コード例 #1
def create_toy_mc(input_file, sample, output_folder, n_toy, centre_of_mass, ttbar_xsection):
    from tools.file_utilities import make_folder_if_not_exists
    from tools.toy_mc import generate_toy_MC_from_distribution, generate_toy_MC_from_2Ddistribution
    from tools.Unfolding import get_unfold_histogram_tuple
    input_file_hists = File(input_file)
    output_file_name = get_output_file_name(output_folder, sample, n_toy, centre_of_mass)
    variable_bins = bin_edges_vis.copy()
    with root_open(output_file_name, 'recreate') as f_out:
        for channel in ['combined']:
            for variable in variable_bins:
                output_dir = f_out.mkdir(channel + '/' + variable, recurse=True)
                cd = output_dir.cd
                mkdir = output_dir.mkdir
                h_truth, h_measured, h_response, _ = get_unfold_histogram_tuple(input_file_hists,
                                                                        centre_of_mass = centre_of_mass,
                                                                        ttbar_xsection = ttbar_xsection,
                                                                        visiblePS = True,


                cd ('Original')

                for i in range(1, n_toy+1):
                    toy_id = 'toy_{0}'.format(i)
                    # create histograms
                    # add tuples (truth, measured, response) of histograms
                    truth = generate_toy_MC_from_distribution(h_truth)
                    measured = generate_toy_MC_from_distribution(h_measured)
                    response = generate_toy_MC_from_2Ddistribution(h_response)


コード例 #2
def main():

    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("--topPtReweighting", dest="applyTopPtReweighting", type="int", default=0)
    parser.add_option("--topEtaReweighting", dest="applyTopEtaReweighting", type="int", default=0)
    parser.add_option("-c", "--centreOfMassEnergy", dest="centreOfMassEnergy", type="int", default=13)
    parser.add_option("--generatorWeight", type="int", dest="generatorWeight", default=-1)
    parser.add_option("--nGeneratorWeights", type="int", dest="nGeneratorWeights", default=1)
    parser.add_option("-s", "--sample", dest="sample", default="central")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-n", action="store_true", dest="donothing", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-e", action="store_true", dest="extraHists", default=False)
    parser.add_option("-f", action="store_true", dest="fineBinned", default=False)

    (options, _) = parser.parse_args()

    measurement_config = XSectionConfig(options.centreOfMassEnergy)

    # Input file name
    file_name = "crap.root"
    if int(options.centreOfMassEnergy) == 13:
        # file_name = fileNames['13TeV'][options.sample]
        file_name = getFileName("13TeV", options.sample, measurement_config)
        # if options.generatorWeight >= 0:
        #     file_name = 'localInputFile.root'
        print "Error: Unrecognised centre of mass energy."

    generatorWeightsToRun = []
    # nGeneratorWeights = How many PDF weights do you want to run in 1 job (specified in runJobsCrab.py)
    if options.nGeneratorWeights > 1:
        for i in range(0, options.nGeneratorWeights):
            generatorWeightsToRun.append(options.generatorWeight + i)
    # generatorWeights = 1 for PDF Variations
    # generatorWeights either 4 or 8 for alpha_s, renormalisation, hadronisation
    elif options.generatorWeight >= 0:

    # Output file name
    outputFileName = "crap.root"
    outputFileDir = "unfolding/%sTeV/" % options.centreOfMassEnergy

    energySuffix = "%sTeV" % (options.centreOfMassEnergy)

    for meWeight in generatorWeightsToRun:
        if options.applyTopEtaReweighting != 0:
            if options.applyTopEtaReweighting == 1:
                outputFileName = (
                    outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric_withTopEtaReweighting_up.root" % energySuffix
            elif options.applyTopEtaReweighting == -1:
                outputFileName = (
                    outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric_withTopEtaReweighting_down.root" % energySuffix
        elif options.applyTopPtReweighting != 0:
            if options.applyTopPtReweighting == 1:
                outputFileName = (
                    outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric_withTopPtReweighting_up.root" % energySuffix
            elif options.applyTopPtReweighting == -1:
                outputFileName = (
                    outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric_withTopPtReweighting_down.root" % energySuffix
        elif meWeight == 4:
            outputFileName = outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric_scaleUpWeight.root" % (energySuffix)
        elif meWeight == 8:
            outputFileName = outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric_scaleDownWeight.root" % (energySuffix)
        elif meWeight >= 9 and meWeight <= 108:
            outputFileName = outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric_generatorWeight_%i.root" % (
        elif options.sample != "central":
            outputFileName = outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_%s_asymmetric.root" % (energySuffix, options.sample)
        elif options.fineBinned:
            outputFileName = outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s.root" % (energySuffix)
            outputFileName = outputFileDir + "/unfolding_TTJets_%s_asymmetric.root" % energySuffix

        with root_open(file_name, "read") as f, root_open(outputFileName, "recreate") as out:

            # Get the tree
            treeName = "TTbar_plus_X_analysis/Unfolding/Unfolding"
            if options.sample == "jesup":
                treeName += "_JESUp"
            elif options.sample == "jesdown":
                treeName += "_JESDown"
            elif options.sample == "jerup":
                treeName += "_JERUp"
            elif options.sample == "jerdown":
                treeName += "_JERDown"

            tree = f.Get(treeName)
            nEntries = tree.GetEntries()
            # weightTree = f.Get('TTbar_plus_X_analysis/Unfolding/GeneratorSystematicWeights')
            # if meWeight >= 0 :
            #     tree.AddFriend('TTbar_plus_X_analysis/Unfolding/GeneratorSystematicWeights')
            #     tree.SetBranchStatus('genWeight_*',1)
            #     tree.SetBranchStatus('genWeight_%i' % meWeight, 1)

            # For variables where you want bins to be symmetric about 0, use abs(variable) (but also make plots for signed variable)
            allVariablesBins = bin_edges_vis.copy()
            for variable in bin_edges_vis:

                if "Rap" in variable:
                    allVariablesBins["abs_%s" % variable] = [0, bin_edges_vis[variable][-1]]

            recoVariableNames = {}
            genVariable_particle_names = {}
            genVariable_parton_names = {}
            histograms = {}
            outputDirs = {}

            for variable in allVariablesBins:
                if options.debug and variable != "HT":

                if options.sample in measurement_config.met_systematics and variable not in ["MET", "ST", "WPT"]:

                outputDirs[variable] = {}
                histograms[variable] = {}

                # Variable names
                recoVariableName = branchNames[variable]
                sysIndex = None
                if variable in ["MET", "ST", "WPT"]:
                    if options.sample == "jesup":
                        recoVariableName += "_METUncertainties"
                        sysIndex = 2
                    elif options.sample == "jesdown":
                        recoVariableName += "_METUncertainties"
                        sysIndex = 3
                    elif options.sample == "jerup":
                        recoVariableName += "_METUncertainties"
                        sysIndex = 0
                    elif options.sample == "jerdown":
                        recoVariableName += "_METUncertainties"
                        sysIndex = 1
                    elif options.sample in measurement_config.met_systematics:
                        recoVariableName += "_METUncertainties"
                        sysIndex = measurement_config.met_systematics[options.sample]

                genVariable_particle_name = None
                genVariable_parton_name = None
                if variable in genBranchNames_particle:
                    genVariable_particle_name = genBranchNames_particle[variable]
                if variable in genBranchNames_parton:
                    genVariable_parton_name = genBranchNames_parton[variable]

                recoVariableNames[variable] = recoVariableName
                genVariable_particle_names[variable] = genVariable_particle_name
                genVariable_parton_names[variable] = genVariable_parton_name

                for channel in channels:
                    # Make dir in output file
                    outputDirName = variable + "_" + channel.outputDirName
                    outputDir = out.mkdir(outputDirName)
                    outputDirs[variable][channel.channelName] = outputDir

                    # Book histograms
                    # 1D histograms
                    histograms[variable][channel.channelName] = {}
                    h = histograms[variable][channel.channelName]
                    h["truth"] = Hist(allVariablesBins[variable], name="truth")
                    h["truthVis"] = Hist(allVariablesBins[variable], name="truthVis")
                    h["truth_parton"] = Hist(allVariablesBins[variable], name="truth_parton")
                    h["measured"] = Hist(reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], name="measured")
                    h["measuredVis"] = Hist(reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], name="measuredVis")
                    h["measured_without_fakes"] = Hist(reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], name="measured_without_fakes")
                    h["measuredVis_without_fakes"] = Hist(
                        reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], name="measuredVis_without_fakes"
                    h["fake"] = Hist(reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], name="fake")
                    h["fakeVis"] = Hist(reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], name="fakeVis")
                    # 2D histograms
                    h["response"] = Hist2D(reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], allVariablesBins[variable], name="response")
                    h["response_without_fakes"] = Hist2D(
                        reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], allVariablesBins[variable], name="response_without_fakes"
                    h["responseVis_without_fakes"] = Hist2D(
                        reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], allVariablesBins[variable], name="responseVis_without_fakes"
                    h["response_parton"] = Hist2D(
                        reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], allVariablesBins[variable], name="response_parton"
                    h["response_without_fakes_parton"] = Hist2D(
                        reco_bin_edges_vis[variable], allVariablesBins[variable], name="response_without_fakes_parton"

                    if options.fineBinned:
                        minVar = trunc(allVariablesBins[variable][0])
                        maxVar = trunc(
                            * 1.2
                        nBins = int(maxVar - minVar)
                        if variable is "lepton_eta" or variable is "bjets_eta":
                            maxVar = 2.5
                            minVar = -2.5
                            nBins = 1000
                        elif "abs" in variable and "eta" in variable:
                            maxVar = 3.0
                            minVar = 0.0
                            nBins = 1000
                        elif "Rap" in variable:
                            maxVar = 3.0
                            minVar = -3.0
                            nBins = 1000
                        elif "NJets" in variable:
                            maxVar = 20.5
                            minVar = 3.5
                            nBins = 17

                        h["truth"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="truth")
                        h["truthVis"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="truthVis")
                        h["truth_parton"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="truth_parton")
                        h["measured"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="measured")
                        h["measuredVis"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="measuredVis")
                        h["measured_without_fakes"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="measured_without_fakes")
                        h["measuredVis_without_fakes"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="measuredVis_without_fakes")
                        h["fake"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="fake")
                        h["fakeVis"] = Hist(nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="fakeVis")
                        h["response"] = Hist2D(nBins, minVar, maxVar, nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="response")
                        h["response_without_fakes"] = Hist2D(
                            nBins, minVar, maxVar, nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="response_without_fakes"
                        h["responseVis_without_fakes"] = Hist2D(
                            nBins, minVar, maxVar, nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="responseVis_without_fakes"

                        h["response_parton"] = Hist2D(
                            nBins, minVar, maxVar, nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="response_parton"
                        h["response_without_fakes_parton"] = Hist2D(
                            nBins, minVar, maxVar, nBins, minVar, maxVar, name="response_without_fakes_parton"

                    # Some interesting histograms
                    h["puOffline"] = Hist(20, 0, 2, name="puWeights_offline")
                    h["eventWeightHist"] = Hist(100, -2, 2, name="eventWeightHist")
                    h["genWeightHist"] = Hist(100, -2, 2, name="genWeightHist")
                    h["offlineWeightHist"] = Hist(100, -2, 2, name="offlineWeightHist")

                    h["phaseSpaceInfoHist"] = Hist(10, 0, 1, name="phaseSpaceInfoHist")

            # Counters for studying phase space
            nVis = {c.channelName: 0 for c in channels}
            nVisNotOffline = {c.channelName: 0 for c in channels}
            nOffline = {c.channelName: 0 for c in channels}
            nOfflineNotVis = {c.channelName: 0 for c in channels}
            nFull = {c.channelName: 0 for c in channels}
            nOfflineSL = {c.channelName: 0 for c in channels}

            n = 0
            # Event Loop
            # for event, weight in zip(tree,weightTree):
            for event in tree:
                branch = event.__getattr__
                n += 1
                if not n % 100000:
                    print "Processing event %.0f Progress : %.2g %%" % (n, float(n) / nEntries * 100)
                # if n == 100000: break
                # # #
                # # # Weights and selection
                # # #

                # Pileup weight
                # Don't apply if calculating systematic
                pileupWeight = event.PUWeight
                if options.sample == "pileupSystematic":
                    pileupWeight = 1

                # Generator level weight
                genWeight = event.EventWeight * measurement_config.luminosity_scale

                # Offline level weights
                offlineWeight = pileupWeight

                # Lepton weight
                leptonWeight = event.LeptonEfficiencyCorrection
                if options.sample == "leptonup":
                    leptonWeight = event.LeptonEfficiencyCorrectionUp
                elif options.sample == "leptondown":
                    leptonWeight == event.LeptonEfficiencyCorrectionDown

                # B Jet Weight
                bjetWeight = event.BJetWeight
                if options.sample == "bjetup":
                    bjetWeight = event.BJetUpWeight
                elif options.sample == "bjetdown":
                    bjetWeight = event.BJetDownWeight
                elif options.sample == "lightjetup":
                    bjetWeight = event.LightJetUpWeight
                elif options.sample == "lightjetdown":
                    bjetWeight = event.LightJetDownWeight

                offlineWeight = event.EventWeight * measurement_config.luminosity_scale
                offlineWeight *= pileupWeight
                offlineWeight *= bjetWeight
                offlineWeight *= leptonWeight

                # Generator weight
                # Scale up/down, pdf
                if meWeight >= 0:
                    genWeight *= branch("genWeight_%i" % meWeight)
                    offlineWeight *= branch("genWeight_%i" % meWeight)

                if options.applyTopPtReweighting != 0:
                    ptWeight = calculateTopPtWeight(
                        branch("lepTopPt_parton"), branch("hadTopPt_parton"), options.applyTopPtReweighting
                    offlineWeight *= ptWeight
                    genWeight *= ptWeight

                if options.applyTopEtaReweighting != 0:
                    etaWeight = calculateTopEtaWeight(
                        branch("lepTopRap_parton"), branch("hadTopRap_parton"), options.applyTopEtaReweighting
                    offlineWeight *= etaWeight
                    genWeight *= etaWeight

                for channel in channels:
                    # Generator level selection
                    genSelection = ""
                    genSelectionVis = ""
                    if channel.channelName is "muPlusJets":
                        genSelection = event.isSemiLeptonicMuon == 1
                        genSelectionVis = event.isSemiLeptonicMuon == 1 and event.passesGenEventSelection == 1
                    elif channel.channelName is "ePlusJets":
                        genSelection = event.isSemiLeptonicElectron == 1
                        genSelectionVis = event.isSemiLeptonicElectron == 1 and event.passesGenEventSelection == 1

                    # Offline level selection
                    offlineSelection = 0
                    if channel.channelName is "muPlusJets":
                        offlineSelection = event.passSelection == 1
                    elif channel.channelName is "ePlusJets":
                        offlineSelection = event.passSelection == 2

                    # Fake selection
                    fakeSelection = offlineSelection and not genSelection
                    fakeSelectionVis = offlineSelection and not genSelectionVis

                    # Phase space info
                    if genSelection:
                        nFull[channel.channelName] += genWeight
                        if offlineSelection:
                            nOfflineSL[channel.channelName] += genWeight
                    if genSelectionVis:
                        nVis[channel.channelName] += genWeight
                        if not offlineSelection:
                            nVisNotOffline[channel.channelName] += genWeight
                    if offlineSelection:
                        nOffline[channel.channelName] += offlineWeight
                        if not genSelectionVis:
                            nOfflineNotVis[channel.channelName] += offlineWeight

                    for variable in allVariablesBins:
                        if options.sample in measurement_config.met_systematics and variable not in [

                        # # #
                        # # # Variable to plot
                        # # #
                        recoVariable = branch(recoVariableNames[variable])
                        if (
                            variable in ["MET", "ST", "WPT"]
                            and sysIndex != None
                            and (offlineSelection or fakeSelection or fakeSelectionVis)
                            recoVariable = recoVariable[sysIndex]

                        if "abs" in variable:
                            recoVariable = abs(recoVariable)

                        # With TUnfold, reco variable never goes in the overflow (or underflow)
                        # if recoVariable > allVariablesBins[variable][-1]:
                        #     print 'Big reco variable : ',recoVariable
                        #     print 'Setting to :',min( recoVariable, allVariablesBins[variable][-1] - 0.000001 )
                        if not options.fineBinned:
                            recoVariable = min(recoVariable, allVariablesBins[variable][-1] - 0.000001)
                        genVariable_particle = branch(genVariable_particle_names[variable])
                        if "abs" in variable:
                            genVariable_particle = abs(genVariable_particle)
                        # #
                        # # Fill histograms
                        # #
                        histogramsToFill = histograms[variable][channel.channelName]
                        if not options.donothing:

                            if genSelection:
                                histogramsToFill["truth"].Fill(genVariable_particle, genWeight)
                            if genSelectionVis:
                                histogramsToFill["truthVis"].Fill(genVariable_particle, genWeight)
                            if offlineSelection:
                                histogramsToFill["measured"].Fill(recoVariable, offlineWeight)
                                histogramsToFill["measuredVis"].Fill(recoVariable, offlineWeight)
                                if genSelectionVis:
                                    histogramsToFill["measuredVis_without_fakes"].Fill(recoVariable, offlineWeight)
                                if genSelection:
                                    histogramsToFill["measured_without_fakes"].Fill(recoVariable, offlineWeight)
                                histogramsToFill["response"].Fill(recoVariable, genVariable_particle, offlineWeight)
                            if offlineSelection and genSelection:
                                    recoVariable, genVariable_particle, offlineWeight
                            elif genSelection:
                                    allVariablesBins[variable][0] - 1, genVariable_particle, genWeight
                                # if genVariable_particle < 0 : print recoVariable, genVariable_particle
                                # if genVariable_particle < 0 : print genVariable_particle
                            if offlineSelection and genSelectionVis:
                                    recoVariable, genVariable_particle, offlineWeight
                            elif genSelectionVis:
                                    allVariablesBins[variable][0] - 1, genVariable_particle, genWeight
                            if fakeSelection:
                                histogramsToFill["fake"].Fill(recoVariable, offlineWeight)
                            if fakeSelectionVis:
                                histogramsToFill["fakeVis"].Fill(recoVariable, offlineWeight)

                            if options.extraHists:
                                if genSelection:

            # Output histgorams to file
            for variable in allVariablesBins:
                if options.sample in measurement_config.met_systematics and variable not in ["MET", "ST", "WPT"]:
                for channel in channels:

                    # Fill phase space info
                    h = histograms[variable][channel.channelName]["phaseSpaceInfoHist"]
                    h.SetBinContent(1, nVisNotOffline[channel.channelName] / nVis[channel.channelName])
                    h.SetBinContent(2, nOfflineNotVis[channel.channelName] / nOffline[channel.channelName])
                    h.SetBinContent(3, nVis[channel.channelName] / nFull[channel.channelName])
                    # Selection efficiency for SL ttbar
                    h.SetBinContent(4, nOfflineSL[channel.channelName] / nFull[channel.channelName])
                    # Fraction of offline that are SL
                    h.SetBinContent(5, nOfflineSL[channel.channelName] / nOffline[channel.channelName])

                    for h in histograms[variable][channel.channelName]:

        with root_open(outputFileName, "update") as out:
            # Done all channels, now combine the two channels, and output to the same file
            for path, dirs, objects in out.walk():
                if "electron" in path:
                    outputDir = out.mkdir(path.replace("electron", "combined"))
                    for h in objects:
                        h_e = out.Get(path + "/" + h)
                        h_mu = out.Get(path.replace("electron", "muon") + "/" + h)
                        h_comb = (h_e + h_mu).Clone(h)