def __init__(self,config_filepath=None,config=None,section="field parameters", time_dependent_function=None, scale=1.0, normalize=None, **kwargs): """ Loads the config_filepath and puts the elements into the objects attributes. Also loads and saves the fields. Args: config_filepath: filepath to the config file for the field. Either this or the config object needs to be present. config: A config parser object. Allows the reading of this data from an existent config parser object. section: The name of the section in the filepath with the field info. Default is field parameters. Attributes: fields: A dict first pointing to the type of field (i.e. electric or magnetic) then pointing to components of the field. stepsize: A dict containing the stepsize of each of the coordinates key by the coordinate. number_of_steps: A dict containing the number of steps of each of the coordinates key by the coordinate. zmin: The minimum value of the z coordinate in the filepath. zmax: The max z in the field. zlen: The length over which the field is applied. current_position: The position of the center of mass of the pulse to be used if a distance needs to be calculated. time_dependent_function: An option function callback (function is a function of top.time) that can add time dependence to the field. Default is no such function. scale: An option that provides a hook to scale the field(s) being loaded. """ if config_filepath is None and config is None: raise Exception("Either the config_filepath needs to be specified or a config parser object " + "needs to be passed to the init function.") if config is None: config = ConfigParser() self.config = config self.section = section self.xmin = config.get(section,"xmin") self.ymin = config.get(section,"ymin") self.zmin = config.get(section,"zmin") self.zmax = config.get(section,"zmax") self.zlen = config.get(section,"zlen") self.stepsize = {} self.number_of_steps = {} self.fields = {} for option in config.options(section): if option.startswith("d"): self.stepsize[option.replace("d","")] = config.get(section,option) if option.startswith("n"): self.number_of_steps[option.replace("n","")] = config.get(section,option) if option.endswith("_pickled_field"): field_type = option.replace("_pickled_field","") self.fields[field_type] = pickle.load( open(config.get(section,option), "rb") ) for component in self.fields[field_type]: self.fields[field_type][component] = scale*np.array(self.fields[field_type][component],order="FORTRAN") self.time_dependent_function = time_dependent_function
def __init__(self,config_filepath=None,config=None,section="field parameters", time_dependent_function=None, **kwargs): """ Loads the config_filepath and puts the elements into the objects attributes. Also loads and saves the fields. Args: config_filepath: filepath to the config file for the field. Either this or the config object needs to be present. config: A config parser object. Allows the reading of this data from an existent config parser object. section: The name of the section in the filepath with the field info. Default is field parameters. Attributes: fields: A dict first pointing to the type of field (i.e. electric or magnetic) then pointing to components of the field. stepsize: A dict containing the stepsize of each of the coordinates key by the coordinate. number_of_steps: A dict containing the number of steps of each of the coordinates key by the coordinate. zmin: The minimum value of the z coordinate in the filepath. zmax: The max z in the field. zlen: The length over which the field is applied. current_position: The position of the center of mass of the pulse to be used if a distance needs to be calculated. time_dependent_function: An option function callback (function is a function of top.time) that can add time dependence to the field. Default is no such function. """ if config_filepath is None and config is None: raise Exception("Either the config_filepath needs to be specified or a config parser object " + "needs to be passed to the init function.") if config is None: config = ConfigParser() self.config = config self.section = section self.xmin = config.get(section,"xmin") self.ymin = config.get(section,"ymin") self.zmin = config.get(section,"zmin") self.zmax = config.get(section,"zmax") self.zlen = config.get(section,"zlen") self.stepsize = {} self.number_of_steps = {} self.fields = {} for option in config.options(section): if option.startswith("d"): self.stepsize[option.replace("d","")] = config.get(section,option) if option.startswith("n"): self.number_of_steps[option.replace("n","")] = config.get(section,option) if option.endswith("_pickled_field"): field_type = option.replace("_pickled_field","") self.fields[field_type] = pickle.load( open(config.get(section,option), "rb") ) for component in self.fields[field_type]: self.fields[field_type][component] = np.array(self.fields[field_type][component],order="FORTRAN") self.time_dependent_function = time_dependent_function
from diagnostics.steves_uem_diagnostics import steves_plots, electric_potential_plots from discrete_fourspace.mesh import get_supremum_index from injectors.injector_classes import ElectronInjector from injectors.steves_uem_injection import steves_injectelectrons from class_and_config_conversion import set_attributes_with_config_section from moving_grid.moving_classes import SyncToCOM from warp import * # from histplot import * # Invoke setup routine: needed to created a cgm file for plots setup() # Load the config file and parameters from config file. config = MyConfigParser() adv_dt = array(config.get("Simulation parameters", "adv_dt")) # Numpy array of dts adv_steps = array(config.get("Simulation parameters", "adv_steps")) # Number of steps for each dt # Mesh size dx = config.get("Simulation parameters", "dx") dz = config.get("Simulation parameters", "dz") xmax = config.get("Simulation parameters", "xmax") zmin = config.get("Simulation parameters", "zmin") zmax = config.get("Simulation parameters", "zmax") # When to do diagnostics diagnostic_time_interval = config.get("Simulation parameters", "diagnostic_time_interval") # Load the parameters for the w3d and top objects from the config. set_attributes_with_config_section(top, config, "top parameters", {",": parse_key_as_numpy_array}) set_attributes_with_config_section(w3d, config, "w3d parameters")
from diagnostics.phase_volume import dump_phase_volume from diagnostics.steves_uem_diagnostics import steves_plots, electric_potential_plots from discrete_fourspace.mesh import get_supremum_index from injectors.injector_classes import ElectronInjector from injectors.steves_uem_injection import steves_injectelectrons from import photoemission_loader from photoemission_support import photoemission_parameters, handle_cathode_and_anode from warp import * #from histplot import * # Invoke setup routine: needed to created a cgm file for plots setup() #Load the config file and parameters from config file. config = MyConfigParser() #Load the parameters into the warp objects and register solver top, w3d, f3d, adv_dt, adv_steps = photoemission_parameters( config, args, top, w3d, f3d) solver = get_solver("wrz", top, w3d) registersolver(solver) #Install the conductor elements conductor_elements = handle_cathode_and_anode(config, args.extraction_field, args.potential) for conductor_element in conductor_elements: installconductor( conductor_element) # install conductors into the warp framework print "Installed " + str(conductor_element)