コード例 #1
@app.route("/email/", methods=['POST'])
def email():
	emailHandler = EmailRequestHandler(config)
	response = emailHandler.process(request)
	return response

# For Dev purpose only
@app.route("/test/", methods=['GET'])
def test():
	if app.config["ENV"] == "dev":
		f = open('./test/test.html', 'r')
		content = f.read()
		return Response(content, status=200, mimetype="text/html")
		return Response("{\"message\": \"Page not allowed to access\"}", status=404)

# Main Service
if __name__ == "__main__":
	config = ConfigLoader()
	if config.isLoaded():
		# get environment
		app.config["ENV"] = config.getEnv()
		print "Environment: "+ app.config["ENV"].upper()
		if app.config["ENV"].lower() == "prod":
			app.run(host= '')
		elif app.config["ENV"].lower() == "dev":
		print "Failed to load the config. Can't start the Service."
コード例 #2
class EmailServiceTestCase(unittest.TestCase):

	def setUp(self):
		emailService.app.config['TESTING'] = True
		self.app = emailService.app.test_client()
		self.config = ConfigLoader()
		emailService.app.config['ENV'] = self.config.getEnv()

	def tearDown(self):
		# nothing to do yet

	configLoader.py testing

	def test_configLoader_getPayloadValidationVersion(self):
		assert self.config.getPayloadValidationVersion()

	def test_configLoader_getPayloadValidationConfig(self):
		assert self.config.getPayloadValidationConfig()

	def test_configLoader_getEmailServiceVersion(self):
		assert self.config.getEmailServiceVersion()

	def test_configLoader_getSplunkLogPath(self):
		assert self.config.getSplunkLogPath()

	def test_configLoader_getLogPath(self):
		assert self.config.getLogPath()

	def test_configLoader_isLoaded(self):
		assert self.config.isLoaded() is True

	def test_configLoader_getEnv(self):
		assert self.config.getEnv() in ('prod', 'dev')

	emailService.py testing

	def test_root(self):
		rv = self.app.get('/')
		assert "{\"message\": \"Please check API documentation\"}" in rv.data
		rv = self.app.post('/')
		assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data
		rv = self.app.put('/')
		assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data
		rv = self.app.delete('/')
		assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data

	def test_test(self):
		emailService.app.config['ENV'] = "prod"
		if emailService.app.config['ENV'] is "prod":
			rv = self.app.get('/test/')
			assert "{\"message\": \"Page not allowed to access\"}" in rv.data
			rv = self.app.post('/test/')
			assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data
			rv = self.app.put('/test/')
			assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data
			rv = self.app.delete('/test/')
			assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data
		emailService.app.config['ENV'] = "dev"
		if emailService.app.config['ENV'] is "dev":
			rv = self.app.get('/test/')
			assert "<p>Just for testing</p>" in rv.data
			rv = self.app.post('/test/')
			assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data
			rv = self.app.put('/test/')
			assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data
			rv = self.app.delete('/test/')
			assert "405 Method Not Allowed" in rv.data

	def test_email(self):

	emailRequestHandler.py testing

	def test_email_request_handler(self):

	payloadValidationHelper.py testing

	def test_payload_validation_helper(self):

	providerRequestHandler.py testing

	def test_provider_request_handler(self):