コード例 #1
ファイル: find_new_entries.py プロジェクト: Akel/glideinWMS
def find_new_entries_in_infosys(config_xml, source, source_type, skip_disabled, vo_name=''):
    For the given information system, find any new entries that are not already in the config.
        # Find all config entries not disabled
        config_dom = minidom.parse(config_xml)
        config_entries = infosys_lib.parse_entries(config_dom, skip_missing_ref_id=True, skip_disabled=skip_disabled)
        print "Error parsing the config file '%s' for entries, exiting the tool." % config_xml
    # Query the given info system
    if source_type.lower() == 'bdii':
        infosys_entries = infosys_lib.query_bdii(source, vo_name)
    elif source_type.lower() == 'ress':
        # Update path with condor 
        condor_path = infosys_lib.parse_condor_path(config_dom)
        os.environ["CONDOR_CONFIG"] = condor_path + "/etc/condor_config"
        condorExe.set_path(condor_path + "/bin", condor_path + "/sbin")
        ress_entries = infosys_lib.query_ress(source, vo_name)
        # Remove duplicate entries
        infosys_entries = remove_duplicates(ress_entries)
    elif source_type.lower() == 'tg':
        infosys_entries = infosys_lib.query_teragrid(source)
    # Compare config entries with what is found in the information system
    new_entries = []
    for infosys_id in infosys_entries:
        entry_i = infosys_entries[infosys_id]
        found_match = False
        for config_entry in config_entries:
            entry_c = config_entries[config_entry]
            # Check if ids match
            if entry_i['ref_id'] == entry_c['ref_id']:
                # Check same source types between config and infosys entries
                # TODO do we need to check source url too?
                if entry_c['source_type'].lower() == source_type.lower():
                    found_match = True # already have this entry
                # Check if content matches for other infosys or manual entries
                if entry_i['gatekeeper'] == entry_c['gatekeeper'] and entry_i['gridtype'] == entry_c['gridtype'] and entry_i['rsl'] == entry_c['rsl']:
                    found_match = True # already have this entry
                    # TODO here could add ability to update ref_ids if find additional matching entry
                    # not sure if we want to for ress entries tho?
        if not found_match:

    return new_entries
コード例 #2
ファイル: Factory.py プロジェクト: klarson1/master_test
 def verify_directories_empty(self):
   """ This method attempts to clean up all directories so a fresh install
       can be accomplished successfully.  
       It is consoldiated in a single check so as to only ask once and
       not for each directory.
       It also (attempts) to insure that if directories are nested, it 
       does not create a problem.  Not an easy task.
       When privilege separation is in effect, the condor_root_switchboard
       must be used to clean out the client log and proxy files 
       as the owners are different and permissions problems will occur.
   dirs = {}
   if len(os.listdir(self.client_log_dir())) > 0:
     dirs["client_log_dir"] = self.client_log_dir()
   if len(os.listdir(self.client_proxy_dir())) > 0:
     dirs["client_proxy_dir"] = self.client_proxy_dir()
   if len(os.listdir(self.logs_dir())) > 0:
     dirs["logs_dir"] = self.logs_dir()
   for dir in ["monitor","stage"]:
     subdir = os.path.join(self.glidein.web_location(),dir)
     if os.path.isdir(subdir) and len(os.listdir(subdir)) > 0:
       dirs["web_location/%s" % dir] = subdir
   if len(os.listdir(self.install_location())) > 0:
     if len(os.listdir(self.install_location())) > self.nbr_of_nested_dirs():
       dirs["install_location"] = self.install_location()
   if len(dirs) == 0:
     return  # all directories are empty
   common.logit("""The following directories must be empty for the install to succeed: """)
   for option in dirs.keys():
     common.logit("""  %(option)s: %(dir)s""" % \
                       { "option" : option, "dir" : dirs[option] })
   common.ask_continue("... can we remove their contents")
   for option in dirs.keys():
     if self.wms.privilege_separation() == "y":
       if option in ["client_log_dir","client_proxy_dir",]:
         #-- Factory create requires these directories be empty
         #-- when privspep is in effect
         condor_sbin = "%s/sbin" % self.wms.condor_location()
         condor_bin  = "%s/bin" % self.wms.condor_location()
         parent_dir = dirs[option]
         subdirs = os.listdir(parent_dir)
         for base_dir in subdirs:
           if os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (parent_dir,base_dir)): 
   # this re-validation is performed to resolve problem of nesting some dirs
コード例 #3
def find_entries_with_partial_id_match(config_xml, skip_disabled):
    Finds the bdii, ress and TeraGrid entries with partial matches.
        # Find all enabled config entries with ref ids
        config_dom = minidom.parse(config_xml)
        config_entries = infosys_lib.parse_entries(config_dom, skip_missing_ref_id=True, skip_disabled=skip_disabled)
        # Create an info systems list from factory config
        infosystems = infosys_lib.parse_info_systems(config_dom)
        has_ress = False
        for infosys in infosystems:
            if infosystems[infosys].lower() == 'ress':
                has_ress = True
        if has_ress:  
            # Update path with condor 
            condor_path = infosys_lib.parse_condor_path(config_dom)
            os.environ["CONDOR_CONFIG"] = condor_path + "/etc/condor_config"
            condorExe.set_path(condor_path + "/bin", condor_path + "/sbin")
        print "Error parsing the the config file '%s', exiting the tool." % config_xml

    # Retrieve info systems entries 
    bdii_entries = {}
    ress_entries = {}
    tg_entries = {}
    for infosys, type in infosystems.iteritems():
        if type.lower() == 'bdii':
        elif type.lower() == 'ress':
        elif type.lower() == 'tg':
    partial_match_bdii_entries = find_partial_id_match(bdii_entries, config_entries, 'bdii')
    partial_match_ress_entries = find_partial_id_match(ress_entries, config_entries, 'ress')
    partial_match_tg_entries = find_partial_id_match(tg_entries, config_entries, 'tg')
    return partial_match_bdii_entries, partial_match_ress_entries, partial_match_tg_entries
コード例 #4
ファイル: Factory.py プロジェクト: klarson1/master_test
  def get_ress_data(self):
    common.logit("ReSS host: %s" % self.glidein.ress_host())
    #-- validate host ---
    if not common.url_is_valid(self.glidein.ress_host()):
      common.logerr("ReSS server (%s) in ress_host option is not valid or inaccssible." % self.glidein.ress_host())

    condor_sbin = "%s/sbin" % self.wms.condor_location()
    condor_bin  = "%s/bin" % self.wms.condor_location()
    #-- get gatekeeper data from ReSS --
    common.logit("Supported VOs: %s" % self.glidein.entry_vos())
    constraint = self.glidein.ress_vo_constraint()
    common.logit("Constraints: %s" % constraint)
    except Exception,e: 
コード例 #5
    def test_query_ress(self):
        Test querying RESS
        # Condor path and config location
        # These will be set correctly as long as the test is run in the same environment
        # as what is needed to run the factory/wms collector
        if not os.environ.has_key("CONDOR_CONFIG"):
        self.assertTrue(condorExe.condor_bin_path != None and condorExe.condor_sbin_path != None)
        condorExe.set_path(condorExe.condor_bin_path, condorExe.condor_sbin_path)
        # Test that information is retrieved and is populated correctly
        infosys_entries = query_ress("osg-ress-1.fnal.gov", "engage")
        self.assertNotEqual(infosys_entries, {})
        keys = infosys_entries.keys()
        entry = infosys_entries[keys[0]]
        self.assertTrue(entry['site_name'] != '')
        self.assertTrue(entry['gridtype'] != '')
        self.assertTrue(entry['gatekeeper'] != '')
        self.assertTrue(entry['wall_clocktime'] != 0)
        self.assertTrue(entry['ref_id'] != '')
        self.assertTrue(entry['ce_status'] != '')
        self.assertTrue(entry['glexec_bin'] == 'OSG')
        self.assertTrue(entry['work_dir'] == 'OSG')
        self.assertEqual(entry['source'], "osg-ress-1.fnal.gov")
        self.assertEqual(entry['source_type'], 'RESS') 
        self.assertTrue(entry['GlueCEUniqueID'] != '') 

        # Test bad ress source
        self.assertRaises(Exception, query_ress, "bad.url", "cms")
        # Test bad vo name
        infosys_entries = query_ress("osg-ress-1.fnal.gov", "junk_testing_bad_vo_name_that_is_not_valid")
        self.assertEqual(infosys_entries, {})
        # Test empty vo name
        infosys_entries = query_ress("osg-ress-1.fnal.gov", "")
        self.assertTrue(infosys_entries != {})
コード例 #6
ファイル: Factory.py プロジェクト: djw8605/glideinWMS
  def verify_directories_empty(self):
    """ This method attempts to clean up all directories so a fresh install
        can be accomplished successfully.  
        It is consoldiated in a single check so as to only ask once and
        not for each directory.
        When privilege separation is in effect, the condor_root_switchboard
        must be used to clean out the client log and proxy files 
        as the owners are different and permissions problems will occur.
    instance_dir = "glidein_%(instance)s" % \
                     { "instance" : self.glidein.instance_name(), }
    dirs = {}
    dirs["logs.........."] = os.path.join(self.logs_dir(),instance_dir)
    dirs["install......."] = os.path.join(self.install_location(),instance_dir)
    dirs["config........"] = self.config_dir()
    for frontend in self.wms.frontend_users().keys():
      ## user = "******" + self.wms.frontend_users()[frontend]
      ## dirs["%s client logs..." % user] = os.path.join(self.client_log_dir(),user,instance_dir)
      ## dirs["%s client proxies" % user] = os.path.join(self.client_proxy_dir(),user,instance_dir)
      dirs["client logs"]    = self.client_log_dir()
      dirs["client proxies"] = self.client_proxy_dir()
    for subdir in ["monitor","stage"]:
      dirs["web %s " % subdir] = os.path.join(self.glidein.web_location(),subdir,instance_dir)

    #--- check them --
    for type in dirs.keys():
      if os.path.isdir(dirs[type]):
        if len(os.listdir(dirs[type])) == 0:
          if self.wms.privilege_separation() == "y":
            if type in ["client logs", "client proxies",]:
              del dirs[type]  # remove from dict
            else: # will have permission to delete it
              # os.rmdir(dirs[type])
              del dirs[type]  # remove from dict
          else: # will have permission to delete it
            for rootdir, dirlist, filelist in os.walk(dirs[type],topdown=False):
                for filename in filelist:
                        os.remove(os.path.join(rootdir, filename))
            del dirs[type]  # remove from dict
      else: # it does not exist, remove from dict
        del dirs[type]  

    #--- if all are empty, return 
    if len(dirs) == 0:
      os.system("sleep 3")
      return  # all directories are empty

    #--- See if we can remove them ---
    common.logit("""The following directories must be empty for the install to succeed: """)
    types = dirs.keys()
    for type in types:
      common.logit("""  %(type)s: %(dir)s""" % \
                        { "type" : type, "dir" : dirs[type] })
    common.ask_continue("... can we remove their contents")
    for type in dirs.keys():
      if self.wms.privilege_separation() == "y":
        if type in ["client logs", "client proxies",]:
          #-- Factory create requires these directories be empty
          #-- when privspep is in effect
          condor_sbin = "%s/sbin" % self.wms.condor_location()
          condor_bin  = "%s/bin" % self.wms.condor_location()
          parent_dir = dirs[type]
          subdirs = os.listdir(parent_dir)
          for base_dir in subdirs:
            if os.path.isdir("%s/%s" % (parent_dir,base_dir)): 
              except Exception,e:
                common.logerr("""Encountered a problem in executing condor_root_switchboard 
to remove this client's sub-directories:

Check your /etc/condor/privsep.conf file to verify.
You may need to configure/install your WMS Collector to resolve or correct
the ini file for the %(type)s attribute.  Be careful now.
""" % { "dir"    : parent_dir,
        "type" : type, 
        "error"  : e, } )
          common.logit("Files in %s deleted" % parent_dir) 
        else:  # not client logs or proxies
      else: #no privsep in effect