def __init__(self, debug=False): super(NetworkTopology, self).__init__() # name = 'unnamed' # initialize logging self.debug = debug self.logger = get_logger('NetworkTopology', 'DEBUG' if debug else 'INFO') # dataplane engine that computes forwarding and dominator graphs self.dp_engine = None # dict of router name to router self.routers = dict() # mapping of router and interface to the next hop router self.next_hops = defaultdict(dict) # dict of all subnets in network to router and interface name directly on that subnet self.subnets = defaultdict(PyTricia) # dict of dst subnet to edges which are blocked by simple ACLs self.simple_acls = PyTricia() self.links = list()
def __init__(self, netenv, max_num_samples=None, seed=None, use_provided_samples=False, fwd_state_based=False, debug=False): self.debug = debug self.logger = get_logger('Sampler', 'DEBUG' if debug else 'INFO') self.fwd_state_based = fwd_state_based self.sample_random = random.Random(seed) self.netenv = netenv self.total_samples = netenv.num_concrete_envs self.use_provided_samples = use_provided_samples self.used_samples = 0 self.used_concrete_envs = set() self.next_sample_in_order = 0 if max_num_samples is not None: self.max_num_samples = min(max_num_samples, self.total_samples) else: self.max_num_samples = self.total_samples
def __init__(self): super(ForwardingTable, self).__init__() # initialize logging self.logger = get_logger('FECFinder', 'INFO') # init Trie self.fib = PyTricia()
def __init__(self): super(FECFinder, self).__init__() # initialize logging self.logger = get_logger('FECFinder', 'INFO') # init Trie self.root = TrieNode('') self.max_depth = 32 self.prefixes = set()
def __init__(self, network, waypoints=None, debug=False): # initialize logging self.debug = debug self.logger = get_logger("PolicyGuesser", 'DEBUG' if debug else 'INFO') # load network = network # only use waypoints if they are specified by the user if not waypoints: waypoints = list() self.waypoints = waypoints
def __init__(self, network, waypoints=None, debug=False): # initialize logging self.debug = debug self.logger = get_logger("PolicyDB", "DEBUG" if debug else "INFO") self.init = False self.policy_guesser = PolicyGuesser(network, waypoints=waypoints, debug=debug) self.keys = ["type", "subnet", "specifics", "source"] self.policies = None # dataframe with the columns - type, src, dst, specifics, policy status, environments self.previous_size = -1 # stores the size of the current policy guess self.tmp_state = None
def __init__(self, nodes, next_hops, simple_acls, fib_path, debug=False): self.debug = debug self.logger = get_logger("BatfishEngine", "DEBUG" if debug else "INFO") # topology information self.nodes = nodes self.next_hops = next_hops self.simple_acls = simple_acls self.forwarding_graphs = defaultdict(nx.DiGraph) self.dominator_graphs = defaultdict(nx.DiGraph) # path to the directory where batfish writes the FIBs to self.fib_path = fib_path
def __init__(self, query, ms_response, debug=False): self.logger = get_logger('Response', 'DEBUG' if debug else 'INFO') self.type = query.type self.sources = query.sources self.destination = query.destination self.subnet = query.destination.subnet self.specifics = query.specifics self.netenv = query.environment self.counter_example = None self.result = list() self.parse_response(ms_response)
def __init__(self): super(EquivalenceClass, self).__init__() # initialize logging self.logger = get_logger('EquivalenceClass', 'INFO') # first and last address of the equivalence class self.first = None self.last = None # maximum number of bits in an address self.max_length = 32 # needed for the iterator to keep track of the current ip address self.current = 0
def __init__(self, base_path, scenario_name, config_path, url="http://localhost", port=8192, debug=False): self.logger = get_logger("MinesweeperBackend", "DEBUG" if debug else "INFO") self.base_path = base_path self.scenario_name = scenario_name self.config_path = config_path self.base_url = '%s:%d' % (url, port) self.init = False
def __init__(self, name): = name self.acl_entries = list() # initialize logging self.logger = get_logger('AccessList', 'INFO')
import os import re from collections import defaultdict from config2spec.topology.builder.builder import TopologyBuilder from config2spec.topology.topology import NetworkTopology from config2spec.topology.interface import Interface from config2spec.topology.access_list import AccessList from config2spec.utils.logger import get_logger # initialize logging logger = get_logger('ConfigTopologyGenerator', 'INFO') class BackendTopologyBuilder(TopologyBuilder): @staticmethod def build_topology(files, scenario_path): assert isinstance(files, dict) and "interfaces" in files and "acls" in files and "topology" in files interface_path = os.path.join(scenario_path, files["interfaces"]) all_interfaces = BackendTopologyBuilder.parse_interfaces(interface_path) acls_path = os.path.join(scenario_path, files["acls"]) all_access_lists = BackendTopologyBuilder.parse_acls(acls_path) topology_path = os.path.join(scenario_path, files["topology"]) routers, edges = BackendTopologyBuilder.parse_topology(topology_path)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Author: Ruediger Birkner (Networked Systems Group at ETH Zurich) from collections import defaultdict from config2spec.topology.access_list import ACLType from config2spec.utils.logger import get_logger # initialize logging logger = get_logger("TopologyBuilder", "INFO") class TopologyBuilder(object): @staticmethod def auto_add_links(topology): """ automatically add links between all router interfaces that are defined on the same subnet. only add a link if there are exactly two interfaces on that subnet. """ interface_matching = defaultdict(list) for router_name, router in topology.routers.items(): for intf_name, interface in router.interfaces.items(): interface_matching[].append( (router_name, intf_name)) for subnet, names in interface_matching.items(): if len(names) == 2: r1_name, r1_intf_name = names[0] r1_cost = topology.routers[r1_name].interfaces[ r1_intf_name].ospf_cost