def cah(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): global cards_num chat_id = config.chat_id(context=context) try: cards_num[chat_id] except KeyError: cards_num[chat_id] = 0 if cards_num[chat_id] == 0: card = int(reddit.r.randint(0, 1480500)/500) content = str(black_cards[card]["text"]).replace("_", "___") cards_num[chat_id] = black_cards[card]["pick"] msg_info = bot.send_message( chat_id=chat_id, text=content ) config.save_history(msg_info, "black card") else: for i in range(cards_num[chat_id]): card = int(reddit.r.randint(0, 4059000)/500) content = white_cards[card]["text"] msg_info = bot.send_message( chat_id=chat_id, text=content ) config.save_history(msg_info, "white card") cards_num[chat_id] = 0
def rvd(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update, args): global sent_video_count params = [] for arg in args: params.append(arg) url = params[0] path= "./"+ str(sent_video_count) + ".mp4" reddit.download_video(url, path) try: video=open(path, "rb") msg_info = bot.send_video( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), video=video, supports_streaming=True ) config.save_history(msg_info, "rvd") except Exception as e: print(f"{type(e).__name__}\t {e}") finally: sent_video_count += 1 video.close() os.remove(path)
def dad(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): sentence = reddit.random("dadjokes", reddit.TEXT)["value"] msg_info = bot.send_message( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), text=sentence ) config.save_history(msg_info, "dad joke")
def horror(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): sentence = reddit.random("twosentencehorror", reddit.TEXT)["value"] msg_info = bot.send_message( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), text=sentence ) config.save_history(msg_info, "two sentence horror")
def pun(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): img_url = reddit.random("puns", reddit.IMAGE)["value"] msg_info = bot.send_photo( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), photo=img_url ) config.save_history(msg_info, "pun")
def shower(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): sentence = reddit.random("showerthoughts", reddit.TEXT)["value"] msg_info = bot.send_message( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), text=sentence ) config.save_history(msg_info, "shower thought")
def cute(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): url = "" response = reqs.json_url(url) img_url = response["data"]["image"] msg_info = bot.send_photo( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), photo=img_url ) config.save_history(msg_info, "cute photo")
def meme(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): sub_name = "memes" if reddit.r.randint(1,2) == 2: sub_name = "dankmemes" img_url = reddit.random(sub_name, reddit.IMAGE)["value"] msg_info = bot.send_photo( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), photo=img_url ) config.save_history(msg_info, "meme")
def selective_reddit(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update, args): global sent_video_count params = [] for arg in args: params.append(arg) try: params[1] post_type = True except IndexError: post_type = None sub_name = str(params[0]).lower() if post_type == True: post_type = str(params[1]).lower() if post_type == None: request = reddit.random(sub_name=sub_name, post_type=None, video_name=sent_video_count) elif post_type == "image" or post_type == "photo": request = reddit.random(sub_name=sub_name, post_type=reddit.IMAGE) elif post_type == "text": request = reddit.random(sub_name=sub_name, post_type=reddit.TEXT) elif post_type == "video": request = reddit.random(sub_name=sub_name, post_type=reddit.VIDEO) post_type = request["type"] message = request["value"] if post_type == reddit.IMAGE: msg_info = bot.send_photo( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), photo=message ) elif post_type == reddit.VIDEO: try: video=open(path, "rb") msg_info = bot.send_video( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), video=video, supports_streaming=True ) except Exception as e: print(f"{type(e).__name__}\t {e}") finally: sent_video_count += 1 video.close() os.remove(message) else: msg_info = bot.send_message( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), text=message ) config.save_history(msg_info, "selective reddit")
def help(bot: t.Bot, context: t.update): msg_info = bot.send_message( chat_id=config.chat_id(context=context), text="Hi, I am HuhuBot 1.5.2" "\nThose are my commands:\n" "/help to display this message\n" "/rem to remove the last message sent\n" "/cute to send a cute girl pic\n" "/cah play cards against humanity\n" "/dad send a dad joke\n" "/meme send a meme\n" "/hor send a two sentence horror\n" "/shower send a shower thought\n" "/pun send a pun photo\n" "/reddit <subreddit> send a random post from the selected subreddit\n" "/rvd download a reddit video from link" ) config.save_history(msg_info, "help message")