def get(self): authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() client = memcache.Client() case_key = client.get('case_key') tabindex = 4 conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT proc_run.proc_run_id, proc_run.emp_id, proc_run.instance_key, proc_case.case_nm, process.proc_nm, process_step.proc_step_nm, " "proc_run.proc_output_conf, proc_req.proc_req_seq, proc_req.proc_req_nm, proc_req.proc_req_desc, proc_run.proc_notes, " "proc_run.proc_conseq, proc_run.proc_innovation " "FROM proc_run " "INNER JOIN proc_case on (proc_run.case_id = proc_case.case_id) " "INNER JOIN process on (proc_run.proc_id = process.proc_id) " "INNER JOIN process_step on (proc_run.proc_step_id = process_step.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN proc_req on (proc_run.proc_req_id = proc_req.proc_req_id) " "WHERE proc_run.instance_key = %s", (case_key)) #rename this -- bad name!! assessinstance = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() template_values = {'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'featureList': featureList, 'tabindex': tabindex, 'assessinstance': assessinstance, 'case_key': case_key } template = jinja2_env.get_template('operateprocess.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def post(self): authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() processmenu = database.gaeSessionProcessMenu() conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute('INSERT INTO proc_case (case_nm, emp_id, status) ' # status = 1 = ACTIVE 'VALUES (%s, %s, 1)', ( self.request.get('case_nm'), (authenticateUser), )) conn.commit() cursor.execute("SELECT case_id, case_nm FROM proc_case WHERE status = 1 AND emp_id =%s", (authenticateUser)) ddb_active_case = cursor.fetchall() client = memcache.Client() client.set('ddb_active_case', ddb_active_case, 120) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM capability.vw_proc_run_sum WHERE proc_step_conf is null AND emp_id = %s", (authenticateUser)) openoperations = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() tabindex = 2 template_values = {'ddb_active_case': ddb_active_case, 'processmenu': processmenu, 'openoperations': openoperations, 'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'tabindex': tabindex, 'featureList': featureList } template = jinja2_env.get_template('operateprocess.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def get(self): conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT proc_nm, proc_step_seq, proc_step_nm, proc_step_desc, proc_step_owner, proc_step_status, proc_step_ponc, " "proc_step_poc, proc_step_efc " "FROM vw_processes " "WHERE proc_step_status = 'active' OR (proc_step_status = 'local' AND proc_step_owner = %s) " "ORDER BY proc_id, proc_step_seq", (authenticateUser)) processcost = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT proc_run_start_tm, proc_nm, proc_seq, proc_step_nm, case_nm, instance_key, emp_id, " "COUNT(proc_step_conf) AS tot_ops, SUM(proc_step_conf) AS tot_success, " #7, #9 "(COUNT(proc_step_conf) - SUM(proc_step_conf)) AS failure, " #10 "SUM(proc_ponc) AS sum_ponc, " #11 "SUM(proc_poc) AS sum_poc, " #12 "SUM(proc_efc) AS sum_efc, " #13 "(SUM(proc_poc) + SUM(proc_ponc)) AS tot_cost " #14 "FROM vw_proc_run_sum " "WHERE emp_id = %s " "GROUP BY proc_step_id " "ORDER BY proc_id", (authenticateUser)) capability = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() template_values = {'capability': capability, 'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'processcost': processcost, 'featureList': featureList} template = jinja2_env.get_template('ponccalculator.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def mysql_update_result_and_pay_money(): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = '''UPDATE bets, clients, matches SET clients.tokens = CASE WHEN bets.match_bet_result = matches.match_result THEN clients.tokens + (bets.tokens * bets.coefficient) ELSE clients.tokens END, bets.result_of_bet = CASE WHEN bets.match_bet_result = matches.match_result THEN 2 WHEN bets.match_bet_result != matches.match_result THEN 3 ELSE bets.result_of_bet END WHERE matches.match_status = 2 AND bets.result_of_bet = 1 AND bet_status = 2 AND bets.telegram_id = clients.telegram_id ''' cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() finally: connection.close()
def remove_old_profiler(): con = config.get_connection() while 1: # wait time.sleep(30) # Get oldest profilers (10) profilers = database.read_query( "SELECT username, timestamp FROM profiler ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 10;", (), con=con, close_con=False) for username, timestamp in profilers: timestamp = datetime.strptime(timestamp, "%d.%m.%YT%H:%M:%S") if timestamp < (datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(hours=config.PROFILER_DELETE_TIME)): # To old --> remove database.commit_query("SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;", (), con=con, close_con=False) database.commit_query( "DELETE FROM profiler WHERE username=%s;", (username, ), con=con, close_con=False) # Remove interesting Posts database.commit_query( "DELETE FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s;", (username, ), con=con, close_con=False)
def post(self): now = config.UTCTime() authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() client = memcache.Client() case_key = client.get('case_key') proc_output_conf = self.request.get('proc_output_conf') proc_notes = self.request.get('proc_notes') proc_conseq = self.request.get('proc_conseq') proc_innovation = self.request.get('proc_innovation') proc_run_id = self.request.get('proc_run_id') proc_run_status = self.request.get('proc_run_status') conn = conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("UPDATE proc_run SET " "proc_run_start_tm =%s, proc_output_conf = %s, proc_notes = %s, proc_conseq = %s, proc_innovation = %s, proc_run_status = %s " "WHERE proc_run_id = %s", (now, proc_output_conf, proc_notes, proc_conseq, proc_innovation, proc_run_status, proc_run_id )) conn.commit() cursor.execute("SELECT proc_run.proc_run_id, proc_run.case_id, proc_run.emp_id, proc_run.instance_key, proc_run.proc_req_id, proc_run.proc_step_id, " "process.proc_id, proc_case.case_nm, process.proc_nm, process_step.proc_step_nm, process_step.proc_step_sop, proc_run.proc_output_conf, " "proc_req.proc_req_seq, proc_req.proc_req_nm, proc_req.proc_req_desc " "FROM proc_run " "INNER JOIN proc_case on (proc_run.case_id = proc_case.case_id) " "INNER JOIN process on (proc_run.proc_id = process.proc_id) " "INNER JOIN process_step on (proc_run.proc_step_id = process_step.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN proc_req on (proc_run.proc_req_id = proc_req.proc_req_id)" "WHERE proc_run.proc_output_conf IS NULL AND proc_run.instance_key = %s", (case_key)) #rename this -- bad name!! casecount = cursor.rowcount case = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM capability.vw_proc_run_sum WHERE proc_step_conf is null AND emp_id = %s", (authenticateUser)) openoperations = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT case_id, case_nm FROM proc_case WHERE status = 1 AND emp_id =%s", (authenticateUser)) ddb_active_case = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT DISTINCT proc_id, proc_nm, proc_step_id, proc_step_seq, proc_step_nm " "FROM vw_processes " "WHERE proc_step_status = 'active' OR proc_step_owner = %s " "ORDER BY proc_id, proc_step_seq", (authenticateUser)) processmenu = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() if casecount > 0: tabindex = 3 template_values = {'processmenu': processmenu, 'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'case': case, 'case_key': case_key, 'openoperations': openoperations, 'ddb_active_case': ddb_active_case, 'featureList': featureList, 'tabindex': tabindex, 'casecount':casecount} template = jinja2_env.get_template('operateprocess.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values)) else: self.redirect("/AssessPerformance")
def get_visit_count(): connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(f"select count(*) from visitors;") rows = cursor.fetchall() connection.commit() connection.close() return rows[0][0]
def on_save(self): connection = get_connection() cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( f"insert into visitors (ip_address, user_agent, referrer, full_path, visit_time) values ('{self.ip_address}', '{self.user_agent}', '{self.referrer}', '{self.full_path}', '{self.visit_time}');" ) connection.commit() connection.close() return 0
def __init__(self, outdir, folders): path = os.getcwd() + '/' + outdir + '/export/exporter/*'"Loading model from: " + path) export_dir = glob.glob(path)[-1] self.predict_fn = predictor.from_saved_model(export_dir) self.porter = PorterStemmer() con = get_connection() ok, _ = con.list('INBOX') assert ok == "OK" # all_folders = [f.split()[-1] for f in folders] self.con = con self.folders = folders
def post(self): now = config.UTCTime() authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() processmenu = database.gaeSessionProcessMenu() ddb_active_case = database.gaeSessionActiveCase() perf_stnd_1 = self.request.get('perf_stnd_1') perf_stnd_2 = self.request.get('perf_stnd_2') perf_stnd_3 = self.request.get('perf_stnd_3') perf_stnd_notes_1 = self.request.get('perf_stnd_notes_1') perf_stnd_notes_2 = self.request.get('perf_stnd_notes_2') perf_stnd_notes_3 = self.request.get('perf_stnd_notes_3') client = memcache.Client() case_key = client.get('case_key') if perf_stnd_1 is '': perf_stnd_1 = 0 else: perf_stnd_1 = 1 if perf_stnd_2 is '': perf_stnd_2 = 0 else: perf_stnd_2 = 1 if perf_stnd_3 is '': perf_stnd_3 = 0 else: perf_stnd_3 = 1 if case_key is None: pass # query for last entry for expired memcache else: pass conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() #perf_stnd_1 =%s, perf_stnd_2 = %s, perf_stnd_3 = %s, // perf_stnd_1, perf_stnd_2, perf_stnd_3, //perf_stnd_notes_ts cursor.execute("UPDATE instance SET " "perf_stnd_1 = %s, perf_stnd_2 = %s,perf_stnd_3 = %s, perf_stnd_notes_1 = %s, perf_stnd_notes_2 = %s, perf_stnd_notes_3 = %s, perf_stnd_notes_ts = %s " "WHERE instance_key = %s ", (perf_stnd_1, perf_stnd_2, perf_stnd_3, perf_stnd_notes_1, perf_stnd_notes_2, perf_stnd_notes_3, now, case_key )) conn.commit() conn.close() tabindex = 2 template_values = {'processmenu': processmenu, 'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'ddb_active_case': ddb_active_case, 'featureList': featureList, 'tabindex': tabindex, 'case_key': case_key} template = jinja2_env.get_template('operateprocess.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def mysql_update_bets(main_id, tokens): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = '''UPDATE bets SET tokens = {}, bet_status = {} WHERE main_id = {} '''.format(tokens, 2, main_id) cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() finally: connection.close()
def mysql_bets_update_match_status(): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = '''UPDATE bets, matches SET bets.match_status = matches.match_status WHERE bets.match_id = matches.match_id AND bets.match_status != matches.match_status ''' cursor.execute(sql) connection.commit() finally: connection.close()
def read_query(query, values, con = None, close_con = True): if con is None: con = config.get_connection() if con is None: # Error occured return [] cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(query, values) results = cursor.fetchall() if close_con: con.close() return results
def __init__(self, username: str, start_get_post_thread=True): self.username = username self.account = Account(username, blockchain_instance=Hive()) mysql_con = config.get_connection() if mysql_con is None: print( "[INFO] Can't start Latest Post Manager because of an mysql database error!" ) return result = database.read_query( "SELECT * FROM profiler WHERE username=%s;", (username, ), con=mysql_con, close_con=False) if len(result) == 0: # No profiler exists, create one self.category = [0 for i in config.CATEGORIES] self.data_length = 0 self.finished = False result = database.commit_query( "INSERT INTO profiler(username, category, length, timestamp, finished) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s);", (username, ' '.join(map(str, self.category)), self.data_length, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d.%m.%YT%H:%M:%S"), False), con=mysql_con, close_con=False) if result <= 0: # Error print("[WARNING] Can't add Profiler for " + username) else: # Start analyze Thread, if the profiler existed bevor, this thread already run! self.analyze_thread = Thread(target=self.analyze_activity) = "Analyze Activities from " + username self.analyze_thread.daemon = True self.analyze_thread.start() else: # Load existent Profiler self.update_timestamp() self.category = [float(x) for x in result[0][1].split(' ')] self.data_length = result[0][2] self.finished = "1" in result[0][4] mysql_con.close() # Start finder thread self.find_posts_thread = Thread(target=self.find_interestings) = "Find interesting Posts for " + username self.find_posts_thread.daemon = True if start_get_post_thread: self.find_posts_thread.start()
def commit_query(query, values, con = None, close_con = True): # delete : SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0; if con is None: con = config.get_connection() if con is None: # Error occured return -1 cursor = con.cursor() cursor.execute(query, values) con.commit() if close_con: con.close() return cursor.rowcount
def mysql_check_status_and_result(): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = '''SELECT * FROM bets WHERE match_status = 2 AND result_of_bet = 1 ''' if cursor.execute(sql) == 0: return False else: return True finally: connection.commit() connection.close()
def get_interesting_posts(request): username = request.GET.get('username', None) if username is None: # Error (No Username is given) --> return Error.js return render( request, 'error.js', context={"info": "Please enter a 'username' and use GET"}, content_type="application/x-javascript") con = config.get_connection() posts = database.read_query( "SELECT * FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s;", (username, ), con=con, close_con=False) database.commit_query( "INSERT INTO tasks(name, timestamp, parameter_one, parameter_two) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);", ("profiler", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d.%m.%YT%H:%M:%S"), username, ""), con=con, close_con=False) database.commit_query("SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;", (), con=con, close_con=False) obj = "" length = 0 for _, author, permlink in posts: obj += f"{author}/{permlink};" database.commit_query( "DELETE FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s AND author=%s AND permlink=%s;", (username, author, permlink), con=con, close_con=False) length += 1 if length >= 3: # Return only 3 break return render(request, 'get_interesting_posts.js', context={"posts": obj[:-1]}, content_type="application/x-javascript")
def __init__(self): self.mysql_con = config.get_connection() if self.mysql_con is None: print( "[INFO] Can't start Latest Post Manager because of an mysql database error!" ) return self.mysql_cursor = self.mysql_con.cursor() self.query = "INSERT INTO latest_posts (author, permlink, category, timestamp) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);" self.chain = Blockchain( blockchain_instance=Hive()) #node=conf.HIVE_NODES[5] self.run_thread = Thread( = 'Get & Categorize Posts' self.run_thread.daemon = True self.run_thread.start()
def run(): con = config.get_connection() while 1: start_time = time.time() request_count = len(REMOTE_ADDRS) connection_count = len(list(dict.fromkeys(REMOTE_ADDRS))) REMOTE_ADDRS.clear() # Update database.commit_query("UPDATE analytics SET value_one=%s WHERE name=%s", (request_count, "requests"), con=con, close_con=False) database.commit_query("UPDATE analytics SET value_one=%s WHERE name=%s", (connection_count, "connections"), con=con, close_con=False) # wait a second (exactly) time.sleep((1000 - (time.time() - start_time)))
def latest_post_count_manager(): con = config.get_connection() cursor = con.cursor() while 1: cursor.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM latest_posts") result = cursor.fetchall() # return [(COUNT,)] if len(result) == 0: # Error occured print("[WARNING] Error while trying to get count of latest_posts") time.sleep(20) continue # uppdate statics.count count = result[0][0] config.statics.LATEST_POSTS_START_LIMIT = count # wait time.sleep(30)
def get_interesting_posts(): ''' Ajax Call: get 3 interesting posts ''' analytics.REMOTE_ADDRS.append(request.remote_addr) if "username" not in request.json: # Return error json, if no username is given return jsonify({ "status": "failed", "code": 1, "message": "No username is given" }) username = request.json["username"] # Get 3 posts LIMIT = 3 con = config.get_connection() posts = database.read_query( "SELECT * FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s LIMIT %s;", (username, LIMIT), con=con, close_con=False) # Prepare and Delete them database.commit_query("SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;", (), con=con, close_con=False) for index, (_, author, permlink) in enumerate(posts): posts[index] = {"author": author, "permlink": permlink} database.commit_query( "DELETE FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s AND author=%s AND permlink=%s;", (username, author, permlink), con=con, close_con=False) # Start profiler database.commit_query( "INSERT INTO tasks(name, timestamp, parameter_one, parameter_two) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s);", ("profiler", datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d.%m.%YT%H:%M:%S"), username, ""), con=con, close_con=False) return jsonify({"status": "succes", "posts": posts})
def mysql_get_main_id(telegram_id, date): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: temp = [] sql = '''SELECT main_id FROM bets WHERE bet_date = "{}" AND telegram_id = "{}" AND tokens = {} AND bet_status = {} AND match_status = {} '''.format(date, telegram_id, -1, 1, 1) cursor.execute(sql) for row in cursor: temp.append(row["main_id"]) return temp finally: connection.commit() connection.close()
def mysql_check_initial_bets(match_id, match_result, date): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = '''SELECT * FROM bets WHERE telegram_id = {} AND match_id = {} AND match_bet_result = {} AND tokens = {} AND bet_date = "{}" '''.format(398000427, match_id, match_result, 50, date) if cursor.execute(sql) == 0: return False else: return True finally: connection.commit() connection.close()
def mysql_insert_initial_bets(match_id, result, date): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = '''INSERT INTO bets( telegram_id, match_id, match_bet_result, coefficient, tokens, match_status, bet_status, bet_date) VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ''' cursor.execute(sql, (398000427, match_id, result, 1.5, 50, 1, 2, date)) connection.commit() finally: connection.close()
def mysql_get_tokens(match_id, match_bet_result, date): connection = get_connection() try: with connection.cursor() as cursor: temp = 0 sql = '''SELECT {} FROM bets WHERE bet_date = "{}" AND match_id = "{}" AND match_bet_result = {} AND bet_status = {} '''.format('tokens', date, match_id, match_bet_result, 2) cursor.execute(sql) for row in cursor: temp += row['tokens'] return temp finally: connection.commit() connection.close()
def get_analytics(): ''' AJAX CALL: get analytics''' con = config.get_connection() context = {} context["status"] = "succes" # Get tasks_running element = database.read_query( "SELECT value_one FROM analytics WHERE name=%s;", ("tasks_running", ), con=con, close_con=False)[0] # [(value, )] context["tasks_running"] = int(element[0]) # Get connections element = database.read_query( "SELECT value_one FROM analytics WHERE name=%s;", ("connections", ), con=con, close_con=False)[0] # [(value, )] context["connections"] = int(element[0]) # Get requests element = database.read_query( "SELECT value_one FROM analytics WHERE name=%s;", ("requests", ), con=con, close_con=False)[0] # [(value, )] context["requests"] = int(element[0]) # Get latest_post count result = database.read_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM latest_posts", (), con=con, close_con=False) # return [(COUNT,)] context["count_latest_posts"] = result[0][0] # Get profiler count result = database.read_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM profiler", (), con=con, close_con=False) # return [(COUNT,)] context["count_accounts"] = result[0][0] con.close() return jsonify(context)
def reset_analytics(): con = config.get_connection() # Delete all database.commit_query("SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;", (), con=con, close_con=False) database.commit_query("DELETE FROM analytics", (), con=con, close_con=False) # tasks_running (currently) database.commit_query("INSERT INTO analytics(name, value_one, value_two, value_three) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", ("tasks_running", 0, None, None), con=con, close_con=False) # connections (per second) database.commit_query("INSERT INTO analytics(name, value_one, value_two, value_three) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", ("connections", 0, None, None), con=con, close_con=False) # requests (per second) database.commit_query("INSERT INTO analytics(name, value_one, value_two, value_three) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)", ("requests", 0, None, None), con=con, close_con=False) con.close() print("[INFO] Analysing is running")
def main(): # 2. mongodb authenticate conn = config.get_connection() db = conn["admin"] db.authenticate("root","password") # 3. make condition to get filtered logs now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = now - datetime.timedelta(days=0, hours=2, minutes=30) condition = {"time":{"$gte":start}} # 4. define keywords plugins to parse logs keywords = ['nginx'] # 5. parse collections and report collections = [] collections.append(conn["host1"]["nginx_error"]) collections.append(conn["host2"]["nginx_error"]) for coll in collections: parse(coll, condition, keywords) report(keywords)
def main(): # 2. mongodb authenticate conn = config.get_connection() # authenticate #db = conn["admin"] #db.authenticate(config.MONGO_CONFIG['user'], config.MONGO_CONFIG['pswd']) # 3. make condition to get filtered logs now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = now - datetime.timedelta(days=0, hours=2, minutes=30) condition = {"time":{"$gte":start}} # 4. define keywords plugins to parse logs keywords = ['new'] # 5. parse collections and report collections = [] collections.append(conn["host1"]["nginx_access"]) collections.append(conn["host2"]["nginx_access"]) parse(collections, condition, keywords) report(keywords)
def get(self): conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM person WHERE google_user_id = %s", (authenticateUser)) yourprofile = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM person") yourteam = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() template_values = {'yourprofile': yourprofile, 'yourteam': yourteam} template = jinja2_env.get_template('collaborate.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def get(self): authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() processmenu = database.gaeSessionProcessMenu() ddb_active_case = database.gaeSessionActiveCase() conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() ''' cursor.execute("SELECT case_id, case_nm FROM proc_case WHERE status = 1 AND emp_id =%s", (authenticateUser)) ddb_active_case = cursor.fetchall() ''' cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM capability.vw_proc_run_sum WHERE proc_step_conf is null AND emp_id = %s", (authenticateUser)) openoperations = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() tabindex = 2 template_values = {'ddb_active_case': ddb_active_case, 'processmenu': processmenu, 'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'openoperations': openoperations, 'featureList': featureList, 'tabindex': tabindex} template = jinja2_env.get_template('operateprocess.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def post(self): # post to DB authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) idGenerator = config.IDGenerator() # generates a unique key case_key = str(idGenerator) + authenticateUser now = config.UTCTime() featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() processmenu = database.gaeSessionProcessMenu() ddb_active_case = database.gaeSessionActiveCase() idGenerator = config.IDGenerator() # generates a unique key case_key = str(idGenerator) + authenticateUser client = memcache.Client() client.set('case_key', case_key, 6000) now = config.UTCTime() conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() #create an unique instance key cursor.execute('INSERT INTO instance (case_id, proc_step_id, instance_key) ' 'VALUES (%s, %s, %s)', ( self.request.get('case_id'), self.request.get('proc_step_id'), (case_key) )) conn.commit() cursor.execute("SELECT proc_case.case_id, proc_case.emp_id, instance.instance_key, proc_req.proc_req_id, process_step.proc_step_id, process.proc_id " "FROM proc_case " "INNER JOIN instance on (proc_case.case_id = instance.case_id) " "INNER JOIN process_step on (instance.proc_step_id = process_step.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN proc_req on (process_step.proc_step_id = proc_req.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN process on (process_step.proc_id = process.proc_id)" "WHERE instance.instance_key = %s", (case_key)) caseMake = cursor.fetchall() for row in caseMake: t = (row) cursor.execute("INSERT INTO proc_run (case_id, emp_id, instance_key, proc_req_id, proc_step_id, proc_id) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ", t) conn.commit() cursor.execute("SELECT proc_run.proc_run_id, proc_run.case_id, proc_run.emp_id, proc_run.instance_key, proc_run.proc_req_id, proc_run.proc_step_id, " "process.proc_id, proc_case.case_nm, process.proc_nm, process_step.proc_step_nm, process_step.proc_step_sop, proc_run.proc_output_conf, " "proc_req.proc_req_seq, proc_req.proc_req_nm, proc_req.proc_req_desc, process_step.proc_model_link " "FROM proc_run " "INNER JOIN proc_case on (proc_run.case_id = proc_case.case_id) " "INNER JOIN process on (proc_run.proc_id = process.proc_id) " "INNER JOIN process_step on (proc_run.proc_step_id = process_step.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN proc_req on (proc_run.proc_req_id = proc_req.proc_req_id) " "INNER JOIN instance on (proc_run.instance_key = instance.instance_key) " "WHERE instance.instance_key = %s", (case_key)) tabindex = 3 case = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM capability.vw_proc_run_sum WHERE proc_step_conf is null AND emp_id = %s", (authenticateUser)) openoperations = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() template_values = {'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'case': case, 'case_key': case_key, 'processmenu': processmenu, 'featureList': featureList, 'ddb_active_case': ddb_active_case, 'ddb_active_case': ddb_active_case, 'tabindex': tabindex, 'openoperations': openoperations } template = jinja2_env.get_template('operateprocess.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values)) self.response.out.write(case_key)
sql2a = """ SELECT RECORD_ID, LAST_CORP_HISTORY_ID, SYSTEM_TYPE_CD, LAST_EVENT_DATE, CORP_NUM, CORP_STATE, CORP_TYPE, ENTRY_DATE FROM CORP_AUDIT_LOG WHERE CORP_NUM = %s; """ corp_recs = get_db_sql("event_processor", sql2a, (inbound_rec['corp_num'], )) if 0 == len(corp_recs): # if not, add it sql2b = """ INSERT INTO CORP_AUDIT_LOG (LAST_CORP_HISTORY_ID, SYSTEM_TYPE_CD, LAST_EVENT_DATE, CORP_NUM, CORP_STATE, CORP_TYPE, ENTRY_DATE) VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) RETURNING RECORD_ID; """ cur = None try: conn = get_connection("event_processor") cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute(sql2b, ( inbound_rec['record_id'], inbound_rec['system_type_cd'], inbound_rec['last_event_date'], inbound_rec['corp_num'], inbound_rec['corp_state'], inbound_rec['corp_typ_cd'],, )) _record_id = cur.fetchone()[0] conn.commit() cur.close() cur = None except (Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
is_BP = False BP_time = cur_BP = '' while True: data = ser.readline().decode('utf-8') if is_BP and - BP_time > timedelta(seconds=30): is_BP = False route = cur_BP[30:36].strip() airline = cur_BP[36:39].strip() flight = cur_BP[39:44].strip() for char in flight: if char == '0': flight = flight[1:] else: break connection = config.get_connection() sql_query = 'INSERT INTO %s (route, airline, flight, shop) VALUES (\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\');' \ % (config.table, route, airline, flight, try: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql_query) connection.commit() except Exception: print('Ошибка:\n', traceback.format_exc()) connection.close() if data and data.find('&n') != -1 and data.find('&fp') != -1: if is_BP: index_start = data.find('&fp') index_end = data.find('&n') fn = data[index_start+4:index_end] route = cur_BP[30:36].strip()
'INBOX/train/not-important', 'INBOX/test/not-important', ] for folder in folders: for (uid, msg, flags) in get_messages(con, folder, 'ALL'): result =, "+FLAGS", '\\Deleted')'{} {}'.format(uid, result)) con.expunge() if __name__ == "__main__": folders = ['INBOX'] unknown_words = [] con = get_connection() clean(con) for folder in folders:, readonly=True) for (uid, msg, flags) in get_messages(con, folder, 'ALL'):"%s %s", uid, flags) label = get_label(flags) if label is None: continue mode = 'test' if (int(uid) % 10) >= 8 else 'train' result = con.copy( uid, 'INBOX/{0}/{1}'.format( mode, 'important' if label else 'not-important'))
def get(self): conn = config.get_connection() cursor = conn.cursor() authenticateUser = str(users.get_current_user()) featureList = database.gaeSessionNavBuilder() cursor.execute("SELECT proc_id, proc_nm, proc_step_id, proc_step_nm, proc_seq, case_id, case_nm, instance_key, emp_id, " "ROUND(SUM(proc_step_conf)/COUNT(proc_step_id)*100) AS conf_summary, SUM(proc_step_conf) AS proc_success, COUNT(proc_step_id) AS proc_step_total " "FROM vw_proc_run_sum " "WHERE emp_id = %s " "GROUP BY proc_step_id, proc_id, case_id " "ORDER BY proc_nm, case_nm, proc_seq", (authenticateUser)) summary = cursor.fetchall() summary1 = summary[1:1] #2:3 specifies the row, not the column summary1 = summary1[1:4] cursor.execute("SELECT proc_id, proc_nm, proc_step_id, proc_step_nm, proc_seq, case_id, case_nm, instance_key, emp_id, " "ROUND(SUM(proc_step_conf)/COUNT(proc_step_id)*100) AS conf_summary, SUM(proc_step_conf) AS proc_success, COUNT(proc_step_id) AS proc_step_total " "FROM vw_proc_run_sum " "WHERE emp_id = %s " "GROUP BY proc_step_id " "ORDER BY proc_nm, proc_seq, case_nm", (authenticateUser)) sqlMeasurebyPerson = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT process.proc_nm, process_step.proc_step_nm, proc_case.case_nm, proc_run_start_tm, " "proc_conseq, proc_innovation, proc_run.emp_id " "FROM proc_run " "INNER JOIN proc_case ON (proc_run.case_id = proc_case.case_id) " "INNER JOIN process_step ON (proc_run.proc_step_id = process_step.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN process ON (proc_run.proc_id = process.proc_id) " "WHERE (proc_conseq != ' ' OR not null OR proc_innovation != ' ' OR not null) AND proc_run.emp_id = %s " "ORDER BY process.proc_id, process_step.proc_step_id", (authenticateUser)) innovations = cursor.fetchall() cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT process.proc_nm, process_step.proc_step_nm, proc_req.proc_req_nm, SUM(proc_run.proc_output_conf)/COUNT(*), COUNT(proc_run.proc_output_conf) " "FROM proc_run " "INNER JOIN proc_req ON (proc_run.proc_req_id = proc_req.proc_req_id) " "INNER JOIN process_step ON (proc_req.proc_step_id = process_step.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN process ON (process_step.proc_id = process.proc_id) " "GROUP BY process_step.proc_step_id, proc_req.proc_req_nm " "ORDER BY process.proc_id, process_step.proc_seq") processSummary = cursor.fetchall() cursor.execute("SELECT process.proc_nm, process_step.proc_step_nm, proc_case.case_nm, proc_run_start_tm, " "proc_notes, proc_conseq, proc_innovation, proc_run.emp_id " "FROM proc_run " "INNER JOIN proc_case ON (proc_run.case_id = proc_case.case_id) " "INNER JOIN process_step ON (proc_run.proc_step_id = process_step.proc_step_id) " "INNER JOIN process ON (proc_run.proc_id = process.proc_id) " "WHERE proc_run.emp_id = %s AND (proc_notes != ' ' OR not null) " "ORDER BY process.proc_id, process_step.proc_step_id", (authenticateUser)) notes = cursor.fetchall() conn.close() #query = ("SELECT * from person WHERE google_user_id ='" + str(authenticateUser) + "'") query = "SELECT * from person WHERE google_user_id = " condition1 = authenticateUser summary8 = database.query(query, condition1) template_values = {'summary': summary, 'sqlMeasurebyPerson' : sqlMeasurebyPerson, 'summary1': summary1, 'innovations': innovations, 'authenticateUser': authenticateUser, 'processSummary': processSummary, 'notes': notes, 'summary8': summary8, 'featureList': featureList} template = jinja2_env.get_template('measureperformance.html') self.response.out.write(template.render(template_values))
def find_interestings(self): mysql_con = config.get_connection() while self.data_length < config.PROFILER_MIN_DATA: # Wait until enough data is availabel time.sleep(0.2) percentages, top_cats = [], [] last_data_len = -1 while 1: # 0 Step: Check if post limit is reached interesting_posts = database.read_query( "SELECT * FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s", (self.username, ), con=mysql_con, close_con=False) if len(interesting_posts) >= config.MAX_INTERSTING_POSTS: break # 1 Step: Calc percentages and top cats if len(percentages) == 0 or last_data_len != self.data_length: # If no percentages are calced or data_length increased last_data_len = self.data_length percentages = helper.calc_percentages(self.category) top_cats = helper.get_top_elements(percentages, 10) # 2 Step: get random Posts offset = random.randint(0, config.statics.LATEST_POSTS_START_LIMIT - 50) # random offset posts = database.read_query("SELECT * FROM latest_posts LIMIT " + str(offset) + ", 50;", (), con=mysql_con, close_con=False) # 3 Step: prepare posts to compare post_percentages = [] # ([top_percentages], author, permlink) for author, permlink, category, timestamp in posts: category = [float(x) for x in category.split(' ')] # Calc percentages and top ones percs = helper.calc_percentages(category) top_pers = helper.get_top_elements(percs, 10) post_percentages.append((top_pers, author, permlink)) # 4 Step: Compare for top_pers, author, permlink in post_percentages: score = 0 diff = 0 for value, index in top_cats: for p_value, p_index in top_pers: diff += abs(value - p_value) if p_index == index: # Same top Category score += 1 #if score >= 7: if diff <= 2: exists = database.read_query( "SELECT author FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s AND author=%s AND permlink=%s;", (self.username, author, permlink), con=mysql_con, close_con=False) if len(exists) > 0: # Already listed --> Next one continue result = database.commit_query( "INSERT INTO interesting_posts(username, author, permlink) VALUES (%s, %s, %s);", (self.username, author, permlink), con=mysql_con, close_con=False) if result < 1: # Error print("[WARNING] Can't insert an interesting post!") time.sleep(5) self.update_timestamp()
""" Defines the expected variable types for the body of the post(generate_clue) request """ clue_word: str clue_count: int class generate_guesses_body(BaseModel): """ Defines the expected variable types for the body of the post(generate_guesses) request """ guesses: list root = "/" db = config.get_connection() #When starting the server, create the clientlist and gamelist objects for keeping track of the clients and the games clientlist = TWIML_codenames_API_Server.Clientlist(db) gamelist = TWIML_codenames_API_Server.Gamelist(clientlist) app = FastAPI() # called by uvicorn server_run:app @app.get(root) def get_player_status(player_id: int, player_key: int): """ @params player_id, player_key : used for validating player identity @returns (bytes): the current status for the player containing info about active and ended games: info for active games includes:
def task_manager(): con = config.get_connection() while 1: # Update analytics database.commit_query("UPDATE analytics SET value_one=%s WHERE name=%s", (len(config.statics.task_list), "tasks_running"), con=con, close_con=False) while len(config.statics.task_list) >= config.MAX_TASK_THREADS: # Thread limit is reached --> Wait for completing time.sleep(0.5) # Get first available task tasks = database.read_query("SELECT * FROM tasks LIMIT 1;", (), con=con, close_con=False) if len(tasks) == 0: # If nothing is to do time.sleep(0.5) continue # Get first element and test if it is running name, timestamp, p_one, p_two = tasks[0] already_running = False for _name, _, _p_one, _p_two in config.statics.task_list: if name in _name and p_one in _p_one and p_two in _p_two: # already running already_running = True break # Delete element database.commit_query("SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;", (), con=con, close_con=False) database.commit_query("DELETE FROM tasks WHERE name=%s AND parameter_one=%s AND parameter_two=%s;", (name, p_one, p_two), con=con, close_con=False) if already_running: # abort continue # Insert in list and Run config.statics.task_list.append(tasks[0]) def run(task): name, timestamp, p_one, p_two = task if 'profiler' in name: p = Profiler(p_one, start_get_post_thread=False) p.find_interestings() if 'adjust' in name: p = Profiler(p_one, start_get_post_thread=False) p.adjust(categories_as_strings=p_two.split(',')) if 'set_to_zero' in name: p = Profiler(p_one, start_get_post_thread=False) p.set_zero(category=p_two) if 'delete_user' in name: database.commit_query("DELETE FROM profiler WHERE username=%s;", (p_one, )) database.commit_query("DELETE FROM interesting_posts WHERE username=%s;", (p_one, )) # delete task config.statics.task_list.remove(task) # Start thread t = Thread(target=run, args=(tasks[0], )) = f"T - {name} ({str(p_one)};{str(p_two)})" t.daemon = True t.start()
ordered_items = sorted(preprocessed_text.items(), key=lambda i: i[1], reverse=True)[:100] self.finish({'data': ordered_items}) except HTTPError as err: self.write_error(err.code) def create_app(manager, crypto, client): return tornado.web.Application([ (r"/api/words", WordsHandler), ], debug=True, manager=manager, crypto=crypto, client=client) if __name__ == "__main__": enable_pretty_logging() loop = tornado.ioloop.IOLoop.current() words_manager = loop.run_sync(lambda: WordsManager.create( loop=loop.asyncio_loop, **get_connection())) application = create_app(words_manager, Crypto(), AsyncHTTPClient()) application.listen(8888) try: loop.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Stop engine') loop.run_sync(lambda: application.settings['manager'].stop())
import numpy as np import config # import database import pandas as pd view_conn = config.get_connection(config.db_config) date_1, date_2 = config.get_last_month_dates() def get_report(*args): SqlStr = f"SELECT * FROM V_TROUBLE WHERE TROUBLE_DATE BETWEEN"\ f"'{(args[1])}' AND '{(args[2])}'"\ "AND PROCESS_DESC= 'SPUTTER' AND TROUBLE_DESC in "\ f"{(args[3])}"\ "ORDER BY TROUBLE_DATE" # HEADER CALL results = args[0].execute(SqlStr) df = args[0].result_to_dataframe(results) return df def get_musconvo(*args): # SQL STR SqlStr = f"SELECT * FROM V_MU_RESULT WHERE PROD_DATE BETWEEN "\ f"'{(args[1])}' AND '{(args[2])}'"\ "AND ERROR_DESC = 'REGEN PM'"\ "ORDER BY PROD_DATE" # HEADER CALL results = args[0].execute(SqlStr) df = args[0].result_to_dataframe(results) return df