def run_unzip_file(configData: ConfigData): f_date_str = configData.get_f_date() # "20181101" zip_path = os.path.join(configData.get_zip_path(), f_date_str) # root_path = configData.get_data("allinpay_data_zc") data_path = os.path.join(configData.get_data_path(), f_date_str) # allinpay_data_zc # ifile = '/home/testFolder/logflow/bl_shouyinbao/20181101/9999100000/t1_trxrecord_20181101_V2.csv' # ofile = '/home/testFolder/logflow/bl_shouyinbao/UTF8/20181101/9999100000/t1_trxrecord_20181101_V2.csv' print("Start\n") # os.path.join(root_path, the_date) # real SYB folder don't have date folder f_name = configData.get_zip_name(f_date_str) # 3= the_date+".zip" # 5 = the_date+"" a_file = os.path.join(zip_path, f_name) p_name = configData.get_file_name(f_date_str) # p_date+"*" if MyLocalFile.check_file(a_file): MyLocalFile.unzip_the_file(a_file, data_path, p_name=p_name)
def run_unzip_file(configData: ConfigData, folder_type=2): f_date_str = configData.get_f_date() # "20181101" if (type(f_date_str) is str) and len(f_date_str) == 8: m_month = f_date_str[0:6] m_day = f_date_str[6:8] else: return zip_path = configData.get_zip_path() data_path = configData.get_data_path() f_name = configData.get_zip_name("") # "t1_trxrecord_" the_date # "_V2.csv" print("Start\n") # os.path.join(root_path, the_date) # real SYB folder don't have date folder branches = MyLocalFile.get_child_dir(zip_path) for aBranch in branches: if MyLocalFile.check_branch(aBranch): months = MyLocalFile.get_child_dir(aBranch) for aMonth in months: the_month = MyLocalFile.check_month(aMonth) if the_month > 0 and "{:0>6d}".format(the_month) == m_month: day_list = MyLocalFile.get_child_dir(aMonth) for aDay in day_list: the_day = MyLocalFile.check_day(aDay) if the_day > 0 and "{:0>2d}".format(the_day) == m_day: files = MyLocalFile.get_child_file(aDay) for aFile in files: if MyLocalFile.check_file(aFile, p_name=f_name): short_name = os.path.basename(aBranch) if folder_type == 1: new_path = os.path.join(data_path, m_month, m_day, short_name) # "{:0>6d}".format(month) "{:0>2d}".format(day) else: new_path = os.path.join(data_path, f_date_str, short_name) # "{:0>6d}{:0>2d}".format(month, day) p_name = configData.get_file_name(f_date_str) MyLocalFile.unzip_the_file(aFile, new_path, p_name)
# 3、20180703 265 2018-7-2 2017-10-11 # 2、20171010 466 2017-10-9 2016-7-1 # 其他文件没有多 delta 1天 # 1、20190110 191 2019-1-10 2018-7-4 但实际看见的文件是到 2018-7-3 日 # 再给保理7、8号两个流水增加1天文件2018-7-2,运行 7 20180703 1 # 上面都是 205个文件 # 再风险 4、6、9, 运行 4 20180702 190 # 再流水 3、5、7,8 运行 3 20180702 190 date2 = start_date - datetime.timedelta(days=delta) day_str2 = date2.strftime("%Y%m%d") the_conf.find_row(date2.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) run_remove_files(the_conf) run_remove_hive(the_conf) run_sftp_file(the_conf) g_zip_path = the_conf.get_zip_path() if len(g_zip_path) > 0: run_unzip_file(the_conf) run_conv_file_local_to_hdfs(the_conf) run_hive(the_conf) run_remove_files(the_conf) print("ok")