コード例 #1
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: FourZeroOne/tes_app_generator
 def __init__(self, base_dir, lib_name):
     self.app = None
     self.lib_name = lib_name
     self.base_dir = base_dir
     self.static_handler = StaticHandler(self.base_dir)
     self.template_handler = TemplateHandler()
     self.force_overwrite = False
     self.config = ConfigHandler(self.get_conf_path())
コード例 #2
 def __init__(self, url):
     self.url = url
     self.http = None
     self.filepath = None
     self.filesize = None
     self.filename = None
コード例 #3
 def merge_multithreaded_download_parts(self):
     # merging parts
     with open(self.filepath, 'wb') as wfd:
         for f in range(ConfigHandler.get_threads(self)):
             tempfilepath = ConfigHandler.get_temp_dir(
                 self) + "/temp" + str(f)
             with open(tempfilepath, "rb") as fd:
                 shutil.copyfileobj(fd, wfd)
             # delete copied segment
             FileHandler.delete_file(self, tempfilepath)
コード例 #4
	def __init__(self):
		logging.info('Creating RESTHandler');
		self.lock = threading.RLock()
		self.since_id = None
		# Get Config and set since_id
		self.config = ConfigHandler()
		self.since_id = self.config.mention_id()
		# Attempt to get OAuth Client
		self.oauthhandler = OAuthHandler(self.config)		
			logging.info('OAuth Client created successfully')
			logging.critical('Unable to birth OAuth Client')
コード例 #5
    def get_download_sizes_list(self):
        # no of bytes per thread
        size_per_thread = self.filesize // ConfigHandler.get_threads(self)
        # stores size to be downloaded by each thread
        sizes_list = [size_per_thread] * ConfigHandler.get_threads(self)
        # remaining size not assigned to any thread
        rem = self.filesize % ConfigHandler.get_threads(self)
        # loop to equally assign sizes to download, to each thread
        index = 0
        while rem != 0:
            sizes_list[index] += 1
            rem -= 1
            index += 1

        return sizes_list
コード例 #6
        def __init__(self):
            app_name = 'dbhandler_test'
            logfile = 'system'
            log_level = 10
            screendump = True

            #             log.info('Starting DentrixReporting logger...',
            #                      app_name = app_name,
            #                      logfile    = logfile,
            #                      log_level  = log_level,
            #                      screendump = screendump
            #                      )

            self.config = ConfigHandler(

            DBO = DBHandler.handler('mssql')
            print 'DBO = ', DBO
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):

        self.config = ConfigHandler()
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.default = DBHandler_defaults()


        # Sets database parameters from dbvars.cfg
        #         self._set_db_vars()
        #         # Check for overriding vars passed into __init__
        #         if host     is not None: self.dbvars['host'] = str(host)
        #         if database is not None: self.dbvars['database'] = str(database)
        #         if port     is not None: self.dbvars['port'] = str(port)
        #         if user     is not None: self.dbvars['user'] = str(user)
        #         if password is not None: self.dbvars['password'] = str(password)
        #         # Actually create the DB connection and cursor
        #         self._set_db()
        #         self.values = {}

        log.debug("DBHandler set successfully.")
コード例 #8
    def make_request(self, headers=None):

            resp = self.http.request("GET",
                                     self.url.replace("https", "http"),
        except urllib3.exceptions.NewConnectionError:
            # if failed to create connection
            print("Connection Failed!")
        except urllib3.exceptions.SSLError:
            # if failed to establish secure connection (https)
            print("SSL Error!")

        return resp
コード例 #9
    def multithreaded_download(self, ranges_list):
        # downloading each segment
        for f in range(ConfigHandler.get_threads(self)):
            # calling seg_handler() for each thread
            t = threading.Thread(target=self.seg_handler,
                                     ConfigHandler.get_temp_dir(self) +
                                     "/temp" + str(f),

        # except main_thread, calling join() for each thread
        # it ensures that merging of parts occur only after each thread has completed downloading
        main_thread = threading.current_thread()
        for t in threading.enumerate():
            if t is main_thread:
コード例 #10
    def download(self):
        if ConfigHandler.get_proxy(self):
            self.http = urllib3.ProxyManager(ConfigHandler.get_proxy(self))
            self.http = urllib3.PoolManager()

        # make sure that download path and temp directory exists
        FileHandler.create_dir(self, ConfigHandler.get_download_dir(self))
        FileHandler.create_dir(self, ConfigHandler.get_temp_dir(self))

        # extracting filename from URL
        self.filename = os.path.basename(self.url.replace("%20", "_"))

        # getting complete filepath
        self.filepath = ConfigHandler.get_download_dir(
            self) + "/" + self.filename

        #making an initial request to get header information
        resp = self.make_request()

        # extracting the size of file to be downloaded in bytes, from header
        self.filesize = int(resp.headers['Content-Length'])

        # if server supports segmented download
        if self.range_download_support(resp):
            # get ranges for download for each thread
            ranges_list = self.get_download_ranges_list()
            # perform multithreaded download on single system
            # merge multithreaded download parts
            print('''Server doesn't support multithreaded downloads!
				Download will be performed using single thread, on master system.''')
            self.seg_handler(self.filepath, 0, self.filesize - 1)

        # perform final cleaning after download completion
コード例 #11
class RESTHandler:
	# End points for REST calls
	PLACES_EP = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/trends/place.json?id=" #GET
	VERIFY_CREDS_EP = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/account/verify_credentials.json" #GET
	UPDATE_STATUS_EP = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/update.json" #POST
	QUERY_SEARCH_EP = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/search/tweets.json?q=" #GET
	MENTIONS_EP = "https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/mentions_timeline.json?count=" #GET

	# Constants
	GLOBAL_WOEID = 1 # I'll grab trends from a global perspective for now
	JSON_DATA_INDEX = 0 # I have a feeling that Twitter nests most of its response data
	MAX_MENTIONS = 5 # Number of mentions to get at one time
	TWEET_SEARCH_LIMIT = "&count=20" # Additional, optional parameter for Query Search to limit returned tweets
	TRENDS_KEY = 'trends'
	PROMOTED_CONTENT_KEY = 'promoted_content'
	NAME_KEY = 'name'
	NONE_STR = 'None'
	QUERY_KEY = 'query'
	STATUS_KEY = 'status'
	STATUSES_KEY = 'statuses'
	SCREEN_NAME_KEY = 'screen_name'
	USER_KEY = 'user'
	SINCE_ID_KEY = '&since_id='
	ID_KEY = 'id'
	TEXT_KEY = 'text'
	ID_STR_KEY = 'id_str'
	USER_MENTIONS_KEY = 'user_mentions'

	# ctor
	def __init__(self):
		logging.info('Creating RESTHandler');
		self.lock = threading.RLock()
		self.since_id = None
		# Get Config and set since_id
		self.config = ConfigHandler()
		self.since_id = self.config.mention_id()
		# Attempt to get OAuth Client
		self.oauthhandler = OAuthHandler(self.config)		
			logging.info('OAuth Client created successfully')
			logging.critical('Unable to birth OAuth Client')
	# Gets a list of mentions and will use the since_id if it exists
	def get_user_from_mention(self):
		logging.info('Attempting to get list of mentions')
		mentions_ep = self.MENTIONS_EP +str(self.MAX_MENTIONS)
		# if a since_id exists, attach it
		if self.since_id is not None and self.since_id != '':
			logging.info('since_id found: %s' % self.since_id)
			mentions_ep += self.SINCE_ID_KEY + str(self.since_id)
		logging.info('Getting mentions at %s' % mentions_ep)
		# With the constructed endpoint, make the callable
		resp, data = self.get_request(mentions_ep)
		if self.resp_success(resp[self.STATUS_KEY]):
			mentions_data = json.loads(data)
			# Pick a mention out of the list
			numMentions = len(mentions_data)
			if numMentions > 0:
				logging.info('Grabbing random mention')
				rndIndex = randint(0, (numMentions - 1))
				mention = mentions_data[rndIndex]
				self.since_id = mention[self.ID_STR_KEY]
				logging.info('Storing id: %s' % self.since_id)
				self.config.set_value(self.config.MENTION_SECTION, self.config.MENTION_ID, self.since_id)
				user = mention[self.USER_KEY][self.SCREEN_NAME_KEY]
				text = mention[self.TEXT_KEY]
				logging.info('Mention to respond to: %s by: %s' % (text, user))
				return (user, text)
				logging.info('No mentions were found')
				return None
			logging.error('There was an issue fetching the list of mentions')
			return None
	# Gets a list of trends, picks a random one and returns the query
	def get_trend_query(self):
		# Take lock to do work
		with self.lock:
			places_ep = self.PLACES_EP + str(self.GLOBAL_WOEID)
			logging.info('Attempting to get list of places from ' + places_ep)
			resp, data = self.get_request(places_ep)
			if self.resp_success(resp[self.STATUS_KEY]):
				jsonData = json.loads(data)
				# With the list of trends, pick a random index
				trends = jsonData[self.JSON_DATA_INDEX][self.TRENDS_KEY]
				numTrends = len(trends)
				if numTrends > 0:
					logging.info('Grabbing random trend')
					rndIndex = randint(0, (numTrends - 1))
					trend = trends[rndIndex]
					logging.info('Getting tweets for %s' % trend[self.NAME_KEY])
					return trend[self.QUERY_KEY]
					logging.error('No trends were returned')
					return None
				logging.error('There was an issue getting the list of locales')
				return None
	# From the trend query, select a random tweet. Return the user who posted it
	def get_tweet_user(self, query):
		# Take lock to do work
		with self.lock:
			logging.info('Attempting to get list of tweets for trend')
			tweets_ep = self.QUERY_SEARCH_EP + query + self.TWEET_SEARCH_LIMIT
			resp, data = self.get_request(tweets_ep)
			if self.resp_success(resp[self.STATUS_KEY]):
				tweet_data = json.loads(data)
				tweets = tweet_data[self.STATUSES_KEY]
				logging.info('Selecting a random tweet')
				numTweets = len(tweets)
				if numTweets > 0:
					rndIndex = randint(0, numTweets - 1)
					tweet = tweets[rndIndex]
					logging.info('Grabbing user info')
					user = tweet[self.USER_KEY][self.SCREEN_NAME_KEY]
					return user
					logging.warning('No tweets were returned')
					return None
				logging.error('There was an issue fetching the list of tweets')
				return None
	# Updates status with a tweet. Takes in the status.	
	def update_status(self, status):
		# Take lock to do work
		with self.lock:
			# Verify that status is under 140 characters
			if len(status) <= self.MAX_TWEET_LEN:
				status_ep = self.UPDATE_STATUS_EP
				logging.info('Attempting to post tweet')
				resp, data = self.post_request(status_ep, status)
				if self.resp_success(resp[self.STATUS_KEY]):
					logging.info('Post successful')
					logging.error('There was an error posting the tweet')
				logging.error('Tweet is too long to post')
	# Used to verify that our credentials are still authorized
	def verify_credentials(self):
		with self.lock:
			logging.info('Attempting to verify credentials')
				resp, data = self.get_request(self.VERIFY_CREDS_EP)
				return self.resp_success(resp[self.STATUS_KEY])
			except socket.error as ex:
				if ex.errno == errno.ETIMEDOUT:
					logging.warning('The connection to the Twitter API timed out')
			except Exception as e:
				logging.warning('There was an issue verifying the credentials')

	# Checks HTTP response code for success
	def resp_success(self, status_val):
		return status_val == self.HTTP_SUCCESS
	# Executes a GET request and returns the response & data
	def get_request(self, endpoint):
		with self.lock:
			return self.oauthhandler.client.request(endpoint)
	# Executes a POST request and returns the response & data
	def post_request(self, endpoint, post_body):
		with self.lock:
			return self.oauthhandler.client.request(
コード例 #12
    def final_clean(self, interrupted=False):
        FileHandler.delete_dir(self, ConfigHandler.get_temp_dir(self))
        if interrupted == True:
            ''' delete the partially downloaded file if user interrupted
			the download '''
            FileHandler.delete_file(self, self.filepath)
コード例 #13
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Occuliner/LD27Project
#Apparently all the scripts ran by extention of this have this in their paths, huh.
    ["modules/stockfunctions", "modules/stockclasses", "extern_modules"])

from entity import EntityGroup

from floor import Floor

from devtools import DevMenu

from state import PlayState

from confighandler import ConfigHandler

cfg = ConfigHandler('thm.cfg')

#from modules import *

timer = pygame.time.Clock()

if int(cfg.getVal('fullscreen')) == 1:
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((cfg.getWidth(), cfg.getHeight()),
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode((cfg.getWidth(), cfg.getHeight()))

cheatScreen = pygame.Surface((800, 600)).convert()

#pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP])
コード例 #14
	def __init__(self, cut_file, config_file):
		self.cut_file = open(cut_file, 'r')
		self.config_reader = ConfigHandler(config_file)
コード例 #15
ファイル: state.py プロジェクト: Occuliner/LD27Project
class PlayState:
    """ The PlayState class.
    Maintains a list of all entity groups, can update them all, draw them all,
    return a list of all their sprites, and run the collision system."""
    def __init__( self ):
        self.cfg = ConfigHandler( 'thm.cfg' )
        self.groups = []
        self.floor = None
        self.space = pymunk.Space()
        self.space.gravity = ( 0.0, 0.0 )
        self.space.damping = 0.0
        self.space.add_collision_handler( 1, 2, callSpeshulEffect )
        self.space.add_collision_handler( 2, 2, callSpeshulEffect )
        self.speshulCaller = callSpeshulEffect
        self.postStepQueue = []

        self.gameLogicManager = ActualManager( self )
        self.justEditing = False

        self.spaceGhost = None
        #If this is true, devtools will class update EVERYTHING.
        self.forceUpdateEverything = False

        self.boundaryBody = pymunk.Body()
        self.boundaries = []
        #A list of int values that represent the index values of a 
        #group in self.groups, each group is drawn in order of the
        # values in this list. Use addGroup() to add one, by default 
        # it puts the group in the last index of self.drawOrder,
        # unless passed a index value.
        self.drawOrder = []

        self.curInputDict = {}
        self.playersGroup = None

        self.namedGroups = { 'playersGroup':self.playersGroup }

        self.lineVisualiser = LineVisualiser( self )

        self.rerenderEverything = False

        self.soundManager = SoundManager( self )

        self.hudList = []
        self.fileName = "Untitled"
        self.amountOfEntsOnLoad = None

        self.hardBlockInput = False
        self.inputDictLog = []

        #These to variables are the displacement from the state's (0,0) and the screen's (0,0), so they can be used for panning.
        self.panX, self.panY = 0, 0
        self.limitX1, self.limitX2, self.limitY1, self.limitY2 = None, None, None, None

        #This is the idSource, I use it for give ids to Entitys.
        self.idSource = IdSource()
        self.isClient = False
        self.isHost = False
        self.networkRate = 20.0
        self.networkTicker = 0
        self.networkNode = None
        self.networkingStarted = False

        #This is set by the DevMenu init
        self.devMenuRef = None

        self.paused = False
        self.keyboardInputEnabled = False
        self.deleteLastChar = False
        self.checkFocus = False
	self.pausedByFocus = False

        #So this is quite an important boolean.
        #If this is true everything in the PlayState will be drawn in order of the bottom of it's bounding rect, which I will refer
        #to as 'the foot'. If the foot is higher up the screen, the item will be drawn sooner.
        #If this is False, everything will be drawn according to the drawOrder and interweaveOrder system.
        #DrawByFeet is more suitable for some topdown/isometric games.
        self.drawByFeet = False

        self.useSuggestedGravityEntityPhysics = False

        self.stateToSwap = None

    def initNetworking( self ):
        if not self.networkingStarted:
            self.networkingStarted = True

    def hostGame( self ):
        if self.isHost:
            del self.networkNode._server
            self.isHost = True
        self.networkNode = NetworkServer( self, "", int( self.cfg.getVal("port") ), networkingMode=1 )

        self.addGroup( EntityGroup( 'networkPlayers' ), name='networkPlayers' ) 
        print "Beginning hosting..."

    def connectToGame( self, addr, port ):
        if self.isClient:
            del self.networkNode._client
            self.isClient = True
        self.networkNode = NetworkClient( self, networkingMode=1 )
        self.networkNode.connect( addr, port )

        self.addGroup( EntityGroup( 'networkPlayers' ), name='networkPlayers' ) 
        print "Connecting..."

    def addBoundary( self, point1, point2 ):
        newSeg = pymunk.Segment( self.boundaryBody, point1, point2, 1 )
        self.boundaries.append( newSeg )
        self.space.add( newSeg )

    def removeBoundary( self, givenSeg ):
        self.boundaries.remove( givenSeg )
        self.space.remove( givenSeg )

    def swap( self, newState ):
        self.stateToSwap = newState

    def addInterweaveGroup( self, group, index ):
        if self.interweaveOrder.get( index, None ) is None:
            self.interweaveOrder[index] = [group]
            self.interweaveOrder[index].append( group )
    def addGroup(self, group, indexValue=None, isPlayerGroupBool=False, name=None, interweaveWithFloor=False):
        """Add's an entity group to the PlayState.

        If indexValue specifies the draw-order, defaults to last.
        isPlayerGroupBool specifies if the group is a group of players
        (ie, a group that will be sent input dictionaries).
        If a "name" is given, set PlayState.name = group.
        interweaveWithFloor means that the entityGroup is drawn with 
        the floor layers instead, drawn after the layer of it's index.
        Multiple entgroups can share a interweave number, and they'll be 
        drawn according to order of their addition. an interweave index of 0
        means it will be drawn AFTER layer 1, the first layer above the background floor"""
        group.playState = self
        self.groups.append( group )
        if not interweaveWithFloor:
            newIndex = len( self.groups ) - 1
            if indexValue is None:
                self.drawOrder.append( newIndex )
                self.drawOrder.insert( indexValue, newIndex )
            newIndex = len( self.floor.layers ) - 1
            if indexValue is None:
                self.addInterweaveGroup( group, newIndex )
                self.addInterweaveGroup( group, indexValue )
        if isPlayerGroupBool:
            self.namedGroups['playersGroup'] = group
            self.playersGroup = group
        if name is not None:
            self.namedGroups[name] = group
            setattr( self, name, group )

    def checkForFocus( self ):
        lostFocus = ( not pygame.mouse.get_focused() ) and self.checkFocus
        self.pausedByFocus = lostFocus

    def pause( self ):
        self.paused = True

    def unpause( self ):
        self.paused = False

    def togglePaused( self ):
        self.paused = not self.paused

    def processNetworkEvents( self, dt ):
        self.gameLogicManager.preNetworkTick( dt )
        if self.isHost or self.isClient:
            if self.networkTicker >= int(60.0/self.networkRate):
                self.networkNode.update( dt )
                self.networkTicker = -1
            self.networkNode.updateTime( dt )
            self.networkTicker += 1
        self.gameLogicManager.postNetworkTick( dt )

    def update( self, dt ):
        """A generic update function.
        Sends input dictionaries to playerGroups.
        Updates all the child groups, runs the collision system."""
        self.floor.update( self.panX, self.panY )
        if self.paused or self.pausedByFocus:
            self.processNetworkEvents( dt )
            return None

        #Game logic
        self.gameLogicManager.preTick( dt )

        if not self.hardBlockInput:
            #I'm doing the same thing even if the host or client is the same, to force identical player behaviour for either.
            if self.isClient or self.isHost:
                self.inputDictLog.append( self.curInputDict )
                if self.networkTicker >= int(60.0/self.networkRate):
                    for eachDict in self.inputDictLog:
                        if self.playersGroup is not None and len( eachDict ) > 0:
                            for eachPlayer in self.playersGroup.sprites():
                                eachPlayer.sendInput( eachDict )
                        for eachElement in self.hudList:
                            eachElement.sendInput( eachDict )
                    self.inputDictLog = []
                if self.isClient:
                    self.networkNode.sendInput( self.curInputDict )
                if self.playersGroup is not None and len( self.curInputDict ) > 0:
                    for eachPlayer in self.playersGroup.sprites():
                        eachPlayer.sendInput( self.curInputDict )
                for eachElement in self.hudList:
                    eachElement.sendInput( self.curInputDict )

        self.curInputDict = {}
        self.space.step( 1.0/60.0 )
        for eachTriplet in self.postStepQueue:
            eachTriplet[0]( eachTriplet[1], eachTriplet[2] )
        self.postStepQueue = []
        for eachGroup in self.groups:
            eachGroup.update( dt )

        for eachElement in self.hudList:
            eachElement.update( dt )

        self.soundManager.update( dt )
	self.processNetworkEvents( dt )
        self.gameLogicManager.postTick( dt )

    def setPan( self, x, y ):
        screenW, screenH = getResolution()
        if self.limitX1 is not None:
            x = min( -self.limitX1, x )
        if self.limitX2 is not None:
            x = max( -(self.limitX2-screenW), x )
        if self.limitY1 is not None:
            y = min( -(self.limitY1), y )
        if self.limitY2 is not None:
            y = max( -(self.limitY2-screenH), y )
        self.panX, self.panY = x, y

    def sendInput( self, inputDict ):
        """Simply sets PlayState.curInputDict to a given input dictionary, 
        for use in PlayState.update()"""
        self.curInputDict = inputDict

    def sprites( self ):
        """Returns a list of all the sprites in all the entity groups in the PlayState."""
        sumList = []
        for eachSpriteList in [ someGroup.sprites() for someGroup in self.groups ]:
            sumList.extend( eachSpriteList )
        return sumList

    def draw( self, surface ):
        """Draw all the child entity groups in PlayState, returning changed area rects"""
        changeRects = []
        changeRects.append( surface.blit( self.floor.layers[0].image, self.floor.layers[0].rect.topleft ) )
        if not self.drawByFeet:
            for eachVal in self.drawOrder:
                changeRects.extend( self.groups[eachVal].draw( surface ) )

            allInterweaveGroups = self.interweaveOrder.values()
            for eachVal in range( 1, len( self.floor.layers ) ):
                eachLayer = self.floor.layers[eachVal]            
                changeRects.append( surface.blit( eachLayer.image, eachLayer.rect.topleft ) )
                groupsToDraw = self.interweaveOrder.get( eachVal-1, None )
                if groupsToDraw is not None:
                    allInterweaveGroups.remove( groupsToDraw )
                    [ changeRects.extend( each.draw( surface ) ) for each in groupsToDraw ]
            #Draw anything left over
            for eachGroupSet in allInterweaveGroups:
                [ changeRects.extend( eachGroup.draw( surface ) ) for eachGroup in eachGroupSet ]

            yTuples = []
            for eachSprite in self.sprites():
                if eachSprite.flatInDrawByFeet:
                    y = eachSprite.rect.top
                    y = eachSprite.rect.bottom
                yTuples.append( (y, eachSprite) )
            yTuples.extend( [ (each.rect.bottom, each) for each in self.floor.layers[1:] ] )

            renderList = [ each[1] for each in sorted( yTuples, lambda x, y: cmp( x[0], y[0] ) ) ]
            #I probably shouldn't be doing this.
            tmpDrawGroup = pygame.sprite.LayeredDirty( self.floor.layers[0], renderList )
            changeRects.extend( tmpDrawGroup.draw( surface ) )
            del tmpDrawGroup
        changeRects.extend( self.lineVisualiser.draw( surface, (self.panX, self.panY) ) )

        if len(  self.gameLogicManager.lasers ) > 0:
            pt1, pt2 = self.gameLogicManager.getCurAimLine()
            pygame.draw.line( surface, darkGreen, pt1, pt2 )

        for eachShot in self.gameLogicManager.preparedShots:
            pygame.draw.line( surface, green, eachShot[1][0], eachShot[1][1] )

        #for eachMissile in [ each for each in self.genericStuffGroup.sprites() if each.__class__.__name__ == "Missile" ]:
            #pygame.draw.line( surface, darkRed, eachMissile.getPosition(), eachMissile.startPos, 4 )

        for eachElement in self.hudList:
            eachElement.draw( surface )

        changeRects.extend( [ each.rect for each in self.hudList ] )
        if self.rerenderEverything:
            w, h = surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()
            changeRects.extend( [ pygame.Rect( 0, 0, w, h ) ] )
            self.rerenderEverything = False
        return changeRects

    #    This function, __getitem__, takes a value, if that value is a string, it looks for a group in PlayState.groups that has that string as entityGroup.name.
    #    If that value is an int, it returns the group at that index value in self.groups.
    def __getitem__( self, value ):
        if type( value ) == str:
            for eachGroup in self.groups:
                if eachGroup.name == value:
                    return eachGroup
            raise Exception("No group in PlayState by name: " + value)
        elif type( value ) == int:
            return self.groups[value]

            raise Exception("PlayState.__getitem__ only takes strs or ints, got: " + str(type( value )) )
コード例 #16
class PlayState:
    """ The PlayState class.
    Maintains a list of all entity groups, can update them all, draw them all,
    return a list of all their sprites, and run the collision system."""
    def __init__(self):
        self.cfg = ConfigHandler('thm.cfg')
        self.groups = []
        self.floor = None
        self.space = pymunk.Space()
        self.space.gravity = (0.0, 0.0)
        self.space.damping = 0.0
        self.space.add_collision_handler(1, 2, callSpeshulEffect)
        self.space.add_collision_handler(2, 2, callSpeshulEffect)
        self.speshulCaller = callSpeshulEffect
        self.postStepQueue = []

        self.gameLogicManager = ActualManager(self)
        self.justEditing = False

        self.spaceGhost = None

        #If this is true, devtools will class update EVERYTHING.
        self.forceUpdateEverything = False

        self.boundaryBody = pymunk.Body()
        self.boundaries = []

        #A list of int values that represent the index values of a
        #group in self.groups, each group is drawn in order of the
        # values in this list. Use addGroup() to add one, by default
        # it puts the group in the last index of self.drawOrder,
        # unless passed a index value.
        self.drawOrder = []
        self.interweaveOrder = {}

        self.curInputDict = {}

        self.playersGroup = None

        self.namedGroups = {'playersGroup': self.playersGroup}

        self.lineVisualiser = LineVisualiser(self)

        self.rerenderEverything = False

        self.soundManager = SoundManager(self)

        self.hudList = []

        self.fileName = "Untitled"
        self.amountOfEntsOnLoad = None

        self.hardBlockInput = False
        self.inputDictLog = []

        #These to variables are the displacement from the state's (0,0) and the screen's (0,0), so they can be used for panning.
        self.panX, self.panY = 0, 0
        self.limitX1, self.limitX2, self.limitY1, self.limitY2 = None, None, None, None

        #This is the idSource, I use it for give ids to Entitys.
        self.idSource = IdSource()

        self.isClient = False
        self.isHost = False
        self.networkRate = 20.0
        self.networkTicker = 0
        self.networkNode = None
        self.networkingStarted = False

        #This is set by the DevMenu init
        self.devMenuRef = None

        self.paused = False
        self.keyboardInputEnabled = False
        self.deleteLastChar = False
        self.checkFocus = False
        self.pausedByFocus = False

        #So this is quite an important boolean.
        #If this is true everything in the PlayState will be drawn in order of the bottom of it's bounding rect, which I will refer
        #to as 'the foot'. If the foot is higher up the screen, the item will be drawn sooner.
        #If this is False, everything will be drawn according to the drawOrder and interweaveOrder system.
        #DrawByFeet is more suitable for some topdown/isometric games.
        self.drawByFeet = False

        self.useSuggestedGravityEntityPhysics = False

        self.stateToSwap = None

    def initNetworking(self):
        if not self.networkingStarted:
            self.networkingStarted = True

    def hostGame(self):
        if self.isHost:
            del self.networkNode._server
            self.isHost = True
        self.networkNode = NetworkServer(self,

        self.addGroup(EntityGroup('networkPlayers'), name='networkPlayers')
        print "Beginning hosting..."

    def connectToGame(self, addr, port):
        if self.isClient:
            del self.networkNode._client
            self.isClient = True
        self.networkNode = NetworkClient(self, networkingMode=1)
        self.networkNode.connect(addr, port)

        self.addGroup(EntityGroup('networkPlayers'), name='networkPlayers')
        print "Connecting..."

    def addBoundary(self, point1, point2):
        newSeg = pymunk.Segment(self.boundaryBody, point1, point2, 1)

    def removeBoundary(self, givenSeg):

    def swap(self, newState):
        self.stateToSwap = newState

    def addInterweaveGroup(self, group, index):
        if self.interweaveOrder.get(index, None) is None:
            self.interweaveOrder[index] = [group]

    def addGroup(self,
        """Add's an entity group to the PlayState.

        If indexValue specifies the draw-order, defaults to last.
        isPlayerGroupBool specifies if the group is a group of players
        (ie, a group that will be sent input dictionaries).
        If a "name" is given, set PlayState.name = group.
        interweaveWithFloor means that the entityGroup is drawn with 
        the floor layers instead, drawn after the layer of it's index.
        Multiple entgroups can share a interweave number, and they'll be 
        drawn according to order of their addition. an interweave index of 0
        means it will be drawn AFTER layer 1, the first layer above the background floor"""

        group.playState = self
        if not interweaveWithFloor:
            newIndex = len(self.groups) - 1
            if indexValue is None:
                self.drawOrder.insert(indexValue, newIndex)
            newIndex = len(self.floor.layers) - 1
            if indexValue is None:
                self.addInterweaveGroup(group, newIndex)
                self.addInterweaveGroup(group, indexValue)

        if isPlayerGroupBool:
            self.namedGroups['playersGroup'] = group
            self.playersGroup = group

        if name is not None:
            self.namedGroups[name] = group
            setattr(self, name, group)

    def checkForFocus(self):
        lostFocus = (not pygame.mouse.get_focused()) and self.checkFocus
        self.pausedByFocus = lostFocus

    def pause(self):
        self.paused = True

    def unpause(self):
        self.paused = False

    def togglePaused(self):
        self.paused = not self.paused

    def processNetworkEvents(self, dt):
        if self.isHost or self.isClient:
            if self.networkTicker >= int(60.0 / self.networkRate):
                self.networkTicker = -1
            self.networkTicker += 1

    def update(self, dt):
        """A generic update function.
        Sends input dictionaries to playerGroups.
        Updates all the child groups, runs the collision system."""

        self.floor.update(self.panX, self.panY)

        if self.paused or self.pausedByFocus:
            return None

        #Game logic

        if not self.hardBlockInput:
            #I'm doing the same thing even if the host or client is the same, to force identical player behaviour for either.
            if self.isClient or self.isHost:
                if self.networkTicker >= int(60.0 / self.networkRate):
                    for eachDict in self.inputDictLog:
                        if self.playersGroup is not None and len(eachDict) > 0:
                            for eachPlayer in self.playersGroup.sprites():

                        for eachElement in self.hudList:
                    self.inputDictLog = []
                if self.isClient:
                if self.playersGroup is not None and len(
                        self.curInputDict) > 0:
                    for eachPlayer in self.playersGroup.sprites():

                for eachElement in self.hudList:

        self.curInputDict = {}

        self.space.step(1.0 / 60.0)
        for eachTriplet in self.postStepQueue:
            eachTriplet[0](eachTriplet[1], eachTriplet[2])
        self.postStepQueue = []

        for eachGroup in self.groups:

        for eachElement in self.hudList:


    def setPan(self, x, y):
        screenW, screenH = getResolution()
        if self.limitX1 is not None:
            x = min(-self.limitX1, x)
        if self.limitX2 is not None:
            x = max(-(self.limitX2 - screenW), x)
        if self.limitY1 is not None:
            y = min(-(self.limitY1), y)
        if self.limitY2 is not None:
            y = max(-(self.limitY2 - screenH), y)
        self.panX, self.panY = x, y

    def sendInput(self, inputDict):
        """Simply sets PlayState.curInputDict to a given input dictionary, 
        for use in PlayState.update()"""
        self.curInputDict = inputDict

    def sprites(self):
        """Returns a list of all the sprites in all the entity groups in the PlayState."""
        sumList = []
        for eachSpriteList in [
                someGroup.sprites() for someGroup in self.groups
        return sumList

    def draw(self, surface):
        """Draw all the child entity groups in PlayState, returning changed area rects"""
        changeRects = []
        if not self.drawByFeet:
            for eachVal in self.drawOrder:

            allInterweaveGroups = self.interweaveOrder.values()
            for eachVal in range(1, len(self.floor.layers)):
                eachLayer = self.floor.layers[eachVal]
                    surface.blit(eachLayer.image, eachLayer.rect.topleft))
                groupsToDraw = self.interweaveOrder.get(eachVal - 1, None)
                if groupsToDraw is not None:
                        for each in groupsToDraw
            #Draw anything left over
            for eachGroupSet in allInterweaveGroups:
                    for eachGroup in eachGroupSet

            yTuples = []
            for eachSprite in self.sprites():
                if eachSprite.flatInDrawByFeet:
                    y = eachSprite.rect.top
                    y = eachSprite.rect.bottom
                yTuples.append((y, eachSprite))
            yTuples.extend([(each.rect.bottom, each)
                            for each in self.floor.layers[1:]])

            renderList = [
                for each in sorted(yTuples, lambda x, y: cmp(x[0], y[0]))
            #I probably shouldn't be doing this.
            tmpDrawGroup = pygame.sprite.LayeredDirty(self.floor.layers[0],
            del tmpDrawGroup

            self.lineVisualiser.draw(surface, (self.panX, self.panY)))

        if len(self.gameLogicManager.lasers) > 0:
            pt1, pt2 = self.gameLogicManager.getCurAimLine()
            pygame.draw.line(surface, darkGreen, pt1, pt2)

        for eachShot in self.gameLogicManager.preparedShots:
            pygame.draw.line(surface, green, eachShot[1][0], eachShot[1][1])

        #for eachMissile in [ each for each in self.genericStuffGroup.sprites() if each.__class__.__name__ == "Missile" ]:
        #pygame.draw.line( surface, darkRed, eachMissile.getPosition(), eachMissile.startPos, 4 )

        for eachElement in self.hudList:

        changeRects.extend([each.rect for each in self.hudList])

        if self.rerenderEverything:
            w, h = surface.get_width(), surface.get_height()
            changeRects.extend([pygame.Rect(0, 0, w, h)])
            self.rerenderEverything = False
        return changeRects

    #    This function, __getitem__, takes a value, if that value is a string, it looks for a group in PlayState.groups that has that string as entityGroup.name.
    #    If that value is an int, it returns the group at that index value in self.groups.

    def __getitem__(self, value):
        if type(value) == str:
            for eachGroup in self.groups:
                if eachGroup.name == value:
                    return eachGroup
            raise Exception("No group in PlayState by name: " + value)
        elif type(value) == int:
            return self.groups[value]

            raise Exception(
                "PlayState.__getitem__ only takes strs or ints, got: " +
コード例 #17
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: pubudu-ranasinghe/turnip
 def config(self):
     return ConfigHandler(self.beets)
コード例 #18
import os
from confighandler import ConfigHandler

if os.path.exists('settings.json') and os.path.exists('settings_default.json'):
    CONFIG = ConfigHandler('settings.json', os.environ,
    CONFIG = ConfigHandler(os.environ)
コード例 #19
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: FourZeroOne/tes_app_generator
class Library:
    def __init__(self, base_dir, lib_name):
        self.app = None
        self.lib_name = lib_name
        self.base_dir = base_dir
        self.static_handler = StaticHandler(self.base_dir)
        self.template_handler = TemplateHandler()
        self.force_overwrite = False
        self.config = ConfigHandler(self.get_conf_path())

    def exists(self):
        for file_name in os.listdir(self.base_dir):
            if file_name == 'library__' + self.lib_name:
                return True
        return False

    def get_lib_path(self):
        return os.path.join(self.base_dir, 'library__' + self.lib_name)

    def get_conf_path(self):
        path = os.path.join(self.get_lib_path(), 'parse_settings.json')

        if not os.path.isfile(path):
            raise Exception('Could not find parse_settings.json file.', path)

        return path

    def create_folder(self, *args):
        target = os.path.join(*args)
        if os.path.isdir(target):
            return True
        os.makedirs(target, exist_ok=True)
        return True

    def create_file(self, content, *args):
        target = os.path.join(*args)

        with open(target, 'w+') as f:
        return True

    def copy_lib_to_target(self, target_path, source_path):
        target = os.path.join(target_path, self.app['name'])
        if os.path.exists(target):
        shutil.copytree(source_path, target)
        return True

    def parse_file(self, *args):
        target = os.path.join(*args)
        if not os.path.exists(target):
            return False

        with open(target, 'r+') as f:
            content = f.read()
                    content, app=app, current_year=datetime.utcnow().year))
        return True

    def remove_file(self, *args):
        target = os.path.join(*args)
        if os.path.exists(target):
        return True

    def generate(self, app, target_folder):
        self.app = app
        self.target_folder = target_folder

        source = self.get_lib_path()

        # check if lib exists
        if not self.exists():
            raise Exception('Could not find lib.', self.lib_name)

        # rendering
        ## license - get
        self.app['license_content'] = self.template_handler.render_string(
            self.static_handler.get_file('license', self.app['license_type']),

        # check if lib already exists
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.target_folder, self.app['name'])):
            overwrite_app = input(
                'App {0} already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (y/N): '.
                format(self.app['name'])) or 'n'
            if overwrite_app.upper() == 'N':
                return False

        # create file structure
        self.copy_lib_to_target(target_folder, source)

        # generate base folder
        if self.config.get('create_base_folder'):
            self.app["name_available"] = input(
                'Available Name for {}*: '.format(self.app['name']))
            if self.app["name_available"] == "":
                print('Available name is empty. Please try again.')
                sys.exit('Available name is empty. Please try again.')

            self.create_folder(target_folder, self.app['name'],

        # generate content for dynamic files
        for file_name in self.config.get('files_to_parse'):
            self.parse_file(target_folder, self.app['name'], file_name.strip())

        # create static files
        for obj in self.config.get('static_files'):
            instructions = obj.strip().split('>')

            #  get static file content
                             target_folder, self.app['name'], instructions[1])

        # remove files
        for file_name in self.config.get('files_to_delete'):
            self.remove_file(target_folder, self.app['name'],

        return True
コード例 #20
    def __init__(self):
        self.cfg = ConfigHandler('thm.cfg')
        self.groups = []
        self.floor = None
        self.space = pymunk.Space()
        self.space.gravity = (0.0, 0.0)
        self.space.damping = 0.0
        self.space.add_collision_handler(1, 2, callSpeshulEffect)
        self.space.add_collision_handler(2, 2, callSpeshulEffect)
        self.speshulCaller = callSpeshulEffect
        self.postStepQueue = []

        self.gameLogicManager = ActualManager(self)
        self.justEditing = False

        self.spaceGhost = None

        #If this is true, devtools will class update EVERYTHING.
        self.forceUpdateEverything = False

        self.boundaryBody = pymunk.Body()
        self.boundaries = []

        #A list of int values that represent the index values of a
        #group in self.groups, each group is drawn in order of the
        # values in this list. Use addGroup() to add one, by default
        # it puts the group in the last index of self.drawOrder,
        # unless passed a index value.
        self.drawOrder = []
        self.interweaveOrder = {}

        self.curInputDict = {}

        self.playersGroup = None

        self.namedGroups = {'playersGroup': self.playersGroup}

        self.lineVisualiser = LineVisualiser(self)

        self.rerenderEverything = False

        self.soundManager = SoundManager(self)

        self.hudList = []

        self.fileName = "Untitled"
        self.amountOfEntsOnLoad = None

        self.hardBlockInput = False
        self.inputDictLog = []

        #These to variables are the displacement from the state's (0,0) and the screen's (0,0), so they can be used for panning.
        self.panX, self.panY = 0, 0
        self.limitX1, self.limitX2, self.limitY1, self.limitY2 = None, None, None, None

        #This is the idSource, I use it for give ids to Entitys.
        self.idSource = IdSource()

        self.isClient = False
        self.isHost = False
        self.networkRate = 20.0
        self.networkTicker = 0
        self.networkNode = None
        self.networkingStarted = False

        #This is set by the DevMenu init
        self.devMenuRef = None

        self.paused = False
        self.keyboardInputEnabled = False
        self.deleteLastChar = False
        self.checkFocus = False
        self.pausedByFocus = False

        #So this is quite an important boolean.
        #If this is true everything in the PlayState will be drawn in order of the bottom of it's bounding rect, which I will refer
        #to as 'the foot'. If the foot is higher up the screen, the item will be drawn sooner.
        #If this is False, everything will be drawn according to the drawOrder and interweaveOrder system.
        #DrawByFeet is more suitable for some topdown/isometric games.
        self.drawByFeet = False

        self.useSuggestedGravityEntityPhysics = False

        self.stateToSwap = None
コード例 #21
ファイル: main.py プロジェクト: Occuliner/LD27Project

#Apparently all the scripts ran by extention of this have this in their paths, huh.
sys.path.extend( ["modules/stockfunctions", "modules/stockclasses", "extern_modules"] )

from entity import EntityGroup

from floor import Floor

from devtools import DevMenu

from state import PlayState

from confighandler import ConfigHandler

cfg = ConfigHandler( 'thm.cfg' )

#from modules import *

timer = pygame.time.Clock()

if int(cfg.getVal('fullscreen')) == 1:
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (cfg.getWidth(), cfg.getHeight()), pygame.FULLSCREEN )
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode( (cfg.getWidth(), cfg.getHeight()) )

cheatScreen = pygame.Surface( (800, 600) ).convert()

#pygame.event.set_allowed([QUIT, KEYDOWN, KEYUP])
コード例 #22
ファイル: state.py プロジェクト: Occuliner/LD27Project
    def __init__( self ):
        self.cfg = ConfigHandler( 'thm.cfg' )
        self.groups = []
        self.floor = None
        self.space = pymunk.Space()
        self.space.gravity = ( 0.0, 0.0 )
        self.space.damping = 0.0
        self.space.add_collision_handler( 1, 2, callSpeshulEffect )
        self.space.add_collision_handler( 2, 2, callSpeshulEffect )
        self.speshulCaller = callSpeshulEffect
        self.postStepQueue = []

        self.gameLogicManager = ActualManager( self )
        self.justEditing = False

        self.spaceGhost = None
        #If this is true, devtools will class update EVERYTHING.
        self.forceUpdateEverything = False

        self.boundaryBody = pymunk.Body()
        self.boundaries = []
        #A list of int values that represent the index values of a 
        #group in self.groups, each group is drawn in order of the
        # values in this list. Use addGroup() to add one, by default 
        # it puts the group in the last index of self.drawOrder,
        # unless passed a index value.
        self.drawOrder = []

        self.curInputDict = {}
        self.playersGroup = None

        self.namedGroups = { 'playersGroup':self.playersGroup }

        self.lineVisualiser = LineVisualiser( self )

        self.rerenderEverything = False

        self.soundManager = SoundManager( self )

        self.hudList = []
        self.fileName = "Untitled"
        self.amountOfEntsOnLoad = None

        self.hardBlockInput = False
        self.inputDictLog = []

        #These to variables are the displacement from the state's (0,0) and the screen's (0,0), so they can be used for panning.
        self.panX, self.panY = 0, 0
        self.limitX1, self.limitX2, self.limitY1, self.limitY2 = None, None, None, None

        #This is the idSource, I use it for give ids to Entitys.
        self.idSource = IdSource()
        self.isClient = False
        self.isHost = False
        self.networkRate = 20.0
        self.networkTicker = 0
        self.networkNode = None
        self.networkingStarted = False

        #This is set by the DevMenu init
        self.devMenuRef = None

        self.paused = False
        self.keyboardInputEnabled = False
        self.deleteLastChar = False
        self.checkFocus = False
	self.pausedByFocus = False

        #So this is quite an important boolean.
        #If this is true everything in the PlayState will be drawn in order of the bottom of it's bounding rect, which I will refer
        #to as 'the foot'. If the foot is higher up the screen, the item will be drawn sooner.
        #If this is False, everything will be drawn according to the drawOrder and interweaveOrder system.
        #DrawByFeet is more suitable for some topdown/isometric games.
        self.drawByFeet = False

        self.useSuggestedGravityEntityPhysics = False

        self.stateToSwap = None
コード例 #23
class BrocReader(object):
	"""Controls the reading of the output files from the broc"""
	def __init__(self, cut_file, config_file):
		self.cut_file = open(cut_file, 'r')
		self.config_reader = ConfigHandler(config_file)
	def readfile(self):
		file_content = []
		processes = []
		accepted = {}
		overall = {}
		line = self.cut_file.readline()
                # Read over all non-empty lines in the input txt file
		while line != '':
			if '=-----------IMPOSED-CUTS-----------=' in line:
				line = self.cut_file.readline()
				values = {}
				while not '=----------------------------------=' in line:
					if 'identifier:' in line:
						process,channel,cutset = line.strip('identifier: ').split('|')
						values['process'] = process+'_'+channel
						values['cutset'] = cutset.strip('\n')
					elif 'cuts_passed' in line:
						values['cuts_passed'] = line.strip('cuts_passed: ').strip('\n')
					elif 'cuts_overall' in line:
						values['cuts_overall'] = line.strip('cuts_overall: ').strip('\n')
					line = self.cut_file.readline()
				accepted[values['process']] = []
				overall[values['process']] = []
			line = self.cut_file.readline()

                # Append the read-in values for cuts passed and overall to a dictionary with the process as the key
		for i in range(0,len(file_content)):

		scaled_processes = {}
                scaled_processes_unc = {}
                sel_effs = {}

                # Loop over all processes and calculate the number of events at each cutstep for a given luminosity
		for process in accepted.keys():

			scaled_processes[process] = []
			scaled_processes_unc[process] = []
				preselection = self.config_reader.get_preselection(process)
				# If no defined preselection in config, assume there is none (efficiency = 1)
				preselection = 1.0
			lumi = self.config_reader.get_lumi()
			# Set the cross section for data so that the PhysicsProcess class knows not to scale it
			if 'Data' in process:
				cross_section = -1
				cross_section = self.config_reader.get_cross_section(process)

			proc = PhysicsProcess(process)
			scaled_events,scaled_uncertainties = proc.get_scaled_events(lumi)
			scaled_processes[process] = scaled_events
			scaled_processes_unc[process] = scaled_uncertainties
			sel_effs[process] = []
			for i in range(0,len(accepted[process])):

		return scaled_processes, scaled_processes_unc, sel_effs