def addVulnerabilityColumns(): # creating a Cursor table = "popoliforpostgres" filename = "C:/Data/Python/metodologia.txt" sql = "" sqllist = [] if (filename != ""): infile = open(filename, "r") lines = infile.readlines() infile.close() for i in range(0, len(lines)): tokens = lines[i] if (len(sql)) > 1: #otrosql = otrosql + ", " + tokens sql = "alter table popoliforpostgres add column " + tokens print "Logica 525 \n " + sql sqllist.append(sql) else: #otrosql = tokens sql = "" conectarpostgres.executeSQL(sqllist) return sql
def updatevulnerabilityindex(namedatabase): '''update popoliforpostgres set vulindex = (select (sum(paramvalue*(vkimportance-vkprotection))/sum(paramvalue))/6 + 0.5 from valutazione where idstructure=17) where gid=17 ''' sqllist = [] numberofstructures = calculatenumberofstructures(namedatabase) # vki = Z* W * F # vkp = wz*m sql = "update valutazione set vkimportance = w1*z*f, vkprotection=w2*z*n" sqllist.append(sql) for idstructura in range(1, numberofstructures): # otrosql = "update popolispatial set vulnerab = (select sum(paramvalue*(vkimportance-vkprotection))*(1/6)*(1/(select sum(paramvalue) from valutazione where idstructure= " + str(idstructura) + "))+ 0.5 from valutazione where idstructure= " + str(idstructura) +" ) where ogc_fid= " + str(idstructura) + "" sql = "update popoliforpostgres set vulindex = " sql = sql + "(select (sum(paramvalue*(vkimportance-vkprotection))/sum(paramvalue))/6 + 0.5 " sql = sql + "from valutazione where idstructure='" + str( idstructura) + "'" sql = sql + ") " sql = sql + "where gid='" + str(idstructura) + "'" print sql sqllist.append(sql) conectarpostgres.executeSQL(sqllist)
def updatevulnerabilityfactor(namedatabase): sqllist = [] sql = "update popoliforpostgres set vulfactor = 0.53 + 1.15*vulindex -4*vulindex*vulindex + 4.21*vulindex*vulindex*vulindex" # print otrosql sqllist.append(sql) conectarpostgres.executeSQL(sqllist)
def updatevulnerabilityparamaters(namedatabase): '''update popoliforpostgres set vulindex = (select (sum(paramvalue*(vkimportance-vkprotection))/sum(paramvalue))/6 + 0.5 from valutazione where idstructure=17) where gid=17 ''' sqllist = [] sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='1' where (idparam=4 or idparam=5 or idparam=6 or idparam=7 )" print sql sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.5' where idparam=9" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='1' where idparam=10" print sql # cur.executd(otrosql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.8' where (idparam=11 or idparam=8)" # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.5' where idparam=12" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='1.5' where idparam=13" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.3' where idparam=14" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) logging.debug(" PredictiveModel 137 ") for sql in sqllist: logging.debug(sql) conectarpostgres.executeSQL(sqllist)
def importValutazioneFromExcelv2(filename, database): sqllist = readFromExcel(filename) #import connectdb import conectarpostgres conectarpostgres.executeSQL(sqllist) updatevulnerabilityparamaters(database) updatevulnerabilityindex(database) updatevulnerabilityfactor(database)
def populateValutazione(databasename): numberofstructures = calculatenumberofstructures(databasename) logging.debug("numberofstructures") logging.debug(numberofstructures) # get the active layer # layer = iface.activeLayer() ''' init postgres ''' sqllist = [] for idstructura in range(0, numberofstructures): for param in range(1, 15): x = random.sample([0, 1], 1) # z= random.sample([0,1], 1) z = x # f = random.sample([0,1.5], 1) ## dont know the ranges of values h1 = random.uniform(0, 1.5) h = round(h1, 2) f = [h] w1 = random.sample([1, 2], 1) # w2= random.sample([1,2], 1) h1 = random.uniform(0, 1.5) h = round(h1, 2) n = [h] idstructura = str(idstructura) param = str(param) x = x[0] z = z[0] w1 = w1[0] f = f[0] # w2= w2[0] n = n[0] w2 = w1 z = x # n = f # vki = Z* W * F vki_factor = w1 * z * f vki_float = round(vki_factor) # vkp = wz*m vkp_factor = w2 * z * n vkp_float = round(vkp_factor) x = str(x) z = str(z) f = str(f) w1 = str(w1) w2 = str(w2) n = str(n) # vki = Z* W * F vki = str(vki_float) # vkp = wz*m vkp = str(vkp_float) ''' idstructure integer NOT NULL, idparam integer NOT NULL, x integer, z integer, f integer, w1 integer, w2 integer, n integer, vkimportance integer, vkprotection integer, paramvalue real, ''' sql = " insert into valutazione values (" + idstructura + "," + param + "," + x + ", " + z + ", " + f + "," + w1 + "," + w2 + ", " + n + "," + vki + "," + vkp + ", 0)" # sql = sql + ";" # print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) # cur.execute(otrosql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='1' where (idparam=4 or idparam=5 or idparam=6 or idparam=7 )" print sql sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.5' where idparam=9" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='1' where idparam=10" print sql # cur.executd(otrosql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.8' where (idparam=11 or idparam=8)" # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.5' where idparam=12" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='1.5' where idparam=13" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) sql = "update valutazione set paramvalue='0.3' where idparam=14" print sql # cur.execute(otrosql) sqllist.append(sql) logging.debug(" PredictiveModel 137 ") for sql in sqllist: logging.debug(sql) conectarpostgres.executeSQL(sqllist) print " valutation populated"