def main(): configuration.SetUpSqlobjectConnection() total_pkgs ="There are {0} packages to inspect.".format(total_pkgs)) res = sqlbuilder.NOTEXISTS( sqlbuilder.Select(, where=(sqlbuilder.Outer( m.Srv4FileStats) == m.Srv4FileInCatalog.q.srv4file )))).orderBy('id') deleted_pkgs = 0 for stats in res: #"Package {0} ({1}) is not in any catalogs. Removing.".format(stats.basename, stats.md5_sum)) stats.DeleteAllDependentObjects() stats.destroySelf() deleted_pkgs += 1 sys.stdout.write(".") sys.stdout.flush()"Deleted {0} unused packages.".format(deleted_pkgs))
def main(): usage = "Usage: %prog [ options ] file | md5 [ file | md5 [ ... ] ]" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="Turn on debugging messages") parser.add_option("-p", "--print_stats", dest="print_stats", default=False, action="store_true") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.debug("Collecting statistics about given package files.") configuration.SetUpSqlobjectConnection() pkgstat_objs = checkpkg.GetPackageStatsByFilenamesOrMd5s( args, options.debug) bar = progressbar.ProgressBar() bar.maxval = len(pkgstat_objs) bar.start() counter = itertools.count() pkgstats = [] for pkgstat in pkgstat_objs: pkgstats.append(pkgstat.GetAllStats()) bar.update( bar.finish() if options.print_stats: print "import datetime" print "pkgstat_objs = ", pprint.pprint(pkgstats) else: code.interact(local=locals())
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="Turn on debugging messages") parser.add_option( "-t", "--pkg-review-template", dest="pkg_review_template", help="A Cheetah template used for package review reports.") parser.add_option("-r", "--os-release", dest="osrel", default="SunOS5.9", help="E.g. SunOS5.9") parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", dest="arch", default="sparc", help="'i386' or 'sparc'") parser.add_option("-c", "--catalog-release", dest="catrel", default="unstable", help="E.g. unstable, dublin") parser.add_option("--replace", dest="replace", default=False, action="store_true", help="Replace packages when importing (importpkg)") parser.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", default=False, action="store_true", help="Turn on profiling") parser.add_option("--force-unpack", dest="force_unpack", default=False, action="store_true", help="Force unpacking of packages") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("Debugging on") else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if not args: raise UsageError("Please specify a command. Se --help.") # SetUpSqlobjectConnection needs to be called after # logging.basicConfig configuration.SetUpSqlobjectConnection() command = args[0] args = args[1:] if command == 'show': subcommand = args[0] args = args[1:] elif command == 'pkg': subcommand = args[0] args = args[1:] else: subcommand = None md5_sums = args dm = database.DatabaseManager() # Automanage is not what we want to do, if the intention is to initialize # the database. if command != 'initdb': dm.AutoManage() if (command, subcommand) == ('show', 'errors'): for md5_sum in md5_sums: srv4 = GetPkg(md5_sum) res = m.CheckpkgErrorTag.q.srv4_file == srv4) for row in res: print row.pkgname, row.tag_name, row.tag_info,,, print row.os_rel.short_name elif (command, subcommand) == ('show', 'overrides'): for md5_sum in md5_sums: srv4 = GetPkg(md5_sum) res = m.CheckpkgOverride.q.srv4_file == srv4) for row in res: print row.pkgname, row.tag_name, row.tag_info elif (command, subcommand) == ('show', 'pkg'): for md5_sum in md5_sums: srv4 = GetPkg(md5_sum) t = Template(SHOW_PKG_TMPL, searchList=[srv4]) sys.stdout.write(unicode(t)) elif command == 'gen-html': g = HtmlGenerator(md5_sums, options.pkg_review_template) sys.stdout.write(g.GenerateHtml()) elif command == 'initdb': config = configuration.GetConfig() db_uri = configuration.ComposeDatabaseUri(config) dbc = database.CatalogDatabase(uri=db_uri) dbc.CreateTables() dbc.InitialDataImport() elif command == 'importpkg': collector = package_stats.StatsCollector(logger=logging, debug=options.debug) file_list = args try: stats_list = collector.CollectStatsFromFiles( file_list, None, force_unpack=options.force_unpack) except sqlobject.dberrors.OperationalError, e: exception_msg = ( "DELETE command denied to user " "'pkg_maintainer'@'' for table 'csw_file'") if exception_msg in str(e): logging.fatal( "You don't have sufficient privileges to overwrite previously " "imported package. Did you run checkpkg before running " "csw-upload-pkg?") sys.exit(1) else: raise e for stats in stats_list: logging.debug("Importing %s, %s", stats["basic_stats"]["md5_sum"], stats["basic_stats"]["pkg_basename"]) try: package_stats.PackageStats.ImportPkg(stats, options.replace) except sqlobject.dberrors.OperationalError, e: logging.fatal( "A problem when importing package data has occurred: %s", e) sys.exit(1)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Switch on debugging messages") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="Display less messages") parser.add_option("--catalog-release", dest="catrel", default="current", help="A catalog release: current, unstable, testing, stable.") parser.add_option("-r", "--os-releases", dest="osrel_commas", help=("Comma separated list of ['SunOS5.9', 'SunOS5.10'], " "e.g. 'SunOS5.9,SunOS5.10'.")) parser.add_option("-a", "--architecture", dest="arch", help="Architecture: i386, sparc.") parser.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", default=False, action="store_true", help="Enable profiling (a developer option).") options, args = parser.parse_args() assert len(args), "The list of files or md5 sums must be not empty." logging_level = logging.INFO if options.quiet: logging_level = logging.WARNING elif options.debug: # If both flags are set, debug wins. logging_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level) logging.debug("Starting.") configuration.SetUpSqlobjectConnection() dm = database.DatabaseManager() dm.AutoManage() err_msg_list = [] if not options.osrel_commas: err_msg_list.append("Please specify --os-releases.") if not options.arch: err_msg_list.append("Please specify --architecture.") if options.arch not in cc.PHYSICAL_ARCHITECTURES: err_msg_list.append( "Valid --architecture values are: %s, you passed: %r" % (cc.PHYSICAL_ARCHITECTURES, options.arch)) if err_msg_list: raise UsageError(" ".join(err_msg_list)) stats_list = [] collector = package_stats.StatsCollector( logger=logging, debug=options.debug) # We need to separate files and md5 sums. md5_sums, file_list = [], [] for arg in args: if struct_util.IsMd5(arg): md5_sums.append(arg) else: file_list.append(arg) if file_list: stats_list = collector.CollectStatsFromFiles(file_list, None) # We need the md5 sums of these files md5_sums.extend([x["basic_stats"]["md5_sum"] for x in stats_list]) assert md5_sums, "The list of md5 sums must not be empty." logging.debug("md5_sums: %s", md5_sums) osrel_list = options.osrel_commas.split(",") logging.debug("Reading packages data from the database.") # This part might need improvements in order to handle a whole # catalog. On the other hand, if we already have the whole catalog in # the database, we can do it altogether differently. # Transforming the result to a list in order to force object # retrieval. sqo_pkgs = list( sqlobject.IN(models.Srv4FileStats.q.md5_sum, md5_sums))) tags_for_all_osrels = [] try: sqo_catrel = models.CatalogRelease.selectBy(name=options.catrel).getOne() except sqlobject.main.SQLObjectNotFound as e: logging.fatal("Fetching from the db has failed: catrel=%s", repr(str(options.catrel))) logging.fatal("Available catalog releases:") sqo_catrels = for sqo_catrel in sqo_catrels: logging.fatal(" - %s", raise sqo_arch = models.Architecture.selectBy(name=options.arch).getOne() for osrel in osrel_list: sqo_osrel = models.OsRelease.selectBy(short_name=osrel).getOne() dm.VerifyContents(sqo_osrel, sqo_arch) check_manager = checkpkg_lib.CheckpkgManager2( CHECKPKG_MODULE_NAME, sqo_pkgs, osrel, options.arch, options.catrel, debug=options.debug, show_progress=(os.isatty(1) and not options.quiet)) # Running the checks, reporting and exiting. exit_code, screen_report, tags_report = check_manager.Run() screen_report = unicode(screen_report) if not options.quiet and screen_report: # TODO: Write this to screen only after overrides are applied. sys.stdout.write(screen_report) else: logging.debug("No screen report.") overrides_list = [list(pkg.GetOverridesResult()) for pkg in sqo_pkgs] override_list = reduce(operator.add, overrides_list) args = (sqo_osrel, sqo_arch, sqo_catrel) tag_lists = [list(pkg.GetErrorTagsResult(*args)) for pkg in sqo_pkgs] error_tags = reduce(operator.add, tag_lists) (tags_after_overrides, unapplied_overrides) = overrides.ApplyOverrides(error_tags, override_list) tags_for_all_osrels.extend(tags_after_overrides) if not options.quiet: if tags_after_overrides: print(textwrap.fill(BEFORE_OVERRIDES, 80)) for checkpkg_tag in tags_after_overrides: print checkpkg_tag.ToGarSyntax() print textwrap.fill(AFTER_OVERRIDES, 80) if unapplied_overrides: print textwrap.fill(UNAPPLIED_OVERRIDES, 80) for override in unapplied_overrides: print u"* Unused %s" % override exit_code = bool(tags_for_all_osrels) sys.exit(exit_code)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", default=False, action="store_true", help="Turn on debugging messages") parser.add_option( "-t", "--pkg-review-template", dest="pkg_review_template", help="A Cheetah template used for package review reports.") parser.add_option("-r", "--os-release", dest="osrel", default="SunOS5.9", help="E.g. SunOS5.9") parser.add_option("-a", "--arch", dest="arch", default="sparc", help="'i386' or 'sparc'") parser.add_option("-c", "--catalog-release", dest="catrel", default="current", help="E.g. current, unstable, testing, stable") parser.add_option("--replace", dest="replace", default=False, action="store_true", help="Replace packages when importing (importpkg)") parser.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", default=False, action="store_true", help="Turn on profiling") parser.add_option("--force-unpack", dest="force_unpack", default=False, action="store_true", help="Force unpacking of packages") options, args = parser.parse_args() if options.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) logging.debug("Debugging on") else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) if not args: raise UsageError("Please specify a command. Se --help.") # SetUpSqlobjectConnection needs to be called after # logging.basicConfig configuration.SetUpSqlobjectConnection() command = args[0] args = args[1:] if command == 'show': subcommand = args[0] args = args[1:] elif command == 'pkg': subcommand = args[0] args = args[1:] else: subcommand = None md5_sums = args dm = database.DatabaseManager() # Automanage is not what we want to do, if the intention is to initialize # the database. if command != 'initdb': dm.AutoManage() if (command, subcommand) == ('show', 'errors'): for md5_sum in md5_sums: srv4 = GetPkg(md5_sum) res = m.CheckpkgErrorTag.q.srv4_file == srv4) for row in res: print row.pkgname, row.tag_name, row.tag_info,,, print row.os_rel.short_name elif (command, subcommand) == ('show', 'overrides'): for md5_sum in md5_sums: srv4 = GetPkg(md5_sum) res = m.CheckpkgOverride.q.srv4_file == srv4) for row in res: print row.pkgname, row.tag_name, row.tag_info elif (command, subcommand) == ('show', 'pkg'): for md5_sum in md5_sums: srv4 = GetPkg(md5_sum) t = Template(SHOW_PKG_TMPL, searchList=[srv4]) sys.stdout.write(unicode(t)) elif command == 'gen-html': g = HtmlGenerator(md5_sums, options.pkg_review_template) sys.stdout.write(g.GenerateHtml()) elif command == 'initdb': config = configuration.GetConfig() db_uri = configuration.ComposeDatabaseUri(config) dbc = database.CatalogDatabase(uri=db_uri) dbc.CreateTables() dbc.InitialDataImport() elif command == 'importpkg': collector = package_stats.StatsCollector(logger=logging, debug=options.debug) file_list = args stats_list = collector.CollectStatsFromFiles( file_list, None, force_unpack=options.force_unpack) for stats in stats_list: logging.debug("Importing %s, %s", stats["basic_stats"]["md5_sum"], stats["basic_stats"]["pkg_basename"]) package_stats.PackageStats.ImportPkg(stats, options.replace) elif command == 'removepkg': for md5_sum in md5_sums: srv4 = GetPkg(md5_sum) in_catalogs = list(srv4.in_catalogs) if in_catalogs: for in_catalog in in_catalogs: logging.warning("%s", in_catalog) logging.warning( "Not removing from the database, because the package " "in question is part of at least one catalog.") else:"Removing %s", srv4) srv4.DeleteAllDependentObjects() srv4.destroySelf() elif command == 'add-to-cat': if len(args) <= 3: raise UsageError("Not enough arguments, see usage.") osrel, arch, catrel = args[:3] c = checkpkg_lib.Catalog() md5_sums = args[3:] for md5_sum in md5_sums: logging.debug("Adding %s to the catalog", md5_sum) try: sqo_srv4 = m.Srv4FileStats.q.md5_sum == md5_sum).getOne() c.AddSrv4ToCatalog(sqo_srv4, osrel, arch, catrel) except sqlobject.main.SQLObjectNotFound, e: logging.warning("Srv4 file %s was not found in the database.", md5_sum)
def main(): parser = optparse.OptionParser(USAGE) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Switch on debugging messages") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="Display less messages") parser.add_option("--catalog-release", dest="catrel", default="current", help="A catalog release: current, unstable, testing, stable.") parser.add_option("-r", "--os-releases", dest="osrel_commas", help=("Comma separated list of ['SunOS5.9', 'SunOS5.10'], " "e.g. 'SunOS5.9,SunOS5.10'.")) parser.add_option("-a", "--architecture", dest="arch", help="Architecture: i386, sparc.") parser.add_option("--profile", dest="profile", default=False, action="store_true", help="Enable profiling (a developer option).") options, args = parser.parse_args() assert len(args), "The list of files or md5 sums must be not empty." logging_level = logging.INFO if options.quiet: logging_level = logging.WARNING elif options.debug: # If both flags are set, debug wins. logging_level = logging.DEBUG logging.basicConfig(level=logging_level) logging.debug("Starting.") configuration.SetUpSqlobjectConnection() dm = database.DatabaseManager() dm.AutoManage() err_msg_list = [] if not options.osrel_commas: err_msg_list.append("Please specify --os-releases.") if not options.arch: err_msg_list.append("Please specify --architecture.") if err_msg_list: raise UsageError(" ".join(err_msg_list)) stats_list = [] collector = package_stats.StatsCollector( logger=logging, debug=options.debug) # We need to separate files and md5 sums. md5_sums, file_list = [], [] for arg in args: if struct_util.IsMd5(arg): md5_sums.append(arg) else: file_list.append(arg) if file_list: stats_list = collector.CollectStatsFromFiles(file_list, None) # We need the md5 sums of these files md5_sums.extend([x["basic_stats"]["md5_sum"] for x in stats_list]) assert md5_sums, "The list of md5 sums must not be empty." logging.debug("md5_sums: %s", md5_sums) osrel_list = options.osrel_commas.split(",") logging.debug("Reading packages data from the database.") # This part might need improvements in order to handle a whole # catalog. On the other hand, if we already have the whole catalog in # the database, we can do it altogether differently. # Transforming the result to a list in order to force object # retrieval. sqo_pkgs = list( sqlobject.IN(models.Srv4FileStats.q.md5_sum, md5_sums))) tags_for_all_osrels = [] try: sqo_catrel = models.CatalogRelease.selectBy(name=options.catrel).getOne() except sqlobject.main.SQLObjectNotFound, e: logging.fatal("Fetching from the db has failed: catrel=%s", repr(str(options.catrel))) logging.fatal("Available catalog releases:") sqo_catrels = for sqo_catrel in sqo_catrels: logging.fatal(" - %s", raise