コード例 #1
ファイル: maze.py プロジェクト: freezed/ocp3
    def __init__(self, filename):
        Initialise maze

        The Maze object has given attributes:

        :var bool status: False = End of game (file error, end of game or quit)
        :var int COL_NB: column number of the maze
        :var int RANGE: string range
        :var int MAX_ITEMS: number of items
        :var str string: contain maze without EOL in astring

        :param filename: maze filename
        # Loading maze file
        if os.path.isfile(filename) is False:
            self.status = False

            with open(filename, "r") as maze_data:
                splited_maze = maze_data.read().splitlines()

            if self.check_file(splited_maze):

                # Builds a square maze (end-line spaces are missing in file)
                self.string = '\n'.join(
                    (self.check_line(line) for line in splited_maze))

                # Place randomly 'item' on the maze
                for symbol_to_place in elmt_val('symbol', 'item', True):
                    position = random.choice([
                        idx for (idx, value) in enumerate(self.string)
                        if value == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'floor', 0)

                    self.set_symbol(symbol_to_place, position)

                self.MAX_ITEMS = sum(1 for _ in elmt_val('name', 'item', True))
                self.COL_NB = MAZE_SIZE + 1  # List starts to zero
                self.RANGE = range(self.COL_NB * MAZE_SIZE -
                                   1)  # remove last EOL
                self.status = True

                self.status = False
コード例 #2
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: freezed/ocp3
    def update(self, player):
        Updates GUI after a move

        :param obj player: a Player object
        changed_tiles = [
            (elmt_val('tile', 'symbol', player.ground,
                      0), player.old_position),
            (elmt_val('tile', 'name', 'player', 0), player.current_position),

            self.blit(tile[0], self.coord_from_index(tile[1]))
            for num, tile in enumerate(changed_tiles) if None not in tile

        # Refresh
コード例 #3
ファイル: maze.py プロジェクト: freezed/ocp3
 def check_line(line):
     Checks if a line has a good length (configured in MAZE_SIZE const).
     Fill it if it's too small, truncate if it's too long.
     differance = MAZE_SIZE - len(str(line))
     if differance < 0:
         return line[:MAZE_SIZE]
     elif differance > 0:
         return line + (differance * elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'floor', 0))
         return line
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, maze):
        Creates a player in the given maze

        :param obj maze: Maze object
        self.maze = maze
        self.current_position = maze.string.find(
            elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0))
        self.old_position = None

        # Element under player, default 'floor'
        self.ground = elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'floor', 0)

        # Colleted items
        self.stock = []
        self.stock_num = 0

        # Contextual messages to display on each turn
        self.status_message = {}
        self.status_message['title'] = HEAD_MESSAGES['title']
        self.status_message['status'] = HEAD_MESSAGES['status']
        self.status_message['items'] = HEAD_MESSAGES['items'].format(
            self.stock_num, maze.MAX_ITEMS)
コード例 #5
ファイル: gui.py プロジェクト: freezed/ocp3
    def draw(self, maze, messages):
        Take a maze string and generate a graphic maze

        :param obj maze: a Maze object
        :param list/str messages: list of messages for header
        for cell, element in enumerate(maze.string.replace('\n', '')):
            img = elmt_val('tile', 'symbol', element, 0)
            x = (cell % MAZE_SIZE) * CELL_SIZE
            y = (cell // MAZE_SIZE) * CELL_SIZE + HEAD_SIZE_H

            if img is False:
                self.blit(UNKNOWN_FILE, (x, y))
                self.blit(img, (x, y))


        # Refresh
コード例 #6
    def move_to(self, next_position):
        Next position treatment

        For each movement, it checks the next symbol on the maze and
        apply the corresponding rule:
        - set the new position
        - updates messages
        - collect item (if any)
        - set symbol of the leaved position
        - stop the game (win or lose)

        :param int next_position: index in self.maze.string
        # in the string range
        if next_position in self.maze.RANGE:
            next_symbol = self.maze.string[next_position]

            self.old_position = self.current_position

            # 'floor' element
            if next_symbol == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'floor', 0):
                self.current_position = next_position
                self.status_message['status'] = MSG_OK

            # 'item' element
            elif next_symbol in elmt_val('symbol', 'item', True):
                self.current_position = next_position
                self.stock.append(elmt_val('name', 'symbol', next_symbol, 0))
                self.stock_num += 1
                self.status_message['status'] = MSG_COLLECT.format(
                    elmt_val('name', 'symbol', next_symbol, 0))
                self.status_message['items'] \
                    = HEAD_MESSAGES['items'].format(
                        self.stock_num, self.maze.MAX_ITEMS

            # 'guard' element
            elif next_symbol == elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'guard', 0):
                self.maze.status = False

                # all 'item' are collected : player wins
                if sorted(self.stock) == sorted(elmt_val('name', 'item',
                    self.status_message['status'] = MSG_WINNER

                # player lose
                    missed_item_flist = ', '.join(
                        (item for item in elmt_val('name', 'item', True)
                         if item not in self.stock))
                    self.status_message['status'] = MSG_LOSER.format(

            # for all other element (wall or nline)
                self.status_message['status'] = MSG_WALL
                self.old_position = None

        # out the string range
            self.status_message['status'] = MSG_WALL
            self.old_position = None

        # Replaces player symbol in maze.string by 'ground' value
        self.maze.string = self.maze.string.replace(
            elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0), self.ground)

        # Sets the player's new position in maze.string
        self.maze.set_symbol(elmt_val('symbol', 'name', 'player', 0),