indecesclosed", set([1, 2, 3]))
        indecesclosed.isMPC = True

        joined = sal._index_join(persistedA, persistedB, "joined",
                                 ["a"], ["c"], indecesclosed)
        joined.isMPC = True

        sal._open(joined, "opened", 1)

        # create condag
        return set([in1, in2])

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    workflow_name = "hybrid-join-" + str(pid)
    sm_cg_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(
        workflow_name, "/mnt/shared", use_hdfs=False)
    codegen_config = CodeGenConfig(
    codegen_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    codegen_config.input_path = "/mnt/shared"
    codegen_config.output_path = "/mnt/shared"

    exampleutils.generate_data(pid, codegen_config.output_path)

    dag = protocol()
    mapping = part.heupart(dag, ["sharemind"], ["python"])
    job_queue = []
    for idx, (fmwk, subdag, storedWith) in enumerate(mapping):
        if fmwk == "sharemind":
            job = SharemindCodeGen(codegen_config, subdag, pid).generate(
                "sharemind-" + str(idx), None)
            job = PythonCodeGen(codegen_config, subdag).generate(
                "python-" + str(idx), None)
        # TODO: this probably doesn't belong here
        if not pid in storedWith:
            job.skip = True

    sharemind_config = exampleutils.get_sharemind_config(pid, True)
    sm_peer = setup_peer(sharemind_config)
    dispatch_all(None, sm_peer, job_queue)
    if pid == 1:
        expected = ['', '2,200,2001', '3,300,3001', '4,400,4001', '42,42,1001', '5,500,5001',
                    '6,600,6001', '7,700,7001', '7,800,7001', '7,900,7001', '8,1000,8001', '9,1100,9001']
        exampleutils.check_res(expected, "/mnt/shared/opened.csv")
コード例 #13
ファイル: publicjoin.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
def testPublicJoinWorkflow():

    def protocol():

        # define inputs
        colsInA = [
            defCol("a", "INTEGER", [1]),
            defCol("b", "INTEGER", [1]),
        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsInA, set([1]))
        in1.isMPC = False

        proja = sal.project(in1, "proja", ["a", "b"])
        proja.isMPC = False
        proja.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        colsInB = [
            defCol("c", "INTEGER", [1], [2]),
            defCol("d", "INTEGER", [2])
        in2 = sal.create("in2", colsInB, set([2]))
        in2.isMPC = False

        projb = sal.project(in2, "projb", ["c", "d"])
        projb.isMPC = False
        projb.out_rel.storedWith = set([2])

        clA = sal._close(proja, "clA", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clA.isMPC = True
        clB = sal._close(projb, "clB", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clB.isMPC = True

        persistedA = sal._persist(clA, "persistedA")
        persistedA.isMPC = True
        persistedB = sal._persist(clB, "persistedB")
        persistedB.isMPC = True

        keysaclosed = sal.project(clA, "keysaclosed", ["a"])
        keysaclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        keysaclosed.isMPC = True
        keysbclosed = sal.project(clB, "keysbclosed", ["c"])
        keysbclosed.isMPC = True
        keysbclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])

        keysa = sal._open(keysaclosed, "keysa", 1)
        keysa.isMPC = True
        keysb = sal._open(keysbclosed, "keysb", 1)
        keysb.isMPC = True

        indexedA = sal.index(keysa, "indexedA", "indexA")
        indexedA.isMPC = False
        indexedA.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])
        indexedB = sal.index(keysb, "indexedB", "indexB")
        indexedB.isMPC = False
        indexedB.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        joinedindeces = sal.join(
            indexedA, indexedB, "joinedindeces", ["a"], ["c"])
        joinedindeces.isMPC = False
        joinedindeces.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        indecesonly = sal.project(
            joinedindeces, "indecesonly", ["indexA", "indexB"])
        indecesonly.isMPC = False
        indecesonly.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        indecesclosed = sal._close(
            indecesonly, "indecesclosed", set([1, 2, 3]))
        indecesclosed.isMPC = True

        joined = sal._index_join(persistedA, persistedB, "joined", [
                                 "a"], ["c"], indecesclosed)
        joined.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        joined.isMPC = True

        sal._open(joined, "opened", 1)

        # create condag
        return set([in1, in2])

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    size = sys.argv[2]

    workflow_name = "public-join-" + str(pid)
    sm_cg_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(
        workflow_name, "/mnt/shared", use_hdfs=False, use_docker=True)
    codegen_config = CodeGenConfig(
    codegen_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    codegen_config.input_path = "/mnt/shared/hybridjoin/" + size
    codegen_config.output_path = "/mnt/shared/hybridjoin/" + size

    dag = protocol()
    mapping = part.heupart(dag, ["sharemind"], ["python"])
    job_queue = []
    for idx, (fmwk, subdag, storedWith) in enumerate(mapping):
        if fmwk == "sharemind":
            job = SharemindCodeGen(codegen_config, subdag, pid).generate(
                "sharemind-" + str(idx), None)
            job = PythonCodeGen(codegen_config, subdag).generate(
                "python-" + str(idx), None)
        # TODO: this probably doesn't belong here
        if not pid in storedWith:
            job.skip = True

    sharemind_config = {
        "pid": pid,
        "parties": {
            1: {"host": "ca-spark-node-0", "port": 9001},
            2: {"host": "cb-spark-node-0", "port": 9002},
            3: {"host": "cc-spark-node-0", "port": 9003}
    sm_peer = setup_peer(sharemind_config)
    dispatch_all(None, sm_peer, job_queue)
コード例 #14
ファイル: hybrid.py プロジェクト: rob-baron/conclave
def testHybridJoinWorkflow():

    def hybrid_join():

        # define inputs
        colsInA = [
            defCol("a", "INTEGER", [1]),
            defCol("b", "INTEGER", [1]),
        in1 = sal.create("in1", colsInA, set([1]))
        in1.isMPC = False

        proja = sal.project(in1, "proja", ["a", "b"])
        proja.isMPC = False
        proja.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        colsInB = [
            defCol("c", "INTEGER", [1], [2]),
            defCol("d", "INTEGER", [2])
        in2 = sal.create("in2", colsInB, set([2]))
        in2.isMPC = False

        projb = sal.project(in2, "projb", ["c", "d"])
        projb.isMPC = False
        projb.out_rel.storedWith = set([2])

        clA = sal._close(proja, "clA", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clA.isMPC = True
        clB = sal._close(projb, "clB", set([1, 2, 3]))
        clB.isMPC = True

        shuffledA = sal.shuffle(clA, "shuffledA")
        shuffledA.isMPC = True
        persistedA = sal._persist(shuffledA, "persistedA")
        persistedA.isMPC = True
        shuffledB = sal.shuffle(clB, "shuffledB")
        shuffledB.isMPC = True
        persistedB = sal._persist(shuffledB, "persistedB")
        persistedB.isMPC = True

        keysaclosed = sal.project(shuffledA, "keysaclosed", ["a"])
        keysaclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        keysaclosed.isMPC = True
        keysbclosed = sal.project(shuffledB, "keysbclosed", ["c"])
        keysbclosed.isMPC = True
        keysbclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])

        keysa = sal._open(keysaclosed, "keysa", 1)
        keysa.isMPC = True
        keysb = sal._open(keysbclosed, "keysb", 1)
        keysb.isMPC = True

        indexedA = sal.index(keysa, "indexedA", "indexA")
        indexedA.isMPC = False
        indexedA.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])
        indexedB = sal.index(keysb, "indexedB", "indexB")
        indexedB.isMPC = False
        indexedB.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        joinedindeces = sal.join(
            indexedA, indexedB, "joinedindeces", ["a"], ["c"])
        joinedindeces.isMPC = False
        joinedindeces.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        indecesonly = sal.project(
            joinedindeces, "indecesonly", ["indexA", "indexB"])
        indecesonly.isMPC = False
        indecesonly.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        indecesclosed = sal._close(
            indecesonly, "indecesclosed", set([1, 2, 3]))
        indecesclosed.isMPC = True

        joined = sal._index_join(persistedA, persistedB, "joined", [
                                 "a"], ["c"], indecesclosed)
        joined.isMPC = True

        return joined, set([in1, in2])

    def hybrid_agg(in1):

        shuffled = sal.shuffle(in1, "shuffled")
        shuffled.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        shuffled.isMPC = True

        persisted = sal._persist(shuffled, "persisted")
        persisted.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        persisted.isMPC = True
        keysclosed = sal.project(shuffled, "keysclosed", ["b"])
        keysclosed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1, 2, 3])
        keysclosed.isMPC = True
        keys = sal._open(keysclosed, "keys", 1)
        keys.isMPC = True
        indexed = sal.index(keys, "indexed", "rowIndex")
        indexed.isMPC = False
        indexed.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])
        distinctKeys = sal.distinct(keys, "distinctKeys", ["b"])
        distinctKeys.isMPC = False
        distinctKeys.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        # TODO: hack to get keys stored
        # need to fix later!
        fakeDistinctKeys = sal.distinct(keys, "distinctKeys", ["b"])
        fakeDistinctKeys.isMPC = False
        fakeDistinctKeys.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        indexedDistinct = sal.index(distinctKeys, "indexedDistinct", "keyIndex")
        indexedDistinct.isMPC = False
        indexedDistinct.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        joinedindeces = sal.join(
            indexed, indexedDistinct, "joinedindeces", ["b"], ["b"])
        joinedindeces.isMPC = False
        joinedindeces.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        # TODO: could project row indeces away too
        indecesonly = sal.project(
            joinedindeces, "indecesonly", ["rowIndex", "keyIndex"])
        indecesonly.isMPC = False
        indecesonly.out_rel.storedWith = set([1])

        closedDistinct = sal._close(distinctKeys, "closedDistinct", set([1, 2, 3]))
        closedDistinct.isMPC = True
        closedLookup = sal._close(indecesonly, "closedLookup", set([1, 2, 3]))
        closedLookup.isMPC = True

        agg = sal.index_aggregate(persisted, "agg", ["b"], "d", "+", "d", closedLookup, closedDistinct)
        agg.isMPC = True
        sal._open(agg, "aggopened", 1)

    def protocol():

        joinedres, inputs = hybrid_join()
        return saldag.OpDag(inputs)

    pid = int(sys.argv[1])
    workflow_name = "ssn-" + str(pid)
    sm_cg_config = SharemindCodeGenConfig(
        workflow_name, "/mnt/shared", use_hdfs=False, use_docker=False)
    codegen_config = CodeGenConfig(
    codegen_config.code_path = "/mnt/shared/" + workflow_name
    codegen_config.input_path = "/mnt/shared"
    codegen_config.output_path = "/mnt/shared"

    exampleutils.generate_ssn_data(pid, codegen_config.output_path)

    dag = protocol()
    mapping = part.heupart(dag, ["sharemind"], ["python"])
    job_queue = []
    for idx, (fmwk, subdag, storedWith) in enumerate(mapping):
        if fmwk == "sharemind":
            job = SharemindCodeGen(codegen_config, subdag, pid).generate(
                "sharemind-" + str(idx), None)
            job = PythonCodeGen(codegen_config, subdag).generate(
                "python-" + str(idx), None)
        # TODO: this probably doesn't belong here
        if not pid in storedWith:
            job.skip = True

    sharemind_config = exampleutils.get_sharemind_config(pid, True)
    sm_peer = setup_peer(sharemind_config)
    dispatch_all(None, sm_peer, job_queue)
    if pid == 1:
        expected = ['', '1,30', '2,50', '3,30']
        exampleutils.check_res(expected, "/mnt/shared/aggopened.csv")