コード例 #1
import json
from job_update_api import update_job_status
from sql_data import db, connect_db
import csv
from sheet import updateAction, updateLink
import requests
import ftplib
from custom_events.main import execute_pipeline
from configuration import createLogger

cLogger = createLogger("external_setup")

def upload_file(filename, path):
    ftp = ftplib.FTP("jlabs.co")
    ftp.login("jlab", "coldplay")
    ftp.storlines("STOR "+filename, open(path))

def save_to_file(lst_obj, filename, headers):
    print "Query executed, writing file"
    with open(filename, 'w') as cfile:
        writer = csv.writer(cfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

def work_external_data(event):
        oid = event['oid']
コード例 #2
from sheet import updateAction, get_testing_sheet, get_custom_sheet, get_block_sheet, getFileLink
from sql_data import db
import json
import string
import requests
import csv
from configuration import createLogger

    "all" : "select distinct b.number,if(a.fk_language=1,'English','Arabic') as language from customer a inner join customer_phone b on b.fk_customer = a.id_customer order by a.id_customer desc",
    "all_uae" : "select distinct b.number,if(a.fk_language=1,'English','Arabic') as language from customer a inner join customer_phone b on b.fk_customer = a.id_customer where a.fk_country = 3 order by a.id_customer desc",
    "all_ksa" : "select distinct b.number,if(a.fk_language=1,'English','Arabic') as language from customer a inner join customer_phone b on b.fk_customer = a.id_customer where a.fk_country = 193 order by a.id_customer desc",
    "other" : "select distinct phone,if(language_code='en','English','Arabic') from promotion_subscription WHERE promotion_type LIKE %s"

cLogger = createLogger("data_loader")

# ------------ Helper functions ------------------
def str_to_hex(text):
    text = text.strip("u").strip("'")
    arabic_hex = [hex(ord(b)).replace("x","").upper().zfill(4) for b in text]
    text_update = "".join(arabic_hex)
    return text_update

def clean_english(text):
    # Support for en and em dash which is a common english unicode
    repText = ''.join(map(
        lambda c: '-' if c == u'\u2013' or c == u'\u2014' else c,
コード例 #3
              FROM customer a INNER JOIN customer_phone b ON b.fk_customer = a.id_customer
              ORDER BY a.id_customer DESC""",
    "all_uae": """SELECT DISTINCT b.number,if(a.fk_language=1,'English','Arabic') AS LANGUAGE
                  FROM customer a INNER JOIN customer_phone b ON b.fk_customer = a.id_customer
                  WHERE a.fk_country = 3
                  ORDER BY a.id_customer DESC""",
    "all_ksa": """SELECT DISTINCT b.number,if(a.fk_language=1,'English','Arabic') AS language
                  FROM customer a INNER JOIN customer_phone b ON b.fk_customer = a.id_customer
                  WHERE a.fk_country = 193
                  ORDER BY a.id_customer DESC""",
    "other": """SELECT DISTINCT phone,if(language_code='en','English','Arabic')
                FROM promotion_subscription
                WHERE promotion_type LIKE %s"""

cLogger = createLogger("data_loader")

# ---------------------------------------------------- Helper functions ------------------------------------------------
def str_to_hex(text):
    """ Converts a string to hex values, used for arabic messages """
    text = text.strip("u").strip("'")
    arabic_hex = [hex(ord(b)).replace("x", "").upper().zfill(4) for b in text]
    text_update = "".join(arabic_hex)
    return text_update

def clean_english(text):
    """ Converts any possible unicode to its ascii variant else removes unicode from english message """
    # Support for en and em dash which is a common english unicode
    repText = ''.join(map(
コード例 #4
import json
from job_update_api import update_job_status
from sql_data import db, connect_db
import csv
from sheet import updateAction, updateLink
import requests
import ftplib
from custom_events.main import execute_pipeline
from configuration import createLogger

cLogger = createLogger("external_setup")

def upload_file(filename, path):
    ftp = ftplib.FTP("jlabs.co")
    ftp.login("jlab", "coldplay")
    ftp.storlines("STOR " + filename, open(path))

def save_to_file(lst_obj, filename, headers):
    print "Query executed, writing file"
    with open(filename, 'w') as cfile:
        writer = csv.writer(cfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

def work_external_data(event):
コード例 #5
ファイル: sheet.py プロジェクト: AnishGeorgeJlabs/Comm-Layer
import httplib2
# Do OAuth2 stuff to create credentials object
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client import tools
import gspread
import requests
from job_update_api import update_job_status
from configuration import createLogger
import os

cLogger = createLogger("sheet")
_cache = {}  # id against sheet row numbers

def local_file(name):
    cdir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    filename = os.path.join(cdir, name)
    return filename

def get_worksheet(i):
    storage = Storage(local_file("creds.data"))
    credentials = storage.get()
    if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
        flags = tools.argparser.parse_args(args=[])
        flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(
        credentials = tools.run_flow(flow, storage, flags)
    if credentials.access_token_expired:
コード例 #6
# Main application instance, which will be the producer for the rabbitMQ
from data_loader import load_data
from sheet import updateAction
import json
import pika
from configuration import config, createLogger
from external_setup import work_external_data

cLogger = createLogger("handler")

def watcher(event, send_sms, log):
    print "Debug: Watcher started ..."
        ## Full code for main parent
        if event['type'] == 'send_sms':
            data = event['data']
            res, payloadArr = load_data(data)
            if not res:
              raise Exception

            log(data['id'], len(payloadArr) - 1)              # The last one is the sentinel
            print "Payload array size", len(payloadArr) - 1

            for payload in payloadArr:
        elif event['type'] == 'external_setup':
            data = event['data']
            result = work_external_data(data)
            print "DEBUG, external event, loaded = "+str(result)
            if not result:
                updateAction(data['id'], 'Data Load Failed', event.get('oid'))