コード例 #1
ファイル: directory.py プロジェクト: asrashley/music-bingo
 def _search_async_locked(self, pool: futures.Executor, parser: MP3Parser,
                          depth: int) -> List[futures.Future]:
     Walk self._fullpath scheduling tasks to find all songs and
     Checking of files and subdirectories is submitted as tasks
     to the specified pool. Must be called with the lock held
     cache = self._load_cache()
     tasks: List[futures.Future] = []
     assert self._fullpath is not None
     if not self._fullpath.is_dir():
         raise IOError(f'Directory "{self._fullpath}" does not exist')
     self.log.debug('Search %s', self._fullpath.name)
     for index, filename in enumerate(self._fullpath.iterdir()):
         abs_fname = str(filename)
         fstats = os.stat(abs_fname)
         if stat.S_ISDIR(fstats.st_mode):
             subdir = Directory(self, 1000 * (self.ref_id + index),
                 pool.submit(subdir.search_async, pool, parser, depth + 1))
         elif (stat.S_ISREG(fstats.st_mode)
               and abs_fname.lower().endswith(".mp3")
               and fstats.st_size <= self.maxFileSize):
             self._todo += 1
             task = pool.submit(self._parse_song, parser, cache, filename,
     return tasks
コード例 #2
def submit_tasks(executor: Executor, window_size: int, fn, *iterables):
    """ Assuming all task take approximately the same time. Effectively executor.map, but done in batches/windows to
    reduce the number of queued Future objects (seems to consume a lot of memory). """

    args_iterator = zip(*iterables)

    fs_queue = deque(
        (executor.submit(fn, *args) for args in itertools.islice(args_iterator, window_size)),

        while fs_queue:
            # following comment copied from Executor.map
            # Careful not to keep a reference to the popped future
            yield fs_queue.popleft()
            fs_queue.append(executor.submit(fn, *next(args_iterator)))
    except StopIteration:
        # no more tasks to submit

    # collect remaining tasks
    while fs_queue:
        # Careful not to keep a reference to the popped future
        yield fs_queue.popleft()
コード例 #3
def screencap_h264(device: AdbDevice, executor: Executor):
    start = time()
    print("Pushed server component")
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    port = device.adb_output("reverse", "tcp:5556", "localabstract:scrcpy")
    print("[ADB]", port)
    # sock.bind(("", 5556))
    # sock.listen()

    executor.submit(lambda: print(
        device.shell("CLASSPATH=/data/local/tmp/scrcpy-server.jar "
                     "app_process / com.genymobile.scrcpy.Server 0 8000000 "
                     "false - false true")))
    print("Executed scrcpy")

    print("Waiting for connection")
    # conn, info = sock.accept()
    # print(info)
    # print(conn.recv(1))
    # print(conn.recv(64))
    # print(conn.recv(2))
    # print(conn.recv(2))
    # print("Closing transmission")
    # device.shell("\x03")
    # conn.close()
    # sock.close()
    print("Recv h264 took %f seconds" % (time() - start))
コード例 #4
ファイル: git.py プロジェクト: ms-jpq/chadtree
def status(pool: Executor, cwd: PurePath) -> VCStatus:
    if which("git"):
            r = pool.submit(root, cwd=cwd)
            s_main = pool.submit(_stat_main, cwd=cwd)
            s_sub = pool.submit(_stat_sub_modules, cwd=cwd)

            wait(cast(Sequence[Future], (r, s_main, s_sub)))
            return _parse(r.result(), stats=chain(s_main.result(), s_sub.result()))
        except CalledProcessError:
            return VCStatus()
        return VCStatus()
コード例 #5
ファイル: QAFramework.py プロジェクト: stormcoder/qa-lib
def batchedPoolRunner(testgenfunc: Function, dispatchfunc: Function,
                      pool: Executor, size: int, validator: Function) -> int:
    Given a concurrent.futures.pool run the tuples produced by testgenfunc in size chunks. 
    Submit results back to pool using dispatchfunc and the returned result of the func.
    testgenfunc is a function generator that produces a tuple with function to run and parameters to the func.
    The testgenfunc must return a two tuple with a function in the first position and the function parameters 
    in the second position as a dictionary.
    dispatchfunc must return an object, list or tuple and these should be compatible with its own inputs.
    POOL can be a ThreadPoolExecutor or a ProcessPoolExecutor
    size is the processing batch size for submitting to the pool.
    testgenfunc should produce tuple with the first element as the function and the second element the 
    parameters to the function

    NOTE: never create a generator that produces closures. Python internally updates the closure in place 
    instead of creating a new one so you'll effectively have the same closure produced throughout the 
    generators life. It's a nasty bug.

    *** Currently Doesn't work on Process Pools. Working on a solution.
    td = testgenfunc()
    futures = set([pool.submit(f, **p) for f, p in chunk(size, td)])
    count = 0
    debug("batchedPoolRunner: Starting main loop.")
    while len(futures) > 0:
        done = set()
        for job in as_completed(futures):
            if count % 1000 == 0: gc.collect()
            rslt = job.result() if job is not None else None
            if rslt is not None:
                if not validator(rslt):
                    validationFailure("Test case for %s failed validation." %
                serviceError("FutureResult from thread pool is None.")
            count += 1
            if dispatchfunc is not None:
                #debug("Running dispatchfunc %s."%dispatchfunc.__name__)
                if rslt: futures.add(pool.submit(dispatchfunc, rslt))
        futures = futures - done
        if len(futures) < 1000:
            debug("Adding new jobs")
                set([pool.submit(f, **p) for f, p in chunk(size, td)]))
    return count
コード例 #6
ファイル: charge.py プロジェクト: iss4e/drive4data-toolchain
def preprocess_cycles(client: InfluxDBClient, executor: Executor, manager: SyncManager, dry_run=False):
    logger.info("Preprocessing charge cycles")
    queue = manager.Queue()
    series = client.list_series("samples")
    futures = []
    # TODO merge results of different detectors
    for attr, where, detector in [
        ('charger_acvoltage', 'charger_acvoltage>0 OR veh_speed > 0',
        ('ischarging', 'ischarging>0 OR veh_speed > 0',
        ('ac_hvpower', 'ac_hvpower>0 OR veh_speed > 0',
        ('hvbatt_soc', 'hvbatt_soc<200', ChargeCycleDerivDetection(time_epoch=client.time_epoch))
        fields = ["time", "participant", "hvbatt_soc", "veh_speed"]
        if attr not in fields:
        futures += [executor.submit(preprocess_cycle,
                                    nr, client, queue, sname, join_selectors([sselector, where]),
                                    fields, detector, dry_run)
                    for nr, (sname, sselector) in enumerate(series)]

    logger.debug("Tasks started, waiting for results...")
    async_progress(futures, queue)
    data = [f.result() for f in futures]
    logger.debug("Tasks done")
    data.sort(key=lambda a: a[0:1])
    logger.info(__("Detected charge cycles:\n{}", tabulate(data, headers=["attr", "#", "cycles", "cycles_disc"])))
コード例 #7
ファイル: futures.py プロジェクト: borenstein/polytropos
def _run_in_pool(executor: Executor,
                 func: Func[T, R],
                 items: List[T],
                 *args: Any,
                 chunk_size: Optional[int] = None) -> Iterable[R]:
    if chunk_size is None:
        chunk_size = 1

    chunks: Iterable[List[T]] = _split_to_chunks(items, chunk_size)

    exceptions: List[BaseException] = []
    with executor:
        futures: Dict[Future, int] = {}
        for chunk in chunks:
            future = executor.submit(func, chunk, *args)
            futures[future] = len(chunk)
        with tqdm(total=len(items)) as pbar:
            for future in as_completed(set(futures.keys())):
                del futures[future]
                e = future.exception()
                if e is not None:
                    yield future.result()
    if len(exceptions) > 0:
        raise exceptions[0]
コード例 #8
    def _bulk_cleanup(self, jobs: Sequence["Job"],
                      ex: Executor) -> Iterable["Job"]:
        jobs = self.bulk_sync_status(jobs)
        # safety check
        for job in jobs:
            assert job.driver == self.__class__
            if job.status in (Job.Status.SUBMITTED, Job.Status.RUNNING):
                raise InvalidJobStatus(
                    f"Job {job} might be running, please kill first")

        logger.debug("Cleaning up %d jobs", len(jobs))

        def run(job: Job) -> Job:
            for d in ["log_dir", "output_dir"]:
                    path = job.data[d]
                    if os.path.exists(path):
                        logger.debug("Path %s exists, attempting to delete",
                except Exception:
                    logger.error("Unable to remove directory %s", d)
            return job

        futures = [ex.submit(run, j) for j in jobs]

        for f in as_completed(futures):
            yield f.result()
コード例 #9
ファイル: concurrency.py プロジェクト: ymoch/preacher
 def __init__(
     executor: Executor,
     runner: CaseRunner,
     cases: Iterable[Case],
     context: Optional[Context] = None,
     self._future = executor.submit(_run_cases_in_order, runner, cases,
コード例 #10
ファイル: parallel.py プロジェクト: iamianM/model
def exec_with_progress(executor: Executor, fn, *iterables, **tqdm_kwargs):
    Equivalent to executor.map(fn, *iterables) but displays a tqdm-based progress bar.
    Does not support timeout or chunksize as executor.submit is used internally.
    Results are NOT returned in the same order as the iterables order.
    futures_list = [executor.submit(fn, *iterable) for iterable in iterables]

    for future in tqdm(concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures_list), total=len(futures_list), **tqdm_kwargs):
        yield future.result()
コード例 #11
def bench_executor(ex: Executor, fn, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
    t1 = time.time()
    with ex:
        futures = [ex.submit(fn, *args, **kwargs) for _ in range(MAX_WORKERS)]
        for future in futures:
        t2 = time.time()

        futures = [ex.submit(fn, *args, **kwargs) for _ in range(MAX_WORKERS)]
        for future in futures:
        t3 = time.time()
    t4 = time.time()

    exargs = [f"max_workers={ex._max_workers}"]
    except AttributeError:
    label = f"{type(ex).__name__}({', '.join(exargs)})"
    print(f"{label:65s}|{t3 - t2:.6f}|{t2 - t1:.6f}|{t4 - t3:.6f}")
コード例 #12
ファイル: trips.py プロジェクト: iss4e/drive4data-toolchain
def preprocess_trips(client: InfluxDBClient, executor: Executor, manager: SyncManager, dry_run=False):
    logger.info("Preprocessing trips")
    queue = manager.Queue()
    series = client.list_series("samples")
    futures = [executor.submit(preprocess_trip, nr, client, queue, sname, sselector, dry_run)
               for nr, (sname, sselector) in enumerate(series)]
    logger.debug("Tasks started, waiting for results...")
    async_progress(futures, queue)
    data = [f.result() for f in futures]
    logger.debug("Tasks done")
    data.sort(key=lambda a: a[0])
    logger.info(__("Detected trips:\n{}", tabulate(data, headers=["#", "cycles", "cycles_disc"])))
コード例 #13
 def _deferred_run_outer_loop(
     input_data: InputDataset,
     outer_split: Split,
     data_splitter: DataSplitter,
     executor: Executor,
 ) -> Union[Future, OuterLoopResults]:
     if executor is None:
         return self._run_outer_loop(input_data, outer_split, data_splitter)
     return executor.submit(
         self._run_outer_loop, input_data, outer_split, data_splitter
コード例 #14
    def cont(pool: Executor, paths: Iterable[PurePath]) -> None:
        def c1() -> None:
            cmd = "trash"
            if which(cmd):
                command = (cmd, "--", *map(str, paths))
                raise LookupError(LANG("sys_trash_err"))

        def c2() -> None:
            except (CalledProcessError, LookupError) as e:
                threadsafe_call(nvim, write, nvim, e, error=True)
            except Exception as e:
                log.exception("%s", e)
                enqueue_event(_refresh, True)

コード例 #15
def compose(object_path: str, slices: List[storage.Blob],
            client: storage.Client, executor: Executor) -> storage.Blob:
    """Compose an object from an indefinite number of slices. Composition will
    be performed single-threaded but using a tree of accumulators to avoid the
    one second object update cooldown period in GCS. Cleanup will be performed
    concurrently using the provided executor.

        object_path {str} -- The path for the final composed blob.
        slices {List[storage.Blob]} -- A list of the slices which should
            compose the blob, in order.
        client {storage.Client} -- A GCS client to use.
        executor {Executor} -- A concurrent.futures.Executor to use for
            cleanup execution.

        storage.Blob -- The composed blob.

    chunks = generate_composition_chunks(slices)
    next_chunks = []
    identifier = generate_hex_sequence()

    while len(next_chunks) > 32 or not next_chunks:  # falsey empty list is ok
        for chunk in chunks:
            # make intermediate accumulator
            intermediate_accumulator = storage.Blob.from_string(
                object_path + next(identifier))
            LOG.info("Intermediate composition: %s", intermediate_accumulator)
            future_iacc = executor.submit(compose_and_cleanup,
                                          intermediate_accumulator, chunk,
                                          client, executor)
            # store reference for next iteration
        # let intermediate accumulators finish and go again
        chunks = generate_composition_chunks(next_chunks)

    # Now can do final compose
    final_blob = storage.Blob.from_string(object_path)
    final_chunk = [blob for sublist in chunks for blob in sublist]
    compose_and_cleanup(final_blob, final_chunk, client, executor)

    LOG.info("Composition complete")

    return final_blob
コード例 #16
ファイル: cartographer.py プロジェクト: ms-jpq/chadtree
def new(pool: Executor, root: PurePath, index: Index) -> Node:
    acc: SimpleQueue = SimpleQueue()
    bfs_q: SimpleQueue = SimpleQueue()

    def drain() -> Iterator[PurePath]:
        while not bfs_q.empty():
            yield bfs_q.get()

    while not bfs_q.empty():
        tasks = tuple(
            pool.submit(_new, roots=paths, index=index, acc=acc, bfs_q=bfs_q)
            for paths in chunk(drain(), n=WALK_PARALLELISM_FACTOR)

    return _join(acc)
コード例 #17
ファイル: eventloop.py プロジェクト: unveil-social/von-x
def run_in_executor(executor: Executor, coro: Coroutine) -> Future:
    Run an async coroutine in an executor when we aren't already inside an event loop

        executor: A :class:`ThreadExecutor` or :class:`ProcessExecutor` instance which will
            run the coroutine
        A `Future` which can be used to access the result of the coroutine
    loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

    def run_sync_loop(loop, coro):

    future = executor.submit(run_sync_loop, loop, coro)
    return future
コード例 #18
def push_upload_jobs(input_stream: io.BufferedReader, object_path: str,
                     slice_size: int, client: storage.Client,
                     executor: Executor) -> List[Future]:
    """Given an input stream, perform a single-threaded, single-cursor read.
    This will be fanned out into multiple object slices, and optionally
    composed into a single object given as `object_path`. If composition is
    enabled, `object_path` will function as a prefix, to which the suffix
    `_sliceN` will be appended, where N is a monotonically increasing number
    starting with 1.

        input_stream {io.BufferedReader} -- The input stream to read.
        object_path {str} -- The final object path or slice prefix to use.
        slice_size {int} -- The size of slice to target.
        client {storage.Client} -- The GCS client to use.
        executor {Executor} -- The executor to use for the concurrent slice

        List[Future] -- A list of the Future objects representing each blob
            slice upload. The result of each future will be of the type
    futures = []
    read_bytes = 0
    slice_number = 0
    while not input_stream.closed:
        slice_bytes = read_exactly(input_stream, slice_size)
        read_bytes += len(slice_bytes)
        stats['read_bytes'] = read_bytes
        if slice_bytes:
            LOG.debug("Read slice {}, {} bytes".format(slice_number,
            slice_blob = executor.submit(
                upload_bytes, slice_bytes,
                object_path + "_slice{}".format(slice_number), client)
            slice_number += 1
            LOG.info("EOF: {} bytes".format(read_bytes))
    return futures
コード例 #19
def run_on_pool(executor: Executor,
                func: Callable,
                items: List[Any],
                *args: Any,
                chunk_size: Optional[int] = None):
    if len(items) == 0:

    if chunk_size is None:
        chunk_size = 1

    chunks: Iterable[List[Any]] = _split_to_chunks(list(items), chunk_size)

    exceptions = []
    with executor:
        futures = [executor.submit(func, chunk, *args) for chunk in chunks]
        for future in as_completed(futures):
            if future.exception() is not None:
    if len(exceptions) > 0:
        raise exceptions[0]
コード例 #20
ファイル: pyhash.py プロジェクト: NeoTim/parallel-chunks
def read_file(
    f: io.RawIOBase,
    executor: futures.Executor,
    q: _result_queue,
    stop_reading: threading.Event,
        while not stop_reading.is_set():
            # make a bytearray and try very hard to fill it.
            buf = memoryview(bytearray(_CHUNK_SIZE))
            ntotal: int = 0
            nread: int = 1
            while nread > 0:
                # As of 2020-06-01: typeshed wrongly claims we can't
                # `readinto(memoryview)`, so we disable type checking.
                nread = f.readinto(buf[ntotal:]) or 0  # type: ignore
                ntotal += nread
            if ntotal == 0:  # end of file when we can't fill any
            q.put(executor.submit(compute_hash, buf[:ntotal]))
        q.put(None)  # signal end of queue to the printer
コード例 #21
ファイル: QAFramework.py プロジェクト: stormcoder/qa-lib
def parallelize(lambdagen: Generator or Iterator, pool: Executor,
                donecb: Function, errorcb: Function) -> None:
    Run a list or generator of functions in a thread pool. Results sent to the donecb callback, Exceptions are sent to the errorcb ballback.
    :param lambdagen: Generator that produces functions that have no parameters
    :param pool: This will be a ThreadPoolExecutor
    :param donecb: This is a callback that is called with the result
    :param errorcb: This is a callback that is called with an Exception object
    :return: None is returned.
    with pool:
        functions = chunk(100, lambdagen)
        while functions is not None:
            for x in as_completed([pool.submit(f) for f in functions]):
                    if donecb is not None: donecb(x.result())
                except Exception as e:
                        "parallelize received an exception from thread because %s"
                        % e)
                    if errorcb is not None: errorcb(e)
            functions = chunk(100, lambdagen)
コード例 #22
ファイル: job.py プロジェクト: ilastik/webilastik
    def _launch_next_task(self, executor: Executor) -> "Future[OUT] | None":
        if self._done():
            return None
        if not self.args.has_next():
            self.num_args = self.num_dispatched_steps  #FIXME
            return None
        step_arg = self.args.get_next()
        if self._status == "pending":
            self._status = "running"
        step_index = self.num_dispatched_steps
        self.num_dispatched_steps += 1

        def step_done_callback(future: Future[Any]):  # FIXME
            with self.job_lock:
                status_changed = False
                self.num_completed_steps += 1
                if self._status == "failed" or self._status == "cancelled":
                elif future.exception():
                    self._status = "failed"
                    status_changed = True
                elif not self.args.has_next(
                ) and self.num_dispatched_steps == self.num_completed_steps:
                    self._status = "succeeded"
                    status_changed = True
            if self.on_progress:
                self.on_progress(self.uuid, step_index)
            if status_changed:
                exception = future.exception()
                if exception and self.on_failure:
                if self.on_success:
                    self.on_success(self.uuid, future.result())

        future = executor.submit(self.target, step_arg)
        return future
コード例 #23
 def submit(self, executor: Executor, **kwargs) -> TaskFuture:
     self.logger.info(f"Submitting Task[{self.handle}:{self.rid}]")
     self._future = executor.submit(self.execute, **kwargs)
     tparms = {"rid": self.rid, "cid": self.cid, **kwargs}
     return TaskFuture(self._future, **tparms)
コード例 #24
    def __call__(self, executor: Executor) -> Future:
        log.debug("Submitted task <%s> to executor <%s>", self.__repr__(),

        return executor.submit(self._task_wrapper(self.task), executor)
コード例 #25
 def submit(executor_: Executor, args: Tuple) -> Future:
     if verbose:
         nonlocal n_submitted
         n_submitted += 1
         log.log(loglevel, f"Job {n_submitted}, submitting args: {args!r}")
     return executor_.submit(fn, *args)
コード例 #26
 def _bulk_cleanup(self, jobs: Sequence["Job"],
                   ex: Executor) -> Iterable["Job"]:
     futures = [ex.submit(self.cleanup, j) for j in jobs]
     for f in as_completed(futures):
         yield f.result()
コード例 #27
ファイル: ops.py プロジェクト: ms-jpq/chadtree
def is_file(pool: Executor, path: PurePath) -> bool:
    fut = pool.submit(isfile, path)
    return fut.result()
コード例 #28
def batch_apply(
    items: Iterator,
    fnct: callable = None,
    quota: Optional[int] = None,
    interval: int = None,
    preparekey: Optional[callable] = None,
    rejectkey: Optional[callable] = None,
    rejectdefault: Optional[Any] = None,
    through: dict = {},
    executor: Executor = ThreadPoolExecutor()) -> Iterator:
    Applies a function to a large set of items using threading.

    The collection of items to process.

    The function to apply to each item. This function should only take one
    parameter: ONE item.

    This function is a filter which allows you to define which items should not be
    processed, in which case they will be replaced by the 'rejectdefault' argument.
    Should return 'True' is the item is to be rejected, 'False' otherwise.

    The value to be returned instead of the process result for an item that has been
    rejected. The special value 'BOUNCE' allows you to return the same item instead
    of a default value.

    Only a set amount of items can be processed in a set interval of time. Once this
    quota is spent the results already available are yielded back. Once they are
    exhausted, the next batch of items is processed, but not until the time interval
    has been completed.

    The time interval described above (in seconds).

    You can edit the concurrent executor if you so wish (e.g. to increase max_workers)


    fnct = partial(fnct, **through)

    if (quota is not None and interval is None
            or interval is None and quota is not None):
        raise UserWarning(
            "When using quotas, 'quota' and 'interval' need to be both provided."

    milestone = time.time()
    futures = []

    for idx, item in enumerate(items):

        if preparekey is not None:
            item = preparekey(item)

        if rejectkey is not None and rejectkey(item):
            if rejectdefault is not BOUNCE:
                item = rejectdefault

        futures.append(executor.submit(fnct, item))

        if quota is not None and not (idx + 1) % quota:

            for future in futures:
                yield future.result()
            futures = []

            remaining_time = interval - (time.time() - milestone)
            remaining_time = max(remaining_time, 0)

            if remaining_time:

            milestone = time.time()

    for future in futures:
        yield future.result()
コード例 #29
ファイル: record.py プロジェクト: rmayhue/sxrumble
def add_jobs_to_queue(config: Config, e: Executor,
                      running: Set[Future]) -> None:
    while len(running) < config.threads:
        operation = pick_operation(config)
        future = e.submit(record_operation, operation)
コード例 #30
 def __init__(self, pool: Executor) -> None:
     self._q: SimpleQueue = SimpleQueue()