コード例 #1
    def parseTitle(self, filename, label=False):
        Parse the title
        Return tuple of title, season and episode (if exist)
        logger.debug('parseTitle(filename=%r, label=%r)', filename, label)

        # Special name rule for the encoding server
        m = re.compile('DVD \[([^]]*).*')
        res = m.search(filename)
        if res:
            name = res.group(1)
            name = filename

        # is this a series with season and episode number?
        # if so we will remember season and episode but will take it off from name
        season  = ''
        episode = ''

        if config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_MATCH(name):
            show_name = config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_SPLIT(name)
            if show_name[0] and show_name[1] and show_name[2]:
                name    = show_name[0]
                season  = show_name[1]
                episode = show_name[2]
                logger.debug('name=%s season=%s episode=%s', name, season, episode)
        if label:
            for r in config.IMDB_REMOVE_FROM_LABEL:
                    name = re.sub(r, '', name)
                except Exception, exc:
                    logger.warning('Exception', exc_info=True)
コード例 #2
    def parse_name(self, name):
        # find image for tv show and build new name
        if config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_MATCH(name) and not self.network_play:

            show_name = config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_SPLIT(name)

            if show_name[0] and show_name[1] and show_name[2]:

                ep = config.IMDB_SEASON_EPISODE_FORMAT % (int(
                    show_name[1]), int(show_name[2]))
                name = '%s %s %s' % (show_name[0], ep, show_name[3])

                if config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR:
                    image = util.getimage(
                        (config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR + show_name[0].lower()))
                    if self.filename and not image:
                        image = util.getimage(
                    if image:
                        self.image = image

                from video import tv_show_information
                if tv_show_information.has_key(show_name[0].lower()):
                    tvinfo = tv_show_information[show_name[0].lower()]
                    if not self.image:
                        self.image = tvinfo[0]
                    self.skin_fxd = tvinfo[3]
                    self.mplayer_options = tvinfo[2]

                self.tv_show = True
                self.show_name = show_name
                self.subtitle = '%s - Season %s' % (show_name[0], show_name[1])
                self.tv_show_name = show_name[0]
                self.tv_show_season = show_name[1]
                self.tv_show_episode = show_name[2]
                self.tv_show_title = show_name[3]

        if not hasattr(self, 'subtitle') or not self.subtitle:
            self.subtitle = self.parent['title']

        self.title = name
        return self.format_name(name)
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, url, parent, info=None, parse=True):
        self.autovars = [('deinterlace', 0)]
        Item.__init__(self, parent)

        self.type = 'video'
        self.set_url(url, info=parse)

        if info:

        self.variants = []  # if this item has variants
        self.subitems = []  # more than one file/track to play
        self.current_subitem = None
        self.media_id = ''

        self.subtitle_file = {}  # text subtitles
        self.audio_file = {}  # audio dubbing

        self.mplayer_options = ''
        self.tv_show = False

        self.video_width = 0
        self.video_height = 0

        self.selected_subtitle = None
        self.selected_audio = None
        self.elapsed = 0

        self.possible_player = []

        self.player = None
        self.player_rating = 0

        # find image for tv show and build new title
        if config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_MATCH(self.name) and not self.network_play and \

            show_name = config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_SPLIT(self.name)
            if show_name[0] and show_name[1] and show_name[2] and show_name[3]:
                self.name = show_name[0] + u' ' + show_name[1] + u'x' + show_name[2] +\
                            u' - ' + show_name[3]
                image = util.getimage((config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR + \
                if self.filename and not image:
                    image = util.getimage(os.path.dirname(self.filename) + '/' + \

                if image:
                    self.image = image

                from video import tv_show_informations
                if tv_show_informations.has_key(show_name[0].lower()):
                    tvinfo = tv_show_informations[show_name[0].lower()]
                    if not self.image:
                        self.image = tvinfo[0]
                    self.skin_fxd = tvinfo[3]
                    self.mplayer_options = tvinfo[2]

                self.tv_show = True
                self.show_name = show_name
                self.tv_show_name = show_name[0]
                self.tv_show_ep = show_name[3]

        # extra infos in discset_informations
        if parent and parent.media:
            fid = parent.media.id + \
            from video import discset_informations
            if discset_informations.has_key(fid):
                self.mplayer_options = discset_informations[fid]
コード例 #4
ファイル: rom_drives.py プロジェクト: spartrekus/freevo1
class Identify_Thread(threading.Thread):
    Thread to watch the rom drives for changes
    def identify(self, media, force_rebuild=False):
        Try to find out as much as possible about the disc in the rom drive: title,
        image, play options, ...
        cds = media.get_drive_status()

        # Same as last time? If so we're done
        if media.drive_status == cds:
            #_debug_('status not changed for drive %r' % (media.devicename))

        logger.debug('drive_status changed %s -> %s', media.drive_status, cds)
        media.drive_status = cds
        media.id = ''
        media.label = ''
        media.type = 'empty_cdrom'
        media.item = None
        media.videoitem = None
        media.cached = False

        # Is there a disc information?
        if media.drive_status == CDS_NO_INFO:
            logger.debug('cannot get the drive status for drive %r',

        # Is there a disc present?
        if media.drive_status != CDS_DISC_OK:
            logger.debug('disc not ready for drive %r', media.devicename)

        # try to set the speed
            fd = os.open(media.devicename, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
                if media.can_select_speed and config.ROM_SPEED:
                        ioctl(fd, CDROM_SELECT_SPEED, config.ROM_SPEED)
                    except Exception, e:
                        logger.debug('setting rom speed for %r failed: %s',
                                     media.devicename, e)

                #_debug_('closing %r drive %r' % (fd, media.devicename))
                except Exception, e:
                    logger.debug('closing %r failed: %s', media.devicename, e)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.debug('opening %r failed: %s', media.devicename, e)

        # if there is a disc, the tray can't be open
        media.tray_open = False
        disc_info = util.mediainfo.disc_info(media, force_rebuild)
        if not disc_info:
            logger.debug('no disc information for drive %r', media.devicename)

        info = disc_info.discinfo
        if not info:
            logger.debug('no info for drive %r', media.devicename)

        if info['mime'] == 'audio/cd':
            media.id = disc_id = info['id']
            media.item = AudioDiskItem(disc_id,
            media.type = 'audio'
            media.item.media = media
            if info['title']:
                media.item.name = info['title']
            media.item.info = disc_info
            logger.debug('playing audio in drive %r', media.devicename)

        image = title = movie_info = more_info = fxd_file = None

        media.id = info['id']
        media.label = info['label']
        media.type = 'cdrom'

        label = info['label']

        # is the id in the database?
        if media.id in video.fxd_database['id']:
            movie_info = video.fxd_database['id'][media.id]
            if movie_info:
                title = movie_info.name
        else:  # no? Maybe we can find a label regexp match
            for (re_label, movie_info_t) in video.fxd_database['label']:
                if re_label.match(media.label):
                    movie_info = movie_info_t
                    if movie_info_t.name:
                        title = movie_info.name
                        m = re_label.match(media.label).groups()
                        re_count = 1

                        # found, now change the title with the regexp. E.g.:
                        # label is "bla_2", the label regexp "bla_[0-9]" and the title
                        # is "Something \1", the \1 will be replaced with the first item
                        # in the regexp group, here 2. The title is now "Something 2"
                        for g in m:
                            title = string.replace(title, '\\%s' % re_count, g)
                            re_count += 1

        if movie_info:
            image = movie_info.image

        # DVD/VCD/SVCD:
        if info['mime'] in ('video/vcd', 'video/dvd'):
            if not title:
                title = media.label.replace('_', ' ').lstrip().rstrip()
                title = '%s [%s]' % (info['mime'][6:].upper(), title)

            if movie_info:
                media.item = copy.copy(movie_info)
                media.item = VideoItem('', None)
                media.item.image = util.getimage(
                    os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc-set', media.id))
            variables = media.item.info.variables
            media.item.info = disc_info

            media.item.name = title
            media.item.url = info['mime'][6:] + '://'
            media.item.media = media

            media.type = info['mime'][6:]

            media.item.info.mmdata = info
            logger.debug('playing video in drive %r', media.devicename)

        # Disc is data of some sort. Mount it to get the file info
        util.mount(media.mountdir, force=True)
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(media.mountdir, 'VIDEO_TS')) or \
                   os.path.isdir(os.path.join(media.mountdir, 'video_ts')):
                if force_rebuild:
                    logger.debug('Double check without success')
                    logger.debug('Undetected DVD, checking again')
                    media.drive_status = CDS_NO_DISC
                    return self.identify(media, True)

            # Check for movies/audio/images on the disc
            num_video = disc_info['disc_num_video']
            num_audio = disc_info['disc_num_audio']
            num_image = disc_info['disc_num_image']

            video_files = util.match_files(media.mountdir, config.VIDEO_SUFFIX)

            logger.debug('video_files=%r', video_files)

            media.item = DirItem(media.mountdir, None, create_metainfo=False)
            media.item.info = disc_info

        # if there is a video file on the root dir of the disc, we guess
        # it's a video disc. There may also be audio files and images, but
        # they only belong to the movie
        if video_files:
            media.type = 'video'

            # try to find out if it is a series cd
            if not title:
                show_name = ""
                the_same = 1
                volumes = ''
                start_ep = 0
                end_ep = 0

                video_files.sort(lambda l, o: cmp(l.upper(), o.upper()))

                for movie in video_files:
                    if config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_MATCH(movie):
                        show = config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_SPLIT(

                        if show_name and show_name != show[0]:
                            the_same = 0
                        if not show_name:
                            show_name = show[0]
                        if volumes:
                            volumes += ', '
                        current_ep = int(show[1]) * 100 + int(show[2])
                        if end_ep and current_ep == end_ep + 1:
                            end_ep = current_ep
                        elif not end_ep:
                            end_ep = current_ep
                            end_ep = -1
                        if not start_ep:
                            start_ep = end_ep
                        volumes += show[1] + "x" + show[2]

                if show_name and the_same and config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR:
                    if end_ep > 0:
                        volumes = '%dx%02d - %dx%02d' % (
                            start_ep / 100, start_ep % 100, end_ep / 100,
                            end_ep % 100)
                    k = config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR + show_name
                    if os.path.isfile((k + ".png").lower()):
                        image = (k + ".png").lower()
                    elif os.path.isfile((k + ".jpg").lower()):
                        image = (k + ".jpg").lower()
                    title = show_name + ' (' + volumes + ')'
                    if video.tv_show_information.has_key(show_name.lower()):
                        tvinfo = video.tv_show_information[show_name.lower()]
                        more_info = tvinfo[1]
                        if not image:
                            image = tvinfo[0]
                        if not fxd_file:
                            fxd_file = tvinfo[3]

                elif (not show_name) and len(video_files) == 1:
                    movie = video_files[0]
                    title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(movie))[0]

            # nothing found, give up: return the label
            if not title:
                title = label

        # If there are no videos and only audio files (and maybe images)
        # it is an audio disc (autostart will auto play everything)
        elif not num_video and num_audio:
            media.type = 'audio'
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # Only images? OK than, make it an image disc
        elif not num_video and not num_audio and num_image:
            media.type = 'image'
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # Mixed media?
        elif num_video or num_audio or num_image:
            media.type = None
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # Strange, no useable files
            media.type = None
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # set the info we have now
        if title:
            media.item.name = title

        if image:
            media.item.image = image

        if more_info:

        if fxd_file and not media.item.fxd_file:

        # One video in the root dir. This sounds like a disc with one
        # movie on it. Save the information about it and autostart will
        # play this.
        if len(video_files) == 1 and media.item['num_dir_items'] == 0:
                if movie_info:
                    media.videoitem = copy.deepcopy(movie_info)
                    media.videoitem = VideoItem(video_files[0], None)
            media.videoitem.media = media
            media.videoitem.media_id = media.id

            # set the info we have
            if title:
                media.videoitem.name = title

            if image:
                media.videoitem.image = image

            if more_info:

            if fxd_file:
                media.videoitem.fxd_file = fxd_file

        media.item.media = media
コード例 #5
ファイル: videoitem.py プロジェクト: spartrekus/freevo1
    def __init__(self, url, parent, info=None, parse=True):
        Create an instance of a VideoItem

        @param url: the pysudo URL for the VideoItem
        @param parent: the parent of the VideoItem
        @param info: controls if additional information is found
        @type info: boolean
        @param parse: controls if the url is parsed
        @type parse: boolean
        self.autovars = []
        Item.__init__(self, parent)
        self.type = 'video'

        self.variants = []
        self.subitems = []
        self.current_subitem = None
        self.media_id = ''

        self.subtitle_file = {}
        self.audio_file = {}

        self.mplayer_options = ''
        self.tv_show = False

        self.video_width = 0
        self.video_height = 0

        self.selected_subtitle = None
        self.selected_audio = None
        self.elapsed = 0

        self.possible_players = []
        self.player = None
        self.player_rating = 0

        # set the url (this influences the list of possible players!)
        self.set_url(url, info=parse)
        if info:

        # deinterlacing and related things
        video_deinterlace = config.VIDEO_DEINTERLACE != None and config.VIDEO_DEINTERLACE or False
        self['deinterlace'] = video_deinterlace

        video_use_xvmc = config.VIDEO_USE_XVMC != None and config.VIDEO_USE_XVMC or False
        self['xvmc'] = video_use_xvmc

        video_field_dominance = config.VIDEO_FIELD_DOMINANCE != None and config.VIDEO_FIELD_DOMINANCE or False
        self['field-dominance'] = video_field_dominance

        # find image for tv show and build new title
        if config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_MATCH(
        ) and not self.network_play and config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR:

            show_name = config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_SPLIT(self.name)
            if show_name[0] and show_name[1] and show_name[2] and show_name[3]:
                self.name = show_name[0] + u' ' + show_name[
                    1] + u'x' + show_name[2] + u' - ' + show_name[3]
                image = util.getimage(
                    (config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR + show_name[0].lower()))
                if self.filename and not image:
                    image = util.getimage(

                if image:
                    self.image = image

                from video import tv_show_information
                if tv_show_information.has_key(show_name[0].lower()):
                    tvinfo = tv_show_information[show_name[0].lower()]
                    if not self.image:
                        self.image = tvinfo[0]
                    self.skin_fxd = tvinfo[3]
                    self.mplayer_options = tvinfo[2]

                self.tv_show = True
                self.show_name = show_name
                self.tv_show_name = show_name[0]
                self.tv_show_ep = show_name[3]

        # extra info in discset_information
        if parent and parent.media:
            fid = String(
            ) + self.filename[len(os.path.join(parent.media.mountdir, '')):]
            from video import discset_information
            if discset_information.has_key(fid):
                self.mplayer_options = discset_information[fid]

        if config.VIDEO_DEINTERLACE and self.info['interlaced']:
            # force deinterlacing
            self['deinterlace'] = True
            self['deinterlace'] = False
コード例 #6
ファイル: rom_drives.py プロジェクト: 1147279/SoftwareProject
    def identify(self, media, force_rebuild=False):
        Try to find out as much as possible about the disc in the
        rom drive: title, image, play options, ...
        # Check drive status (tray pos, disc ready)
            CDSL_CURRENT = ((int)(~0 >> 1))
            fd = os.open(media.devicename, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK)
            if os.uname()[0] == 'FreeBSD':
                    data = array.array('c', '\000' * 4096)
                    (address, length) = data.buffer_info()
                    buf = pack('BBHP', CD_MSF_FORMAT, 0, length, address)
                    s = ioctl(fd, CDIOREADTOCENTRYS, buf)
                    s = CDS_DISC_OK
                    s = CDS_NO_DISC
                s = ioctl(fd, CDROM_DRIVE_STATUS, CDSL_CURRENT)
            # maybe we need to close the fd if ioctl fails, maybe
            # open fails and there is no fd
            media.drive_status = None

        # Same as last time? If so we're done
        if s == media.drive_status:

        media.drive_status = s

        media.id = ''
        media.label = ''
        media.type = 'empty_cdrom'
        media.item = None
        media.videoitem = None
        media.cached = False

        # Is there a disc present?
        if s != CDS_DISC_OK:

        # if there is a disc, the tray can't be open
        media.tray_open = False
        disc_info = util.mediainfo.disc_info(media, force_rebuild)
        if not disc_info:
            # bad disc, e.g. blank disc.

        data = disc_info.mmdata

        # try to set the speed
        if config.ROM_SPEED and data and not data['mime'] == 'video/dvd':
                ioctl(fd, CDROM_SELECT_SPEED, config.ROM_SPEED)

        if data and data['mime'] == 'audio/cd':
            disc_id = data['id']
            media.item = AudioDiskItem(disc_id,
            media.type = media.item.type
            media.item.media = media
            if data['title']:
                media.item.name = data['title']
            media.item.info = disc_info

        image = title = movie_info = more_info = fxd_file = None

        media.id = data['id']
        media.label = data['label']
        media.type = 'cdrom'

        label = data['label']

        # is the id in the database?
        if media.id in video.fxd_database['id']:
            movie_info = video.fxd_database['id'][media.id]
            if movie_info:
                title = movie_info.name

        # no? Maybe we can find a label regexp match
            for (re_label, movie_info_t) in video.fxd_database['label']:
                if re_label.match(media.label):
                    movie_info = movie_info_t
                    if movie_info_t.name:
                        title = movie_info.name
                        m = re_label.match(media.label).groups()
                        re_count = 1

                        # found, now change the title with the regexp. E.g.:
                        # label is "bla_2", the label regexp "bla_[0-9]" and the title
                        # is "Something \1", the \1 will be replaced with the first item
                        # in the regexp group, here 2. The title is now "Something 2"
                        for g in m:
                            title = string.replace(title, '\\%s' % re_count, g)
                            re_count += 1

        if movie_info:
            image = movie_info.image

        # DVD/VCD/SVCD:
        # There is data from mmpython for these three types
        if data['mime'] in ('video/vcd', 'video/dvd'):
            if not title:
                title = media.label.replace('_', ' ').lstrip().rstrip()
                title = '%s [%s]' % (data['mime'][6:].upper(), title)

            if movie_info:
                media.item = copy.copy(movie_info)
                media.item = VideoItem('', None)
                media.item.image = util.getimage(
                    os.path.join(config.OVERLAY_DIR, 'disc-set', media.id))
            variables = media.item.info.variables
            media.item.info = disc_info

            media.item.name = title
            media.item.set_url(data['mime'][6:] + '://')
            media.item.media = media

            media.type = data['mime'][6:]

            media.item.info.mmdata = data

        # Disc is data of some sort. Mount it to get the file info
        util.mount(media.mountdir, force=True)
        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(media.mountdir, 'VIDEO_TS')) or \
               os.path.isdir(os.path.join(media.mountdir, 'video_ts')):
            if force_rebuild:
                _debug_('Double check without success')
                _debug_('Undetected DVD, checking again')
                media.drive_status = CDS_NO_DISC
                return self.identify(media, True)

        # Check for movies/audio/images on the disc
        num_video = disc_info['disc_num_video']
        num_audio = disc_info['disc_num_audio']
        num_image = disc_info['disc_num_image']

        video_files = util.match_files(media.mountdir, config.VIDEO_SUFFIX)

        _debug_('identifymedia: mplayer = "%s"' % video_files, level=2)

        media.item = DirItem(media.mountdir, None, create_metainfo=False)
        media.item.info = disc_info

        # if there is a video file on the root dir of the disc, we guess
        # it's a video disc. There may also be audio files and images, but
        # they only belong to the movie
        if video_files:
            media.type = 'video'

            # try to find out if it is a series cd
            if not title:
                show_name = ""
                the_same = 1
                volumes = ''
                start_ep = 0
                end_ep = 0

                video_files.sort(lambda l, o: cmp(l.upper(), o.upper()))

                for movie in video_files:
                    if config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_MATCH(movie):
                        show = config.VIDEO_SHOW_REGEXP_SPLIT(

                        if show_name and show_name != show[0]:
                            the_same = 0
                        if not show_name:
                            show_name = show[0]
                        if volumes:
                            volumes += ', '
                        current_ep = int(show[1]) * 100 + int(show[2])
                        if end_ep and current_ep == end_ep + 1:
                            end_ep = current_ep
                        elif not end_ep:
                            end_ep = current_ep
                            end_ep = -1
                        if not start_ep:
                            start_ep = end_ep
                        volumes += show[1] + "x" + show[2]

                if show_name and the_same and config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR:
                    if end_ep > 0:
                        volumes = '%dx%02d - %dx%02d' % (
                            start_ep / 100, start_ep % 100, end_ep / 100,
                            end_ep % 100)
                    k = config.VIDEO_SHOW_DATA_DIR + show_name
                    if os.path.isfile((k + ".png").lower()):
                        image = (k + ".png").lower()
                    elif os.path.isfile((k + ".jpg").lower()):
                        image = (k + ".jpg").lower()
                    title = show_name + ' (' + volumes + ')'
                    if video.tv_show_informations.has_key(show_name.lower()):
                        tvinfo = video.tv_show_informations[show_name.lower()]
                        more_info = tvinfo[1]
                        if not image:
                            image = tvinfo[0]
                        if not fxd_file:
                            fxd_file = tvinfo[3]

                elif (not show_name) and len(video_files) == 1:
                    movie = video_files[0]
                    title = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(movie))[0]

            # nothing found, give up: return the label
            if not title:
                title = label

        # If there are no videos and only audio files (and maybe images)
        # it is an audio disc (autostart will auto play everything)
        elif not num_video and num_audio:
            media.type = 'audio'
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # Only images? OK than, make it an image disc
        elif not num_video and not num_audio and num_image:
            media.type = 'image'
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # Mixed media?
        elif num_video or num_audio or num_image:
            media.type = None
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # Strange, no useable files
            media.type = None
            title = '%s [%s]' % (media.drivename, label)

        # set the infos we have now
        if title:
            media.item.name = title

        if image:
            media.item.image = image

        if more_info:

        if fxd_file and not media.item.fxd_file:

        # One video in the root dir. This sounds like a disc with one
        # movie on it. Save the information about it and autostart will
        # play this.
        if len(video_files) == 1 and media.item['num_dir_items'] == 0:
            if movie_info:
                media.videoitem = copy.deepcopy(movie_info)
                media.videoitem = VideoItem(video_files[0], None)
            media.videoitem.media = media
            media.videoitem.media_id = media.id

            # set the infos we have
            if title:
                media.videoitem.name = title

            if image:
                media.videoitem.image = image

            if more_info:

            if fxd_file:
                media.videoitem.fxd_file = fxd_file

        media.item.media = media